usless-in-love · 4 hours
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usless-in-love · 22 hours
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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She's an icon
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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gaming at the office 😎
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
don’t you ever read a piece of fanfiction so good you just
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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Kuroshitsuji S4 | Ep9 | Come, Sebastian!
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
the fact that the vi vs jinx fight was foretold from the beginning. the fact that the opening credits ends with their fight immortalized in stone, so that every episode you watch is a reminder of the immutable truth of it. the fact that every moment is building to this, that the show will culminate in this. this was always going to happen, they told us this from the beginning, and nothing anyone could do will ever change that.
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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She still doesn't get it. She just doesn't get it!
Vi. Sweetheart. Bruiser with a head as thick as her fists. Your sister is not "gone." Your sister grew up. And, as all people do when they grow up, she changed. This is something she told you when you first reunited with her:
"Things changed when you left. I changed."
Of course, you dismissed her, saying she just did what she had to in order to survive. Which, yes, but also no. Six years passed between when you were taken from her and when you saw her next, and those were her formative years. Formative, meaning forming who she is as a person, a growing and grown person, because time moves ever forward and no one stays a little girl forever.
Now, does this mean you have to like the person your sister changed into? No. Certainly, your sister doesn't like you putting on an enforcer uniform to help oppress the people of Zaun so you can live a cushy life in Piltover with your new girlfriend. But she still IS your sister. Yes, she changed her name to one that lets her reclaim something traumatic from her past. Yes, she's decided to fully move on and look toward the future now. But her past is still part of her. She doesn't have dissociative identity disorder. "Powder" and "Jinx" were never two separate people. She's the same person, and always has been. She was only ever torn between trying to go back to her past life with you, or accepting her present and future — and she has chosen the latter.
But she is still, and always will be, your sister. Something she knows ("Finally got the name right, sister"), even if you, for some reason, have a very hard time understanding this very simple concept.
Get it together.
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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Absolutely love this journey for her.
You're doing amazing sweetie.
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
I would love for Jinx to have a moment with Warwick in season 2 where, after learning that he was once Vander, she tells him, "I can still love you like I used to, even though you're . . . different. I changed, too."
I mean, it would probably be ruined if he smelled blood on her any time after that, but if anyone could accept Vander becoming Warwick, it would be Jinx.
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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"my sister is gone."
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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Ekko’s dedication speech for this mural is going be like
“Not the hero we needed, but the one we deserved.”
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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Vi and Powder
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Mylo and Claggor dying
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idk what this is (edit: I think this might be Caitlyn)
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Janna easter egg?
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Jinx's finale mental breakdown (I think); Powder crying for Vi next to Vander's body; Vander carrying the girls off the bridge
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omg silco, no
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
You know what time it is: Arcane trailer dissection time!!
Just your old Arcane obsessed terminally online person reviewing the most interesting screens (biased) from the teaser that just dropped.
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Mamma Medarda just looks DOPE as FUCK in this mask, nothing else to say. She seems to be speaking to Mel, which would indicate she survives, which I hope for. We're clearly dealing with a soft Noxus invasion given the prevalence of Ambessa's troops.
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Very interesting to see these troops activating. You have to wonder if they're a failsafe to Silco dying, or if they are being activated by Silco loyalists.
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Not doing our girl any favours with that one.
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VERY interesting to see Singed getting arrested in a teaser, because that hints it'll happen early on. I figure then that Warwick's escape would probably happen early as well. We may be looking at Singed and Heimerdinger old pal reunions weee
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Gotta wonder if he ACTUALLY gets captured though, because Warwick might be a great get out of arrest card.
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SEVIKA!!! WITH!! jINX'S GUN!!! I first though for SURE she must have stolen it, or found it, but do you know what?? She has a custom made Jinx arm!!!!
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It doesn't seem haphazard, even if it's ungainly. There's a non zero chance that these two are united by Silco's death, instead of split apart!
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This strike is clearly showing Medarda's fist. Mommy will be VERY active in this early on.
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The previous fist image with projectile launch happens right after those shots. I wonder if that contraption has anything to do with Medarda instead of Jinx or someone else, because poison (spilling from the mouth?) is also a very Noxian thing (thank you, Singed)
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What's with Smeech getting SUCH a highlight? What a dope design. Also that shot is the same colours and location style as Sevika shooting with her Jinx augment, so I am wondering if Sevika won't be the one killing him.
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Freedom fight Jinx style art? Wow. With blue haired minions behind her? Unexpected! I wonder what Ekko and his firelights think about this, and whether they'll take her in despite everything. This seems to be very Zaun vs. Piltover now.
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Our only proof of Viktor in season 2. He's in the Zaun depth with caped figures, most likely shimmer addicts. I wonder if the explosion is him saving them and starting his machine cult, or him defending himself. Anyway, he survives, and I also wonder how many physical augments he needs to heal himself from the explosion, courtesy of the hex core?
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Of course the only proof we need that Jayce is alive is that Cait has an Arcane sniper rifle. I don't see Viktor making her one after the explosion........
All in all, interesting stuff!!
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
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tuck your innocence goodnight
i repainted this piece in honour of season 2 announcements coming out! can't wait to see my little gutterpunk in action again
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usless-in-love · 23 hours
i sincerely apologise for the person im about to become when arcane season 2 finally drops
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