#no lekku markings for hera sorry
jewishcissiekj · 7 months
Miss Aayla Secura I would give you all my money (I have like maybe 5 dollars tho)
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(and more SW art)
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general-hera · 1 year
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Okay so though about something while in class. I noticed that Hera’s lekku is similar to the world between worlds art work and or Star maps.
Eleni Syndulla’s lekku look similar to the cave paintings on lothal
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Here’s my original post 👆
Edit: this could be how the force brought them together, since her lekku markings look similar to the cave paintings and Star maps, Twi’lek are born with the markings ( I tried finding my source for this but I couldn’t find it sorry) so maybe it’s a coincidence but I’m not really sure because they just look so similar. It’s crazy. Kanan said they were always drawn to Lothal and Hera asks him if he thinks they were meant to be there and to meet Ezra and Her lekku just look so freaking similar to those cave paintings, and the stuff from the Jedi temple.
Honestly at this point though I’m just rambling ��
Edit 2: also if you look at a map of capital city ( lothal) it once again looks similar! ( episode vision of hope, you see the map in Kallus’s office)
Edit3: Twi'leks develop unique markings on the lekku at the onset of puberty. This pattern of marks is unique to every individual Twi'lek and it changes with age. It is believed that the Twi'lek markings are a way to differentiate and recognize one another. the patterns on the Twi'lek have long been considered a sign of wealth and social class. It is believed that the marks are indicative of a higher social rank. In addition to this the patterns on the lekku can also tell a lot about the individual. Such as status, clan affiliation and even political views.
( source is ai, since I couldn’t find where I previously found said information, but this is what I was talking about in the other part)
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Ahsoka: "Master and Apprentice" & "Toil and Trouble" Liveblog
We've added Marrok and Hyuang and one of the mercenaries and Chopper and Sabine to the opening character swivels, nice.
Digging this drum cue.
And we get an opening crawl! Nice.
Hilariously this bridge sequence feels more Star Trek than Star Wars.
Good for this captain he's very suspicious.
Hi Baylan! Hi Shin!
Aaaaaaaand they all dead.
All right, well thus far I can say I definitely like Baylan's heavy forceful presence and Shin's near feral nimbleness and speed.
Also digging the general Black Knight feel of Baylan, when he calls her "Lady Morgan" here.
Definitely feeling Zeffo vibes off this temple here.
Aligning the pedestals to light up each of the map icons definitely feels like it'd be a perfect JFO minigame lol.
That... is a Treasure Planet map.
Love how these droids move.
Welp, they blew up quite a bit of the ruins.
Oh and she does have the lekku markings, nice.
I'm sorry, lol, the height difference is gonna bug me, Ahsoka with her large montrals was like... one of the tallest characters on the show and LA!Hera's got inches on her here it's unintentionally hilarious.
Makes LA!Ahsoka look like a shrimp.
This is a call to improve the alien makeup Disney, I'm sorry I will never not be disappointed in it.
My heart. :(((( Hera came to believe that Thrawn (and most likely Ezra too) died in the Liberation of Lothal. The quiet fearful hope on her face as she's holding this map.
"If Thrawn survived, does that mean Ezra--?"
And Lothal looks beautiful. *sniffles*
Hi Ryder!
And Jai Kell got to be Lothal's senator! SWEET.
The camera shot that introduces her. *chef kiss*
Sabine being A MESS because she misses Ezra so much and she can't stand being at the dedication ceremony honoring him. :((((
There she goes to the tower.
We don't ever learn its name do we? Then I'm calling it Skrunkles.
OHHHHH I heard Sabine's theme! With the pan down to her stored armor.
The cat is really too cute, they did a fantastic job on it.
Ezra's theme playing too aaaaaaaand frick I'm dead.
"Hey Sabine! Sorry for disappearing on you." YOU HAD BETTER BE SORRY YOU LITTLE SHIT.
Ha ha now I understand all the weird Sabezra related asks I got over the weekend, y'all were trying to warn me.
Like I've said before, canon validation isn't my be all end all, I love these two and that's not gonna stop.
Also? Eman is nailing this.
And there's the Nightsister reveal.
I'm slightly confused as to how and why Baylan knows that Ahsoka had Sabine as her apprentice.
Like, where to find Sabine, that's easy, obviously she's on Lothal, she's the local hero and protector.
But why does he know about Ahsoka's connection to her?
Anyway, Lothal still looks beautiful.
Bury me in Sabine having maybe prophetic nightmares and waking up gasping Ezra's name.
"Everyone was there." "Not everyone."
Natasha is killing it with this look like she's trying to hold back from crying.
They cut out the "It's been a while." line, huh. Interesting choice.
Oooooooo Sabine has doodles in one of the bunks on Ahsoka's ship!
This dialogue seems a bit redundant to the Hera-Ahsoka scene. Like, isn't this the same conversation she had with Hera?
I can't get over it, lol, it's literally a Treasure Planet map. Love it.
"The map stays here." You're going to turn around and Sabine's is gonna be GONE honey.
See, told ya. Lol.
Callbacks to Maul scenes from Phantom Menace, nice.
Skrunkles is adorable. I love him.
Ohhhhhh we are definitely exploring Ahsoka's lingering guilt over leaving the Order, leaving Anakin, before his Fall.
That design looks a bit like a Celtic knot. Maybe tying into the whole Authurian legend theme with some of the names and aesthetics?
Sabine are you seriously planning to go off looking for Ezra by yourself?
You've got it baaaaaad girl.
Okay, glad they finally explained where the turbolift was in this thing lol.
Youuuuuuuu didn't need to lurk, Shin? Literally could have just taken the map and left?
Ho ho Shin grabbing the lightsaber in order to throw Sabine around.
Ooof that's gonna scar.
Soooooo was Shin just being Extra and wanting to fight another Jedi?
Bet that was it.
"For our friend, Ray" RIP good man. :(
Star charts credits nice!
These are gorgeous and I wanna study them so much more closely. I think there's a chimera? Some kind of worm thing.
The score is also excellent and I love Sabine's theme and Ezra's theme throughout.
Bet Sabine had to spend quite a while in a bacta tank. Good thing she got medical attention right away.
Seatos! Okay. And a "reflex point"? Color me intrigued.
Loth-kittes aww.
Ahsoka's looooong sigh when she sees that Sabine's been rewatching Ezra's holo, lol.
A lovely little moment between Hera and SAbine here.
Nightsister ichor!
I am loving the star map.
"Thrawn calls to me... across time and space." Okay lady sure take a cold shower before your crush gets too hot okay.
So there are a LOOOOOT of plot McGuffins in this story thus far lol.
I'm sorry, Shin's actress is so dead I need her to emote more in her quiet scenes, simply being vicious and feral in fights isn't working.
The Phantom II looks so beautiful.
Oh wow we're actually exploring the fact that rebuilding the New Republic is messy and complicated and you can't just fire and/or jail a bunch of low level civilian machiners just because they worked on Imperial ships.
And we're ALSO getting some hard-handed slapping Ahsoka in the face with the fact that she's a mess and needs to deal with her mess.
"I see you still have your lightsaber." "Ezra's lightsaber."
Filoni I love the messy prickly falling out between Ahsoka and Sabine but I would really like... ONE paragraph of exposition about why Sabine went to Ahsoka and asked to be trained, or however that happened.
I mean I know I can inference that she was desperate to feel closer to Kanan and Ezra and mourning them and trying to be the hero Lothal needed and worked up in her feelings about, "If Ezra's not here to be Lothal's Jedi I have to be." but the general audience might need some help.
So I'm confused is it that the New Republic was lazy and/or too trusting/too willing to give ex-Imperials another chance just to keep some kind of order and peace and infrastructure in place or are they just that bad at uncovering spies?
Because there is a good point that not everyone who worked for the machine of the Empire has to be rooted out and displaced from their jobs and livelihoods, that just builds resentment, makes it easier for the Imperial Remnant to gain support.
At the same time though I feel like this is tying into the general New Canon "The New Republic is incompetent." trend that I'm not a fan of.
Next setpiece yay!
Love Ahsoka using the droid as a body shield.
Oh, have we remembered we need to clear atmosphere BEFORE jumping? Thanks that's great. SW been slacking on that.
Oh what? Oh this is new, hang on the bulleted lists have a character limit.
Where were we?
The new Chopper model is so much more expressive than the one they build before, it looks great. Very much like the cartoon.
And cue the Kanan parallel scene with Sabine.
Gimme a minute.
Right so even if you don't ship them, their bond is hugely undeniable, they are in fact the Most Important People to each other, she misses him so much and she's been drowning in her grief about him.
Ngl the finger touch is still getting me.
"It's more me." Frick, how she's been hiding away from her true self, essentially cosplaying as Ezra because she thought that was what Lothal needed, and now she's struggling to understand who she is now.
Oh what?
Are they building a hyperspace ring? A special one???
(Reference, on the show Stargate SG-1 the plot revolves around a network of alien wormhole transportation devices called stargates, that connect to each other across the galaxy. But to connect to OTHER galaxies you either needed a plot device energy source called a ZPM or YOU HAD TO BUILD A REALLY REALLY BIG HUGE HONKING STARGATE.)
I am very nicely happy with how things are unfolding, aside from a few nitpicks here and there about the worldbuilding and backstory that's been kept from us. (Ahsoka and Sabine's whole... everything.)
But it does not look like Sabine is Force Sensitive, which I'm glad about. I've seen a couple people salty about her being a Jedi and honestly between the two options of "Make her Sensitive and retcon large parts of Rebels" or "It's a new era, there are No More Rules, we can't be picky about who we take on as Jedi so sure let's have a non-Sensitive, Ahsoka maybe thought it was safer that way anyway", I know which one I'm picking.
The whole plot with the celestial navigation is fascinating. I need to study screencaps of the starmap and the end credits for clues because WOAH BOY DID I NOT EXPECT EXPANDING BEYOND THE GFFA.
Ezra baby come hoooooooooome. :(((( Your girl misses you.
Wew lad, I hope there are plenty of gifsets, 'cause Imma reblog 'em all.
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ana-cantskywalker · 10 months
Ok, probably going to make a post that has the whole rundown of my thoughts on the premiere tomorrow, but quite frankly it’s late and the premier was a lot and I just don’t have the energy for that right now.
But if I don’t comment on this now it’s going to bother me.
Something has been nagging me this whole about Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Hera, and I couldn’t figure out what. I didn’t know if maybe her features just didn’t match Heras enough, or if maybe I was never going to accept anyone as live action Hera, because every clip I’d seen, she was doing a great job and she’d really got Heras down to a t. And then as I was watching episode one it hit me.
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Her color is wrong. The skin looks about right in this picture, but the biggest thing for me is how red her lips are, this picture doesn’t really do it justice how bright they look on screen either. Hera’s lips have always been a very muted almost pink but mostly green, so the red lips just don’t look like her. And in some scenes the contrast of her skin is like dialed up to 12 and she looks wayyy to green, and her lekku tattoos are barely visible to the point where I was watching like a hawk to make sure they were even there.
I don’t know, I might be nit-picking, because Mary is doing a phenomenal job as Hera, but something has been throwing me this whole time and I just realized what it was. I just feel like they missed the mark slightly.
Sorry is this is complaining to much, just something I’d noticed.
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calebdumes · 2 years
I am v interested in Untitled AU #2! (Also, I love your work!)
Thank you so much!
Untitled AU #2 is basically, order 66 never happens and Caleb becomes a Jedi Knight! Cham travels to Coruscant with Hera for Senate business and while he is there, he asks Mace to have a Jedi watch over Hera ~discretely~ because Cham is paranoid and thinks certain parties will try to take her. I'm trying to be a vauge as possible because I don't want to give too much away but things happen and Caleb travels to Ryloth with Hera where they uncover a sinister plot, face danger, and eventually fall madly in love!
snippet under the cut!
ask me about my WIPs!
“You’re late.” Master Windu said, keeping his eyes on the multiple arched doorways leading to the sprawling megatropolis of Coruscant. 
“Sorry.” Caleb replied, slightly winded. “I fell asleep.”
Mace didn’t exactly smile but Caleb could feel his amusement in the Force. “At least you’re honest.” there was a beat of silence before he said, “I appreciate you doing this Caleb. I know we’ve been pushing you hard these last few months.”
“Of course master. I’m happy to help.” Caleb folded his arms over his chest, tucking his hands away in the long sleeves of his robe. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are we meeting? I know you said an old friend, but who is that exactly?”
“It’s good to see that you haven’t lost your ability to ask a question at every turn.” Mace smiled down at him, sunlight gleaming off of his bald head. “I’m sure you remember Cham Syndulla?”
“The liberator of Ryloth?” Caleb wracked his brain trying to scrounge up what he could remember of the planet and the people. He never made it out that far during the war but he knew Master Windu and Master Kenobi had spent some time there. 
“At one time.” Mace nodded. “He sent me a hologram a few days ago, asking for a meeting. I’m not sure what he wants exactly but I know Ryloth has not recovered well since the war.”
Caleb hummed thoughtfully. Ryloth was situated along the Corellian Run, one of the many trade routes that was being held hostage by increased tax and regulations. It was very likely that the Twi’leks were unable to import the supplies and food they needed to survive, just like during the Seperatist occupation all those years ago. There wouldn’t be much the Jedi could do to help that matter, other than oversee the negotiations. Caleb shuttered at the thought, he had his fill of bureaucracy with his last mission. 
The fading sunlight glowed in the spacious hall, the purple pink sky of twilight dotted with the constant flow of air traffic. Two figures walked through one of the many doorways, casting dramatic shadows on the polished floor. Caleb felt Mace straighten beside him as the figures began walking their way. They were two Twi’lek males, one tall with burnt orange skin, his long lekku decorated with red clan markings while the other was shorter and had deep blue skin. 
“Master Windu. It is good to see you again.” the orange skinned Twi’lek said grasping Mace’s forearm with familiarity. “Although I wish it was under better circumstances. This is my comrade, Gobi.”
Mace nodded formally to the blue skinned Twi’lek before addressing the man Caleb assumed to be Cham Syndulla. “I’m sorry to hear of Ryloth’s struggles. I’m assuming that is why you wished to meet?”
“Not quite.” Cham said in his heavily accented Basic. “I have come to plead Ryloth’s case in the senate but what I require from you Master Windu is a bit more personal.” the Twi’lek’s sharp red eyes glanced over at Caleb, assessing him before saying, “As you are well aware, the Pyke syndicate had a rather large presence here on Coruscant. They have been trying, in vain, to set up a mining installation on Ryloth. My daughter has traveled with me and I fear my being here will put her at risk.”
“You want someone to follow her around.” Mace said diplomatically. 
“Discreetly if possible. My daughter can be...headstrong about these matters.”
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ladywren7 · 2 years
Battles Leave Scars, Some We Can't See
By LadyWren7
Rated: teen up audiences
WARNING: Child abuse/child neglect/physical violence against a child/familial arguments/toxic parent/nightmares/daddy issues/trauma
Summary: Febuwhump Day 15: Hidden Scars
Kanan has a nightmare about an incident from Hera's childhood.
Notes: The whump is a bit mild compared to other's entries, but it's still whump so I hope you enjoy!
AO3 link
A girl was shouting, arguing with someone. Kanan's vision was hazy, but he could tell they were both Twi'lek.
"No, but if you would just listen- agh!"
She shrieked.
The person she fought, an older, dominant Twi'lek, suddenly slapped the child across the face, sending her to the ground.
"Quiet! You will do as I tell you and that's final!" A heavily accented masculine voice barked as the child reeled on the floor. She held her cheek as she tried to hold back whimpers.
Then a door opened, revealing a bright light, and Kanan awoke.
He jolted up in bed, glancing up at the chrono he realized it was morning. He gave a heavy sigh, why this nightmare?
Walking into the galley he caught sight of Hera drying her hands with a rag by the caf machine.
Now that he thought about it, the child from the nightmare was a similar green color. Maybe it was...no, it couldn't be.
Could it?
Kanan decided to ask her about it, maybe it would make some sense of why he had the nightmare. "Hera... can I ask you something?"
She glanced at him with a small smile, "Of course."
He rubbed the back if his neck nervously, "Well it's a bit if a personal question, so you don't have to answer it if you don't want to."
She raised a brow, "Dear, you know more personal things about me than anyone else. Ask away."
"Okay," he prepared himself with a breath in, "Did your father ever...hit you when you were younger?"
Hera froze. After a couple seconds she slowly nodded. "...There was one incident. I don't exactly recall how old I was, but apparently I was old enough to "talk back." Why?"
Kanan's sighed, karablast... "I think I saw it last night, had a nightmare about it."
"Oh," Hera settled, putting the rag down and fully turning to face him. She shook her head, "Did u see how ruthlessly he hit me without a second thought? Yeah my mother pulled him out of the room by the lekku and screamed at him in Ryl all night. He never mentioned it again, not even to apologize."
Kanan's expression dropped, he offered a supportive hand on her shoulder, "I'm... so sorry."
She gently shook his hand off, she appreciated the support but she didn't need a pity party. Without realizing it, she made it worse. "I was fine, just had a slap mark on my face for a few days afterwards."
Kanan's anger towards her father grew the more she spoke, but he decided not to let it project in his voice, he knew how she felt about these sort of things, "How did it happen?"
Hera sighed and said, "I was arguing with my father about my dream of flying when he began shouting, so I retaliated. After a few moments I guess he'd had enough because he slapped me across the face and I fell. Then my mother rushed in, and after she processed the situation, she grabbed him and cursed him out in their room. I was terrified and didn't know what to do, so I just stayed put and sobbed."
Kanan was about to say something before she huffed out a laugh, her eyes unexpectedly starting to wet. "You know it's kind if funny, because everyone thought we were the perfect family, they couldn't have been more wrong..."
Kanan pulled her in close, he knew she hated crying in front of others, but he knew she trusted he would never take advantage of her, and he wouldn't. He knew more than anyone how dark memories could affect a person. "People only want to see what's on the outside because they're scared to see the reality of it. I'm sorry you had to experience that; you didn't deserve to be treated that way."
After a few moments Hera left the embrace, "It's alright," her voice still somber as she headed towards the door. "It's over now and besides, I have work to do. I should probably get started-"
He suddenly grabbed Hera's shoulder and gently turned her to face him.
"No, it's not alright. You were abused." He let the anger into his voice now, he couldn't just brush this off, not when it came to her.
"I promise, if we ever have children together you will never catch me doing something even remotely similar to what he did. And if you do, you have every right to throw me out the airlock." He stated before walking past her and exiting.
Hera was stunned, but somehow not surprised. She knew who she let on her ship, and he always found ways to make her feel worthy.
She really did love that Kanan.
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minniethemoocherda · 3 years
What Makes A Family
Kalluzeb Appreciation Week Day 1
During her time as a teacher, Ms Namoira had taught a diverse range of children over the years. Although none as large as the group she was currently teaching on Chandrilla. As the recently proclaimed Capital of the New Republic, a great many beings had business to attend to there. And as usual, a great many of them also brought their children.
In her class, Namoira had what seemed like every species found under the various suns. From humans like her to wookies and ithorians, and of course numerous pupils there were a mixture of heritage. Once such pupil was Jacen Syndulla. Namoira knew that it was not her place to speculate on the child's heritage but with his mottled brown and green skin, pointed ears and natural emerald hair, if one half of him was human than the other had to be twi'lek.
His mother Hera was clearly where his twi'lek part was from. The woman was the straightforward no-nonsense type but was also one of the kindest people Namoira had ever met. She would have made a fine teacher. Namoira didn't know much about the boy's father aside that he was probably human and had unfortunately passed away. There were numerous rumours amongst the staff about his identity. The most popular that he died fighting for the rebellion. The most outlandish was that he had been a jedi. Namoira would roll her eyes at that, even if the boy did have a habit of materialising the sweets she kept stashed at the top of her supply cupboard.
The lack of a father did not mean that Jacen was wanting in terms of family however. He had no less than three Grandpas, including a yellow and blue twi'lek couple as well as an older man with a bushy white beard and oddly familiar face whom had to be from his father's side of the family.
On rarer occasions Jacen was picked up by his sister. Due to her lack of lekku, Namoira assumed that she was a human too although she had never seen the girl's face due do the Mandalorian armour she wore. And on one rare occasion Jacen had been picked up by his older brother who didn't seem to even know who Jacen was until the boy jumped into his arms with a shocked but delighted shriek. As much as Namoira detested the implications, she had to admit that his two significantly older siblings did give fuel to the rumours that his mother had used her twi'lek charms to seduce a much older man, then murdered him for his money once she had his child.
Today would mark the first day that Namoira had met Jacen's uncles. They were an odd couple for sure. An unusually tall human with a prosthetic leg and a large being with purple stripes and green eyes who's species she did not recognise. The human's skin was too light to be related to the boy's father and there was no way the other creature was related biologically either. Still, Namoira had come across many different families in her line of work and was well aware that family did not always mean blood related.
"Good afternoon. I'm Kallus and this is my husband Zeb. We're here to pick up Jacen." The human who was apparently called Kallus told her as he handed over a later from Hera giving them permission to be here.
"Of course. He's told us so much about you." Namoira said as the boy in question rushed over.
"Uncle Zeb! Uncle Kallus!" Jacen shouted before being lifted up in Zeb's arms. He cried out in delight as he was spun around.
Kallus rolled his eyes in fond exasperation. "Put him down Zeb. We don't want to cause anyone an eye injury. You can both play aeroplanes back on the Ghost." Both his nephew and husband pouted as his words. Namoira had to stifle a giggle.
"Jacen tells me you're visiting for the life day celebrations next week. Where are you from?" She asked.
The couple shared a glance as Jacen piped up from where he was now on solid ground.
"It's a secret!"
"What Jacen means to say is that we like our privacy." Kallus told her firmly whilst his husband stammered to find an answer.
"Of course. I'm sorry I don't mean to pry." Namoira replied, unsure what exactly was so secretive about where they lived but didn't want to cause any unnecessary drama. "I hope you all have a lovely life day."
The pair nodded their thanks before heading out. As soon as they were out the door, she saw Zeb place the child back on his shoulders. She watched Kallus shake his head, but still take his husband's hand as they walked along the street.
Namoira went back to her duties, tidying up the mess that always came after a day of rambunctious children, wondering if she would ever know the mysteries behind this particular family.
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hrtiu · 4 years
I saw your post about wanting to write for rexsoka! I love your fics btw! I would like to request some fluff involving laughter and maybe teasing someone.
Thank you so much! Here’s what I got. It gets a little sad at the end, but hopefully it still counts?? Thank you for the prompt!
Rex knocked on the durasteel door frame, announcing his presence to the ladies chatting in the Ghost’s mess beyond.
“Ahem, Ahsoka? I could use your help with something.”
“Wait a second, you’re not going to steal her away for the rest of the day, are you?” Hera said from where she sat across from Ahsoka at the table. “She was my spymaster first.”
“It’ll be quick, I promise,” Rex said.
Ahsoka chuckled as she got to her feet, waving her hands in a placating manner. “Alright, alright. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of me to go around. I’ll be right back, Hera, and we can go over those bomber schematics you somehow managed to get your hands on.”
Hera eagerly agreed, waving goodbye before getting distracted by an irate Chopper beeping something about the hyperdrive and teenage boys.
“What is it?” Ahsoka asked as she walked by Rex’s side out into the dusty, organized chaos of Chopper Base. 
Rex scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Well, there’s this broadcasting beacon, see? We use it to communicate with other cells off-planet, but its motivator was damaged in a recent dust storm. I wanted to replace it but it’s really high up and hard to get to, and I figured since you’re here…”
Ahsoka stopped walking, placing a hand on her hip as her eyebrow markings rose into her headdress. “You want me to throw you?”
Rex flushed, turning away from her and shaking his head. “Never mind, it’s a stupid idea.”
“No, no, it’s just not something I ever expected you to ask me to do.”
“Well, I never really liked it, but if you could control the throw and land me on the maintenance platform I wouldn’t have to risk my neck on that sorry piece of scrap we call an extension ladder.”
“I knew it. For as much as you complained about Anakin throwing you around, you liked it when we did that.”
Rex rounded on her, unable to resist defending himself in the face of such slander. “I did not! It was terrifying, unnecessary, and demeaning!”
“But you want me to do it again. Just admit it, Rex. You’ve been missing excitement in your life,” Ahsoka said, that smug look she’d perfected in her teens on her face.
Rex couldn’t help but laugh. Since they’d been reunited she’d seemed so changed—so solemn and galaxy-weary. It was good to see her back to her cocky, impertinent self, if only for the moment.
“I’ve been missing you, that’s for sure.”
Ahsoka laughed, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. Rex could have sworn that her lekku shifted to a darker shade of blue, but that had to be his imagination.
“Alright then, where’s this maintenance platform you were talking about?”
Rex led her to the long metal pole several stories tall upon which the broadcasting beacon perched, and she waited while he went to get his repair tools. By the time he came back their little stunt had gained a small audience, Ezra, Zeb, and several pilots gathering round to witness Rex’s embarrassment.
“Now you’ll know what it feels like to be tossed about!” Zeb said, apparently still smarting from his turn as joopa bait.
“Is this even a proper use of the Force?” Ezra asked. “Isn’t it sort of… disrespectful?”
Ahsoka held her head high as she glided over to Rex, her more mature demeanor back now that she was in front of others. “The Force is a tool that is best used to help people. Nothing is beneath the Force, so long as it’s for a good purpose.”
“Hmmm, I guess that makes sense.”
Rex cinched his tool belt around his waist, a little alarmed that he had to loosen a notch further than he used to, then stood at the ready. He bent his knees and braced himself, glowering at Ahsoka as she noticed his nerves and smirked again.
“Ready?” she asked.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Ahsoka raised her hand out to Rex, then jerked it upwards. He flew into the air much faster than he’d envisaged, though just as he feared he’d overshoot the maintenance platform his velocity slowed. He breathed a sigh of relief as, from far below, Ahsoka landed him gently onto the platform.
“All good?” she shouted up at him from the ground.
He leaned over the edge and waved down at her. “Yep! I’ll just be a minute!”
He got to work replacing the motivator, his fingers working quickly from many years of experience holding the rusting AT-TE he called home together. The hot sun beat down on him and he wiped his brow, though he could do nothing about the sweat trickling down his back. Eventually he finished his repairs, taking out his transponder to double-check that the beacon was working before leaning back over the edge and waving to get Ahsoka’s attention.
“All done up here!” he yelled. “Care to lend a hand?”
Ahsoka looked up at him, blessedly alone now that their audience had grown tired of waiting, and waved back. “Just jump down. I’ll catch you!”
Rex had known this was coming, but he still wasn’t looking forward to it. He may have only lived 27 years, but his body was well into his middle age. It wasn’t quite as forgiving to him of dangerous stunts and constant misuse. 
Ahsoka kept waving from down below and Rex dismissed his fears. Ahsoka knew him and she wouldn’t let any harm come to him, even anything as minor as a twisted ankle or a sore knee. He gritted his teeth and took a leap of faith off the platform.
Air rushed past his ears and his beard flattened against his chin, but soon enough his fall slowed. By the time he reached the ground he was floating gently, his feet barely registering when they met solid ground in front of a grinning Ahsoka.
“Enjoy the ride?” she asked.
Rex laughed. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I guess.”
“See? You can trust me, Rexter.”
Rex’s grin grew at the old nickname. He’d never really liked it, truth be told. What young man with aspirations for martial greatness wanted such a silly nickname? But after not hearing for so long, and coming from the friend he’d thought long lost? He’d take it any day.
“I knew I could trust you, I just wasn’t looking forward to getting thrown around like a rag doll in front of my colleagues. I’m trying to look good in front of them, you know?” he said with a laugh.
Ahsoka started walking back to the Ghost, no doubt to resume her conversation with Hera. She looked back over her shoulder as she walked, her burgundy lips quirked upwards in a devious smile. “I don’t know, I like a man I can toss around.”
She turned her head back around and sauntered off, and Rex’s jaw dropped.
She couldn’t… she couldn’t have meant… Was she flirting with me?
He stared after her retreating form—he could swear her hips were swaying—his brain uncomprehending. They’d known each other for so long, and there was nobody he trusted like Ahsoka. And she was obviously beautiful, and funny, and kind. Was it possible…?
Rex looked down at his hands, the wrinkles and sunspots seeming deeper and darker than normal, the callouses thick and the scars numerous. No, she was just teasing. She was young and vibrant and had her whole life ahead of her, it wouldn’t make sense for her to waste it with an old soldier like Rex. Not to mention he didn’t even know what her stance on the Jedi’s rules was anymore. Any kind of romance might not be an option for her, which was probably why she was so comfortable making silly jokes. No chance they could be misconstrued. Right?
Rex made his way back to his quarters in a daze, his surroundings registering as hyper-realistic even as he barely noticed them. It really didn’t make any difference, since he and Ahsoka would continue as friends just as they’d always been, but now Rex’s interactions with her would be colored by this new knowledge. The knowledge that, if there ever was anyone for Rex, it would be her.
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writer1 · 3 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty.
Chapter Three
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A\N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta. Just a warning, the transformations get kind of gory and disturbing, if you want to skip that part you may, it starts right after Rex transforms. We have marked where the gore and disturbing parts are, so you can skip that part if you'd like because the last part of the chapter leads into the next one. As always, we hope you enjoy this fic. credit too @suddenly-clones for Cody’s nickname Bubby.
Warnings: mention of past abuse, horrific description (we have marked this for you so you don't have to read it)
Rex walks down the stairs behind Cody, feeling nervous. Once at the bottom, Cody places a hand on his shoulder, giving Rex a comforting smile. They both walk to the ballroom, opening the door and walking in to see 99 reading all the little kids a story.
“And little red riding hood asked ‘What big teeth you have grandma’ the wolf in disguise smiled at her. ‘All the better to EAT you with’ the wolf then lunges at little red riding hood, but just before he eats her, the friendly wood cutter bursts in. He scares the wolf, who runs away. And both him and red find her grandmother locked in the closet. And everyone lives happily ever after.” the kids cheer, with the bad batch closest to 99. 
There's fourteen year old Hunter sitting right beside him, with twelve year old Crosshair on the other side and eleven year old Wrecker in behind Hunter since he's the tallest. The youngest, Tech, who's only six years old is sitting on 99’s lap. Stutter is in the middle of the group of kids with Ahsoka and his friend Sabine who’s the same age. Rex thinks about the real ending of the story, where the grandma was eaten and the woodcutter kills the wolf. 
He’s glad that 99 waits until you turn twelve to tell you the real story, it's way too dark for little kids. Rex is glad the bad batch is happy here, they, like Stutter, were taken in because of abusive parents. His aunt hated the boys for being different. Hunter was born with enhanced senses, which gives him headaches and can make him pass out, Crosshair is the weakest of the kids, having deficiencies that make him skinny and sick, they also made his hair grey. Wrecker is the biggest and strongest of them. But his eyesight is amazing, you have to watch out for the grumpy kid, he has a habit of whipping things at people when angry, and he has Never missed. Tech is tiny too, but he’s also super smart, but his eyesight is horrible, so he wears glasses that Anakin had made for him. 99 adopted them as his son’s as soon as he found out about the abuse and trauma his sister had caused.
All of that is gone now and it is all in the past. The bad batch and Stutter are living such happier lives now with their new, loving family.
Fives is aimlessly wandering around the castle, trying to take his mind off of what had happened earlier. Echo is with Waxer and Boil, playing with Numa. Fives kindly declined when his twin asked if he wanted to play too, but he said that he just needs some alone time. 
He still feels a little bit hurt inside, but the feeling is slowly passing and fading the more he keeps on wandering, turning from one corridor to the next. He stops when he hears a soft humming of a melody coming from a room that he passes by. Listening intently as he looks around the corner, he sees an eight year old girl cleaning around the room with her feather duster. Her hair is brown and short, her skin is a pale blue like a blue lagoon.
The young girl turns around to see Fives peeking around the doorway. Before she could say anything, he tried to hide as quickly as he could, but she already saw him. She giggles a little, walking towards the doorway and standing there, brushing off any dust from her uniform and smiles at Fives. "Hello Prince Fives." The girl has a small, cute smile gracing her face now.
"Hey." Fives says nervously, not really sure of what to do. He thinks that she is really cute, so he decides to push his nerves aside and talk to her some more. "What's your name?"
"My apologies Prince, my name is Kiara Zelenca." She does a little curtsy in front of him. "It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, though you don't have to call me Prince. You can just call me Fives." He smiles kindly as he admires the  white patterns on her face. Her turquoise eyes compliments her skin perfectly. "If you don't mind me asking, what species are you?" He tries to sound as politely as he possibly can.
"I don't mind at all! I'm both Human and Togruta. My Mother was a Togruta and my Father was Human. I have hair instead of montrals and my ears are a little bit longer because I don't have lekku like other Togruta." She explains a little nervously. He probably thinks that I'm weird now. She thinks to herself. "I use my hair to cover them as much as I can, because the others will say that my ears look weird and ugly. They call me a freak too..." She tries her best to keep her sadness back. She hates how she looks already, so it doesn't help that she gets bullied by others.
Fives frowns, hearing that this has happened to Kiara. The slight tremble in her voice is apparent to him, so he walks a little closer to her, looking Kiara directly into her ocean blue eyes and slowly raises his right hand towards the left side of her hair. He freezes just before he reaches her face. "Can I...can I see them?" 
Kiara is speechless, thinking that just explaining them to him would make him feel the same way that the others do. After a moment, she nods and Fives strokes back her hair. Kiara looks away embarrassed. He sees that they are longer, but he just smiles. "I think they are really pretty." He says stroking the side of her face lightly. She looks into his honey coloured eyes. "You are perfect just the way you are, so don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. If they do give you any more trouble ever again, you tell them that they will be speaking to Prince Fives personally." Fives smiles reassuringly.
This is the first time that someone has told her that she is perfect and that she doesn't look like a freak. Her heart flutters as she leans into Fives' touch. He feels his cheeks heat up a little bit, she looks so adorable like this. Kiara opens her eyes and looks up towards the ceiling, to see mistletoe hanging down from the doorframe. She giggles.
Fives raises an eyebrow sweetly. "What is it?" He asks her as she motions for him to look up. He does so and sees what she wanted him to see. His cheeks turn red when he turns his head to look back down at Kiara. Her cheeks have turned to a darker shade of blue. She's obviously blushing. 
Fives swallows harshly, trying to gather all of the confidence he can find within himself. "W-would you like to kiss me?"
Without a moment of hesitation, Kiara wraps her arms around Fives' neck as she softly presses her lips to his. Fives instantly starts kissing her back, wrapping his arms around her lovingly. They both pull away, and Fives sees the bottom of Kiara's ears move a little as the tops turn the same shade of blue that is on her cheeks. Kiara giggles at the goofy smile on Fives' face. “Wait till I tell Echo that I kissed a girl.” 
Kiara laughs at Fives’ remark, kissing his cheek softly. They are both blushing a lot, this having been the first time either had ever kissed someone. “I… I think that i might love you already?”
Kiara’s eyes go wide when she realizes what he just said, then she realizes that she feels the exact same way. “I think that i might love you too, Fives.”  
“Kiara!!” Kiara turns at the voice of her mom. She turns back to Fives, an apologetic look on her face. “I’m sorry. Thats my mom, I have to go” Fives nods, watching her leave. He sighs. I’m gonna marry her. He thinks to himself.
A little while after 99 finishes the story, Fives and Echo walk into the room, Rex notices that Fives is blushing as he tells Echo something. He can’t hear what is said. Both boys freeze when they see Rex walking over to them. “Hey Echo. Fives.” he says nervously, the twins just frown at him, he sighs.
“Look, I'm sorry for what happened, I shouldn't have snapped at you. I know you were just having fun. I understand if you don’t want to talk to me for a while after how I reacted earlier.” Rex wrings his hand together, staring at the floor. He hopes that his brothers can forgive him, but he also understands if it takes a while.
Fives slams into him with a hug, and Echo follows after him. “We’re sorry too, we shouldn’t have pulled the prank in the first place.” Echo nods in agreement with Fives.
“Yeah, we shouldn’t have played a prank when we knew that you were stressed, we’re sorry.” Both boys nuzzle into their brother, as Rex wraps his arms tightly around them.
"It's okay. Now, shall we go and play a board game?" Rex offers and the twins nod their heads in sync, making Rex chuckle. "Alright, you two can pick what we play.
Further somewhere in the castle in one of the bedrooms, Kanan and Hera are getting ready for the evening activities that were planned to take place in the ballroom. They are both nineteen years old and Kanan is a knight, though he was not needed to go out on patrol today.
Kanan had rescued Hera five years ago when she was being chased by some smugglers who were after her. He fortunately got there in time to save Hera and she is still very grateful for it. Kanan asked if she had anywhere to go, but she just shook her head. He decided that he would take her to the castle with him. He asked his friend, Rex, if it was okay if she could stay for a while, so the eight year old Prince asked his parents if it was okay and they both were happy to let her stay for as long as she needed to.
They were quick friends in the beginning and soon enough, they became lovers after they confessed to one another a few years ago. After another year had passed, Kanan decided to finally propose to Hera, so when he was out on patrol in the village, he bought her a beautiful ring. He was delighted when she said yes and they got married soon after. It's been two years and they are so happy together.
Hera finishes putting on her long, dark green dress that she wears on special occasions. It compliments her lime green skin perfectly. Kanan exits the ensuite to see his wife standing in front of a standing mirror as she tugs the long sleeves of her dress down. Hera sees in the mirror that Kanan is admiring her from behind. 
"You look stunning in this dress, darling." He walks closer and wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her lek from behind.
Hera relaxes into his embrace. "Thank you, love. You look very smart in your suit too." 
Kanan hums in response, enjoying every passing moment they spend like this.
"Shall we go and join everyone downstairs in the ballroom?" Hera asks as she cups Kanan's face.
"Yeah, let's go."
A few hours later the sun has fully set, allowing the warm lights strung up against the walls to glow brightly, creating a warm, atmospheric feeling in the ballroom as everyone is gathered around, speaking to friends and family. The knights haven’t returned from patrol yet when there's a knock at the door, Rex being closest, answers it. Outside is a woman, she has a bald head, white skin and tattoos on her face. “Hello, can i please come in? Its bitterly cold out here and i have nowhere to go, all I have to offer is this rose as payment.” 
Rex feels pity for the woman. “Cody!!” He calls his older brother, he knows that he has to ask permission before he can allow a stranger in. The woman watches, Rex doesn’t see the malicious glint in her eyes.
“What is it Rex? Who is this?” Cody asks as soon as he sees the woman. “She has nowhere to go, can we allow her to stay with us? She says that she can only pay us with a rose, but i don’t think that’s a problem. Do you?"
Cody smiles at his brother’s kindness, turning to the woman. "I don’t think that will be a problem either, of course you may come in Miss…?”
“Ventress, just call me Ventress. Thank you for your hospitality.” Ventress walks in, handing Cody the rose.”There are drinks and food over there  if you’re hungry Miss Ventress.” Rex tells her as she walks in, he doesn’t see the evil smirk as she eyes the bowl of red punch. She walks over grabbing a drink.
An hour passes, everyone is having fun. Fives is with Kiara, introducing Echo to her. Jesse and his twin brother Kix are playing doctor with the young knights in training. Kix had just become a doctor a year ago, so he’s writing fake doctor notes of crazy, fake diseases for a few knights while Jesse is entertaining the kids with paper shapes and animals that he folds.
Boil is making his niece pancakes and Waxer is sitting nearby, playing with the little girl. All the cousins, knights and staff are talking, joking and having a great time like they do every year. Ventress walks near to Rex, who’s talking to Cody and Bly. Ventress has a wicked smile on her face as she pretends to trip, spilling red punch on Rex’s favorite white shirt. “I am so sorry young man.” Ventress says sarcastically, making Rex lose his cool for the second time that day.
“Can’t you be more careful! And watch where you’re going!” He tells her angrily, freezing when he realizes how rude he was.”I'm sorry, I should-!”
“ENOUGH!!! You have been rude to the wrong person, little prince!” She snarls. Her hands have a dark green aura, everyone now realizes that the woman they had kindly invited into their home, was actually an evil witch. Her eyes glow green, and a circle of magic surrounds young Rex, cutting him off from his family. All the child can feel is fear as tears stream down his face. "I’m so sorry.” He whimpers out, begging and pleading for forgiveness. 
The magic surrounding Rex and the witch is too strong, stopping anyone from getting close to them. Despite this, Obi-Wan tries to go and protect Rex, fighting his way through the sheer force of the wind being created. He only gets so far until he is blasted back into Cody's arms who catches him. Obi Wan gets to his feet and holds onto Cody.
Through all of the madness surrounding everyone, Obi Wan hears someone yelling behind him and then sees Anakin run past him with his wooden sword held high above his head, charging directly towards the witch. Obi Wan manages to grab Anakin and pull him in close to himself and Cody, all huddling together during the complete chaos. Both Obi Wan and Cody wrap their arms protectively around Anakin, using their own bodies to protect the child from the chaos and anything else that may happen. Cody prays for his brother, feeling like a failure for being unable to get to Rex. Not even all the Knights using the force would be able to get to him.
Suddenly there is a cry of pain. fearing the worst for his Rex'ika, Cody looks towards Rex who has his hands in his face and drops to the floor on his knees, writhing in pain. Cody looks around the room to see that everyone can see it too. Rex is...growing.
Plo, Wolffe, Sinker, Boosts and Comet all tried to get too Rex… that is until he started to change, they froze as soon as their older cousin started to grow. Plo has never heard of this happening before, he knows that witches are powerful, whatever she is doing to the young prince won’t be fixed so easily… If ever. Wolffe goes to run up to them, he doesn’t care about what’s happening to his older cousin. He leaves his brothers, running to Rex when a shard of glass hits him, cutting a slice through his right eye. Ventress laughs, knowing that her shard glass had hit her target.
Boil jumped in front of Waxer and little Numa as soon as the witch yelled, leaving the pancake he had cooked thrown on the floor. Numa screams and cries as the chaos ensues, both Boil and Waxer hear the cry of pain, they turn to see Rex fall to the ground in the middle of everything. They watch in horror as he starts to grow. Something that should not be happening to his body.
The Bad Batch all grab onto 99, standing in front of him. They close their eyes in fear, but 99 sees what happens to Rex, feeling fear for the young boy whose body is unnaturally growing bigger. And is also screaming in both pain and terror.
Fives jumps in front of Kiara, Echo following behind him. They watch their Ori’Vod fall to the ground, crying out in pain, they watch as his body starts to grow. They don’t know what’s going to happen to their brother, but they swear that they will love him no matter how much that monster changes him.
Stutter's eyes widen as he sees his Ori'Vod growing and writhing in pain on the floor, so he screams and tries to run over to help him. He feels someone grab his small hand and gets pulled towards them. He looks up to see Sabine using her whole body to protect him. Stutter sees a Lasat run up behind her and crouches down, wrapping his arms around the both of them to keep them safe from the chaos.
Fox and Thorne hear the cries from Rex, panic coursing through their bodies, flooding their minds with fear. Fox looks around quickly to see that Ahsoka isn't with them anymore. He scans the room to see that she is staring at her Ori'Vod through the green forcefield of magic. Fox grabs her arm to pull her back towards him and Thorn to protect her, though in the process, she loses her grip on her music box, dropping it to the floor. Everything seemed to play in slow motion as she watched it break to pieces that scatter across the floor. Fox realises what happens when Ahsoka starts to scream and cry as he sees the broken music box on the floor, so he comforts her the best that he can. Thorne joins Fox to help protect Ahsoka.
All Rex feels is pain, discomfort and fear. He regrets everything. He groans as his smart clothes begin to grow tighter on him, ripping open at the seams, revealing blonde fur. His arms start to grow longer and so does his legs, bending and rearranging themselves into haunches as a tail also starts to grow. He feels his face elongating into a snout, baring his sharp teeth to attempt to block out as much pain as he can. His cries of pain turn to whimpers as the transformation finishes. His clothes have ripped to shreds, blonde fur now completely covers the entirety of his body. The only article of clothing left are his shredded pants. Rex just lies on the floor, whining as he feels everyone staring at him.
Cody watches as his little brother turns into a creature of legends… A werewolf. Everyone in the room is shocked, the kids that had heard the story from 99 earlier cower in fear, afraid that Rex might eat them. Cody doesn’t care about that… This is still his Rex’ika, his baby brother. And nothing will ever change that. 
The witch looks around the room as Rex lays on the floor, breathing heavily. The force field goes away and she smiles wickedly. “Don’t worry, young prince. You won’t be alone with this curse.” Rex looks up at her, eyes wide. Tears are still falling down his face, wetting his fur. ”What!?”
“Yes! I have a perfect plan for everyone in this castle! I want to have some more fun” she lifts her hands up. "You all stand there like objects, so I’ll turn you into objects!” She sneers.The green aura engulfs the room, and everyone groans, Rex watches in horror as his friends and family start to morph and change in front of his very eyes. Rex feels absolute fear, he wants his bubby. 
(Warning! Slightly gory and disturbing description of the transformations from this point. Note where it ends.)
But Cody is groaning in pain as well, and morphing, getting wider and less human. Cody’s arms and legs burn as they grow slimmer, wood growing all over his body. He forces his eyes open to check on Obi Wan, staring in horror as his beloved scratches at his skin as it becomes metal. He sees young Anakin doing the same. They both form into a suit of armour that covers their whole body from head to toe. The same is happening to Kanan and Plo too. 
Fox and Thorn struggle to hold onto Ahsoka, not just because they are changing, but also because she is getting smaller. The once shattered music box starts piecing itself together, but leaves the ballerina there on the floor. Ahsoka cries and screams as she becomes unable to move her legs anymore and she starts to become older in appearance. Her clothes change too, into more of a ballerina's outfit like the one that the little figure was wearing before.
Echo and Fives scream in pain as they transform, Both of them shrink as Fives' hair starts to become waxy, turning white in color. It's not just his hair, his whole head from top to his top jaw turns into wax, so does his hands, and the rest of him, including his bottom jaw, turns to a gold metal. Echo starts to grow a mix of metal and wood all over his body, the twins cry in pain as they shrink. 
Kiara is the same, yelling out for her mother as the top half of her body becomes wood and the bottom half morphs painfully into feathers. All three of them have tears running down their faces, as they scream from the worst pain they’ve ever felt in their young lives.
Stutter screams loudly in pain, this is somehow worse than anything his brothers and father had ever done to him. “R-R-Rex!!!! C-C-C-Cody!!!” Young Stutter screams for his brothers, he's so scared. His body is becoming wood, his arms are sucked into him, morphing to his sides as his legs morph together and become the familiar bristles of a paint brush. He screams, looking over and seeing Sabine in the same predicament. He cries as he starts to shrink. “F-F-Fives!!! E-Echo!!!!! B-B-Bly!!!” He tries one last time to get one of his brothers, to no avail, he’s all alone once again.
Kix, Jesse and Hardcase all fall to the ground, screaming out in agony as they feel their bodies beginning to change. Kix wraps his arms around himself, squeezing his eyes shut to try and block out the pain coursing through his body. He becomes rigid, unable to bend any of his limbs as they straighten out. His legs morph together and his arms sink down into his body. His blood becomes colder as it starts to turn to ink. 
Jesse starts to get wider and thinner. He starts feeling lighter and when he looks at his hands, they flop backwards as they become paper thin. It doesn't take him long to figure out that he's actually becoming paper, because his skin turns dramatically pale. As his body becomes thinner, he starts getting smaller too. Hardcase's body from his neck to his feet starts to turn to wood as his body becomes narrow.  He screams at the searing pain rushing throughout his head as it becomes metal, his facing becoming longer and sharper with each passing second.
Hera feels her body start to morph into light, it burns as she is transported to the mirror she was looking into only hours before, she looks around at the room around her, she bangs on the glass, unable to get out. The room is only grey, the only thing in it being her. “Kanan!!!” She screams for her husband, the last she saw of him he had fallen to the ground in pain, she has no idea what he might have become.
Bly falls to the ground in pain, his whole body starts to burn as it turns to metal, he screams in agony  as his head splits into three. He shrinks, turning into a fork. Ten year old Wolffe doubles over in absolute agony, along with the 9 year old twins, Sinker and Boost. And the youngest, seven year old Comet. They all grow smaller as they turn to ceramic, Wolffe screams as his body widens, going hollow once it turns completely too glass, lessening the pain some thankfully. Plo tries to fight through the pain of his own transformation to get to his boys, he hates that they have to go through this pain.
(Gore ends here!)
Rex can't believe his eyes. Everyone has completely changed. They aren't even...alive anymore? Though he can still hear the groans from everyone as their transformations finish. He looks towards Ventress with piercing anger in his eyes, but she just laughs at everyone. She feels content now that she has had her fun. 
"I don't know what you are looking at me like that for. You are the one who has caused this! Now your friends and family will share your punishment." She cackles as she surrounds herself in a cloud of green smoke, creating a whirlwind. Once it clears, Ventress is nowhere to be seen.
No...what have I done? Rex thinks to himself as he sees everyone start to move again without being in complete pain and agony. He presses his ears back against his head, feeling consumed in guilt and regret. The room is almost silent, the only sounds being slight shuffles around the room as people adjust to their new forms. 
Cody had heard every word that Ventress had said to Rex, about her saying that this is his Rex'ika's fault. He tries to shuffle to Rex, calling out to him to comfort his little brother "Rex'ika." Rex hears the familiar nickname, looking towards the direction that his Ori'Vod's voice came from.
"Bubby…" a second later, Rex bolts out of the room and runs as fast as he can. Away from everyone. Cody calls out to him and tries to follow, but he can't move very well at all. Everyone else doesn't know what to say. Their expressions are a mix of fear and confusion, not understanding what has just happened to them. All anyone can really think about is Rex's safety. They need to know that he's alright...
taglist: @captainrexisboo @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
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Rebels May the Fourth Gift Exchange- A Day in the Life of Kanan Jarrus
((HEEEEY everyone!! So this lovely fic is for the lovely @kianraidelcam!!!! You can read it on AO3 here Anyways I hope you enjoy this little fic! It takes place shortly after Holocrons of Fate in season 3.))
So much changed for Kanan after he lost his sight, but there were some things that would never change.
So much for Kanan would never be the same since he was blinded by Maul. Every day Kanan discovered more ways things had permanently changed for him. He couldn’t cut his hair or shave properly because he couldn’t see. He couldn’t check the time without asking someone. He couldn’t see Sabine’s art, or watch Ezra grow up and see how he’s changed, couldn’t look into Hera’s warm encouraging eyes-
 Focus, he needed to clear his mind and focus. The flood gates had been opened however, sweeping him in a flood of emotions that threatened to drown him. Was he forgetting what Hera looked like? Where her eyes green like her skin? Was he remembering the markings on her lekku? Or the exact shade of green her skin was? Where Ezra’s eyes as blue as he was remembering? Was he remembering the right shade of blue? Had Sabine changed her armor again? Did he really remember right what her previous armor designs looked like? Did he not remember right just how tall Zeb really was? Or was he imagining him far taller?
 How much had changed around the Ghost? Did Hera finally give Chopper a new coat of paint? Had Sabine added any more paintings? Had-
 “Kanan? Are you alright?” Ezra tentatively asked, sounding almost afraid to come in.
 “I’m fine,” Kanan assured. Despite them finally talking in the caves beneath Atollon, his and Ezra’s relationship was forever changed by Maul blinding him. Kanan isolating himself from Ezra had caused him to come dangerously close to the dark side, and he would never forgive himself for putting Ezra through that pain. A part of him feared Ezra wouldn’t either, despite his assurances.
 “Please don’t shut me out again,” Ezra begged, stepping inside the room. “I want to help.”
 “You can’t help with this,” Kanan gently assured.
 “You don’t know that,” Ezra argued.
 Kanan sighed before reluctantly explaining, “Things…changed for me after I was blinded. I don’t blame you for it and I don’t want you to feel guilty for it or anything that comes as a result of it.”
 “What do you mean?” Ezra asked, kneeling down on the ground beside Kanan.
 “I don’t know what you look like now…Hera says you’ve grown so much…I can’t see any of the new art Sabine creates or watch any of you grow. And despite the force, there’s still so much I can’t really do by myself anymore….I’m sorry I shouldn’t be dumping this on you…”
 “No, I’m glad!” Ezra cried. “I-I want to help! Family helps each other…right?”
 “Yes, they do,” Kanan agreed with a small smile.
 “So….don’t feel bad for needing to talk to somebody….it doesn’t have to be me I mean I love it when you do but, I-I bet Hera would love it if you talked to her…”
“Thank you Ezra,” Kanan gently said, placing a hand on Ezra’s shoulder and squeezing it.
 “Of course,” Ezra said, grinning at Kanan as Sabine ran in gasping,
 “Is something wrong Sabine?” Kanan immediately asked.
 “No, no nothing’s wrong!” Sabine exclaimed. “I just couldn’t wait to show you!”
“Show me what?” Kanan curiously asked. “My room,” Sabine said, grabbing Kanan’s hand and eagerly tugging his to his feet. “Come on! You’ll love it I promise!”
 “Well if you promise,” Kanan teasingly said as he got to his feet, Ezra eagerly following behind them.
 “I’ve been working on this for a long time but it’s finally finished,” Sabine explained as she led him into her room and to one of the walls.
 “I’m sure it’s amazing Sabine,” Kanan said, trying to sound optimistic despite knowing he would never see her art again. Never get to see her continue to improve and grow as an astist-
 “Hold on,” Sabine said, taking his hand and placing it on the wall. “I too so long because I was trying to find ways for you to also be able to enjoy my art.”
 “How?” Kanan softly asked. Trying not to get his hopes up and failing.
 “I used different textures for each color I used so you could feel the changes of color and feel the shape of the image,” Sabine explained as she started to gently move Kanan’s hand across the wall, going into great detail about the piece, the colors for each texture, each curve and twist in the piece so vividly Kanan could see it in his mind’s eye.
 “Sabine this is….I don’t know what to say,” Kanan admitted.
 “…do you like it?” She hopefully asked.
 “Like it? No, I love it!” Kanan said. “This is- thank you Sabine.” It was apparently the right thing to say. Without warning Sabine charged at Kanan, tightly hugging him, burying her face in his chest, Kanan wrapping his arms around her almost instinctively, hugging her close as she silently cried in his chest.
 “Is everything okay?” Hera asked from the doorway.
 “Yea, Sabine was just showing me her newest piece,” Kanan said.
 “Oh Sabine it’s gorgeous!” Hera exclaimed.
 “Your art never ceases to amaze me Sabine,” Kanan added, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.
 “I’m glad I found a way for you to still enjoy it,” Sabine admitted. “Sorry it took so long….”
 “Don’t be sorry,” Kanan assured. “I never expected you to do this-“
 “We want to help you Kanan!” Sabine cried. “All of us.”
 “Maybe not Zeb,” Ezra teasingly said.
 “Hey! I heard that!” Zeb cried, poking his head into the room. “And I do want to help!”
 “Well you’re the last one to join us!” Ezra fired back.
 “It’s not my fault you guys decided to have a party without me!” Zeb said.
 “It’s not a party I was showing everyone my new piece!” Sabine corrected.
 “See, not my fault no one told me!” Zeb said.
 “Come on love,” Hera whispered, taking Kanan’s hand and leading him out of Sabine’s room as the kids continued to bicker. “Let’s clean up that beard.”
 “What’s wrong with it?” Kanan asked, unconsciously rubbing his beard with his hand.
 “Love I know you won’t shave it, but it desperately needs a trimming at least,” Hera sternly said. “And since I don’t trust you to do it, I will.”
 “What, don’t you trust me with a sharp knife near my face?” Kanan innocently asked.
 “I-I’m sorry-“
 “Don’t be,” Kanan said, “It’s okay….I want you guys to be able to laugh at silly things like that.”
 “It feels wrong to,” Hera admitted, guiding Kanan into the fresher. “It feels like we’re laughing at you and not with you…”
 “I know none of you would do that, especially you,” Kanan gently assured, taking Hera’s hand.
 “I love you,” Hera breathed, cupping Kanan’s cheek with her hand.
 “And I love you,” Kanan whispered, leaning in to close the distance between them. But, before their lips could touch the door opened and the pair broke apart, Chopper angrily beeping at them about a message from Sato before rolling out.
 “It’s as if they know,” Hera grumbled.
 “I’m pretty sure Chopper does it on purpose,” Kanan said.
 “Normally I’d argue but today….” Hera sighed. “We should see what Commander Sato wants.”
 “I’ll round up the others,” Kanan said.
 “Thanks love,” Hera said, quickly pecking his cheek before following Chopper. There was so much that had changed for Kanan, but some things would never change.
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avatarpabu97 · 6 years
Skywalker twins meet their clan!
Based off of @prankprincess123 au prompts and @eyeloch native Lothalian au. Don't know why but I want to combine the two ideas. Hope this pleases you. 
The twins meet their youngling clan -including Galen Marek, Ezra Bridger and Mara Jade - for the first time.
A Galaxy reunited. Chancellor Palpatine has been exposed as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, he flees to wild space with his follwers in tow. Palpatine’s conspiracy reveled thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of Padawans Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee and Caleb Dume. With Bail Organa as Chancellor and Padme Amidala as Vice Chair many have joined or rejoined the republic. With Mace Windu stepping down from his postion as Master of The Order and giving the position to his former Padawan Depa Billaba in hopes she will help the mass reformation succeed caused by her Padawan Caleb Dume. Now in the court yard of the Coruscant Temple Anakin Skywalker and his wife Padme Amidala walk with many other parents and guardians delivering their children to their clans. 
 The halls of the Jedi temple were bustling with activity. Returning students bid their families farewell as they start a new year of lessons while the families of new initiates were being led by Padawans. Families that have Jedi in them like the Mareks, Skywalkers and Koons need no assistance finding their ways.
  “How many people are we sharing a room with?” “Will  their be any girls my age?” “Will they be all human or other species?”
  Little Leia and Luke excitedly bombard their father Anakin with as many questions they can think of. Padme chuckled at her husband’s look over the multiple questions.
  “My Sweets, one at a time. Let your Father process them first.” Her children looked at sheepishly. “It’s okay Padme. Luke and Leia are just very excited.” “Yeah Mama, Luke and I are gonna be Jedi like Daddy!” “Where going to be the greatest Jedi ever!” The two seven year olds cheered.
  “Skywalker!“ Anakin turned from his family to the source of the voice, recognizing his fellow knight. “Marek!”
 Kento Marek and his son Galen approached the Skywalkers with two other families in tow. Anakin and Padme greeted their friend. “Galen!” The twins cheered seeing their friend. “Luke! Leia! I want you me my new friends and our clans mate.”  “I'm Mara Jade.” “Hello I'm Jai Kell.” The red headed girl and rusty hair boy greeted.
 The adults chuckled at the chattering children as they try to usher the children to their clans quarters. “Knight Marek aren't we supposed to have one more student with us?” Mr. Jade inquired. “Oh yes were going to meet him with Padawan Dume.”
 “Is Padawan Dume his older brother?” Mrs. Jade asked. “No, Padawan Dume is Ezra Bridger’s future master. They have a special connection called a Force Bond.” Kento explained
 “I’m afraid Ezra is one of the many orphans of war. Him also being a hybrid of a rare, nearly extinct species with a wide array of health concerns that come from being a hybrid is in the Jedi custody.” Padme supplied.
 “Please Caleb No!” “Speak of the Hutt.” Anakin Joked.
 The group came upon a nerf tailed young man with stubble holding a small boy with stripes and tiny spots . A green Twi’lek with tattooed lekku wearing a flight academy uniform helping her companion calm the child.
  “Hera don't let Caleb leave me here!” Ezra cried. “Little love, Caleb and I have classes. So do you.” “Yeah Ezra, you get to make new friends and learn new things. You’ll have lots of fun.” Ezra’s only response was to whimper and bury is snot covered face in the crook of Caleb’s neck. Hera snorted at her boyfriends grimacing face.
  “Padawan Dume. Lady Syndulla. Its nice to see you two again.”  Hera’s lekku twitched in agitation over noble rank being used. “Vice Chair Amidala, its nice to see you too but I'm actually going by Cadet Syndulla.”  She replied icily. “I’m sorry, its just your father seemed to be agai-” “Senator Syndulla does not dictate every aspect of my life Vice Chair!” Hera venomously retorted. Caleb and the other members of the group rubbed their necks or coughed nervously. 
“Riiiiiiggghhhht. Right. Um Ezra look one of your crèche mates are from Lothal too.” Caleb tried to Lessing the tension in the air. Ezra brought his head up from Caleb’s neck to see.
 “Do you want to come down and say hi to the others?” Ms. Kell offered him. Ezra finally decided to come down an introduced himself to the group. Leia and Mara grabbed Ezra’s hands and dragged him to the other children.
 The adults and two teens managed to herd the children to the crèche master of clan wolf. “Welcome younglings to Clan Wolf, for the rest of the week we will be introducing and getting to know one another. Then we will begin your training.” The elderly master addressed everyone. After a brief meeting on the odds and ends, parents said their goodbyes and hugged their children.
 “Be a good girl Mara and don't forget to leave us messages.” “The apartment will be lonely with out you my Sweets.” “I’ll see you again on vistior day Jai.” “Your mother will be back from her mission soon Galen. She’ll be happy to see your new friends then.”
 “Don't worry Ezra I'll come to visit and Caleb will be here if you need anything.” Hera was hugging Ezra, burying her face in his fluffy hair. With the rest of the parents gone. Leia, Mara, Luke, Jai, Galen and reluctant Ezra introduced themselves.
 Leia, Luke and Galen learned Mara, Jai and Ezra were birthday buddies. Mara told them how her parents were astronomers. Jai’s mother was a seamstress. Everyone already knew who the twins and Galen’s parents were. Ezra shyly told them how his father was a doctor while his mother worked in with broadcast towers.
 Once they started talking about animals Ezra began to open up some more. The five seven year olds were amazed by his knowledge. Mara and Leia noticed how soft Ezra hair was and began playing with it. Galen and Luke started to trace some of Ezra’s smaller spots on his arms.
 “Stop! Your not supposed to touch his hair or markings.” Jai panicked. “Its just hair.” Mara stated. “His markings looks so cool.” Galen whined. “Because it’s considered rude.” “But we touch people’s hair all the time.” Luke replied with confusion. Leia who seemed the most diplomatic of the six understood Jai’s outburst. “Our cultures might see it as okay but Ezra and Jai’s don't see that way.”
 “Sorry Ezra we didn't mean to offend you?” “We didn't know next time well be carful.” “Its okay guys next time ask someone but you can still play with my or markings. You too Jai you have permission.” Jai hesitantly began tracing the spots long with the boys. The five developed a circle around Ezra. He felt safe around them and began to purr out of content.
 When the crèche master went to put them down for a nap she noticed the three boys and two girls using Ezra as a pillow. His Purring had lull them to sleep. Taking a picture she sent it to Dume, Skywalker and Marek.
 Marek sent the picture to his wife Mallie, the Jades and Ms. Kell. Skywalker sent it to his Wife Padme, Master, Padawan and various other family members and clones of the 501st. Caleb sent it to Hera, their friend Zeb on Lasan, the Masters of his Lineage, Styles and Gray with the rest of the battalion. Even Wolffe, Rex and Gregor got it sense they were the ones to find Ezra.
 Not wanting to disturbed them the Crèche master placed blankets on them. It caused the children to snuggle into the Ezra even more making him purr louder and mewl like a kitten.  
This took longer then I wanted it too. Constructive Criticism is always welcomed. Hoped everyone likes this.  Now I'm going to bed because I have 4:30am to 2pm shift tomorrow and its 11:40. 
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bucketluvr · 7 years
Changed - Ahsoka Tano
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 Jedi. Two Jedi approach you, along with a Twi'lek, a Mandalorian, and a Lasat. You find your breathing hitch. You don’t want to get dragged into another war. Guilt fills you at your cowardice, your unwillingness to fulfill your duty as a Jedi.
 Padawan, you think bitterly. You aren’t even a real Jedi.
 Something else is there, too. A sliver of hope breaks the waves of crushing emotions, at the realization that two Jedi survived.
 The older Jedi, a man with brown hair tied up at the back of his head, teal eyes, and tan skin. He gives you a look of recognition, but thankfully it seems as if he can’t place you. The Twi'lek woman seems to do the same, but dismisses it.
 “C-can- Can I help you?” You ask.
 They seem to take no notice to your stuttering. The younger of the Jedi duo, a boy with black hair explains. “We - uh - need a place to fix our ship for awhile….and,” the older Jedi nods. “A place to hide from the Empire for about…a rotation.”
 Your about to shake your head, but your instincts are telling you to help them. After a moment, you nod. “I can arrange that.”
 The Lasat scoffs. “How many credits?”
 You sigh, waving your robotic hand at them. “Free of charge.”
 “What?” The Mando blurts.
 “Sabine,” the Twi'lek warns. Then she turns to you. “Thank you…”
 You take a deep breath. Your mind is screaming at you to not do it, they will figure it out, (Y/N)-
  She nods. “I’m Hera.” She points to each member of the crew, naming them. Zeb is the Lasat, Sabine is the Mando, Kanan is the older Jedi, Ezra the younger.
 You can only hope you hadn’t been two much of a show off in the Clone Wars.
 “Is it rude to ask how you lost that hand?” Ezra asks.
 You sigh, turning away from the piece of tech you were working on.
 “The Clone Wars. I, uh, jumped in the way of a….blaster bolt…for a friend- and well.”
 A half lie. You jumped in the way of a lightsaber for someone you loved, who you couldn’t live with out.
But she is dead now. Gone. Ripped from your life and you were on the other side of the fucking galaxy and couldn’t stop it. Every time you reach out in the Force for her, it’s empty.
 "Ezra, go help Hera.” Kanan says.
 Ezra nods, running from the room. Kanan sits on a crate.
 “I know you from somewhere.” He says.
 "I…can’t place it.”
 “Lets just say…if the times were different, we would’ve met under more peaceful circumstances.” You say. Then you change subject. “You’re the boy’s master?”
 “I try.” He chuckles. “I…I’m only a padawan myself.”
 Me too, you want to say. Instead: “You seem to be doing a good job. I’ve seen, during the Clone Wars, padawans who didn’t seem to listen at all. The most reckless I’ve ever seen.”
 The mention makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time. You smile at the memory of Anakin not listening to his former master and your current one (at the time), Obi-Wan, Ahsoka ignoring Anakin, and an exasperated Obi-Wan following you as you drop into reckless abandon to go save Ahsoka-
 Your smile fades. Tears well in your eyes and you turn back to your project.
 Kanan changes the subject, sensing your grief. “I don’t know, I kind of got attached to the whole crew so…”
"You seem to be extremely attached to the pilot, Hera.“ You smirk.
You know about attachments. You know how if your attachments are ripped away from you, how bad it can feel. How devastating. You don’t tell Kanan that. He just wants to be happy, and even if you’re both just padawans, you don’t have that luxury, so you want him to.
 The crew is in trouble, you sense it.
They’d gone off to buy some ship parts and hadn’t come back yet. Plus, you could hear the fight from uncharted space.
 You grab your saber from a drawer in your quarters, you hand trembling as you do. You quickly shove it into your utility belt, and run out of your shop.
 You don’t bother using a speeder. You just run, half the Force and half you, running at atrocious speeders down the barren streets of Abafar. You run into an alley, Force jumping onto the roof once you’re certain nobody is looking.
 When you see the heart of the fight, you know your attempt at concealing your identity is fucked. In the part of the city the Ghost crew is at, you know there’s still Republic propaganda and Imperial wanted posters all over. You know your face is on them.
 But being a Jedi means being willing to make sacrifices. Since you haven’t done anything but sit in you’re shop and mope for ten years, you tell yourself, you better start now.
 You run and jump among rooftops, finally arriving at the scene. Two Imp gunships enclose the rebels. They’re stuck.
You pull out your blaster, jumping on top of a stormtroopers shoulders and shooting him in the head. You kick another trooper in the face, then shot her. You notice she has a bag of detonators, so you grab one throwing one to Sabine and the other you throw into a gunship.
 Right before the explode, you guide the team an alleyway. The ground rumbles as the plan succeeds.
 “There’ll be more Imps coming, so it better to take a more remote path,” you explain.
 You scan the alley. To your horror, you see a Republic proaganda poster plastered to the wall. You and your master, Obi-Wan, back-to-back, lightsabers activated. The Seps outta watch out!, it says.
 “Oh, shit,” you mutter.
 Recognition and suprise flood the Force behind you. The crew stops walking.
"Padawan (Y/N) (L/N)?“ Kanan asks.
"No!” You growl, turning swiflty on your heel. “I don’t deserve that title anymore. I’ve done nothing for anyone since the Order was shot into oblivion-” you stop. “I’m sorry.”
You turn forward. “We have to go.”
"You’re going to come with us, right?“ Ezra asks.
You sigh. "Look, the Clone Wars took everyone from me. Kanan, you know what how it feels.” Kanan nods. “I -  I can’t jump into another war.”
"We need you’re help, (Y/N).“ Hera says. "The galaxy needs your help.”
You take a deep breath, resigned. “I can join you. But I refuse to go on the front lines. I can be a mechanic, but that’s where the offer ends.”
"Deal,“ Hera smiles. "Welcome to the Rebellion.”
"Don’t you have a Jedi saber?“ Zeb asks.
"Yeah,” you toss the blaster aside, grabbing your lightsaber. “I guess I don’t really need to hide anymore.”
 It’s impossible. She’s not here. She’s dead. She can’t be.
 The crew of the Ghost is calling for you, but you’ve zoned out.
 (Y/N)? She asked through a Force bond that hadn’t been used in years. You hasn’t known it existed.
 And then you’re running. The Force guides you to the right location. You weave through the hammerhead ship, making your way towards the supposedly dead woman.
 Then she was standing there, her lekku and montrals grown, her markings shifted, two different lightsabers at her side. But it was the same Ahsoka Tano.
 You’re in her arms next, her hugging you to her with strong arms.
 “I thought you were dead.” She sobs.
 “I’m so sorry, Ahsoka! If I knew you were alive-”
 She kisses your forehead. “Shh.”
 “I love you, Ahsoka.”
 “I love you, too, (Y/N).”
 Ahsoka was alive, and you loved her more than the galaxy and you were finally safe.
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bedlamsbard · 3 years
Part three of the reluctant roommates AU concept!  Backbone base ‘verse; as usual, please remember that my concept writing is deliberately not titled, chaptered, or betaed.
Previous: Part 1 Part 2
About 6.6K below the break.  Please note that I generally don’t do content advisories; you can see the previous installments for advisories there.
He’s a Jedi.
It was Hera’s first thought when she woke up the next morning, before she was even really awake. She lay in her bunk with her eyes still closed and turned the revelation over in her mind, getting comfortable with it before she had to process it or deal with it in any way.  This is a test for him, not for me.
Maybe for her too, but that would come from the ISB’s side, not the Inquisition’s.  She wondered whose idea it had been to assign them together; she would be surprised if anyone in the Inquisition knew of her existence, except maybe the Inquisitor who had tested her back at the Spire. She assumed that individual Inquisitors tested so many people, cadets and prisoners alike, that remembering one terrified Twi’lek girl was beyond them.  The Inquisitor must have been one of the ones that had been caught, presumably in prison, like her.
Hera knew what had been done to her to turn Cham Syndulla’s daughter into an Imperial officer, and some days she was still deeply ashamed of it.  She didn’t know what the Inquisition had done to turn a Jedi Knight – or an apprentice, more likely, he wasn’t that much older than she was – into an Inquisitor. From the way he had flinched from her –
She knew what that would have meant with anyone else, even another Imperial officer.  Hera knew that in at least one way she was lucky, and knew from rumor that one or two of the other nonhumans in the service weren’t, or at least weren’t in the same way.
She put a hand over her eyes and opened them, letting a little light trickle in between her fingers. She hadn’t slept with the lights turned all the way up, though they hadn’t been at their lowest level (or just her small nightlight) either.  It was, she knew, stupid for a Twi’lek to be afraid of the dark, but after the Spire’s tendency to turn on and turn off the lights in her cell at random intervals Hera couldn’t bear complete darkness.
He had said he had been on missions before, but only with his master, not on his own – not operating as the only Inquisitor present, at least.  Hera didn’t know if it took as long to train an Inquisitor as it did to train an Imperial officer, but she suspected not.  It was obvious to her that no matter how long he had been an Inquisitor he still thought of himself as a Jedi first.
Back at the Imperial Academy, and again at the ISB Academy, they had always been taught that no matter how good you thought you were, if you thought there was a Jedi out there, the first thing you did was retreat and call the Inquisition.  They were too dangerous for ordinary beings (ordinary humans, the instructor had said first, then corrected himself when he had remembered Hera was in the classroom) to handle.
Hera briefly considered and discarded the possibility that he had been lying about being an Inquisitor for some reason of his own.  Not only was it not the sort of thing that no one in their right mind would lie about, but she knew better than anyone else in the Imperial service what it looked like when someone was forced into it.
Her mind touched on that phrasing, then flinched away.  Hera had had a choice and she had made it.  If sometimes she was ashamed of it, then there was nothing she could do about that. Agent Beneke would have kept her in prison forever; she had been certain of that at the time.  Or worse.  She knew what happened to pretty Twi’lek girls in the Empire; Agent Beneke had been clear about that too, though not until after she had already been in the Academy.  He still brought that threat up at odd intervals, as if to keep her on her toes.
He’s a Jedi, she thought again.  That should have terrified her even more than knowing he was an Inquisitor had.  But Hera remembered Jedi from the Clone Wars, at least a little.  Her father had trusted at least two Jedi.
Not that Hera could trust her father’s experience in any way.
Hera had slept dreamlessly, which could have just been exhaustion after her past few days of poor sleep, but maybe not.  She was still frightened of him – she had to be honest to herself about that – but not to the extent she had been.  At this early hour she wasn’t really bothered to sort through her feelings about why.
She yawned and sat up, then made her way down the ladder and got dressed on autopilot, trying to blink sleep out of her eyes.  Habit made her wrap her lekku, concealing her markings, even though she didn’t always bother if she and Chopper were alone on the Ghost; she didn’t want the Inquisitor to see them, even if the chances he would know what they meant were low.  She didn’t know how much of her conversation with the Pantoran he had overheard the previous evening.  Even before then he had known enough to ask about her clan.
As she made her way into the galley, she was thinking about caf – however the Inquisitor had made it had been considerably better than she ever did – and a little wistfully about the fish-shaped stuffed pastries she had seen in the market yesterday.  She didn’t expect to find the Inquisitor sitting at the galley table, his head pillowed on his arms.  He jerked upright when the door slid open, his expression startled.
Hera stared at him. He had clearly been crying, though his face was dry now; his eyes were red and swollen, and there was a crease on his cheek where the fabric of his sleeve had pressed into it.  For an instant he met her eyes, then his gaze slid away and he said, “I’m sorry.  After yesterday, I couldn’t – I couldn’t be in a room with the door closed, even unlocked.”
Hera blinked at him. “I understand,” she said, because she had days like that too.  She admitted, “I have to sleep with a light.”
He looked at her again, then scrubbed the heels of his hands across his face in an obvious attempt to clear the sleep from his eyes.  He didn’t look like an Inquisitor, just a weary, grief-stricken young man with scars on his face.
Hera started to say something, then hesitated, thinking about the ISB surveillance on the Ghost.  Finally, she said, “Do you want to get breakfast in the market?  I saw a pastry stall I’d like to try.”
The Inquisitor’s expression was confused.  Hera raised her gaze briefly to the ceiling, hoping he had been with the Empire long enough to understand what she meant by that.  After a moment he nodded and slid out from behind the table.  “I’ll get my coat.”
Hera went back to her cabin to get her jacket and her blaster.  She met the Inquisitor coming out of his cabin in the corridor, his face briefly fixed in concentration as he pulled his hair back with a tie – it was just barely long enough for that.  Neither of them said anything until they were down in the hold, where Hera told Chopper to stay with the Ghost again, a prospect he met with vocal protest and declarations of boredom.
“You’re always bored unless you’re getting into trouble,” Hera told him. “Deal with it.  And don’t get into trouble.”
He grumbled with her and rolled back into the ship.  Hera barely managed to hop off the Ghost’s ramp and join the Inquisitor on the docking bay hold before Chopper raised the ramp behind her. “Stop that!” she shouted at him, which was met with a round of irritated beeping that abruptly cut off as the ramp closed.  She turned back to the Inquisitor, trying to hide her smile – probably why Chopper had done it, since he usually didn’t mess with her to the extent he did with everyone else.
She turned back to the Inquisitor to find him watching her with interest.  His gaze darted away quickly when he saw her looking at him. Hera started to speak again, then hesitated, remembering that spaceports usually had security cams in their bays – often with sound, it was true, but there was no need to take chances.
They left the spaceport in silence and turned towards the market they had gone to yesterday, passing a pair of patrolling stormtroopers on the way.  Hera saw another pair near the entrance to the market, but they didn’t seem to be doing anything more sinister than looking out for pickpockets and keeping the trickle of early morning traffic under control.
Hera got an assortment of pastries from the stall she had seen the previous day, delighted to find that they were fish-shaped waffles filled with a variety of fruits or nut butters, with little cones of a honey-like sweetener for dipping or pouring. While she was getting those, she sent the Inquisitor to the market’s caf stall; he came back with two paper cups of caf and a paper bag filled with powdered sugar and some kind of fried sweet dough.  They went over to one of the small round metal tables by a gurgling fountain and sat eating and drinking in silence except for the splashing of the fountain, sharing the food between them.  When they were down to the last waffle and the dregs of their caf, Hera wiped her sticky fingers on a paper napkin and raised her gaze to the Inquisitor.
He was watching her warily, but started to look aside.  Hera said, “Don’t.”
His gaze went back to her. “Do you want more caf?”
“Maybe later,” Hera said. She was sitting so close to the fountain that she could lean over and dip her fingers in, getting the last of the honey and powdered sugar off them.  She dried them on the napkin, listening to the fountain; it reminded her of the Syndulla townhouse in Lessu, the Court of the Seven Fountains.  She turned her memory determinedly away from that.
She had picked this table because of the fountain, and not because she could easily clean her hands. It was noisy enough that any conversation they had would be covered up by the sound of splashing water.
The Inquisitor looked at it too, keeping his gaze on the water instead of her. “Yes, I am,” he said eventually, his voice so soft that Hera could barely hear it. “I was.”
His expression was a little panicked in a way that Hera recognized.  Technically speaking, it was illegal to be a Jedi; beyond that, they had no legal rights and were considered non-persons by Imperial law, legally dead and unable to marry, hold property, or sign a binding contract.  They could be injured or killed with impunity, though the Empire preferred that the nearest Imperial officials be told so that the Inquisition could deal with them.  Even if she hadn’t been an ISB officer, Hera could have drowned him in the fountain right now and walked out without having to worry about punishment.
If he hadn’t been an Inquisitor.
She just nodded, then pushed the remaining waffle over to him, since he had been eyeing it and Hera was full.  He picked it up, broke it in half, and offered her the tail; Hera shook her head, smiling briefly.
“How long?” she asked him.
He frowned in thought, his lips moving silently as he tried to count.  Finally he said, “What year is it?”
When Hera told him, he grimaced and said, “Three years.”
“Five for me, counting the Academy.”  She wasn’t going to count the Spire in that.
He met her gaze for an instant, then looked down at the waffle halves in his hands.  He put the head down on the folded paper bag they had been using as a plate and picked at the tail he was still holding.
“What were the braids last night?” Hera asked gently. “That you –”  She hesitated over what to say next.
He put the tail down, the grief on his face suddenly so open and so raw that Hera had to look away. “They’re padawan braids – the beads are for species who don’t grow hair.  They –”  He stopped, as if the enormity of what that display meant had undone him. “Padawans are – were – J – apprentices, learners.”
Hera felt the blood draining from her face. “Children?”
He nodded.  After a moment he touched a finger to the spot behind his right ear and said, “I cut mine off after – after.  That many – there –”  He flattened his hands against the table, but Hera could see him shaking. “I know everyone in the Temple died, but there would have been cohorts on learning expeditions, or on their Gatherings, or –”
“There’s an old temple on this planet, isn’t there?” Hera asked. “Maybe they were just scavenged –”
“They’re not kept. There’s a ceremony – when you’re Knighted –”  He was talking in jerks, as if he couldn’t bear to think about it for more than a few seconds at a time.  “They’d have to be taken from a living person.”
Hera didn’t say anything for a few moments, giving him time to recover.  When he had stopped shaking, she asked, “What about the other artifacts there?”
He shook his head.  “I can’t tell.  A lot of the temples have – had – been around for centuries, even millennia, and I’d only been to the Coruscant temple and the Ilum temple before – before.  They might have come from the temple here.”  He looked down at the remains of the waffle in front of them; he’d shredded it in his distress.  “I’d like to visit the temple here to make certain.”
“It’s still standing?” Hera said, surprised; she thought most of the Jedi temples had long since been razed.
“I’m not sure.  I couldn’t find files on it one way or another at the Crucible – at Inquisition headquarters.  I was told that it had been cleared, but that doesn’t mean the physical structure was destroyed.  And it’s possible that there were parts of it that were hidden and that the Inquisitors who cleared it didn’t find at the time; a lot of the old outpost temples are – were – like that.”
Hera nodded. “Where is it?”
“North of here, a little to the west.  It’s not on any maps, but I should be able to find it.”
Hera eyed him. “You don’t have to be in the pilot’s seat, do you?”
For an instant the corner of his mouth quirked in something that was too fleeting to be called a smile. “I can tell you which way to go.”  He sighed and drank the remainder of his caf, then pushed the waffle shreds together and dumped them back in the paper bag.  “We’d better leave soon if we want to get there and back before the first auction tonight.”
They took the Phantom instead of the Ghost, which predictably ignited another round of protests from Chopper, whom Hera left behind to keep an eye on the ship. Something about this op had her uneasy other than the Inquisitor’s presence; she didn’t want to leave the Ghost unattended.
It would have been easier to let the Inquisitor pilot, but Hera wasn’t in the mood for it; after they left the city the Inquisitor left the jump seats in the back and came up to the front, balancing himself with one hand on Hera’s chair.  He directed her to make minute adjustments to her course; when Hera glanced back at him, she saw that he had his eyes closed, his free hand slightly extended.  She shivered and turned her attention back to the controls.
Eventually she set the Phantom down at the edge of a mountain lake whose blueness was dazzling.  The Inquisitor shook himself all over before he opened his eyes, like a nervous anooba, and regarded the lake through the viewport.
“I don’t see any temple,” Hera said. “I don’t see any – well, any anything except trees and the lake.”
It was very beautiful. They were about halfway up a white-peaked mountain, with tall evergreen trees rising up around them and a steep cliff on the far side of the lake.  When Hera opened the Phantom’s hatch, she started sneezing again immediately and had to dig her allergy tablets out of a pocket. When she had taken them and wiped her streaming nose and eyes, she joined the Inquisitor outside and found him standing with his arms folded, considering the trees, the mountain, and the lake in turn.
Hera looked at the trees, which towered above them.  “These haven’t been cut recently,” she said.  “If there had been a temple here –”
“There’s a temple here,” the Inquisitor said, frowning deeply.  “I can sense it.”
“Well, I can’t see it,” Hera said. “Maybe we’re in the wrong spot –”
“No, it’s here –”  He stopped abruptly, staring at the lake. “Stay here,” he ordered, then took three running steps forward and dove into the water.
“Wait!” Hera exclaimed, but she was too late to stop him.  For an instant she could see a dark shape cutting cleanly through the water, then it vanished. “Blast it!”
She went back into the Phantom to find the rebreathers and double-check that she didn’t have anything in her pockets that couldn’t get wet.  Wincing at the prospect of getting into a mountain lake probably fed entirely by ice melt from the snowpack on the peak, she pulled her goggles down over her eyes, made certain that she had her rebreather in place, and waded into the lake after the Inquisitor.
She had been right. The water was absolutely freezing.
Hera wasn’t a very good swimmer, but she did know how.  The lake bottom dropped off abruptly a few feet beyond the edge of the shore, and Hera anooba-paddled awkwardly for a few moments before she ducked her head under the water, turning on the light she had brought with her when she realized how dark it was beneath the surface.  She swam towards the dark shape that she thought was the Inquisitor, hoping that there weren’t giant water lizards or something equally awful in the lake with her.
It took her longer than she had expected.  She went deeper, too, fighting back her fear of the dark and holding onto her light so tightly that her knuckles ached, though that could have been the cold.  As she finally reached the figure, she realized it wasn’t the Inquisitor at all, but a statue that seemed to have grown up out of the lake floor – humanoid, with long flowing robes and an upraised weapon. It was three times again as tall as her, Hera realized as she swam closer, and then, squinting, realized it was a Twi’lek man in what she recognized as Jedi robes.  Waterweed had wrapped around his lekku and the lightsaber he was holding.  Hera swam past him, and saw the Inquisitor.
He was treading water, illuminated by a sun shaft that had somehow penetrated this deep into the lake. It made him look ethereal somehow, a creature of light rather than flesh and blood.  Hera hesitated, treading water beside the statue, then swam forward. When she came up alongside him, he shot her a startled look.
Hera dug her spare rebreather out of her pocket with her free hand and offered it to him.  She didn’t think most humans could have held their breaths this long without drowning, but maybe Inquisitors – Jedi – Force-users – were different.
He took the rebreather. Bubbles rose up from it after he had gotten it in his mouth, ascending upwards towards the surface of the lake far above them.  He made a shooing motion after them, looking pointedly at her; Hera shook her head and remained firmly where she was, shining the light around them.
They were at the edge of the lake, where it came up against the mountain cliff she had spotted from the Phantom.  Hera played her light over the cliff, wondering what the Inquisitor thought he was doing, then moved it back when it struck sparks from something.
There was a mosaic inlaid into the cliff wall.
Hera squinted at it in the gloom, but while Twi’lek eyes were adapted for seeing in the dark, they were near useless underwater.  Human eyes were slightly better at it, if not ideal either, but she didn’t think that the Inquisitor was bothering to look for a manual release for the door, assuming there was a door at all.  She looked at him instead.
He was looking at the mosaic, his expression very tired and very bleak.  As though aware of her eyes on him, he flicked his gaze towards her, then sighed, sending another stream of bubbles rising upwards.  As calmly as if he was on the shore outside he folded himself into a cross-legged position and closed his eyes, resting his upturned hands on his knees.
Hera wondered if she was meant to do the same, but didn’t see any point in it, so she just stayed where she was, treading water and trying to concentrate on the sunlight above her rather than the darkness all around them.  She hadn’t realized the lake was this deep.
After several minutes, the Inquisitor opened his eyes again.  He lifted one hand from his knees, stretching it out in the direction of the mosaic.
Hera’s lekku twitched at the ripple that ran through the water, then the water shivered around her. There was a low grating noise that seemed to thrum through her bones, then the mosaic in front of them glittered in the beam of her handlight as it began to move, descending downwards towards the lake floor.
Hera squeaked in surprise as suddenly moving water dragged them both forwards, towards the dark maw revealed by the mosaic’s descent.  The Inquisitor caught her with one arm around her waist, keeping her with him as he let the water carry them forwards.  Hera shut her eyes, gripping the handlight so tightly that her fingers ached; right now she didn’t care what he thought about her, she just didn’t want to be looking when it swallowed them.
It took longer than she expected.
She was chilled and shaking when they broke the surface of the water; the Inquisitor fumbled the rebreather out with his free hand and said, “It’s all right – you can open your eyes.”
They were still mostly in the water.  After a few moments where the Inquisitor steered them towards what Hera assumed was some kind of shore or landing – she could feel his legs moving under the water – she managed to open one eye, then another, and wished she hadn’t, because they were in a big dark space and her tiny handlight did nothing but emphasize how big and empty it was.
“There’ll be a light here somewhere,” the Inquisitor told her.  “Come on –”  He swore as he bumped abruptly into some kind of hard-edged stone, then shifted so he could inspect it.
Hera took a shuddering breath, then reached up with her free hand to remove her rebreather.  She shined her light around them, spotting the dim shape of steps beneath the water beside them, leading upwards to a dock or landing of some sort.  “H-here,” she said, her teeth chattering.
“I’ve got it.”  When he realized she couldn’t get out herself – Twi’leks really had not evolved to deal with cold weather, let alone cold water – he lifted her carefully, carrying her up out of the dock.
Hera managed to push her goggles up, which didn’t help in any way, and sat down heavily on what felt like moisture-slick marble.  She hadn’t realized how cold she was until she was out of the water.
“Are you all right?” the Inquisitor asked worriedly, crouching down beside her.
Hera glared at him. “I’m cold,” she said through chattering teeth. “And I’m afraid of the dark,” she added, clutching her handlight.  It barely illuminated the space around them; something about the room seemed to defy her Twi’lek vision, which wasn’t as good as it probably should have been in the dark anyway.
The Inquisitor started to reach for the lightsaber on his belt, then stopped.  He straightened up again, turning his eyes upwards as if he could penetrate the blackness around them.  “There should be –” he murmured, letting the words trail off.  For a moment he just stood there, his eyes closed, then he lifted a hand.
Far up above them, a spark of light caught Hera’s eye.  She turned her head up to watch, feeling her mouth drop open in surprise as the light seemed to flash from point to point across the top of the room – far, far above them.  The beams of light remained, refracting in a rainbow of colors and illuminated a tall, chimney-shaped space above them that abruptly widened out to a chamber large enough to comfortably park the Ghost in.  All at once it seemed to run down the walls in veins of glass or crystal; the Inquisitor twisted his wrist in a gesture that was simultaneously calculated and casual and Hera had to close her eyes against the sudden blaze of light.
When she opened them again, she gasped.  The Inquisitor was still standing, his hands now hanging at his sides, but she could see the entirety of the chamber.  Massive sculptured reliefs lined the walls of the big round room, hooded figures of a dozen different species, all holding lightsabers whose crystal blades caught and held the light refracted from the crystals embedded in the walls far above them. Half the figures were on the dock; the other half were partially submerged by the water, their blades reflected in the glossy liquid.  The Inquisitor was looking at them with so much longing that it hurt to see, and Hera turned her face away.
After a moment he leaned down to help her up.  “There’s a window up near the top of the chamber,” he said quietly. “If I change the angle of the crystal near the top of the ceiling, then it reflects the sunlight – or the starlight – to the other crystals set into the walls.”
“It’s beautiful,” Hera said, looking around at the chamber again as she turned her handlight off. All of those hooded faces scared her a little, but even if she couldn’t make out their features she could tell that they hadn’t all been meant to be human.  Some were taller than the others, some smaller, some with bulges beneath the carved hoods for horns, montrals, or lekku.  The crystalline lightsabers were all shades of blue, green, and yellow.
“Yes,” the Inquisitor said, an odd note in his voice.  He had taken his hand away from hers as soon as she was on her feet, but he hesitated now, looking at her.  “I can probably dry your clothes for you,” he said.  When Hera frowned at him, he added defensively, “You said you were cold.”
Hera bit her lip, not liking the idea of him using any of his magic tricks on her, then remembered him sitting beneath the water as if he wasn’t more than slightly bothered by not having a rebreather.  And she was freezing.  She nodded reluctantly.
He put one hand out towards her, not touching, and closed his eyes.  Hera flinched, braced for something awful to happen, but all that did was the Inquisitor’s handsome face creasing in concentration.  She didn’t realize that her clothes had dried until she shifted uneasily and heard the soft rasp of the fabric.
“How did you do that?”
He opened his eyes and for an instant looked entirely satisfied with what he had done.
Hera reached out before she could think about it and stop herself and laid her fingers against his sleeve; his clothes were dry too, though for some reason his hair was still damp. He looked down at her hand and she snatched it back hastily.
After a moment, he said, “I told you to stay with the ship.”
Hera tilted her head back to look at him.  She didn’t have to look up that far; he was tall for a human, but he wasn’t that much taller than she was.  “I don’t take orders from you,” she said. “And you came down without a rebreather.”
He shrugged. “I would have been fine.  Probably.”
“’Probably,’” Hera parroted back at him. “If you’d drowned, who would have had to write that report, hmm?”
He gave her a pained look. “I would have come up before then.”
“I’m not comming the Inquisition to tell them ‘oh, he thought he would be fine, but unfortunately, he drowned,’” Hera said archly.
The Inquisitor started to reply, then stopped, wincing. “No,” he said eventually. “I know what my master would think about that.”  He rubbed a thumb over the inside of his opposite wrist, then took his hand away and said, “Since you’re here, we might as well have a look around.”
He gestured at a small dark opening between two of the reliefs that Hera hadn’t noticed before. Hera hesitated for an instant, balking at the idea of going willingly into the dark even with her handlight, then squared her shoulders and followed the Inquisitor.  She didn’t want him to know she was nervous, even though she had already told him she was afraid of the dark.  In a Jedi temple, the shadows felt weightier somehow than they did elsewhere, as if they were watching her.
Her unease grew as they entered the narrow corridor and she clicked on her light.  It didn’t penetrate very far, not more than a few steps ahead of them; Hera knew that it should have illuminated far more space than that.  She couldn’t shake the feeling that the temple didn’t approve of her presence here, as if it knew that she wasn’t a Jedi and that she didn’t belong.
You’re dead, Hera thought grimly at that looming darkness. You’re all dead.  You betrayed the Emperor and you were destroyed for it.  You don’t have any power left.
For her entire career the Jedi had been the bogeyman beneath Imperial beds, though Hera was just old enough to remember when they had been spoken of with awe – albeit grudging – on Ryloth.  She almost remembered meeting the ones who had been on Ryloth during the Clone War, but couldn’t be certain of it.  Her parents had talked about the Jedi; she could have imagined meeting them.
The Inquisitor was, or had been, a Jedi.  Hera should have been frightened of him on those grounds, if not for his being an Inquisitor.
She glanced sideways at him, noting silently that his scarred face was like death.  He hadn’t bothered to ignite his lightsaber or produce a handlight of his own.
“How did you become an Inquisitor?” Hera asked him suddenly.
He glanced down at her, frowning, then said, “I got arrested for grand theft astro by the only local law enforcement in the galaxy that bothers to upload to the Imperial databases, so it keyed the Imperial alerts on me – they’ve got my files from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.  My master showed up at the police station, beat me unconscious in the captain’s office, and then dragged me back to Mustafar to repeat it until it took.”
Hera said the only thing she could think of, which was, “Local law enforcement is supposed to upload all arrests to the Imperial databases.”
“I know,” he said glumly. “Mostly they don’t.  I just got lucky.”  He flicked a glance at her, but didn’t say anything else.
Hera looked down, feeling a blush heat her cheeks.  She didn’t need anyone to tell her that it had been an utterly inappropriate question. It was a testament to the Inquisitor’s good manners that he hadn’t turned the question back on her.
“Why were you stealing a spaceship?” she said eventually.
“I needed to go somewhere,” he said, lifting a shoulder in a shrug. “I’m – I was – usually better at it.” He flicked another glance at her and added dryly, “I’ve broken the habit of stealing ships.”
“I wasn’t worried,” Hera said. “You’d have to get through Chopper first.”
“And on that note, I’ll definitely pass.”
He stopped short as they left the narrow corridor for what Hera could tell immediately was a much larger space, the last word echoing oddly and making her lekku twitch.  Since her handlight still didn’t illuminate more than a few meters ahead of her she turned it down instead, startled by the warm glow of the inlaid marble floor.
The Inquisitor turned his face up to the empty space above them, and the grief on his face was so terrible to see that Hera looked away.
“Can you – see anything?” she asked him uncertainly.  This room had the same quality as the other chamber, where it seemed to repel her Twi’lek vision.
“I don’t need to.” His voice was soft.  After a moment, he looked down at her, apparently read her anxious expression, and made a gesture with his hand.
Light sprang up around the chamber, a big circular room with a vaulted ceiling and columns along the round walls; Hera had looked up, searching for another mirror and crystal construction like the other room, but these lights seemed to be some kind of artificial lighting rather than reflected sunlight. A number of corridors branched off between the columns, dark and unlit.
She looked at the Inquisitor to see him frowning, a little consternation on his face.  “What is it?”
“I don’t think this temple was cleared,” he said. “I’ve been to the temples on Ilum and Devaron – and Coruscant – and I was with the Hunts that went to Bardotta and Jedha.  The Inquisition never went through here.”
“You said this temple had been cleared,” Hera said, looking around.  “There’s no one here, how can you –”
“I can tell,” he said grimly.  “For one, the lights wouldn’t work if the Inquisition had gone through.  For another –”  He hesitated for a long moment, then put one hand out to rest against the pale marble of the nearest column.  “For another,” he went on eventually, “the Inquisition…destroys things. Especially things of the Jedi. Sometimes because it wants to – to take the pieces apart and reuse them somehow, corrupt them, dirty them.”  He looked down.  “Sometimes because all they want to do is destroy, because the idea of leaving anything of the Jedi whole in the galaxy is counter to what they are. Not after – not after.”
He rubbed a hand over his face, then touched the column again.  “This is clean.”
Hera studied his fixed expression, then said, “Who told you that it had been cleared?”
He was quiet for a moment, then said, “The Whip – the main trainer at the Crucible, at Inquisition headquarters, I mean.  My m – the Hunter is in command of Inquisitors in the field, but the Whip controls the Crucible.  He doesn’t like me.”
“Why not?”
“It’s complicated.” He looked away, into the darkness of the corridor opposite them, then his eyes widened a little.  “Unless there’s another entrance to this temple, then the Inquisition wouldn’t have been able to get in at all.  They –”  He swung around to stare back into the corridor they had just come from, where the faint light of the statues and their blades still gleamed dimly at the end of the shadow.
Hera stared at him, puzzled and impatient. “So?”
“The auction might be a feint.  Everything there could be more recent, from the Clone Wars, not from the High Republic. Some of it definitely is.  That sort of thing is interdicted, but it’s not dangerous, it’s just – not something the Empire wants on the market.  The temple –”  He swallowed.  “The Inquisition would want the temple.  But if no one could find it – if no one else could get in –”
“Why wouldn’t they?” Hera asked, trying to keep her voice matter-of-fact and interested rather than annoyed.  She could tell that his distress was real, but she couldn’t work out why he was so upset.
After a moment the Inquisitor looked down at her. “No one who isn’t a Jedi would be able to get in,” he said eventually. “I shouldn’t have been able to, not really, not after – but the fact that I could without difficulty –”  He paused, something unreadable tracing its way across his scarred face.  “The Whip – or my master – might have wanted to test if I could.”
“But you are,” Hera said. “You said that you were a Jedi.”
He flinched.  “I used to be.  I shouldn’t – I shouldn’t still be.  Not the kind that can still get into this temple.  Or even find it.  I didn’t even think about that because I thought it had been cleared.”
With some difficulty, Hera resisted her urge to scream, just tell me what you mean! at him and said, “I don’t understand.  You used the – the Force to get into the temple.  But Inquisitors use the Force too, don’t they? I’ve seen them do it.  Why should it matter whether or not you’re a Jedi or an Inquisitor or a –”  She had to wrack her brain to think of the other Force cults, since with only a few exceptions they were outlawed in the Empire.  “– a Guardian of the Whills or a Dagoyan adept?  It’s all the same, isn’t it?”
He shook his head. “It’s not at all.  It’s –” He bit his lip, thinking, then said cautiously, “You probably think of the Force as – as something anyone can use, like a blaster?”
“Well, not anyone,” Hera said pointedly.  “But if you can use it, then you can use it, can’t you?”
“No.  It’s not like that.  It’s – the best comparison might be programming languages.  Or piloting?”  He looked at her quizzically; she shrugged in response.  He shrugged back.  “Neither of those is quite right anyway.  If you aren’t trained as a Jedi, then you just – the temple can’t be perceived far as the Force is concerned. It’s like it’s…on another level of the Force.  Like how humans can’t see in the dark, but Twi’leks can, because your eyes work differently than ours.”
Hera wished he hadn’t used that example.
“It’s not an exact comparison,” he admitted, “but it’s the best I can think of.  And being able to get in – I shouldn’t – I shouldn’t have been able to.  Like not having the key.  Except it let me in.  And it shouldn’t have done that.  It just – it shouldn’t have done that.”
Hera took a deep breath. She still didn’t really understand, but she was beginning to think that there might not be any way for her to. Maybe it was like every time she had been ordered into the Twi’lek enclaves on various worlds, except that unlike her, he wasn’t supposed to be able to pass.  And he could.
“Do you want to leave?” she asked him.
His face was like death. “We’re already here,” he said, a little blankly.  “We might as well see the rest of it, just to make sure that nothing from the auction came from here.”  He took a shaky breath, his eyes very frightened.  “Then I’ll have to report in.”
31 notes · View notes
hrtiu · 3 years
I know you're probably tired of writing but I LOVE your Rexsoka!!! Would it be possible to see a Rebels Rexsoka where Ahsoka gets injured bad and Rex has to sit by helplessly as she's taken care of by medical staff... and maybe with the Ghost crew seeing how it affects him... (aka they figure out how close the two are). Also, maybe a follow up of Ahsoka frustrated with her injury because she's not used to needing help. Was thinking leg injury. Love seeing vulnerable Ahsoka. Thanks!
I’m sorry it took me so long to get to this ask, but thank you so much for submitting it! Rexsoka will always be my favorite TCW ship, and I love writing for it! I hope you enjoy.
“We’re coming in hot!” Hera shouted from the cockpit.
“Ezra, get the door!” Kanan said, moving to grip Ahsoka under her shoulders. “Zeb, you get her legs.”
The Ghost’s breaking thrusters screamed in protest as Hera pulled her in for a rushed landing. The landing gear struck the landing pad of Chopper Base with a heavy thunk and Ezra dashed for the door and punched it open. He ran down the gangplank and Kanan and Zeb carried an unconscious Ahsoka out of the ship after him.
The first person Ezra saw was Rex, puttering around by the generator. “Rex! Get the med unit ready! Ahsoka’s been injured!”
Rex looked up from the generator in confusion, then his eyes fell on Ahsoka’s limp form in Kanan and Zeb’s care. The bacta pad tied around her waist was keeping her alive, but it couldn’t block the trail of red liquid oozing from her torso. 
Rex’s face went white as his beard. “What happened?”
“No time,” huffed Ezra. “Get the med unit!”
Rex’s eyes glazed over, and Ezra wondered if now would be the moment Rex’s unstoppable soldier persona decided to fail. Then the former clone captain snapped to attention, dropped the tools he’d been carrying to the ground, and ran full-tilt towards the med bunker near the back of the base.
Ezra helped hold Ahsoka steady while Kanan and Zeb carried her to the med bunker. They set Ahsoka gingerly down on the med unit and Rex set to work cleaning, cauterizing, and redressing her wound. Kanan and Zeb left to update Hera, and Ezra made himself useful however he could, grabbing bacta, bandages, the cauterizer—whatever Rex needed.
“What happened?” Rex asked again as he carefully peeled off Ahsoka’s ruined bandages. “I thought this was supposed to be a low-security munitions factory.”
“It was, but something went wrong with the charges we set. The explosion radius was bigger than we thought, and a piece of shrapnel got Ahsoka.”
Rex’s lips pulled together and his brows furrowed, but he didn’t look away from his work. “Got it.”
The rest of the crew of the Ghost hovered about just outside the med bunker, but the space was cramped and more hands wouldn’t help. Rex was the most experienced with emergency medicine of their little team, and Ezra thanked his stars that he’d been the first to respond to his cry for help on Chopper Base.
Rex asked for the handheld cauterizing laser, and Ezra placed it in his hand.
“I need you to keep her still, alright kid?” Rex said. “This next part might be rough.”
Ezra put his hands on Ahsoka’s shoulders in preparation, but worried he wouldn’t be able to do much if she jolted. She was strong, both physically and in the Force. That’s when it occurred to him that he wasn’t too shabby with the Force either,
Ezra kept his hands on Ahsoka’s shoulders, but instead of pressing down he closed his eyes and let his consciousness sink into hers, like he did when negotiating with a tooka or calming a loth wolf. He communicated peace and comfort, as well as a willingness to bear some of her pain.
Rex turned the cauterizer on and Ahsoka’s muscles seized up, her jaw clenching and her hands balling into tight fists. Peace, comfort, security, Ezra sent to her, and some of her pain flowed into him. Together, they bore the harsh cleansing burn of the laser, and Ahsoka managed to keep still.
Rex put the laser away and held his hand out to Ezra again. “Bacta.”
Ezra let go of Ahsoka’s shoulders. She was limp again, likely passed out from the pain. He found Rex the tub of topical bacta gel and handed it to him. Rex took it and spread some of the gloopy gel onto his fingers then, with infinite care, slowly spread it across the burned surface of Ahsoka’s wound. His touch glided over the angry wound like it was the most delicate, beautiful flower in the galaxy, like she might fade away if he was too rough.
The charred wound slowly began knitting together, the burnt brown fading to a crusted tan. The tension in Ahsoka’s unconscious features faded, and to Ezra it seemed she shifted from unconsciousness to sleep. Rex leaned back against the wall of the bunker and sighed, deep lines of stress aging his already-worn features.
“We’re past the dangerous part, now,” Rex said. “You should tell the others.”
Ezra nodded and left to find the rest of the Ghost crew. Hera beamed with pleasure and Kanan let out a sigh and a small smile. Sabine acted like she’d never been terribly worried in the first place, but Ezra knew how guilty she’d felt about her explosion not going according to plan. Zeb whooped in triumph and Chopper was, well… Chopper. Everyone’s relief was clear, but underlying it lurked an enduring anxiety. These past few months it had become too easy to think of their work as fun and exciting rather than dangerous and potentially deadly.
It took Ezra some time to track everyone down, so by the time he finished his task he decided to go back and check if Rex needed anything else. The door to the med bunker was open when he arrived, and through the opening he could see Rex sitting at Ahsoka’s side, his gaze warm and tender. Ezra cleared his throat and knocked at the side of the door.
Rex looked up. “Oh, Ezra. Care to help me clean up?”
Ezra stepped inside and set about throwing away used bandages, sterilizing tools, and putting things back where they belong alongside Rex. They were just about finished when a soft moan sounded from the med unit.
Ahsoka stirred on the stretcher, and Rex looked up at her with worried, eager eyes. She looked back at him blearily and tried to sit up.
Rex gently pressed her back down. “You’ve been injured, little’un. Try not to move.”
“I remember the blast,” she croaked. “How bad is it?”
Rex frowned. “Bad enough.”
“You were bleeding like crazy on the Ghost,” Ezra said, “but luckily we got you back here in time.”
“Then… I’m going to be alright?” she asked, voice small and uncertain for the first time Ezra had ever heard.
“Yes, you should be. Probably,” Rex said, his frown growing. “The bleeding has stopped, and none of your internal organs were injured too badly. But this was much closer than it should have been.”
Her vulnerability disappeared, and she attempted a weak smile. “How close should it have been?”
“It’s not funny,” Rex said. His eyes dodged hers and his fingers curled tightly over the “501st” scratched into the vambrace he always wore.
Ahsoka’s expression softened, and she reached out to him, setting her hand on his. He looked up at her and the softness in his eyes brought a heat to Ezra’s neck.
Rex reached his other hand to Ahsoka’s cheek, his hands smearing the leftover bacta gel against her white markings. She didn’t seem to mind.
“I already lost you once, I’ll be damned if I lose you again,” he said.
“Rex, you know the risks.”
Rex’s eyes fell to his lap, and she squeezed his hand tight. 
“But I promise I’ll always do everything I can to come back,” she said, her voice smoky and soothing like Ezra sometimes liked to imagine Sabine’s, in his weaker moments.
Rex looked back up at her, his eyes dark and intense. The small room was suddenly stifling, and Ezra’s face was on fire. He was going to die. Maybe he was already dead. He coughed loudly, and Rex and Ahsoka turned to him as if surprised by his existence.
“I, uh, I guess I’ll leave you two alone, then,” Ezra said, backing slowly out of the room. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were together. I mean, Kanan explained to me about the age thing, but-”
Ahsoka dropped Rex’s hand and Rex scooted away from her, his eyes going wide.
“W-we’re not together,” he stammered.
Ahsoka’s lekku flushed a deep blue. “Yeah, just old friends. Wartime buddies.”
“Oh, ok,” Ezra said, still backing away. “Well, um, I think Hera needs me for something.”
Ahsoka opened her mouth to say something, but Ezra was out the door before she had a chance to vocalize it. The door whirred shut behind him, and he leaned back against the durasteel, his skin hot against the cool metal. Well, that was mortifying.
“Kids have such… vivid imaginations.” Ahsoka’s voice sounded from the other side of the door, and Ezra froze.
Rex chuckled, though it rang weak in Ezra’s ears. “Yeah. Crazy, to think that… You know. You and me? Crazy.”
Ezra leaned closer to the door, letting the sound from the other side seep through the crack between the panels. Being in the same room as a couple melting all over each other was a fate worse than death, but eavesdropping? Eavesdropping was one of his favorite pastimes.
“Rex, what if what Ezra said… It might be nice…”
Ezra pressed his ear harder against the cold metal.
Rex’s voice cracked. “Ahsoka-”
A firm hand yanked Ezra away from the door by his ear.
“Ow!” Green headtails bobbed in his peripheral vision. “Hera! What was that for?”
“I’m pretty sure that conversation was none of your business,” Hera said, marching him further away from the bunker.
“I just wanted to know what their deal is,” Ezra said. “Don’t you?”
Hera crossed her arms and heaved a sigh. “Sure, but that’s their business. They’ll figure it out when they’re ready. Relationships… They’re complicated. Especially when Jedi are involved.”
Her focus shifted to some distant point beyond Ezra, and Ezra bit his lip, thinking of Kanan.
“Alright, I get it,” he said. “But I hope they figure things out. They deserve to be happy.”
“Yeah,” Hera said, her attention returning to him. “Me too.”
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calebdumes · 3 years
fake dating/relationship prompt fill for the lovely @pretchatta
I may have let this one get away from me
fandom: star wars rebels
relationship: kanan jarrus/hera syndulla
rating: m (not explicit) 
word count: 2.7k
"Why can't your contact just meet us on the Ghost when he gets into town?" Kanan asked for the millionth time as they navigated the winding streets of Neshorino. Hera resisted the urge to roll her eyes and adjusted the bag on her shoulder.
"Because," she replied in an even tone that didn't reflect her growing irritation with the man. "My contact left explicit instructions to meet him at Neeli's Inn." 
"Yeah but your contact also said he was at least three rotations out. So I don't know why we can't just wait for him there."
"He's already paid for our room Kanan." Hera squinted at him, the sun dancing brightly off of the colored spires that dotted the city. "It would be rude to reject his hospitality."
That and her contact was overtly cautious about this meet up. That’s why they left the Ghost two cities over and had to take a shuttle to the Capital. The Ghost wasn’t tagged by the Imperials and it’s signature modulator made a world of difference on jobs like these but her contact had insisted and Hera obliged. 
Kanan grumbled something under his breath but continued on beside her. He had been antsy ever since he stepped off the Ghost, on edge and starting to get on her last nerves. If she didn't already know that this was a two person job, she would have left him behind with Chopper but then again, her contact had been extremely specific, two people were needed. 
In all honestly, Hera would have thought Kanan would be all about this job, three days on a beautiful planet with all expenses more or less paid for. This was right up his alley. Well, except for the mission part of it. He still wasn't fully on board with the cause, she doubted he ever would be but he was slowly warming up to Hera's rebel activity. Heavy emphasis on slowly. 
"It will be fine." she tried to assure him, stepping out of the way as a group of school aged Abednedo children rushed by. "Think of it as a vacation, three days to relax while we wait on my contact."
"If we want a vacation, we should go to Spira." He looked around at the curious city carved into the mountain side with a perplexed expression. "Or some place less crowded."
This time, Hera did roll her eyes. "Duly noted." she said before turning down a wide side street that led directly to the side of the mountain. 
The rust colored rock of the mountain side that made up the façade of the inn, was ornately carved with flowering vines, the arched windows that dotted the surface were thrown open to emit the high breeze, vibrantly colored curtains spilling out like banners.
She followed the path leading to Neeli's Inn, the sun warming her face and lekku. She didn't know what Kanan's problem was, this place was far better than some of the other planets they had visited. Before she pushed over the heavy wooden door to the inn she turned to face her partner, grabbing onto his arm to stop his movement. 
"My contact said the owner is a bit of a traditionalist." she warned.
Kanan arched a heavy brow at that. "A traditionalist of what?"
"He didn't say, so just be cautious."
"Aye, aye captain." he gave her a jaunty little salute in response. 
Sometimes Kanan was insufferable. 
The foyer glowed orange and yellow from the glowstones trapped in ornate diamond shaped lights, giving the wide space in a warm and inviting feel. The woman manning the front desk however, not so much. 
"Can I help you?" the weathered looking Abednedo woman snapped as they walked up. Her long greying hair was tied back into a single braid that she looped over her shoulders like a scarf. She eyed them with a faint trace of disgust, her mouth tentacles curling.  
"We have a reservation, under Starbird." Hera supplied, ignoring how Kanan was glowering beside her. 
The woman tapped on her datapad before asking bluntly. "You're married?"  
Hera balked. "I'm sorry, what?"
"No unmarried couples are allowed to share living quarters." she glanced at them. "and you only have a reservation for one room."
Hera felt her chest tighten with anxiety. Her contact could have let her know that little rule before setting them up for a three night stay. She was formulating a response when Kanan's arms snaked out and linked with hers, pulling her up against his side.
"We’ve been married one year tomorrow if you can believe it." he said giving Hera an adoring smile that made her knees go weak. "Right dear?"
"What?" she said again, her mind suddenly refusing to think beyond married, Kanan, and the warmth of his body pressed up against hers. He gave her a little nudge, his smile taking on a desperate edge. "Oh right. Yes." she nodded with a wooden smile. "Tomorrow's our anniversary." The words came out stilted and unsure but just about everything in her mind was shot circuiting at the moment. 
The Abednedo woman looked unconvinced as she handed over their room key. "Room 406." she clipped out. "Breakfast is over at 9 so don't be late."
"If it's as good as we heard, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Kanan said with a wink before dragging Hera up the stone steps behind the desk. He didn't let go of her until they were well out of the Abednedo's view, right when Hera's mind decided to come back online.
"What was that?" she hissed, stepping away from him, smoothing her hands down the front of her flight suit.  
"By saying we were married?"
"Hey," he pointed his finger at her. "You're the one who said it would be rude to reject your contact's hospitality. Besides, what happened to thinking of this mission as a vacation?"
"Yeah well now we're going to have to pretend that we're married so we don’t get kicked out!" she rushed out, her voice a little higher than normal. “Or worse!”
Kanan stopped by the door marked 406 and leaned slightly into her space, enough to make her breath catch at the sudden closeness. "Would that be such a hard thing to do?" he said in a low voice. 
Hera swallowed. It was getting difficult to think again. Kanan was right there, those green blue eyes locked on her, his lips just inches from hers. Close enough to kiss, to taste. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest, her mouth going dry. But then Kanan took a step back, his face impassive. "Or we could just go back and wait on the Ghost."
"N-no." she choked out before clearing her throat. "No, it's fine. It's just three days right?"
Kanan smirked and swiped the key through the door control. "Right, three days on a beautiful planet with good company. What could go wrong?" 
Hera let her breath out in a long push, following Kanan into the room and subsequently running right into the solid muscle of his back. 
"Oh you gotta be kriffing me." he said in a low groan. Hera darted around him and took in the room. It was bright and airy, the doors leading to a wide balcony thrown open to let in the clean sunlight. Ruby red drapes fluttered in the constant breeze, contrasting with the thick stripes of dusky purple in the etched stone walls. But the thing that had caught Kanan's attention wasn't the beauty of the room. It was the bed. 
The one, single canopy bed pushed up against the wall draped with gossamer white silk.
Hera groaned. "You gotta be kriffing me."
"I'll sleep on the floor." Kanan said, dropping his bag down at his feet. 
"No you don't have to do that." She rubbed at the base of her lekku. "We can share right? It's fine with me if it's okay with you."
"Whatever you want to do, Captain." 
She nodded. "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay."
Everything was decidedly not going to be okay. 
The first night Hera hardly slept, stiff as a board while Kanan breathed lightly beside her. A mountain of pillows sat between them, demarcating their sides of the bed. She closed her eyes and tried to force herself to sleep but it was impossible knowing that Kanan was right there. 
When morning came, the sky a brilliant wash of colors outside their room, her eyes were puffy and dry from lack of sleep. Kanan looked just as bad, his hair adorably mussed and a frown heavy on his lips. Hera slipped from the bed and locked herself in the ‘fresher to dress, her brown slacks and light purple tunic a far cry from the safety and comfort of her flight suit.
Breakfast had been another challenge. The dinning hall was practically empty when they arrived. Only Neeli sat at a table, looking up at the with a pointed look. Kanan’s arm snaked around her waist, holding her close as he loaded up a plate of food.
“This is ridiculous.” Hera said picking at a slice of melioorun. Kanan had pushed their chairs close together at the table, his feet resting against hers. It made Hera’s stomach clench uncomfortably. 
He hummed in agreement before tossing back the rest of his caf and saying, “Why don’t we get out of here?” he whispered it close to her ear cone. 
“And go where?” 
“See the city.” he breath ghosting over her skin. “Leave our chaperone here to worry about some other poor couple.”
“We’re not a couple.” she said with force. Kanan sat back and Hera instantly missed his warmth. 
“C’mon, just for a few hours. It’ll be fun.”
Hera sighed, giving in with a nod and letting him pull her to her feet. He took her hand in his as they passed by the proprietress and didn’t bother letting go long after they left the inn. She could feel his fingers against her skin. They were surprisingly soft for someone who liked to take on rough and demanding work. He held her hand gently, loose enough that she could slip free anytime she wanted. But the truth was, she couldn’t even if she tried. 
She let him drag her all over the brightly colored city, stopping at nearly every bustling market he could find. Neshorino was a beautiful place but Hera hardly remembered any of it. She was too preoccupied by Kanan. 
Hera wasn't stupid. She knew Kanan had feelings for her, he made that fact pretty clear on Gorse. And while his flirtations hadn't necessarily stopped over the past few months since joining her crew, they had become were few and far between. He knew how she felt about relationships. He knew her priorities. 
But the thing was, Hera found herself missing them, that sly smile and wicked glint in his eyes. Kanan was handsome, a bit reckless but good and kind. He fit into her life like he was always meant to be there, like fate or destiny was somehow pulling the strings, weaving them together. And somewhere between one breath and another, Hera was falling for him.
No, she suspected she had fallen for him not long after she met him. This was much more than that.
She was in love with him.
The realization hit her as she took a bite of her ryshcate, the gooey spiced nuts and flaky pastry sticking to the back of her throat making her cough.
Kanan’s eyes grew wide as she struggled to breathe. She reached for his cup of Jawa Juice and taking a gulp. 
“You okay?” he asked in a voice that was laced with concern. Other beings sitting near them at the café were watching them closely. Hera felt herself blush.
“I’m fine.” she gasped, her eyes watering. “Just went down the wrong way.”
Kanan looked unconvinced, the hallows of his cheeks sharp in the orange glow of sunset. “Why don’t we head back to the room?”
Hera nodded and let him lead her back to the inn hand in hand. As they crossed over the threshold, she rested her head against his shoulder, letting herself believe for a moment what it would be like if they were actually together. 
She pushed the thought aside. There was no use getting lost in daydreams. 
Back in their room, she stripped out of her day clothes and pulled on her black thermal pants, tugging her white shirt over her lekku. Kanan was already under the covers, the sheets tucked under his bare arms as he stared at the white canopy overhead. 
Hera flicked off the light and padded softly over to the bed, curling up under the covers. Her heart panged deep in her chest. She loved him. So what was stopping her from having him?
The mission? No, that was an excuse and she knew it. So what was it?
Fear that he’d throw her aside once he had gotten what he wanted. That he didn’t really love her. That it would ruining the friendship that they had built. That he would break her heart. That she would break his. 
Hera fisted her hands against her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut. So much could go wrong if she let herself have this. There was too much at stake, too much to loose if things turned sour. Hera didn’t know if she could handle that pain. 
“Hera.” Kanan’s voice said. Her eyes flew open to see his face looking over at her from the pillow wall. “What’s wrong?’
He frowned. “I can sleep on the floor if this makes you uncomfortable.”
Her hands unclenched as she sat up. “It’s not that.”
“Then what?” he asked, crossing his legs under him. 
Hera bit her lip, looking down at the sheets pooled around her feet. 
“Hera, tell me what’s going on.”
She shook her head. Damn her fears. Damn the consequences. She wanted him. 
Hera leaned across the pillow blockade and kissed him, softy but with desperation. Kanan froze beneath her and for one heart stopping moment, she feared the worst but then he was kissing her back, his hands coming to rest on her hips. She let herself get lost in the sensation of his lips on her, the heat of his hands where he held her. 
When they broke apart she was breathless, her cheeks molten with heat. Kanan looked just as wrecked as she felt. 
“I love you.” she said. “I love you Kanan Jarrus and I want you.”
Kanan kissed her. She fell onto her back as he kissed along her jaw and down her neck, his admission of love seared into her skin. Her hands traced down his bare chest, feeling his muscles shift as he moved. He pulled off her shirt as she shimmied out of her pants, chuckling when her shirt got caught on her lekku.
He mouthed at her collarbone, the tops of her breasts, her navel, then lower.
“I love you too.” He said as they lay together fully sated and breathless in a tangle of sheets, the pillows scattered on the floor. “In case I didn’t make that clear.”
Hera smiled and kissed his cheek. “You might have to show me again love.”
Kanan grind at her wickedly. “It would be my absolute pleasure dear.”
The next morning at breakfast, they sat side by side, pressed up against each other as her contact, a middle aged Abednedo man with a thick beard on either side of his mouth tentacles explained the mission. 
“There are two refugees that I need you to smuggle out of the system.” He explained, his eyes darting around the dinning hall. “Their names are Immel and Chuli, their parents were arrested for treason and the Empire is hunting them. I need you to deliver them to their Aunt on Batuu.”
“Sounds easy enough.” Kanan said, his pinky finger curled around hers. “Where are they now?”
“You can find them in the House of Strangers. In the lower city.”
Hera frowned. “You said this was a two person job?”
The contact wrung his hands nervously. “Yes,” he looked between them and then down at the table before mumbling, “You will have to pretend to be a couple to take them from the House. It was the only way I could convince their caretake to let you take them from here. Is that going to be a problem?”
Hera smiled up at Kanan. “No that won’t be a problem.” she responded. “Not at all.”
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