#no idea if anyone wants to do these but i hoard names so. i would love more ideas
silktouchhands · 9 months
reblog and say in the tags what name you think fits prev :]
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moonsaver · 29 days
Context before getting into the actual idea: I recently saw some fanart based on concept art for Dr Ratio where he has slightly longer, messier hair and the fanart interpreted this as him having a bit of a rebellious phase when he was younger.
So now I’m just thinking about Reader going to school with him when he was going through this phase. He had a bit of a crush on her but didn’t know how to express it so he just messed with her constantly.
And now they meet again when he’s changed and he hasn’t gotten over her she’s just getting massive amounts of whiplash from how wildly different he is. Could be yandere 👀
Anon. I am GRIPPINT YOU BY THE SHOULDERS. Listen. Unfortunately i doubt i did this justice but i tried my best PLEASE okay
A bit long, under the cut!
Its not exactly easy to imagine Dr. Ratio of all people being rebellious, but that just makes it even more possibly believeable in my opinion. I am deeply convinced he has had his crazy scientist, jerkward asshole phase at least once and was soo deeply embarassed the moment he left it.
But listen. His professors all probably HATED him because he would probably constantly correct them, be so disgustingly overeducated to the point they'd send him to the library or tell him to get lost just so he wouldn't disrupt class. He's the infamous asshole who sits wherever he wants, and hoardes an entire table to himself if he's at the library or at the cafeteria. Any student who needs a pen or eraser or a pencil knows he's NOT the one to ask, even if it was in the middle of an exam worth half their grade and he was the only person beside them. He does literally anything he wants and no one can stop him except probably by force, and if they do, something worse ends up happening to them instead.
Anyways, here comes in reader. Probably already knows his sour reputation. Regardless, maybe you're the poor soul who's his seatmate. If the crush is already established, he's constantly bothering you. Asking for stationaries like the entirety of his desk isn't covered by it already (he likes the miniscule interaction), taking your notebooks without your knowledge and sometimes even scribbling inside of them (its his horrid handwriting, he's just trying to help you with detailed notes), he comments on how "lame" your outfit is, asking about your social life, rolling his eyes when your response isn't exactly.. pleasing (he's actually a bit content with it. Perhaps you'll hang out with him more, instead?). You note the smell of alcohol trailing him a bit everytime you interact with him.
It's not easy for him, especially when you can't seem to keep up and look so queasy around him. Aeons, his heart is so twisted up and squeezed everytime he seems to be getting more distant from you, but he just has no idea how to convey his feelings. Not when he didn't even account for the fact he'll have a crush on anyone in the first place.
Anyways, timeskip!
You're probably a researcher of some sort, maybe not so well known. Let's just say for the sake of simplicity you're a researcher on Herta's space station. It's not too soon before he runs into you, probably after the whole mess at the station's been "cleaned up" regarding the curio and whatever. Maybe he doesn't leave right after that interaction with Screwellum, and he decides to, by his curiosity, take a look around once again before he leaves (certainly not because he's heard a familiar name thrown around a few times).
And there you are. In your little research-getup, professional vernacular, hair all neat. He's probably right behind you in an instant, and you turn around to look as the colleague you were talking to suddenly starts stuttering and becoming squeamish while looking behind you. There he is, in all his (cruel?) Glory. The infamous asshole who was your classmate.
But.. it's surprising how much more mellow he's become (at least towards you?). His hair are neatly tamed, his build is taller and more muscular than it was back then, but his attire is also quite tame (if not a little.. fancy?), compared to his brash taste back then. His eyes still seem to hold contempt, but more distantly so.
Veritas figures your mouth is agape and you're speechless considering the change in his countenance as of recent. He's also not yet come to terms with the fact that his heart still twists and squeezes whenever he sees that unsure look on your face. If you were made of clay, and if he could, he'd meld the most beautiful smile on your face with his craftful fingers. Alas, he resorts to tamer methods. At least he supposes he's a wiser man, now. He's more aware of different courting methods.
He asks about your station, your current life, family, friends, etc .. in a seemingly disinterested tone. There's a bit of resignation but hidden constrain in his voice, everytime you mention a "close friend" of yours or a colleague you worked with "closely". But he hasn't been berating you the way he would have back then. His fingers slightly constantly strain, folded behind his back, trying desperately not to taper towards you – there's stray strands of hair on your face. Your headpiece is off centre. Your pen is slanting in your pocket. Your shoulders are too tense. Your eyebrows are furrowed. your eyes look tired. Have your lips always been chapped? They were fine back then.. hold on.
While you stutter out useless formalities and pleasantries, Veritas' eyes scan you over. Time has weathered you well, in his opinion. The thin line of his pressed lips dont quite indicate that. He sighs almost grimly, shutting you up in an instant. He offers you to accompany him and possibly consider joining the Intelligentsia Guild (is it not worth a shot trying? It may be foolish, but he's a tad too desperate when it comes to you). You timidly mumble out a refusal, the words barely leaving your mouth. He nods.
Catching up makes his heart squeeze and rush all over the place. Topics he once tried to teach you back then (by.. VERY unsuccessful methods,) seem to be elementary knowledge to you now. You work more efficiently, hold yourself in a better, more confident way, and you seem to be smoothsailing in your life. Granted, it's technically the bare minimum, but its been so long since he talked to you. The chirp in your voice, the chuckle you let out every now and then despite your nervousness around him, has his heart in his throat. He can't bring himself to try and even "set you straight" by giving you (unwarranted) advice or piddling your achievements, there's a soft smile he's duly hiding behind his scorning face.
He offers you again, if you are unsure about joining the Guild, and discreetly mentions it being filled with imbeciles regardless when you deny again, pulling another string of laughter out of you. Hmph, you weren't so joyful when he made those statements back in high school.
Granted,you're obviously still not quite sure about Veritas' new look. He's still got his infamous reputation as an extremely strict teacher, the oddball with an alabastor head and having worked with the IPC, it's not a pleasant image per se, but it's heaps better than his reputation back at school. You politely make a joke about it, and he groans, earning another cautious, light chuckle from you. He has become different. You prattle on about the length of his hair, his refinement of speech, the difference in how he holds himself now.. it does leave him melting a tad bit inside. You noticed it? Hm. Clever little thing.
Of course, goodbyes are seldom sweet. He does manage to pry out your contact information once again, before. If you don't budge,he finds another way regardless. Your network of colleagues aren't exactly as strong as you might have thought. He remembers this information carefully.
Like the old days, maybe he'll manage to keep slipping notes into your reports and files. Perhaps pull a few strings back in the old days to keep you in his class, he'll slowly knot and twist a few strings to bring and budge you over to his little workplace. Sooner or later, you'll end up in his home. He's sure of it.
And just like the old days, his little seatmate is by his side once again. Care to put up with him for a bit longer? Probably forever, in this case.
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ethereal-night-fairy · 5 months
Heavenly saviour
This short fic was inspired by this artwork.
What if we had a reverse Knight Au where the reader is female knights similar to valkyries in the Thor movies. And Ghost gets to be the pretty prince who's been unfairly kept and tortured only to be saved by his darling. (Tbh I have no idea who's kidnapped ghost but I just want to see him be saved by a female knight)
I know I said female knight but I wrote this as gender neutral to include everyone who wants to play the saviour for ghost.
Prince!Ghost x GN Knight!reader
Words: 1k
Warnings: MDNI, gore, blood, torture, trauma, love at first sight, pining if you squint.
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The dungeon is cold, dark and decrepit. The smell of mold and iron was suffocating. But he had no other choice but to breath it. Thankfully the darkness shrouded his mangeled body. Hiding it from his own view for the time being. But the mutilated images persisted in his mind. Simon heaved the air collapsing in his lungs. They had left him hung and from his ribs, red crimson liquid pooling at his feet. The hook so meanly embedded into his tender flesh. He was no better than a pig hung after slaughter. Though his captors weren't as kind to put him out of his misery. He wouldn't be surprised if it was his father who had sold him to these people for some cheap entertainment. The kingdom was on the brink of collapse anyway, the fucker was probably hoarding as much money as he could. Nor him or his brother could do anything to protect anyone from their fathers wrath. He vowed if he got out of here alive he'd do anything in his power to save his people and family from demise.
His muscles screamed from being pulled and stretched unnaturally. His vision blurry from the pain and stray tears. His pale body scarred beyond recognition. Red hot slashes decorating his supple flesh. His breathing becoming laboured as he whispers his mother's name thinking this was the end.
In his delirium he thinks he hears distant screams followed by shouting. Heavy footsteps by the dozen clambered down like thunder over his head. Their boasterous movement rung out through the manor vibrating down to the dungeon. Had someone come save him? Had God sent him a saviour? Had salvation finally come? If he could scream he would have screamed and shouted until his vocal chords tore but he was fatigued and barely able to keep his head up. If this truly was a hallucination he wishes to see his mother caressing his cheek before he passes. If he truly wasn't forsaken, God would grant him this small request before his last breath.
The screams died down, maybe it was all in his head after all. It was hard to tell if anything was real anymore. Maybe he was already dead and this was his purgatory. All he could see was the congealed blood at his feet. The same blood painted his skin an awful shade of red. He heard heavy footsteps descending the stairs. Ones he would often dread. So he waits patiently for whoever had decided to put him out of his misery.
When the crash comes he desperately opens his eyes to look at the broken entrance to the cellar. Trying to figure out if it was a friend or foe. There you stood in all your glory. The light coming from the lit staircase bounced off your armor creating a celestial glow around you. The tears in his eyes caused the light to distort making it look like the heavens had blessed his knight with golden wings.
He watched you walk towards him with confident steps. Your expression ghastly, a bloody sword clutched in your hand. He couldn't quite make out your features; he was too delirious at this point. But you look like an angel; here to enact divine justice. Everything felt fuzzy and shapeless the closer you got. Like he was floating away.
But that changed the second you touched his mutilated skin. You brought him crashing down to reality. Like Icarus plummeting to his demise, the only difference was you were here to catch him. Every nerve ending springs alive to throw him back in the cycle of his never ending pain. Your words are soft and soothing as you try to get him to settle. He wished he could make out your features properly. Wished he could burn your image into his mind. But fresh tears obstructed his view. Gasps and groans spill from his cut face when you pry away the hook that's lodged between his ribs, taking the brunt of his weight.
You lower his body to the ground as you tell you've got him now. That you'll take care of everything from here. He shows you a smile so kind and sweet you wondered how anyone had the heart to harm him. Though It didn't matter anymore they were all dead now. Laying in pools of their own blood when you had chopped them down like the animals they were. You watch the prince go in and out of consciousness as you tie rags to his most open wounds.
“Captain! King Price has sent word! The castle has been captured! All occupants were killed before the arrival of our army. Reports say the previous King went on a murder rampage before fleeing with a small entourage. Prince Simon wasn't found among the dead bodies!”, one of you soldiers comes down to report to you waiting at the entrance of the cellar. Your body obscuring his view of the person you were tending too. You take the handkerchief off on your arm as you go to tie it around the prince's face making sure not to obstruct his ragged breathing in any way.
“Go now tell the King all noble houses have been dealt with…Prince Simon wasn't found among any of the bodies”, the soldier leaves immediately at your words as you lift the Prince's body in your arms. Ready to carry him to safety. You'll report the truth to the King later. But there was no way you'd let this poor prince suffer any more humiliation than he had already experienced.
His brother and mother didn't deserve to die the way they did. And you'd do your utmost to make sure you'll protect the prince, like he had protected you when you were only but a mere peasant. His smile never changed, not even after all the torment he faced. Even though they had tried to carve it out of him; no bruise or scar could ever take away from his radiance.
This was a new era for him. One in which you plan to be his sword. To be his shield, to be his…just his. He could use you however he sees fit. You will stand by him regardless; come hell or high water.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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ao3komorii · 7 months
On the Hunt (Astarion/Reader)
Happy Halloween! I want to write something for Raphael eventually, but here's a shorter Astarion thing for now. Hope you enjoy the story :)
You had gotten very good at detecting when the light left his eyes.
It happened a lot less after Cazador had been felled, but often when Astarion had little else to focus on, his red eyes travelled back in time, back to his own world of pain and loss and hopelessness.
It didn’t help that with all that he had gained, he had lost the sun, left to see the light only from afar, his memories of its warmth nowhere near enough.
You had happily joined him in the night as you set out to cure him of his condition, but like anyone, Astarion still had bad days.
You had figured it was going to be a less good day when you had woken up in the middle of the day, your body sensing the absence of his next to yours. Drowsily opening your eyes, you easily spotted your silver-haired partner sitting at the edge of the bed, staring silently at a rectangle of light shining through a small slit between the curtains you had closed when you had first entered the room at the inn, as you always did.
You closed your eyes again, allowing Astarion his moment, knowing that you fussing over him every time would only make things worse. Instead, as you allowed yourself to fall back to sleep, you decided to do something to make tonight as exciting as you could to help give the vampire an escape from his losses.
When you woke next, Astarion was next to you in bed, his meditative pose telling you he was actually asleep. You stared at his peaceful resting face for a long moment before turning your focus to those still-closed curtains, the shade of the barely-visible sliver of light telling you that it was at least midday.
Setting about your pseudo-morning routine, you began to brainstorm a solid plan to distract Astarion from his ongoing plight.
He was likely starving for blood, you knew that much. Without a power-hungry cult looming constantly over your heads, there were much less fights to be had in cities that didn’t result in legal consequences, and you could only safely let him feed from you so often without risking your health. And without Withers around, you couldn’t risk your life quite as stupidly as you had before.
But it had been over a week since Astarion had last had your blood, and you had been considering finding a bandit camp or seeking out some wild animals just to get his mood up when an idea struck you.
It was perhaps a bit sooner than the two-week timeline you had both agreed on between larger blood donations, but you found yourself ensorcelled by the idea of putting on a little hunt for him, just with you as the prey this time. A little test of his instincts as it were, keeping your real reasoning close to your chest, not wanting him to think you were pitying him. And what was a little anemia if it was in the name of cheering up your beloved?
You were sitting at the small wooden desk in the room, itemizing your carefully-hoarded spell scrolls when Astarion came out of his trance, leaning down beside you before you realized he was even awake.
“You’re up early,” he remarked curiously, and you froze up in surprise, doing your best not to look like you had been caught in the act, casually reaching to hide your scroll of disguise self under a more conspicuous hypnotic pattern. “Now what could be so important that you decided to deprive me the pleasure of waking up next to my love?”
You shuffled your scrolls and maps into a messy pile, aware of how his sharp gaze followed the action with suspicion.
Turning from your papers to meet his eyes, you did your best to look innocuous. “I was thinking we could do something different today.”
“Oh?” Astarion’s face lit up with intrigue. “And here I thought I’d be in for yet another day of rifling through dusty old tomes written by dusty old men who haven’t even met a vampire, let alone possessed any useful information about one.”
You let out a huff of laughter, equally aware of the bad information streak you had been on for the last month, the most useful information coming from a thoroughly depraved romantic vampire novel that Astarion had found significantly too much enjoyment in reading out to you whenever he had gotten bored of reading whatever vampiric history tome he had discarded when its contents proved valueless.
“I was thinking–”
It was probably to your benefit that Astarion leaned in to kiss you, cutting off the sentence you hadn’t quite figured out how to phrase. The kiss was chaste, the smug vampire pulling back with a smirk, clearly enjoying having caught you off guard.
“You were saying, love?” he teased lowly, and you willed yourself not to fall for his distractions like you usually did.
“I was thinking we could go on a hunt today,” you said at last, Astarion raising an eyebrow in response.
“You know I always relish the chance for some meaningless violence, but why all of a sudden?” he asked, always way too perceptive for your own good. “What’s the hunt? It had better not be another cluster of ooze. It took me far too long to remove their slobber from my weapons the last time I had the misfortune of stabbing one.”
“No, no ooze,” you dismissed with a laugh. It wasn’t like you had wanted to do that job either, but it had gotten you the funds to pay for your last three inn stays. Summoning up your courage, you tried your best to not look as embarrassed as you felt. “I was thinking this time you could hunt… me.”
Astarion’s eyes glinted noticeably as he leaned in towards you, a hand resting on either armrest of your chair, his arms caging you in. “Am I to take this as a request of a more carnal nature? Because I am very willing to oblige.”
His voice was dripping with quiet ardor, the cheeky vampire using the tone he knew would lure you into bed with him every time, but not this time. You wanted something that would catch him off guard entirely, leaving no room in any part of his mind for his latent sadness to set in today. There would be plenty of time for sex later, once he had been fed.
“I was thinking more along bloodier lines,” you said, Astarion’s resulting frown at his seduction attempt failing more than a little cute. “I know we agreed to every two weeks, but I do have that vibrancy potion I’ve been saving.”
Astarion leaned back out of your space, looking quizzical, but not unhappy, so you took that as a sign to continue.
“Since this is a special occasion, I thought it might be fun to make you work for it,” you said with a conspiratorial smile. “Neither of us have been to this city before, so we’re on an even playing field. I was thinking if you can find me by sunrise, my blood is yours. As much as you want, since the effects of the vibrancy potion will last until then. If you can find me, that is.”
Astarion grinned wide, his pristine white fangs on full display. “Oh darling, I hadn’t taken you as someone who makes gambles they haven’t a hope of winning.”
You felt a flare of competition spark within you at his surety that he would win. Just because this was supposed to end with your blood on his teeth didn’t mean you were going to make this easy for him.
“If you’re so sure you’ll win, then maybe I’ll set off now and get a head start,” you shot back teasingly, reaching into your bag on the floor and downing the small vial of forest green vibrancy potion in one go before standing up, licking the last stray drop from the corner of your mouth to make sure the potion had maximum effectiveness.
Astarion’s eyes closed as he took a long inhale, which told you that the potion was indeed working as intended. When his eyes opened again, his pupils were blown wide, looking every bit the vampire ready for a hunt.
“Your blood smells even sweeter than the first time,” he spoke in a strained voice, posture so rigid he looked like he might snap if you moved an inch closer to him. “If I wasn’t such an honorable vampire, I’d already have you.”
Keeping any comments regarding his honor to yourself, you lifted your bag, sweeping the papers on the desk into it before slinging it over your shoulder, heading all the way to the door before turning your head back to face the shirtless, sleepy-haired vampire with a teasing smile.
“Good luck, Astarion,” you told him. Knowing how desperate for blood he had been the first time, he had to struggling even harder than he looked to be holding himself back right now.
“I don’t need luck,” he replied smoothly, sitting back down on the bed, hands fisting tightly onto the sheets. “There is nowhere you could hide where I can’t find you, my love.”
His sultry tone made you flush, and you quickly fled the room, knowing you had to go now before your willpower gave out.
Emerging onto bustling early evening streets, you knew that you had until the sun fell to find a place to hide. Making your way down the main street, you made sure to stop and chat up a perfume salesman, accepting a heavy dose of one of their floral samples in the hope that it would disguise the smell of your blood to the hungry vampire that would be on your trail within the hour. Your scent taken care of, now there was just the manner of your appearance.
Stopping by a busy clothing store, you stood before a long mirror in a deserted corner of the store, pulling out your disguise self scroll and getting to work.
You left the store a purple-skinned tiefling with long ruby-red hair, clad in a skimpy black dress with a long slit up the thigh, gold jewelry accenting your neck and illusory horns. If Astarion was looking for a disguise, you doubted he would think you would take on such a gaudy one, the stares of people as you passed telling you that you definitely looked the part of a lady of the night.
The sun had begun to fall as you walked the streets, intending on getting a decent distance away from the inn before finding somewhere to hole up when the dark set in. There was no doubt that Astarion would have the advantage in the dark, so you had to be as well-hidden as possible by then.
It felt too much like cheating to set up in a noisy tavern, though it wasn’t exactly like you had set any concrete rules before setting out, but still, you dismissed the fleeting idea. You wanted to make this hard for Astarion, not impossible. You didn’t often have enough gold for vibrancy potions anymore, so you wanted to make this one count, but Astarion would have to earn it first.
You had your momentary doubts that he would even agree to your proposal, given he had his moods sometimes, but his reaction had surpassed even your most hopeful expectations. You knew he wouldn’t be holding back, and you would hate yourself if you didn’t at least put up a fight.
You stopped to feign interest in a group of dragonborn musicians playing in a park as you considered your options further. You could cast a hypnotic pattern and pretend to be captivated by it as well? But you couldn’t sustain that one for long, and there was no telling when Astarion would pass by here. You could blur yourself, but that was likely to end up attracting his attention rather than evading it.
Lost in your thoughts, you took altogether too long to realize the passing of time, coming to the sudden realization that the sun was now just the tiniest sliver in the horizon. Astarion was definitely out by now, who knows for how long while you were zoning out.
You followed the crowd’s lead, clapping for the performers as you took subtle glances around you, not seeing any silver hair in the area. Still, you had wasted too much time here. You needed to move.
With most people in the park distracted by the performance, you were easily able to misty step your way across the park, exiting into what looked to be a district of… lesser repute. Here, there were women and men dressed in less than you were, hanging outside gaudy establishments and trying to draw customers in. You were just passing by a gnome and a scantily-clad human making out so loudly that you briefly wondered if either of them had ever kissed anyone now before when you ran into an issue.
“Haven’t seen yer sweet ass ‘round here before,” a male voice slurred, a large half-orc stepping into your view, or rather completely blocking it with his bulk.
“Excuse me,” you spoke flatly, immediately on guard. You moved to walk around him, but this only seemed to egg him on, as he moved in turn to step to the side and continue blocking your way.
“Ain’t no tieflings at tha bars, not anymore,” he spoke angrily, waving his arms wildly around as he talked, large axe glinting from its place on his back. “It ain’t the same when those other broads ain’t got no horns to grab while I plow ‘em!”
You could easily discern the reason why tiefling women seemed to become scarce around him, regretting that your choice of disguise had now led to this unexpected issue. You wouldn’t want to talk to this creep on a normal day, but you really didn’t have time now. You weren’t sure if your ego would survive being caught by Astarion less than an hour after the hunt had begun.
While you were confident that your disguise was flawless, the half-orc was being so loud that you would catch anyone’s attention right now. Looking around, you noticed the eyes of many of the seedy crowd were on you, but as expected, nobody was stepping in to help you, clearly wary of attracting the wrath of the drunk brute.
Sighing internally, you resolved to yourself to give this guy one more chance to leave you alone before you made him. What a mess you had managed to find yourself in.
“I’m not interested,” you said, not intimidated in the slightest by the half-orc who was at least a head taller than you. “I’m asking you nicely to walk away.”
The half-orc scoffed loudly, making a show of looking around, the onlookers all averting their gazes, not wanting to be involved, their eyes shifting back to you when the brute finished his overdramatic display before turning back to you with a cocked brow.
“Well I don’t see no man here ta claim ya,” he boasted loudly. “And Barorth don’t recognize no other claims on the womens he wants anyway!”
He would probably have been luckier if Astarion was here, the snarky vampire possibly content to mock the half-orc without him realizing rather than what you were going to do to him if he didn’t leave you alone.
“Not interested,” you repeated flatly, deathly intent plain in your voice, at least plain to anyone but this moron, who instead reached out to take one of your arms in his grasp.
“‘Nuff talkin’,” he grunted, hand clamping down on your arm. “Those tits are just–”
The second he touched you, you blinked, immediately activating eyebite, your eyes turning into teeth-ringed pools of black.
“Go,” you snarled at the half-orc, his grip falling from your arm instantly, an all-too-loud guttural groan leaving his mouth before he turned and ran. You didn’t dismiss eyebite until he was out of sight, glaring after him the entire way.
Taking a breath to calm yourself down, you blinked and your regular eyes returned. How much time had you wasted on that moron? He was lucky all you did was traumatize him, the brute likely to have suffered a much worse fate if it was Lae’zel he was hitting on. Hopefully he would leave any real tieflings alone after your little display.
Frustrated, you moved to the less busy side of the street, ignoring the people there who now stared at you in shock. You were far enough from Baldur’s Gate that very few people would recognize you even if you had your real appearance, but there was definitely going to be gossip spreading now about the tiefling escort that sent a half-orc running away with just a look.
And then you were striding past an alleyway, intent on figuring out your next move, when a hand darted out, clasping firmly around your wrist and pulling you into the alleyway, finding yourself quickly pinned to the stone wall by your assailant’s body.
Amused red eyes stared down at you, Astarion running one hand down your side to rest on your hip. “One hour and you’re already finding your way into trouble without me. Darling, I’m hurt.”
You knew he had you, despite your feigned appearance, but your pride wouldn’t allow you to give in so easily.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you sniffed with very false confidence. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to–”
“Spare me,” he dismissed. “Did you really think you could hide from me in plain sight when I know your scent, your taste so… intimately?”
You wanted to protest further, but any words you were going to say turned into a pleased sigh as Astarion leaned in to kiss at your neck.
“You do make a rather fetching tiefling, my love, but I do think I prefer the you that I wake up next to every morning,” he spoke against your neck.
You smiled despite yourself, finally giving in and allowing the disguise to drop, Astarion holding you to him tighter in response, but his fangs still hadn’t made their way into your neck. The smell of your blood had to have been driving him crazy, he had said as much earlier, so then why hadn’t he claimed his reward yet?
“You win,” you conceded, unable to stay mad with your beloved so close to you, even in the dingy alleyway whose prior inhabitants had likely been either a murder or a messy hookup. “My blood is yours.”
At your words, Astarion pulled back from your neck entirely, further confusing you. Noticing your questioning look, he gestured out to the street, where some onlookers were barely visible, but their attention at least seemed to be on their own business now.
“I won’t be playing the part of the heinous vampire attacking the fair maiden and risking some do-gooder rushing to your rescue with a stake meant for my heart,” he explained disdainfully. “No, I think my prize would be better savored in a more private location.”
You could still see just how bad his hunger was getting to him, so it was obvious that you weren’t making it back to the inn. Looking out over his shoulder, you spotted a private enough looking rooftop several stories above some seedy-looking bar, placing your hand on Astarion’s arm as you summoned a dimension door.
“Good enough?” you asked, drawing Astarion’s gaze to the matching door waiting on the roof.
“Not quite the caliber of the Blushing Mermaid, but I can hardly be choosey when it means I get more of your delectable blood,” he answered.
That was as much of a yes as you figured you were getting out of him, and so you activated the door and found yourselves instantly transported to the actually-not-too-bad-looking rooftop.
It was barren, but clean. Seemed like nobody really came up here, as all that was on the roof were a couple ratty-looking chairs and a large rug that looked like it would be worth some money if it weren’t for a large stain on one corner that was either blood or red wine.
Stepping away before Astarion could get too carried away, you rummaged quickly through your bag, pulling out one of the many arcane lock scrolls you knew to keep on hand for situations like this, sealing the door so you wouldn’t be interrupted. Job done, you went to turn back around, not wanting to keep the vampire waiting.
“Well, I think we’re—”
Astarion was way closer than you expected, having silently closed the gap between you while your back was turned.
Shaking off your momentary surprise, you smiled at him, turning your head and pulling your hair back so your neck was left bared for him to drink from. So you were caught off guard when he instead backed you up against the door, caging you in with his body and catching your mouth with his own.
While you were confused, you weren’t opposed, your eyes sliding closed and arms coming up to rest against his chest, the gentle buzzing of the magical lock against your back all but forgotten at the things Astarion’s tongue was doing to your own.
You were having a hard time telling if he was actually this turned on, or if he had just turned his switch on, as much as you had tried to break him of the habit of feeling like he had to perform sexually if he wasn’t feeling it. Recognizing you should probably make that discernment now, you pulled back from the kiss, Astarion’s lips shifting to kiss at your neck.
“It’s okay if this is just for blood,” you spoke, trying to keep your voice steady despite Astarion suckling on a particularly sensitive spot. “You don’t owe me anything for my blood if you don’t want to.”
Astarion pulled back from your neck at last, no bites taken, instead reaching a hand down to take your leg in his grasp, pulling it around one hip and using the opportunity to grind his clearly hard cock into you, the resulting feeling fluttering your lashes as you tried desperately to focus on the seriousness you were trying to inject into the moment.
Astarion saw your serious expression and only smiled, a small little smile so unlike the openly flirtatious ones he used to send your way back when you had first explored each other’s bodies.
“Trust me darling, you mean far too much to me to ever treat you like you’re a favor to be traded in,” he spoke quietly, hips still rolling into yours as he spoke. “You’ve given me too much to ever be repaid. But no need to fret, my reasons for wanting your body now are just my own selfish lust.”
He didn’t need any words from you to know he had you, one broken moan at his hips rutting perfectly against yours enough of a response for him to return to your mouth, one hand sliding under your dress to press firmly on your clit as you kissed fervently, doing your best to keep up with his tongue as you felt warm enough for the both of you even on the chilly rooftop.
The greedy vampire could only go so long without claiming his reward, mouth moving to your neck the second he felt you getting close, sinking his teeth into you at last as he barraged your clit with attention, the twin sensations of blood loss and orgasm feeding off each other in beautiful harmony, Astarion prolonging your peak with his talented fingers as he drank from your neck until you laid boneless against him, panting above his head.
“I love you,” you breathed, Astarion breaking from your neck to return the sentiment with a bloodstained smile.
And then it was your turn, pulling him to your mouth and grinding up into him, the vampire’s own panting breaths loud against your mouth. Astarion moved his hips back into yours, his pace nothing like the practiced, even rhythm he’d had back when he was playing the part of what he had thought you would like. His groans now were entirely his body’s reaction to yours, and the thought burned deeply in your core.
Neither one of you content to keep things going with clothes still on, your hands moved to the clasp holding your flimsy dress together, while Astarion smoothly discarded his own pants, his hands then coming back to maneuver you onto your back on the non-stained section of the rooftop rug, your dress splayed out under you helping to guard against the slightly rough texture of the rug.
“This is a sight I will never tire of,” Astarion groaned, ripping his shirt up over his head, his underwear following and leaving him entirely bare to your wanting gaze.
He looked every bit the vampiric seductor in that horrible novel he liked to bother you with, red eyes and bloody mouth gleaming in the sparse light the rising moon provided.
You watched his expression spark with debauched pleasure as it was plainly obvious how wet you were as he practically peeled your underwear from you, one hand returning to work at your clit, his own cock looking so hard that it must hurt.
“Astarion, please,” you begged, reaching out for him, your lover effortlessly evading your grasp as he worked you closer and closer to orgasm.
“Not yet, my love,” he chided lowly, knowing you could do little to resist his efforts right now. “I rather enjoy getting you so worked up. I could spend hours listening to your pretty cries as I bring you over the edge again and again, but I suppose that potion is only good until sunup, and I am so hungry.”
“Then come here,” you prompted, already feeling clearheaded from the vibrancy potion rejuvenating your blood supply so quickly.
“How could I refuse?” he replied happily, slotting himself between your legs.
Wrapping your legs around his back, you pulled him down, the vampire smoothly lining his cock perfectly to hit deep inside you as you pulled his mouth to your neck.
“You are too perfect,” Astarion murmured against your neck before biting down.
You decided it was better for you to start strong while you still had the blood supply to energize you, using your legs around his hips to start a slow but deep rhythm. Astarion needed very little coaxing to keep up, one hand coming up to angle one of your legs higher, the resulting shift making you cry out as he started to hit against a spot inside you that only he had ever been able to find.
You had always prided yourself on being the talker of your little group, able to talk your way in or out of trouble when needed. But here, under the snarky vampire you had come to cherish more than anything, you were wordless, barely able to manage more than his name as Astarion moved his focus from your neck to thoroughly ruin you, blood-red smirk telling you he knew exactly what he was doing with every grind of his hips.
It took almost embarrassingly no time for you to finish again, Astarion’s keen senses picking up on it immediately without you having to say a word.
“I do so like to see you like this, darling,” he said, slowly his pace down as you came down from it. “So thoroughly ravaged that you couldn’t recite a spell if you tried.”
You knew that he wasn’t unaffected, the slow roll of his hips telling you that much, but you found yourself determined to exhaust him just as badly, a tall order for someone of his stamina, but you were going to try your best.
With as much grace as you could manage with legs that felt like jelly, you withdrew from under him, pushing him back so he was sitting back, staring at you with loving eyes more black than red as you climbed onto his lap, settling back down on his cock, intent on riding him until he lost himself.
Astarion’s hands quickly found the back fastenings of your bra, unhooking it with a satisfied growl and tossing the garment aside, allowing him access to lean down and lave kisses and bites across your chest as you continued to ride him hard.
You were slamming your hips into his now, running a hand through his hair, his increasingly loud groans of your name telling you that he was finally getting close. With a shuddered breath, his hands went down to your hips, holding you still against him as he came, teeth sinking into your neck once again in tandem.
You slowly stroked his hair, in no rush to free yourself from his embrace, even as you could feel stray droplets of blood running down your neck and onto your chest.
With a pleased sigh, Astarion’s hands went from your hips to around your back, pulling back from your neck to see you smiling at him, the sight sending him leaning forward to kiss you, his peaceful expression one you could look at forever and never get tired of.
“Here I was thinking all I had to thank that grotesque nautiloid for was my freedom,” he mused between kisses. “If it hadn’t found you too, I’d probably be dead, hunted by that gur and delivered to my death. Never thought I’d be so grateful to a damn illithid for plucking me off the street.”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “This makes even the whole parasite insertion thing worth it, if I get to be here like this with you.”
“How sweet,” he huffed in response. “I however could have done without Gale’s lectures on morality. And Lae’zel’s snoring.”
“And the Withers lecture about how you were distracting me from my quest,” you added with a laugh, recalling the at-the-time awkward talk with the skeletal man the morning after you and Astarion had first slept together.
“I don’t know about that, my dear,” Astarion replied slyly. “You did seem a touch distracted after that first night. I recall you stepping on several fire mines that Shadowheart had warned us of not five minutes before. Hard to blame you though, I mean really, just look at me.”
“Having fun?” you sulked, pulling back from him to cross your arms across your chest, trying to appear annoyed but fully aware your point was not well made considering he was still inside of you.
Astarion didn’t let you get far, arms pulling you back in. “Not so fast, my love. As I recall, my reward was to last until sunrise, and I intend to reap it in full.”
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Luis Serra x female reader
Summary: Luis was always the one giving the smooth-talk, making almost anyone blush, but he was rarely on the receiving end. [Name] wanted to change that.
Warning: No spoiler for RE 4 remake. Fluff.
Due to people seeming to like the idea, I decided to give this a go! 
Thank you for reading! Please enjoy!
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Bullets shot through the air, piercing through the heads of the infected villagers, buying the group a few seconds to breathe before heading towards a secure location. The cabin Luis suggested wasn’t too far and offered protection and warmth. That was more than enough to encourage them to move. 
“Leon! Watch it!” Luis shouted out, a smile on his face as he ducked out of the way of Leon’s bolts flying through the air and burying themselves into the villager’s head. Ashley all but clung to [Name]’s side, as she was told to, while [Name] opened fire, standing her ground. 
“There’s so damn many!” Irritation chewed at her, they had to hurry up else they would run out of ammunition. She pulled the hand grenade from her beltloop, shouting for Leon and Luis to move as she pulled the pin and launched it into the crowd. The explosion of blood, body parts and bits of shrapnel seemed to offer them a chance to run again as the hoard had silenced. The four of them rushed into the cabin, Leon and Luis pulling the wooden gate shut and locking it while [Name] did a quick sweep of the cabin, ensuring no threats lingered. 
Once it was confirmed safe, everyone took a breath, savouring the moment to relax and regain their strength. Leon pulled a chair out and plopped down, panting a bit as he turned and went through his inventory, checking over what supplies they had. 
“Well, that wasn’t so bad, eh?” Luis hummed, flicking his lighter between his fingers with such fluent movements. [Name]’s eyes watched the silver lighter’s movements, how Luis’ fingers twirled and spun it between each slender finger. It was impressive. He noticed her watching, a playful glint in his grey eyes. “You see something you like, [Name]?” 
She glanced up at him at that, a soft hum made as she lightly nodded. “It’s an impressive trick, Luis. I’m sure you can do many interesting things with your fingers.” The slight tone in her voice was reflected in her eyes, and Luis rose to her challenge. 
“Oh, I’m certain I can show you what else I can do with my fingers, cariño.” His smile slipped, melting into a smirk as his eyes remained locked on [Name], curious to see how far they were playing this. 
“I’m sure you can, gran chico~” Hearing his home language slip from her lips, and what she said, made a shiver rush down his spine. Heat crawling up his neck and his tongue lightly dampened his lips. 
“Eh?” He tried to think of anything to say back, anything at all, but his mind went blank. Her words repeating in his head like a broken record, allowing the heat to rise further up his neck and into his cheeks. 
“Is that blush I see, Luis?” Rising from her seat, [Name] closed the distance between them, her hand resting on his chest as her fingers lightly toyed with the zipper. Luis’ back lightly hit the wall, his mind rushing, trying to process what was happening. “Perhaps I can show you... what my fingers can do?” Her eyebrow arched a little, her eyes fallen to a half-lidded look as she gazed into his eyes, that smirk he once had now on her lips. Her fingers wrapped around the zipper lightly before pulling it up slowly and then pulling him down slightly. 
Their lips so close Luis could almost taste her. “Eh, Luis~?” The pounding of his heart was loud in his ears, making the heat in his face that much more warmer, and that shiver stronger. Lusty thought attempted to form in his head, only encouraged further by [Name]’s words and actions. 
A word couldn't leave his lips before she pulled back, his body suddenly going cold from the lack of closeness. So much so, he almost reached out in protest. Almost. 
“Uh.... sounds good?” was all he was able to get out. An annoyed groan shattered their little moment as Leon finished reloading his guns. 
“Get a room, you two.” 
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walkawaytall · 8 months
I am very stressed about a thing that I can’t discuss right now that I have literally no control over, so here’s some
fanfic writer asks
that I came up with all on my own. Ask ‘em, share ‘em, do whatever.
Have you pulled inspiration from media sources other than the property your fic is related to (a plot point from a TV show that has nothing to do with the characters/setting of the fic, a line from a book, etc.)? If so, for which story? Why did you find that media source compelling?
What is your favorite paragraph from (insert story title you want to know about here, or leave it blank for writer’s choice)? Is there a reason it’s your favorite?
What is the most amount of research you’ve done for the smallest detail? What was the detail and how much time/effort went into researching it?
Share a headcanon about (character name) in (story title)!
Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
What is your favorite type of feedback to receive (favorites/kudos, comments, DMs, complete and utter silence in the pursuit of remaining unperceived?)? If comments or DMs or anything else involving a reader writing, do you have a particular type of feedback that excites you more than other types?
Share a line or paragraph you’ve written that you don’t think will ever actually be posted in anything! (Or, if you don’t hoard cut sentences and passages like I do, share anything you want that has yet to see the light of day!)
Is there a story idea you have that you would love if it could appear fully realized but that you do not think you’ll ever write yourself?
Do you prefer to read angst or fluff? Which do you prefer to write?
If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again by any human eyes (or at least your own), which trope would that be?
Conversely, if you had to pick a single trope to read for the next seven-and-half years, which trope would that be?
What are your thoughts on slow burn romances?
Are you secretly Tara Gilesbie aka XXXbloodyrists666XXX aka author of infamous Harry Potter fanfiction serial My Immortal? (you can trust me; I won’t tell anyone, pinky promise)
Has anyone ever created anything (art, a podfic, another fic, etc.) inspired by your work? Which work? How did you feel about that?
Is there any genre, trope, or style that you find particularly challenging to write? Do you enjoy the challenge or prefer to avoid it?
Is there a commonly held misconception about one of your stories that you’d like to correct for the masses?
What does your editing process look like?
Share a headcanon relating to (insert desired theme here)!
What was the very first fanwork you ever created? (I’m talking like maybe you made a little book out of construction paper and staples with your favorite Disney characters drawn in it when you were five years old or you drew a comic about a movie you saw when you were a preteen. That sort of thing.)
Is there anything about any one of your fics that you have been dying to discuss but haven’t had the chance to?
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
Can I ask for a short story where reader is also a half human vampire and she comes to the castle trying to sneek into the Belmont hold. She thinks the castle is still filled with vampires and just wants to try and save some of the dangerous knolage from them if she can. However Alucard is of course there and confronts her, at first thinking she's evil but after a short fight she explains herself abd he realizes she still thinks evil vampires controle the castle. Of course she gets hurt in the fight and he feels bad for having hurt her so he insists on caring for her wounds, no matter how embarrassing they may be (cut to the chest perhaps), and after they start to get to know each other she decides to stay and protect the hold, pretending she thinks it's just to dangerous to leave in the hands of Dracula's son so she had better help defend it just in case he goes evil. Of course she's actually fallen for him so this is a lie. He would fall for her as well, mostly due to her spunk and whit but she's beautiful to even with battle scars and he's finally not the only half vampire in the world. They would banter back abd forth over silly things like who's cooking or who's hunting and who's the more skilled fighter with a sword. That leads to sparring sessions and the eventual backing her into a corner and kissing her triumphantly confessing to her. They love to tease each other and it's like she's a female trevor belmont in a way. They are perfect together. Eventually he'd explain what happened between him and the brother and sister that betrayed him and she would respect him untill he was ready. Secretly though she's never been with anyone ever. No time when your a monster hunter. She even blames her loosing there first fight on her having just beaten a big hoard of beasts and traveling fir days with no supplies.
I hope you can work with some of this. No need to use it all. I hope you like the idea. I love your writing.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I decided to do this as headcanons bc there was a lot to work through <3
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: canon-typical violence, references to alcoholism, slight NSFW at the end
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♡ Your first meeting with Alucard was far from friendly. He had caught you, someone who clearly looked like a vampire, lurking around the Belmont Hold that he had promised to protect. Vampires wishing to take up Dracula's war weren't unheard of and so clashes of swords were exchanged before any words.
♡ The misunderstanding had been cleared up once had had you on the ground and you snapped about keeping the Belmont Legacy safe from Dracula's vampires. The two of you had been very embarrassed over such a terrible misunderstanding and Alucard's guilt at having harmed you led to him insisting on taking you into the castle so that he could treat the large slash he had made across your chest, just beneath your collarbones.
♡ You had heard rumours of the child of Vlad and Lisa Tepes but not much beyond that his name was Adrian. Being a dhampir yourself, you were itching to ask of his whereabouts now that you were in the castle he had grown up in but you knew that dhampirs often kept their guard up about their nature for their own safety. You had spent the most part of your life hiding from vampires and humans alike who wanted you dead simply for being born. You had got it out of him eventually that he was Adrian Tepes and he had been alarmed that he had hurt you in treating you when you gasped.
♡ You had shared with him that you were also a dhampir and the two of you simply remained in awe and shock of each other at finally meeting someone else who was like you. As Adrian covered the slash across your chest in a paste that he said would quicken the healing and prevent infection, you held your shirt to your chest (your cheeks dusted with pink at having his hands on your chest) so he could then wrap your injury with bandages. He also offered you a salve to apply before going to sleep in one of the guest rooms and insisted on cooking a meal for you once you told him how long you had been on the road for.
♡ You had watched him skillfully cook with a sort of fascination, never having expected such hospitality from the son of Dracula who had staked those bodies outside. However, you would absolutely expect this from the son of doctor Lisa Tepes. Over dinner, the topic of a dhampirs' low life expectancy was brought up and Adrian had explained that he was protected by his father's power and influence. Despite the loneliness he suffered from having no friends his age and seeing his parents very little, practically being raised by his tutors and nurse maid, you envied him. You mother had not survived your birth and you were raised by your father who, as much as he loved you, found it so difficult to look into his dead wife's eyes every time he saw you. He had done his best, you knew, but you also knew how emotionally straining it had been for him to raise you alone. Other vampires found out about you eventually and your father had sent you away for your safety. Your caretakers later informed you that he had been murdered for harbouring a dhampir. You had spent the rest of your life on the run once your caretakers were killed by their fellow humans, until you were old enough to defend yourself at least.
♡ Adrian had felt so awful for you and yet here you were: a warrior, someone with such a sense of justice that you had come to protect the Belmont Hold from any vampire who might seek to destroy it, another dhampir in the world other than himself. He had insisted that you stay in the castle until you were fully healed from your injuries.
♡ When the day came that Adrian announced you would be fully recovered in two or three days, you had told him that you planned on staying, telling him that the Belmont legacy could not be trusted in the hands of Alucard, the reverse Dracula, alone. Really, it was just an excuse to stay. You had fallen fast and hard for the gorgeous dhampir who insisted on healing you and cooking for you. The two of you would endlessly tease one another back and forth and turn almost everything into a competition: hunting, cleaning, repairing the Castle and Hold, you name it.
♡ You had been dying to ask about the bodies outside and about the nights when you would hear Adrian drunkenly wandering the halls but you thought better than to pry into such difficult feelings. Instead, you kept him up late into the night by sitting around a fireplace and chatting with him or maybe trying to make some dessert in the kitchen together, even reading to one another. It left him tired enough to fall straight to sleep when he went to bed instead of being left alone with whatever thoughts or memories prompted him to drink so much. You were quite proud of yourself when you noticed that he was taking much better care of himself than when you first arrived.
♡ Alucard treasured those late nights with you. He had spent so much time being lonely: his friendless childhood, being left in the Castle by the first two friends he had ever made himself, having to kill the second pair of friends when they tried to kill him first, being the only person in this big, cold castle, being the only dhampir alive as far as he was aware. Yet, here you were: dozing off on his shoulder as he read to you, huddled up in blankets together. Your face was lit up by the warm glow of the fireplace and you were so utterly beautiful. He had fallen for you so quickly but he was so reluctant to give into such feelings after it had ended so terribly the last time. He had closed the book to cup your face and lean down until his lips were grazing over your parted ones, your fangs peeking out from behind your lips. He then withdrew and woke you by gently shaking your shoulder so that the two of you could go to your separate rooms to sleep.
♡ Another thing that Alucard loved about your company was sparring with you. You were a skilled warrior, relying on speed, agility and the element of surprise which was a new and refreshing style for Alucard to learn to defend against. You were taunting him more than usual today to try and provoke him into slipping up and yet it only put hearts in his eyes to see the way you smiled as you did so. You soon found your sword clattering to the ground and your back hitting a tree as Adrian's body pressed to your front, a hand on your hip pressing you back while the other hand cupped your cheek. "If there's a God, he's who I have thanked every night since we met." He murmured, watching your eyes widen at the confession and yet you made no move to escape him; instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and gently threaded your fingers through his golden hair as he spoke, "I..." Tears built in his bright eyes as he struggled to get the words out. You were so precious to him, so warm and wonderful and he was petrified of losing you, terrified at the thought of you betraying his heart too, "I think I'm in..." His lips quivered and tears of blood brimmed his eyes and stained his cheeks. You didn't need him to finish to know what he was going to say, silently reaching up onto your toes to kiss the tears away, tongue flicking against his cheeks ever so slightly to clean them away as your nose nudged against his. "I'm sorry..." He whispered at his inability to get the words out.
"You don't need to apologise..." You reassured him as you simply tipped your head back, bearing your throat to him in an act of utmost vulnerability among vampires, making yourself the first to be vulnerable to try and make him more comfortable. His lips found your neck and you cradled his head close as his mouth trailed up over your jaw until his lips could crash onto yours.
♡ It didn't take long after that for him to tell you everything that had happened with the twins staked outside and you had done your very best to keep a fixed expression, not wanting him to think that you saw him as weak or tainted in any way because you could never do so. You loved Adrian with all your heart, you had made it your mission to tell him this at least twice a day since his confession and you assured him that you would respect his boundaries at all times, telling him that you would have infinite patience in waiting for him to be ready. A part of you was comforted by this wait too: you had never slept with anyone before, your lifestyle had never allowed it and you were beyond relieved to find that you would have so much time to get to know Adrian more intimately in other ways first.
♡ Your first time with him had almost gone completely south by the time he told you he was ready. Just as the two of you had completely stripped and you were cradled in Adrian's lap with your lips mapping out his neck, you found yourself being roughly flipped over and pinned down by your lover who wouldn't allow you to move an inch and he looked down upon you with wild eyes, full of fear and anger as he accused you of playing the long game to try and kill him. Despite your own fear, your heart ached for him and you knew that you had to be strong for him and reach out to him. You didn't fight the way he had you pinned down at all, allowing your body to go slack as you looked up at him. "I'm not here to hurt you, Adrian. I love you. I'm not going to attack you. You're in control." You watched as his temper settled down and felt how his bruising grip on your wrists slackened. "You're in control, no one's going to hurt you. It's just you and me and I'm giving all control to you." He had let out a sigh and leaned forwards to lay over you and nuzzle his face against your neck, apologising for his reaction while you assured him that it was alright and he hadn't hurt you.
"Can you say it again?" His words were barely a whisper.
"I'm giving all control to you..." You repeated, "You're in control, Adrian, you're safe." The soft moan he let out by your ear caused heat to pool in your belly as he began to murmur over and over how much he loved you between kisses.
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To Keep the Memory alive | Daemon x Reader
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Request: Oh my God! "gone" devastated me, but it was an amazing read, that being said I can ask for a part 2 with the baby and as she grows older and becomes more curious about her mother (maybe she found something that belonged to her, a book, a gem or something) and asks Daemon to tell her about reader, just Dad! Daemon with his little girl being extremely nice and cute please? (with some angst, but very very very fluff)
Summary: This is part two to "Gone" Daemon's daughter wants to know more about her mother, but Daemon is still very much grieving even after 10 years.
Authors note: I loved this idea and I hope I did it justice! Sorry for the long wait.
“Dad?” Daemon hums as he looks up from the scrolls he was reading. His 10-year-old daughter looks at him expectingly from across the room her hands behind her back as if she is hiding something. “Yes, darling?” she hesitates for a moment before coming closer to the desk. “I went to her room to..” without noticing that he scares his daughter Daemon stands up from his chair, a frown is noticeable on his forehead and his eyes are shooting fire. “You what?” He asks angrily. They had a rule, the most important rule of all, which was that she nor anyone else was allowed in the old master bedroom.
Everything was still placed the exact same way as that dreadful day more than 10 years ago. While your oils and fragrance had disappeared from the room, all your stuff was still there. He physically and mentally could not handle anybody stepping through that door as it was all he had left of you. “We agreed that you and nobody else in this castle would ever step a foot into that room.” She nods while tears are gathering in her eyes. “I know but..” “But what? You just go ignoring every rule I made for you, the gods know that you could do with a few more.” In a fit of anger not directed at your daughter but the fact you were taken from him he swipes off the scrolls on the desk.
“I went in there, because you never talk about mum, you go all moody and quiet at the mention of her name, you have scared the maid and servants in not talking about it either. I went into that room to feel connected to her, my own mum to see her stuff, smell her perfumes, look at her jewelry.” Visenya is now screaming almost matching her father’s loudness, tears are flowing down her face. From behind her back, she throws the baby blanket on his desk. “She made this did she not?”
Stunned to silence all he could do was look at the blanket. The blanket you had painstakingly worked on. When he had found it that night in Visenya’s room he did not let go of it. Instead of gifting the blanket to her like you had intended he had hoarded it for himself. Locking it up in your room, preserving it and cherishing it when he was in there. “Dad!” Visenya screams at him looking for an answer. The only thing he could do was nod. “Why are you keeping her away from me?” Is the only thing she asks before turning around and walking out of his study, not waiting for an answer.
He grabbed the blanket and hugs it to his chest. He knew that his daughter was right, he should have kept your memory alive by telling her stories about you. But every time he wanted to, he would choke up, nothing other than nonsense would come out of his mouth. While many men would have already gotten over the pain of losing their wives even after 10 years it still felt so fresh. To top that Visenya’s eyes reminded him every day of yours. He had to make it up to his daughter.
After running around the whole castle and the dragon pits, he found you in the room. Her little shoulders were shaking as she was still crying. Visenya was sitting in the middle of the room on the ground. Her back was turned to the door, and therefore she had not yet noticed Daemon entering the room. “I am sorry, can you forgive your old dad?” He sat himself down next to her and put his arm around him. Visenya looked at him still mad and shrugged of his arm. “The thing is your mother was the love of my life, she was my friend and lover, we were so excited to welcome you into our little family but then..” his words fades as he remembers the day you died. “But then she died, and my life just shattered, you were the only thing that kept me here.” This time when he wrapped his arm Visenya leaned into his side.
“What was she like?” she asks softly. “Oh she was amazing, she was so fierce, smart and just lovely. Her smile would light up everybody around here, she warmed my cold hart.” Visenya let out a soft laugh. “Did she hate me?” he swallows after hearing that question. “No, no definitely not, she wanted the maester to save to at all costs.” He lets go of his daughter and walked to the bookshelf. Visenya looked at him curiously as he grabbed a little book. “Your mother wrote down her entire pregnancy, in here she mentioned all the little things, her cravings, when she found out, when she told me, the moment she felt you kicking for the first time and every little thought she had. She carried the book around everywhere she went.”
Visenya took the book from him and carefully opened it on the first page. Her eyes flew over the pages as she read the first little thoughts you had written down. Her beautiful different colored eyes filled with tears as she hugged the book to her chest. “Can I keep it?” her voice breaks a little bit, and he nods. “Yes, from now on you can enter the room whenever you want, and I will answer any questions you have about your mom, you deserve to know her.” She smiles and launches in his arms. “Thank you, thank you!”
“I have one more thing, I would be honored for you to have.” He walked to the little jewelry box on the table. He carefully opened it and took out a little dainty necklace. “It’s Valyrian steel, these gems matched your mothers’ eyes perfectly, as it does your eyes.” Visenya’s eyes glister with tears as she carefully picks up the necklace. “She used to wear is all the time, and I wanted to bury her with it, but I could not.” He explained while carefully picking up the necklace and clasping it around her neck.
The rest of the day he told her stories about her mother. Telling how you had once fought with ser Criston Cole after being so mad at his remarks towards Rhaenyra, because you were Daemons wife Cole was able to little then take the hit and he had walked around with a broken nose for a few weeks. He realized that he much rather would keep your memory alive by talking about you than keeping you locked away and as his daughter was laughing about the stories, he knew that he should have never kept her away from your memory. Visenya deserved to know who her mother was.
Part three 
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To Lady Celestine, from Magopon
Bonjour, I suppose? I don’t really think I know you yet so.. I was wondering, why not do an info exchange with each other I guess. Though I do know about you and Arthur. I do think it’s cute. So my barrage of questions starts now. First question, how did you get to know each other? Second, what is your favorite misadventure? Third, what do you like about Arthur, don’t think that I can’t see you two being lovey dovey. Well, I suppose I should keep my end. Things to know about me: I was the feared (yet cute) ogre of Kitakami. Next, uh let’s see, umm… Oh! I’m with Meta! And um, probably the easiest to provoke within my group I suppose. Well that’s all, I guess. Signing out, Magolor! -Magolor/Ogerpon
Such wonderful questions~
They don't deserve merely simple answers, how about a story instead
Truth be told my acts of vigilantism weren't for the fame or the glory... it was to atone what had happened to Shiver Star. Had I not told Absolum & Uther my vision...
Shiver Star wouldn't have had an... even worse fate than I had originally seen... Then I started to question everything... I had come to find out that all my visions of warning were ignored (by other Heroes of Yore & the Ancients) unless there was a benefit to them.
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They didn't care about people who suffered from their acts, unlike them, I could see them... I could feel their pain too... I couldn't help but think that I had made everyone's life worse...
Until one day I just had enough.... I was done crying over my mistakes... I had to do something!
So the moment Triple Star was created I vowed I'd make up for all the damage I did with my visions. I'd "my future sight" to hunt down Nightmares monsters before they'd even had the chance to do any harm. I'd use my magic & alchemy to fix all the damage the GSA did to civilian planets.
(Basically, she did the same thing of what Edward did here but in secret)
But I will admit I did have my own little fun when I was out there as well...played a practical joke here or there swindled some swindlers... unleashed a hoard of flying pigs every time I played a prank but you get the idea.
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My actions did go unnoticed... people could tell that someone in the night was fixing their homes & cities. Someone was taking out the monster even before Uther's soldiers (and Sir Uther didn't like that.) All they knew was a mysterious old mage wearing a blue cloak was helping them.
The people were starting to rely on me... I didn't want that to happen.
I wanted to stay anonymous but with how things were going to be difficult to hide myself for very long... there was another problem I was not long for the world
But that was around when I got Kirby's prediction.
There was a glimmer of hope left in the galaxy... Nightmare terror against the galaxy would end along with the Ancients & Uther's reign would end however there was a catch...
For those of you who haven't read (The Wart of Them All)
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My visions were vague in nature but this one carried the most uncertainty.... I had no idea what wild goose chase this vision was leading me on... especially after I saw all my options...
I just needed to find the match; it didn't tell me how they fit into Kirby's prediction, nor what role they played in all this. But I did know this... I WAS NOT GOING TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN AND TRUST ANYONE WITH MY KNOWLEDGE!
I needed to exhaust every avenue and be sure I was making the right choice... So I had to reveal myself to them as "Merlyn."
Actually, I didn't name myself Merlyn just yet... that'll have to come up in the next part.
To be continued~
Prev. ((The Wart of Them All) - Next. ("Merlyned")
Shoutout to @poyoofthestars Thank you so much for giving me such a great question it gives me all the power to lore dump!
I know what it looks like I did this on purpose: (For you those of you who aren't familiar with the Pokemon games: at the start of your journey you are given three choices as you're starter )
Basically, what Celestine was doing was choosing "the right starter Pokemon... to kick start Kirby's journey." But the main difference is that if she chooses the wrong one the galaxy is royally screwed! OUR GIRL WAS UNDER A LOT OF PRESSURE
Also, another fun lore dump Celestine never actually called herself Merlyn... it was actually Arthur who accidentally named her Merlyn.
Hope you guys enjoyed it see you in the next part.
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seelestia · 1 year
◇ A Blessed Imperfection ◇
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LIA'S NOTE: aaaaa, thank you sm for submitting and writing this masterpiece, ☆ starlight anon! i'm so sorry that i wasn't able to post this asap but now, i'm sobbing as i read this. (/pos) do give this a read if you have the time and show ☆ starlight anon (@/hermosacolibri) some support for their godly writing 💐 this work does not belong to me, all credits go to ☆ starlight anon!
+ tagging @zhongrin — ehe! rin jie, you gotta take a look at this <3
CW: fem!reader, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth (in zhongli's part), reader has a vision (geo for zhongli and electro for ayato).
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
SYNOPSIS: Many consider your disability as a burden, but he finds a way to make it a blessing in disguise. What makes us flawed is what makes us unique, and that is what he considers the most beautiful thing about you—an imperfection he dearly adores. Nevertheless, he knows of your lingering sorrows and thus seeks a way to support you in the best way he could.
CHARACTERS: Zhongli, Kamisato Ayato
NOTE: I have decided to just submit the excerpts for these two and dedicated them to Rin and you respectively lol. I kept getting ideas and suddenly there were more characters to write, which made the entry too long. If you or the others wish to read more, I have an account on Quotev (a writing platform) that compiled all these sorts of literary works. People can also request there. I will provide the link if anyone is interested once I get everything cleaned up :)
ZHONGLI is a god whom has lived for eons, and has yet to begin his life at the same time. After his six millennia of existence, he has been known by many names and bestowed countless titles. Some are hearsay, and some are legitimate—all are bonded through his contracts. As the Prime Adeptus, he is the warrior god named Morax who subdued the rage of oceans and monsters by rain of spears. To all of Liyue, he is the mighty Rex Lapis whom stood as the overseer of contracts, history, and commerce. By the word of Celestia, he is the Geo Archon whom holds dominion over the Gnosis; and in the eyes of Teyvat, that made him god amongst gods even if he felt otherwise under the divine gaze.
Alas, when he finally stepped down from the lonely throne, his words to the Traveler omitted a particular truth from him—
—that is, his reason of retirement.
Zhongli spoke of erosion, and even the merchant whom made him realize that his job was done.
However, he did not speak of you.
Of course, with two Harbingers present, his secrecy is understandably sound judgment. Nevertheless, even when he attained privacy to speak personally, he finds it hard to disclose about you. Perhaps, it is a draconic instinct to hoard and protect what he has claimed to be his.
The only other individual just as protective over any knowledge of your existence is Ningguang.
After all, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing is also known as your dear older sister.
Ningguang raised you since the beginning, even if she had been a mere child herself. Your parents are never spoken, and you never asked. Even when you find yourself in comparison to other children with mothers and fathers, your older sister was always all you needed and wanted. Tirelessly, she carried you on her back while her arms were occupied by a basket of wares to be sold. Barefoot, she journeyed from the sands of Yaoguang Shoal to the main capital of Liyue Harbor to make ends meet. Every weekend, you will both scavenge anything that can be sold.
The first gift she ever bought you was an intricate erhu of the best craftsmanship.
It had been your smiles that told her everything will be worth the effort. It had been your songs that soothed the ache of muscles and the weariness of mind. It had been your words that invigorated her ambition to become something more.
“I love you, jiejie!”
“…I love you too, meimei.”
Nothing would stop Ningguang from rising to the top and giving you the life you deserve.
Time is cruel to mortals and always issues a test of faith to see them thrive. In one such incident, it has been proven that you and Ningguang are true sisters in every sense of the word. Her determination can only be rivalled by yours, and the resolve which shine like stars in your eyes is unconquerable.
Your older sister had once fallen to sickness. She refused to tell you where she kept the money, not wanting to waste it to buy medicine. You furiously argued with her about it but nothing could change her mind. Thus, at the dark of night, you treaded the path towards Jueyun Karst. The entire map of Liyue has been engraved in your mind since you could walk. Even when nothing but black greets your blank eyes, it would have been child’s play to travel into the abode of adepti.
That is, of course, if not for the adepti’s indignant anger at your trespassing.
Fortunately, you stole a Sigil of Permission.
“My sister is ill,” you told them, “and I require your aid to concoct a medicine.”
You will never know that what eventually convinced them is how gold illuminated your form. It channels your soul, and then solidifies into a circlet. At its center, a Geo Vision proudly sparkled.
Mountain Shaper thus led you to collect herbs that you would need. Moon Carver carried you on his back while Cloud Retainer flew towards Yaoguang Shoal with Ganyu on hers to check on your sister. In the distance, the Conqueror of Demons obliterated all other threats that may come your way.
By morning, Ningguang was on a road to recovery and you thanked the adepti by playing your erhu for them every day.
Amongst these private performances, you ended up in Guili Plains alone.
A melody has been haunting your dreams. It is very melancholic yet profoundly moving, like a promise between lovers. The composition began to write itself in the abyssal void of your sight. Then, it played smoothly by your delicate hands on the strings. Your voice echoed across the plains, bequeathing a sense of serenity that mortals rarely have talent to supply.
Once again, the Lord of Geo has been enchanted as he listened to your lullaby.
“Milord, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
Your inquiry was met with silence, but you can still feel his piercing eyes on you. Thankfully, you are patient as you are resilient.
The sound of footsteps made your ears perk up. You could not stop yourself from tilting your head to the direction of its origin. The omnipotence of adeptal energy dominated the air, making you dazed for a few seconds. However, there was a charming scent that you recognize. It belongs to a wild glaze lily, one especially helped to bloom by music.
Morax paused before where you sat, staring into your curious gaze looking up at him. The blindness clouded them yet your earnest intrigue made them shimmer glamorously. Autumn ginkgo leaves rain upon you whom sat beneath the shade of its tree, and he whom loomed over your mortal form. He lifts the glaze lily in his hand to bless its petals with a chaste kiss. Then, he slowly presents it to you.
A steady hand tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, planting the flower as an ornament. Your sensitive skin felt the callouses that must be from a lifetime of battle and slaughter. Alas, your cheeks only flush brightly at their tender caress. His fingertips glide through your tresses very subtly, giving you agency to pull away from his touch.
Morax pulls a lock of hair towards his lips, giving it the same attention as he did the glaze lily.
Then, with a promising smile, he lets go—
—and then vanishes in a blink.
That encounter was the first of many secrets you kept from your older sister.
A week later, a gentleman named Zhongli introduces himself to you. You narrow your eyes in suspicion and confusion. His presence, the aura of Rex Lapis, is unmistakable to you. Nevertheless, you respond with quiet acceptance while listening to his pulse settle down in relief.
It was not your place to question an archon anyway, nor is it your responsibility.
Aside from music, you always held fascination for botany. After refusing your sister’s offer to live with her in the Jade Chamber, she built you an estate with a large garden and a quaint greenhouse. From here, you have invented a unique art known as Geo Crystalline Preservation. You use the flowers in your garden to crystallize them with your Vision, but retain their scent like a real flower. By this method, you manage to pluck wild glaze lilies and preserve their natural fragrance after cultivation.
Your first specimen was the glaze lily gifted by your archon, now a part of your circlet.
Suddenly, wild glaze lilies were being revived to its former vast numbers in your garden.
Your artform can be applied to anything too. It can become a stained glass decor, a clothing design, an unwilting bouquet, and even a way to preserve food ingredients. For this reason, your fresh business had immediately made connections with all sorts of exchange across Liyue Harbor. In turn, you have developed a very reliable information network that answers to nobody but yourself. Twice, a visit from Yelan made your heart swell with pride to know you have information that eludes her.
Zhongli was more of a consultant or an advisor who directs you to the most beneficial proposals. It can be most helpful whenever you felt lost in making critical decisions that require more tact. He even made it possible for you to create a strong alliance with the Feiyun Commerce Guild. A part of you is still uncertain if that was worth the hassle that the esteemed Young Master Xingqiu tends to bring to your doorstep.
By the words of Rex Lapis, the core foundation of contracts is fairness. Thus, you asked Zhongli what he wants in exchange for his hard work.
“I only wish for your company,” Zhongli replied, “and—if you would allow it—a chance to court you.”
A gentle kiss lands upon your forehead. It brought back flashes of your first meeting under the ginkgo tree, when he was a god rather than a mortal. You used names to keep them separate, yet this moment has proven that Zhongli is Rex Lapis and Morax.
A cor lapis by any other name would nonetheless be as resplendent.
Then, two years later, he proposed and you said yes.
That resulted to an interesting private discussion between Zhongli and Ningguang. Neither of them disclosed any details other than the fact your sister gave her sincere blessings for the marriage. The wedding was reserved yet was also nothing short of extravagant. The collaboration of your sister and husband had you expecting nothing less, if you were being honest.
Another year later, the final Rite of Descension turns into a Rite of Parting.
You knew of Zhongli’s plan. He had to confide the details to you, excluding the Tsaritsa’s contract. It was the only way to persuade you into staying in Wangshu Inn for a few weeks, to make sure you do not get caught in the crossfire. He promises his intervention if all goes awry, if it endangers your sister as well as the rest of Liyue Harbor.
Then, it was all over.
Zhongli came home to kiss you with fervor you have never felt from him since your wedding night.
Later, the geo lines on his arms pulse with luminous glow in your marital bedroom. It reflected upon his amber eyes, pupils alternating between slits and dilation as his instincts purred. He closed his eyes with an inaudible sigh before projecting himself into your dreamscape.
As a blind person, you have an odd way of dreaming.
You only hear amidst the abyss and a composition always reverberates. When visited by him, everything gets reconstructed to a meadow of glaze lilies. At its heart is a Statue of the Seven. He had learnt that the imagery of stars twinkling above your heads is a sign that his own dreamscape had begun to merge with yours. A golden aurora borealis emanated pure geo energy, representing elemental resonance.
Always, the Geo Archon finds himself replacing his own self on the statue when he visits. He opens his eyes to the perspective of the statue. The illusionary Memory of Dust remains afloat beside him with a few geo crystalflies. He shall always find you fast asleep, wearing a hanfu composed of his colors. At times, your head is only resting on the armrest or his lap; and other times you are already in his arms.
Then, he cradles you closely while he listens to the tunes you dream. He has grown familiar with most of them through your erhu. A few would puzzle him, and he would then realize they are your unfinished compositions.
There was also one other reason he strictly kept you far from the events in the harbor.
You are with child.
Zhongli recalls the time you discussed the concept of illumination with him. It is the method of possibly enlightening a mortal to become an adeptus. The topic of you becoming immortal was only broached once and never again. Your own perspective in the matter was irrelevant, mostly because you were incompatible for the procedure. Although far from being an invalid, your constitution is far from ideal for such arduous illumination.
The Lord of Geo was overjoyed when you relayed the news of your pregnancy the first time. Alas, when the celebratory mood had gone, the slap of reality finally registered.
This will be a difficult ordeal for you, carrying a child that is half-adeptus.
Yanfei was conceived and born by a human mother, delivered through a complicated pregnancy. The health concerns never seemed to end, and her mother’s miraculous survival was only thanks to her tenacity according to her father. Even then, she is a mortal woman in perfectly good health.
If you were not capable of undergoing illumination, can you even survive this pregnancy?
No matter the answer though, Zhongli knows you are determined to persevere. For the sake of the life within your womb, you will endure all the hardships that will be thrown your way.
That fact is why he fell in love with you.
Perhaps, there was one thing he could do to help you even if it was not a full illumination.
As he once did for Azhdaha, the Lord of Geo can bless you the gift of sight.
You can see your child when they are born.
Zhongli lifts his head from where it rested on your crown. He tilts your chin up to gaze upon your visage and feel your breath against his skin. His fingertips grazed your eyelids, and the golden light of his geo energy engulfs the dreamscape. As everything fades into white, he leans down so his lips meet yours…
…and then, you both awaken.
However, for the first time, the haunting darkness that usually welcomed you has been replaced with color.
You saw a man hovering over you, lips millimeters apart from yours. Dark brown hair is embellished with honey gold, long strands gliding over his toned shoulders. Sharp amber eyes glared into yours, an unreadable sheen making them glow. Your hand reaches up to touch his pale cheek, thumb tracing the red outlining his gaze.
You realize. This is your husband.
“Zhongli…!” You gasped, tears in your eyes.
He smiles like a breathtaking work of art, a godly beauty that blessed you to be his wife.
“Hello, tian xin.”
Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him into an ecstatic embrace and blissful kiss. He obliges, taking all you have and giving you all that is his.
Someday, you will no longer stay by his side.
Nevertheless, the proof of your existence will live through your child—and so will the love, the miracle that conceived them, which you shared with him. As such, you will continue to shine like gold in his memories forevermore.
This is not a mere contract, but a solemn promise that even Celestia can never break—
“My memories of you are treasures not even erosion can steal away.”
KAMISATO AYATO is a man whose heart seeks an equally capable partner. The idea of one day having to choose another half is something to consider as part of his duty. After all, the head of a noble clan is responsible for ensuring that its bloodline continues to prosper. To sire an heir, he must someday select a bride. His choice will lead to the rise of a matriarch within the Kamisato Clan. It must be a woman with the caliber to lead as the gentle hand of the Yashiro Commission to his iron fist. A fierce yet kind soul is necessary to command the Shuumatsuban in his place should the need ever arise. Furthermore, if he must eventually settle for a loveless marriage, his desire is to at least gain a lifelong friend. They must have the same depth of loyalty to his family, and the same steadfast resolve to uphold their principles.
Otherwise, he is very certain any other whom wishes to stand by his side will only break. With how he acts and carries himself, the people of Inazuma are more inclined to agree. Indeed, a wife less than up to par would be nothing short of disappointing.
Be that as it may, the Yashiro Commissioner can be a complicated man to love.
Ayato is a man who lives his life wearing a thousand masks, with little to no distinction between his true self and facades. At the early deaths of his parents, he was a young boy that had been forced into the lethal grind of political battles. To protect his little sister, he took up the blade to eliminate those who threaten them amidst the power struggle.
Just like that, his heart became a closely guarded vault privy to a trusted few.
Loving Ayato is likened to water, the same element he wields as weapon and shield. In calm days, he is transparent and clear to see. In chaotic nights, his own motives are harder to understand. There are times he can be as volatile as rapids, and others be as nurturing as a cool spring.
The most dangerous thing about loving Ayato is if you allow yourself to drown in him.
Alas, all of Inazuma is left dumbfounded when he abruptly announces his marriage to you.
The Yashiro Commissioner had gone missing for a week. A note with his penmanship claims he has a personal errand to run. Then, he returns to the estate—holding your hand while another clenches a scroll, sealed by the wax insignia of the Narukami Shrine and the Raiden Shogun. A glance at your respective hands reveal the glint of silver wedding bands, with camellia flower engravement filled by white jade.
Kamisato Ayato eloped with you.
“From here onwards,” Ayato declared, “[Name] shall be living in the Kamisato Estate as my wife. Please treat her with the same respect you do for me.”
The idea seems to intimidate you, a frown tugging your lips. Your husband, however, squeezed your hand in reassurance. Pacified, you end up snuggling your cheek onto his arm. The action is successful in grounding your senses, focusing on Ayato’s scent and body heat. He obliges this by gently pulling you closer, practically trapping your own arm to his side.
Ayaka hid a smile of amusement behind her fan, as her eyes softened in endearment.
“Of course, brother.” She replied.
Thoma nodded, beaming in welcome as you peeked at him and the young miss. Despite their slightest reservation upon this rushed turn of events, they trust Ayato.
Although, the Shirasagi Himegimi cannot help but feel you looked somewhat familiar.
You are a very peculiar woman, especially in a nation as conservative and traditional as Inazuma. In fact, some believe you seem more like an antithesis to your husband. Whereas he is always poised and very composed, there is always an untamed ferocity in you that refuses to comply to social norms. You can nevertheless dress as elegantly as any other noble aristocrat, speak as eloquently as any well-educated lady. If not for your infamous eccentricities, nobody would have doubted why Ayato chose you. It is quite renowned that you shamelessly stroll Inazuma’s main city in a commoner’s yukata—a messy bun for a hairstyle, and sometimes going barefoot. You despise social events and acted more elusive than your mysterious husband.
The servants were initially wary yet none of them can deny your positive influence. The household has never been so efficient and organized until you took on managing its affairs. Thoma was astonished to realize that he ended up with more free time under your authority. The meticulous way you stick to a form of schedule and your quick wit to adapt have enabled the Kamisato Estate to operate smoothly, with or without the siblings present. In fact, some unique tasks you assign to Thoma aided him into securing businesses in Ritou. As equal exchange for your patronage, you have flawlessly expanded the Shuumatsuban’s spy network.
Ayaka also found respite in her endeavors as face of the clan. She initially had a difficult time with being your mentor of sorts in the life of nobility. However, your creativity in problem solving and quick wit has been such help in balancing her own matters.
Thoma began to understand your ways when he has become in charge of all your meals. There is a set routine for every day of the week, and then a specific assortment of snacks with tea expected at certain hours. Each ingredient is meticulously picked and every dish is carefully prepared. If even one thing is out of place, you will notice with a single bite/sip and you would refuse to eat—which results to a very moody mistress for the rest of the estate.
It was only thanks to how well Ayato knew you that everyone else was able to keep up. He is aware of all factors to your behavior and how to aptly respond to them. His stern yet precise instructions left no room for mistakes if it meant taking care of you properly in his absence. It was as if he grew up with you due to the sheer amount of experience he has in how to deal with your odd patterns.
As months passed, Ayaka finally realized.
That is because her brother did grow up with you.
Ayato met you long ago when he was a mere lonely boy, burdened with the title of clan heir. He found you digging around the beach near his estate, an Electro Vision on your waist. A line of seashells were set on a flat rock beside you, all arranged by type as rows and by size as columns.
You glanced up at him. Your Vision flickers, making him tense—
—and then lightning struck the sands.
As a boy, Ayato watched in awe as the grains turned into glass. You manipulated the temperature of the element, heating the sand in quick seconds to create multiple pieces. He ended up getting closer, and it was enough to spook you. After you were finished, you hastily stood up and collected your things before sprinting away.
“Wait…!” Ayato exclaimed.
You did not listen.
The young master pouted, thinking he would never see you again. It was a shame since he found you so fascinating. He looked down and saw some strange hollow tubes in the shores, resembling coral.
That day, he went home a little despondent.
Ayato was pleasantly surprised to see you again the next day—same place, same hour. You are polishing the shells this time, and occasionally refining them to the shape you want. Small pots of paint surround you, and the Electro Vision is pulsing to be used at any given notice.
This time, you did not run when he got close.
He flinches as you suddenly spoke. Your eyes were focused on the glass tubes he picked up. They hung from the string of his obi now, which got odd looks from his parents a while ago.
You nodded, “They are fulgurites. You can use them to make jewelry. Want to see?”
That was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Ayato figures out your schedule and how you like sticking to it, so he never misses out when to visit you. It was something you never minded as long as he remained consistent. The times when he did not get the memo, you got annoyed and told him harshly to stop showing up. At first, he felt hurt since he misunderstood. Thankfully, he was mature enough to clarify it with you. Since then, he promised his arrival only on particular days wherein he can assure his free time. At his words, you acted less bothered by his presence and worked on your craft.
The two of you grew up together in those constant stolen moments. He finds out you have a younger brother, and he tells you he has a younger sister. On weekends, you are not on the beach. That is the only time your brother is able to spend time with you instead of honing his swordsmanship.
In stormy days, he had to struggle pulling you into the estate. Every time, he braced himself for your ire but patiently coaxes you over it. The most effective method is to occupy your mind with something else, and let your hands be busy crafting. Once you are fixated, Ayato can be allowed into your safe space again and he is able to take care of you. Henceforth, rainy days are spent in his estate and that became the new norm for your daily routine. Ayato adapts into creating amendments for your unhealthy habits.
You still persistently argue that storms are perfect for making petrified lightning glass.
Nevertheless, you express gratitude for his sincere care and affection. No one has ever been so doting on you aside from your brother. In turn, Ayato felt touched that you treat him as one of the only two people you explicitly trust. You even adjust yourself to be considerate of his own needs, despite the clear discomfort it sometimes caused you.
When his parents died, you were his greatest pillar of support.
Ayato has always known to never underestimate you in any way. What made you different did not make you dumb. In fact, it is revealed in that dark period that you were more brilliant than your peers. It was only thanks to your guidance that he found direction how to proceed. It was due to your judgment that he knew who to trust, which ties needed to be severed for safety. Every critical decision was consulted by you, and he was awed when the results you predict come to fruition. When his demons made him lose sleep, you provided relief by playing with his hair.
When he finally triumphed in the succession, you gave him a precious gift.
You smiled. Of utmost sincerity, you smiled ever so sweetly and so warmly.
That is the day Ayato knew you were the one.
Unfortunately, he had taken too long to confess that to you. Too many years slipped past his fingers due to his obligations.
Then, the Vision Hunt Decree happened—
—and you went missing.
A young man named Kaedehara Kazuha barged into his estate, panicked and distressed. He called for Ayato, kneeling as he pleaded for help in finding his older sister—you. The wind has gone silent regarding your whereabouts, and he feared the worst due to the recent decree.
Of course, the Yashiro Commissioner wasted no time in utilizing his power to be of aid.
It was for naught.
Soon, he could not even protect your brother when the young man was branded as a wanted criminal.
Kazuha witnessed the love Ayato holds for you—a passion he deems worthy of his kin. He knew of the bond you shared with him, which is why he came to the man for help. Meeting the man personally, the winds crooned in approval—to which the ronin only smiled, a little resigned yet mostly relieved.
Someone else can take care of you now.
“Aneue spoke of you fondly.” He said, “If anyone can find her, it’s you.”
The younger male presents him a box.
“She called it a tassel chime,” Kazuha explained, “and referred to that piece as Rainmaker.”
It contains a small windchime in the size and design of a tassel, thus the name. A single clamshell ties the knot for the top noose. Camellias on rippling waters is carved onto the blue glass, painted with glittering golden lacquer. Rather than a striker, a ball of glowing white jade is inside the spherical glass with a cowrie shell at its base. The tail is a familiar indigo satin ribbon, his gift to you on the last Irodori Festival. His name is embroidered in your favorite fulgurite threads, and yours on the other side:
Kaedehara [Name].
Ayato knew this is the equivalent of a blessing. He ties it to his sword, aware by use of elemental sight that the energy within it will prevent the glass from breaking even in a skirmish. He makes a promise to your brother that he will stop at nothing to find you, and then ask for your hand.
Eventually, he did.
You stood in an abandoned temple amidst the call of summer. The crystalflies illuminated your form, and the water shimmered like liquid diamonds. The tinkling sounds echoed in Chinju Forest, as the sails of windchimes blew with the nightly breeze.
At the call of your name, you turned to face him and Ayato embraces you immediately.
“I want to go home.” You murmur.
The broken tone of your voice devastated him, and he nods while tightening his arms. You hugged him back, hiding your face on his chest while his nuzzled your shoulder.
“Yes, let’s go home now.” He whispered.
The Yashiro Commissioner spared nothing at your expense. He used the name of Kamisato to protect you. As his wife, you are an integral part of the Tri-Commission and one with the Raiden Shogun’s faction. You cannot be touched by the decree like your brother feared. Although you desire no riches, Ayato sought to provide something that will soothe your unease at the drastic changes in your life.
Thus, in an isolated wing of the estate, there was your personal workshop.
A safe haven. All for you.
Ayato leaned back with you in his arms, cuddling by the veranda. You were sorting through your brother’s letters, worried, and missing him dearly. Looking up at your husband, he smiles and kisses you fervently.
“I’m here.” He reassures.
You wrap your arms around his neck in response, snuggling his chest to nap. He adjusts you on his lap and rewraps the blanket around you. His long fingers comb through your hair, humming contently.
Heartbound lullabies in hiraeth, ever so mellifluous—
“You are my clarity amidst sullied waters, a wish to forever keep.”
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
(catches me rummaging through the trash like a raccoon)
Tell me once again, I could have been anyone, anyone else
Before you made the choice for me (The vigilante bit was always Dick’s idea. But Nightwing was born from Bruce ripping Robin away from him.)
My feet knew the path
We walked in the dark, in the dark (the darkness surrounded both Dick and Bruce. it’s a familiar friend to them both)
I never gave a single thought to where it might lead (He was a child. How could Dick know what would happen to him in the future?)
All those empty rooms
We could have been anywhere, anywhere else (they could’ve been a functional family)
Instead I made a bed with apathy (“After the realisation of being used and shaped to become what the other person wanted, they’ve simply been resigned to where they ended up. Apathy.”)
My heart knew the weight
Ten years' worth of dust and neglect (Bruce was his dad… but did it really feel like it?)
We made our peace with weariness and let it be (but Dick, ever hopeful, lives on. hope masks his exhaustion.)
The moon will sing a song for me
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own
I shine only with the light you give me
(in my mind, i see it going both ways. early in life, it was Batman and Robin. they were so codependent of each other, they were basically one entity. Bruce could not stay afloat without Dick. Robin wasn’t able to shine without Batman. their relationship is borderline, mayhaps even truly, toxic. but neither can let go.)
Name your courage now
We could have had anything, anything else
Instead you hoarded all that's left of me (“These lines seem to indicate that the parent/partner/other person in the relationship with the singer was a control freak, perhaps even afraid of losing the singer. Instead, they resorted to manipulation to prevent this from happening.” well, do I need to explain?)
Swallowing your doubt
Like swords to the pit of my belly
I want to feel the fire that you kept from me (Dick, as Robin, wanted to rediscover himself with the Titans. without Bruce. Bruce wouldn’t let him.)
(jumps into the sewer grate and disappears)
*comes out with a leash only to glimpse a blur jumping into the sewer grate so ties up hair and starts climbing down, gagging all the way at the smell because my love for you will not be dulled by the scent of sewage*
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
I'm huge into songs with cadence because they're really addicting to listen to so when I started reading this, I could feel a rhythm so I thought I might like it. I was right!
Tell me once again, I could have been anyone, anyone else
This fits into the Oldest Daughter Syndrome post I wrote about where Dick on some level feels a sort of resentment towards Bruce. He loves him but the hurt from taking care of him when he could have been enjoying his childhood as much as teen vigilante can still lingers.
Before you made the choice for me (The vigilante bit was always Dick’s idea. But Nightwing was born from Bruce ripping Robin away from him.)
My feet knew the path
When he left he didn't know where to go or what to do but he knew what he wanted to be - a hero worthy of his own stage. And he knew subconsciously what needed to be done.
We walked in the dark, in the dark (the darkness surrounded both Dick and Bruce. it’s a familiar friend to them both)
All those nights patrolling together, laughing together, making the memories of a lifetime in a clouded gotham sky at twilight. They toured Gotham, flying through every crevices and warehouse over the years because they knew Gotham like the back of their hand.
I never gave a single thought to where it might lead (He was a child. How could Dick know what would happen to him in the future?)
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #75
source: also @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 because thank you so much for finding it because I spent a week looking for this 😭
He really didn't know. They both didn't.
All those empty rooms
this post. I often think of A Million Dreams song from the Greatest Showman because it's kinda portrayal of Dick's mindset as Robin and Nightwing. But there's one stanza that sticks out in particular in connection with this: There's a house we can build Every room inside is filled With things from far away The special things I compile Each one there to make you smile On a rainy day
And each time it just reminds me of how in the Golden Ages Dick and Bruce used to collect memorandum of their adventures together. And both of them look over it all and reminisce canonically. But Dick was the one who moved out, and I mentioned in my B&D relationship post long ago but Bruce literally sulks in a cave filled with adventures of their time together. When Dick leaves for college, Bruce actually shuts down the batcave and leaves the manor to settle in a new place to go on a journey of self-discovery to find himself anew/become more modern.
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Batman (1940) Issue #217
We could have been anywhere, anywhere else (they could’ve been a functional family)
Instead I made a bed with apathy (“After the realisation of being used and shaped to become what the other person wanted, they’ve simply been resigned to where they ended up. Apathy.”)
Also how Bruce tried to kill his emotions are Dick left him behind so he wouldn't feel sorrow that he's gone.
My heart knew the weight
They both cried about each other leaving. Dick when Bruce fired him and Bruce when Dick left for college.
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Batman (1940) Issue #217
Ten years' worth of dust and neglect (Bruce was his dad… but did it really feel like it?)
We made our peace with weariness and let it be (but Dick, ever hopeful, lives on. hope masks his exhaustion.)
The moon will sing a song for me
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own
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Nightwing (1999) Issue #99
I shine only with the light you give me
(in my mind, i see it going both ways. early in life, it was Batman and Robin. they were so codependent of each other, they were basically one entity. Bruce could not stay afloat without Dick. Robin wasn’t able to shine without Batman. their relationship is borderline, mayhaps even truly, toxic. but neither can let go.)
Yes, that's canon.
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1074
Name your courage now
We could have had anything, anything else
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Batman vs Robin Issue #3
Instead you hoarded all that's left of me (“These lines seem to indicate that the parent/partner/other person in the relationship with the singer was a control freak, perhaps even afraid of losing the singer. Instead, they resorted to manipulation to prevent this from happening.” well, do I need to explain?)
There's just so many examples to give of this
Swallowing your doubt
Like swords to the pit of my belly
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Batman vs Robin Issue #3
Quite on the nose actually. Or should I say sword.
I want to feel the fire that you kept from me (Dick, as Robin, wanted to rediscover himself with the Titans. without Bruce. Bruce wouldn’t let him.)
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Teen Titans: Year One Issue #6
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perpetualexistence · 4 months
Noah and the Beanstalk AU
New AU hot off the press! This one's what I'd call a one-shot AU since this is the main thought without really any other ideas to go along with it. I would still love to answer any questions about it, though!
Look under the read more for an Alenoaheather g/t au! It won't be the last, though it is currently the only one that ends in a villain thruple.
Fantasy AU where giants are a known thing to exist in the clouds. Jack did his thing with the beanstalk and became famous since he's wealthy a la golden goose. This has just encouraged more humans to try to go up and steal from giants, occasionally even killing one. At this point stealing from giants is a profession in itself. An incredibly dangerous one with a very high mortality rate.
With that context out of the way, now onto Noah. He's the youngest of 9, and his life's doing pretty okay up until his mom catches an incurable illness. Being a nerd, he throws himself into research to find some kind of magic that can save her.
Good news! There's a chalice that cures the most pressing of ailments the next town over! The bad news? That town just got razed to the ground and pillaged by a pair of giants. Giants normally don't bother coming down and prefer to stay up to hoard and guard their treasures. These two are particularly greedy though because they go out of their way to come down and take things for themselves. The treasure's their priority but if anyone gets in the way of that? They're going to lose their lives trying to protect what's theirs. Giant thieves have gone up to try to reclaim the wealth and seek revenge. Though some even theorize that these two are only doing this out of desperation and can potentially be reasoned with. People from neither side of this argument have come back down.
There's also another problem in trying to go after these two. A more human one. You see, when everyone started going after giants, the earlier ones had the advantage of stealing from unsuspecting giants with no idea this was going to be an epidemic of stealing. They got power real fast, and started doing what they could to keep that power to themselves. Certain giant thieves went as far as hiring guards to stop other giant thieves from going up and getting rich without at least some hefty fee. The particular beanstalk that Noah's got to get to has royal guards.
Noah's only got a timeline of a couple of months since that's how long the doctors predicted. So he uses that to the fullest extend he dares. Most giant thieves get killed because they think they can just sneak in without a plan and get what they want the first time they get up there.
Noah's plans to do this smart thing called reconnaissance. He's going to make a few trips up before he tries actually stealing the chalice. He needs to know a few things before he's even going to think about touching that treasure:
Where these two keep their treasure
How they guard it
If they know how valuable the chalice is, and subsequently
If they'll notice that the chalice goes missing
Can they track him down if they do notice
He somehow manages to get his way up the beanstalk whether it's through bribing guards or distracting them so he can sneak up. Though he does manage to catch the attention through Justin, the prince or else some kind of royal who wants to make a name for himself but is also too cowardly to try stealing from a giant. Justin can't prove anything, so he just watches and waits as Noah keeps up with his frequent trips.
Through Noah's reconnaissance, he learns a couple of things. The two giants are named Alejandro and Heather. They're both around his age, and they really do only care about the treasure so they can gloat to others about how wealthy they are. They're also clearly in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. It's just incredibly unfortunate that they define a romantic outing as stealing and killing together.
Noah also learns that they have no idea they've got a magic chalice on their hands, which is good. What's not so good is they have a giant dog that guards their treasure room when they're not around. (Is the giant dog a stand in for anyone in particular? Maybe! Part of me wants to say Tyler for some reason. Still trying to figure that out.) However, he does learn that the dog has been trained at least a bit through whistles. This leads to the start of a brilliant plan.
Rather than steal the chalice himself, he trains the dog to steal the chalice FOR him. The dog goes in and out of the treasure room so he won't set off any alarms. Noah already knows some tricks for doing so thanks to training his own dog. It takes a while to make sure the dog becomes familiar with and loves him as a person with treats rather than a person who is a treat. Even longer to go through the training of teaching him how to fetch the chalice through creating a replica so the dog knows what to look for. But eventually it pays off.
He books it with the chalice. He doesn't dare to get greedy because he knows these two will notice if too much goes missing. And he's seen enough of them to know they'll be incredibly vindictive against anyone who injures their pride by stealing. He actually plans to return the chalice after using it on his mother. He'd rather have them never realize it was gone rather than live with the ticking time bomb of waiting to see if they notice.
Before he goes too far with it, he tests it on himself first. It would be a waste to steal it only for it to be for nothing. He cuts the palm of his hand, then pours some water into the chalice and drinks. He was not prepared for the intensity. It feels like he's swallowed liquid fire and he nearly coughs it out, but he forces himself to swallow. As to be expected, his whole body feels like it's on fire. This was a horrible mistake. Fortunately for him, the pain subsides. And look, that cut has been healed! Finally, life is looking up for once!
Noah's biggest mistake was thinking this because the moment he gets off the beanstalk, Justin shows up. He reveals that he's been watching Noah and let him keep going up, which is why it's been so easy for Noah to make repeated trips. Justin rips the chalice out of Noah's hands to claim it for himself so he can have the prestige of being a giant thief without ever putting himself in any danger. Noah gets to live because Justin can't be bothered to kill him, and doesn't see him as a threat. Noah's only saving grace is Justin has no idea what the chalice can do, and Noah sure as hell isn't going to tell him.
Noah's forced to go home empty-handed. He starts trying to plan how to steal the chalice back, and if he even has enough time to do that. Infiltrating a castle with plenty of guards is much different than infiltrating a giant home with only three occupants.
He only gets about a week or two before two rather pissed off giants and their dog come crashing down to reclaim their stolen treasure. Noah's in town doing reconnaissance on the castle so he's close enough to see the dog bounding into the castle to reclaim the chalice and the person who's currently claiming he took the chalice: Justin.
Heather and Alejandro are busy trying to interrogate Justin into telling them how he stole from them. Neither of them are paying attention to their dog, who smells Noah, and comes bounding towards him with the chalice as he's been trained. Noah can't believe his luck.
Literally, he can't. Because if Heather or Alejandro catch sight of this they're going to figure out who the real thief is in an instant. But also this is his one chance of curing his mom while the two are distracted. He just has to pray he's faster than they are. At least he has a giant dog that serves as a great mode of transportation if you're willing to cling for your life and pray to anyone that'll listen to not fall off.
He does manage to make it home and cure his mother, thankfully without her looking too pained by drinking from the chalice. Bad news is this is around the time he hears two incredibly loud, incredibly frustrated screams and he knows they've realized the chalice is gone again.
He tries to order the dog to return the chalice to Alejandro and Heather. Which is pretty difficult considering this isn't a command he's taught the dog. The dog also hears itself being called back by its giant owners, so it comes up with the perfect solution. It lightly bites down onto both the chalice AND Noah and begins bounding back. Cue Noah screaming and trying to give the 'drop it'.
Which works! Partially. It gets the dog to drop the chalice. Down a hill. Rolling off a cliff. To the ocean below. Where it's immediately swept away. Never to be seen again.
His only hope is that Alejandro and Heather will make his death quick.
When he does get brought back to the two, he's immediately snatched up by Heather who demands to know who he thinks he is, and where the chalice is when she realizes it's gone. Noah tries to lie that their dog picked him up on complete accident, but they're not buying it. Alejandro does notice that their dog is acting particularly strange towards this one human, and convinces Heather to drop Noah into the dog's mouth.
Noah does land into his mouth, though out of sheer desperation gives the 'drop it' order. This saves him, but it also reveals himself as the original thief.
They're both at least slightly impressed that Noah managed to scheme his way into the chalice, but they've still got their images to maintain. Plus, he lost the chalice.
So, Alejandro crushes him under his heel. It's quick, although incredibly painful. The two walk off to see if they can recover the chalice, and that's the end of the story.
...Or it would be, if Noah wasn't screaming in confused pain and panic not even a minute after being crushed, perfectly healthy.
Remember when he drank from the chalice to test it out? Well, it only really has one setting: turbo-charged. So with his mother with a terminal illness, it worked exactly as intended. But when he drank from it with only a cut on his hand, it decided to go after a deeper, underlying issue.
This pesky little thing called mortality.
Alejandro and Heather also scream because what?? the fuck?? Heather kicks him into a tree on instinct and Noah goes flying. And not long after, his body rebuilds himself and he's back. The process of killing Noah and him reviving repeats for a few times before they all stop and try to figure out where the fuck to go from here.
Their pride won't allow Heather or Alejandro to simply let Noah live. And Noah plans to do everything in his power to not go through that whole die/revive process again. Alejandro comes up with the idea to just take Noah if they can't have the original chalice. Raze the town so they can still prove a point, and be on their way.
Noah has many problems with this plan, but neither cares about his opinion. Up until he points out that he'll always be looking for a way to escape. With his newfound immortality, he'll get there eventually. (He's completely bluffing about whether or not his lifespan will be extended to and this isn't just regeneration, but they don't have to know that.)
If they agree NOT to destroy the town he grew up in, then he'll promise never to try to escape. And he will want proof that they stick to their end. He doesn't want them to just lie about his town being fine while they destroyed it days ago.
They reluctantly agree to these terms. Justin, who the two had dumped earlier, tries to take claim when they start to head out with their new prize. Leading Noah to just share at the sheer audacity of him before speaking again.
"...You know how I said you couldn't touch a single person in this town? I don't consider Justin to be a part of this town, so you can do whatever you want with him."
"Oh thank god he was getting SO annoying."
"Want to bat him through the air like a human racquetball until one of us inevitably drops him mi cariño?"
"Yes, but you are so the one who's dropping him first."
Eventually Heather realizes they can use Noah to steal from other giants. So he becomes their own pet giant thief, and he eventually gets pampered since they do legitimately enjoy his schemes and sarcastic wit.
All of this because I basically wanted a g/t au where Alejandro and Heather are a bond villain couple with a small Noah as the little bastard cat they stroke on their lap. He 100% pokes fights with human royalty or other giants to watch Alejandro and Heather take them down. Alejandro and Heather know this, and they love this about him. Plus it just gives them more of an excuse to have fun dates involving ruining people's lives.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hi! Hi! So, I got an idea. But I’ve got to make it short.
For some reason Bonten needs a lot of money, and fast. So they try to rob dragon hybrid reader. Reader is very lonely and lets them take as much gold as they want in exchange for friendship. (Tbh I don’t think dragon reader would care about how much gold Bonten takes bc he’s a dragon and has an almost infinite amount of gold)
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Bonten x baby! dragon!reader
We spoke in chat and decided for baby reader because cute
Hybrid au
Bonten needed money.
When they heard of a dragon hybrid in the mountains that had gold, they immediately made plans to rob them of their treasures.
They weren't expecting this.
"I... I think they left something" Koko said as they walked into the cave that was indeed filled with precious gems and gold but also a tiny dragon hybrid pup wrapped in a fine silk linen "they just... abandoned their kid?"
"They must have been killed"
"Well dragon hybrids are extremely expensive and we'll just from this cave alone are big money makers" takeomi said and the others looked at him "are you implying we... Keep them?"
The men sighed but agreed, Koko lifting the dragon pup who had tiny little horns and glowing (color) eyes as be cooed at the man, clinging to him for warmth "aaaaand he imprinted" Koko sighed as Bonten bad their men bag and put the treasure in a truck, it had to be at least 100m dollars in treasures.
After all was settled they got (name) a hybrid crib and chew toys, the babe loving to bite their fingers and though his wings were too small to do anything he still flapped them like he was going somewhere.
"Has anyone seen my watch?" Ran asked as he looked around the headquarters and the others shook their heads, the elder Haitani sighing as he walked back to his room but something told him to check on (name).
There the babe was with a small pile of coins and their shiny things, lighters, jewelry and just any shiny thing he could get his paws on "I see you started making your hoard"
After a quick Google search ran learned that he could get his watch back for an exchange and after ordering a bunch of fake sparkly diamond rings, the babe marvelling before adding it to his tiny hoard.
"Invest in shiny shit, he's made his hoard"
"Ah shit"
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
a deep breath, and i feel a sense of nostalgia.
weird nostalgia. wouldn't go back, but i still think fondly of what happened.
the crispness of the cold air in snowdin takes me back- and i'm already reminiscing about random memories.
point to almost any rock formation along the walls of this place, and papyrus can probably tell you exactly how he's climbed it.
kicking the snow with my slippers a little bit, i remember how he used to warn me about wearing 'em outside.
"naahh. i'll be fine."
for the most part, i always was fine; just had to be careful around the ice.
fortunately, it's not an issue using shortcuts; really only ever slipping a few times.
"you've slipped even in your boots."
"so was this."
sliding me across the ice until we were close enough to the snow to stand again, papyrus lifted me onto my feet once more.
"you've gotta admit that over two weeks without slipping in these is pretty good."
"these are way better."
"but with snow boots, you have to tie 'em and whatnot."
"not with slippers."
"that's the plan."
"thanks. that's the one thing i do put effort into."
"it's hard work, doing this little."
back when new bad habits of mine still surprised him.
...speakin' of bad habits.
grillby's looks like it hasn't been touched since the day we took all the important stuff up.
the most one'll find in there now is a fine layer of dust only disturbed by me brushing against some stuff.
not that the jukebox ever worked before, but i'm pretty sure it wouldn't turn on if you tried at this point.
already knew the librarby was empty; they gave away all the books before leaving to the surface.
took the sciencey ones, myself.
wanted the joke book too, but a certain old lady got to it first.
officially, it is hers.
unofficially, the book keeps bouncing between being in either of our possession for months at a time.
it's gained a few pages over the years, a lined-paper section at the end with a lotta skeleton and snail puns.
think paps split the cookbooks with someone, and hoarded the puzzle books.
(not like anyone else was readin' those, anyway.)
there were a couple on monster history i'm almost certain i've seen frisk with a few times, so they must've gotten those.
as charming as this little place was, the new library's got way more selection.
sorry, not library.
still librarby.
they kept the name. too iconic to change it.
even if it had been changed, we'd all continue to call it the librarby anyway.
many of the folks who had shops down here have taken up that same role on the surface.
the two bunnies running the inn and shop moved somewhere closer to new home city for better business.
in the snow, i did what i'd done a million times in the past.
i parked myself at the foot of the door which separated snowdin from the ruins.
"knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
she'd say.
"Cash who?"
"no thanks, i'm more of a walnut guy."
and i'd heard her burst out into laughter from the other side.
"Knock, knock."
"who's there?"
"hatch who?"
"Oh, bless you."
then she'd laughed at her own joke hard enough to be contagious.
"knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Canoe who?"
"canoe come out here? i'm gettin' bonely."
she got a good kick out of that one, but her laughter had a tinge of sadness to it.
"...But, I am afraid not."
didn't expect any different of an answer.
always thinking it better not to ask quite why, i shrugged.
"one day, maybe."
"or not."
"you could just be mysterious door lady forever if you want."
"Knock, knock."
"who's there?"
"peas who?"
"Peas excuse my secretiveness. I know it can be a bit off-putting."
"everyone's got their secrets, 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘸 problem to me if you keep a few."
"Ha! I am glad that you are so 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭 with it."
"It is a joy to hear your 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 jokes every day!"
"nice to have someone with an a-𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳-able laugh to tell 'em to."
my slight regret about that pun immediately washed away upon hearing the laugh in question follow after it.
as fun as reminiscing has been, i've definitely left papyrus alone for far too long.
gotta spend at least a little time in the snow with him.
that's what we came back here for in the first place.
"it's supposed to get pretty cold soon, so probably not too long now."
"if your desire for snow gets too awful bad, we'll just come down here again."
"would be cool to re-visit the whole underground with everyone after all this time."
he sat straight up in the snow, scattering the powder around as he did so.
"what's that?"
from that very same spot we all first looked in awe at our new future, me and him watched the sun set.
golden light poured over everything; sun beams warm in contrast to the town we've left once again.
when he turned to look at me, i couldn't tell whether his face was lit up more by the sun or the smile he had.
"me too."
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Wind WIP (I like Bar Code Language)
He hated him….okay scratch that, the sailor didn’t hate him, but he very much disliked and distrusted this man. Something about him made the sailor want to curl up and scream at him, to curse him to the ends of the earth. Only problem is he had no idea why. He had done nothing wrong, in fact he had actually saved the hero of the wind and his brothers so why….
The young sailor watched him from across the table. Sitting close to the Rancher and Champion. Happily talking to them as if he had known him forever, making them smile in a way Wind had hoped to one day achieve. It only took Jet a day. One day to make the entire group comfortable in a way the Sailor had always wanted, but could never quite do, he be lying if he didn’t say it stung. Jet…Wind scrunched his eyebrows, even his name sounded shady. The boy quickly looked down, watching his drink like it was the most interesting thing.
The chain had fallen into a new world, one, no hero recognized, so they assumed it was in between time, granted they were in the middle of the forest. Immediately the group had begun searching for any signs of life, and that’s honestly when something started rattling in Wind's bones. No one else felt it, the sailor had made sure to ask. However before anyone could provoke him to explain further, a hoard of moblins attacked. 
Then pretty boy Jet came along, with his curly strawberry blonde hair, perfect smile, and archery  skills that put half of them to shame. He said he was a hunter, but something in the pit of the sailor stomach told him that’s not all there is. Why that is, is still a mystery…. 
‘Jealousy?’ His mind trickled…Impossible what did Wind have to be jealous of? Sure he could make his brothers feel safe, and comfortable in the snap of the finger, and had the looks of a hero of legend, but jealous? Ha, that's just crazy….Right? 
"Rupee for your thoughts Sailor?" Jet asked calm and sweetly. 
When did everyone start looking at him? Wind's mind buzzed. He shrugged,"unfortunately my thoughts are a bit more pricey than just one rupee." He took a sip of his drink, not bothering to make eye contact with anyone, he already knew what faces they were making towards him. In that moment he really wished he wasn't the one known for his constant streams of dialogue. 
Apparently, the Captain decided he needed to reveal his younger brother's true nature. "Oh that's an absolute lie, you give your thoughts away for free!" 
The older heroes and Jet erupted into laughter, at Wind's expanse. The youngest simply stayed quiet, despite what his brothers might think, he didn't always give his thoughts away, what an idea if he did.
'When you treat me like a kid, I despise it! But I like it when you comfort me like I'm a kid….' 
'You all literally have spirits floating around you, you really think this will scare me?' 
'Why does wolfie hate me? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I should give up trying.'
'I don't trust Jet and I think he's dangerous and we should stay away from him.' 
All these and more were thoughts that no amount of rupees could buy, and would never give away willingly. 
"Perhaps," the voice pulled Wind out of his mind. "You really don't have anything behind those eyes. Since you're a youngling in life you haven't had enough experience yet?" Jet said in a joking manner. Thankfully his brothers were wise enough not to laugh, well accept Hyrule, only he laughed out of nervousness. 
Wind wasn't sure what the fellow heroes expected, what Jet expected. Did they think he would blow up and curse out Jet? Did Jet think he could just provoke him like that? What was the point of this? 
The Sailor glared at the Hunter, partly wondering if he looked at him long enough would he spontaneously combust? 
He did not, and Wind was forced to put on this cheesy grin. "Hmmmmmmmmm all right then," The youngest pushed back his chair abruptly. "I'm going to go take care of the bill then." He made his way to the bar counter the Inn's restaurant provided. 
 "You're gonna pay for it?" Legend called out. 
Wind didn't even bother to look back, rather simply lifting a bag up. "Hey, that's my wallet?!" The Captain cried. 
"Serves you right for throwing me into the spotlight." The sailor whispered, fully aware no one heard. 
"Evening Ma'am," he politely spoke coming towards the young barmaid. Who looked to be about fifteen years old. "Come to settle the tab for those ruffians over there," pointing his thumb towards the group. 
The young woman smiled at him, before looking towards the group and letting her expression sour. "Done something wrong have we?" The sailor pressed. 
"Oh no!" She startled, putting herself in check. "It's just…that man sitting with you the hunter…have you known him long?" She inquired, pulling out her books to make good on the amount owed. 
Wind whistled, 'interesting.' 
Jet had said this was his village and he frequented this Tavern often. The young hero watched her body language, her legs and hips were relaxed. Though her shoulders were quite tense. Face neutral and uncaring but her eyes pleaded. 
She's looking for an alliance. Wind knew the barmaid code for his Hyrule. He be willing to try it here. 
He leaned against the counter face happy and cheery smile but eyes as firm as stone. 
"Did you make sure to add the rum bread? I think we had about three baskets of it?" 
'What information do you have on him? Is he a danger to my party?' 
The young woman was taken aback, however held her position, only allowing her eyes to dance for a second. 
"Yes sir, however did you receive butter with it? Or sour cream instead?" 
'Possibly he can be two faced and quite obsessed with his hunt.' 
"Oh I also think we had a large order of venison as well." 
'What is his hunt?' 
"Yes sir, thou it was actually mixed meat." 
'Any rare beast he sees desirable.' 
"Should I tip the cook as well?" 
'Are you in any danger because of him?' 
"No sir, just me is all." 
'No, but I'm weary of him, you should be as well.' 
"What's your name?" The sailor asked returning to common speak. 
"Rosemary," the young maid giggled. 
"Nice to meet you Rosemary, you can call me sailor." He extended his hand to shake hers. 
She took it, "that's an interesting name, but it's nice to meet you. Are you planning on staying long?" 
Wind shrugged his shoulders, "not sure the man over there with the face tattoo decides when we move along." 
"Ah understood, your tab tonight will be 67 rupees. If you please?" She held out her hand. 
The sailor popped open the Captains wallet, "gladly!" He proceeded to pay for it and give her a 20 rupee tip. 
"Very generous of you, sailor!" She honestly seemed delighted. 
"It's the least I could do after such great service, also if you don't mind me asking which of the young men over there do you find appealing? I need an excuse for being over here for so long." He gave her a sneaky smile. 
She chuckled,"oh my, well" she gazed at the men sitting at the table. "The brunette with the freckles is quite the cutie if I do say so myself." She smiled looking towards Hyrule. 
Wind knew he was about to have a blast with this. "Why thank ma'am!" He began to step away. 
"Oh sailor," Rosemary's face was stern, "please be careful." 
Wind nodded, they both knew something was off. 
The sailor sat back down at the table, more laughter being caused by the hunter called Jet. 
"What took you so long, sailor?" Four whispered as the Captain snatched back his wallet. 
“Oh nothing, the young miss over there was just curious about our traveler.” He took a sip of his drink. 
Four gasped, “You don’t say!” the smith beamed at Hyrule. Catching the young teens attention. 
“Yes, told me she finds his freckled face quite cute.” That sentence caught everyone's attention. As Hyrule went bright red, looking towards Rosemary, she smiled and waved at him. Be became brighter and the teasing began. 
Wind was glad he pulled the attention away from Jet, staring at him from across the table. If Rosemary was right, this hunter was a threat, and there was no way the Sailor would allow him to continue like that.
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iamoutofideas · 29 days
got asked to explain my theory on queer isolation in rural areas so I’m gonna try & keep it short so that won’t make my brain hurt me.
so firstly this is based off my own lived experience as well as just listening to other people over the years, this isn’t me saying I’m right & you should believe me but more of something that could be explored deeper to find out whether it’s true or not, don’t treat this as concrete evidence.
so I can’t speak for other countries but in the english speaking capitalist west everything is a commodity, although rich people’s wealth basically involves them just making up a number, it’s based on material objects (ie. money), & that money exists in physical form in a place on earth (offshore bank accounts, etc.). I’m gonna be focusing on australia because that’s where I live
much like where wealth is hoarded to one person, socialisation is hoarded to specific parts of a country, in my case, sydney and melbourne (& by extension just about every other capital city except for maybe darwin), there’s also some outliers to this (northern rivers, gold coast, newcastle) but primarily it’s the same across the land. in order for these cities to exist to be as large as they are, other areas need to be sparse; I mean that’s just how population works, right? if there’s more people in one place there’s gonna be less in others. but with more people in place a there’s more consumers to sell things to & if there’s less in place b then why bother? there’s no money to be made out of them, just charge them more because there’s less, & this trickles in to just about everything, including clubs, raves, coffee meetups, picnics, orgies, you name it. you have to pay to be part of it & because there’s less of a market it costs exponentially more to bring that sort of stuff out to rural areas, if you’re willing to even try, & that’s even before we even discuss cishet social stigma that permeates here, in fact the stigma is created because no one has access to the actual gatherings themselves but only have access right wing media like sky news.
as the timeline of capitalism continues these markets become more condensed as more & more people are convinced to move just to find social contact, instead of just moving to the city you now have to move to a specific part of the city (a part that hasn’t had its public transport gutted in the previous century) & you have to go to a specific handful of buildings for socialisation, not just wherever you & your friends want, the cops will get mad at you for that. with this condensing the rural areas are left more & more barren. a personal example of this is in my lifetime I remembered bush doofs being a common thing in my area, but as time wore on they slowly got pushed out by cops (& angry middle aged people) until they stopped altogether around 2016. jobs are also more widely available in the city which makes the decision a no brainer for anyone let alone queer people.
but if you thought for a moment about how community even works you’d probably realise that maybe staying to help would be a good idea, but you’d be stuck with your parents, just about every person my age is here because they got dragged along with their parents or their parents gave them a job at their company, no one chooses to live here. why would you? there’s all the sex & drugs you could ever want in the city! why throw all of that away? the parents that moved here have come to do the “settle down” portion of life or as I call it, the “die like a sick dog” part of life. they come here because they want this place to be quiet, or nowadays they just buy a holiday house & leave it empty, if they hear anyone trying to do anything remotely exciting they shut it down. & this is pertaining to rich nimby people who can actually afford to buy houses & “investment properties”, not poor people, the middle class here are people who bought their houses 30 years ago at the very least & the number of those people are dwindling fast. so if you do live here you’re stuck under your parents thumb & all in all this makes a potent cocktail for suicide. you’d like to either leave or at least try & make the town you’re in more livable but it’s not gonna happen as long as the cogs of the capitalist machine keep turning.
to try sum it all up socialisation under capitalism is a sold commodity & because of more people being in one area & less being in another, we are not it’s target audience.
I think that’s all of it, there’s a part I probably forgot to explain but I can’t think of it right now, if anyone has any sources that either prove or disprove this theory please feel free to drop the links.
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