#nika's personality
byghostface · 23 days
Hello! Nika fan here! Uhm, curious, as you seem like a Nika expert, how do you explain her personality as a character? 😅 Sorry, sounds stupid, but I really wanted to understand her more! Detailed or in simplistic form, I don't mind one or the other.
Hope you have a good day! Love your art! ❤️ 💀 ❤️
Hi there! Thanks for the question and take an interest in her!!^ ^♥️ (I tried to keep it simple but I keep adding details about her, so it has become a lengthy description, but you can scroll to the bottom I have the simplistic version of it)
Detailed version↓
I would say Nika is a quick wit, bold, resilient, stylish, rebellious, and very much an independent person. Sometimes a bit of a showgirl in her own playful theatrical way.
→Painting her face with skull makeup. Her trademark move by tearing people's hearts out. Presenting herself in distinctive outfits. Kneeling as a sign of respect when she first meets with people whom she holds long admiration for - Batman, her (past) mentor Lord Death Man. When she goes undercover with Damian in Gotham High, she shows up dressing to her own taste in clothes, even though he tells her to be inconspicuous.
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"Sorry, I don't do inconspicuous."
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Batman and Robin(2023)#8 -Artist: Nikola Čižmešija-
She tends to make silly nicknames for people, like throwing it in between conversations as a not-serious jab/comment: Damian- little birdie, Bruce- Daddy bat-brucks (reference Annie), Ra's Al Ghul- old fart😭(cus he is in ghost/spirit form, and properly bugging her for a while…)
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The interests she has are drawing and opera. She also mentioned she's a K-pop stan, so I imagine she is interested in different ranges of music.
"—wander around an old folk's home and like… pick up painting or opera, y'know?"
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Nika is an easygoing, open-minded and curious person (reads Damian's manga and talks to him about it). She's not very good at picking up social cues (saying death-related jokes at bad timing or it didn't land well) despite that, she still pays attention to what people are saying and observes people well (discuss the fighting skills of tournament fighters with Damian, and showing concern about Damian's injured arm).
"It's good. I like that it's a romance about an art school. But also about being competitive…"
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And oftentimes she lives in her own head (obsesses with death and honing her newfound powers). It improves after she meets Damian and considers other possibilities in life other than death and killing.
"Life can be more than just being really good at killing people. You've proven that a few times."
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Batman and Robin(2023)#7 -Artist: Simone Di Meo-
She likes to handle things at her own pace/plans and has the confidence in herself to do it correctly. So she has the bad habit of saying white lies or doesn't tell people the whole picture/exactly what she is trying to do.
Sometimes doing things head-on fearlessly because she has ambition and pride in herself (calls dibs on Damian's first match, keeps fighting in the death tournament attempt to gain victory, takes over Lord Death Man's empire, takes inspiration from Talia and makes a new outfit for herself).
When first met, people might find Nika quite rude/careless. Once you get to know her, she's just very straightforward and honest when expressing her feelings. She can be pretty brash, had short-tempered to people who are disrespectful/annoying to her.
"If you really are this badass that you think you are, you'll respect me."
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Nika is a person of a free spirit with a strong will and motivation. She would follow reasonable orders/rules from ppl whom she respects, but she would get irritated when people tried to hold tight control over her and tell her what she should or shouldn't do, it might signal her that they don't trust/have faith in her (like her family). And if she feels like being overlooked/underwhelming, she tries to rebel and manage things on her own terms (run away from home to learn more about her powers, overthrow Lord Death Man, handle Mila's situation, go to Gotham to see Damian after his lack of contact/attention to her even though he calls her his girlfriend first).
Simplistic version (summary)↓
Prominent personality trait— Quick wit and easygoing, with a strong will and motivation. A confident, resilient, fashionable, and challenging person.
Hobby(so far)— Drawing, k-pop, opera.
Social ability— Tends to be playful, joking around with people, and likes to nickname them as a not-serious jab/comment. Mostly minding her own business, and not relying on other people much. Kind of a lone wolf who values her own time and effort.
Goals(so far)— Relying on her obsession with death to make sense of life. After the tournament and managing Lord Death Man's criminal empire she wants to slow down a bit to enjoy/explore her life.
With Damian— Playful, free talking and showing more emotions with him. Honest to him with times (resolved misunderstanding with him quickly). Likes his accompany a lot.
With (her older sister) Mila— a bit melancholy but not afraid to fight against her when she is being disrespectful/harmful.
And Ty for liking my art!!💝 I must say my portrayal of Nika still has some level of my preference/fanon in it (I love my art, but I'm not always satisfied with how I portray her within my ability). So take it with a grand of salt and give comics a try if you can! (For Nika, Robin2021, Lazarus planet: Next evolution, and Batman and Robin2023)
Have a great day anon, and thanks for reading!!🫶⚰️💀🦴♥️
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 months
speaking of Flatline, people know that Damian has a girlfriend now right? because people should know that Damian has a girlfriend now and that she rocks
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maigo-san · 18 days
new yaoi base just dropped
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serious ver:
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trauersinfonie · 4 months
i feel weird when people credit the hito hito no mi model nika for luffy’s good deeds because luffy isnt kind and frees people because of his devil fruit, he’s kind because its who he is &it’s the type of person he’s grown to be. its because luffy has these traits that his devil fruit chose him & he was able to awaken it
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theprodigypenguin · 8 months
After G5Luffy showed up in the Manga I saw someone bitching about how they hated it because Luffy being a "god" is stupid and it takes away from his character and makes the manga/anime cliche and just another run of the mill story as if Luffy vibing himself into godhood isn't the most Luffy thing he could ever do, like are we even consuming the same media, Luffy will always be Luffy. Is he overpowered? Nah, bitch, he's Luffypowered, just let him be silly. I needed a god to pray to anyway, thank you Oda. Our Nika who art in the Grand Land hallowed be thy Strawhat, or whatever, I was raised catholic so I'm funny traumatized.
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breannastewart · 9 days
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my absolute favorite husky’s reacting to nika’s visa approval shirt, they’re all the most unserious people and have the most whimsy of any program I’m so serious 😭
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drifloonitic · 1 year
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alumirp · 6 months
Flying Low
A magical AU where Law is a raven shapeshifter, but has had his wings torn off, so he is always using a cane to balance himself and he lives in seclusion in the forest. He absolutely doesn't trust, well, anyone. Whether humans or other shapeshifters or any other race, he doesn't approach anyone and does everything he can to not let them approach his home either. But that changes when one day a guy just falls from the sky. It literally falls from the sky. Right in the middle of Law's herb garden and although he really wants to get rid of this invader, he can't get rid of his curiosity because Law's house is in the middle of the forest, far from peaks or mountains, so where the hell is this guy came from and, even better, how did he survive the fall? Curiosity (and his sense of duty as a healer) causes Law to drag the guy inside and nurse him back to health. 'The guy' soon wakes up and gets a name, Luffy, who reveals himself to be a priest of the Sun God's temple, which makes sense to Law, since Luffy's magic seems totally opposite to his, a raven whose species is constantly attributed to the Goddess of Darkness, Nika's enemy. All this, however, does not explain how Luffy fell out of nowhere from the sky and it only gets worse when not even Luffy knows how it happens. Unfortunately for Law, meeting Luffy is a path of no return and in the blink of an eye his isolated and peaceful life is disturbed by the priest who, after returning to full health, becomes a noisy guest in Law's small cabin. Things get weird when Law's wings start to grow back, white instead of black, at the same time that Luffy also starts to change. For worse. His health simply declines and his magic grows and becomes out of control, becoming a danger to everything around him, excluding, in some way, Law. Desperate to understand and help Luffy, Law begins his journey out of seclusion toward the capital's temple, where Luffy is said to serve as a priest. But dragging a time bomb in the shape of a man all the way to the capital is not simple when you are alone and Law has no option but to accept the growing number of people who seem to be drawn into Luffy's orbit and who decide to accompany them on the journey
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I saw this on instagram and I was excited to try it out, and since I'm more active here I post it here.
Search "your name" fantasy dress, "your name" fantasy crown, "your name" fantasy weapon, "your name" fantasy castle.
Unfortunately there is getting harder to find non AI art on Pinterest.
Anyhow here is mine: (the dress and crown I like, but I have no idea what are these weapons, and the castle is lovely)
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NPT: @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @metalatl @firstofficerwiggles @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @moonlightwarriorqueen and anyone who wants to try it 💖💖
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The wind picks up without warning, whipping through Arlong Park hard enough to toss the rubble around. It shoves clouds unceremoniously out of the way, unveils the sun so it’s full heat is pounding down on Luffy’s head and shoulders. The light sears into Arlong’s eyes, blinds and burns him. He snarls.
Luffy snarls back.
“Nami doesn’t belong to anyone!” He says, and when Arlong lunges for him Luffy dodges fast, so fast, so fast with his blood pounding through him hot and buzzing. His pulse is heavy in his throat. His whole body feels warmed and primed and battle-ready, heated to boiling by the light of the sun. His next punch sends Arlong crashing right back into the rubble. This time he only lays there, wheezing.
“Nami will be free!” Luffy declares. He says it with his whole chest, says it loud so it will be heard even over Arlong’s choking, stands tall in the sunlight and announces it for all the world to know. It rises in him bright and bubbling and spills forth in a great big belly-laugh. “She — shishishi! N-Nami will — she — sh-she will…”
Oh. Oh! Something is happening!
“Nami will sail to the farthest corners of the world and discover the hidden places. She will tame the wind and tether the waves and leash the storm to fill her sails and never fear the devouring sea. She will chase the horizon until it circles back around again, and she will always find her way home. Nami will be free. And you, Arlong — you will be a childhood nightmare, and nothing more.”
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byghostface · 1 month
Damian, looking at Nika: Look at her. I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss?
Always love the good references to The Addams Family movie! I loveee that fun movie!!♥️
I heard that in some translations (Brazil, so in Portuguese I think?), they had translated Flatline's alias as Morticia and I really love that for her⚰️🥀🖤
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skijumpingf1 · 2 months
Fis is doing a q&a with Nika Prevc. She just won the overall world cup at 19 (!!!). Half of the questions involve her brothers. I hate this world sometimes
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lucespeaks · 2 months
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save kk from this gay person QUICKLY
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theshaddowedsnow · 1 year
The absolute best way for a Billy Batson identity reveal to happen is if he somehow, hilariously, befriends Flatline, who introduces her new friend to her boyfriend Damian, who decides they're also friend and introduces him to Jon, who then introduces him to his dad, and so on and so on until the entirety of the Justice League has met Billy EXCEPT for Captain Marvel and can never get them into the same room together
It takes two months of trying to arrange for Captain Marvel to meet Billy before they figure it out.
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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haha therapy AU
#suletta mercury#miorine rembran#nika nanaura#chuatury panlunch#g witch#the witch from mercury#my art#tw blood#no because what the fuck#i am personally sending them to therapy#kinda modern AU and asticassia is like a psychiatric home#suletta has obvious high functioning anxiety and is schizophrenic#aerial and prospera are two of her more common hallucinations and voices she hears#both will never appear at the same time and depending on who is out atm dictates how comfortable suletta is with speaking#when (the few times) neither of them are there suletta will be on constant edge and more jumpy than usual (which says a lot)#also idk in here elnora and prospera are two separate identities#mio has moderately severe depression and ptsd cough ep12 cough#seeing clusters of red or red objects scattered around would send her into a massive panic#she put down playing the piano but still enjoys gardening and has a few plants that are easy to take care of in her room#slowly she expands to the home's indoor garden and practically owns it and the staff are just happy to let her do her thing#(not before relocating all the red flowers to a far away area lmao)#chuchu just goes in and out for anger management sessions lol#nika is a volunteer that helps around#still working out some stuff#sulemio will bump into each other and heal together like the homies they are and fall in love#there will probably definitely be more of this nonsense stay tuned i have no idea what happens either#i just want to put them in a safe place from bullshit to heal#they are so#also im laughing cause this reminded me of my dead wr hospital AU#anyway i hit the 30 tag limit so bye
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