#near the snow
fandoms-writings · 2 years
Trying to plan another move back across the country is so hard, especially when we don’t have the military to reimburse us this time 💀
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dancefloors · 4 months
Right now Israel's bombing Rafah, the last refuge for a million Palestinians, where they were previously ORDERED to evacuate to and are now trapped in while the US news cycle is dominated by Big Football Game And Celebrities In Attendance (at which Israel also aired a million dollar propaganda video). I wish I could say this is unbelievable.
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assassin1513 · 1 year
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🎄One Day until Christmas 🎄
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themoosetress · 5 months
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they are both disturbed - ask literally ANYONE
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artsyunderstudy · 2 months
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If I relax my eyes, our pinkies touch.
Only Creatures by @emeryhall
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fieriframes · 28 days
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[Blood dripped softly onto the snow.]
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izuku · 8 months
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DANY WEEK 2023 ↳ Day 4: Character Parallels Daenerys Targaryen & Arya Stark
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vilochkaaa · 9 months
bitter memories of Zuzu City.
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puppetstringed · 5 months
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rewrite-canon · 7 months
its what i have always feared…. the media literacy has now disappeared bcuz the male actor is hot…
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POV: You’re Bowen Marsh
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otaku553 · 2 years
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More Klee and Albedo ageswap au!
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maysrinn · 2 months
Heyya loving all the district au and capitol lore. I’m curious about Cedar Fern’s birth. Knowing that Lucy gray almost died giving birth to him. I could imagine the trauma Coriolanus went through. What happened there and how did Coryo react to it and in case I’ve missed it, who does the smallest bean take after more?
Oh dont worry!
I haven’t talked about it yet, you didn’t missed anything ^^
With little background information about the births of his other children, Coriolanus wasn’t present for one of them due to the severe trauma from his childhood. He tried so many times, and Lucy Gray quickly realized, after Xanthos, that something wasn’t right.
He always seemed regretful after missing holding their newest baby, but she never pestered him to tell her what was going on. He would tell her when he felt ready, and so he was the one leading up to missing the birth of Aubrey and Audree only a few minutes after deciding to be there for his wife. He promised he would be there if there was a next time, and he was.
Cedar Fern was born well past midnight after complications and severe blood loss from Lucy Gray. He was a healthy, loud little boy, but his mother was in and out of consciousness. Coriolanus refused to leave her side, pleading with her not to leave him, yelling at Sejanus to do his job, and ordering his oldest daughter out of the room who witnessed the unfolding horror. It was utter chaos, and Coriolanus tried so hard to maintain control of the situation while Sejanus did his best to stop the bleeding. He was alarming, pushing members of the covey out and threatening Sejanus with the hanging tree if his wife died, for which he later sincerely apologized.
Lucy Gray managed to summon the strength to make some eerie remarks in an attempt to lighten the mood and put her partner back in his place before she eventually passed out after giving birth to their son. Sejanus was able to stop the bleeding, but he was very uncertain if she would survive the night. Both men remained by her side, and Coriolanus refused to sleep or hold their newborn baby.
Coriolanus only witnessed the birth of his and Lucy Gray's last child. Despite reliving the traumatic experiences he faced when he was only five years old, he was relieved to be present at the birth. He knew that he would never have forgiven himself if Lucy Gray died while he was away. After she gained consciousness again, he told her exactly that.
After Sejanus told her that Coriolanus refused to hold their son, she found the strength to hit him. Oh, she was livid, and he was just on the edge of breaking down, grateful that she was alive 🪶.
Cedar Fern takes after his mother in personality, with her warm olive skin, but he has Coriolanus’s blonde golden locks. He’s a bubbly little lad who spends most of his time strapped onto his mother’s back/chest or in his crib sleeping away the day before mostly bothering Coriolanus throughout the night. Also, he’s very hungry; this kid constantly wants to be fed. If he’s not sleeping, he’s suckling, and Lucy Gray knows he’s the reason she was competitive with food throughout the pregnancy 🌹
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ansheofthevalley · 5 months
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In one kiss, you'll know all I haven't said
Chapter 9 – Quality Time [Part I] (moodboard)
He thought back on what Tan had told him when he had called his friend on Sunday after his evening run, having just run into Sansa in King's Park, all frantic, having realized that Sansa might be going out with Dickon, of all people, just that morning during warm-ups before their match against Eastwatch U.
"Build up your courage and tell her how you feel already. You can't expect others not to make a move on her just because you refuse to."
Jon had known that he needed to get off his ass and make a move. It was time. Especially if what Sansa had said that night back in September was true. Sure, she had been drunk, so he hadn't dared to hope with his whole heart just yet, but a tiny bit of hope had taken root all the same and continued to grow all throughout the year, finally blossoming last night.
He knew they still had to talk. They crossed a significant line last night, and he needed to know, without any doubts, where they stood. Because, at least, he was all in. Like he told her last night, this was years in the making.
Read here
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planetsallalign · 4 months
Tonight consisted of
-A 1.5 mile snow shoe adventure in the woods in the dark with headlamps.
-We turned around once we heard the pack of coyotes near us.
-Going down a 100+ foot snow luge my coworkers neighbor made. Complete with snow tubes with that hard slick plastic on bottom so you flew laughing your head off down the hill.
-It’s nice to remind myself that I do need to get out of my cocoon of hiding myself away sometimes.
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