#no games young egg
unsound-unbody · 1 month
a queer person told me they liked my style today and said ii looked pretty which was like very nice of them but also i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and haven't shaved in 3 days because recovering from my wisdom teeth has sapped my will to live a little bit
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 212
“Did we just pull an Isekai?” 
“I mean, does it count if it’s practically just Ghostwriter’s usual shit, just more chaotic?” 
“Sam, this is like a game, look, we even have inventory overlays!” 
“Yeah but Tuck, I died so therefor I pulled an isekai, right?” 
“Shit, why does that make sense?” 
“Boys, perhaps actually look into your overlay there? Perhaps look at the map as well?” 
“... oh my Ancients, guys, we’re not the players, we’re going to be the bosses of this game.”
. . . 
“This is going to be so much fun guys.” 
The JL Jr team would really like it to be known that they are in fact done with Klarions shenanigans. This is literally the first day school is out for the summer for them! Who even showed him DnD and anime anyway?!
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klanced · 5 months
when adam met 11yo keith he immediately knew that keith was gay and was like i have GOT to support this kid!! (runs into traffic) meanwhile shiro spent years operating under the assumption that keith had like a gender thing going on
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hyakunana · 7 months
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Pocky Day 2k23 feat exo girlfriends ✨
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westerosiladies · 2 years
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Pretty please, an AU where Manual is a descendant of one of the past holders and hiding from AFO.
My most special-ist boyyyy
1- ok so, Second's quirk is the most based in telekinesis and he's got red brown hair with an undercut even, so I think he's a shoe in for the connection here. Plus, I don't think AfO would really care to hunt down like, Banjo's great great great grand kids or whatever, but Second's? Yeah...
Ok so Manual is Second's great grand nephew, the descendant of Second's older sibling, who was also in the freedom fighter group though less for action. Second led on the field, and his sibling led in information gathering- they actually got the Intel that lead to busting into the vault and getting Yoichi out.
2- so... With that reason for Manual to still be firmly in "AfO's 'crush with great prejudice' list", let's say down the line the telekinesis quirks get mixed with his grandma's water quirk on the other side, and Manual figures that his grandpa's stories about the crazy ancient boogyman that hates their family and would kill them all are just that- crazy stories.
Until one day in middle school, and he gets the news that on that side of the family there was a kidnapping, a house fire, and a train crash that took out all those cousins on the same day.
3- Masaki gets sent to the other side of the family to hide, and the thing about this guy is he's smart, and he's kind, and he just wants to help people. So he's going to be a hero, because - well, if AfO finds him, better to be able to fight back, right? And better to have helped other people first if he's gonna get brutally killed, than just hide, right?
His grandma sighs, says she'll sign the papers for the hero school, and they go back to weeding in her garden
4- Manual believes in hiding in audacity. His brightly colored hero costume covers most of his body and his hair, so even if he looks like whatever ancestor pissed off a demon villain au much, his appearance won't give him away. He knows his water quirk won't, and so sticks to that- even though he's perfectly capable of other things like bloodbending, nothing to make his quirk look appealing to someone who can steal it. And he even calls himself the normal hero because surely no one who is actively hiding from afo would do that.
5- the reason Manual keeps showing up in places you don't think he would in Vigs is because he's in involving himself- being nice and networking to be included in as many meetings and case briefings as possible in order to keep an ear out for AfO - and so he can pull back at the first sign of him. As soon as he realizes who's behind the Villain Factory, he pulls out and makes sure he isn't invited to more briefings, and suggests other heroes to Tsukauchi who'd be great to handle it. Tenya accidently making sure Manual wouldn't be involved more in the Hosu investigation of the nomu and league? Manual is so relieved.
That is, until Jakku, but at that point Manual knows there's no avoiding it- and then, what the hell, if AfO is going to finally kill you anyway, the best thing to do is to keep Erasure going against him as long as you possibly can.
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
I find it great that a lot of the fandom looked at two out of time, out of place characters. Ingo and Protagonist, two characters with similar origins and have so much to relate to and thus fans agree that it is criminal and inexcusable that Gamefreak barely interact in Canon.
Everyone literally said "Screw Canon, These two are found family, train guy is dad/uncle/friend now
Love your PLA fics of that dynamic. I don't know if you're still open to prompts. You don't have to do this if you don't feel it but here's a prompt I got for you.
Explore Ingo's and Akari's relationship that develops post-game.
Many fics have them bond during the main plot but not much do post game events.
(You could touch events that occured preplot or during plot and explore how characters felt before they met)
Ohhhh interesting interesting interesting..... I think that's because most of us find it easiest to maneuver them around in-game events, and I don't think I've done too much post-gaming myself (easily distracted, started two other playthroughs)
I am definitely intrigued by this idea though. Do you mean they have their basic interaction in canon, but the further relationship develops post game? And what are we counting as post game- calming all the nobles & fighting palkia and dialga, but pre-volo? Or is Volo still part of the main playthrough?
Because I can see (rolling in the dad direction, as I do, in various directions) Ingo being distantly friendly with the protagonist (let's say Akari, as is my usual :,D sorry) He provides training at the dojo with Zisu, sees Akari there mostly, but doesn't much interact with her otherwise. I truly can't imagine him seeing her kicked out of jubilife and not doing anything- moral-wise, at least, I feel like he would say or do something. Even if he felt it wasn't his place as someone not of Jubilife, I think that he (and most of us, I would hope) would protest kicking a kid out of a safe area. It's possible he either wasn't there (returned to the Highlands for a time) or saw it happening, but didn't see Akari's face and assumed she was just going out for another mission. By the time he does hear about it, or understand what happened, and goes looking Akari has already been picked up by Volo. Ingo asks Irida if she knows where Akari can be found and Irida promises she's somewhere safe but can't say more. So until she returns, all Ingo can do is be satisfied that Akari is safe. He no longer trusts Jubilife residents as he did, especially Kamado, and spends less time there. When Akari returns having tamed the two gods, Ingo decides that maybe it's a little fucked up that this kid has done all this on her own. She's still just like 15 at most, right?
He attempts to strike up conversations at the dojo without being creepy, because some part of him is well aware how it might seem if someone of his age shows too much interest in a teenager (the very thought turns his stomach in disgust. He feels regretful that he couldn't help earlier.) but thankfully Akari likes to talk about the Pokedex, and Ingo is a walking Pokedex as well in a way. There's no one able to battle quite like him, which actually helps Akari with her research. She starts searching him out more because he never requires anything or expects anything of her, and they can talk about pokemon or item crafting or food easily. In fact, she starts going to him when she finds strange pokemon in space-time rifts because Ingo almost always finds them familiar and has something to say about them. Sometimes they'll run into each other in the highlands and Ingo will take her somewhere cool, or just take her to a neat little meadow and tell her to chill out because she's spiraling in anxiety over the work she still has to do. They end up bonding over little things and helping each other, with Ingo gradually becoming the first person Akari goes to when she has news because his enthusiasm is always genuine and a little extra but it's nice.
They bond further after Akari battles Volo and comes down from the summit looking absolutely wrecked and in tears. She's been betrayed and had what she thought was a dear, close friendship destroyed. Ingo doesn't pry as much as he wants to- he's upset that she's upset, and he wants to know what happened because this time they're friendly. He cares for her as family and wants to hurt whoever hurt her. But Akari comes first, and so he takes her to his home and lets her wallow in her misery until she can tell him what happened. He asks if she wants him to track Volo down and take care of him, but Akari denies it and says he doesn't need to act like her dad when he isn't. Which kind of makes Ingo stop and think bc... Well. He doesn't have kids. Has never had much interest in having kids. But he likes Akari, and he thinks that she could use a father figure, and he wouldnt mind filling those shoes... So he accepts her request, but he tells her then and there that he doesn't mind acting as her father (figure) because he does genuinely care for her and her well being. Which isn't something Akari was expecting and she kind of stammers... Declines... Takes off. And it hurts but Ingo lets her go. It's her decision to accept or not, and he won't force her one way or another. He appreciates their friendship too much.
Akari avoids him for a couple weeks, which sucks but Ingo stands by his decision to not push. He continues his work in the Highlands, continues training at the dojo, until one day he finds himself standing in front of the photo parlor. He's gotten a picture of himself before, but he was alone and it didn't feel right. It felt like something was missing. Someone should've been by his side, at his back. He's lost in thought until he feels the wristband of his coat get tugged on and looks to see Akari standing beside him, shifty. She apologizes for running off and avoiding him, explains that she had to think, and he accepts her apology. Says he understands, because it was something he'd gradually come to realize and that he shouldn't have sprung it on her. And Akari is clearly Not Of This Time because she gets quiet and then asks him, really fast and kind of quiet, that he meant like being her DAD and not her DADDY right, because she REALLY didn't see him like that and- and Ingo immediately says NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. Just... Dad. Acting as a caretaker. Keeping her safe. Being a place of refuge. Platonic father feelings ONLY. And Akari looks relieved, and Ingo is also relieved because he definitely doesn't see her that way and is glad she now understands that. He shudders at the thought, and she laughs at him, and Ingo pretends to glare at her and scold her but she settles in a little closer.
She looks at the building with all the photos and paintings and asks what he was up to. He explains that he was wondering if he should try getting another picture done, that he'd had one taken before but had needed to throw it away because looking at it made him feel uncomfortable. Akari asks if he thinks it has something to do with the man in white and ingo... nods, because now that she mentioned it, yes. Because the man in white is not here, and Ingo is alone. Apparently he says that out loud, and Akari's face flushes as she takes his hand and drags him inside. Because Ingo's not alone anymore, she says, because they're family. So until the man in white is back, she's going to be where he was. And they take the picture, and it's not exactly perfect... She doesn't fit like he thinks she should, and the pose is weird and not quite correct, but as he looks at the photo she handed him before going to grab some of her gear to take up to the Highlands - there's something she needs to check on, she said, and since Ingo has decided she's his responsibility obviously her DAD needs to go with her! - he feels... Better. Not fixed, but still... Complete. He's not alone. He has family now.
He tucks the photo into his coat for safe keeping, and when Akari returns to his side (she said she'd see him as her father, would she call him dad? Should he call her his daughter? They'll need to talk about it.) he smiles, and she smiles back, and for now everything will be okay. He is not part of an incomplete set anymore.
#Dad Ingo#PLA Akari#Warden Ingo#Akari#Pokemon Akari#Asked and answered#I hope this fits what the asker was looking for? I definitely have a few ideas running around in my head now for this.#Just drabbles... Just thoughts...#Maybe not complete fics but I definitely enjoy the thought workout#If post-volo is post game then I'm thinking Ingo finds Akari when she comes down from the peak...#Or he finds her on the peak bc Volo stormed off and she was terrified and exhausted#And once the worst was over she just passed out#Sneasler alerts him and he goes and picks her up. And they'd been on friendly terms before but for some reason#With an unconscious kid in his arms Ingo realizes just how young she is. And just how much she's been through.#And she hasn't been alone. Not really. But she also hasn't had really steady and solid support has she?#Her friends in jubilife had to walk on egg shells when she was just the Faller. They couldn't do anything but protest#To try and help her when she was banished. Even Irida and adaman could only do so much.#Ingo is in a gray area of Not Clan and Not Jubilife. He's low-key outside all rules isn't he?#So he decides he's going to step up. That's his friend. That's his kid now. Congratulations Akari you've been adopted#And Akari is confused at the sudden care coming from Ingo. He gives her snacks and pokeballs. Makes sure she's healthy.#She thinks it's just because he's concerned about her after finding her at the peak and her being unconscious for a while#(which is definitely part of it)#It's not until she gets scolded for doing something reckless and one of the security corps laughs#Says their mom used to do the same thing when they did something stupid. Would tell them off and then hug them.#That Akari realizes holy SHIT Ingo is a whole ass dad to her isn't he!!!#And then they have a conversation about found family and each other and Akari absolutely ends up teasing him#She's thankful ofc but buddy you really saw a kid in need and went 'is nobody going to take care of them???'#Didn't wait for an answer before saying 'fine I guess I'll do it myself'
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dyketubbo · 6 months
as much as i adore roier looking through pepitos tag to see people nearly justify how roier treats pepito makes me ever so slightly insane as a victim of abuse
#negative#pressing my fingers to my temples its ok theyre video game characters mask theyre not real 🩷#'roiers right to feel suspicious of the new eggs being federation distractions' they are Babies.#'the chancla is just funny latino culture' its a part of black culture to joke about moms and dads getting out the belt#it still isnt good to hit your child. esp not a young one. theres a diffurence between roier and bobby roughhousing#and roier punishing pepito and thats a part of the Point#its ok to like characters who do bad shit i promise you#as much as the my blorbo does no wrong everything is excusable jokes are funny#roier and pepitos dynamic is as dapper puts it. child abuse#your fave is reacting to trauma in a horrible way and turning it outwards to hurt his new very young child#and it is ok for him to still be your fave. live in peace knowing no one is allowed to judge you for this 🩷#but also i can and will judge ppl for acting like reasons = justifications 🩷 he has reasons not justifications#and similarly as i want to be respectful towards other ppl who grew up poor/maybe still are#and acknowledge that yeah sunnys jokes can feel shitty to hear#i wanna say that downplaying what pepito goes through can also feel shitty for abuse victims to read and hear#pepitos a child. ultimately it doesnt matter what the federation intended with the new eggs#or if pepito was Intended to be a bobby replacement or if roier is afraid to get attached#pepitos a child and pepito deserves a parent who can every day look pepito face to face and say they love pepito#'roier didnt ask to be a parent' pepito didnt ask to be his child either.#mask mews
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gnom3qu33n · 2 years
Can’t wait to see him take up his favorite hobby again
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Killing blackfyres 🖤❤️
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hychlorions · 11 months
I love the consistent characterization in your fics and how it makes it feel like they all take place in very similar yet distinct universes… klavier eating eggs with jam and having a good relationship with his mother, for example, or Apollo getting sleepy when he’s drunk. Idk it’s just a mark of good craftsmanship and something I don’t see a lot :)
thank you so much!!!! :0 i'm so glad people pick up on these things ajdhsjs i thought all those things just slip past when people read my stuff
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jaggedwolf · 2 months
tentatively pleased with the dunk n egg casting
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Once more thinkin about this Prompt/AU
And I decided to sketch the level 1 forms the team (& Ellie) have along with sketches of their lvl 200+ Forms. I do believe Klarion is having a blast with his new friends and the Young Justice Team is going to have some Trauma from not knowing this is a Game.
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Tucker: Lvl 1 Cat | Sam: Lvl 1 Sprout | Valerie: Lvl 1 Golem | Danny: Lvl 2 Dragon Egg | Ellie: Lvl 1 Celestial Snakelett
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(Click for higher quality) Also they are all now Mountain Sized or Larger. Also pondering them all having 3 stages to their bossfights. Second stages is when they start using more magic & less "minions" and final stage is when shit hits the fan & the surroundings get Wrecked. Like Tucker summoning a literal storm & getting lightning charged, or Sam fully emerging from the caves, or Valerie unearthing herself and the team realizing the entire dungeon-city was On Her Back.
@victoria-has-no-secret @qitsin Both y'all reblogged with fun ideas so here @bleuyellow93-storytime you had very VERY fun tags so also here lol [If u don't want to be tagged I apologize] Aaand finally, @radiance1 I think you'd like these
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arolesbianism · 5 months
Upon further examination, I am leaning more and more into Otto being a nonbinary egg opposed to a nonbinary person who uses he/him pronouns. Thanks for the help Mi-ma <3
#rat rambles#oni posting#she reffers to them as 'that nice young man' in one of her journal entries which is what tipped the scale for me#like its obviously possible that granny assumed incorrectly but given how much otto likes her Im inclined to believe shed know if they#were openly nonbinary especially given how personal otto has been with her already#but rly its mostly that combined with the other big thing that makes me feel that they probably were an egg at the time#so I shallst continue to use they/them for otto unless I find a new log that explicitly confirms their preffered pronouns#nothing short of otto saying out loud yeah Im not a man but I still wanna go by the same stuff will fully convince me#bonus points if they talk abt it with dr.holland so that he can make his gender identity clear too#also to be clear there are no mi-ma transphobia allegations to be found here I just think she doesnt know#she has so fucking many nonbinary coworkers and at least one of them is also on the older end and has been at the company for a while#plus I doubt theyre putting transphobia in the colony survival game like imagine if dont starve characters called eachother slurs#so no mi-ma slander shall be tollerated also she is trans (2 Me)#shes literally named mi-ma you cannot convince me she is cis#she is such a silly billy I wish so bad that she showed up in more logs#maybe even given an official full name drop to clear up any doubts#given her whole character is being old and mi-ma's whole thing is being the old one its like 99%#but technically speaking we never do get a full name just last name and first initial#so very technically speaking she could be one of the other 3 available m named guys but its highly unlikely#as in the other options are meep max and marie and no way in hell it's any of them#theyre all young chaps and theres only one hashtag woman in their ranks along with a nonbinary person and a hashtag man#so basically yeah its mi-ma there's no way in hell its not mi-ma
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threewaysdivided · 1 year
Euughhh I can’t decide between #18 or #20, so I will let you decide :)
Meta asks for writers
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18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions?
(Plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations? Tell us about them.)
I think this may have come up as a glancing mention in the past but the Deathly Weapons you know is actually a stealth-re-write starting at around Chapter 10.  When I first came up with the idea, I had enough of a detailed outline to carry me to Interference, plus some loose notes for later plot-beats.  In that initial burst of unfettered creativity I kept going and freewrote up to roughly the equivalent of Chapter 17: Assessment in DW’s canon timeline.
There was some fun stuff in there (the “And here I thought I was just a pretty face” quip from Zatanna in Chapter 18/ Mission 1 comes from the OG version of Chapter 10) but there was also a reason I didn’t release those versions, and was already wanting to go back and re-do them.  The stealth-draft was incredibly barebones/compressed in places and some now-key scenes were straight-up missing (Propositions, Constants and Roads to Safe Places were all timeskipped over).  Plus I was leaning more heavily into fanon since I hadn’t decided to go back and revisit either show yet, which meant things were more surface-level and “standard” in a few ways.  In the stealth-draft, Ghost-Obsessions were explicit lore a headcanon which is fine but that I realised didn’t interest me or serve the story that much on consideration, Danny was more of an OP Gary-Stu type the OG version of the training session was a free-for-all spar where he beat the whole Team, which… no, and Danny and Wally’s conflict was a lot more superficial/arbitrary/unsatisfying.
I’ve walked myself to the stocks over this before but in the spirit of good-natured lampooning I’m happy to rummage through the old draft some more should you want further samples to jeer and hiss at.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about?
(Symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Considering my status as a shameless meta aficionado who can and will ramble for up to 20 pages on the barest prompting, one could say you’re playing a dangerous game here, nonnie.
For the sake of brevity I’m going to rapid-fire a bunch of meta I’d love to talk about and let anyone who’s interested take their pick:
I haven’t found a place to really dig into it in-story, but I went and read Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland etc. collection for extra Artemis material, and there’s some interesting parallels you could read into between Alice/Artemis and The Cheshire Cat/Jade, and what it suggests about their dynamic.  It could also indicate some things about how they themselves perceive their relationship given that Jade deliberately took the name Cheshire as her alias in-universe.  The Nguyen-Crock sisters are interesting.
YJ!Wally deviates from many iterations of Comics!Wally in that he canonically has a loving and functional homelife rather than an abusive one.  I have some potentially-controversial but mostly sappy thoughts about why that changed backstory is actually good for this iteration of the character and what it lets him bring to his version of the Team.
The central emotional arc of Deathly Weapons is Danny/Phantom’s journey through grief to healing.  I like how the planned scenes ended up coming together in a pattern where he initially tries to avoid talking about it with other people, then starts to reluctantly talk when asked, then starts talking freely when prompted, and eventually starts willingly volunteering information as he begins to form new bonds and move forward.  It wasn’t a conscious thing when I first set them out but it feels correct in hindsight.
There’s lots of little things that I’m either setting up on purpose to pay off later or have found ways to bring back as echoes in late-game chapters:
Danny’s appearance at Cadmus has developed into a pretty seminal point for his and Team Phantom’s journey between leaving Amity Park and joining The Team.  More information to come in Equilibrium but keep an eye out for references to the incident or things about his left shoulder.
I recently did some Martian Meta in prep for M’gann’s later focus chapter but there’s also a dynamic I’ve started setting up between her and Phantom (especially in the sparring scene) and it’s going to be interesting to see if anyone picks up on where that’s going.
There’s a very late game scene where Danny is talking to Conner about Danielle and The Clone Thing where I have Danny planned to say “but either way, she’s here and she picked our side.  The how and why… guess it just didn’t take that long to stop mattering” as an echo of Bruce’s conversation with Clark in the YJ Episode Schooled.
There’s a conversation between Wally and Dick in the final chapters whose ending parallels the end of Danny and Dick’s scene in Trade Secrets, paying off a promise that will be made in Equilibrium.
And, as you can see, there is so much Equilibrium character-meta which I am desperate to discuss about but also don’t want to talk about for spoiler reasons.  I am going to be so normal about it when publication day comes.
Thanks for playing!
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askyoungiron · 2 years
Hi Bittern! What do you do all day when you're on exhibition?
Bittern: Well mostly, be bored. But I do like to pull pranks on the other engines and the workers at the museum. It's fun to see how people react to things like finding eggs in weird places.
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marx-soul · 2 years
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what the fuck happened to The Land
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