#no toddlers running around
golvio · 9 months
Headcanon rambling ahoy, inspired by my thoughts from a Twitter thread that I had no room for, about a topic that people might not be interested in/care to hear contrasting headcanons about.
Again, this is a headcanon, not a theory or assertion I expect anyone to take as fact. These are my personal opinions on the matter, feel free to ignore them if you disagree with them.
Am I the only person who doesn’t really see Ganondorf as “dad” material? Besides the fact that he seems absolutely uninterested in procreation, much less marrying a queen or even having girlfriends. It feels like all the popular headcanons I’ve seen involve him having a gaggle of concubines and a million biokids, or he’s constantly adopting the younger iterations of Zelda & Link after being overwhelmed by paternal instinct, but…I just don’t see it. Like, I get that one scene with him tucking in an unconscious Tetra in Wind Waker resonated with a lot of people, but I feel like whatever sympathy he felt for Tetra was a very special case, given how he’s drawn to people he feels he has something in common with, particularly some sort of loss or denial of one’s ambitions or potential by The Gods/fate/Hylia herself/the royal family/whatever.
His aversion to/complete lack of interest in cishetero entanglements in every game he’s been in is to the point where, even if he’s not necessarily not attracted to women, I feel like there’s something about Gerudo culture that means marriage or even a totally informal romantic/sexual relationship with a woman would severely limit his personal and political autonomy as king. Also, the guy intends to live forever. He can’t really do that when he has a bunch of snotty, spoiled little blood descendants getting all uppity about their inheritance and trying to off him because he won’t get his ancient butt off that throne. Why on earth would a guy concerned with that carelessly spray his gametes around like some medieval European monarch?
The guy’s not even willing to marry a woman for political reasons! Not even for a land or cash grab from a rich and powerful family, or to stabilize relations with a warring kingdom, or to solidify his claim to a land he conquered, which was the only reason why nobles ever got married back then. He has kidnapped Zelda a million times, but has never once breathed a word about marrying her despite his whole schtick being the ultranationalist “Big Scary Foreigner Man Threatens Our Nation’s Fair, Nubile Women.”
I really do believe that one of the big reasons he keeps cutting ties with the Gerudo, beyond the political disagreements and murder and starting/continuing multiple wars, is that he cannot stand the pressure put on him as king to marry and make babies. He loves his culture. He loves his position. He loves his people (provided they respect him, keep their hands to themselves, and let him be in charge of everything). But he does not love the prospect of being passed off to someone like a prized breeding bull just because the elders of every tribe in the Gerudo region got together and decided she’d be the best candidate for queen.
And then there’s my general read on his personality. I can see him being the owner of many dangerous pets who he spoils rotten. I can see him tending a garden outside his castle full of brightly flowering ornamental plants (which are also very dangerous and would probably kill anyone who didn’t take the proper safety precautions). But I can’t see him raising a kid, whether from infancy or adopted at an older age. If he tried, he’d probably be really bad at it. The guy’s practically oozing generational trauma instead of sebum from the oil glands in his skin, getting it on everything he touches. He’s gotta sort his own business out before even considering taking on someone else’s. 😅
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 225
Klarion is EXCITED. He's absolutely DELIGHTED even, unable to sit still as he flits from place to place. His baby cousin! Is! Visiting! Which OBVIOUSLY means he, as the older one, must make sure the main places are still standing so he can show his itty bitty baby cousin EVERYTHING! After all, he's never gotten to be the older one! He's always been the youngest in the family! But now he has an itty bitty toddler cousin- form recently shifted to match- to teach the ways of Chaos to! He's so EXCITED!
The League and heroes on the other hand, are Very concerned about Why the Witch Boy has been spotted in practically every major city in the US in the last few days. What is he planning?!
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cerubean · 3 months
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the boys had a fun day at the beach
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bambiraptorx · 11 months
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It's been like a month since I made an update for the get babied saga so here ya go
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Part 5) Part 6
also, bonus:
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Been slowly learning ASL over the years for my niece and I might still struggle to introduce myself or express basic emotions, but oh boy do I ever have the sign for every animal she's ever laid eyes on memorized better than my own name.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
I have this HC for spider that I need to get out of my skull.
he was a cuddly baby. like, you could hold him, snuggle, even nap with him all day without a single complaint. he soaked up any and all physical affection he could.
now this isn't to mistake him with a sleepy baby, no no, he was something much more dangerous; he was the type of baby that would trick you into holding him all day, basically hiding his energy,, until you go to put him to bed, and he's up and running loops around you for hours.
basically, he was the perfect cuddle buddy, but he was also a ticking time bomb, because its so hard to tell when he needed to be held and given down time/a nap (cause he was god awful if he was over tired), when he just going with being held, and when he just wanted to be held (against the better judgment of his sleep schedule).
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Why did Spike run like that 😭
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lesbianlenas · 4 months
adhd hitting hard rn. i feel like my head is one of those kids toys w the balls in them that rattle when you walk it around. hold on. ok this thing i feel like this is what my brain is
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sonknuxadow · 11 months
i know that canonically shadow just popped out of the tube with the body and mind of a teenager but i still like to think that he was a little baby at some point i love the idea of maria and her fucked up little cat baby brother thing way too much sorry
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pillowspace · 1 year
Fascinated by how many people are picking the Daycare Attendant on that poll, I would have been soo scared of Sun
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 6 months
These goober literally made had be working 6-12am, which hey, I didn't mind, it left me time to watch my MOVIE with my BESTIE Sky over here, before they literally just contacted me 20 minutes ago going "oh hey btw we decided to change your whole schedule and you're working till 4:30 without letting you know 🫡"
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also steel and sonder have a nine year old lil boi? i love suvi's siblings so much even before i meet them all
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in my dream last night I was having a conversation with a 2 people I’d known for decades and one of them brought up how a third person looks like Joseph Gordon Levitt and I was like “no way!!! he does NOT look like JGL, JGL looks more like… like you actually! I’ve thought that since like middle school”
and the guy I was talking to was openly weeping because that was apparently the kindest thing anyone’s ever said to him in his entire life.
but I think I actually was just speaking to Joseph Gordon Levitt for real.
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palebluerosary · 2 months
This pregnancy has flown by so quickly I can’t believe it’s only two more months until my due date!! Can’t wait to meet our SON
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angelsaxis · 10 months
Yes children should not be sexualized but there are some outfits that were designed exclusively with Sexy Adult Women in mind and putting something made entirely of strings and two pieces of actual fabric on a child is still Bad and idk why we can't have a conversation about this without people saying you're being the weird one for not liking outfits you'd expect on IG baddies to be on 3 year olds. Why are they sizing down IG baddie clothes. Before asking why an adult is rightly uncomfortable with the way some girls clothing looks ask yourself why these fashion companies are dead set on making girls clothes as small thin and revealing as possible (and why it's very clear they'd never dream of doing that with boys clothing)
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britcision · 2 years
Glowing green goo that fucks with death
It’s the trope, right?
We like it
You know who else has glowing green magic death goo?
I Can And Will Make Everything About Killjoys
They’ve got it ALL
Evil space lesbian queens
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Magic green goo
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Former assassins with a complicated relationship with murder
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What do you mean “this is already a niche fandom do not pull even nicher fandoms into it”
(And yes that is Hannah John-Kamen in both gifs, no she is not playing the same character in each, she’s the main hero AND the main villain for half the series)
They even have one of THESE!
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Honestly I dunno if I want Jason to have a conflicted stabby heart to heart more with Dutch or with Fancy. Or D’avin because Oh Yes We Also Have Mind Control
And like, most obviously of all
Killjoys is in space
Danny will Lose His Fucking Mind and go on immediate geek patrol, especially with Johnny and Lucy the sapient space ship
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Give Fancy Lee (yes that’s the character name, yes he is exceedingly fancy) 10 seconds with ghost weapons
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Also the three way showdown between Ra’s, Aneela (who yes does drink the green and gains magic powers) and Danny trying to explain that No You Need To Fucking Stop
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Heck they even have clones
And best of all
I haven’t seen the final season of Killjoys yet either so it’d be 3/3 shows I haven’t finished
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