#nix watches voltron
nomadicism · 1 month
I was watching a YouTube video where OP did a "Voltron Rewrite". I agree and disagree with certain aspects of it. (Which isn't a bad thing. We all have our ways of fixing that trainwreck. They have theirs, and I have mine.) But it brought up another question for me, why wasn't Pidge non-binary?
In the show, Pidge disguised herself as a boy to break into the military base that her brother and father worked at in order to find them. But that doesn't make any sense! This is the military. Wouldn't they find that out instantly when they require to do blood work or a psychical on her?
That explanation reminds me a lot of those "female Yuu has to disguise herself as a boy to attend Night Raven for no reason" fics in the Twisted Wonderland fandom in a bad way. Because, just like those fics, it's mimicking Ouran High School Host Club and Mulan without understanding why those stories work. In Mulan, she disguised herself as a boy to take her father's place, because she wouldn't be able to fight otherwise. Plus, she was able to do that since it took place thousands of years ago before the advent modern teach that would detect that instantly, and she was also caught after she was injured. Haruhi just simply didn't care about what gender people identified them as. Here, the story takes place hundreds of years in the future, so those issues are highlighted even more and make the plotline fall flat.
Having Pidge be non-binary right out of the starting gate would nix that issue. Pidge could be another person there, who wants to go up into space to find their missing family. They would be more male presenting, because that's just how they want to present themselves. No long-winded explanation needed. As a bonus, Pidge's voice actor is non-binary IRL, so it would add up in that sense as well.
One baffling choice in that series in hindsight amongst dozens of others. Though, I feel like if that show was made now instead of almost 10 years ago that would be one change the showrunners would make to the story.
Hi there, thank you for the Ask!
Those are good questions, and my own question is "why would the military have a barracks full of teens in the first place?"
The very flimsy reason for Pidge to join as a teen boy might have been fear about being recognized by anyone who knew her brother, or might have seen her in a dress one time. However, Pidge presenting as male would make her look more like her brother, so she'd be more recognizable in my opinion.
Within the VLD setting, there are no logical reasons for Pidge to present as male when joining the military, other than gender identity. It makes more sense for Pidge to be a trans man, or non-binary person, or transmasc person, or genderfluid person, etc.
One thing that I consider (and I don't mean this as a counter-argument), is how cis women still get pushed into a highly feminine presentation box, even though there are plenty of cis women who do not perceive or express their gender in traditional ways. Whether they are tomboys, butches, or women who simply have no interest in cosmetics and clothing that carries strong gender identifiers.
It's like, why are non-fitted cargo pants and comfortable shoes often assumed to be masculine (or for middle-aged women who are not portrayed as sexually available)? Because at some level, men are assumed to get things done, and women are assumed to have things done for them. That means that there is a space for representing cis women who do not represent their femininity in ways that are traditionally seen as feminine. Thankfully, those attitudes aren't as strong as they used to be, but on some level they are still there.
Within that context, Pidge as tomboy works, but Pidge as tomboy using masculine pronouns to present as male seems a bit odd. Like, it almost feels like a marketing decision so that boys in the target demographic could watch the first episode and not be like "ewww why is there a girl in my robot show" (princess-rescue doesn't count). I don't know that boys actually care about that anymore, but once upon a time that was a Thing they were socialized to react against.
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aquaburst3 · 1 month
I was watching a YouTube video where OP did a "Voltron Rewrite". I agree and disagree with certain aspects of it. (Which isn't a bad thing. We all have our ways of fixing that trainwreck. They have theirs, and I have mine.) But it brought up another question for me, why wasn't Pidge non-binary?
In the show, Pidge disguised herself as a boy to break into the military base that her brother and father worked at in order to find them. But that doesn't make any sense! This is the military. Wouldn't they find that out instantly when they require to do blood work or a psychical on her?
That explanation reminds me a lot of those "female Yuu has to disguise herself as a boy to attend Night Raven for no reason" fics in the Twisted Wonderland fandom in a bad way. Because, just like those fics, it's mimicking Ouran High School Host Club and Mulan without understanding why those stories work. In Mulan, she disguised herself as a boy to take her father's place, because she wouldn't be able to fight otherwise. Plus, she was able to do that since it took place thousands of years ago before the advent modern teach that would detect that instantly, and she was also caught after she was injured. Haruhi just simply didn't care about what gender people identified them as. Here, the story takes place hundreds of years in the future, so those issues are highlighted even more and make the plotline fall flat.
Having Pidge be non-binary right out of the starting gate would nix that issue. Pidge could be another person there, who wants to go up into space to find their missing family. They would be more male presenting, because that's just how they want to present themselves. No long-winded explanation needed. As a bonus, Pidge's voice actor is non-binary IRL, so it would add up in that sense as well.
One baffling choice in that series in hindsight amongst dozens of others. Though, I feel like if that show was made now that would be one change the showrunners would make to the story...That and more culturally appropriate voice casting. (Seriously, why were Hunk, Lance and Shiro played by actors not from those cultures?)
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thenixkat · 6 years
voltron is a good show au
1. Lace is the defacto leader. Sure Shiro is the head and the superior officer but Lance is the one who actually knows everyone and has the interpersonal skills to make this ragtag bunch of misfits an actual team.
2. The lions actually give a shit about the things going on and take a more active role? They tell the paladins what they can do and a don’t let themselves be captured and shit and like, just fully realize the hivemind thing. Also, the lions can alternate who’s what part of Voltron.
3. Team Voltron actually go back to Earth within the first week and like, fucking pick up supplies and like fucking help and ya know fucking tell their families wtf is going on. Mrs. Holt isn’t taking any shit and will shoot an alien bitch.
4. Team Voltron is so much bigger. The ship gains an actual fucking crew, half of that crew is replacement paladins. Mrs. Holt for Green. Shay for Yellow. Ulaz for Red. Plaxum for Blue. And Slav for Black.
5. Alteans are literally space Britts. The British are historically shit, therefore the Alteans were historically shit. Like, some non Altean and non galra perspectives on Alteans and Voltron yes pls.
6. King Hunk and Hunk’s space dragon are canon now.
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kariachi · 3 years
Random thought, because nix is back poking at Voltron, I think I have realized yet another reason the whole lion swap thing annoyed me.
I watch Digimon. I read the Pern and Valdemar series. You give me ‘this non-human chooses a partner with which to bond’ and I have been taught, through decades of conditioning, how that shit is supposed to work.
You are chosen by or assigned to a non-human creature. You bond. That bond is lifelong, devastating if broken, and through it you both find strength and love in a way you wouldn’t have, couldn’t have, before.
Then Voltron comes up and goes ‘yeah but what if one fucker going awol means half the damn team needs to break their bonds and form new ones’.
Fuck that shit, there are rules damnit!
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jooniix · 3 years
Why do I do this to myself-
I wanna draw Morro but I always draw something else.
Like I'm working on alt Legion designs cause I was bored but I want to work on my Origami Craftsman design, and at the same time I wanna add some stuff to my Dimentio gijinka but I keep forgetting ahhhh-
And I need to do a colored version of my Olly gijinka.
Also I'll probably need to post my Olivia design.
Also a redesign of DJ Toad (I decided his name should be Nix) and DJ Snifit (Erin).
And some more Stapler content (Colored Pencils giving Stapler a piggy back ride or just Rivet (Stapler) hiding behind him).
And Yeonjun Blue Hour era (I miss his pink hair it's so iconic like blue haired Yeonjun).
Maybe some BakuShin too-
Dang did I really forget Keith (I've been watching Voltron again lol).
But god damn I wanna draw Lloyd.
This is just a post of reminders for myself but I'll most likely forget-
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one-trigger-lullaby · 6 years
Used in Ritual/Sacrifice Featuring Dads of Marmora
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Happy Halloween! Thank you, dear anon, for requesting this gem for my @badthingshappenbingo (This is a lot longer than I expected, sorry)
If you have a request, send me an ask/pm. Without further ado, enjoy~
"I trust the new recruits have been doing well under Regris's and Manter's supervision," Kolivan said as his hands clasped on the desk in front of him, watching Ulaz take a seat in front of him.
Ulaz smiled, "Yes, I had my misgivings about pairing those two with the younger recruits, but they're doing well. Much better than I had expected, personally."
"Did you not expect them to do well?" Kolivan asked, inflectionless.
"It's not that, sir, it's just--you know how Regris is," Ulaz said with a chuckle.
"Indeed," Kolivan's tone was deep rumble of thunder, "and have you heard from Thace's team?"
Ulaz's lips turned down, thinning. "No, sir. They've missed four check-ins as of today."
Kolivan hummed. His face stayed stony, but Ulaz had known him for far too long to think that he'd been unaffected by the news. "I see. We can assume they've been compromised, then."
Ulaz swallowed heavily, his head ducking. "Yes, sir."
Any strength that had been holding Kolivan up seemed to sink out of him, leaning back in his chair in an uncharacteristic show of weakness. Ulaz could see his chest hollowing with every breath he took. "Did they, at the very least, accomplish their mission?"
Ulaz couldn't bear to lift his head up to meet his leader's- his packmate's- eyes. "Unconfirmed, as of now."
Kolivan pushed himself to lean his elbows on his desk, his ears drooped. "Fetch me when there is news. Until then, I would like to be left alone."
Ulaz stood and moved around the table, taking a moment to rub his cheek on Kolivan's head in hopes of offering him comfort before stepping out, leaving the man to mourn the possible loss of part of their pack.
He didn't get far before one of the new recruits came running at him, frantic. The recruit looked relieved to see him. "Commander Ulaz! You're needed urgently in the med bay!"
"Breathe, boy, what am I being called for?" Ulaz asked with a furrowing brow, grasping the boy by his shoulders.
The recruit took a moment to catch his breath before saying, "Agent Thace was just brought in, he needs medical care urgently!"
Ulaz's breath caught in his throat, hope blossoming in his breast, "Run back and tell the medics that I'll be around with Kolivan in just a Dobash. Quickly."
The recruit nodded and turned around, sprinting the way he came. Ulaz turned on his heel and marched back to Kolivan's office.
He opened the door with a bang. Kolivan just sighed and started harshly, "Ulaz, I've told you--"
"Thace was just brought into the med bay," Ulaz interrupted promptly. Kolivan's head snapped up, his eyes wide.
Ulaz's lips pursed, "It wasn't mentioned, but if he isn't with Thace then at least Thace would know where he is."
Kolivan stood immediately, striding past Ulaz. Ulaz walked quickly to match Kolivan's wider steps. "How is Thace's condition?" Kolivan asked.
"I have no idea, I came straight here when I found out," Ulaz replied.
They both came into the med bay like a boom of thunder, Blades moving aside for them. The recruit that had told Ulaz before ran up to them, his face red with exertion, the poor boy. He pointed to the right, "He's being treated in room 4ac-2a."
Kolivan just nodded curtly and moved past him. Ulaz paused for a moment, giving the boy a smile and pat on the shoulder. "You've done well today, have a rest."
Ulaz put gloves on as he stepped up to the bed Thace was lied on. He tried his best not to grimace as the extent of his long-time friend's injuries. "Give me the rundown."
"The worst extent of his bodily injuries are broken ribs and a broken femur, but he's internally compromised. We think he has a punctured lung." One of the medical assistants said. Ulaz could see Kolivan looking at him inquisitively from the corner of his eye.
"Prepare to operate, then. We need this Blade to live."
The operation went smoothly as Thace didn't have any complex bleeds, luckily no nicked arteries, and soon he was moved to a bed for observation, soft purple sheets pulled up to the middle of his chest.
Kolivan stared down at Thace pensively, his arms crossed over his broad chest. "When do you think he will awaken?"
"No more than a day," Ulaz promised, knowing that that was still far longer than Kolivan wanted.
Kolivan accepted the answer easily, what other choice did he have? "What vessel did he come on?"
"I believe a cargo ship picked him up on Zorin," Ulaz replied, having heard some of the chatter.
"What was he doing in Zorin of all places? There are no Galra fleets there."
"Maybe that is why he went." Ulaz turned and saw Antok in the doorway.
"What do you mean?" Ulaz inquired, moving so Antok could stand beside Kolivan where he belonged.
"If he and his team were overrun, it would only be logical to evacuate to the nearest uninhabited planet if they couldn't reach the Blade, would it not?" Antok said.
"Do you think Keith went there, too?" Ulaz asked.
"Thace would not have been able to live through the flight back if our kit had passed," Kolivan said, sounding awfully sure. Something in Ulaz warmed at Kolivan calling Keith 'our kit.'
"I agree. From that alone, we can assume that Keith is alive and, by those standards, that the rest of his team could still be waiting for a time to come back or finish the mission." The three of them sat in the quiet for a second, letting Antok's words linger.
"I'm going to go speak to the cargo pilot who picked him up," Kolivan said before exiting, the tarp enclosed around Thace's makeshift room flapping behind him.
After a long moment of just standing around in somber silence, Antok sighed lightly. "Our nest will be cold for more nights yet."
Ulaz watched as Antok took his leave, just as abrupt as Kolivan's. He wished he could go with him, but he glanced at Thace and knew that he didn't want him to wake up alone, especially if their theories were proven wrong.
By the next morning, Thace had awoken. Ulaz was asleep at the time, curled under Antok's arm, but Regris had come frantically, saying Thace was practically destroying the med bay and saying that he needed to speak to his packmates immediately and that no time could be wasted, not even for the rest the entire ship knew they needed.
Without even bothering to get dressed, reputation be damned and Antok discluded, the three of them rushed to the med bay where it was taking three medical assistants and two recruits to keep Thace down, and even then it was only because he clearly didn't want to hurt them to get through them. Ulaz knew that he would, though, given enough time.
"Thace!" Kolivan's voice boomed across the bay, everyone feezing in their tracks. Thace was the first to recover, pushing those who restricted him away and limping as fast as he could to them where he fell, his fall cushioned by Ulaz's arms.
"You shouldn't be moving--" Ulaz started to scold, but Thace cut him off with a rush of frantic breath.
"Was Keith picked up with me?" Thace asked, looking into Ulaz's eyes desperately for only a moment before looking at Kolivan and Antok who both looked at each other before shaking their heads.
"The cargo pilot who retrieved you said nothing of seeing another Blade near you," Kolivan said, his timber calming.
"He was with me," Thace said vehemently. "How did the pilot not see him, he never left my side!"
"He might've wandered off to find help whilst you were unconscious," Antok murmured in thought.
"No..." Thace whispered, "I told him to stay."
They all shared concerned glances.
Ulaz started to stand, taking Thace with him, "Come, let's get you back to bed and then we can discuss what happened in detail. You just underwent surgery, you shouldn't be moving so much."
Thace let him assist him back onto the ransacked bed, leaning back against the pillows. Everyone who had been standing amidst the chaos had dispersed back into their duties.
Ulaz quickly fixed Thace's pillows and covered his lap with the sheet before standing up straight. It was Kolivan who started the questioning.
"Did you fail your mission?" His face was hard and unreadable.
Thace met his gaze evenly and his voice did not shake, "No. It was a success."
Ulaz let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, the relief immediate. At least this trouble wasn't for nothing.
"Then why were you found in Zorin, two planets away from your target?" Kolivan pressed.
Thace's gaze shifted to his lap, "It was a success, but there was much loss. Nix and Uvren were captured by Galra forces, Keith and I barely managed to escape before we, too, were taken. We were far too weak to even begin to fight off their forces. They managed to nick our onboard air canisters as we flew and, as neither of us had any knowledge in how to repair our air supply, our choices were limited. Zorin was the safest option for our emergency landing."
"So the rest of your team was lost?" Antok asked patiently.
Thace's lips pursed, "Yes."
Kolivan opened his mouth to speak, but the question that had been itching at Ulaz begged him to open his mouth. "How was Keith? Was he terribly injured?" Kolivan frowned at the interruption but said nothing, a grace of being the leader's pack, Ulaz supposed.
Thace's hands fisted in the sheets and his ears drooped, "He was in much worse shape than I, but his breathing was unhindered so he took it upon himself to try to heal me, I could do nothing for him."
Antok rested a hand on his shoulder, "He is a Blade just as any of us are, he will be fine."
"If we were to host an extraction, where would best be suited?" Kolivan asked, surprising those around him.
"We're...going back for him?" Ulaz asked hopefully.
Kolivan looked almost embarrassed, "Of course. You mustn't forget that he is a paladin of Voltron and, therefore, the universe's top priority. I will make an exception on the rules just this once."
Ulaz silently pressed his arm to Kolivan's in thanks. Thace chuckled, "I knew you wouldn't be able to last long without becoming fond of the kit."
Kolivan's cheeks went a deep shade of purple. "It's only natural," he defended, "anyone that shares your nest is bound to become important."
"Then let us do our best to ensure that we leave no spots empty in that nest," Antok piped in, reminding them of the purpose of their conversation.
"Indeed," Kolivan agreed. "I shall lead the expedition myself. Antok, get into contact with the paladins of Voltron and inform them of our quest. Let them decide whether or not they find him expendable to their cause."
Ulaz's ears flicked uncertainly, "What if they deem his rescue unnecessary because they have another black paladin?"
Kolivan turned to walk away, "Then I will slaughter their black paladin and empty a seat to make his rescue necessary to the universe." The three of them stared, eyes wide as he left.
Antok gave a single nod. "Shall I inquire about the current black paladin's whereabouts before they make a decision?"
"That's...not necessary, Antok," Thace said, a small grin pulling at his lips.
"Call the paladins. Regardless of their stance, we will be going to Zorin for our kit. Prevent Kolivan from making any hasty, universe-altering decisions in the event the paladins disagree with our choices," Ulaz said, halfway amused and halfway in disbelief. When Kolivan cared for something, he cared for it intensely.
Antok left and only Thace and Ulaz were left, shaking their heads. "He would commit genocide for his pack, if need be," Thace said thoughtfully.
"Yes," Ulaz sighed, terribly fond, "he would."
The paladins of Voltron were frantic once they heard the news. Much to Kolivan's surprise, the black paladin, in particular, was concerned.
"I'd heard Keith say that he was something of a brother to him, but I didn't really believe it given how he acted towards him the last time they met," Thace said speculatively.
As it had turned out, however, they were galaxies away from Zorin and it would likely take them decapheobes to reach the small planet, the Blade could not rely on their assistance for this. It would've been a great help to have Voltron with them if they ran into any trouble as they were people of stealth, not confrontation, but they would take what they could get.
And they couldn't get very much, in all honesty. They had themselves and a questionable account from Thace who was absolutely not going.
Much to his dismay.
The day they were going to wormhole over to Zorin, Ulaz gave Thace a checkup. Thace did his best to grin and bear any aches he had. Ulaz wasn't buying it.
Ulaz squinted suspiciously at Thace's charts. "How strange."
"What is it?" Kolivan asked, stepping beside him to peek at the charts.
Ulaz frowned at Thace, "You did something to these."
"No," Thace said resolutely, completely straight-faced.
Ulaz hummed lightly, putting down his chart. In a swift move, he pinched Thace's still-healing ribs. Thace immediately crumpled, his arms going around his ribs, releasing a whine mixed with a hiss.
"You're not healed," Ulaz said with a tone of finality.
Thace lifted his head to look at Ulaz, his teeth still gritted together with the aftershocks of pain, "Please let me go." A shadowed look fell on his face.
Ulaz frowned, this time with sympathy. Kolivan straightened his back before saying, "You'll be of no use to anyone as you are, you'll just be a hindrance."
Thace's jaw ticked and he looked ready to argue, but then his shoulders slumped in acceptance, "I know that, I just feel that I am to blame."
Ulaz smiled reassuringly, "No one blames you." Thace still looked dubious.
"We will bring him back," Kolivan told him, his voice surer than anything Ulaz had ever heard.
And they would. Bring him back, that is. They just prayed it wasn't in pieces.
Antok stepped forward, "We should leave immediately if we plan to make haste."
Kolivan nodded at Antok before turning back to Thace, "Make a swift recovery, we will contact you once we've safely retrieved our charge."
The three of them started walking out of the room and Ulaz stayed behind for just a moment, putting his hand on Thace's shoulder, "Don't do anything reckless while you're injured. Have faith that we will bring him back."
Thace said nothing, but Ulaz hoped that he took his words to heart.
It took them a quintant and a half to reach Zorin's atmosphere and, upon entering, they received a transmission.
"Did Thace say anything about such an interaction?" Kolivan asked as the pad in front of him blinked and blipped, asking him to make a decision on whether or not to put the transmission through.
"No, he mentioned nothing of the sort," Ulaz said, knowing he would've remembered something that important.
Kolivan accepted the transmission and a hologram of a crouched figure in a hood appeared. The figure quickly straightened and flipped their hood back, revealing a species Ulaz had never seen. It was pink and bloated with gray eyes and hair.
"Greetings, inhabitant of Zorin," Kolivan greeted, his voice the very embodiment of power. "we come to retrieve one that we lost on your planet some quintants ago, we mean to bring you and your people no harm."
Rather than the caution citizens usually regarded them with, this creature looked ecstatic. "Of course! Our king awaits your arrival!"
Ulaz shared a glance with Antok. Kolivan, ever collected, said, "We appreciate the hospitality, we will be sure not to linger or cause your people distress."
The pink creature hopped up and down in a show of something, Ulaz was sure, but it wasn't a gesture he had seen before. "Stay as long as you want! We are happy to have you! My king awaits!"
The transmission cut out suddenly, but it didn't seem as if it was an accident. There was a silence that followed that made Ulaz slightly uncomfortable.
"Do we move forward?" Antok asked.
"We have no choice," Kolivan said heavily, "not going now could be seen as an act of war."
"I thought this planet was supposed to be uninhabited..." Ulaz mumbled, the planet getting closer and closer.
Kolivan didn't seem to have an answer for the sudden appearance of life on a planet that had previously shown none, and so silence fell once more.
Anxious energy filled Ulaz. He didn't have a good feeling about this, but Thace always said he was too much of a worrier.
They were regarded with only warmth once their ship landed, something the group of Galra were unfamiliar with. Entirely unfamiliar, in fact. So unfamiliar that Antok seemed twitchy, threatened by the kindness he had only received from other Blades.
The king was something akin to a creature Keith had shown Ulaz years ago, a 'slug,' if Ulaz remembered correctly, a giant pink slug with a tiny, smiling mouth.
The king had no air of wariness that told Ulaz that his kindness was any kind of farce, so Ulaz let his hand stray from his weapon, if only briefly. He still didn't like the feeling this place was giving him.
"Hello, space travelers! We're very happy that you decided to land on our humble planet!" The king greeted jovially, stepping- slipping?- right up to Kolivan.
If Kolivan was bothered by the king entering his space so freely, he didn't show it. "Yes. We just need to search your planet for our lost one, we don't wish to burden you or your people with our presence."
"Nonsense, we've prepared you and your party rooms in the castle." The king turned his back to them, "Follow, space travelers."
Ulaz and Antok shared a look before moving to carefully cover Kolivan, their eyes roaming around them. Usually, hospitality was nice.
But hospitality that came from a planet their kit was currently missing on? Not as nice. Especially when it was taking so much time. If Keith was injured as badly as Thace had claimed, he needed to be found sooner rather than later.
The thought had him twitching, eager to leave the prying eyes of these creatures.
The king led them, humming a quiet tune under his breath. A happy tune, but it sounded haunted once they started walking the halls of the castle, echoing and empty. Eerily empty.
"Do you not keep servants?" Ulaz inquired carefully after seeing a distinct lack of any working folk.
"We don't partake in servitude," The king replied simply, offering no other explanation.
The king stopped in front of large, pristinely white doors, pushing them open. "This is one of the castle's housing compartments, we hope you find it to your liking."
Kolivan and Ulaz stepped in, Antok lingering in the doorway. The king seemed to realize that they would not relax their backs until he left. "My attendant will keep herself available to you, should you need something. feel free to call upon me at any time."
"Wait a tick," Ulaz said suddenly. The king stopped, smiling patiently. "would you mind terribly if we questioned your people on the whereabouts of our lost one? We'd also like permission to roam your planet without repercussions."
"You can," The king said pleasantly before slipping off and out of sight.
The three of them waited a second before stepping inside of the room offered to them and shutting the door.
"We'll leave through the window," Kolivan said suddenly, not even bothering looking through the room in detail.
"Why?" Antok asked.
Kolivan looked back at them, his nose scrunched with a snarl, "I don't trust these creatures."
"Do you think they did something to Keith?" Ulaz asked immediately, protectiveness for the kit flaring up in his chest.
"I do not know," Kolivan said, his gaze pointing to his toes, "But I will find out. We will leave without them knowing. The less they know, the less they can lie to us about."
They slipped out the large, partially stained glass windows and scaled down the walls, taking advantage of the planet's natural darkness.
"Should we search the castle?" Antok asked once their feet hit the ground with soft thumps.
Kolivan shook his head slightly, lowering his voice, "No, we will not assume their guilt until necessary. We are outnumbered, here."
Antok pulled a datapad from his pocket, pulling up a GPS. He showed it to Kolivan, pointing to the white dot blipping on the screen. "This is about where Thace said they crash-landed. Keith shouldn't have been able to stray far from here with the injuries Thace said he had."
"Lead the way," Kolivan said, moving aside so Ulaz could take the head.
They started off, soon realizing that there was an odd lack of life outside of the castle, a stark difference in comparison to the reception they had received upon landing. Ulaz wasn't surprised that they had never known that there was a species that occupied this planet, he was nearly convinced that all those creatures he'd seen were the after-effects of some brand of fever dream.
The crash site was a good distance away from the castle and it took them a couple of vargas to get there whilst sticking to the shadows of the overgrown flora scattered around.
The three suns that orbited the planet had switched and, by the time they got to the crash site, the planet was tinted in a dark red.
They stopped, the three of them standing in a triangle to protect each other's backs as they scanned the area around them. Kolivan's eyes glowed as he leaned down by a tree-like plant. His nostrils flared. "This is his blood."
Ulaz felt something inside of him seize. "Is it fresh?"
Kolivan reached two fingers down to swipe at it, his fingers rubbing together. "No." he straightened, his nostrils flaring once more. "Spread out and search, he mustn't be far."
They spread out through the forest and, while they found plenty of dried blood and even one bloody bandage, they didn't find their kit.
Once they met up, Ulaz holding the bloody strip of cloth in his hand, Antok whined a small, pained sound. Ulaz wrapped his hand around his arm in a gesture of comfort, he knew it had to have been hard to work as well as Antok had whilst staying composed underneath the worry that had built up to an insurmountable level. "He's okay."
Kolivan was frowning. "Let us not disillusion ourselves. This brings down his chance for survival...considerably."
Ulaz felt his ears try to flatten themselves against his skull, waves of pain blitzing through his chest. He clenched his fists.
"We must keep trying," Antok said, his voice not as sure as it had been previously.
"Of course. We would do nothing else," Kolivan assured him.
"I propose the castle to be the next place we search," Antok spoke. Kolivan readily agreed.
The three of them started walking once more, Ulaz falling behind a bit as if slowing down would make Keith magically appear.
It didn't.
It did, however, earn him a sharp jab in the neck and a cold blanket of darkness.
Ulaz woke abruptly to a yell. This yell stirred up something rabid in Ulaz's chest, his mind fine-tuned to the sound of his kit in distress. He was up in a second, snarling and searching for whatever had brought harm to his kin. He was met with the surprised but still pleasant face of the king. "Oh, you're awake."
Ulaz ignored him, his fangs pulsing in his gums as he set his gaze on his kit, who was being held by his hair. His kit was barely struggling, his body obviously weakened from the various wounds Ulaz could see through the silken pink garment he'd clearly been forced into. Ulaz's snarls renewed with vigor.
"What did you do to him!?" His voice was animalistic as he started tugging at the metal bindings restraining him. The king's smile seemed to dampen, flinching at Ulaz's action.
Good, be scared, bitch.
"Well...you certainly are an enthusiastic bunch, but don't worry! This is for the benefit of us all," The king said pleasantly, taking a step or two back from Ulaz.
Keith's eyes fluttered open, glaring at the king as strongly as he could in his weakened state. "How...the hell?"
Ulaz whined at the sound of his kit's voice, why wasn't he holding him? He wanted his baby, kidnapping be damned. Keith's eyes flashed over to him in an instant and he seemed to think of something.
Yes, that's my smart boy, try to escape.
Realistically, Ulaz knew there was no way for Keith to escape in the condition he was in.
But then Keith opened his mouth, a high-pitched mewl coming out of his throat. Every muscle in Ulaz's body tensed; it was the sound kits made when their lives were being inarguably threatened, a sound that, friend or foe, no Galra could ignore.
Ulaz's fangs started slicking with saliva and every ounce of his strength went into pulling at the restraints, pure force bending the metal. His toes were being crushed under the weight of his desperation within his boots, but he didn't care.
The king shrieked and his men dropped Keith roughly in their surprise. "Restrain him!" The king exclaimed, "He's going to ruin everything!"
One of the chains that had been dug into the ground snapped and Ulaz had one hand free. He used that hand to give extra leverage to pulling his other free as well. His eyes never left Keith who had gone silent after he was dropped.
"Quickly! Do something before the beast breaks free!"
The chains creaked, but somebody grabbed his jaw and stuck a needle straight into the meat his neck, filling his veins with fire. He slumped with a choked cry, his body trembling.
His claws ached to tear through his neck and it was only the pure instinct of self-preservation that prevented him from wounding himself mortally. "Strap a muzzle on him, too." a voice said to his right.
Abruptly, his head was drawn back, a metal and leather muzzle being strapped around his head and digging into his fiery skin. He heard a whine and knew it was Keith.
I'm so sorry, my kit.
It felt like a lightyear before the flames left his veins and he was left panting on the grimy, now sweat-slicked floor below him. Both of his hands were unchained, but his strength had left his body and he could do nothing as his wrists were shackled anew and he was drawn to his knees as someone attached his cuffs to the ceiling, making it nearly impossible to get free as he had.
He'd tear the bolts from the ceiling with his very teeth if he had to.
If he was able to.
His eyes opened and they met Keith's who was looking upon him worriedly, his blood-crusted eyebrows scrunched in a mixture of pain and worry. Ulaz tried to tell him with his eyes alone that everything would be okay, but Keith was pulled roughly to the side, their gaze breaking.
"We should make haste before their comrades come looking." A new person, definitely not native to this planet stepped forward.
"Did you not take care of them well enough?" The king asked, terribly trusting of this one. Maybe the king just thought he had control over them, but Ulaz knew their type; he was just a pawn.
"There was time to do little more than restrain them to a few trees in the Zroov'bah forest. It won't take them long to break free," They said.
The king hummed and waved a hand at the ones holding Keith, "Put him up, we can start."
Ulaz tried earnestly to move, to call out, to tell his kit something, but whatever he'd been injected with had sapped out all of the energy in his bones. He watched, prone on the floor as Keith was brought to the stone table erected in the middle of the room where he was then strapped down with leather that seemed to be cushioned with fabric.
The king's smile got a bit more genuine as he looked down upon Keith, "There, that shouldn't be too uncomfortable. I've had my subjects make your bindings soft so your first blood isn't drawn by accident before we start." The king reached down and caressed Keith's cheek, ignoring his flinches, "You're going to do everyone a lot of good, little one."
Keith snapped his teeth at the man's hand and the man flinched back, a frown crossing his face for the first time, "Ungrateful."
The king turned away, looking down at Ulaz, "Did you raise this one?"
Ulaz growled as strongly as he could, snapping, "What do you want with him?"
"Your boy is going to save my people. The purple one promised he would, he just has to give us his first blood," The king said, "It's a noble cause, I assure you, your little one's sacrifice won't be in vain."
"You just need his blood?" Ulaz asked, almost daring to be hopeful.
The king nodded, "Yes, all of it. His virgin blood is valuable, here."
Ulaz's hope was replaced with unadulterated horror. They were going to kill his kit. They were going to drain his small, not even fully-grown body of all of his life. Ulaz screamed at his muscles to move, but they were sluggish and had no strength.
Keith started struggling as best he could, clearly panicked. One of the goons held him still as the king cooed, "Oh, no, no, no, little one. We can't have you thrashing your head around like that, we already went through so much trouble to stop the bleed you'd had earlier from treated so recklessly by ones who obviously didn't know your value, we can't have you ruin this."
One brought a needle to his neck and though Keith strained his neck as far to the left as he could, the needle went in and Keith went limp. Ulaz crooned softly, hoping it would soothe his kit.
"Let us start."
Ulaz watched with growing horror as one of their captors picked up a dagger. Keith's dagger, Ulaz realized as he saw the Blade emblem on the guard.
They drew his arm to his side, pulling a silver bucket beneath it. They shifted something under his shoulder to raise it, constricted by the bindings.
"May this virgin's first bleed bring us prosperity for decaphoebes to come," The king said pleasantly, watching as one his goons dug Keith's -Keith's mother's- own dagger into his forearm, cutting much too deeply.
Tears burned Ulaz's eyes as he watched Keith's face twist in pain, his finger wriggling fruitlessly as they tore the dagger down his forearm, blood gushing from his supple skin and splashing into the bucket below. "First blood has been had!"
Keith met Ulaz's eyes, tears dripping down the sides of his face. Help me.
Ulaz whined for he could not. He couldn't help his kit, he was so useless. Useless to do anything but watch as they tore him apart.
They dug the dagger all the way down to his wrist, cutting through tendons, hardened muscle, and soft flesh. His arm was coated in thick, dark blood that made too-loud plops as it dripped into the bucket.
Keith's chest was rising and deflating with pained pants as they finished with his arm, but his eyes never left Ulaz. He'd never looked smaller in Ulaz's eyes than he did then, and it hurt.
Stars, did it hurt.
They left the bucket where it was and drew another one out, moving to the side of Keith that Ulaz couldn't see, Keith's gaze still didn't falter. He didn't even move as they cut into that forearm too, baring Keith's insides to the world.
"No, no, no." It was a quiet chant, one Ulaz started once he saw Keith's eyelids droop. "Please, kit." He didn't know what he was begging for; he knew enough about human anatomy to know that no human, not even a Galra halfbreed, could survive such wounds, not after so long.
They finished with his wrist and moved on and Keith blinked slowly, "'laz?"
"Yes, kit?" Ulaz whispered, pained.
"...L...ove...love 'oo," Keith mumbled near incomprehensibly. Ulaz pushed forward desperately, wanting nothing more than to hold his kit.
"I love you my kit, more than life itself, I love you so much," he cried.
Keith gave him a sleepy smile, one that stayed on his face even as they turned his head towards the ceiling. "We're almost done, little one," The king said. They put another bucket down below a groove chiseled into the stone. Ulaz's heart fell once they put Keith's dagger to his neck and Keith didn't move, Ulaz could only see his eyes slip shut.
"No..." It was a harsh whisper, nearly cut out by the sobs that collected in the lumps inside of his throat. "Please...Please!"
The king looked at him and smiled sadly. "It seems sad now, but...it's a good thing, I promise."
"Good...?" Ulaz repeated weakly to himself. This was good? No...no this wasn't good. His kit, his baby was good. Keith was the best and this...this was taking the stars away from their galaxies-- this...wasn't good. This was horrid.
He felt oddly numb, tears streaming down his face as he watched the tip of the dagger dig into Keith's neck, eliciting a weak choke from his kit. "Please..." This time, he was ignored.
The dagger cut and it dragged and it took, drawn straight across Keith's delicate throat and staining it red.
They all watched, briefly, as Keith's blood stopped coming out in spurts and started slowing to a trickle. Then, everyone but the king quietly packed up and left, taking his kit's blood with them. The king looked at Ulaz and pressed something on the wall that lowered him. He didn't react, staring numbly at his too-pale child. "I'll leave you to say your goodbyes. This was all for a good cause, I promise."
The king left and all was silent. Ulaz stood slowly, stumbled a bit on his shaky legs, and dropped by Keith's final resting place. A shaky hand came to rest on his kit's cheek. "Kit?"
Keith didn't move, didn't reply, he stayed prone and silent, unaware. Ulaz put an ear to his lips, trying to feel his breath, but he felt nothing.
He broke. His cries were loud and desperate, sang to the heavens and his chest hurt with the heft of his sobs, he cried and he cried and he cried, animalistic wails mourning the loss of his kit, so young and loving, light and happy. Ulaz knew many would mourn over him.
Nobody would miss him as much as he would though, no, he was the one who made pastries with him every Saturday, laughing when Keith went cross-eyed to see some flour on his nose. He was the one who hosted Keith and Thace's annual race through the ship's corridors, much to Kolivan's dismay.
He was the one....he was the one who--
Ulaz cried over his cold body, tears dripping on Keith's face. He was the one who tucked his kit in every night and made sure he had his lunch. He didn't know the last time Keith ate, and that made him feel worse.
It seemed as if hours had passed before the doors slammed open, Antok and Kolivan rushing in and freezing at the heavy scent of their kit's blood that wafted around. Antok fell to his knees, questioning whines thrumming through the air. Kolivan's ears flattened and he stalked forward.
He gently tapped their kit's cheek, gasping at the chill before clenching his fists, pain shredding his features. He stalked out of the room and Ulaz could hear his roar.
The Blades lost the brightest kit they'd ever had that day, taking with him the hearts of their leaders who led only in body.
Their spirits had left them.
40 notes · View notes
breeeliss · 6 years
replied to your
Pt1 - You probably get asks and responses like...
I agree with everything except the death scene. Why can’t a gay man die like any other person? We’re not special children needing of protecting from the gruesome. We’re all equal we all die. If a gay man dying is more tragic than a straight man in the same situation then that’s kinda saddening… we’re not above anyone else.
it’s not that we’re above anyone else, it’s that the tragedies that surround our community typically have to do with tragedy and death. so when you show us dying on screen you need to be very careful. 
im not saying adam shouldn’t have died. i actually think there’s a lot of interesting irony there. shiro came back alive from a mission he was expected to die on only to find that it was adam -- seemingly safe on earth -- who died protecting earth during an alien invasion. narratively, his death makes sense. 
but that narrative value could’ve been had without showing us his death. he could’ve died off screen and the emotional impact wouldn’t have been compromised. instead we saw adam go on a suicide mission we as viewers knew he wasn’t going to come back from and saw him literally explode right before our eyes. prior to this, he had only existed in flashbacks. the show went out of its way to reintroduce him in the present only to immediately kill him off. 
they even panned straight into his face when he went into his ship. it was the equivalent of “yeah see him? shiro’s ex boyfriend? watch because you’re about to see him die.” idk it just wasn’t necessary. we didn’t need to be a witness to that. alluding to it or showing us his memorial plaque after the fact would’ve been sufficient. 
the reality is that it is different to see a gay man die on screen versus a straight man. one is ubiquitous and is frequently the one “bulletproof” character that never perishes and always returns. the other is rarely seen and represents a demographic that frequently suffers gruesome deaths in life. they don’t really want to see those deaths repeated on screen unless it’s pertinent to the plot. 
i still love voltron and i still adore that season, but had it been me i would’ve nixed that death scene. 
13 notes · View notes
callunavulgari · 5 years
Scrapbook 2019 | Pt. I
Normal font - meh, it was okay | Italicized titles - enjoyed quite a bit | bold titles - love | titles with an asterisk* - all time favorites | (bracketed titles) - re-watches/re-reads | strikethough - dislike
Goals are: read one hundred books this year, finish five video games, write something novel-length and write something original. These last two goals CAN be combined.
(Kingsman: The Golden Circle)
Pitch Perfect 3
(Big Hero 6)
Captain Marvel
(Thor Ragnarok)
(Avengers: Infinity War)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
(Spirited Away)
(Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
How To Train Your Dragon 3
Crazy Rich Asians
The Death Cure
The Mummy (2017)
(Monster’s University)
Avengers: Endgame
Detective Pikachu
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Rim of the World
The Secret Life of Pets 2
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Spiderman: Far From Home
Truth or Dare
Ender’s Game | Orson Scott Card [Fin]
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang [Fin]
Turtles All The Way Down | John Green [Fin]
Challenger Deep | Neal Shusterman [Fin]
The Bear and the Nightingale | Katherine Arden [Fin] 
Shards of Honor | Lois Mcmaster Bujold [Fin]
(Throne of Jade | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
The Wicked King | Holly Black [Fin]
Vengeful | V.E. Schwab
Elantris | Brandon Sanderson
Vengeful | V.E. Schwab [Fin]
Elantris | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
(Black Powder War | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
(The Amulet of Samarkand | Jonathon Stroud) [Fin]
Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield
(The Golem’s Eye | Jonathon Stroud) [Fin]
(Ptolemy’s Gate | Jonathon Stroud) [Fin]
The Screaming Staircase | Jonathon Stroud
Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield [Fin]
The Screaming Staircase | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
The Girl In the Tower | Katherine Arden [Fin]
The Whispering Skull | Jonathon Stroud
(Empire of Ivory | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
The Two Towers | J.R.R Tolkien
Winter of the Witch | Katherine Arden
Saga, Vol 1 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 2 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 3 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 4 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 5 | Brian Vaughn
Saga, Vol 6 | Brian Vaughn
The Whispering Skull | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
The Slow Regard of Silent Things | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin]
The Two Towers | J.R.R Tolkien [Fin]
Winter of the Witch | Katherine Arden [Fin]
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns | Julie Dao [Fin]
King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
The Hollow Boy | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
Mistborn | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Well of Ascension | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Creeping Shadow | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
The Empty Grave | Jonathon Stroud [Fin]
Hero of Ages | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Everything I Never Told You | Celeste Ng [Fin]
The Kiss Quotient | Helen Hoang [Fin]
The Two Towers | J.R.R. Tolkien [Fin]
The Near Witch | Victoria Schwab [Fin]
The Trials of Apollo | Rick Riordan [Fin]
Alloy of Law | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Gentlemen’s Guide to Vice and Virtue | Mackenzi Lee [Fin]
Shadows of Self | Brandon Sanderson
The Dark Prophecy | Rick Riordan
Sabriel | Garth Nix [Fin]
Shadows of Self | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Dark Prophecy | Rick Riordan [Fin]
(Victory of Eagles | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
Warbreaker | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
(Tongues of Serpents | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
The Bands of Mourning | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
What If It’s Us | Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera [Fin]
A Court of Thorns and Roses | Sarah J. Maas [Fin]
Carmilla | Kim Turrisi [Fin]
The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho 
The Eye of the World | Robert Jordan
The Hundred-Foot Journey | Richard C. Morais 
Three Dark Crowns | Kendare Blake
Mistborn: The Secret History | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Eleventh Metal | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho [Fin]
The Eye of the World | Robert Jordan
The Hundred-Foot Journey | Richard C. Morais [Fin]
Three Dark Crowns | Kendare Blake [Fin]
Saga Vol. 8 | Brian Vaughn [Fin]
Saga Vol. 9 | Brian Vaughn [Fin]
Codename Villanelle | Luke Jennings [Fin]
Borne | Jeff Vandermeer [Fin]
Crucible of Gold | Naomi Novak [Fin]
The Time Traveler’s Wife | Audrey Niffenegger [Fin]
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy | Mackenzi Lee [Fin]
The Wise and the Wicked |  Rebecca Podos [Fins]
Sweetbitter | Stephanie Danler [Fin]
Blood of Tyrants | Naomi Novak [Fin]
Adventure Zone Ep 1
EOS 10 s4 1-4
EOS 10 s4 4-7
The Penumbra Podcast
Adventure Zone Ep 2
Welcome to Night Vale Eps 30-54
The Bright Sessions -Bonus Eps-
Welcome to Night Vale Eps 54-59
The Penumbra Podcast (Second Citadel eps + last two Juno)
Welcome to Night Vale Eps 60-
The Magnus Archive Eps 1-11
Voltron s8
The Flash
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
The Umbrella Academy
The Flash
Black Mirror
Russian Doll
The 90s
The 2000s
(Sailor Moon)
The Dragon Prince
American Gods
American Gods s2
Voltron s8
World’s Weirdest Homes
Game of Thrones s8
Brooklyn 99
The Bold Type
Cupcake Wars
Schitt’s Creek s1-3
Game of Thrones s8
Schitt’s Creek s4
Good Omens
The Terror
Black Mirror s4
Rick & Morty s3
Stranger Things s3
Schitt’s Creek s4
Pokemon Go?
(Kingdom Hearts: DDD, 54 hrs) [Fin]
Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee
Detroit: Become Human [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts 3 - Monstropolis, 20 hrs
Life is Strange, Episode 2, 4 hrs
Kingdom Hearts 3, 56 hrs [Fin]
Pokemon Go
Life is Strange, Episode 5, 20 hrs [Fin]
Life is Strange -Before the Storm- Episode 1 complete, 5 hrs
God of War (3 hrs)
God of War (35 hrs) [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (40 hrs)
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (43 hrs)
(Final Fantasy XIII)
Portal 2 [Fin]
Final Fantasy 15 - Episodes Prompto, Ignis, Gladio, and Ardyn [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (70 hrs)
Life Is Strange -Before the Storm- Episode 2 complete, 15 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (120 hrs) [Fin]
Rime (1 hr)
Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age (1 hr)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (2 hrs)
Rime (25 hrs) [Fin]
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (35 hrs)
Witcher 3 DLC: Hearts of Stone [Fin]
Witcher 3 DLC: Blood and Wine (10 hrs)
What Dreams May Come by Lenore | Crimson Peake | Edith/Thomas | 5k |  Ghosts are real, and there are things that tie them to this world. Sometimes it's because they want to linger, and sometimes it's because they are trapped. Sometimes ghosts need the help of the living before they can be truly free.
and prove your body wrong by paperclipbitch | The Defenders | Matt Murdock/Jessica Jones | 1k | Neither of them can read minds, but they both fake it for their day jobs.
these roads will take you into your own country by notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Shadow/Laura, Gen | 5k | Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.“Fucking new gods,” the leprechaun mutters, hunching his shoulders almost up to his ears. “Gridiron and Pepsi commercials.”
Small Step For Man by Toft [archived by yuletide_archivist] | Greek Myth | Artemis/Apollo | 4k | "It's all right, sister," Apollo whispers, and his arm is warm around her shoulder. She forgets, he is her twin, he is her other half; he knows her almost as well as she knows herself. "We're still the same."
learning curve by Yuu_chi | Detroit | Hank/Connor | 15k | “While sexual activity is not my default purpose, I do possess the capability,” Connor says without so much as batting an eye, unaware that he’s completely shattered Hank’s world view in one single sentence.
machine learning by kriegersan | Detroit | Hank/Connor | 31k | “This kinda shit doesn’t go away overnight. It’s only been a few months, Connor. We’re only just starting to know what this is gonna look like.” Lt. Anderson throws back his beer.“You think I don’t know that?” He sounds defensive. He tempers his voice. “I’m simply processing.”
eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by blackeyedblonde | Detroit | Hank/Connor | 73k | Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit | Nines/Gavin | 40k | What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
linguistics, semantics by pseudoanalytics | DBH | Hankcon | 49k | "So, what? Cyberlife gave you a preference for ugly, old, washed-up bastards?" Connor intentionally allows himself to appear unamused. "Absolutely not." He waits for Hank to look at him again before delivering his punchline. "I believe I developed that for myself."
Skin Deep by bughnrahk | DBH | Hankcon | 50k | Hank is 53 years old. He's never had a soul mark, doesn't have a soul mate. And he's fine with that. He cheated the system once and it cost him everything he had. Never again.When August 2038 rolls around and the number '313 248 317 - 51' appears on his arm in perfect Cyberlife Sans font, exactly where a soul mark should be, Hank wants nothing to do with it.
Watch Me, Watch You by elefseus (oscillos) | DBH | Hank/Connor | 82k | WIP | "How do you go about living when everything you've ever known changes? Can you?"
the most formidable lies by fshep | DBH | Connor/Gavin | 15k | WIP | Gavin is given an ultimatum: agree to give his mother’s coworker’s son a chance, or introduce his family to his new boyfriend, Connor, who isn’t his boyfriend at all.
and we'll figure it out by consumptive_sphinx | Temeraire | Lawrence/Tharkay | 1.5k | Everyone is born with their soulmate's name written on their skin, somewhere. Laurence has two names. Neither of them are in a script he can read.
Propriety and Fate by esama | Temeraire | Lawrence/Tharkay | 3.5k | It isn't as if one can go and talk about such things
Watercast by Fishwrites | Voltron | Keith/Lance | 205k WIP, Chapter 15 | Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!
Afterlife by jaegermighty | Haunting of Hill House | Gen, Luke-centric | 6k |  Leigh and Steve name their daughter Eleanore, with an 'e' on the end which is more old-fashioned, they say. Eleanore Olivia Crain. Lots of dead people in that name; Luke's not a fan. Not that anyone asked his opinion.
in memoriam by oxymoronic | Bartimaeus | Gen | 1.5k | Kitty Jones has but a little strength left in her body, and she has decided on this lazy summer's night to spend it on the question which has plagued her for half a century.
Second Chances by rootbeer | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 2k | "A lot of times the ‘markings’ were common, simple things you said to strangers all the time. 'Excuse me'; 'thank you'; 'hello'. Some got extremely romantic things like 'it’s you isn’t it? I’ve been waiting for you' or 'Wow you’re really pretty'. And they were always the first words their soulmate would ever say to them.Of course, having 'You are the fucking worst kind of person in the world' tattooed down your side, didn’t bode well.
have your cake and eat it too by keskasi | Naruto | Naruto/Sasuke | 7k | “What’s it like to give a blowjob?” Naruto asks.
Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k | Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
and maybe you'll find a way to keep me a floating when i can't by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | 3k | Billie’s tough. Nothing but sharp edges with sharper teeth. She’s all bark and all bite.
A thousand by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 3k |  “I’m going to kill you, now.” The problem is—really, the crux of all of Rey’s problems at the moment—he actually thinks he means it.
He Who Is Made Of Iron by MayContainBlueberries | The Queen’s Thief | Gen, Costis centric | Tea reminds Costis of his childhood.
for my wild by vixleonard | GOT | Arya/Gendry | Set post 8x04, Arya tries to find out who Arya Stark is now.
Almost Cool by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 30k | While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Two Worlds Collided by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 10k | There's a new guy at work and Ryan belatedly realizes they've actually already met once before.
Keeping Out the Cold by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | After a strange ghostly encounter, Ryan and Shane begin sharing visions via a telepathic bond. AKA: the In Your Eyes AU that no one asked for.
Bringing Things Together by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | 7k | “Look,” Shane says over the phone. “Mistakes were made.”
Pride by astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Cersei/Brienne | 22k Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. At night, even curled together under the two blankets they’d been allotted, it took the better part of an hour before their bodies could warm the bed enough to sleep.
L'aura è tua messaggera by Rosyredlipstick | PJO | Nico/Will | 9k | Or, how the Stoll Brothers accidentally got Nico di Angelo and Will Solace together.
Competition by astolat | GoT | Jaime/Brienne | 11k | Almost the instant Brienne was out of earshot, Bronn turned to Podrick, jerked his head towards Jaime and asked, “Has he fucked her yet?”
Skin and Scales by Ernmark (M_Moonshade) | The Penumbra Podcast | Arum/Rilla/Damien | 17k | The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing.“Lord Arum?”
I will become yours and you will become mine by spiderwebsitar | DBH | Reed900 | 24k | After an argument with his new partner, Gavin Reed wakes up five years in the future married to an android who won’t stop making fucking waffles.
Numerology by Hth | Schitt’s Creek | Patrick/David, Sebastien/David | 20k | Still, it's true that Patrick can have his shy side. He likes to be a gentleman – Mr. Order Whatever You Want I'm Paying and Mr. Here Let Me Fix That For You and Mr. No David Not In the Backseat I Want It to Be Special – so David can't entirely rely on Patrick's willingness to charge forward for the greater good.
someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k |  catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Ugly Words and Pretty Things by Ias | The Terror | Crozier/Fitzjames | 4k | There are words for a man like that.
Sands of Time by tirsynni | LoZ | Link/Ganondorf | 97k | Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
death shall be no more by Ias | The Terror | Fitzjames/Crozier | 5k | "I'd rather we leave our tents behind and sleep two to a sack like the orphans we are, than to leave one man alone with last burdens."
and then redemption by spidermooned (softlyblue) | Marvel | Spiderman & Loki | 7k | "Kid," says Tony Stark wearily, "Please gimme a reason Loki's been spotted talking to Spiderman that isn't 'I wanted to be his friend'. Please. Tell me you can do that."
so many ways to talk about longing by lymricks | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 3.6k | Steve wakes up--in a pool lounger--to Billy Hargrove looming over him. Billy pushes his sunglasses down and Steve thinks sleepily that it must be so that Steve gets the full impact of Billy’s narrow-eyed glare. “Harrington,” Billy says. “We’re fucking closed.”
sun gutters by lymricks | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 5k | Steve can feel Billy’s eyes on him. “You should get here early,” Billy says, casually. “Tomorrow. At six.”
Finders Keepers by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 3k | Ryan wakes with a hangover and an empty bed, and only one of them he expects.
Back Room by forthegreatergood | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 5.6k | Aziraphale actually does have quite an extensive collection of pornography in the bookshop. Like most of the questionable things in Aziraphale’s life, it’s Crowley’s fault.
killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k | Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend.
On mandated uniforms and workplace entertainment by Thei | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 2k | Robin loves this job. Besides an income, it also provides her with quality entertainment. Especially when she's working with Steve, and Billy Hargrove shows up.
don't make a shadow (of yourself) by lymricks | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 11k | WIP | And Billy, curled in a cheap plastic seat with his eyes squeezed shut, wonders, could it really be this easy? Just get on a bus and go home?
paper thin by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k | Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
your love is three times better by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 14k | Ryan grimaces as he types out the words, >It’s Valentine’s Day. Don’t you want to do romance stuff?
you, through half-shut eyes by brawlite | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 8k | Two parts sugary sweet summer vibes, one part snarky instagram stories, and three parts mutual pining.
damn.nation, now available on itunes by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Good Omens | Crowley/Aziraphale | 11k | When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell.This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Sansa/Dany/Jon | 60k |  When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Bonded by softestpunk | The Witcher | Emiel/Geralt | 13k | Regis is punished for Dettlaff's assumed death, Geralt comes to the rescue, and the two of them gain something neither of them would ever have dared hope for.
Something We Were Withholding Made Us Weak by triedunture | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 17k | "Yes, exactly. Retire." Aziraphale reaches for the last remaining tartlet brimming with summer berries. "Somewhere along the south coast, perhaps."
something happens and i'm by brawlite | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 10k | Billy loves his job as at the Hawkins Community Pool. It's even better now that Steve Harrington's a lifeguard, too.
break up with your girlfriend ('cause i'm bored) by thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 15k |  @umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
I’m Gonna Keep You in Love with Me (for a While) by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 22k | “Okay,” Shane says finally. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re just going to—we’re going to be married. The only way out is through.”“Um,” Ryan says, because this plan strikes him as counterproductive to their shared goal of not being married.
YELLOW SQUARE by dejavu (suggcest) | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 16k |  “Since being the scene of those two, grisly double homicides in the early 1950’s, the Bringle House Bed and Breakfast has sat empty, waiting for the next couple stupid enough to try to stay all four nights.”
darling it's a faded notion by varnes | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 28k |  Ryan and Shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can't be not-touching. It's ... not great.
Things That Go Bump in the Night (and 7 till 12 at weekends) by HoopyFrood | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 4k | Shane works at a Haunted House. Ryan is Ryan. Things go about as well as you'd imagine.
Everything's Weird and We're Always in Danger by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 15k | “It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
Muscles Better and Nerves More by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 26k | “I’m serious,” Ryan says. “Don’t go fucking up my body. I want that shit back in the same condition I left it.” 
(Marvel) Avengers | True North 
A Sad Man With A Box
►Dance to 2018
Collab Parts (2016-2018)
just a machine? [Detroit: Become Human] *HBD Pteryx*
【Detroit|Become Human】Way Down We Go
She-Ra AMV | I'm Just Your Problem (Catradora)
multifandom || 2018 (the way I remember it)
Detroit: Become Human || Paralyzed
in the end | connor & hank | detroit: become human
BELIEVER - Connor ( Detroit:Become Human ) GMV
who are you? | Connor | Detroit: Become Human
Detroit Become Human - Connor ~ Blood in the Water
Connor - I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons [Detroit: Become Human] GMV
» whatever it takes (connor; detroit become human gmv)
Detroit: Become Human / Connor and Hank / Uptown Funk
Would You Kill?| Connor RK800 [Detroit: Become Human]
Rude Boy | Connor | Detroit: Become Human
hold on | connor & hank | detroit: become human
Interstellar | STAY
sabrina spellman *:・゚✧ [look what u made me do]
Stranger Things || Blood in the Water
(GoT) Margaery Tyrell || The Queen
Kingdom Hearts 3 EPIC AMV/GMV - Part of the Journey is the End
My Hero Academia AMV - The Greatest Show
Endgame | The Man Who Killed The Avengers
MARVEL || Not Today
Luke & Nell || There's no without
MARVEL || Blood On ME
What is a STORY?
TUA | Swallow Us
(SW) Obi-Wan Kenobi | Whispers of the Past
Quentin & Eliot || Beautiful nothing
queliot; peaches + plums
Way Down We Go | Red Dead Redemption 2
Marvel || Together
steve x bucky || answer
part to act on [Harry Potter]
marvel || supercharged
(Marvel) Avengers || The Big Three -- Iron Man/Thor /Captain America
Guardians of the Galaxy
CAOS || Welcome To The Jungle
Marvel || Rise or Fall
Avengers | Sacrifice [4K]
(Marvel) Tony Stark | I love you 3000
(Marvel) Captain America || I Stand Alone
(GoT) Daenerys Targaryen | See What I've Become
Ser Jaime Lannister
Arya & Sandor // Thank You [+8x05]
Kingdom hearts 3 |Dearly Beloved| AMV |
(GoT) Cersei Lannister || The Queen Of The Seven Kingdoms
(GoT) The Dragons || They're My Children
(GoT) Melisandre || A Champion Of Light And Life
Bioshock & Infinite - Never The End (Epic and Beautiful Fanmade Video)
Bioshock Infinite : Constants and Variables : Music video/Tribute
Crowley & Aziraphale ][ Don’t Stop Me Now || Good Omens
Crowley ][ Rebel Just For Kicks || Good Omens
i'm the bad guy | villanelle.
mission accomplished • connor RK800
The Haunting of Hill House || Empty hands
Mad World ✘ The Umbrella Academy
(GoT) Daenerys Targaryen || The Last Dragon
Steve Harrington [Burn The House Down]
max&eleven | my blood.
Billy Hargrove [Bury a Friend]
Max Mayfield [Rebel Just For Kicks]
billy hargrove | gasoline.
Stranger Things | Heroes
billy hargrove | lovely.
stranger things 3 | blood in the water.
Steve Harrington; I Need A Hero
Kilgrave ][ Bad Guy
billy&steve [harringrove] || a little death (+s3)
Avengers | Sacrifice [4K]
Stranger Things || Shelter
Kilgrave ][ Rule The World || Jessica Jones
Ben & Rey | What do you see?
Billy Hargrove - RIP to my YOUTH
a thing about life.
(SW) Obi-Wan Kenobi | Whispers of the Past
The Avengers | Unreachable Star
Steve Harrington || Another One Bites the Dust
Dark Night - Kara | Philip Sheppard
Carousel - Kara | Phillip Sheppard
They All Look the Same - Connor | Nima Fakhrara
Curse of the I-5 Corridor | Neko Case
Way Down We Go | Kaleo
Gasoline | Halsey
Sleep All Summer | Neko Case
Hold On, Hold On | Neko Case
Dreaming at Daybreak | Ann Licater
Can’t Leave | Whiskey Charmers
Voodoo Mon Amour | Diablo Swing Orchestra
Undo - Transviolet
Xuanzang - Gareth Coker
Almost - Hozier
Movement - Hozier
Dancing in a Room - EZI
Snow Dancer - Antti Martikainen
Burned Out - Dodie
Epic (pt 2) - Anais Mitchell
Mercury - Honey and the Sting
Spanish Sahara - Foals
Obstacles - Syd Matters
If You Still Believe - SIE Sound Team
The Expanse - Through Juniper Vale
The Woods - San Fermin
Sophie - The Altogether
Tom Thumb - Bitter Ruin
Wolves of the Revolution - The Arcadian Wild
Mitchell: Epic III - Cast of Hadestown
Hamilton soundtrack
The Spine - Transistor soundtrack
Don’t Think Twice - Utada Hikaru
Face My Fears - Utada Hikaru
Take On Me - Hidden Citizens
Moonlight Sonata - Hidden Citizens
Waves - chloe moriondo
Alligator Teeth - Mother Falcon
We All Become - Darren Korb
Ashes - Bear McCreary
Journey and Transistor soundtracks
The Sailor Song - Autoheart
It’s Quiet Uptown - Kelly Clarkson
Fernando - Cher
Dinner & Diatribes - Hozier
The Fly By Night - Taktsugu Muramatsu
Wake Up, Moving On - Kevin Penkin
Austin Wintory Radio
Resurrections - Lena Raine
Fight For You - Hidden Citizens
Mine - BazziIn the Flame - Darren Korb
Paper Boats - Darren Korb
Thedas Love Them - Trevor Morris
The Dawn Will Come - Trevor Morris
King - Blue October
Lemonworld - Ocean Alley
Still Feel - Half Alive
Carry On - Kygo
Longshot - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Call Off Your Ghost - Dessa
Sucker - Jonas Brother
Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy
A Hole In the Earth - Daughter
Lunatic Fringe - red Rider
Ummah Oum - Kaya Project
The Fortress - Kaya Project
Good Omens Opening Title - David Arnold
A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square - Tori Amos
A Future for the Krogan - Christopher Lennertz
Ганджу - brain tumor
last piece | Lykke Li
Bite - Charlie Cunningham
Wait For Me - Hadestown
Nightmare - Halsey
Kaya Project albums!!!
Birds - Imagine Dragons
Crazy - Patsy Cline
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
in waves playlist
in waves playlist
Rime soundtrack
2017 soundtrack
bury a friend - billie eilish
bored - billie eilish
the seed - aurora
how do you - elderbrook
quicksand - x ambassadors
what’s up danger - blackway 
bad guy - billie eilish
sunflower - post malone
scared of the dark - lil wayne
elevate - dj khalil
be still, my tongue - snorri hallgrimsson
dark matter - les friction
must’ve been - chromeo
magnets - disclosure, lorde
secrets - the weeknd
feels like summer - childish gambino
the hunter’s mark - erutan
johanna in space - stephaen sondheim
children of dust and ash | Bartimaeus |  Bartimaeus/Kitty(/Nathaniel) | 1,801 words |  Kitty summons Bartimaeus on a chilly fall day in her thirty-eighth year. 
sweet music playing in the dark | DBH | 1,102 words | “I noticed some time ago that you seem to have an appreciation for jazz.” Connor pauses, his fingers hesitating over an old Billie Holiday album. “I’d wondered if that meant you enjoyed dancing as well.”
Radio Ga Ga | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 1,143 words | There’s always another party in Hawkins, Indiana. It would be almost boring if it weren’t for Steve Harrington.
Sunlight | Marvel | Loki/Thor | 765 words | They aren’t quite out of the solar system when Loki appears at the arm of Thor’s chair, hair shorn short and a furious snarl on his face. 
like the bough of a willow tree | Detroit Become Human | Hank/Connor | 1,214 words | There’s a human lost in his woods.
knocking on heaven's door | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 1,748 words | “Just, get in the fucking car. I’ll drive you home.” Billy looked at him, very seriously, and said, “What if I don’t want to go home?”
like the bough of a willow tree | DBH | Hank/Connor | 1,286 words | There’s a human lost in his woods. Fae!Connor   
hankcon valentine’s exchange fic | DBH | Hank/Connor | 985 words | slow dancing and kisses in the dark basically
Sunlight | Avengers | Loki/Thor | 746 words |  They aren’t quite out of the solar system when Loki appears at the arm of Thor’s chair, hair shorn short and a furious snarl on his face.
Untitled Original | Ghost + rain | 817 words
Reverse BB | 5.6k
in waves playlist
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fivewrites · 6 years
What other fandoms are you in currently? Also, what other books/anime/tv series/animated films/any kind of show would you recommend someone who enjoys sci fi and psychological thrillers? It doesn't have to be any of the two either as long as it's well-written. I don't mind old ones either. And if you mention something that I already love, can I DM you about them? It's totally fine if you're not comfortable with that.
I usually go hard for one fandom at a time, with other being side-ish. Main used to be Voltron, now it’s BNHA. Others are
The Handmaid’s Tale TV series (near future dystopian sci-fi, trigger warning for... everything)
Orphan Black TV series, one of the best written and best acted mordern sci-fi series IMO, full of women, queer folk and POC in non-stereotypical roles
The first few seasons of Lost
Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant’s Dr Who - the show before Moffat got his paws on it
Star Trek Discovery (I mean, the production value is good, I hope the second season gets better)
Ancillary Justice series by Ann Leckie reading right now
Sabriel (the abhorsen series) by Garth Nix - one of the best structures of magic in a fantasy series. The way it conceptualizes death and necromancy is fantastic.
Elfquest comic by Wendy and Richard Pini - Rich fantasy and world building. Read the main quest and stop when the art gets bad and the story gets weird. I will always love Elfquest even though it kinda outlived itself. You can read it online for free at Elfquest.com
I haven’t watched Sense8 yet but I hear it’s good!
The Fifth Element - classic
Mystery Men - comedy about superheroes you should just watch because
The Last King - this is a Norse historical drama about chase scenes on skis and also there is a cute baby two tough dudes are trying to take care of and it’s equal parts exciting and cute
The After Disaster broadcast - podcast
The Adventure Zone - podcast
http://pseudopod.org/ is a horror anthology podcast with great female and queer representation
Most of these are kind unhelpful but they’re either what I’m into right now, or a classic you might like. Sorry I can’t think of more specific examples off the domepiece. DM me any time about whatever! I’m totally down. :)
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nixthelapin · 6 years
greetings random stranger on the internet! i've never watched voltron but idk if it's any good. do u recommend it & why? 👀
ooh yes!! i totally recommend it!
I didn’t get into it until right after the second season came out; my little sister got me into it. She was watching it on the day the season came out on netflix and i caught a few glances of the screen. I’m not usually too interested in sci-fi stuff, but the animation looked really cool and the characters were awesome from what I saw. I decided to give it a try, and let me tell you: I am not disappointed. I ended up becoming super invested and binged watched the first two seasons in no time. For seasons 3-5, I woke up at midnight to binge it once it came out. 4 and 5 were on school nights. I plan on doing the exact same thing for 6 when it comes in June!
There are a lot of things that I really love about this show. But one of the main things is its characters. Each one is very realistic and far from two dimensional. They have deep and often emotional pasts that we (the viewers) are still learning about. I find myself eager to learn more each day and see how they’ll develop and interact. If a character is going through something, the others have their back and are ready to support them. Sure, there’s some turmoil and discourse here and there, but what relationship doesn’t? Tbh, it just makes me love it all the more.
Another great thing is world building. The story takes place in space and has many non-human characters, so they need to have diversity. They visit lots of cool and dangerous planets with lots of different wildlife and sentient beings to interact with. Since two of the main characters are from a different planet, we see some aspects of their culture integrated with how they act and live their daily lives.
Villains. Oh boy, this one. These guys are incredible. There is such a great variety here that makes me (and the fandom) wonder what drives them. At first, the main villain is quite singularly focused, but we eventually find out why that is and what other motives lie behind that. Not to mention that there are other sub villains that our protagonists go against.
I guess what I love overall is how intimate it is. We really get to interact with everything on the show and I love that. You can get so attached to all of the characters, the good, the bad, the ones you love, and even the ones you hate. You get to watch your favorites interact and grow together (platonically or romantically) and just have a good time. You get to watch the characters struggle and work through stuff, both physical and emotional. It really plays with your emotions. Like I said, it’s very intimate.
I really hope that helped! Let me know if you decide to watch it!
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vrepitsorrynotsorry · 7 years
Musings Upon AU Casting
Okay, I am woefully behind on Lotor Week, but I hope to late post the stuff I would have written had work not been crazy this weekend. Before that, I need to dump some thoughts from my brain.
So, a while back I was sifting through the Lotor tag, as one is wont to do, and came across a post in which someone (who I will not name, partly because I don’t want to go looking for it again out of laziness and partly because I’m truly not picking a fight here--we can agree to disagree; interpretations of characters vary and they did not provide any reasoning so I cannot and should not judge) mentioned that were they to do a Game of Thrones AU with Voltron, they would cast Lotor as Joffrey.
I had a knee-jerk reaction to this, but it got me thinking. Was it just a knee-jerk? I thought about it a great deal, actually. If you don’t give a Yalmor’s ears, carry on because I’m about to wax philosophical under the Read More...
Granted, I am not completely caught up on GoT, but I decided that my knee-jerk “Noooo, not Joffrey!” was not entirely based in the fact that I dislike his character and clearly have less than total dislike of Lotor.
Now, there are many reasons for casting characters as other characters in AUs which meld two stories. When I do it, if it’s a direct substitution and not just a fusion, the characters have to be really, really similar to one another for me or it just doesn’t work for me. As this is a difficult thing and all characters have a uniqueness to them, I don’t do AUs ever much that require “plug Character A in place of Character B and the story remains basically the same.”
I came to the conclusion that Lotor as Joffrey does not work for me because the behaviors and motivations are not a close enough match for me. Some examples:
Joffrey is very sadistic, and while Lotor is certainly morally gray and not opposed to inflicting pain, in my mind he doesn’t show nearly the same amount of enjoyment in torture as Joffrey does. “What about Throk?” you may ask. I would argue that Lotor is not showing pleasure in the torture so much a satisfaction in having gotten away with continuing to hide his plans from Haggar. His secret is still safe, or he thinks it is, because Throk can’t give Haggar the information she wants. He is not in the room, watching the torture or making suggestions. I’m certain Haggar knows he’s standing outside in that scene. Joffrey likes to be an active participant in torture--perhaps not dirtying his own hands, but he’d surely like to be in there watching and making suggestions/giving orders.
This brings us to point number two: Joffrey rarely does much of anything himself, instead commanding things be done by others. Clearly, we’ve seen Lotor do some delegating to his generals, but he has also stepped up on several occasions himself. Yes, he is in command, but he doesn’t necessarily see himself as too good to get involved in his own plans. 
Joffrey seems to me to be a rather spoiled boy who doesn’t really have the skills to back up his brovado. Lotor’s got the skills. Yeah, okay, he’s arrogant, but he’s good at what he does. I also find it highly unlikely that Lotor had much spoiling, since his father’s motto is basically “succeed or die.” It is heavily implied that Lotor has had to prove himself constantly, and that’s why he’s gotten so good at fighting and flying.
I’ll stop there on the Joffrey point. Now, given that I’ve mentally nixed Joffrey, I will grant that I would probably cast Lotor as a Lannister because his reputation is of great importance to him and he probably has some substantial financial backing to help throw his weight around.
You know which Lannister fits better than Joffrey? Jaime. They are both arrogant and highly skilled swordsmen who feel like they don’t get the respect they deserve and have fathers who basically told them “I don’t care what you think you’ve proven, I’m not impressed, yet--you have to do better.” They are also both willing to backstab. 
You know who fits even better in my opinion? Tyrion. Both do not look even remotely as their fathers would have preferred and both have pretty much constantly been told they are disappointing. They are both looked down upon and underestimated because of their appearance. They’re both smaller than most of the people who would openly oppose them and have had to use wits over/in combination with brawn to survive. They have both surrounded themselves with a small, choice group of people with specialized skills. They have both embraced that they are not “good” people. They both enjoy the manipulation game and are very good at it to boot. They both have most of their suggestions to family members immediately dismissed so they go behind their backs to get things done. They are both strategists over basic brute force.
Anywho, long ramble short, if I were to cast Lotor in a Game of Thrones AU, he’d be Tyrion Lannister. Almost definitely.
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ackackh · 7 years
I'm curious to know your responses to letters L, V, and Y for the ship ask meme thing! Thanks! :)
Hello! A new person to talk to! Welcome to my inbox :)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
This took me a bit to think of, but I’m gonna go with my pal David Webster. I like Webster! But he’s not my fave, there’s no real reason, but I just don’t have a lot of the same strong feelings about him that I do about other characters.
But here: Webster is made up of a lot of things that I want to be. He’s intelligent and bright and good-natured and caring. Those are things I strive to be, so good on ya boy Webster. 
V - Which character do you relate to most?
This is always such a weird thing because like, most of these characters are grown men in a war? which i have never (and probably will never) be? But back when I first watched BoB, I saw A LOT of myself in Nixon. I think it’s because at the time I was handling the worst of my depression and Nix is obviously a kind of melancholy/bitter(ish) guy. There was some kind of desperation in him that I felt too.
IRL tho I’m like this horrible mix of Carwood, Brad, and Ray. I try and take care of everyone I can and half the time I do that by being purposefully stupid af but I’m also sort of an asshole who’s done with people’s shit??? yeah idk. I promise I’m at least tolerable.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
lots of k pop! I don’t really know what’s going on there but I see a lot of it and you guys seem nice! Also Voltron! I watched like 3 episodes and I really liked them and I want to watch more, but I don’t know enough to really be in the fandom. 
thank you for sending in an ask! I really appreciate it!
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thenixkat · 6 years
Voltron notes 4
Episode 4
Party in the castle
Lance, Keith, and Hunk are being social together. Keith is bad with following simple directions and then gets frustrated.
I’m pretty sure nunvil is a full on alcoholic drink. Why give that to children and aliens with not that much body mass
Hunk and Keith in the background wondering f Lance is ok
Shiro has safety concerns. These guys really shoulda checked the wreck when it happened and the surrounding area for survivors.
I’m going to have to assume that the bridges to the castle were built by the Arusians. The castle might have been part of some ancient holy city at some point in the past.
Why did that galra say galra drone? He should have said one of our drones or just a drone.
Twink’s name is Haxxus
Hunk makes Keith and teh Arusians laugh with a prank
Oh fuck u Allura. Let them have fun
Allura’s fucking nosey and does not respect the privacy of the humans. And those mice are fuckin snitches
Pidge just dumpin open food in her bag and that’s nasty as fuck. Also very rude to do at a party.
Hunk is actually thinking about the realities of dismantiling a 10000 yr old galactic empire.
Lance misses home
There is no fucking reason that they cant visit Earth. Just have a lion open up a wormhole.
Coran cares about these kids annd goes to check on Lance after he walked off trying not to cry.
Bitch, why should she tell u personal shit. Yalla known eachother for less than a week.
Pidge is a dumbass. Also doesnt give a shit about the galactic opression by the empire.
Also Pidge is a dumbass. Like seriously. Knows jack and shit about how space globalism works, decides to forgo having actual resources and a team to get shit done, thinks she can just break into some galra compound on her own and rescue her menfolk, and decides to use a weaker and slower ship b/c fuck actually having part of the greatest weapon in the universe to do shit.
On the other hand, Allura and Keith need to stop acting like she’s irreplaceable. If teh Green lion actually gave a shit about ya know fighting bad guys and protecting the universe, she’d just pick another paladin. The universe is huge and statistically there’s a lot of potential green paladin’s out there. Sure it’d be a blow to the team but having a paladin who’s got their priotities in order is much better than forcing Pidge to stick around.
Coran, Lance, yall have fucking wormhole technology. You could just fucking visist Earth in less than a day.
Keith wants these bitches to fortafy and get with the saving the universe program.
Hunk would also like to leave.
The team’s falling appart b/c its a bunch of missfits that were kinda kidnapped and forced to work together in a high stress situation and at least two of them, hunk and Pidge are def noncombatants
Lance is very observant and would take a bomb for Coran.
Coran is best space dad.
Why dont yall have fucking backup generators for fucking emergencies?
Why the fuck did Shiro’s dumb fucking ass decide to put down his injured comrade to go fucking fight the enemy who clearly outnumber him? The fuck kinds stupid ass tactics is that?
A fightscene built on stupid decisions is not a good fight scene
And guess what he fucking surrenders when his injured comrade who he left in easy acess to is captured!
Why the fuck is Shiro the leader?
Sendak celebrate prematurely
Where is Allura’s communicator? I get how that the paladins are communicating with their helmets
Coran pullin out some trick flying and scaring years off Hunk’s life
Why did Hunk remove his helmet?
All teh aliens speaking english but having not english written languages is bad. Fucking commit to the bullshit or do better.
That core should be glowing purple or red like everything else. Keep yer bullshit consistant
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pikabelle · 6 years
Nix is gonna come to my house next week and we’re gonna play videogames and watch Voltron
0 notes
thenixkat · 6 years
Voltron notes 3
Ep 3
Intro continues to underwhelm. Did no one want to make an interesting op?
Zarkon has dinner
Um, if yer robeast can beat the most powerful weapon in the galaxy then, that just makes the robeast the most powerful weapon in the galaxy.
Why dont yal make an army of robeats to fight voltron at once?
Keith apparently doesnt belive that kicking is useful in fights. Someone needs to get a roundhouse to the face and change his opion.
Hunk’s helmet doesn't fit properly, too tight
Darn shame yall cant go to earth and pick up some engeneers to help fix the castle. If only the lions could make wormholes.
Coran, how do you know humans can eat that? Do u even know human nutritional requirements? Teen human nutritional requirements?
Hunk has a random herb he fucking picked from the ground at some point b4 comming in from training Coran tries to feed Shiro like a little kid and Shiro isn’t having it
Shiro’s convenient amnesia
Katie isn’t really interested in the health and safety of the prisoners, just wants into on finding her menfolk
Hunk cooked beautiful food that everyone likes and Cooran is jelous
Allura thinks these aliens whove been at this for less than a week are ready to fight Zarkon
Allura assumes that Arusian’s gender
Also why the fuck havent we seen any of the natives till now?
Keith is ready to kick this small person’s ass just incase
Neither Hunk nor Lance take Klaizap seriously and thats not good either
Convenient mural on a piece of ruins
when the fuck did any Arusians see Voltron back in the past long enough to have murals on their temple ruins of it?
Why is Allura mistaken as a goddess and not something more believable like a priestess
Why is Voltron not mistaken as the godess?
Also the Arusians send a warrior to deal with a problem involving a god, did they expect Klaizap to commit deicide if a peaceful solution couldnt be reached?
Keith doesnt care about meeting the locals
i gotta wonder how much the fights with the galra, voltron taining , and Allura shooting at the lions fucked up the nearby countryside. cause that village is legit the next hill over also i'ts too bad that the arusians arent part of the voltron coalition
and i can't help but feel that its b/c Aruans are a 'primitive' people that unlike the balmerans dont have any resources that the coalition want to use
There are way more than just galra watching the gladiator fights
Also Galra=space Romans
Kate u really think Shiro, friend of the family, was really wanting to hurt yer brother
Looking at the king of the Arusians and going by Klaizap’s voice, the ‘dude’ Arusians have the one big horn while the ladies have 2 big horns. That’s what i’m going with
Also a kingdom is not just one little village.
I really wish everyone didnt all speak english.
The arusians are really fucking ready to sacrifice themselves, what are their sins
Shiro and Katie explore a rickety wrecked ship alone and if that rubble collapse it would not be good for them.
How much power is in Shiro’s prostetic?
Katie does not give a single shit that everyone might be indanger
Keith can drag an unwilling Hunk
Green and Black get off their asses to save their paladins
That robeast has some damn good hearing
Keith takes charge of team B
Robeast sits around and lets Voltron asseble
Voltron a good way to protect the vilage is to get very far away from it
Maybe 5 on one would be better for this fight?
Shiro is good at recognizing patterns
That;s not firing a shot thats swinging a ball
Why did the robeast explode? That swing was horizontal not verticle it should have decapitated the thing
Sendak was Zarkon’s student
How the fuck did Sendak and twiggy bitch survive the ship explosion and crash?
The galra empire is run by a bunch of dumbass edge lords
Why does Katie need to keep up her secret? Why not full disclosure with the team?
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thenixkat · 6 years
Voltron notes 2
Ep 2
We get the full opening this time. Its pretty bland. Like? What is the music trying to go for b/c its not reaching it. Otherwise mostly generic action/
Where did Hunk get those jammies? Shiro is an early bird. Where’d Lance get those jammies? And that skincare mask and eyecover? Those are Pidge’s headphones? Sleeps to music and an emergency alarm is not waking him up.
Keith was awake but not up and that’s valid. He doesn’t have jammies. Keith is ready to fucking go
Pidge just fucking fell asleep working on the computer while sitting on the floor in the medbay
Ya know what? I don’t like Allura’s nose
Severed heads cant talk, they don’t have lungs
75 degrees what? Does Altean meat thermometers record shit in fahrenheit?
Lance arrives 15 mins late with a drink and fabulous skin. Where’d he get the slippers?
Actually… Hunk, Lance, Pidge were attending a military school. They should be used to this sort of shit?
??? ALien timekeeping gibberish but i gues Wednesday? They’ve been in space for ~2 days?
Your mission is to free most known inhabited planets? Yer not gonna acomplish that in your lifetime. Especially not their lifetime.
Ranked by height.
Why can’t they go back to Earth and pick up supplies and/or help and/or let their families know their ok? The lions can generate portals. The kids with families need to talk to them. WWhat about Mrs. Holt? Also go check and make sure that Earth isn’t being fucking invaded. Make earth yer first stop on your Voltron coalition?
Also how they gonna form Voltron if they barely know eachother?
Why is Allura in charge?
What shitty writers.
Why break up a sequence that we’ve not seen b4 with a shitty attempt at humor?
How do the controls for the lions work?
Again these kids barely fucking know eachother.
Keith tries. Lance be nice.
What is this joke? Also why can’t the other lions also be the head?
What the fuck Allura. Are you trying to kill them? Why the fuck is she in charge?
Lace tries to go back into the castle to avoid being shot by Allura and just fucking misses the fact that the force field is up?
Hunk tries begging for mercy. Allura doesn’t give a shit and continues to use deadly live ammo on these kids. Why is she the leader?
This bitch turns on the auto lock and just fucking leaves the control panel. Imagine if one of these kids fucking died from this? How’s that for team morale!
Why the fuck is she the leader and who let her use the fucking weapons?
Zarkon doesn’t give a shit about his people. And doesn’t understand what luck is.
Today a Galra general/commander//someshit finds out that compassion and good leadership skills get you punished.
How the fuck did this dipshit keep and empire going for 10000 yr?
Wow Allura! Its like shitty leadership skills don’t produce the results you want!
Keith is very honest.
Ok but like these kids have to be talking shit about Allura behind her back.
Hunk asks good questions. When the fuck are they going back to Earth?
Also Pidge nice to see you give no shits at all about your mom.
Its almost like these kids barely know each other or how to work together as a team and have very different priorities.
These kids don’t even know all the functions of their paladin armors yet! But yeah, combat scenario that’s what they need
What is the point of Lance’s one sided rivalry with Keith?
Why the fuck is the maze electrified? It doesn’t need to be. And did Coran take human anatomy into effect when calibrating the voltage? I don’t think so.
Keith is trying and I respect that
Why? Why a dangerous nose dive bonding? Shouldn’t they try hanging out with their lion and talking to them first? Not everything needs to be potentially deadly during training
Expert level drill that they shouldn’t be trying until they’ve had years of experience. So what if one of them fucking dies during the drill? You gonna be up shit creek without a paddle
Why would anyone put a feature in a helmet that would allow someone to remotely blind them? Why put a blinding feature in a helmet? The shit could glitch at the wrong moment and then someone fucking dies.
Can Lance just not read Keith’s voice?
How incredibly lucky that they landed in sand and not on the hard earth or any of those rocky buildings strewn about
Shiro has the best bond with his lion. Glowy eyes
Wow actual bonding attempts.
Space dad Coran
Ok but like the bonding actually works? Like maybe mindmelding with a bit too much for this stage but actually trying to like bond and work together is a good
Oh fuck off Allura
I don’t see this fight going well. They’ve got an engineer, a navigator/tech support, and 3 pilots. Out of the 5 humans only two seem to have like actual combat experience. Like? Teach these kids how to fight before throwing them in the pit, might be helpful
Yeah, teaching people how to fight and use their weapons is probably very helpful
I still don’t think Coran and Allura are taking human physiology into account with their calibrations on this shit
Lance might have a concussion.
And Shiro needs therapy
Wow Allura, its almost like they aren’t Alteans. Its almost like most of them have no reall combat experience. Its almost like some of them don’t know how to effectively use their weapons in this situation.Also why are Altean children fighting fucking gladiator robots if yall peaceful.
Its almost like they’ve only been at this shit for two fucking days Allura.
Let Lance cuss
Coran is a lot better than this than Allura.
Ok this type of exercise is the short that they should have been doing more of. Just fucking working together and team bonding
Haggar can use the Force
So did she design the robeast with the gladiator dude in mind? She would have had to given the appearance of it. How long does it take to make a giant robot?
What the fuck Lance? Why are you so hostile to Keith? This makes no sense
American revolution against the space Brits
Yes they should yell at Allura. She’s been fucking unreasonable and could have gotten them killed with the fucking shooting at them earlier and she’s mostly fucking yelled at them today.
Also princess of fucking what? A building and a retainer? She ain’t got no kingdom and they don’t have to respect her nonexistent authority.
Damn right Pidge, princess of fucking what?
Allura hits Pidge with food for not respecting her nonexistent authority
My man Keith steppin in and defending his teammate
Coran’s got some skill but I’m rootin for the humans
Ya know, the foodfight coulda been both a nice bonding thing and a decent action peice. Still frames arent action
The kids won.
Yes bonding. Team bonding is what they needed. Not bad drills.
Also Allura yer bitch ass better not try to spin this like you planned this shit
Stock footage
Allura’s bitch ass is trying to spin the food fight like she planned it
Bonding and hugs are good
So how does Zarkon expect to have a giant robot both kill the paladins and have Voltron in any form of working condition?
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