#ninjago royalty au
abcwordsurge · 18 days
concept! now hear me out here. pixal and kai... in an arranged marriage.
why I think this would be a good idea:
they have one of the funniest dynamics in the show
I love the idea of royalty, and how the two of them would interact with it differently (I think pixal would understand the system more, and would try to work around it to change things for the better, while kai would be loud and obnoxious about things he wants to change and it would attract attention that could either be helpful or massively backfire)
ninjago AUs make my brain go bzzz
and there are SO MANY ideas in my mind for, like, sideplots. the main plot would be, of course, pixal and kai getting to know each other, navigating their relationship (which would be PLATONIC, of course, just to be clear), and balancing their different styles of being royalty.
potential side plots!
jay and cole working in the palace (perhaps cole as a cook and jay as a waiter- that's the first thing that comes to mind at least) and being, like, the comedic side duo, as well as two of kai's buddies
pixal getting to know nya as well as kai, and nya admitting that she LOATHES the idea of an arranged marriage, although pixal's happy for the opportunity and is rather enjoying the change
kai trying to figure out how to ask whether pixal would mind if he goes on dates with other girls, and then once she says it's fine (they are friends, after all), he also has to figure out whether he actually WANTS to go on dates with other girls (aromantic kai? yes please)
zane is a frequenter of the palace, to visit kai and nya, though he doesn't work there. anyway, he's delighted to meet pixal, and they get to talking, and they turn out to have a lot in common, and THEY'RE SO SWEET AND IN LOVE YOU GUYS
I have. more thoughts. lmk if y'all wanna hear more about this AU
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senseiwu · 9 months
Concept for royalty au maya and misako... gorlfriends...
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amarioe · 11 months
Yes i yassified Zane and made a prince AU out of it, is there a problem?
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So finally after literal weeks I've finished royal AU Cole and Jay! (The fic in question: All That We Can Give) Seriously everything on this planet was trying to stop me from getting these two dorks done. But now they're here!
I really wanted to make Cole's outfit super cool and interesting to look at but honestly I got really tired so I did my best with the energy I had. I still really like the way his cape and sleeves came out and his boots are honestly really doing it for me! The colors of his outfit were a nigh mare though! oh my god it literally took for ever to even get something I KINDA liked. I'm probably going to draw him again in the dance scene with Zane and so I'll probably up the antics on his outfit then (it's in the fic if yo want to know)
As for Jay I don't have much to say about him other than this is my first time drawing him and I wanted top hat and top hat is what we got. Honestly I don't think he really keeps up with fashion trends very well so he's been wearing the same kind of suit for years because why fix what aint broke is his motto! As for colors I went pretty basic with electric blue for his eyes (get it) and stuck with blues and greys (kinda like a storm) and some orange for some fun contrast!
Anyway in the fic they're pretty close since they're basically unrelated cousins (everyone's got 'em) with Jay's father being the grand duke. They went to the same boarding school and bonded while there (Cole went for dance and I like to think Jay went for literature/writing) Honestly I love these dorks, they both fall firmly in what I like to call the DumbSmart category of characters and I love that for them!
In conclusion I'm so happy to be back at my drawing tablet T-T
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Royal Au Zane and Pixel
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My wonderful robot children whom I love and adore!
Okay, so I was not expecting these designs to come out HALF as good as I think they did! I've never drawn Pixel or braids before and lord have mercy I had way too much fun with both. I debated changing Zane's hair but I honestly had no ideas for it so I kept his hair the same.
Also since this is an old-fashioned royal AU I didn't really think robots would exist so instead I clearly gave them prosthetic limbs. I gave them both two very different styles since Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg are different people and therefore would most likely have different design techniques.
Anyway they act like siblings and they absolutely love harassing each other, but they're also both really smart, and if you see them plotting together RUN cause otherwise, they will involve you in it without you even noticing. In conclusion, I love these smart morons!
The fic itself: All That We Can Give
(Also I got my account back yay!!! this is literally just a copy paste from my back up lol)
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little-lost-canary · 11 months
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2 buck wild seasons, altered to fit the AU.
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royalty-ninjago · 1 year
;Date; 6/2/3 Years, Post Passing;
"My name is King Kai Smith. I am the ruler of Flamescry. Heh, not your typical kingdom name, but ever since the merge of the Fire and Ocean kingdoms back before I was born, it caused the mix of Fire and Ocean to create Flamescry. Father said it would be good to write things down, so I might as well. Ravens barely come by, aside from that.. Nomad.. Can't exactly say anything bad: He knows the Dark Lord afterall, not even sure how.. Anyways, I don't have much time, Nya wants me to watch over the gaurd training today. Could be useful to get my anger out in a good sparring seasion.. If any of the even have HALF the skill of Nya."
Giving a chuckle, the king stood from his place, flattening down his brutally spikey hair from his crown. That said crown, golden with decorative, red gems scattered around it, was not sat on the surface of his desk. He swiftly moved from his desk over to wardrobe, grabbing his knights clothing rather than the delicate fabric of his everyday, more kingly outfit. Glancing into the mirro, he actually got a better look t himself.
Young, closer to looking like he was early 20's, when he was actually in his late 20's, nearly in his 30's. Burnette hair stuck up stubbornly from where his crown normally rested, no matter how much the king tried to press it down onto itsef. Amber eyes flickered at the scaring through his face, landing on each one for a moment or two: The right side of his jaw, the opposing temple, and only barely noticable between his top lip and nostril. "It's show time." He muttered, grabbing his sword, hidden in his sheath, before rushing out of his bedroom...
The King can now accept letters.
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justanotherfangirlst · 10 months
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    Daniella had shown Sir Brookstone the notes that she had taken on all the things that could cause the destruction that she had seen in her visions. He took in the information and asked questions as he tried to understand the growing threat. She showed him the pages upon pages of everything that she had written down from what she had seen as well as what she thought some visions meant. Many of her visions were symbolic rather than literal. 
    He read everything over as well as looked over the notes that she had taken from her research, comparing and making his own observations. The two worked side by side until the sun dipped below the horizon. Daniella was used to late night research, but decided to put a hold on it until the next morning when she saw the way his eyelids drooped, covering half of his emerald eyes. Daniella had shown him to his room and bid him goodnight before retiring to her own room.
    She changed quickly and was brushing her hair when Ozir came into the room. She brought in a fresh cup of tea and a stack of fresh parchment. She set the two beside Daniella's bed before coming up behind her and held her hand out for the brush. 
"Quite a day my lady," Ozir murmured. Daniella could feel the heat in her cheeks as she smiled.
"He didn't even once look like he wanted to run away," Daniella replied in the same tone. Ozir returned Daniella's smile in the reflection as she brushed the knots out of her hair. 
"I guess the dragons will starve tonight," Ozir joked lightly. Daniella giggled, feeling her heart skip a beat at the thought of someone willing to stay the night and possibly longer. 
    Ozir finished Daniella's hair as the two continued to talk and giggle before bidding her goodnight. Daniella sat in front of her vanity a little while longer. She gazed into her eyes as her hands began to comb through the ends of her hair. She smiled as she took a look at herself and wondered what it was that Cole had seen in her. Her hands fell to the tops of her hands, where her marks rested and froze, her smile falling. Whatever it was that he saw, not many others did. She couldn't help her thoughts from wandering to a dark place. To wonder what his intentions really were. 
    She shook her head and rid herself of those thoughts. She grabbed the candle tray and walked over to her bed and sat down. She placed the candle on the bedside table and grabbed the cup of tea. A special concoction by Ozir to help with her night terrors. She only drank it when the nightmares were constant for days on end. It would not stop visions from the Great Dragon, but it did give the young woman some relief from the horrors that she saw night after night.
    After she finished the tea, she placed the cup back on the saucer and crawled under the covers, blowing out the candle and laying her head on the pillow. She turned to her side and looked up through the window at the moon. It was full, peaking through the clouds and sending rays of soft light down. She smiled before closing her eyes. 
She stood in the middle of a pile of rubble. She could vaguely hear the screams of children, calling out for their mothers. Fire burdened the building that were still standing. She spun in a circle to see the destruction that surrounded her. So much pain, and so much death. She did not have to see it to know it was there. She lifted the hem of her nightgown and walked forward, down a path that seemed to be the main road.      Blurry figures rushed past her. She walked slowly but found that she could not focus on the figures rushing past. She quickened her pace, trying to make it to the end of the road before something happened to her. A shadow flickered in her peripheral, causing her to stop in her tracks. This shadow was different than the figures that flew past her. This shadow was as black as night with bright red eyes. It shimmered from view before a loud explosion could be heard. Daniella whipped her head to see a cloud of smoke racing down the road. She tried to move, but found her feet stuck to the cobblestone. She threw her hands up to protect her face as the smoke engulfed her.     When she lowered her hands, she found that she was in the middle of the woods. She took in her surroundings before picking a direction to walk. She walked a few yards before coming to a large boulder in the ground. Atop, a silver egg, bigger than she had ever seen before. She took two steps forward before she was stopped by the large eye that had appeared behind the egg. The pupil narrowed as the eye rose and revealed that it was the eye of a dragon.     It snarled before lowering it's head to Daniella. It sniffed her before laying down once more. Daniella looked between the egg and the dragon head and decided to walk to the dragon's head. She placed a gentle hand on the dragon's muzzle, listening to it groan in pain. Her gaze followed the dragon's form down to the large wounds in it's side. As if it had been attacked by something with four claws. Daniella could see in the dragon's eye that this wound was fatal.      She gently wiped her tears before trying her best to comfort the dying dragon. She stayed for a while before looking away from the dragon who had gone still. She turned to the large boulder and found that the egg was still there. She walked up to the egg and reached out to grab it. The least she could do was look out for the little one. Just before her finger grazed the surface of the shell, it cracked revealing light underneath. It exploded into a bright ball of light, causing Daniella to shield her eyes once more.      When she opened her eyes, she found herself standing a few miles from the castle that her mother resided in. She watched as a creature tore the parapets and walls down to nothing. She could hear the screams again. She wept as she found that she could not move once again. Daniella knew that a kingdom that size could not be evacuated quickly and that her family would not leave the villagers there to fend for themselves. Next to her, the shadowy figure appeared once more. It laughed as it lifted a clawed hand towards Daniella. She looked into the red eyes the shadow began to solidify into a woman that she had only seen in storybooks. Daniella struggled to get free as the woman's hand came to Daniella's face. *******************************************
    Daniella rose into a sitting position quickly as she struggled to catch her breath. A true vision from the Great Dragon. She shook as she tried to grasp at the severity of what she had just seen. It had been a warning. If she did not act, there would only be darkness and destruction. The entirety of Ninjago would be in ruin. 
    Daniella turned and reached for the parchment beside her bed and the quill and began to jot down everything that she had seen.
Part 3 of my Royal AU (See Part 2 here)
It's been a while, but I finally have the time to work on this AU more ^^  
Daniella and Ozir belongs to me Cole belongs to LEGO
Please do not use my work or characters without my permission
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starsfic · 3 months
Welp, I finished the first poll choice...
SDMI/FNAF: Based on this post, the gang is hired to investigate the rumors of a bunny animatronic ghost overnight. The truth is a little more tricky.
LMK: Tangled AU where Long Xiaojiao has been kept locked in a tower under the watchful eye of her “uncle” and “the Lady”, only desiring to get out and see the world, especially lanterns that appear on her birthday. However, things change when Qi Xiaotian, heir to Sun Wukong, comes looking for the missing piece of the Samadhi fire.
Scooby Doo, my incarnation: The first part of Episode 1, when trying to leave their hometown of Crystal Cove to start their second year of college, the Mystery Gang finds themselves trapped in Crystal Cove.
Poppy Playtime: The moment that the angel steps into the factory, every toy knows. Dogday, down below, hopes.
Set sometime before Agony of a Witch, Raine Whispers is sent to the weekly Coven Head meeting- which is basically just an excuse to hang out at a bar and bitch. They meet up again with Lilith, drinks are drunk, and Lilith ends up drunkenly confessing the truth about Eda’s curse to a less drunk Raine.
LMK/PP: Due to a misread address, a missent letter, and some poor decisions, Qi Xiaotian finds himself trapped in the depths of the Playtime Co. factory. But he’s not gonna let DogDay be stuck too.
@draw-of-the-moon's LMK/Ninjago AU: When Red mysteriously disappears, Long Xiaojiao and pregnant Qi Xiaotian have to beat back suitors.
LMK: The Traffic Light Trio, Sun Wukong, and Macaque are cursed to tell the truth. Harsh stuff comes out.
LMK: AU inspired by the King Thrushbeard fairytale, where Red Son refuses all suitors until his father decides to marry him off to the next peasant who walks through the door. Except Qi Xiaotian isn’t royalty, but very kind.
TMNT, my incarnation: April O'Neil makes a new friend when staying up late studying at the public library
TMNT, my incarnation: Related to 10, but the entire first episode. When the turtles make and suddenly lose a new human friend, the four turtles (and Casey) find themselves in a hidden city.
@draw-of-the-moon’s LMK/Ninjago AU: In a daring mission to rescue their baby sibs from the underworld and Samukai, Nya and Kai both find themselves lost in the outer regions of the underworld. A lone wanderer named Azure offers to help guide them.
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oracleofdiscord · 3 months
random ninjago...thought? criticism? au? idk.
i think that, given her "adoptive parents" were dead, harumi should have declared herself queen of ninjago during sog/hunted.
it would mean her willingly being subordinate to garmadon would technically give him more claim/legitimacy to be "emperor garmadon" and also it would have meant there was an actual plot-relevant reason to introduce ninjago having a royal family and her as a princess.
because as it stands, it wouldnt have impacted things much if her "family" were, say, collectors of ancient artifacts but otherwise normal people, just as long as they had the mask - arguably, it would make more sense for people who werent royalty to have adopted her.
but i feel like that just means if they were gonna make her a princess anyway, it should have some impact, and i think acknowledging her claim to the throne could have been an interesting way to do that.
and also it would just be fun.
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only-lonely-stars · 1 month
A Bride for the Prince (Chapter 2 - Festival)
[Prologue] // [Chapter 1 of 9] // [Chapter 2 of 9 - you are here!] // [Chapter 3 of 9] – (FFN) (AO3)
Part of the @ninjago-fairy-tale-au!
Once upon a time, there lived a faithful and hardworking girl named Pixal Borg, who worked every day to satisfy her demanding stepmother. For years, she cleaned and cooked, giving no argument, until the day came when she met the prince. A Pixane Cinderella retelling.
Chapter summary:
Prince Zane appears, and the King suggests a celebration to help him choose a bride.
The castle of the Central Commonwealth stood tall above the surrounding towns, the colorful capital city likewise dwarfed by its majesty. Tall towers flanked enormous walls of white stone, silvery in the morning light and dew. Great shadows fell on the far side, and in the shade herds of cattle grazed upon expansive fields. Parapets extended from every tallest point. Many shuttered windows were present on every side, looking at the countryside. The only window without such decoration was a great stained glass expanse, which depicted a falcon flying through snowfall, visible best from the throne room.
Inside the throne room, two men stood, talking intently, one older and one younger. The older had silvery white hair, swept back and pinned down with a simple yet kingly platinum crown. He stood tall, with a presence of intelligence and wisdom and strength. However, his face was lined as a consequence of laughter, belying his wisdom. No matter where he looked, his intelligent gray eyes were intent on anything he saw. The younger man looked just like the older in nearly every aspect, even to his platinum blond hair, likewise swept back and crowned with a simpler silver circlet. His blue eyes were alike to shattered ice, calm and intelligent, and his back was straight as a ramrod. Both men carried themselves with dignity, as befit their royalty, and spoke with fondness to one another.
"How was your journey, my son?" the king asked.
"It was most productive. Our eastern towns shall not go hungry under our care," the prince replied.
"Very good. I am proud of you, Zane. You have grown to be a fine leader for our people." The king put his hand on his son's shoulder. "You bring honor to the Julien name."
Zane bowed his head in thanks. "It is the least I can do for our people. Without them, our rule means nothing."
"You are right; it is by their desire that we govern. I only wish that your brother Echo could have seen the man you have become." The king smiled, a tinge of sadness to his face.
The prince's face fell. The sound of his brother's name was a bittersweet one. After a few moments, he schooled his features back to calm. "What would you have me do next, Father? Shall I go with the diplomatic mission to the southern kingdom?"
"No, they have already departed. I would like to speak to you about a different matter." The king folded his hands pensively. "My son, I am growing older with every passing year. Time has served me well, but I cannot live forever."
Zane nodded. "Has your health suffered while I was gone?" he asked, concern flooding his voice.
"No, thank the First Master. However, I have had time to consider the future." The king met Zane's eyes, every aspect of his countenance sincere. "My son, you are by no means a child any longer. We have reached a point where you should begin considering whom you will marry."
At this, Zane shook his head. "I do not know any noblewomen who would be fit for the task. I cannot take a wife from among them." His eyebrows creased in distaste. "I will not marry a foreigner, either, or any woman who is not of our people. They must be ruled by one of our number."
"Your wisdom is beyond your years, my son. However, you must choose someone eventually, despite your misgivings." The king began to pace. "Perhaps some sort of event might be arranged, that you might meet a fitting woman from among the people. Perhaps a contest, or a ball, where you might meet candidates for the role."
"An event, Father? What sort do you suggest?" Zane's mind whirred. "Perhaps a festival would befit the need better than a ball."
The king smiled. "That is an excellent proposal. We shall host a long festival; three days in which you might meet the women of the kingdom and find someone fitting." The king's eyes twinkled. "I will put you in charge of it, so all the events might fit the qualities you seek in your wife-to-be."
Zane bowed his head in agreement, pushing down his warring feelings of trepidation, dread, and excitement. "I will do my best. When shall it be?"
"The week after next, if you are able to organize it so quickly. Will that suffice for you?"
"It is more than enough time." The prince paused, but came to stand before his father once again. "Thank you, Father, for allowing me to be so particular. I know it has been difficult for you. I will find someone who will rule well, like Mother did."
The king smiled, a slight bit melancholy. "I have no doubt you will search far and wide until you find her, my son, no matter how long it takes. Trust yourself, and it will be easier."
"I will do my best."
In the intervening time before the festival, Prince Zane rarely rested, overseeing every part of the festival planning. During the three days, the population of the capital city and the surrounding towns would be welcome throughout the fields around the castle, where there would be games and spectacles. There would be many things to indulge in, such as delectable foods from all over the Commonwealth, and the finest or artisan craftsmanship where any merchant could sell his wares.
In the center of the field, an arena was set up. It hosted many seats, and a tawny soil floor, such that all the kingdom's knights and squires could do their best to prove their worth. Zane would also compete each day, jousting with the winners of the earlier matches. As per an agreement with his father, he was to take the favor of a woman he saw fit to consider, but no other. Throughout the rest of the tournament, he would also be present, whether as a competitor in the games or an attendee, meeting as many ladies as he could without the fear of appearing as a womanizer.
As the days of the festival approached and the announcements were sent out, Zane's trepidation grew. For years, he had felt free, as the need to find a bride had been a faraway concern. He had been able to travel, to study, to learn, and to begin to rule without concern of a woman who would monopolize his attention. Any knowledge in the world was at his disposal, and even the farthest corners of the world were within his grasp. Now that he had to find a fitting bride, were his days of freedom over? How could he live his life as he had before?
He tried to shake his worries, but they were unceasing. As a husband, he would be required to set aside the time to tend to his wife, and everything that she entailed to him. She would take up his time, energy, attention, and more personal things than those, some of which he feared to even think about. How could he please a woman while also pleasing himself, whether in mind or body? No matter how he considered the problem, it seemed impossible.
In any time he could take to himself, Zane delved into prayer and meditations, but they rarely helped. Instead, his mind was filled with images of his future. Of course, once a courtship began, he was to spend time with his wife-to-be. Then his wedding day would come, with all its trappings and traditions. As of that day, he would be tied to that woman, and there would be no leaving her. The visions he imagined turned toward the further future as he realized that any travels he would take would be with his wife, unless toward war– First Master forbid. His children would be raised to ascend the throne, and would be his pride and joy. When he was aged, one would be crowned…
Slowly, his fears began to slip away. The prince thought about his future, and suddenly felt as if his concerns were small. If his life was to be spent with anyone, a woman with whom he could speak and learn would certainly not be poor. His kingdom would live well under the rule of a learned and graceful woman, if only he could find one.
Despite the prince's warring feelings, time marched on, passing under his nose as the kingdom prepared. The first day of the festival grew ever closer, and Zane could only watch and wonder.
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abcwordsurge · 16 days
so I started writing a little fic that's tied to my ninjago royalty AU (the one with pixal and kai in an arranged marriage), and within like, two paragraphs, I accidentally gave myself so much lore. like I feel like I lore dumped myself when I didn't even know the lore beforehand. bizarre experience, highly recommend, and now I feel like I gotta give you this AU lore that I accidentally created
I've said that in this AU, there are four royal families. I LIED. there are five. the Jiangs, and Borgs, the Jades, the... (desperately searches notes) the [Vania's family] (does she not have a last name?!), and the Garmadons!
now, the reason why it's so important to add this last family to the royalty group is because I needed a reason for pixal and kai to be engaged. like, "political alliance" just feels so vague, right? so I needed to create some drama. and, like it came to me in a dream, this is what I blurted out.
there are rising tensions between the kingdoms- specifically between the Jades and the Garmadons. the other kingdoms know that the two families are somehow becoming involved in each other's business in a way that doesn't seem quite safe for anyone. they fear that there are only two possibilities for what's going on: 1) the two are going to form an alliance and turn on the rest of the kingdoms, or 2) the two are about to wage all out war on each other and maybe wreck the entire realm with their fighting.
I am so overcomplicating this, but I will continue to do so, because thinking about this is a sweet relief from the real world.
the Borgs and Jiangs are attempting to form a connection that will aid them in the potential upcoming war, by getting pixal and kai to be married
Vania's family is preparing for this hypothetical war as well, but... not in quite the same way. now, hear me out here. what if. what if shintaro creates a system of spies, and sends several spies to become insiders of the other kingdoms. so shintaro won't be caught unawares by the other kingdoms' weapons. and what if. what if cole is one of these spies, sent to keep an eye on the new pixal and kai marriage. would that be messed up or what
this also opens up some wonderful avenues for lloyd and harumi dynamics. perhaps they are star crossed lovers. or perhaps they are the reason the kingdoms suspect that the two nations are about to be in an all out war with each other. so many possibilities
that's all I've got for now. thanks for coming to late night thoughts with wordsurge haha
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senseiwu · 2 years
Queen Mei and her little princes :)
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amarioe · 10 months
After working on this for OVER 6 HOURS, ive finally done it.
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The Tale Of The Ice Prince AU poster is officially done! :]
Link to the poster concept here
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Ninjago Royalty AU
So this idea came to me when I was thinking about Garmadon’s whole technically being a Lord thing, so long awaited Royalty/generally old-fashioned AU idea and how each character plays into it! (Also for the sake of clarity I will be using Garmadon as the surname since Wu and Garmadon’s names are kinda confusing seeing that Wu is also technically a surname, so they will be Wu Garmadon and Haitao Garmadon)
Lloyd: Is the son of Lord and Lady Garmadon, he is most likely to be the successor to his uncle's throne due to the fact he has no children of his own and would be training to become a ruler instead of a ninja (in this AU Wu would have to be the older brother but we’re already changing a bunch of stuff so oh well) and along the way he makes friends with other nobility/castle goers.
Lord (or Prince depending on circumstances)Haitao Garmadon: The mysterious cursed brother of the king, he is disliked due to the fact most blame his brothers failed assisination attempt on him, with most making assumptions due to his cursed appearance. He tends to stay out of the public eye which only adds to the eerie mystique around his already confusing public image.
Wu Garmadon: The kindly old king of the Western Kingdom who has a lot of regrets, one of which being not admitting his feelings for Misako (Stole that right from the show), though he does not drag his nephew down into those personal matters.
Lady Misako Garmadon: The mother of Lloyd and the wife of Lord Garmadon, she is said to be far more outspoken than her husband with her own fair share of controversy due to disappearing from public eye for multiple years after her son was born before returning over ten years later. What she was doing is still unknown to the public.
Now onto the other ninja! (I am changing last names and stuff, be warned)
Prince Kai Shiroma: The fiery prince of the Eastern Kingdom, twin brother of crowned princess Nya he is head of the kingdoms military and quite proud of it, he has close ties to the southern kingdom and hopes to make connections with the Western kingdom through the possible up and coming ruler.
Crowned Princess Nya Shiroma: She is the head strong soon to be Empress of the Eastern kingdom, after her fathers disappearance she has been preparing to take his throne with her royal advisors taking care of things until she comes of age. She is sweet and quick witted with plenty of secrets she’d rather keep under wraps from the public who is already hesitant of her rule.
Zane Julien: The adoptive son of a world famous traveling doctor Zane is a walking miracle having been brought back practically from the brink of death by the kindly doctor who proceed to raise him as his own and train him in the ways of medicine, philosophy and what ever else sparked his fancy. Him and his father are often at important political gala’s due to his ability to smell poisons, quickly becoming close with some of the royals.
Lady Pixel Borg: Brilliant daughter of acclaimed inventor Barron Cyrus Borg, she is an inventor in her own right and often travels alongside Zane and Dr. Julien when the locations which pique her interest. She’s extremely intelligent and she and Zane are often seen as a rather terrifying duo when seen whispering at galas and other events. 
Duke Jay Walker: A very distant cousin of Lloyd but with his parents still tied to the royal family of the Southern kingdom, his parents are most known for their funding of wild architectural projects, large donations and tendency to disappear for months only to reemerge with some new creation or idea. He is attempting to court Princess Nya though no one can tell his true intentions with this.
Crowned Prince Cole Zielle: He is the level-headed prince of the Southern Kingdom, he is popular among the public due to his flashy talents and tendency for extravagance. His mother died when he was young leaving him with only his father whom is an adored figure due to his donations towards the arts and music. It’s said though that the prince disappears for days on end every once in a while for reasons unknown to most because everyone has secrets.
Link to the actual fanfic: All That We Can Give 
Fanart is to come.
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Have you ever wanted to see the pathetic excuse for a map that I made for my Royalty AU? Well you’re in luck!
I’m way to into this fanfic, I’m having boat loads of fun like I made a world anvil page and everything! Can y’all tell I’m hyper fixated?
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