#new moon eclipse
seafoamreadings · 2 months
new moon SOLAR ECLIPSE (19 aries, on chiron)
of course, this is a major news topic for astrologers and casual observers alike. the event itself is still several hours off, but you probably start feeling it about now, or have been feeling it a bit already if you are sensitive to the relevant energies. what you won't see if you observe the eclipse with your fancy glasses is the chiron involvement, but if you're feeling a bit glum, painful, etc it is likely connected to that. chiron is a long ache but also brings about healing, so try not to fret too much about the changes it'll bring.
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iamphatvenus · 2 months
Eclipse Vibes
ALL 12 SIGNS. Read for your rising sign or just the sign/s you feel the most like. If you don't know your rising sign then I guessssss you can use your Sun.
First of all, drink some water and have a good day ON PURPOSE.
Aries: Well, aren’t you a lucky individual? The planets have aligned in your favor. Make a wish! Feel like you are HIM/HER. This is the time to step into the energy of who you KNOW you are, who God said you are. Let’s check back in 6 months to celebrate again during Libra season 🕺🏾.
Taurus: You've probably been having crazy, prophetic dreams. All of us definitely should rest, but you especially. One thing about a Taurus: they get to the money. You might be renewing your faith or diving deep into your spiritual practice. God sees you and hears you; lay all your troubles at the altar.
Gemini: Okay, Hollywood. If you get some money, let me hold a dollar! Lol, just kidding. You might find a new friend group during this time. It's a great time to make your voice/ideas heard by a large group of people, especially over the next 6 months. If you haven’t started that idea yet, DO IT!
Cancer: Are multiple things that you’ve been working on coming into fruition at the same time? That’s kinda cool asf. Congrats! You're definitely receiving some type of well-deserved recognition. Or, you know, it could also be a scandal (stay dangerous 😭). The people around you definitely see you as a trailblazer at this time. If you do start something new, it will gain you recognition by Libra season. If the attention you’re getting is unfortunately negative, feel your emotions, but just go lay down. For whatever reason, all eyes are on you, and people probably already think you’re a hothead. You’ve obviously grown; don’t let anyone put you back in a mold you already broke!
Leo: Where are we going 👀? I’m so, so, so, so proud of you. I think by now acceptance letters for college have come out or are still coming out. So, congratulations to all my Leos who are pursuing higher education. If you have any cases open, they most likely will be ruled in your favor! For me personally, I know for a FACT that all my faith has been restored. I don’t question a damn thing. Wishing you the same peace. These last 12 months definitely felt like a pilgrimage. Hugs 🫂. Plus, you’re a Leo; like, of course they're mad! Nothing can turn your shine off. I’m sorry to myself for dimming my light because it would NEVER be dim enough for someone bothered by it!
VIRGOAT: Hey, Virgo. Mercury Retrograde is probably whooping your ass right now. Probably to tell you to stop getting angry about delays. For a long time, you let anger drive you to make mooney. That’s totally fine, but uhm, you’re probably burnt out. As someone who had to slowly get out of burnout, you do NOT want your body to sit you down, because then your busy-body self will really be sad. I had to remind you that you are indeed the GOAT. You were born worthy, and you proved yourself a long time ago. Look over all that you’ve overcome and be proud instead of feeling like it’s not good enough. You’re kinda scaring the hoes. We are overall, as a collective, going through a very transformative time. If you are feeling blocked, write down all your ideas. I know you have a lot of ideas. A good astrologer would tell you to be mindful of what you owe right now; check those statements, etc. I know you’re strategic asf, but emotions and love shouldn’t be controlled; these are things you have to let flow.
Libra: Hi, my pretty. There's a lot of energy going on in your 7th house right now. Aries season reminds us to put ourselves first, guilt-free, thank you very much. A lot of people are probably pulling on your energy. I’m not saying ignore them, but definitely communicate your needs, and if they aren’t hearing you or can’t meet them, on the back burner they go! I’m sure these last 6 months taught you all about the negative effects of people-pleasing/pouring from an empty cup though. On the flip side, if you’re open to new love or new business ventures, now is also a time to seize them in an assertive, confident way.
Scorpio: You’re another one that needs to practice self-care. We get it, you’re a Martian, always working, striving, and winning. Win yourself some rest. Strategize those self-care routines. There's really so much energy happening in everyone’s chart in the sign of Aries, I really think we should just lay down for a bit. A new self-care routine would definitely take you out of a rut, and most likely is the thing you’ve been missing. We’ve all (if you’ve been doing “the work”) changed quite a bit since the eclipses were happening in your sign/sister sign. You've become a brand new person. That took A LOT of energy. Look into dance maybe as a way to release all that… energy and also feel really good. People call on you because they KNOW you will get the job done; who do you get the call on, though? You are way more than what you do for others. Rest and don’t feel guilty about it either, I don’t care.
Sagittarius: If you’re engaging in intimate activities today and don’t want a new addition to your family, please use protection. For my singles and those not feeling as creative: I hope you fall back in love with your art and reopen your heart to love and romance.
Capricorn: It's time for some home reco; move some things around to bring in new energy or just better feng shui in the house. Burning incense or a candle for whatever intention you have for your home or future one would be the vibe today.
Aquarius: If you are traveling, safe travels. You were never one to shy away from a tough conversation or telling people how it is. Maybe watch your tone though. Your mom might announce you have a new sibling; I know, right? Like, she's too grown for that, lmao. But anyways, congrats on that. Let your words nourish those around you; you might see a surprise.
Pisces: Last but certainly not least. I hope you find some new ways to earn money. Check your notes app; you probably have a good idea or two in there. If you need some realignment of remembering your worth, I’d listen to a really good playlist, one that’s very affirmative or just reminds you of who you are. (Think Yea Glo, by Glorilla) New moons are a good time to visualize and plan how you want the month to go. Definitely go over your budget sometime this week; you might realize you have more money to spend on self-care than you thought. Maybe get yourself a little treat and indulge just a teeny, weenie bit.
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siderealmaven · 8 months
The best way to prepare for an eclipse is to take a nap. And on the day of, you should also take a nap. And the day after an eclipse, it’s best that you take another nap, for good measure.
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ameoamour · 2 months
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like-wuatafauq · 2 years
"AsTroLoGy iSn't ReAL ManiFestinG iSnt ReaL" oh yeah? Why did my ex finally move out during a new moon eclipse???
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j-k-i-ng · 2 months
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“Eclipse Season”🌙🌘🌖 by | Cody Conk
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homodotus · 5 months
hey me and my girlfriend saw you from across the parking lot and we really fucking hate your vibe. i’m going to hit you with my mercedes
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annelolit444 · 3 months
me posting my misery on my girl blog
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edwardsdeathcabcd · 7 months
what makes me actually boil with rage is the way it’s framed as though jacob & the cullens have an even rivalry and like, he hates them just as much as they hate him, but like… jacob is a lower class kid who lives on the rez, the cullens live in a plantation home on private property. jacob calling alice a leech is an insult, but alice calling him a mongrel calls into power and privilege, ya know. like am i supposed to honestly think jake making blonde jokes to rosalie (which is certainly sexist and uncalled for) is on the same level as her serving him food in a dog dish? him seeing the cullens as bloodsuckers and murderers is just like, incorrect and unfair, but them seeing him as uncivilized and over-aggressive has implications deeply rooted in the oppression of his people
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glade-constellation · 5 months
“New year, new me!” NO, FNAF DAYCARE ATTENDANTS ☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙 ☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙 ☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙 ☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙☀️🌙
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I can’t talk right now, my show about vampires with personality disorders is on
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seafoamreadings · 8 months
new moon SOLAR ECLIPSE 21 libra
normally new moons are times to set intentions. you will see a lot of warnings against this during an eclipse. the reason is that the energy is extremely volatile. this much is true. however, i posit that sometimes you only know what you want, you don't know how to get there or how much better it could be than that. letting go of control so chaos can take over can prove beneficial, but it is not for the faint of heart. if you are afraid, don't set intentions, but do be aware the universe might set some for you!
either way be careful to regulate your nerves, care for your skin, and because libra rules the skin and kidneys especially, hydrate as well as possible.
not everyone is as prepared as you so interactions may be fraught. try to proceed with patience and compassionn.
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drawer-of-socks · 1 year
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*yeets this at you and crawls back to bed*
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venomous-qwille · 5 months
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Not me completely incapable of remembering what magma art I've uploaded lately. Some of this is from last night, some of this is a little bit older ^^. It's my guys, my boys, my dudes and cosmic entities from GITM AU! With a guest appearance from @chknbzkt's lovely GITM Creature AU design for fool (I love it so much dude, I'm coming for the others too).
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ameoamour · 2 years
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New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, with Scarlett Johansson who has the moon in Scorpio in her natal chart AND is born the day of a new moon eclipse !
"I find beauty in unusual things, like hanging your head out the window or sitting on a fire escape."
"It's important not to lose who you are in a relationship just because it's nice to cuddle with somebody."
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mulatto-macchiato · 2 months
made this real quick like.
I've never drawn Noon before and it shows.
Bryce Tankthrust (audio) -> Brandon Rogers [YouTube]
GITM -> venomous-qwille
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