#i have gauzed it so as not to look at it
fooltofancy · 2 years
we have colors! not as bad as i was a lil afraid of based on the bruising around my fingers, but that was just a compression issue. we also don't get to look at The Thing for more than like three seconds because apparently in the last ten years stitches make me wanna pass out.
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bookshelfdreams · 10 months
hey babes remember this project
(yeah neither do I it's been months and months) (who wants to make a wool coat in the height of summer anyway)
But! The last weeks have been rainy and too cool for July/August, and reminded me that autumn is right around the corner and Christmas will be here sooner than I think.
I actually finished weaving sometime in spring, I don't remember when exactly; didn't make an occasion out of it. I made 3 lengths of fabric total
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... which, as it turns out is Quite A Bit! Look at that stack :) You have no idea how satisfying it was to hold all that in my arms.
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Return of the King for scale
Each of these is about 55cm wide, and 230cm long which is insane, considering that I started out with a 4.5m warp. Granted, about 40-50cm of that are wasted on the loom and another 10% or so loss has to be calculated in (because of course the warp doesn't stay straight, it goes around the weft which means it becomes shorter) AND the threads being wool they have a lot of stretch to them. But still, that's a lot of shrinking, for a fabric that's still loose enough to fray. No wonder clothing was valuable as fuck, it's not even the amount of work that goes into it, but the portion of that work that's essentially wasted. And if I had wanted to make a tight fabric, an actual broadcloth, I would have had to calculate in a lot more shrinking.
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I finished this in the washing machine (I think 30°c with no spin cycle and no detergent? But I'm not sure about thaz, I forgot 59nwrite it down I think). Then I gave each piece a lanolin bath. I may have overdone it a little? Some of the wool feels a tiny bit - well not exactly greasy but soapy. Whatever. It does improve the wool's hydrophobic properties and makes it feel a little softer.
And all the pieces fit!
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This was very satisfying
I did not, however, have enough of the lilac linen that I originally wanted to use for lining. So I bought another fabric, the only one I could find that I liked: A very, very lightweight brown linen.
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The listing: This is very light and transparent! Me, opening the package:..... oh wow, I didn't know it would be this light and transparent
I hope it will work. There's only one way to find out.
That's all I have for now! I have cut out the front and back pieces, and now it's just sewing, sewing, sewing.
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#cw animal injury#i turned on the lights and our dog is covered in blood like??? hello???#since when were you doing that and why didn't you tell me??? *cue frantic searching for gauze*#there's a big cut where his ankle meets his leg (inside of the hind right leg)#i have no idea how that happened#our dogs play rough but have never drawn blood#and he was outside alone and he was acting normally and not whining or anything? like speak up man i need to know this shit#his name is bunny btw and he's a big dog. purebred great pyrenees(?) if the ppl we got him from are to be trusted#i don't know how he got hurt#its way too big/deep for a cat to have done it and even if they're really upset they just paw at his face#my only guess is that there's something sharp in the yard? but it's too dark to look#idfk but we found the gauze and stuff and he did Not like that process good thing there were 3 ppl awake to hold him down safely#he still didn't whine through all of that though like. pls speak up man. we gotta know if ur in pain so we can fix it#i'm hoping it doesn't get infected. we don't have money to go to the vet but he's my sister's dog and she might actually kill someone if#he isn't fine#she has a theory that he may have gotten cut on smth our brother threw out there and like. she may literally kill him if this#was his fault and bunny isn't fine#so far he seems fine there wasn't too much blood and there seems to just be the one cut#but i didn't hear him yelp or whine or anything#and he didn't seem to be limping but the lights were off#idk man but we have cleaned him up as best we can for now but it is the middle of the night so we'll see what we can do in the morning
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copiasblair · 5 months
sometimes i think about when copia got his plastic surgery and his face was all covered in bandages for a while (i don't know how long it takes plastic surgery to heal) and how i still wanted to be affectionate with him but since i can't kiss his face i just end up kissing him everywhere else,,,
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whatimdoing-here · 16 days
Boys are done with school with their half day Thursday. I'm working at their field day all day Wednesday. So I get today and tomorrow for my last quiet days before summer.
And T wipes out real bad on his bike on the way to school and was a half hour late.
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acegodzilla · 10 months
ER doctor after I got the cut on my finger bandaged up: so the stuff we put on that gauze should keep it from sticking to the wound
Me, two days later attempting to soak a rock-hard piece of gauze that has strongly adhered itself to said wound off of my finger:
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daughterofsarenrae · 5 months
Angus has discovered a new side effect of being old and sick: getting ur picture taken fucking constantly. No matter what ur doing
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femme-malewife · 6 months
I was so prepared for this morning
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daydadahlias · 1 year
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bunnyb34r · 8 months
Omggg I didnt realize how bad my fear of blood actually was (I will pass out and get sick if I see blood like thankfully period blood and like small cuts don't bother me, but when I sliced my finger 3x one summer (I'm no longer allowed to use the mandolin) I got so fucking ill that I could barely call out for my mom to come to the kitchen)
Anyway It's so bad I can't even read ab it without getting squeamish and sick*. And I knew that even talking ab it/hearing people talk ab it I'd get sick, but I didn't think it extended to medical conversation of like red blood cells and shit 😭
I was watching that WIRED video ab people on twitter asking a hematologist ab blood and I got maybe to the 3rd question (whichever one was the one where it was like "what the fuck is a hematologist?") and I was so throughly grossed the fuck out (the talk ab arteries gushing blood nearly took me out) that I literally had my head down trying to not pass out or even LOOK at my phone bc it was so bad 😭😭😭
I know most phobias are rooted in your brain protecting you like it's not NORMAL to be up high, or fly, so heights and planes are scary to some people bc the brain is like "hey wtf?? Get down????"
Or even clowns, it's the brain being like "this isn't what people are supposed to look like. What is this? It seems off, we should be scared"
And that the blood thing is bc blood should not be outside of your body (except for menstruation) so your brain is like "put that thing back where it came from or so help me"
*also by get sick I mean I get nauseous and hot, not anything else
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
Ahdhahdhd tell me how when I'm in the middle of the worst depressive episode this year where i only went to work BC I have no sick days and didn't want to have to deal with my mother's passive aggressive judgment, I managed to slice open my wrist on the reinforced metal edge of an archival storage box and now I have a nasty chunk of my wrist missing
Tell me HOW I'm THIS cursed
Like it's absolutely my punishment for being awful doubtful selfish and highkey hateful of my own religion and just like. The angriest horribkest person ever. But now I gotta deal with the wrist itch irl, not just in my head and like. Iykyk
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arrowpunk · 1 year
I get my drains out tomorrow praise God
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rskbunny · 1 year
might abandon bandaids and become a gauze whore. who knows.
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cynicjovial · 1 year
I burned my fingor on za grill
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canadian-riddler · 2 years
I like sliced my hand open a tiny bit at work today but we didn’t have any gauze or any good bandaids so I just slapped six of the bandaids we did have on it and put on two gloves for the rest of the night
then I get home in search of my bandaids (which are actually less helpful because all I have are Cars 3 bandaids) and am delighted to find the gauze I saved from when I had my wisdom teeth out
it looks a little dramatic but when the alternative is covering my hand in bandaids, I’ll take it
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swampdrive · 9 months
So it turns out that wearing a bandage for 2 hours and having it make your arm feel like its covered in fire ants for that entire length of time is not in fact normal and means u have an adhesive allergy.
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