#need a tattoo that just says 'don't forget your text tag'
fooltofancy · 2 years
we have colors! not as bad as i was a lil afraid of based on the bruising around my fingers, but that was just a compression issue. we also don't get to look at The Thing for more than like three seconds because apparently in the last ten years stitches make me wanna pass out.
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
pov: Sero starts to remember everything
genre: fluff/ angst
Synopsis: What kind of reverse amnesia is it that Sero loses some of his memories but remembers dating you which never happened?
Well, I have called you darlin' and I'll say it again, again
-Danielle Bradbery & PUBLIC
tags: @shijjii @bl--ankhaeji @comehome2myheart @mattesatoruuu
thanks for the reblog: @porflenet @charlie-xo @bolinbxby @anizxy @palescissorsroadhands @stuckoutsideofthebox
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Ever since that first kiss between you and Hanta, a switch has been flipped. Or an engine is in full throttle. The hand holding that used to be discreet as possible. And now, he doesn't even bother hiding it, instead he makes a show of kissing your hands nonchantly that had Bakugou roll his eyes as a greeting every time he sees you and Hanta together.
There's also the frequent sneaking kisses whenever he gets the chance. Like now for example, you and Hanta are studying in the library. You were trying to study while he was just staring at you adoringly. You try to ignore it, pointedly sifting through the pages of your text book but the burning feeling persisted. You glanced up at Sero sitting beside you, his head leaning on his hand while his left hand is inching closer to your right hand.
"Hanta, I'm trying to study."
His grin widened because you're now paying attention to him. "Hey, let's go get a book." He took your arm, pulling you behind the lines of bookshelves.
"Why do you need me to go with you to get a book?"
"Just because."
"Really. I'm just glad you're interested in studying."
"... sorry, I lied."
"Seriously. I should've known."
"I know," he said, turning to you. "Next time, I'll just say, 'cariño, follow me to an inconspicuous corner behind the bookshelves, I want to kiss you.' "
The shot of warmth on your cheeks had you gape at him. He loves catching you off guard.
You pushed your hands deep in your pockets, so he puts his hand on your elbows. "Next time," he said, "I'll just say, 'cariño, let's find an empty classroom, I'm going to lose my mind if I don't kiss you.' "
You didn't move as he brings his hands to touch your reddened cheeks.
"I'll just say, 'cariño, meet me behind the school building...' "
Hanta laid his thumb on your lips to see if you'd pull away. You didn't. He leaned in. Your lips were soft and warm and he could feel the pulse in your cheek. You were nervous. It steadied him to feel you trembling.
He pulled away before he wanted to. He hadn't done this enough to know how to breathe.
When he pulled away, your eyes were mostly closed. The dust particles sparkled in sunlight, gracing the moment. He wanted to sear this memory, tattoo this in his mind so that the next time he gets hit in the head, he might as well forget his name except you.
Your face dropped after a second, and he let his hands fall to your wrists, pulling out your hands from your pockets so he can lace them with his.
"Okay?" he whispered.
You nodded. He pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head. He tried to find your ear under your hair.
"Cariño," he said. "There's this book ..."
You laughed. He leans in.
Sweet bliss.
Hanta was making a lot of progress. His memory was returning to him rapidly and you should have been happy about it. But for some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy. You knew you had to break up with him.
"You can't walk me home," you said with an unusual edge.
"Oh..." His flummoxed expression was only for a moment. "But I can walk you partway."
"Come on," he starts to grab your hand but you put your hands in your pocket, deliberately avoiding his touch that he's starting to get really confused now. "What did I do to make you mad?"
"Nothing." You said firmly. "You didn't do anything wrong. I'm not mad." I'm scared.
"Prove it." His sweet umber eyes daring you. Your silence gave him the wrong answer. "See? Tell me what's wrong, mi amor."
You took a deep breath. "I think... we need some space."
“Why?” He demanded, sounding shell shocked. “Why are you randomly asking me for space now? Is it because I can’t remember? If it is then just wait a little longer, all of my memories are coming back.”
“Of course it’s not because you can’t remember.” It’s because you’re beginning to remember. “Hanta, I need space because we both need to focus on the training camp.”
"Wait so you're telling me that we need to break up for the training camp? You’re not being serious, are you?”
“I’m really sorry.”
You tried hard to remember the first time you saw Sero. Because you could remember, on the first day, he was just some dude who has weird looking elbows due to his quirk. That he had dark hair and dark eyes. And a manic grin that would creep anybody if you met him in an alley.
No, you hadn't exactly thought of that. You'd thought that...
It was bad that his eyes aren't as black as his hair, but rather just a dark shade of brown, which is umber. That his manic grin isn't manic at all, but soft, and silly, and just crooked in the way it roused the butterflies in your stomach. That his quirk wasn't as flashy as Todoroki's nor Bakugou's but the way he uses his tapes to swing or incapacitate an Earth Beast had you admiring his cool headedness.
It was bad because it all drove the point that you were undeniably liking Sero. After you and him broke up, it was difficult to see him in a daily basis, especially how unaffected he was. Him sitting next to Jiro during the meal, although you know there wasn't anything going on between them, had you feeling green. You couldn't help but put on a sour face. Accidentally, your eyes met his. You turned away.
You had been told by Mina that all of Sero's memories had returned soon after the break up and she had thanked you for helping her friend. You were so lost in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed the hand that was about to grab you. You only noticed it when you were pulled behind the grove of trees by the forest's dirth path, a scream reflexively leaving your throat. You looked up to see the very same umber eyes haunting you in every wake and dreams.
“So we're back to Sero?” He looks at you stoically, tucking his hands into his pockets. He does so to keep the urge of holding your hand at bay. “No surprise there since we broke up."
“No,” he cut you off, his voice full of sarcastic derision. “I mean – you needed to concentrate on the training camp, sure.”
He gave you no opportunity to explain.
"Why? Why did you pretend to go out with me?" He gripped your shoulders before letting go. He walked away from you, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "It's been driving me crazy! I can't think of a single reason for someone who didn't even know me all that well to agree to fake date me. There’s no real reason for you to do what you did. "
"Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari asked me to help bring your memories back," you say quietly, watching his pacing back. He stopped still at your words. "I don't understand why you're acting like this."
"Because it wasn't pretend for me!" He exploded turning on his heels to face you again. He regained his composure and spoke in a much quieter voice. "It wasn't pretend."
"Of course it was," you insisted, convincing yourself that whatever feelings he had, was just the result of his brain going wonky. “We weren’t really dating, you have to know that.”
"No," he stands still, his sad eyes staring into yours. "It was real. It was my feelings." He sighed. "It was real."
Hey reader, wanna grab a book with me? 😐 i wonder if you'll hate me if I just end this whole saga with this and disappear on you.
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 13/Finale (Bucky Barnes au)
“I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time”
Soul ties playlist : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/054hHxpYJ2rIluevfSaGRK?si=w1JkdfFwTjuXZMegQd9WHw
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Waking up from your first night with Bucky was a feeling you would make sure you'd never forget. You knew he didn't get much sleep : you'd only  been to his room once, but you'd noticed the single blanket on the floor, which somehow reminded you of Steve's bed in the early years of your friendship.
"You didn't even move," you said as you woke up with his arm around you. "I feel bad I kept you in an uncomfortable position."
"Don't. I couldn't wake you up for anything in the world," he joked. "Even when you snored."
"Lord, take me out of this misery," you complained as you got up from your bed, escaping Bucky's embrace.  "You were joking, right?"
He grinned and shook his head no. Damn. You ran your brush through your hair and picked up  your phone on your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Checking your messages, you noticed a text from Steve.
"Tony dropped off some papers for you. Didn't want to wake you guys up."
Your heart jumped as you realised what papers Steve was talking about. Divorce papers. You rinsed your mouth, put on some jeans and a T-shirt before telling Bucky about the special delivery.
"All I have to do is sign them, then drop them off at Darren's," you explained. "Best case scenario : he signs them right away and I get to go back with them."
Bucky was already seated and he was getting ready to go change as well. "And worst case scenario would be...?"
"He doesn't sign them at all, and I have to go through the court system," – you sighed – "which I really don't want to."
"It's not gonna happen," he assured you. "I'm coming with you to make sure of it."
"You don't have to do that, you know?"
"I want to."
You slowly sat on his lap, wrapping your hands around his neck. "I'm a really lucky woman." You couldn't help but smile before kissing him quickly. "Okay. I gotta go read and sign those papers. If you want to make some coffee while I do so..."
"Oh, I see, already taking advantage of my soft spot for you," he said. "I didn't think-"
"So you have a soft spot for me, huh?" you teased, a nervous laugh escaping your mouth.
"Did I say that?"
"Maybe. I guess we're even, then. Soft spots for each other sounds good."
You got up and put on your shoes.
"It does," he agreed. "Alright, I gotta make some coffee now."
"I didn't think I'd see you this soon."
"Well, I'm full of surprises," you snapped at your future ex-husband as you handed him a small stack of paper. "I need you to sign this."
Darren's eyes kept going from you and Bucky to the papers. He grabbed the divorce agreement hesitantly and read the title.
"What if I don't?"
"You will."
Bucky's low and stern voice had unsettled your interlocutor so bad he opened his mouth without  saying anything.
"If you don't mind, we'll come in and make sure you sign these," you said as you made  your way through the hallway of the building. "I also have some stuff I want back."
"Fine," Darren agreed  grudgingly. "It's not like I have a choice anyway. I don't want your new pet boyfriend to attack me."
"He's not-"
"Let him," Bucky told you. "Please, let him give me an easy excuse to do it."
You held back a laugh : you knew Bucky didn't want to be involved in a meaningless fight. On the other hand, letting Darren believe this was a possibility seemed like a fun taste of payback.
"C'mon, Buck. He's not worth the trouble."
You grabbed his hand as you preceded Darren in the staircase that led to your former apartment. You took him to the bedroom you and Darren once shared ; you could see his face changing at the sight of the bed and decoration that still bore your mark.
"Are you okay?" you asked.
You got away  from the wardrobe you were about to open and walked up to him.
"No you're not. Talk to me," you said as you stroked his cheek.
"This room is filled with memories," he whispered. "Memories that are his."
"And that's all he's got," you retorted. "Memories. That's the only thing he can cling to from now on, assuming that even means something to him."
"But it means something to you, and I don't want you to erase all that," he confessed.
"Bucky... I'm not erasing anything," you promised, knowing how hard it was for him to think he was stripping someone from their memories. "Life is about learning. If I hadn't been married to him in the first place, I probably wouldn't have met you. See? Learning from past experiences is not erasing said experiences. I know you're feeling like the bad guy here, but you're not."
"He looks miserable. That's kinda my fault."
"You didn't let me blame myself for this, and I'm sure as hell not gonna let you blame yourself either."
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek before going back to the wardrobe. Grabbing a bag and filling it with your remaining clothes didn't feel as heavy as it did when you'd last been here. Your chest felt ten times lighter, and you were convinced Bucky's presence had something to do with it.
"I'm good," you said. "Those are the only things I couldn't bring last time."
You left the bedroom and found Darren sitting at the kitchen table, his pen hovering over the divorce agreement.
"Could you get done with this already?" you asked softly. "I'm kind of in a hurry."
"You're so eager to leave me, aren't you?" Darren scoffed. "I thought..."
"I thought you could make this work for us."
You let  out a long, disappointed sight. "The very  fact you think it's my job and mine only to make this marriage work is another sign of why it didn't," you pointed out. "I shouldn't have lied to you about my tattoo in the first place," you admitted, "but the way you treated me all those years was far from right."
"But I was good to you."
"No, you weren't."
Darren lowered his eyes and signed the final page. With a single hand, he slid the agreement towards you.
"Thank you," you told him. "I'm glad we could end this the nice way."
"It's really over, huh? You're just gonna leave with a guy you've known for a couple of months."
For once,  there was no animosity in his voice. He sounded resigned more than he sounded sad.
"Yes. I might not have known Bucky for long, but he treated me the way I know I deserve. I'm not sorry you couldn't be that person, because there is someone out there waiting to meet you as well."
"Yeah, maybe."
You picked up the papers and went for the door, Bucky following you.
"Goodbye, Darren."
You didn't get an answer, as you'd expected. You went down the stairs silently and dropped your bag on the backseat of the car before sitting behind the wheel. Bucky sat in the passenger's seat, unsure of what he should say.
"Thanks for coming along," you ended up saying. "I think it helped me stay calm."
Bucky squeezed your knee gently as you started the engine : his  hand didn't leave  your leg for the rest of the trip, and you'd  never been more thankful  for automatic cars.
"Surprise," Natasha told  you as she greeted you with a glass of champagne. "Steve told me the news."
"What is it we're celebrating, exactly?" you asked with a chuckle.
"Your divorce, of course! I couldn't make it to the wedding, might as well celebrate its ending."
"I'm-, oh god." Keeping things serious was impossible and the light-hearted feeling in  your chest resurfaced. You thought you'd feel more guilt over divorcing Darren, but you knew now that it was the best thing to do.
Bucky laid a hand on your waist  even though there were a few people around, and Nat handed him a glass as well. Wanda, Steve and Sam ended up drinking with you, and even Tony made an appearance. Laughing, talking and chilling with your family felt like an enormous relief after the past few weeks. Despite your surroundings, Bucky's hand couldn't seem to leave your body : your shoulder, thigh or arm or even your back... Maybe you weren't the only one who felt freed by signing those papers. You stayed up late that night, and Natasha was the last one to leave.
"Big day, huh?"
You nodded and snuggled up to Bucky on the couch. "About what you said earlier-"
"It's okay," he said. "I just...you have memories with him. I cannot pretend they don't exist, and-"
"Don't. They're not relevant," you said, cutting him off before cupping his face. "It's you and me now, Buck. Every moment in my life, every choice I ever made led me to you. So yeah, Darren and I share memories. Some of them are good. Some aren't. So what? You and I will make new ones, and that's what matters to me."
You  pressed your forehead against his and closed your eyes.
"I'm in love with you," you confessed. "I'm in love with you and I've never felt it this strong, ever, and it's scary but it's also the most exciting thing-"
His lips crashing on yours interrupted your whole speech. His hand found the skin on your waist as he laid you down on the couch and kissed you with passion, enjoying the fact that the room was all yours. He pulled back, leaving you out of breath. He got up abruptly and extended his hand, grabbing yours and putting you back on your feet. Pulling you into a tight hug, he kissed your cheek and your neck.
"I love you,"  he whispered in your ear.
"I love you too," you said. You grabbed his hand on your waist and led  him through the compound. You stopped in front of his bedroom and stood  on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his nose. "Let's go make new memories now."
the end.
this is officially it guys, soul ties is a finished story! sorry the finale took so long to be posted but i've barely had time for myself with exams coming soon. i hope this story made its way to your heart like it did mine. :)
tag list : @ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell @lizajane3 @livingonkpop @kaitieskidmore1
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes : RELOADED
Abducted in a decent hotel room. That's the summary.
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : Lurking in the Shadows
Chapter 19 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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forgive the piccrew ;-;
Vlad the Janitor
Samantha Coleman
Happy Traveler Inn - Room 240
Moscow, Russia
"Room Service!" Someone knocked at the door and something in Russian followed. Samantha assumed it's the same thing but in Russian. She carefully eyed the three men whom she knew were secretly armed. They were members of Shepherd's secret force, the one he calls "Shadow Company".
She's tired of being held hostage, she just wanted to live a normal life. And if Alex was correct, she can't believe that she chose to forget him just to get another shot at a normal life. She felt stupid. And she actually missed him. Even with all the jumbled and altered memories, her heart reacted to his presence.
The three abductors looked at her threateningly as the janitors entered. She knew she wasn't supposed to act suspicious or she's dead.
"We don't need cleaning!" One exclaimed as he shoved the janitor to the door, out of surprise the two janitors immediately grabbed mops and brooms and began fighting the abductors.
Samantha described it as a scene straight out of the movies, the trio worked together, hitting enemies until they were knocked down by severe hits in the head. They quickly disarmed and bound the abductors.
The tall janitor approached her, his eyes felt familiar but Samantha was reluctant to accept help. She eyed his name tag which said "Hello I'm VLAD"
"Thanks, Vlad?" She guessed, Vlad quickly removed his hat and face mask.
"Aw come on, Samantha. It's me!" Alex smiled, behind him, Roach and Soap stood and looked happy to see her.
Samantha's heart skipped a beat. She was right. He did go to the ends of the world for her multiple times. That meant that whatever they shared back on her memory lapses were far too significant for him. She hugged him tight and he reciprocated it quickly. She wanted to kiss him already but in their situation, it was better to keep it for later.
"Here you go, Alex." Soap tossed him the abductor's uniform as they quickly changed from janitors to bodyguards as they escorted her back to safety.
"Ghost this is Alex. The package is secure. Prepare for exfil."
"Roger that, pal." He replied as they effortlessly exited the hotel, leaving a message to Shepherd that he should not mess with them.
The elevator ride was the most awkward place for Samantha. The tension between her and Alex were reaching new heights. Their eye contacts felt more intense and small grazes from their hands felt like small jolts of electricity. Her heart raced so fast that she bit her lip.
"Thanks for saving me guys. For a second I thought you were never going to find me." She breathed as Alex slowly locked his hand on hers. She felt her cheeks warm up as his touch sent her on an ecstatic feeling. Was he really like this to her?
"You're still our priority, Samantha. Disbanded or not." Roach grinned as the elevator dinged upon reaching the Parking lot. In front of them was Price, driving the van and Ghost slowly sliding the door open.
"Welcome back, Samantha." The masked man greeted them as they entered the vehicle.
Safe House 110197
Alex somewhat expected familiarity or nostalgia from Samantha, but all she remembered was the name of the safehouse. The number combination was somewhat familiar. She felt guilty and frustrated once she stepped foot on the house, as none of the items rang something from her memory while Alex took effort in recalling everything they did during their stay there, things that Samantha didn't expect she'd do but wanted to feel all over again.
Amidst the stress of the things happening around them, Maxine and Francine were getting along as they prepared a little feast once they heard that Samantha's on the way here. Maxine cried as she hugged her best friend and Samantha couldn't help but also shed tears.
"I missed you. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She asked, those same words also came out of Alex's mouth earlier, guess she was that important to the two of them?
"I'm fine, Max. They didn't hurt me or anything. Shepherd was actually out to use me as a bargaining chip so that my Dad would help him." The room fell silent. This was what they needed to hear. Intel.
Before lunch was even served, they already gathered around the dinner table. Alex finally sat beside Samantha, and that meant Ghost was the only one without a partner.
Samantha discussed the case at hand. How Shepherd would give Nero an IP Address in exchange for blueprints of an EMP Nuke. He'll then use such machinery to combat Nero's assault as well as avenge 30,000 of his defeated troops in Afghanistan. He also has his own elite troop called Shadow Company, which were trained the same way as the 141, but they had strength in numbers.
The rest of the evening was devastating. Now that they had information on Shepherd, Price and Jack started to call in some favors and prepared for the best window to fight back. Ghost got a text from Agent Ryder of interpol that she was too late to stop the trade of funds and now Shepherd has put the remaining 141 as most wanted people. Laswell also called Price that the initial plan of creating a task force was not going to work considering they're already fugitives and they should be more careful outdoors. Everyone else looked like they saw this one coming, they already knew the risks of the things they've done and proceeded to live their lives.
Samantha caught a glimpse of Max and Roach sprinkling each other water while washing the dishes, Soap and France arguing about how the word 'whimsy' was supposed to be used in a sentence and Ghost was always on his command center. She felt that she was never gone.
"How are you holding up, Love?" Alex plopped beside her, giving her a glass of water. Samantha smiled and raised her eyebrows.
"I don't remember you calling me that." She questioned, as she noticed the faint smell of Alex that she began to admire.
"Of course you don't. That's why I'm helping you." he grinned, tucking her hair behind her ear. She giggled and inhaled once more.
"You smell good today… Are you still trying to win my heart? I thought you already did." She mused, blushing as she ran a hand across his strong inked arms. She was always scared of heavily tattooed men, but this guy was an exception to the rule.
"Well, I wore clothes from two different people today… so… but nevermind that reason. Is it working? To you…? Are you… smitten?" He wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt to be seductive and Samantha just laughed. Was it possible to fall in love with a guy whom you already love? If so, then she's all for it.
"I can't say for sure, Vlad." She teased as he quickly fished his wallet, revealing a letter inside a small ziploc container. He gave it to Samantha as she uncrumpled it and started to read the contents.
"What's this?" she asked, looking at her own writing, she started to feel scared and nervous about the letter.
"You left that note to me before you forgot me… I tried to keep it for as long as I could, to the point that I almost wanted to throw it away." he held her hand while she held the letter.
"My Dearest Alex…" She spoke softly. Her hands began to tremble as he gently tightened his grip on her, making her feel more at ease.
"...In a span of three weeks, you managed to make me feel love once again. You allowed me to realize that even after a horrible loss, I could still open my heart and feel the joy of falling in love." This was clearly her creation, she slowly turned to Alex as he smiled and nodded his head to continue.
"...I always told myself that no matter how painful it is, I'll never forget your face, your smile, your eyes and all those memories we shared together. I actually convinced myself that we were a happily married couple back in that safehouse, an illusion I made because my heart felt like it. It was a good feeling, and I want to thank you for it." She leaned on his shoulders, looked at him once more and mouthed "Sorry".
"It looked like I forgot…" tears started to well on her eyes and Alex smiled. He wasn't the crying type but his eyes were already starting to get wet.
"I can't help but think about a lot of things, one being that if we were destined to meet and not end up together, it would be better if I don't meet you at all. I'm sorry to say this but I do love you so much and I know I promised, but I think my heart couldn't carry the idea of you existing and not within my grasp. It's utterly heartbreaking." she sobbed, hot tears fell from her cheek and Alex immediately wiped them off with his thumbs as she continued reading, her voice was shaky.
"So, your office offered me a chance to alter my memories of meeting you, along with the memory that made Nero look for me. You were on a briefing and I wanted to talk to you personally, maybe feel your warmth one last time. I'd want to kiss you too, but I guess the world didn't want that to happen." She looked at Alex one more time, then their lips met, it was a small peck, their lips immediately parted upon contact. She looked back at her letter"
"So I took the offer, and by the time you read this, I'm already on my way home to resume the life I've lost. I'm sure Maxine misses me right now...
I know you'll agree to this because I feel you always want what's best for me. If our paths would cross again, I hope you'll remember me the way I remembered you before I take this operation, A good memory that's supposed to last forever.
Apologizing in advance if I don't remember you anymore.
Don't you dare forget about me,
- Samantha" Teardrops splattered across the paper as she folded it and reached for Alex's mouth, this time they went all out. Like teenagers who shared their first french kiss, sloppy, needy yet satisfying. They didn't care about their surroundings. All they both cares about was that they were within each other's grasp after a very long time.
"I guess you kept my word. You never forgot me…" She exhaled as they broke the kiss.
"It's because I can't… and I told myself that I won't." Alex replied as they kissed once again. This time, they could hear Maxine and Roach cheering in the background.
"Geez! Get a room you two!" A loud Scottish yell was heard from the distance. But despite all the noise, the two of them didn't mind.
Samantha was brushing her teeth when Alex snuck up from behind, wrapping his arms around her. She remembered how she admitted to the letter that they acted like a married couple, maybe this was always their thing for weeks. She was happy as they both swayed harmoniously, looking at the most handsome man in the world, hugging her.
"Do hmm haa hoo heemmmi hoo?" She mumbled while her hands brushed her teeth.
"We don't. But if we had one what would you think it'd be?" Alex mused, turning to her. He already knew what she meant despite it being inaudible. She spat the contents of her mouth and finished brushing her teeth before turning to him, all while still under his warm embrace.
"Have you heard of Way Back into Love?" she asked, Alex's reaction was a very wholesome smile.
"Like from that movie? Yeah." he chuckled, minty breath traveled to her nostrils.
"All I want to do is find a way back into love…" she sang softly, her singing voice made Alex smile.
"I can't make it through without a way back into love…" Alex sang or more specifically, said the words near the tune. Samantha giggled as they swayed to their little song.
"And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end" They sang together, Samantha doing it in tune while Alex sounded like he's narrating the song. They both were spinning around on the small area in front of the sink, enjoying the moments that they were together once again. Samantha wishing that she'll never get separated from Alex ever again.
Next Chapter : Undying Admiration
Notification Squad my Beloved
@enderio @whimsywispsblog @beemybee @samatedeansbroccoli @smokeywhalee @ricinbach
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 53)
"Chats, Flights & Late Night Delights"
I still can't tag:
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Colson is immovable in the back of the uber. The driver waits patiently while Luna calls Benny. She can't lift Colson sober, let alone walk them while they're both drunk.
Benny comes to save the day, helping Luna and Colson inside and the upstairs. He drops a drunken Colson on the bed to Luna's grateful, slurred Thank Yous.
Colson knocks out again once he hits the bed. She pulls both their clothes off before falling hard next to him. Drunk and tired, she passes out quickly.
They sleep late. Colson waking before Luna. He slips out of bed and into the bathroom for a morning piss. Walking out of the bathroom, Luna's naked body in bed catches his eye.
She's so fucking beautiful...." He thinks to himself. "Fuck, I don't remember coming home last night..." Knowing he has to fly out today... "I'll book a later flight and let her sleep for a bit..." He decides. Not knowing of she's coming to Cleveland with him or not.
He pulls on black joggers and a black T. He heads downstairs for coffee. Leaving Luna to snooze away.
Benny and Slim are in the kitchen.
"Yo." Colson greets them tiredly while grabbing coffee.
"Yo." They both reply.
"Luna got me FUCKED UP yesterday." He says into his cup after sitting down with his friends at the table. He sparks a joint.
Benny laughs. "I know, Dawg. You couldn't even stand. She had to call me to get you into the house."
"Fuck." Colson rubs his face, trying to circulate blood through it. He passes it to Slim.
"Where'd y'all go?" Slim asks, hitting the joint. He's seen Kells hungover before but this is Top 10.
"Everywhere." A smile plays on Colson's lips as he remembers yesterday. "We walked around Downtown, sharing a bottle, hitting different famous spots." He yawns. "It was REALLY fucking cool. SHIT!!!" He pulls his pant leg up. Grinning, he shows them his new ink. "And got we tattooed!!" He laughs.
Looking up from the blonde haired woman in the moon Kells now has tattooed on is calf, Slim asks as he hands of the joint to Benny. "What she get?"
Taking a second to remember, he grins. "A machine gun."
Slim shakes his head and laughs. "Y'all motherfuckers might as well just get each other's names tattooed on you."
"Nah... There's no originality in that." Luna startles them as she comes into the kitchen for coffee. She doesn't sleep well without Colson.
Wearing one of his long T shirts and her sunglasses, she slides in next to Colson at the table.
"Morning, Bunny." She kisses him on the cheek. "How are you guys?" She asks, sipping her coffee before she lays her head down on the table.
She's met with a "Good." from Slim and a "You aight, Brooklyn?" from Benny.
"Mhm. Just slowly dying." She says lifting her head off the table. "Thanks for your help last night." She answers Benny, taking her glasses off to rub her eyes for a minute before she puts them back on. Benny passes her the joint
"No problem." He laughs.
"Was I really that bad?" Colson asks.
"Yes." Benny and Luna state automatically making Slim and Colson laugh. The joint continues making it's rounds.
"I don't know, Man. I didn't see you." Slim continues to laugh, putting his hands up.
Luna lays her head against Colson's arm. "What's the last thing you remember?" She asks him.
"Tattoos. No. The graveyard. No. Dinner. I remember eating. I had a steak and mashed potatoes, right?" He looks down, asking her.
She closes her eyes behind her glasses trying to remember what she ate herself. "I don't know. I forget what I ate myself. Do you remember giving your number out to the fan?" She lifts her head.
"What!?" He asks confused.
"Yeah, some kid asked us for a picture and you gave him your number, telling him to text it to you. Check your phone." She tells him. The joint's made its way back to her. It's small. She hits it once before putting it out.
He does and sure a shit there's a crazy picture of Luna laughing with Colson's head cut off from a random number.
"You almost shook the uber driver to death when Bad Things came on too." She laughs. "You were so fucked uuuup."
"How were you not as fucked up as I was??" He asks her, puzzled.
"Because I banged that Add earlier..." She tells him.
"So did I?" He argues.
"You do them almost everyday, I don't." She shrugs.
"Whatever." He yawns again, kissing the side of her head. "You got plans?" He asks her.
"Me?" She looks around, confused.
"Yeah, Asshole." He laughs at her.
Her glasses are back off, rubbing her face now. "Uhhhh... I have to be in Minneapolis by Monday morning. Me and Ash have a radio interview and then she's got that free show at The Armory. We've gonna perform Nightmare for the first time." She tells him while yawning herself.
"You don't need to rehearse?" He asks her.
"Enh. It's one song. We'll run through it Monday beforehand." Luna tells Colson.
"Wanna come to Cleveland with me? I'm gonna have dinner with Case and Em tonight then take Case to see Captain Marvel tomorrow."
"Uhm. Fuck yes. She's only the greatest super hero in the MCU."
"I don't know about all that..." Colson dismisses her.
THIS leads to a 10 minute argument over who's better in the MCU between Luna, Colson and Slim.
"She has all the power of Tony's suit in her BO-DY." Luna argues, rolling her eyes.
"Y'all are some fucking nerds." Benny laughs at them.
Luna sucks her teeth. "I'm done arguing. You all are dumb and should know by now." She quotes Beyoncé. "Who run the world? Girls." She tells Colson and Slim flatly as she gets up for more coffee to their laughter.
Sitting back down, she lights another joint. "You book a flight yet?" She asks Colson.
"Nah, I'm a do it right now." He tells her as she passes the joint.
They chat more, passing the joint around. Everyone else is flying back to Cleveland this coming week too. The tour kicks off in less than 15 days. They'll run for a month, take a break and then hop back on. It's gonna be a long, exciting summer they all agree.
Standing at the sink together, Colson tells Luna "Stark would kick Danvers ass." With a smirk.
"I'll kick your fucking ass." She replies, cocking her head back and biting his arm.
"AHHHH!!" He laughs and goes to grab her but she's taken off.
He catches her in the living room. Throwing her over his shoulder.
Giggling she's tries to get out of his grasp. "Get off meeeee!!" She cries pulling her shirt over her ass as he carries her upstairs.
"No!" He smacks her hands away, then slaps her ass. "It's shower time." He tells her to her sighing submission.
In the shower Colson washes Luna's new tattoo. "I fucking love it." He tells her, kissing the middle of her back after rinsing her off. "Your shoulder's looking good too."
This catches her off gaurd. They don't really talk about her shoulder. The night it happened being a sore subject for them both.
"Yeah? What makes you say that?" She asks.
"I'm just looking at it. You're supposed to see the Doc again on the 15th but we'll be on tour. I'm gonna have Ash figure out where we'll be so I can have him meet us." He tells her.
His concern melts her heart. Turning around she kisses him passionately. After breaking away, she runs both thumbs alongside his jawline. Staring into his eyes, she tells him she loves him before kissing him deeply again.
Their kisses make his dick grow. He moves his mouth to her neck. Gripping her body tight under the warm water, he kisses her all over as she moans and pulls at his hair.
"God, I want you off your fucking period." He says, sucking on her wet body.
"I know. We should be good by Monday." She breathes heavily.
"I want you NOW." He says firmly as he spins her around carefully. Leaning into the wall, she bends over for him. He runs his finger down the middle of her back, giving her goosebumps before he slides his dick inside of her.
Luna moans at the size of Colson's cock. Her nails scratch the shower wall as he thrusts himself into her. She's always been greedy with his dick, pushing him deeper into her with her hips. Fucking him backwards.
"Kiittenn..." He moans, pulling her hair back with one hand as the other rests on her hip. Pushing off the wall she slams her ass harder into him. Feeling her walls clench around him and body flush, she bucks harder.
"I'm gonna FUCKING cum, Colson!" She pants as her legs start to shake before her body explodes and her mind goes blank.
As she cums, she hears Colson in the background cum with her. Head spinning, she rests it on the shower wall. Colson lays his warm face on her bare back.
Both breathing heavy, trying to catch their breathes. They stay there for a moment as usual, exchanging I love yous and a kiss to her back as always.
"My fucking vagina is gonna fall off one of these days." Luna thinks as her head still dances from her latest orgasm.
Out of the shower Colson dresses Luna's shoulder and puts Eucerin on her tattoo.
She catches him smiling in the mirror.
"What?" She asks, amused.
"Nothing..." He meets her eye through the mirror making him grin "You got me tattooed on you."
Luna raises her eyebrows and puts up 2 fingers. Chuckling, she says "Twice."
"Twice." He nods, still grinning.
She leans her neck back as he bends down from behind to kiss her before both smiling as the continue on.
Having checked her phone before leaving, there was a group text from Pete with Ashley. Details on locking them into next Saturday. As Colson and Luna chat on their flight to Cleveland, she remembers text.
"FUCK, I haven't mentioned shit to him yet." She thinks, irritated by her forgetfulness.
"Hey!" She interrupts whatever he's saying. "I'm sorry, that was rude but I need to tell you before I forget again."
"Hunh?" He asks her.
"Uhm. Nightmare got booked for SNL next Saturday. I requested you and the guys over the house band and got it.... I probably should've asked you first but will you do it?" She asks him, giving him a beaming 'please bunny' smile.
Colson laughs. "How do you forget SNL?" He asks her "No, like seriously?"
"I don't know? It was more Ash and Petey pulling it together. Like, she's co-hosting and shit. I'm just popping in for Alabama." She explains.
"Why aren't you hosting?" He asks her, not thinking.
Luna recoils from Colson. "Doooo you know who I am? I am NOT trying to be all up in that shit. That's totally Ash, Man." Luna inhales with eyes wide looking at him like he's crazy.
"Yeaaah, I guess that was a dumb question." He laughs at himself.
"Yeah." She confirms, nodding while laughing with him. "Sooooooo... SNL next Saturday?" She asks again.
"Oh... Fuck yeah!" He exclaims, remembering their initial conversation.
Shooting finger guns at him, she teases while smiling "Ha! Ha! You forgot too!!"
"Fuck you." He laughs. Then is back with "SNL. Cool... Yeah." Nodding at her with an amused smile. "Why'd you ask for us?"
He's always inquisitive of why she does shit.
"Cuz you cut the record with me. Duh." She laughs, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. He side eyes her. "..... And you're my boyfriend. Youuu dealt with the craziness that came along with all of that. Helping get mine and Ash's vision out there to help people, so of course" she reaches for his hand "I'm always gonna ask to have you with me for something big, when it comes to Nightmare. To me, that's as much you guy's record as ours. We all created it together and considering the context of it, I think that's important as hell. Plus, you're who I feel comfortable playing it with." She tells him with a shrug and a honest expression. Sweetness twinkling in her blue eyes.
Colson smiles and leans in to kiss her.
"I love your logic." He tells her.
They're due to land soon and are headed directly to Casie and Emma's for dinner. Anticipating the quick switch over, Luna's dressed casually in black skinnies and an oversized sweater.
There's never any shortage of conversation between Luna and Colson.
She goes on to ask about Casie coming to participate in the SNL gig too. She was in the video after all...
Colson telling her they should ask Emma first. Luna thanking him with excited kisses before they prepare to land.
Arriving for dinner, Casie answers the door excitedly. Happy to see them both.
"DADDY!! LUNA!!" She shouts, throwing her arms around both of their legs.
Laughing, Colson scoops her up to kiss her Hello to her delighted squeals. "DAAADDYYY!!!" She laughs out with him.
Luna's stuck in the door frame, enjoying watching them.
"Hey!!!" Emma calls out, coming in from the kitchen. "I'm sorry it's a mess, you guys, let her in the door.." She laughs coming to help Luna.
It is not a mess.
Everyone's giggling as they finally come inside the house.
"How are you?" Luna and Emma greet each other warmly, both asking about the other.
Colson and Casie are rambunctious. Wrestling all over the floor.
"Wanna go into the kitchen with me? Away from these crazies." Emma laughs to Luna, pointing at the handsome man playing with his child on the floor.
Luna could watch Casie and Colson together all day. Before Emma asks, she had grabbed a shot of them that makes her heart skip a beat.
"Sure!" Luna agrees, popping her camera away before following Emma into the kitchen. Leaving her heart with them.
Emma offers Luna wine, which she happily accepts. Asking if she can help, Emma says yes, please, with the salad. Looking at Emma, Luna gets a little nervous as she peels and cuts up vegetable.
"We haven't spoken since brunch." Luna starts off. "I never got to ask your opinion of Nightmare...."
Emma's fussing with pasta water. "Oh! I'm sorry!!! Congratulations! I know it's doing really well!!" Emma turns to hug Luna.
While hugging Emma back, Luna starts to say "No.. No.. No.. How did you feel seeing Casie in it? As she pulls out of the hug to look a the little girl's mother.
Emma smiles at Luna's thoughtfulness. "I LOVED it!" She tells her with a squeeze before both turning back to their food duties.
Emma continuing.
"I think it was a really great experience for her to meet all those women and to know she's apart of such a powerful song. Because GIRL, we bang it when we rage!!!" Emma's laughter and candour reassures a now laughing Luna.
"That's really great." Luna beams. "I have another question... We got booked for SNL next Saturday and I was hoping you'd let her be onstage with us. Colson and the boys are our band so she should feel totally comfortable... If she wants to do it....." Luna's talking quickly as she does when she has ideas buzzing.
Emma can feel Luna's nervousness as she slices through a cucumber. She finds it endearing.
"What would she do?" Emma asks.
"I figure, draw her own picture or sign and at the end hold it up between Ash and I. Her own thoughts, her own ideas about the song. Unfiltered." Luna explains her vision, tossing the cucumbers in the the salad
Emma gets it, nodding. She really likes that Luna is interested and mindful of Casie. How she thinks to include her in important, appropriate ways.
"We'll ask her at dinner." Emma tells Luna to her giddiness.
Cheesing, Luna kisses Emma on the cheek to her surprise. "THANKS!!" She exclaims to Emma's chuckle.
Setting the table together, they touch base on more details. Casie fly out with Colson and Luna Friday after school. They'll all stay with Luna's grandmother and be back Sunday. In time for Casie to be settled and prepared for school on Monday. Emma's content with the plan.
"I'll be watching in support!" She beams at Luna.
Dinner is delicious.
Emma made a Ricotta & Spinach stuffed Chicken Parmesan with pasta.
They enjoy wine bread and salad with it.
Emma and Luna mention SNL to an imprssed Colson and confused Casie. Once explaining it to Casie, she's over the moon. Colson still impressed that Luna talked to Emma herself. He appreciates Luna's independency and the women's growing friendship.
They finish up dinner, Colson helping Emma clean up as Luna helps Casie pack.
Hugs, kisses and Thank Yous are given before Colson, Casie and Luna head to his house.
Back at Colson's, they change, get comfortable, find a movie to watch but have no snacks. Changing again, off to the super market they go.
The three of them are silly in the store. Playing White Tiles are Lava. Each hopping from square to square, Luna and Colson catch eyes. Smiling  at Casie's happiness.
Luna hides behind as display case. Scaring both Casie and Colsin to their delight as they run away. Luna catching and tickling the giddy little girl.
They grab ice cream, cones, toppings and head to the bakery for chocolate chip cookies. Luna jump teasing a shrieking Casie along the way.
At the bakery, Luna stands very still with her hot chocolate.
To Casie's leeriness, the little girl creeps closer and closer as Luna pretends to stare off. Once within in reach, she bops Casie's arm.
"YOU'RE IT!!" Luna declares to the little girl's squeals and giggles as they play tag. Luna letting her catch her easily but always acting shocked when she does.
"They're too fucking cute!!" Colson grins to himself. Love washing over him as he watches his girls play around and enjoy each other.
Back at house, ice cream-cookie concoctions in hand, the three of them curl up in the couch. Casie in the middle.
They pop in The Emoji Movie. Colson and Luna laugh their asses off along with Casie. It's not long before she falls asleep between them. Resting comfortably against her dad. Colson reaches his arm across the top of the couch, touching Luna. She looks up to his smile and an I love you. She returns both.
They finish the movie together. Colson carrying Casie to her bed.
Coming back to find Luna, he guides her to his bedroom. This is her first time being here.
They cuddle together getting high, talking about Casie, SNL and other things.
They finish the joint and he cradles her face. Kissing her sweetly, thanking her for coming, telling her how much he loves her and is so grateful for how she loves Casie and gets along with Emma.
Heart and body flushed from his words. She kisses him deep into his soul. Exchanging her love and gratitude as well. Telling him there's no place she'd rather be with sweet kisses.
They light another joint. Cuddling, burning and watching Big Mouths before falling asleep together contently in each other's arms.
To be continued......
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