#naruhina crack
opttagoyeo · 11 months
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A room you can't leave without || crack doujin from izumi
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shirii · 8 months
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lil sleepy sasuhina doodle 💜
fav crackship since like ‘07
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watermelonsloth · 6 months
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s4suh · 9 months
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sessakag · 1 month
Is it rude if I say that I hated Naruto for still simping on Sakura in this chapter? Like I know that it is illogical for him to fall with Hinabunny in just two weeks. But I just can't help but worry about Hina-bun and how hurt she will be if she learns that she was 'used' to make the girlfriend jealous 🥺🥲.
I was a bit mollified when he ended up defending her against Kiba's shenanigans.
Lastly, I love seeing more of the dynamics and relationship of the boys in the story. It makes the whole story more interesting for me.
Thank you so much now I'm delving into the Prey updates and by the looks of it from your recent posts, Prey!Naruto and driving everyone paranoid 😂🙈
Nah, not rude at all🤭trust me I understand. Imagine me, a absolute addict for NaruHina having to write that😭I was mad with him too, I had to write that scene three times because the first two were not convincing at all😂had to force myself to imagine him in love with Sakura🤢that was tough as hell😩but! it does indeed make everything that's about to follow a lot more satisfying🤭
Naruto's more invested than he thinks🤭the incident with Kiba speaks volumes.
I had a blast with the guys hanging out. The personality changes I gave them helps make their conversations lively, and I love showing their bonds with each other💕My best friend and me are a lot like them, roasting each other and cracking jokes😂He's got a crazy mouth like Naruto and Kiba combined🤭his default is laid back like Shikamaru but he also has a temper as short as Naruto's, lmao.
Prey!Naruto is driving folks up the wall!😂he's just really unpredictable and violent it's hard to not worry about everybody, especially anybody redheaded and everybody involved, directly or indirectly with Hinata😅Basically he's being his normal self and it making everybody sweat🙈
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Related content on my blog for cellphone users
I’m not a shipper of any of the problematic four. I analyze canon and enjoy some crack-ships. Shipper to none.
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Naruto re-read
#posts - if this doesn't work, try searching the hashtag that follows: #naruto re read (spaces necessary)
About feminism and my female characters critiques.
Inclusivity: The woke fandom's drug.
Female empowerment in the Naruto fandom and Feminism without feminists (a companion piece).
Fictional works vs. real historical events. Is it ok to use parallels?
The infinite “who’s strongest Kunoichi” debate and the sexist erasure/degradation of female characters. And a response to it.
Contradictory traits in a character = Bad writing?
Political review
Revolution! Is Internal Reform possible for the Shinobi System? Or is too corrupt to be changed from within?
The Curse of Hatred - or a poorly constructed theory based on bias.
The Chunin Exams -and their actual purpose
Naruhina/Hinata Hyuuga
Hinata’s suicide or why her intention to fight Pain wasn’t to save Naruto.
Hinata endorses slavery. A quick explanation of why.
NaruHina A full analysis of their relationship. Plus, could The Last have worked if it didn't reduce Naruto's character?
NejiHina or the possibilities of the pairing.
The Hyuga clan. And the Caged Bird Seal.
Sorry, no, Hinata never hit Pain.
SasuSaku/Sakura Haruno
Debunking the idea that Sakura was born into a “clanless” family.
SasuSaku a full analysis of their relationship, part one.
Sakura isn’t stronger than most characters. And a small addition. 
Sakura and Ino, an analysis of their relationship.
Sakura and Naruto, an analysis of their relationship. Part 1
Sakura as Orochimaru's apprentice and Sasuke as a Medic AU.
Sakura's personality. A defense of Kishimoto's writing. Additionally
Other pairings
ShikaIno. Why this ship has problems.
My opinion about the idea that Kishimoto "planned SNS".
Uchiha clan
How the Uchiha are perceived, a short exploration through Kishimoto's writing.
Were the Uchiha truly oppressed?
Minorities using violence, is it ok?
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke and Kakashi’s relationship. What went wrong?
How Sasuke and Obito surpassed their role in the manga (meta).
Sasuke as a Medic AU and Sakura as Orochimaru's aprentice.
Itachi Uchiha
About Itachi, his fandom, and moral standpoints.
Can Itachi's character be fixed? Spoiler alert: It's the fandom's perception of him that should change, not his character.
Debunking an Itachi stan
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha and sexism.
Madara Uchiha’s characterization.
Obito Uchiha
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Obito’s redeemers. A small debunk of their arguments.
Shisui Uchiha
Shisui Uchiha. A quick analysis of his participation in the manga.
Fugaku Uchiha
Fugaku Uchiha, the neglectful father.
Naruto Uzumaki/Naruto the series
The white boy, the hero. Parallelisms between Santiago Maratea and Naruto Uzumaki.
Naruto Uzumaki, an underdog or a genius?
Naruto Uzumaki and the hero concept
Other characters
Team Taka. Their relevance.
Kakashi of the Sharingan.
Shikamaru‘s Sexism. Analyzing Sasuke Retrieval Arc.
Minato. A fandom-perceived hero that might not be such.
Jiraiya. My thoughts against the fandom’s obsession with calling him a hypocrite.
Neji vs. Kidomaru. An analysis of their fight.
Yamanaka clan techniques. and a quick rambling of the clan.
Rock Lee.
Hiruzen Sarutobi
Tobirama Senju
Tobirama. The Scientist. An exploration of Tobirama’s academic status and a debunking of his COH theory.
Does Tobirama defy masculinity? No, he doesn't.
Fear and Racism - an analysis of Tobirama’s advocates.
Sarada Uchiha and the non-importance of her MS. A small rant about why the quote "she awoke her MS out of love, unlike the others" is false.
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arisuchansenpai · 4 months
Shipper Tag Game!
Tagged by @sparkylulu! Haven't done anything like this in YEARS lol
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
*squints* At first, I thought about Hetalia but even then, I don't think I had ships I was obsessed with. The closest I can think of is NaruHina. I used to be obsessed with it alongside SasuSaku, but the ship's just fallen off my radar over time.
2. What ship would you consider your first one?
SasuSaku. Hands down. Been obsessed since 4th grade. The hype mellowed over time as I grew up, but it's still a ship I actively search fanworks for.
3. Your first fanfic was about which couple? / Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
4. Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Oh absolutely. Being a kid means you say and do stupid and mean stuff that will have consequences and force you to learn your lessons. I was no saint as a teen.
5. Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
In the past, yes. But nowadays I have the "ship and let ship" and "stay in your own lane" mindset.
6. Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Haikaveh. I eat so good with that ship :P
7. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Let's see... Haikaveh, Xiaolumi, Neuvifuri, Clorivia, KazuTomo (Genshin), SasuSaku (Naruto), JhinSona (LoL), Ikarishipping (Pokemon), Blood Dupre x Alice (HnKnA)
8. Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
9. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
I'm not gonna say "dislike", but I certainly didn't understand why people shipped Neuvifuri romantically at the time until 4.2 Archon Quest came out. I understood the assignment, and I have hopped on board baby.
10. Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I honestly don't remember lol
11. What is your favorite crack ship?
Uh, me and Boris Airay. Duh.
12. What do most of your ships have in common?
Opposites Attract, BABY!!!
13. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Not the biggest fan of that trope where the love interests try to destroy/break each other in some way or another. (I guess that main ship for H*nnibal is the closest I can think of.) It's just not for me, but I'm not gonna try to yuck someone's yum.
Not gonna tag anyone, but it's been a fun thing to fill out. That felt nice :)
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powerful-niya · 1 year
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— (συт σf ¢σитяσℓ.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙼𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕.
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Link to Oneshot below ↴
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。Hinata attempts to take control in the bedroom only for it to end in a way that she certainly didn't expect…
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Bondage • Control • Cunnilingus • Dirty Talk • Dom/Sub • Explicit • Female Masturbation • Fight For Dominance • Fingering • Finger Play • Foreplay • Intimacy • Kinky • Loss Of Control • Mature Content • Messy • Multiple Orgasms • Naughty • NSFW • Powerplay • Ownership • Oral Sex • Restraints • Roleplay • Sexual Suggestiveness • Squirting • Exhibitionism •
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚3.6k.
Tumblr Post: Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚1k.
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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Nothing but darkness filled a bedroom as a couple shared their night by pushing their intimate activities to their limits, touching base on a wilder side of sexuality.
Every single night, they immersed themselves more and more in the world of kinky intimacy.
Without a doubt, Naruto embraces it with open arms.
He wasn't afraid of a little pain, of being freaky, or of being as rough as he could with his wife as a means of breaking free from the chain of expectations that tied him and instead showering Hinata with all of his sexual desires.
In order to unleash the beast locked inside him.
Naruto was fine with it all.
When he's in control, that is.
But when Hinata was in control, he didn't know how to feel.
Enticed. Aroused. Enamored.
Angry. Bothered. Restrained.
He didn't know.
But nevertheless, he was always in such a state with Hinata-his emotions whipped into a frenzy.
A growl slipped straight through the cracks of his clamped teeth as he twisted his body side to side, tugging against the black rope that held his body down to a chair.
His arms were set just over the armrests of the cushioned chair he sat in. His wrists were firmly bound by rope that had been coiled three times around both of his limbs, tied tightly in knots.
His back was stiff, his body sweaty, and his meaty cock erect.
He sat in only gray boxers, which didn't hide the fact that he was highly aroused by Hinata's enticing little exhibition in front of him.
He gritted his teeth, forcing his wrists against the binds once more, "Damn it, Hinata-chan. You're such a fucking teas-"
Naruto's midnight blue-haired beauty rested totally on her backside on their plush bed. She was dressed in nothing except one of his big, cotton robes, which covered her entire backside and slipped down her curvaceous figure to settle beneath her.
Naruto's blue eyes focused on the motion between his woman's legs. He watched as Hinata pleasured herself in front of him, writhing in a mix of ecstasy and triumph on top of their disheveled bed.
Naruto watched, enraged, as Hinata reveled in agitating him, reveled in being as naughty as she pleased while her husband sat restrained.
Unable to do a single thing...
But watch her.
Hinata's long midnight blue hair was strewn across the bed in all directions. Her head was elevated slightly off the bed in order to align her eyesight with the blonde male who was positioned between her legs from a distance.
Her lavender eyes were squinted but fierce, like a sly cat while peering at Naruto from her snug posture.
She gave him a triumphant expression since she knew how difficult it was for Naruto to restrain himself as she played with her pussy in front of him.
She knew how badly he wanted to participate. But he can't.
He promised he wouldn't.
And she thought that was all the more enjoyable.
Steadily, Hinata writhed against their creaky bed, her enormous, creamy breasts bouncing up and down like two inflated balloons.
Her pink tits of temptation were perked and erect as if inviting Naruto to touch, lick, and suck until raw and sore.
Her plump, juicy hips jiggled as she steadily inserted and exited her middle and ring fingers inside of her wet sex, which oozed with silky cum.
More and more of her wet substance slipped out of her tight pussy hole as she inserted her fingers deep inside of herself, all the way down to the knuckle.
Naruto observed firsthand as her chest heaved, her toes curled, and her delicate voice let out a mixture of high-pitched squeals and protracted gasps of pleasure each time her fingertips slammed into her g-spot.
Hinata kept a steady tempo, rocking her fingers in and out of her insides while maintaining her legs spread. She kept them open to offer Naruto a front-row seat to her kinky little performance.
She moaned softly, rocking her head in ecstasy, "Oh yes, mmm! My f-fingers feel so good inside me, N-Naruto-kun!" She squealed out, yelling her pleas to the bedroom, to him.
Hinata revealed herself entirely to his restrained body which continuously moved in a frenzy in the chair it was strapped down to.
Hinata's moans were so beautiful to Naruto's ears, so fucking enticing, it made every part of him quiver in desire.
Her cries made the monster between his legs knock against his boxers in a frenzy, thickening, tightening, and hardening.
The sight of her giving her pussy rapid thrusts with her fingers clouded Naruto's brain, causing thoughts to tear free from his restraints and dominate his wife as he usually does to arise.
But if he does, he will be breaking the promise he made to Hinata, a pledge to allow her to be in control and thus, grow more confident in the bedroom.
Yet, as horny as he was, he wasn't sure how much longer he could remain put, watching without participating while his wife finger fucked that tight hole of hers, moaned sultry moans, and spasmed in ecstasy.
He couldn't do it.
The spiky-haired blonde yanked against his restraints again, gritting his teeth as the rope burned against his skin, "Hinata-chan, untie me now." Naruto pouted, throwing a mini temper tantrum in his seat, "I wanna play too."
"Mmm.." Hinata exhaled quietly before stopping the thrusting of her fingers, as well as the moist sound of flesh slopping around, bringing the raunchy noise in the room to a brief halt.
All that could be heard was the rattling of a chair.
But that was easily ignored.
Hinata removed her fingers from her cunt with a seductive sigh and Naruto watched as her hole quivered in response.
Hinata then drew her legs together and leaned forward, pulling herself up from the bed.
With his dark blue eyes glazed, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, and his cock continually twitching in his underwear, Naruto observed his goddess of a wife as though in a daze.
He watched her as she pulled her sullied fingers toward him, showing off how much of her cum covered her digits.
Naruto's eyes traced the sticky, thick substance as it slipped down her fingers in a slow stride. His mouth watered at the sight.
Now standing, Hinata bit her lip seductively, waving her wet fingers back and forth in front of her husband's face.
She watched in amusement as he tracked her palm.
"Mmm, have you been a good boy, my love?"
"Yes, baby, yes." A deep, guttural moan slipped out of Naruto's mouth, "Please let me get a taste. Just a fucking taste, baby please."
"Oh? You want a taste of my pussy? Is that why you're so antsy?" Hinata pointed out with a giggle, soon yanking her fingers away from his face only to slip her sullied digits into her own mouth, consuming her essence directly in Naruto's presence.
Naruto's breath labored as he watched his wife drag her tongue back and forth across her fingers, inserting her soiled digits inside her mouth in an effort to consume the very essence Naruto desired to devour.
Hinata giggled at the look of pure shock on Naruto's face. It wasn't hard to see that she was having a blast being in control.
She experienced a sense of self-assurance, empowerment, and total unity. She was proud of every aspect of herself because of the accomplishment she achieved by successfully seducing her husband and getting his mighty friend between his legs erect and ravenous.
She was having so much fun.
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narhinafan · 9 months
The sad and harsh truth SasSaku has never been popular on its own the only thing that's carrying that ship is Sasuke because Sasuke is naturally one of the most popular characters. Why is SasHina one of the most popular ships for Sasuke? Because Hinata And Sasuke are both popular characters and don't need to be shipped with anyone to be popular or for people to like them they're popular on their own.
If NaruHina never became Canon it still wouldn't change the fact that Hinata was popular on her own she has fans people with other characters she's the most shipped character in the entire series even if I don't agree with most of the ships Hinata by herself is still popular without it. She does not depend on ships for her popularity Sakura in contrast needs other characters to lift her up unlike Hinata or Sasuke who would have been still popular whether they ended up with their respective partners or not.
I don't care if I come off as being a hole there is no Sakura fans they don't exist she's a self insert nothing more.
I wouldn't even say SasuSaku is popular as a ship any true Sasuke fan hates it. Only Sakura fans really make up the ship and the others who ship do so just cause it is the canon ship, but don't care that much about it.
Yeah Sakura fans are always using other characters to lift Sakura up the same way she is dependent on them through the whole manga. Hinata was popular even without ships and many people see her as the best girl there are many Hina ships cause pretty much the whole fandom agrees Hinata is a good partner for pretty much any character outside the creepy/crack ships.
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kankuroplease · 10 months
i’m new to your account and really loved the art, so sorry if you answered this question before?😅❤️
favorite ships?
favorite crackship?
favorite character?
Hello! The shipping waters run deep here 🖤
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Favorite ships: NaruHina, ShikaTema, SaiIno
Crack ships (ships because there’s too many faves to list one): KakaIru, KakaObiRin, GenMei, NaruShika, ToruSaku, GaaSaku, ShiSaku, KarenSaku, KankuKiba, HashiMada, HashiMadaMito, HashiMito, + many more that would take too long to list. Multishipper here 👋
Favorite character? I have too many for too many different reasons to say one stands out over the others, but without a question my least favorite is Danzo.
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opttagoyeo · 11 months
Naruto: Hey, Hinata I have a question..
Hinata: Yes, Naruto-kun? What is it?
Naruto: So... let's say I've got reincarnated in my next life as a ramen, would you..*scratches the back of his neck* would you still love me?
Hinata: R-r-ramen? *blinks furiously*
Naruto: Yeah! Would you still love me though even if I got reincarnated in my next life as some bowl of ramen?
Hinata: I love ramen, so I will still love you even when you're a ramen.
Naruto: Yeah.. but would you eat me though Hinata?
Hinata: Eh.. uhm..*fiddles her fingers* I don't think— *nods* ..Sorry, Naruto-kun!
Naruto: Hinataaaaa!!! *jumps on her to hug her*
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keroppri · 2 years
A Summer's Delight
Fluff&Humor ▪︎Teens&Up ▪︎Chapters: 5/?
Summary: Vacationing at the beach every year is fun and all but it gets even better when you unexpectedly run into the cute lifeguard who also might be into you.
Where Hinata meets a lifeguard named Naruto who makes her summer a delight.
on AO3.
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this is my first ever fanfic of my most fav ship ever!! and so far ive been posting it on a weekly basis! it's been a lot of fun but i never took the chance to post about it anywhere until now lol
the naruhina community means the World to me and i always wanted to give back to the community in some way, shape or form .
i decided to write for the first time and its so special to me that it was for naruhina🧡💜 and actually cracking down to write and post has been so rewarding ☺️💕
i still have a lot to learn in regards to writing but i hope it's good so far :)
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
Alternative Canon Ships
I think something that annoys me and a lot of other people about the canon ships is that they weren’t the only options by a country mile. So I wanted to finally put my money where my mouth is and take a crack at pairing the Konoha 12 without changing the manga.
Anyone I didn’t mention here should be presumed single in my AU because I either think they’re better single or I don’t care about who they end up with.
Option 1
Naruto and Sasuke - The entire series is about them learning to understand each other and ending the cycle of hatred by coming together (in holy matrimony). Naruto wouldn’t have a character arc without Sasuke and Sasuke’s character arc is incomplete without Naruto. I don’t think I need to explain how they act as foils and compliments for each other or how they’re willing to go to great lengths for each other or how they show time and time again how much they value each other.
Sakura and Rock Lee - We really went through the chunin exams for nothing. They have very little screen time together, but what we have is good enough for it to at least make sense. Rock Lee is clearly willing to both wait and die for her and Sakura has a mini arc about learning not to judge people on appearances and to respect him that culminates in her giving him flowers in the hospital. Worst case scenario it needs to get the NaruHina treatment and have a movie made about why they came together in the end.
Shikamaru and Choji - I’ve already said that I don’t care for any of the inter-Ino-Shika-Cho ships, but they interact with too few characters for me not to bring them up here. They’re childhood friends, they obviously care for and respect each other, they have complimentary personalities, and Shikamaru stands up for Choji on multiple occasions. They don’t get too much attention in shippuden because Choji and Ino were shafted, but they at least continue to support each other when they are shown interacting.
(This is where we start losing a sturdy foundation because the characters don’t have enough screen time spent interacting with anyone unmentioned. From here on out the bar is in hell and I’m only pairing the characters off because it would’ve been expected.)
Ino and Sai - A lot of people shit on this ship and I get why (Ino is caught in Sakura’s shadow and Sai was literally Sasuke’s replacement in team 7, so it’s easy to see them as discount SasuSaku). However, the ship isn’t the most unbelievable in canon. Ino has shown that she has genuine feelings for Sai and they at least interact with each other.
Hinata and Shino - Hinata would make sense with either of her teammates, but I’m choosing Shino because he makes more sense. They’re similarly introverted types, they get along, Shino has been shown to have faith in her abilities (I’m not saying Kiba doesn’t, but Shino’s more consistent about it), and I think it would be fitting for Shino (who’s insecure about being unnoticeable) to end up with someone who would prioritize him if he ends up with anyone at all.
Option 2
Naruto and Sakura - These two would’ve made more sense, “red herring” and “pursued her for rivalry” my ass. Both are ready and willing to make sacrifices for each other, they interact a lot and most of it is positive (we aren’t mentioning the slapstick because I’m not having that asinine argument), there were hints throughout shippuden of Sakura returning his feelings, they have complimentary personalities, Sakura ending up with Naruto is beneficial to her character, Naruto ending up with Sakura is in-line with his character arc and theme, both stop to consider each other’s feelings on multiple occasions, Sakura attempts to help Naruto in any way she can on a regular basis, (even if I hate how often this is mentioned) Sakura is explicitly compared to Kushina, there are more hints at their relationship than I care to list here, and there’s symbolism for a flower under the sun/heaven and earth.
Sasuke and Karin - SasuKarin is the sister ship to Naruto and Sakura because of its parallels (the Uzumaki has feelings first, the girls are both compared to Kushina, the girls both act as support and medics to the boys who take on leadership roles, the Uzumaki wants to protect/see their love interest’s smile, etc). As for reasons: Sasuke has been shown to respect Karin and her abilities, Karin loves Sasuke because he was the first person to show her kindness, Karin has put her life on the line for Sasuke on multiple occasions, both are willing to go to great length for the other, and both unlocked abilities for the sake of saving the other.
Ino and Sai - I’ve already explained this.
Shikamaru and Temari - This ship isn’t perfect, but I think it makes enough sense for most people to not be upset (the only people I’ve seen complaining about it are people who hate Shikamaru or ship something else). They always share at least one scene when Temari enters the story, there are hints about it being romantic, and makes more sense in canon than many of the other options.
Choji and Hinata - This is, admittedly, a stretch, but it isn’t as much as a stretch as ChoKaru so I’m considering this still in the safe zone. The two both have shy and sweet personalities that make it easy to imagine them getting along, both struggle with overcoming their low self-esteem and taking action themselves, both care deeply for their friends, Hinata fits with what Choji wanted romantically in his infinite tsukuyomi dream, and both have the shared idea of maintaining kindness even in a ruthless shinobi world.
Naruto and Hinata - This ship was fine, even with its lack of screen time, but the Last and Boruto ruined it, so we’ll just pretend that didn’t happen. Naruto learned to not judge and respect Hinata, Hinata has multiple scenes where she snaps Naruto out of spiraling (the proud failure speech is still peak NaruHina), Naruto stands up for Hinata, Hinata takes a lot of inspiration from Naruto and his determination, and Hinata cares about Naruto’s wellbeing and feelings so much it’s a near irrevocable part of her character. With nothing changed it would still be just as flawed and clumsy as in canon, but it wouldn’t be unforgivable.
Hinata and Rock Lee - Again, I’m stretching canon for a Hinata ship, but I think there’s enough ground to stand on to at least mention it. That ground being a weird amount of parallels. They both have experience being in Neji’s shadow, both of them are untalented and make up for their shortcomings through hard work, both care about the people they love to a self-sacrificial degree, both are true to their word, both of them admire Naruto (join the club), both of them has a teacher that acts as a parental figure, and both of them have unrequited love because the target of their affection has feelings for someone more conventionally attractive than them(though Hinata gets more conventionally attractive as the series goes on so…).
Ino and Choji - It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done. They support each other as teammates, Ino could help Choji be more confident, Ino getting with Choji could symbolize her getting past her superficiality, and they don’t have opposing personalities or beliefs as far as I can tell.
Sasuke and No One - I’m just putting this here to remind everyone that there’s an argument to be made about Sasuke being better off without a relationship. I absolutely get why he was paired off and I probably would too if I was in charge of the epilogue (it can be an indicator of him and the clan healing, plus an Uchiha child/the sharingan is a fun idea to mess around with), but him remaining single also makes sense. He states how he’s disinterested in romance and he just doesn’t have that many working potential love interests in canon. Yes, there’s Sakura but more than a movie could cover would have to change before the two of them could reasonably work together and it might still ruin her character.
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brazilian-whalien52 · 5 months
Shipper tag game
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
There are so many that I tought would be forever, specially from my childhood shows. Still they give me the nostalgia tingle, so its not indifference. But maybe some like Katara and Aang? Like them but dont much care. Oh, and Hinata and Naruto I dislike now, after the ignored confession I just lost all interest.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Kind hard to tell, maybe Isa x Alex from Isa TKM? I was really invested (but Isa did have some serious mental problems)
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
My first fanfic was a Harry Potter elf insert, so no ship there, now my first couple one was AMUTO from Shugo chara
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
It was probrably Sasuke x Sakura, i remember I loved the youtube videos with their fanarts, specially thought Sakura with akatsuki robe looked super cool
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
I guess one time? When Naruto ended... omg why so many naruto answers? a trip to memory land results in that
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Always a MakoHaru hater, altrought i dont care much now, the hate is just nostalgia at this point too.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
That is embarissing but i tried a little the house wilson x house fanfics, now that i watching the show.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Zosan is my OTP since I first watch One Piece. But I do have others that are mentioned around
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Merthur, I will never understand why, the story point to that so much. But I do have some that get me way more mad, I just can't remember Because when I do I go in a rant
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hm, maybe drarry? It wasn't dislike per say. But just seemed weird shipping them because of my childhood. But the fanfic were so good that I gave a chance.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Sterek and Shizaya. Sterek has the age gap that o didn't even realize was there when I was younger. Shizaya is just all levels of toxic enemies.
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Akafuri, I have it so bad for them. And it was extremely funny when they stopped being a crack ship. Also spideypool? When I started Shipping them they also didn't have anything on them, it was just funny the two together, so it's crazy that they have comics together.
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics off?
Probably zosan, sterek and drarry? Zosan was in portuguese, sterek when I started reading in English and the Harry Potter fandom just has so many...
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
I think I have a lot of enemies/rivals ships? Or that usually have some kind of banter going on.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
First, when they are boring. Second, I hate ships where one side (A) is completely obsessed with the other (B). Specially when B does not show any interest in person A and seem clueless. I can watch romance story with these plot, but I feel like in other genres they always mess the execution up and I never feel B truly has deep feelings, just that A is convenient (thats why I don't like ships such as naruhina, gruvia, stydia, Hancock x Luffy...). Just not my cup of tea.
I am tagging: @dual-domination @killerandhealerqueen @wen-kexing-apologist @slayerkitty @gloster @nenehyuuchiha @jackpoompkin @kennyomegasweave @momofmysquad @hyperfocusmadness @kami-no-ikku @magnusgraycloud @geometricalien @enteisabo @hautegirl07 @callipigio @chitaprrrrrrrr @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @twig-tea @hyperbolicgrinch @bunnakit @tdwlara @i-che-bi @latinokokonoi @theflagscene @significant-ace-nnoyance @kuronekonerochan
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b0rusxmi · 6 months
Can I ask you?
What's your:
5 fav Naruto & Boruto girls/boys
5 least fav Naruto & Boruto girls/boys
5 fav Naruto & Boruto couples
5 least Naruto & Boruto couples
5 crack ships
5 ships you wish were canon in Naruto
5 lesbian ships
5 gay ships
Sorry if it's a lot!
so 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest
fav N girl - 1: Hinata, 2: Karin, 3: Ino, 4: Kushina, 5: Tsunade
fav N boy - 1: Itachi, 2: Naruto, 3: Sasuke, 4: Minato, 5: Sai
fav B girl - 1: Sumire, 2: Eida, 3: Himawari, 4: Chocho, 5: Yodo
fav B boy - 1: Boruto, 2: Kawaki, 3: Daemon, 4: Mitsuki, 5: Shikadai
hate B girl - 1: Sarada (she's the only one I hate)
hate N girl - no one
hate B boy - no one
hate N boy - no one
fav B couple - 1: BoruSumi, 2: KawaEida, 3: DaeHima, 4: ShinCho, 5: MitsuSara
fav N couple - 1: NaruHina, 2: SaiIno, 3: SasuSaku, 4: ShikaTema, 5: ChoKarui
least fav N couple - 1: NaruSaku, 2: ToneHina, 3: KibaHina, 4: ShikaIno, 5: ChoIno
least fav B couple - 1: BoruSara, 2: CodeEida, 3: KawaSara, 4: KawaCho, 5: InoSumi
crack N ships - 1: SasuHina, 2: NaruKarin, 3: SasuKarin, 4: NaruIno, 5: LeeSaku
wish N couple - 1: SuiKarin, 2: KonoHana, 3: LeeTen, 4: JiraTsuna, 5: no one
lesbian B - 1: SaraSumi, 2: EidaSumi, 3: SumiHima, 4: DeltaEida, 5: HimaYui
lesbian N - 1: SakuHina, 2: InoHina, 3: KarinHina, 4: TemaTen, 5: KushiMiko
gay B - 1: ShikaBoru, 2: ShikaIno, 3: IwaDen, 4: MitsuBoru, 5: KawaBoru
gay N - 1: NaruSai, 2: SasuNaru, 3: SasuSai, 4: ShikaCho, 5: NaruShika
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happyocelot · 2 years
I'm thinking of cutting down on spending time here as well, like @waterrolls...
Just like her, I loved finding and meeting the NaruHina fans here. It was kind of boring and lonely hanging out by myself in a corner of FF.Net/Ao3 and hoping for a stray comment here and there. That was why I joined tumblr. I met a lot of awesome and brilliant people here and I loved sharing my fics and posting headcanons, etc. Thinking about all of you really brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes...you've all been so generous with your time and kindness, reading my silly crack fics and saying you loved them.
I wasn't active on social media for a long time, but now I honestly want to leave. I don't think I'll ever deactivate, but maybe I'll just take an indefinite hiatus after December.
Everything has its positives and negatives, and social media has such an unbelievable amount of negatives that sometimes I have to force myself to think of the positives to remind myself why I'm even here. There are so many angry, bitter, super negative people on this site and other social media sites too (not any of my mutuals). Some people are just super obnoxious, and others are very spiteful and malicious. I keep such negative energy away from me as much as possible and make myself upbeat and positive, but no matter how much you filter it out, some of that poison still seeps in. It's a mental drain and clouds my previously calm and peaceful mind.
On the other hand, this is the place where I met some of the sweetest, kindest, and most sincere people ever. I really want to keep in touch with them. I feel bad that the NH community here is small and shrinking, though. I understand that it was a lot bigger a long time ago.
I'll still be here for NaruHina Month and to see/reblog your great fanfics/art...and I owe bornonthebreakofdawn her gift fic, but...I don't know if I'll be using this site in 2023. Should I even stay?
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