nico-ith · 1 year
What We Must do to Face Danger
People in his town laughed at him. They threw rocks at him. He felt their anger towards him and his family searing his memories. While he can’t remember their faces, he can surely remember their hatred and hostility. The boy rose from his knees, wiping blood from his face, and stood proudly declaring: “I’ll be back when you least expect it. And hell? Hell’s coming with me! You’ll regret shaming me!” 
“Blasted boy! You know nothing of what happened, what you did. You ain’t welcome here no more, boy! Get the hell outta my town!” The head leader of the village yelled.
The little boy walked out of the village, holding his arms, and his head held high. He could feel the sneering faces on his back. The villagers continued to throw things at the boy; rocks, rotten fruits and vegetables, stinking poop and still warm pee was thrown on him. His wounds were bound to get infected, but that was a problem for the future, boy. 
By the time the boy had found a place that was safe enough, he was dehydrated and yearning for the taste and smell of anything else other than pee and rotting fruits. The stench of himself made him physically retch. Soon the boy collapsed on the cold, hard ground from exhaustion and the multiple cuts on his body had gotten infected because he hadn’t taken care of them. They were bleeding and puss spewed out of them. He was in horrendous shape. No one would ever look at him with love in their eyes, nor anything but disgust. But soon he found that was different for some. The perfect mother and father took him and looked after. Every thing was perfect again. He had found peace, and he would not let the voices of his tormentors keep him from living a happy life. 
He ended up going to the town at the bottom of the valley. It was summer, and the sun scorched his already beaten up skin. He didn’t feel it anymore. The pain was just a minor sting at this point. His tears of sorrow dried as the day he escaped this place. He just wanted to get this done and over with. Burn the town to the ground to escape the voices. That was all he wanted. He was grown up. He knew what needed to happen and how to make it a reality. 
So he went into the village as the twilight hours had just happen upon the valley. Everything was quiet. There were a few bird calls here and there. And the village’s black magic “Priestess” was out and enjoying a keg of ale. It was beyond expire, but she sat there happily drinking away, getting drunk off of the alcohol and sorrows of the people she snatched lives from. The boy, now a man, was boiling with rage at this sight. He grabbed a hold of his gun and pulled it out of the holster. He loaded the gun, he could barely hear the click of the gun getting ready to be pulled, the ringing in his ears made it impossible to think clearly. He could only feel rage and the urge to pull the trigger and watch her head explode. But he couldn’t. He lowered the gun away from her head and unloaded it. And he returned it to its polished holster. He would kill her a bit later. Now was the time to set fire to the village. He would deal with the stragglers and people still alive. 
After he has poured gasoline on every house in that valley town, he ran through and threw several lighters on each puddle. The lighters made a splish sound every time they fell into the puddles of gasoline. Then the fire caught onto the buildings. Every single person in that village was going to be burnt alive tonight. They were going to suffer as he had for many years. They were going to feel his pain. 
He went to where the priestess was sitting still to get drunk and being happy. He walked right behind her and grabbed the back of her neck and dragged her to the tree in the middle of the town. There was a rope already ready to hang the so-called priestess on the tree. She was screaming and kicking and punching the air in meaningless protest that wouldn’t help with her escape. When they finally get to the tree, everything was burning. The village was long gone. The people were dead by the time the fire reached the front of the house. The man looked at the lady, who had collapsed and was crying.
“Well, priestess,” the man said with venom. “This is the end for you. I’ll tell the Devil to keep your soul longer than anyone else's.” The woman just cried in return. 
He pulled her up and made her stand on a stump of a much smaller tree and tugged the noose ‘round her neck. The stump she was balancing on was quite loose and unstable. All it would take for the noose to tighten was a slight kick, and she would be dead. 
“Goodbye Magdalina, let you die a painful death.” The man said as he kicked the stump. and all she saw was black.
The man watched the town burn to ashes and then left. He never returned, and he got his revenge. 
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bwoahtastic · 1 month
I really loved the Seb and Nico as siblings dynamic you had in another verse, so what about that for the bridgerton au? A bit like Kate and Edwina? You have Seb as the diamond younger sister, pretty and bubbly and adored by all. And Nico is the older, beautiful but very icy sister that everyone is afraid of. Their finances are low, maybe they have no other family at all, and Nico knows that the only way he will be able to see Seb safe and happy is by finding him an appropriate husband. He is determined to protect Seb as he helps him find love, but can be a little overprotective at times. While Seb is loving the attention and adoration of the ton, Nico finds himself drawn to another alpha, maybe Lewis or Jenson, young rakish lords who flirt and are in no way appropriate for Seb (of course Nico always believes that anyone who approaches him is doing it to try and get to Seb) or even Toto, an extremely wealthy widower who still needs an heir. Nico feels incredibly selfish speaking to these alphas because he's here to find Seb a good alpha, not himself, but he can't help but want.
Meanwhile Seb is having the time of his life flirting with all of the alphas. He is adored and given gifts and gets to dance every dance at every ball. He has suitors lining up around the block and is the most desired omega in town. Maybe he tries to matchmake for Nico when he realises what's going on
Oh plss I love it!!
Nico and Seb being without any family, and Nico knows hr needs to find Seb a good husband to make sure he will have a good future. They still have their title, but they barely have enough funds for the season + a dowry for seb. Nico is so worried but tries not to have Seb realise, tries to set him up for success. Nico being so beautiful but so so cold, while Seb is a Ray of sunshine, so sweet and pretty and has the whole ton wrapped around his little finger!
Maybe Nico falls for Toto? Toto is a widower and vowed to never wed again, but the two dancing together saves them both from other attention so it happens frequently. Seb meanwhile basking in athe attention of any suitors and Nico is so hopeful that seb will find his happy ending! But meanwhile he is finding himself falling in love too, ith the person he least expected and who he knows will not reciprocate his feelings...
Seb seeing hos brother pining away so so much and tries to help! Clearly toto adores Nico just as much, they just need to get their shit together!
(Also Seb ending up with Jenson and Nico isnso exasperated cos they are so annoying together ksksk)
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deithe · 4 years
this isnt 2011 if you're still shipping percico...please Stop Doing That. it is Bad.
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incrediblysincere · 4 years
do u ever get the urge to destroy relationships u currently have that are good and rekindle old relationships that went sour because you are currently.cazy insane
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daily-nicotine · 6 years
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klanceisviolet · 6 years
im fucling dead why cant people undetstand that me being trans is a thing i dont wanna tall abt???like??????? im extra sensitive???????????? my fuckign friend went "im not ur puncjing ball" when i told him (he's is trans too????) that i didnt want to talk abt this and i wa super happy bc i just got home from an awesome play???? im sorry i need to vent but bitch??? he only wanted to joke but he knows v wrll i hate my deadname and i hate talking abt this and i hate bc it makes me remzmber all the hard times i went through abt this and i thought he understood but apparently not??? im sorry to vent like that but im so mad my mood dropped down in a sec
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janus-cadet · 3 years
Your art is BEAUTIFUL and I am a simple person with the simple need of a Nico Flores in your style (if you don’t want to, consider this a free space to do whatever you want!)
That ask has been here forever :O I'm sorry for not answering it sooner. And, actually, I did not draw Nico- but I will, once we get to know him better. I already like him, but it's hard for me to draw a person without much vision on their personality :)
Sooo I did took this for a free space ! And I draw a side that really grew on me over time, and steadily became one of my two favorites-
Our favorite nerd, Logan.
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And yes ! I made a t a r o t card- I wanted to play on the constant Orange Side teasing (a little late, I agree, it's been forver since i last drew something for Sanders Sides) and it was the first idea that came to me. That, and also, I love designing card, and especially tarot card.
So ! I chose the Hermit. I don't think it's the best card to describe Logan (for a while I thought about the Chariot), but that's the one that inspired me the most.
Upright, the Hermit card is a sign of contemplation, search for truth (especially about oneself), inner guidance, and teaching- which is quite close to Logan's role on the serie. It does not encompass it all, but it's a beginning.
Reversed, the Hermit speaks for loneliness, isolation, and mostly : losing your way. It means the knowledges you have on yourself are shaken and challenged.
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Sooo, that's it, I'm done with this post- I may reblog it later, <ith a Nico drawing. Who knows ! Hope you like it, even if it was not what you were waiting for.
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ursie · 2 years
Will hcs?
Ooo boy hmm :
Adhd/Autistic king
I think his fatal flaw is being over bearing to various degrees-I think he has an issue w projection (this isn’t a criticism character flaws r good)
Obv that is something he needs to work on but being the camp medic and head of his cabin allow him to lean into it a lot and it’s not until he enters his relationship with Nico and is expected and forced to reflect on that does he actively start like. Working on it
Into q country/folk music and classic rock-he and Nico really bond over music taste
If you are vaguely punk/goth/ect and vaguely androgynous he’s a little in love with you. It’s 1 half gender envy he can’t pull off and 1 half he has a type
Lego kid buys those huge sets and builds and glued them and everything
Shit at video games hand eye coordination just is not his strong suit
Coordination in general is not his strong suit he’s generally clumsy until he’s carrying people in the middle of a battlefield in which case it’s like his body forgot he’s clumsy and he starts rolling d20s on dexterity the whole time
Cannot sing super well, has a good voice for country music but just doesn’t have the patience (or ear) to work on it. Does play the guitar well enough though
Finally some hick skater representation
King of the tee shirt/flannel combo
I’m sorry but I just know I’m my heart he’s a mcu gay 😔 if there’s a basic fandom gay..its him 😔 like you just know he had a crush on Ke/ith from vld
Everyone makes him a health freak in fics but I for one think he’s a hypocrite who says that but then only eats potato chips from the snack machine until someone physically drags him to the campfire
Just. Genuinely awful handwriting it’s not the dyslexia or adhd it’s genuinely the worst handwriting in camp to which he neither hears the end of or cares 😭
I think he’s besties w Drew because personally I think that’s funny 💕
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anamakara · 4 years
Day 3 : Your Arribal
The librarian was alone, Hisoka went with his family and Margarita gets loose ,the ram only wanted to enter without knowing that Nic' was still in the entrance , trying to calm himself.
He didn't know what to do
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"Do i have to wait here until Aurelia come ? " "Do i have to past and see if Ranze is in there??" "What if i...i...*sniff*"
Asked to himself,
Luckily, certain french filmmaker was floating around.
Nicolás known that Morty was helping Aurelia with the dress because she explaing to him once, so he wiped away his tears and ask to the blue gosht.
Morty: oh bonjour dear Nicolás , is everything okey ? , You looks a little pale.
Nicolás: o-Oh is nothing don't worry is only that.....uhm....can i ask you something?
Morty: Oui ?
Nicolás: c-can i go to the studio w-ith you t-to s-see Aurelia?
Morty: uhm....all right! But you Will be the only one, come with me.
Nicolás: o-okey Thank you Mr.Morty.
Then the two gosht floating to the floor 8, Nicolás was stills a little nervious and he didn't know why...but he start to feel a cold pain, he didn't pay much attention and keep going until they arrive to the place.
Morty: and we are here, my sweet Paranormal Productions hehe *smiles to the fatty*
Nicolás: *shaking a little nervious* h-hehe
Morty: *touch his shoulder* don't worry Nic', Aurelia is in the dressing room, mabey you will feel better if you see her in that beautiful dress.
Nicolás: o.o !
The nervious starts to drown for the destire that Nico had for see her little sister in the Wedding dress.
He gently knocks the door and slowly opens It
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When he Saw Aurelia , the nervious was completetly dessapeared ,he didn't have words, he was so Happy for see her so beautiful in that dress.
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He couldn't help to cry again, but this time It was for happynest.
Lethal Love Wedding event is from
@steenastudio and @ranze
Also sorry for not sended the other day-
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boiledgattorade · 7 years
I just found out anti/ solangelo is a thing and I am so confused
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nico-ith · 9 months
YO YO YO!!!!
sorry that I’m puttin’ my southern accent for this. Can’t stop it now, as I’m writin’ this I can hear ma self speakin’ southern. I’m stuck help me.
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nicolinocolino · 4 years
I love the fact that people are now reanalyzing old scenes of Martino and Niccolo in season 2 after we learned about his relationship ith Luai in the past and seeing how the past might have impacted some of his decisions and choices with Martino, but it doesn't invalidate any of Nico's feelings towards Martino either! He clearly cared for Luai of course but you can tell he also didn't want to make the same mistakes that he did in the past with Marti, making all those past scenes sad but richer!
Totally agree. It was also probably... scary for Nico to have feelings for a guy again? If anything, his past validates his feelings for Martino! He knew some of the possible struggles ahead and chose him anyway, despite also having the chance to say fuck it, ignore those feelings, and continue dating Maddalena (or another girl). Love isn’t finite, and just because Nico had feelings for people in the past doesn’t mean he has any less love to give to Martino 💛
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so-long-londonn · 3 years
RULES- CH 1 of Characters from Random Fandoms React
SO! I know no one wants another one of these but I thought it would be fun :)
Here are the rules!
The characters are:
From Hamilton, we have the Schuyler Sisters, the Hamilsquad, King George, Washingdad, SMFDR, and Maria.
From PJO/HOO, we have the 7, Nico, Will, Reyna, and Thalia.
From HP, we have the Golden Trio, Neville, Luna, Ginny, and Draco.
From ITH, we have Usnavi, Vanessa, Nina, Benny, Sonny, Daniela, and Carla.
You can make your question/dare/reaction for one person, a few people, everyone from one fandom (ex. Hamilton), or everyone.
Basically, you can submit a question (so like a truth in truth or dare), a dare, or a reaction (to a ship or a song). IT ALL NEEDS TO BE PG, if you submit anything inappropriate, I will not use it.  Just send me whatever you want me to use in a PM or comment.
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crispyninjadonut · 7 years
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Today's first daily doodle is Nico
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wzndrful · 4 years
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࿐ ˚ . ✦ MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL, CISMALE, HE/HIM — wait, is that NICHOLAS ‘NICO’ RHODES walking the halls? the NINETEEN year old SENIOR is normally seen hanging with the THE STONERS, which makes sense because they’re so -ALOOF & -RECKLESS, but surprisingly +CANDID & +DEXTEROUS. maybe that’s why they were voted MOST LIKELY TO GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING.
i   :   trivia.
name  :  nicholas rhodes. nicknames  :  nico; nick. label  :  the black sheep. date of birth  :  november 14th, 2000. astral chart  :  scorpio sun, pisces moon & capricorn rising.
ii   :   personality.
when you think of nicholas rhodes, otherwise nico, most people would recall him by the fact he got held back a year, making him the eldest of the seniors.
but when looking closely at him, you'd see that not many people actually know him, but the thing is, nico doesn't even know himself, and for that matter, he's rather in the dark about that.
however, he displays a very aloof personality, with the way he carries himself, people often would think he wants to distance himself from them, especially with how cool-tempered he seems to be.
with his aloof persona, nico is quite closed off from everyone around him, or in general, the world.
occasionally liking to be on his own and his thoughts, and will also push people away as a result, yet he doesn't like to feel lonely - although that is something he tends to bring upon himself. 
without realizing, nico can be fairly rude to others, but he never means it. that can also be because he doesn't consider himself sociable, and much prefers quiet company of others, especially by sharing a joint and just chilling somewhere that isn’t crowded.
however, he can be very friendly... when he wants to be.
iii   :   background.
nico has quite a hard home life with his family, they made him out the secluded person he currently is whereas previously, you would be able to catch sight of him at the big parties and even interact with him easily.
he wasn't always seen hanging out with the stoners, surprisingly enough, he used to actually be part of the athletes due to how he took part in the basketball team.
his family used to be middle class, with two working parents and a sweet younger sister... that all changed too quickly after his grandfather had passed away during the end of his sophomore year, leaving them a great amount of inheritance. great enough to have them move to upper class.
nico witnessed his family change with how the money quickly rolled into their scene - and it was a change for the worst.
his parents required more of him, his father wanting him to be more sociable with others and to be the 'perfect' son that would befit the new image they wanted to stage. nico hadn't agreed with that, because he wanted to be continue being the way he was - as aloof and relaxed as ever, and not the 'golden kid' mask he watched his sister put on like their parents wanted.
the pressure made him fallout - his life falling into shambles, ditching school suddenly became the norm, taking a liking to drugs, and even stop hanging out with his usual group.
due to him becoming a so claimed mess and, as his parents would constantly call him, the epitome of a disappointment, that resulted in him being kicked out of the basketball team.
with the way he continued until the end of his school year, or at least that's what it was supposed to be, he ended up being held back due to the little amount of work he would do in class and low credits he would have in return.
but currently in his second attempt at senior year, nico is taking part more in school activities. despite him hanging out with the stoners and maintaining the habit of ditching some classes, he took up photography due to how he likes how he can captivate life through his own eyes, or rather the eyes of the camera, and even his own feelings in a way. and as a result of taking that up, he eventually decided to become the photographer of sanlow gazette, but with also in mind that he could gain some extra credits and pass the year this time (for real).
outside school and his drab home life, nico works in a auto-body shop. he takes the role of mechanic given how dexterous he is. his boss shows to have a really good relationship with nico, so much the male views the man as his father figure compared to his own dad. nico spends most of his time in the shop given he wants to save up as much money as he can to be able to move out of his parents' home, so he can move to the city. but other than that goal he has in mind, nico doesn't fully know what to do with his life for the future.
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lazygeisha · 5 years
I may or may not have just spent 45 minutes cutting down Grey’s Anatomy ep15x12 into separate Nico/Levi videos so that I could watch them on my iThing whenever I want, because that may be considered a questionable use of my time. I’M not questioning it, but ya know, other people might.
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