#ninjago non human au
spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Oh no! Our human! (1/?)
[Ninjago non human au]
Starting a miniseries of comics revolving around Kai, who usually tries to take care of his various non human friends (this is an au where Kai is the only human) when it comes to their specific needs, but in the process ends up injuring himself. So everyone else finds their own specific way to look after him back! The next posts about this miniseries will probably be pretty short but I have a few cute ideas so look forward to that!
(On an unrelated note sorry for no content, turns out doing real exams for the first time ever is pretty exhausting!)
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POV: You were running from the assassin hired to kill you, but you've reached a dead end and they caught up to you! I wanted to draw Lena aka The Nightstalker again...but this time them being unhinged tm. I got ninjago brainrot and therefore i'm giving my ninjago fcs attention. flat variant and transparent under read more
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stealingyourspins · 1 month
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(Click for better quality)
Ninjago Mermaid AU- Lloyd.
Species: Megalodon. Chosen because he’s the FSM’s grandson and being so made me want to make him an extinct species.
He’s 1/4th Mer 3/4th human. He Barbie: A Mermaid Tale style figured out he’s part mer when turning into a 33ft tall behemoth of a shark merfolk while swimming. He’s slowly figuring out who he is and how to transition between being both a merfolk and human.
(Non transparent version under the cut)
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wyrmswears · 9 days
in your uhh au crossover thing. where the jayless group timetravels to skybound. echos there. does. does zane meet echo? like obviously he does but THE IMPLICATIONS. because nya remembers. and they never told zane about his brother. and echo realizing they left him at the lighthouses????? uarghhh my head hurts i thought this was gonna be a fun silly au wtf.
hehe, passage below read more :3 spoilers for the fic ofc
i want to talk about how i tackle echo's existence in this au because it is something i've dwelled on a decent amount
[context: zane and nya discuss echo's presence in private]
“I’m sorry. We checked the lighthouse and Echo wasn’t there and… We shouldn’t have given up, and we should have told you, I think-” She bit her lip, worrying it between her teeth. “I think we were scared. I reasoned that it would save you the grief, but I think part of me was scared of somehow recreating this timeline. It all just felt so fragile.”
For a second, Zane didn’t do anything. Then, he reached forwards and embraced her in a hug. The simple gesture made her vision blur. Of course, she thought, it’s Zane. Like he’d do anything else.
“I forgive you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
Zane paused for a second, and Nya knew that he was considering her denial with the same respect he’d give a fully articulated argument. “You hid things from my memory in an attempt to protect me and yourself.” He noted. “While I would rather remember, while I have realised that I would rather have the chance to grieve… I forgive you.”
She shook her head, tears now on the verge of spilling. “You really shouldn’t.”
“I forgave my father, didn’t I?”
That broke the dam.
this is actually something i've been trying hard to fairly represent in my fic. echo's lack of reappearance is mostly down to ninjago's weird writing, and it feels disingenuous to nya and jay's characters to consider it a matter of them 'abandoning' him in canon when that clearly isn't the intention. but i don't want to brush the matter off completely because of my own disinterest in it being a part of their stories.
in this au the idea is that echo remains on the mainland after the timeline resets, as another one of the 'glitches', similar to yang's floating temple. this isn't talked about in the fic but from there he becomes mr e as people commonly headcanon. nya and jay returned to the lighthouse alone, looking for echo, but found nothing and from there they make the decision not to disclose his existence to zane, believing him to be destroyed as a result of the timeline being reset. this to me makes their actions more reasonable (they tried to find echo) but i'll keep the tinge of selfishness to their later silence (though i find this to be a symptom of their greater unwillingness to speak about skybound: one of the ways that their non-disclosure hurts not only themselves but also others).
likewise to doing nya and jay's characters justice, i wanted to come up with a fair reaction from zane. to have him blame nya and jay puts too much blame on them for ninjago's writing flaws and feels like it ties their characters to that when i'd rather not dwell on it, so i knew i wanted zane to forgive them. i try to do my best with zane's character because i love his character but see common critiques of how he is written which ghshsgjhsjg puts up the pressure for a non-zane expert like myself. so i tried to compare it to his memory being wiped by his father (with a sprinkle of crystallised's lesson in mourning), which he didn't hold any strong grudge for. similarly to nya and jay's aspect of selfishness, i think there is selfishness in dr julien's actions too that zane acknowledges.
i like to think that zane's logical thinking is tied to his kindness, tying his humanity to his robotic nature. when he forgives nya, this isn't a gut response for nya's sake, but a decision that he has genuinely weighed up. as he doesn't dismiss her misaction, i find that makes his forgiveness more genuine compared to that of characters who would instinctively respond with the aim of making the other feel better rather than properly representing their own feelings/beliefs on the matter. that also provides a more concrete conclusion to the issue rather than leaving room for hurt feelings to dwell underneath the surface which lets me wrap it up and have the characters move on.
the passage i included is still a bit of a WIP, i want to add a little more detail i think, but for now it gets the point across lol.
as always, if any zane experts want to weigh in with their feelings on how i tackle this, i'd happily consider it (though i'm also quite happy with the way i have it working out now, so i'm not sure how much it'd change).
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galaxyhanart · 2 years
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The Cabinet Man AU is an AU where Jay doesn’t join the ninja until he gets found in Prime Empire - prior to this, he’d been sucked into the game as a child and his powers unknowingly have been used as a battery to power the game.
Because Jay being missing causes a lot of issues down the line, Nya discovers her water abilities at the beginning of the show, and Prime Empire happens in season 6′s time, in place of Skybound (subsequently, Skybound happens in the season 12 time of the show)
Jay develops some non-human features from being in his avatar form in the game for so long (pointed ears and fangs) and it takes him a while to get used to being in the real world again, as well as fulfilling his destiny as one of the protectors of the Green Ninja + Ninjago as a whole. He still hides his insecurities behind jokes and his abandonment issues are dialed up to 11.
Other notable AU differences!
- Morro is alive in this AU! He gets resurrected with Cole during Day of the Departed and he and Jay become very close
- There aren’t any “Canon Ships” in the AU but Jay and Nya are still very close, Jay is very flirty with both her and Cole. This is because I’m a multi-shipper myself and want people to enjoy the AU no matter who they ship with who!
- There’s a new order to the seasons that is more detailed in a post I’ll link below
- Jay is so used to his electricity being in constant use that he has a hard time reigning it in when they first get out of the game, and he tends to stim and snap and spark to release the excess.
The tag I use for the AU is “Cabinet Man AU” and the art tag is “CBAU Art” so you can find everything there! I will link some of the more relevant posts under the cut if you just want the big chunks of info
“YOU’RE THE NINJA I READ ABOUT!” - First Comic Post (art)
First explanation Post
Rough timeline of the AU
More In-Depth timeline of the AU
Ed and Edna
Zane and Pixal’s reactions (art)
“Of course everyone loves me!” (art)
Prime Empire vs the Real World
Relationships + Queer Identities in the AU
CM!Jay Design (art)
How Jay’s age works in Prime Empire (art)
Jay has a Snake Tail (art) (writing)
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corvid-case · 2 months
hello everyone :) I'm Corvid/Icarus/Shark, pronouns they/them!! Tone tags appreciated!!! Artist and writer, working on fics :D I don't have one main fandom I have FOUR do you like plastic ninja and turtle ninja and Minecraft block men because boy I do (Ninjago, ROTTMNT (I don't really know any other version I'm sorry guys), Life Series, Hermitcraft) I also really like Dreamzzz but I've just started that series so I have less feelings about it /lh Do YOU like silly little aus about Ninjago and Rise because I have many if you're interested I have a list I'll put them under the read more with their name, tags, and a short description :) ITS LONG IM SORRY LMAO Also yes there is shipping in some of these, not really in any of the Rise aus but in the Ninjago aus there's some, most of the time it doesn't really affect most of the story but I'll mention if it does
Initium Novum (#inau) Told from the perspective of an OC (lost turtle sibling called Masaccio (Acie)), takes place during the show and has a lot of other OCs in it if that's not your jam
What Do You Do When You Fall Into Heaven? (#fihau) Told from multiple perspectives, takes place during/after the movie and is a hurt/comfort. The same cast as Initium Novum, with some additions :) I really wanted to write the future guys man they all show up at some point
Who's That Hamato? (#wthau) Kind of an au of Initium Novum, it's what if Acie was also taken in by Splinter. Explores a different facet of them, explores how their relationships would be different in a different situation.
We Have Got To Stop Meeting New People Like This (#snpau) Another Initium Novum/WDYDWYFIH au but this one's Ninjago :) Similar to House of the Rising Sun (Shells) in that the Merge caused their world to join the Merged Realms, they all explore this new world and Acie gets to go nuts.
Boys of Summer (#bosau) Non-OC au, it's another separated au throw the confetti throw the sparkles- Leo focused, he's still with Splinter but Draxum is there as well and has been redeemed, the others found their own ways out of the lab and ended up in different places.
Rise from the Dead (#rftdau) Non-OC au, puts a ghostly spin on the story. The turtles are all ghosts that only April can see. There's no yokai and no mystics, but multiple yokai characters are still in the story, just as humans.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Critters (#tmncau) Sort of Minecraft au but not really, I just really really love the fanon Minecraft hybrids so I made the turtles into them :). They're mutants still but they've got distinctly Minecraft hybrid traits I've put sooo much thought into the traits for all the different hybrids it's so fun
Shell From Another Realm (#sfarau) A Rise/Ninjago crossover au, takes place post-Rise movie and post-Crystalized pre-Dragon's Rising. The turtles, April, and Casey end up in the world of Ninjago and try to find their way home while also trying to figure out this new world.
House of the Rising Sun (Shells) (#hotrsau) Another Rise/Ninjago crossover au, completely separate from the previous one in that this takes place during Dragon's Rising instead. When the Merge caused all the Realms to collide, Earth was one of them, and everyone ended up scattered across the Merged Realms. The Hamatos decide to settle in the Crossroads and meet some young faces.
Some Assembly Required (#sarau) Completely rewrites the entire thing, based on the question "what if the bite from the Devourer didn't turn Garmadon evil and instead made him sick?" Garmadon is good and raising his children, the kids aren't really as in tune with their elemental powers, and I made a bunch of lore for it around the dragons and the other elemental masters please ask me about it please please /lh (has a couple ocs but not very many) (pretty shippy, a lot of poly relationships)
Web of Destiny (#wodau) Spiderman au, all six main ninja are a group of heroes, with Pixal as a vigilante. Other characters from the series feature as villains. The Dragons Rising cast also features.
The Dragon's Samurai (#tdsau) Crystalized ending rewrite, Pixal focused. Asking "what if their golden powers went haywire after they sent them to Lloyd, causing them to lose themselves? Also what if Nya got a golden form I'm so sad she didn't get one" Basically they get taken over by their powers and Pixal has to go talk some sense into them I lOVE PIXAL SO MUCH DO YOU UNDERST
Abnormal Reaction (#arau) DO YOU GUYS LIKE THE BIZARROS BECAUSE I DO this is entirely me wanting to have a Bizarro au they don't die after getting dusted they just regroup somewhere else and decide to go do their own thing after Garmadon gets defeated
A Different Vision of the Future (#advotfau) I'm lowkey embarrassed about this one lmAO it's a Genshin au,,,,, I probably won't write a fic for it like I will with the others but I wanted to draw it and explore the concept I don't even play Genshin anymore I'm crying
Ready Your Triforce, It's About To Have More Sides (#rytau) Do you guys like Breath of the Wild :) I like Breath of the Wild :) BotW/Ninjago crossover au besties they all end up in different points in time and get to interact with different pEOPLE lots of me messing around with dynamics
staring up at the sky (and hoping to see your face) (#suatsau) Veeeeery self indulgent self discovery au. Everyone but Lloyd is this almost godlike ruler of different concepts and they give him the chance to leave everything to come join them, and he has to make that decision.
Ninjas & Normies (#nanau) They're all just normal college students who like to play D&D, they each get a chance to run a campaign once they're taught how to play. Each campaign is based off a plot point or season from the show.
Departed and Service (#dasau) BASED ON Five Nights at Freddys NOT ACTUALLY A FNAF AU I don't know NEARLY enough about the fnaf lore to make an actual au with it but they're all animatronic characters from a very popular kid's TV show and Morro and Pixal are employees at their party place :) A bunch of side characters show up in this (Dragon's Rising cast also appears)
SPINJITZOON! (#spinau) It's a Splatoon au they're all having fun Ronin is basically Grizz he messes with their weapons and makes them more powerful (Dragon's Rising cast appears)
Pokemon Spin and Pokemon Whip (#pspwau) Pokemon au!!! There's two different parts to this, the first one starring Kai Nya and Lloyd, and the second starring Arin Sora Wyldfyre and Euphrasia! They all go on their adventures and in the second part Kai Nya and Lloyd see themselves in these kids and want to help them go farther
Adventures of the Dragon (#aotdau) Another D&D au but this one is them just living in a D&D fantasy style world :) silly things ensue this one's more just art than fully written story
Shapes and Colors (#sacau) Minecraft au! They're a group of friends who play on a server together and some of them are streamers and youtubers who record these sessions and put it out there for their fans, some of them do lore while some of them have no idea what's going on any of the time. Other elemental masters and Dragons Rising characters appear. (shippy, but mostly with their little characters that they made for the lore)
Lights, Camera, Action! (#lcaau) Silly actor au! Not much else to it
Song of the Sirens (#sotsau) Mermaid au, some of them are pirates and others are mermaids. Just some fun dynamics with some human/nonhuman shipping :)
Mobs of a Feather Flock Together (#moafftau) Another,, another Minecraft au this one is like Adventures of the Dragon in that they live in this world and also they're all different Minecraft hybrids I got really really into Minecraft hybrids man I just really like to draw them,,,, Dragons Rising cast is included
Ninjagoing Going Gone (#gggau) Sort of Scooby Doo-esque mystery au, kind of a blend between movieverse and showverse. Starring Arin, Sora, Wyldfyre, and Euphrasia, they're looking for the old heroes they used to hear about as kids who completely disappeared years ago. They find Lloyd and force him convince him to help them, even though he's not so sure he can.
These Problems Are Multi-Faceted (#tpamfau) Gem au! Like from Steven Universe! Except it's not a Steven Universe au, it doesn't follow the plot of the show at all. Super quick synopsis is Pink Diamond grew tired of the way things were on Homeworld and so rebelled, escaping with his fellow rebels to a planet already under his control. After lots of fighting and the establishment of a shaky truce, an Emerald and his crew are sent to the planet to try and bring Pink back.
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numberonepartyboy · 27 days
one piece/ninjago au rambling
Sighs. nya and kai are two ex bounty hunters that hunted down lloyd for his large bounty, they're lloyd's first and second mate and closest people to him on the crew. after them came cole and zane when they needed to save the island cole and zane were residing in, they're ship's main combatant/herbalist and doctor/sniper. jay joined them when they disbanded the sky pirates and threw nadakhan to the marines. pixal was on the search for zane, who disappeared one day from their home. he joined lloyd's crew as they needed a shipwright and he finally found zane.
lloyd had a large bounty on his head since he was a child, bc his dad and uncle were people who were dangerous to the world government. he was raised by misako who wasn't that much in his life, always being at work or trying to find where wu and garm were. lloyd lived in a small village with his childhood friends were arin and sora who stuck to him even if he didn't like them and tried to scare them off (he still has horns and other non-human features). he left the village when he saw his bounty poster on one the houses. (and the villagers tried to kill him.)
kai and nya were raised by the village people and hunted pirates as their village was burned down by one of the crews that was residing there. they hated pirates before joining lloyd to sail the seas and find the one piece. (i still dont know what to do with them im sorry)
zane and pixal were raised together, since their dads were friends and lived together. zane is a sentient robot and pixal is a cyborg, who lost most of his body after being attacked by pirates. cyrus and dr. julien built him a new body after he almost died. zane disappeared when he was 15 and was found by cole and his dad.
cole lived with his dad most of his life until he found zane and he ran away from his home. cole hasn't returned to the island he lived. he joined lloyd bc he had nowhere else to go like zane (who damaged his head and lost most of his memories).
jay was kidnapped from his village and was forced to be in nadakhans crew, he was the cabin boy and the one who ruined his map for the grand line. jay was forced to make a new one or his parents (ed n edna and everyone in the village) will die. joined the crew bc he thought he was in lloyd debt but warmed up and now is the crew's navigator. ate bird bird fruit, model bluejay. (he was also a spy but idk about that.)
i also make sora and arin have a crew with dr kids but ill probably go with them when i decide who's who's. also lloyd was a part of sog👍 and the story starts when he quit them. the wolf clan and other characters are HERE i just dont know what to do with them sorry
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fishybehavior · 2 years
Ok this used to be my au list, but since its super out of date I’m going to add some stuff and make this my opening card!
Hi I’m Evan/Fishy, and this is my silly lil ninjago blog. It’s also my main blog so while its mostly Ninjago there are an abundance of other posts here! I like doodling and writing and having fun and making silly stories and creating angst >:]
blorbos are Kai and Jay (the skrunkly guys)
some tags you may want to know.
for my fics: #my fics , #my writing
my art tags: #doodle ,  #doodles , #my art
I talk about stuff that happens in life and share photos i use the tag: #evan has a life
under the read more i will have a list of some of my au’s, the list is not complete sorry about that.
AU list
AU’s with a ! next to them have nothing written for them, but I’m always down to talk about any of these.
Evil Siblings AU: Kai and Nya are raised by Krux and are trying to take over Ninjago
White Coats: Jay and Kai get kidnapped by doctors and get experimented on
Killer Kai: Kai is a serial killer and is a jerk about it
Elementals AU: The ninja’s powers are sentient beings that try to help them, but no one can see them.
! Here We Are in The Future: The main 4 (or 5) somehow go to the future and see how their lives are like 
Acronix’s Redemption: Acronix is good boi, and he knew all the ninja’s parents. Angst ensues
Kiddos: Ninjas are children, and Nya doesn’t like being the big sister. AKA reliving childhood drama
Carità del Destino: Cole works in his family restaurant, but he cant cook. He’s forced takes a cooking class and makes some friends/enemies?
! Law&Order: Kai is being framed for a crime, and the only one who believes him is his defense lawyer (or police profiler idk) Zane.
How he Got his Soul: (completed au) Basically Zane reveals exactly how he got his powers.
! Marching band au (working title): The boys plays in da band, and its chaotic.
Fishy AU: A dark presence has fallen over the ocean. There is something hunting a great power that can only be controlled by the power that's held in the descendants of the ancient sea witches.
The Prince and the Gecko: Evil Twink Jay, and Zane kisses a gecko. After being offered a deal, Zane falls into a new world of magic and curses, as he tries to break the curse of a talking gecko.
Whoops all avatars: There's been a mess up, now the avatar is one of three firebenders (Kai, Lloyd, or Jay). Who is it, and can they handle it? 
! Green means love: The power of the green ninja is the love the core four have for each other. FLUFF
! Lightning potato/g force Jay: Jay is a guinea pig. (with @anxiousworm)
Thceif [Thief au]: Jay is a criminal thief called BLACKOUT
Pack sticks together: The ninja’s are onis and refugees in Ninjago, trying to survive, and also messing around with human technology
Little bro Kai: Kai is Nya’s little brother, :P
Guitar Jay: Jay is a magically guitar that turns into a person. made with @lennon-cuddlywump (Techno au) 
SOG Kai: After getting lost in the time vortex Kai ends up with the SOG several years younger and with no memory.
Robot ninja’s: Instead of people, the ninjas are robots built to host the awesome powers of the elemental masters
Celestial au: The ninja’s are celestial incarnation of their powers
Non Bender au: LoK au, where all the ninja’s are in the world of avatar, but none of them are benders. 
Assassins au: the ninjas are assassins with Lloyd being their boss
Oni Soul au: Basically Lloyd finds the part of his soul that was split from him at birth.
Horizion Zero Dawn au: Kai accidentally gets a focus implanted into his brain and now must help a scrappy team save the world
Cats au: Warrior cats au. They do have powers, its pretty fun/wild
littol ninja’s au: The ninjas are each about 4-5 inches tall and act about 4-6 years old. They are being watched over by a kind person who finds them until they can figure out what is happeneing.
Racer Kai: Kai is a professional racer who is dating his mechanic Jay. Race fast and win
Storm Twins: Movie au, where Jay and Morro are twins. Morro is on the secret ninja force but Jay is not and he doesn’t know either.
elemental masters: Basically a reimagining of ninjago. Changed the magic system too (no tag yet for this au)
hybrid au: Hybrid people are being eperimented on, and Kai, a caretaker, has had enough and breaks out four hybrids, Cole, Jay, Zane, and Lloyd
bizzarro adoption: The bizzarro get adopted by Sensei Garmadon, and work on healing their unhealthy relationships to each other.
destiny au
underground au
Racer Kai
Runaways au
To be continued. . .
Ask blogs:
@pack-sticks-together : the ninja oni au
@whos-the-avatar : avatar au
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fandomhopping · 2 years
Request open! Hi Welcome to my pocket of the internet!! You can call me Justbirdie, Birdie, author, or whatever floats your boat!!
Rules, fandoms, and works below!
current obsessions:
TMNT: (2012, 2003, 2018, 2019)
the owl house
things I don’t accept:
any hate towards groups (cmon people be acceptable human beings ;3)
Writing I do:
AU’s (mainly ao3)
Writing prompts
things I don’t write/draw:
18+, nsfw, y/n, s/o, tcest(no, just no.) racist, homophobic, transphobic, hate towards any group (religious, racial, etc.) non-con, anything 18+ , racist [mutant and human] , 18+ headcanons , 18+ imagines , human! , no oc's, age gaps
mainly Tmnt account
Kraangified Leo Au!
kraangified Leo fic!
Kirby meeting the turtles Au!
Mezmeroo (finished)
I monster
Dad Draxum au!
Httyd beauty and the beast au
2003/rise crossover (finished)
Do what you will with this info!!!
Other blogs are:
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
I have a couple of questions about your Ninjago Non Human AU.
1st Who pays for everything? (Food, Bills, etc)
2nd How did Kai meet everyone? Was it through Nya or someone else?
3rd What does Kai do when he has a moment 2 himself?
1) hmmm well I think Kai still has his dad in the au, and they still run a blacksmith shop. Although since it’s a modern au, it’s more of a garage. I think Kai probably works there part time on top of school and stuff. Maybe Jay sells random inventions made of junk whilst putting on a human disguise, in like the corner of the blacksmiths shop, but he’s probably not making profit. I assume the group struggles for money for a bit until Lloyd mentions that he has like a hoard of gold stashed on a mountain because he’s a dragon. He could’ve told them earlier but in his defence he doesn’t understand human currency. He’ll share some of his money for pizza but overall they all have to find work. Maybe Nya sells rare seashells and stuff on eBay. I think it would be funny to see Cole and Zane try to pass as human and get part time jobs. Like late night janitors or something. Ooh like this!
This post got long so 2 and 3 under the cut
2) (I had this written down somewhere but I can’t find it and I don’t remember all of it so I’m gonna just rework the timeline. If I end up retconning anything)
Short answer is: Kai basically meets everyone separately but most of their encounters are due to the fact that Kai bought a house and everyone happened to be around.
So Kai lived with his family originally, his dad is human and his mother is a sea spirit. Kai got the human genes and Nya got the spirit ones. And they all lived together until Nya was like 12 years old when she and her mother returned to the sea to connect with it (maybe at a certain age she needed to learn to control her powers). So it’s just Kai (age 14) and Ray.
Later on Kai wants to earn like maybe a history degree (focusing in ancient Ninjago, all about time of the dragons and the serpentine, and water elemental sand such so he can understand more about the experiences he’s had) but he has to go to uni, which means he has to get a house closer to it. (Ray also just wants to kick Kai out of the house to be more independent, he didn’t want Kai to feel like he has to look after Ray now Maya is gone). So Kai goes and rents out the cheapest house he can find and it’s really run down. It’s also haunted. By Cole.
Kai also finds that he’s sharing the house with Lloyd, who pretends to be a human at first and is generally a pleasant roommate. His mother does some lectures at the university but spends more time travelling and researching stuff. Lloyd wants to learn more about human life and eventually Lloyd reveals he’s not human and he and Kai both learn from each other. (Also Lloyd has met Kai before but Kai doesn’t know that yet, I think I might do a comic to expand on this).
Meanwhile Jay is living in the sewers near the house, because he’s trying to hide from society because he’s a snake, but he’s kinda tailing Kai because Kai mentions that one of his course modules is on the serpentine and basically Jay is trying to glean info on maybe a cure for himself. However it turns out Kai is not that great at studying so I like to think Jay breaks into his house to complete assignments for him and that goes on for a while.
On a field trip to the sea on an assignment, Kai finds Nya again and after catching up, Nya decides that she wants to go back to humanity, so Kai manages to take her back to the house (she’s probably technically running away from whatever ocean responsibilities she’s supposed to have. Also Lloyd probably helps transport Nya, maybe they can bond over being dragon-like beings).
As soon as Nya gets there, she can sense Jay is in the sewers and rats him out, and they all invite Jay to live with them, because half of them are already hiding their inhumanity so they may as well stick together. Cole’s kinda apprehensive at all the people suddenly living in his haunting grounds but he warms up to everyone eventually.
At some point maybe the gang visit Jay’s parents, who are also snakes, at the junkyard, where they happen across Zane, unconscious in the rubble. He’s powered off and the group decides to try and take him home and fix him in Kai’s dad’s garage. Kai uses his (albeit mediocre) blacksmith’s skills combined with Jay and Nya (who is learning about mechanics) engineering abilities to fix Zane, who wakes up with his only memory being his name, although they’re working on trying to restore the rest of his memories as well. He’s quite happy to stay and try and repay them for their help and he joins the effort to learn more about each other. Whatever happened to him is a mystery, perhaps an ominous one…
(Anyone is free to suggest anything better, I’m free styling this haha)
3) sleep lol. Jk, I like to think he takes martial art classes as his own thing. The others are more into video games than him, but he probably had one fighter game that’s his thing (kinda taking inspired from s1)
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basicallyjaywalker · 7 months
A Non-Comprehensive List of AUs I really wanna do fanfics for in the future (and may do a poll on which ones I should do first)
Whumptober has sparked my love of writing fanfic and taken away literally all of my insecurities with writing fanfic so I need to tell you guys a small bit of the fifty million aus spinning in my brain (most of them are stock standards) (long post)
Zombie Apocalypse
I've got two prompts set in this so far and I killed both of the blorbos off now am I guaranteeing that's canon no am I saying I wanna make em all suffer cuz i've been rewatching StephenPlays's Telltale's TWD playthrough again yes yes i am
2. High School
Self explanantory make em human don't give em powers make em survive high school (and make all of the parents alive and possibly some of them are teachers or local figures
3. Band!!!! BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!!!
Hot and cool and I need Hannah shredding on the guitar for all to see
4. Gods
Mentioned this before but kill the superpowered children make them deities it'll be SO funny
5. Monster Living
Fairy Tale Living but for emos. Based on a submission from @/blursed-ninjago-ideas
6. Ninja Mystery Solvers aka Scooby Doo AU also i can't believe I've been calling it nsm what a fool i've been it's nms
Jay, Cole, Nya, Pixal, and Kai are all the Scooby Gang. Based on What's New, Scooby-Doo? and Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? more than anything else
7. Organized Crime
AMORAL NINJA WITH GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Wrong Ends
Based on @/saline-coelacanth's bad ends AU but with my OCs and I mix and match as I please (not bad ends because some of them aren't evil just screwed up) (jasmine is just a weird hermit)
9. Celebrities
They don't have powers but they are rich and famous. New Americana by Halsey core.
10. Greaser/Surfer/Soc
My absolute favorite silly stock AU, sort everyone into one of the three categories and make em fight. Better is siblings are divided Even BETTER if it's Teen Beach Movie core and insanely goofy. Jay is so soc coded he is such a prep y'all.......
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purpleisnotacolor · 1 year
Talk about whichever OCs you rotate in your brain rn
(Ninjago AU OC)
Cobalt is a young(10-11) Serpentine of the Hypnobrai tribe and one of Garmadon's students.
Cobalt's Grandfather fought in the serpentine war (a war between snake people and humans from 40+ years ago, if you don't know the Lore) and his parents grew up in the ice tombs their tribe were banished to after the war.
But now that the war is long over, and they're out of the tombs, they can give a better life to their baby boy!
His family wants to raise him in non-violence and give him more positive interaction with humans, so that's why they're okay with him being taught by Garmadon.
He's only a child, so he's not very good at hypnosis yet. When he tries, he mostly just looks like the autism creature, and he can't make suggestions to people, he can only make the two of them freeze in place until he stops.
He loves the surface world and wants to prove that non-violence doesn't make you wimpy.
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luminiscented · 9 months
I can't remember if I asked you this because my memory isn't the best so please don't be mad if I already asked this can you please do a Lloyd X female reader basically this takes place in the non-human au by multiversal-madness this is after all the events of the au so the ninja's are used to not being normal know and the reader is the only human on the team and she is dating Lloyd and the reader is starting to feel useless because she the only human on the team so the reader decides to runaway but she leaves a letter so the reader runs away to Megapolis where the reader soon discovers that she the lost daughter of macaque and the reader meets Macaque who is happy to have his lost daughter back he tell the reader that there a seal on her locking away her power's so macaque remove the seal and the reader immediately turned into her demon form which looks like a female version of macaque but with the reader hair and eye colour and the reader is shocked and the reader then tell her dad about her friends and boyfriend and macaque get a bit protective of the reader and well this is happening all the ninjas go to Megapolis to find the reader they bump into wukong who tells them that the reader is macaque lost daughter and this shocks them they ask wukong why didn't the reader say anything and wukong then says that the reader didn't know that macaque was her dad and that there was a seal locking away her power's and what she actually look like and they find the reader and its just happy and macaque allows Lloyd to date the reader and because the reader no longer has the seal on her she is know immortal so her and Lloyd can be together forever (in this Ninjago and monkie kid take place in the same realm, wukong is macaque brother and macaque is good and the reader is the ninja of healing)
I think I made a separate post abt it, but I haven't watched Monkie kid!!! Sorry anon!!!!
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oshawottarchive · 10 months
Hi can I ask about meteorite Cole I am interested and curious and I want to knowww.
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The au is based off of the non-canon Rebooted comic Comet Crisis, where a shapeshifting alien messes around with the ninja (I haven’t read the entire comic, so for those who have, I would love some more info on it >:3 ).
It’s also kind of sad and mentions death, so I’ll put it under a read more
Basically, a meteorite lands on Ninjago, and an alien manages to sneak out of it. They wander around for a while, studying humans and other Ninjargon organisms, until they stumble upon a young child. They talk to him for a bit, and after the alien reveals that he can shapeshift, the child tells them that he’s dying, and that he doesn’t want his parents to lose him. He asks them if they can replace him, and says that his name is Cole.
The alien agrees, and stays with Cole until he passes. Afterwards, they take his form and goes to his parents, who never knew about their son’s death.
Many years later, the ninja arrive at a comet in search of the remains of the Golden Weapons, not knowing that Cole was finally returning to the remainders of his home.
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wolfp-ck · 2 years
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hello hello !! we are the parliament / cast of queers !!
we don’t really have a collective name, so call us by the fronter’s name. our collective pronouns are he/they/it. we are bodily 16 and we are autistic and have adhd. look who’s fronting right here! and check out our tagging system here !! And all the blogs we have that we are comfortable sharing here !!
more info abt headmates under the cut!
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⚡ jay . 16 . he/they . insecurity holder + host . genderfluid . aroace
— is a very sensitive dude, please be cautious around him and how you say things to him. tone tags is a must, especially “/nm”. for the rest, he’s very lovable fella, loves to sing and dance when no one watches.
🐉 lloyd . 15 . he/they . host . demiboy . omniroace
— half oni, half dragon, half human :P. usually shows his oni horns, tail and fangs (can be from his dragon form depending on how you look at it). has mixed feelings about his dad. hates his evil dad (lord / emperor garmadon), loves good dad (sensei garmadon). trauma™. loves to write, a lot.
🧣 luxx . 14-16 . he/him . worrier and host of the ghost subsys (diapathic/binary subsys) . tristegender . loveless aro requissexual.
— usually sad. on edge a lot and overapologetic. Lloyd from au of ninjago movie where he doesn’t know he’s the green ninja yet and morro is there too bc of reasons. is the one in our icon right now. interact with caution. however, if you’re friends with him, he’ll appreciate you so so much.
💢 haize . ageless . he/they? . protector, intimidator and caregiver of the ghost subsys . speerios . cassromantic cassexual.
— very protective over luxx. you will usually see him together with luxx. is that morro I mentioned earlier. attached to luxx (in a healthy way ofcourse) and cares a lot for him.
🔥 kai . 17 . he/they . confidence holder + hyperfixation? host . non-binary + agender . bisexual aspectussexual+ jaspian.
— a flirt™ (only in-sys though). usually listens to music when fronting. kind of like canon Kai with a bit of his own flair to it. also adores edit audios. trauma 2.0™.
🪟 morro . 18 . he/it . unknown role . bigender, non-binary + voragender . aroace ; lloyd is chosen brother.
— very good at mario kart. gamer™. doesn’t really front to talk to people but rather, to game. it is usually seen with others if he’s talking to you. did I tell you he’s a gamer?
🍆 dave . 29 . he/they/it . hyperludusian . demiboy . pansexual ; in a wavership with jack
— wait fuck, what am I supposed to say here? Ummm, fuck.. ? sportsy is love, sportsy is life <33 fuck Henry, he's a bastard /neg anyways, that's it.
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Chasing Memories Worldbuilding Part 1
SO! Let's get the mundane worldbuilding out of the way.
First up, Ninjago's age of majority. Chasing Memories is a much more realistic take on the show, and realistically the Ninja wouldn't be able to do half of the crap they do if they were legally minors the entire time. Regardless of how powerful Wu is he still has to obey the law.
Base age of majority, where people are considered a legal adult, is 16 human years, as is the age of consent. Minimum drinking age and minimum smoking age are 18. Now, I specify human years here because there are a handful of non-human characters in my AU that age at different rates than humans. So when I say "human years" I mean they have to be the biological equivalent of a 16-year-old human to be considered a legal adult.
Now, obviously this means the only legal adults out of the Ninja at first are Zane and Kai, as stated in a previous post stating their birthdates and ages. Which means the minors of the group (Cole, Jay, and Nya) are under their supervision when the other adults (Garmadon, Wu, and Misako) are not around.
Let me reiterate, ZANE AND KAI ARE THE ONES IN CHARGE OF THE NINJA, both in costume and out. They are the adults. They're basically the older siblings when the parents aren't home.
It kind of bugged me growing up that Zane wasn't the one in charge, it always seemed to switch between Kai, Cole, and later Lloyd (which honestly made the least sense; yeah he's the chosen one but he's like 8 why is he in charge of the older more experienced Ninja?) so this time I'm going with seniority rules as Zane is the oldest and also the first Ninja Wu recruited.
Next up, NO Ninjago is NOT a monarchy of any kind. That plot point made no sense to me no matter how much I rewatched season 8. Why was it never mentioned? I even based my entire freshman year debate essay on why it was a bad idea to just add that in without warning.
CM!Ninjago is a democracy, plain and simple. I took inspiration from the United States (my home country), Canada, and the UK with how its government works.
There's an elected president that sits for a 6-year term and they can only have 2 consecutive terms. The first president was elected back in the 4th century (shocker, a government system that lasts over a millenium and a half), and the current president during the time of CM Origins is a man named Terrence Wong, who was elected for his second term in 2006 AC.
The education system is kinda a combination of the American, British, and Japanese systems (that last one because I like how it's structured in anime), so we have kindergarten (starts age 4), primary school (ages 5-10), and secondary school (ages 11-16), with 2-year "high school" being optional.
Jay is a fourth-year secondary student at Southside Junior High in Ninjago City, but he does his schooling remotely as it was Edna's condition for him to train with Wu. It's actually summer break when Kai comes along as school ends June 25th and starts September 1st.
Cole's been homeschooled during his time in the circus (as he can't exactly enroll in normal school as a runaway) but since coming to the Monastery he studies alongside Jay (who gets copies of all his assignments to give Cole) and Nya (who also starts remote schooling with Jay, just under a different, closer school to the Monastery).
Kai only completed his mandatory schooling, then started working as a farmhand full time until Wu came along. Also, Kai has legal custody of Nya... aaaat least until the Skulkin show up, wreck house, and kidnap her, which leads the blame to fall on Kai as there's a probationary period on custody arrangements.
Kai only got custody of Nya on his 16th birthday, which was in July of 2009. Because Kai only filed to FOSTER Nya and not adopt her, they were given a probationary period of 15 months to basically make sure Kai didn't screw up. The Skulkin attack happened when there were 2 months left on the probationary period, so after Nya gets rescued she gets taken away AGAIN, this time by social services.
So what does out intrepid 19-year-old former guidance counsellor Zane do? He accidentally stumbles across Nya in town being bullied by some of the other girls in the group home she was placed in, rescues her, and has her take him to said group home where he files to take Nya in; turns out Glenn pulled some strings and got him a valid foster license for emergencies before he left Feren.
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