#naruto shippuuden masterlist
t-marveland · 2 years
Main masterlist
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Sasuke Uchiha :
Il sort Naruto de ta chambre d'hôpital
Naruto Uzumaki :
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pillow-anime-infos · 2 years
naruto masterlist {team 7 ver.}
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hands kink & soft sex {headcanon ; sfw}
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“fuck boys, girls!” (ft. hinata hyuuga) {i love girls month + scenario | 379 words ; sfw?}
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Anime fic masterlist
Smut/lemons/nsfw/sexual themes = * Mental health issues = % Violence/gore = #
Always watch out for individual chapter warnings/content. Reader is per default female unless otherwise stated.
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Enn Enn no Shouboutai / Fire Force
Spark * % # Benimaru Shinmon x fem!reader. After reader’s little sister combusted, reader has been making it from day to day on her own, under the radar. She should never have come to District 7.
Viktor Licht Drabble Victor Licht x gn!reader. Maybe it’s platonic, maybe it’s not. Either way, Reader has a soft spot for Viktor even if he’s oblivious.
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Best Friend * Kuroo Tetsuro x fem!reader. During a lazy semi game of CAH, Reader ends up having to confess to both being a virgin AND harbouring a major crush on her best friend Tetsuro. Chapter 1 || Chapter 2
Cutting Deep % Azumane Asahi x gn!reader. Everyone comes with some sort of baggage. When Reader is struggling with theirs again, it’s a good thing they aren’t alone.
Karasuno Transfer * Daichi Sawamura x Asahi Azumane x Koshi Sugawara x fem!reader. Pining and eventually filthy smut. That’s it. Chapter 1 || Chapter 1.5 || Chapter 2
NSFW Azumane Asahi * Azumane Asahi x fem!reader. The gentle giant might not be so soft and shy when it comes to smut. Drabble/headcanon.
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Playtime * Satoru Gojo x fem!reader. A lot can happen during a laser tag game with Gojo.
To the Point * (Finished) AU! Satoru Gojo x fem!reader. Tattooing and smuttiness. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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Naruto Masterlist
One series and some one shots (descriptions pending).
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queen-yalo · 4 years
[Naruto | master]
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Headcanons | Confession
Headcanons | Arranged marriage
• • •
Headcanons | Confession
Headcanons | Arranged marriage
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Headcanons | Confession
Headcanons | Gravely ill S/O
Headcanons | Arranged marriage
The Legend of Blue Moon | [#1] | Ongoing
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Headcanons | Civilian S/O
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Headcanons | Gravely ill S/O
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Headcanons | Crushing on a Senju
• • •
Headcanons | Confession
Headcanons | Gravely ill S/O
Headcanons | Arranged marriage
One-Shot | Nighttime struggles
One-Shot | Don’t you?
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tarithenurse · 4 years
So. Yes. An update. An Update about what’s happening in real life and how it’s impacting my WiPs etc.
Where to start?
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Let’s start with work. Since the summer and our forced move to the other hospital (and as such severely worsened conditions for both patients and us) the mood at the unit has rapidly declined. A lot of people have quit, primarily due to lack of trust in the higher ups but also because the lack of professional pride in our work. Basically, if someone gets apoplexia and need rehabilitation...they’re fucked. So yeah, mood’s been terrible and that’s on top of the whole Covid19 debacle from spring/early summer where a lot of us made ourselves available in exchange for burnouts and stress. As a result, I’ve also had an eye open for the “dream job” in palliative care and decided to apply against all odds when an opening became available at The Best hospice in this part of the country. I got it. Sorta. They wanted 2 permanent contracts and didn’t feel they could offer me that due to my lack of experience (completely fair and expected) BUT they did shuffle some things around and made it possible to offer me a 1 year temp position with the goal of permanent employment afterwards! I signed the contract yesterday. I start the 1st of January.
This should mean my own mood will improve too ;) As a result, I expect it’ll be easier for me to get back into some of my old writing (Stolen) which atm I’m just staring blankly at when I open the document despite knowing what I want to happen. That...and I’m only around 100 eps from finishing Naruto Shippuuden which might calm that hyperfixation a bit. Maybe I’ll start Boruto afterwards though it’s more likely I’ll take a break from it (watching, not writing) in favour of some other shows.
Speaking of shows... If ya’ll haven’t started watching Enn Enn no Shouboutai (Fire Force), Jujutsu Kaisen, or Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer): go get! They are awesome and I’ll be indulging in more fanfics for these.
Which brings me to my masterlist and tag lists: I’ll probably have to revamp these a lot and as such beg for patience in case I end up breaking them for a while. Keep an eye out for changes of all sorts (most likely, I’ll maintain the old list until the new version is good to go.
And then, the sad part. This past weekend, my family and I had to say goodbye to my Grandmother. Aged 94, she was tired of life and dementia, but had the discipline to put her foot down and say “enough is enough”. In a sense, I’ve been mourning her for years but ofc it’s different and hard even now...especially as I’m highly sensitive to other peoples’ emotions and needless to say, they’ve been affected. I’ve seen my dad cry for, like, the fifth time in my life (34 years). The wake/funeral was Tuesday and I’m still drained from that. Yule/xmas will be tough, as there are a lot of traditions which naturally involved my Gran or which she enjoyed in particular.
TL:DR Life can hit hard but the show must go on.
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