#ná lore?????!??????
aleiiii · 2 months
Heya! Love your art and OC, The ship between Ná and Wukong is so AHHHGGGGGGGG CUTIES-
Ná's reaction to possessed Wukong 👀 (what can I say I love me some couple angst)
AAAAAA thank youuuuu ;;; 💜
This really got my brain juices thinkin,,,,, figuring out how this might play out later in the story I have for them. I was teetering on the line of her getting taken by wukong or seeking refuge with MK and others. It seemed like the most logical thing would to be putting her with the group, I feel like she would have the survival skills to maybe not go out wandering alone. ((Also also a good excuse for her to finally meet macaque heheh))
with that, I’m sure in their big altercation where MK and Macaque are fighting it out with Wukong, perhaps she gets caught in the cross fire. Maybe thinking about giving her a supporting power (good ole passed down by generations type deal)
ANYWAYS, I definitely think that MK and Nà had a private lil therapy sesh as to why wukong can kinda suck sometimes and how he kinda has a mind of his own, resulting in very reckless actions.
Throws this at you at runs away
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in other words…. She would be terrified.
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revoevokukil · 1 month
When we talk about Ciri, we don't talk much about her own latent ability to see/predict the future, and what it could imply. It's Sunday morning; time for a tea cup theory sesh.
So, coming off Dune - a clear influence on some storylines and characters in the Witcher - could Ciri's capacity for prescience (foresight, prophecy, visions) have blocked her choices and actions from being accurately predicted and seen by someone like Avallac'h who - as an Aen Saevherne - otherwise has abilities almost identical to Kwisatz Haderach?
Was Ciri's escape from Tir ná Lia a certainty or a probability?
It's noted in Dune, how prescients are more or less blind to the movements of other figures with foresight, because people with oracular powers act on the information from the future and actively alter the future this way (disrupting the ability of other prescients to accurately predict the future). They stand "outside" the vision in lieu of an inherent ability to introduce variance in it.
A clairvoyant can't even necessarily see the definite future, but they can see Time so totally (the "when" is not a place), all its possibilities included, that they can create the future; matching, at that, with their goals. They are like ultra-heavy bodies in a field, warping it around themselves. However, if there are those standing outside of the vision, then dictating the future is not entirely possible, for there will always be unknown agentic elements that can turn the tides.
Ciri would be such an element in Avallac'h's and the prescient elves' prophecies and vision of time eternal.
I am pointing to this lore crossover, because let's face it, the Bene Gesserit and later Leto II's breeding programmes are exactly the kind of thing that was done in regard to Hen Ichaer, the Elder Blood, among elves. Breed prescient beings capable of seeing the past, present, and future (i.e. time total; the now) AND moving themselves in time and space (that's the Aen Saevherne) AND from time to time get a Chosen One for whom it's possible to open the Great Gate of Time (that's Lara's would-be child or Ciri's children). Secondly, Ciri, the child of destiny and hope, is so because of a kind of 'uncertainty field' that surrounds her -> she is, arguably, the most agentic, free will-questing character in the tale. The story ends up being about (ensuring) her ability to choose - to doom, to save, to act as she wills regardless of her parentage, powerful actors' manipulations, or the world's expectations.
(Sure, The Witcher is reeeeeaalllly loose with its causal structure (things go the way they go because magic aka "the will of the author, who plays within folklore tropes and story analogues", mostly); it has nothing on Dune in this regard. We can have a classical mechanics Ciri, a quantum-Ciri, or a magical/literary-Ciri. But the ambiguity allows for crossover-theories like this one, so that's fine by me.)
At Tir ná Lia, Ciri has visions of a future where things unfold without her interference: Yennefer drowns, Geralt freezes to death. It's not conscious foretelling, it's inherent to her thanks to her genes. Genes of elven Sages, who see past, present & future - total time.
Considering the aim of the Golden Path then, an analogy: one hypothetical result of the mutations introduced into Elder Blood via mixing human genes with elven ones results in Laplace's demons (Sages) creating a mutation in their own genotype down the road that even the demons themselves can no longer predict.
Making Ciri a Child of Hope in the sense of a truly free, indeterminant wild card, the nature of whom enables uncertainty in the outcomes of the fates of others connected to her choices. Because she herself remains elusive to actors who've a hand in tracing the blueprint of the universe, an act which in itself creates a future that cannot be avoided. The mutant Ciri is a genuine child surprise.
"A universe of surprises is what I pray for!" - Leto II
Analogously to Dune, where the end goal of the Golden Path is for humanity to be rendered undetectable by prescient beings and given a chance to survive by remaining outside of the constraints of a deterministic universe. By, what looks like, evolving a free will.
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revistapipazo · 2 months
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Semana Santita (Parte 1)
Como esta es la fecha propicia para reflexionar, vengo con una hermosa historia ad-hoc al momento.
Corría el año 2007, y yo compartía departamento con una de mis mejores amigas, la Loreto. Vivíamos en un regio departamento en Providencia, con una vista maravillosa al oriente, en un piso 15. Con la Loreto nos dedicamos a lanzarnos como si el mundo se fuera a acabar, ya que estábamos pasando por una racha increíble en la vida y había que celebrar a como de lugar. Decidimos tomar vacaciones para la semana santa, por lo que el día Miércoles, fuimos a comer al Liguria con unos amigos, y después nos íbamos directo a un after electrónico en Providencia. Como el carrete estuvo demasiado prendío, llegamos a nuestro palacio como a las 9 am, más prendías que la mierda,  pensando en que no debíamos perder más el tiempo, y partir como las estupendas aprovechando el vuelito, a Viña del Mar.
Debo ser honesta y reconocer que estaba ultra ebria junto a la Loreto y que en definitiva la decisión de viajar en ese estado fue más que nada impulsado por el copete, que por una decisión concienzuda, ya que la verdad la verdad, quería puro dormir.
En eso estábamos, escuchando música a todo volumen, armando maletas, y arreglando hueás varias, cuando nos llaman desde conserjería para echarnos la foca por “ruidos molestos”. Como no les dimos ni pelota a los culiaos, no encontraron nada mejor que llamar a los pacos, sin mediar aviso, para que nos hicieran cagar sin piedad. Como a los 30 minutos, nos tocan el timbre.
“los pacos hueona! Baja la música” -Me dice la Lore.-
“Conchetumare!” -Apago la hueá.-
La Lore le abre la puerta a los pacos culiaos, y los invita a pasar cordialmente. Era una pareja de Carabineros jóvenes, a lo mucho de 30 años el mayor y el otro bien cabrito.
“Ve? Si estamos las dos solas.” -Les dice la Loreto, haciéndose la linda.-
“Sí poh, además, ya son las 10 de la mañana, y no es hora para que estén llamando por ruidos molestos.” -interfiero yo.-
“Sí, así nos damos cuenta. Pero ‘oigan shiquillas’, ustedes tan lindas y solitas? -Salta el paco más viejo a tirar los calzones de una.-
La Loreto que no estaba ni ahí con “mancharse” los papeles en el edificio, se la jugó al todo o nada con los pacos y empezó su coquetería con los dos culiaos.
“Ay, sí. Es que estábamos celebrando la titulación de mi hermana, y ahora nos queremos ir a Viña y blá.” -Les comenta la Lore, jugando a la simpática.-
“Aaaah, y están tomando algo, shiquillas?” -Preguntan los pacos califas.-
“Sí pues, tenemos vodkita, quieren?” -La Lore nuevamente.-
“No, no podemos, estamos en servicio, pero podemos acompañarlas un ratito?”
“Claro! Quédense!”
Yo quedé con cara de Plop, porque… no sé poh, ná que ver carretear con un par de pacos que te van a derechamente partear. Creo…
“Ya poh, shiquillas, pongan música y bailemos!” -Exigiendo los dos hueones.-
La hueá, es que nos pusimos a bailar con los pacos, seguimos chupando, el paco más pendejo tenía los ojos celestes muy celestes, y fue el tema de conversación de la mañana.
Los pacos terminaron chupando con nosotras, fumando e intentando agarrar con nosotras de alguna manera, siendo lo menos pescado por nosotras, pero siempre haciéndonos las minas más felices con ellos.
Nos dieron las 13°° hrs. con estos dos, cuando los llamaron de la comisaría echándoles la foca por su “desaparición”; estos giles culeaos pasaos a copete, y a carrete, asustados al máximo, y urgíos que no les hayamos tomado fotos o videos, -hueá que a nosotros nos importaba un pico, ya que estábamos en Saturno, y en la única hueá que pensábamos, era en que no nos partearan, para irnos felices de la vida a la chucha.-
“Shiquillas, dónde van a tomar bus? Nosotros las vamos a dejar, así pasamos más piola.”
“Al terminal Alameda. En serio? Uh! Bacán!”
Partimos con los pacos en su cagá de zapatilla hasta el terminal, cantando Soda Stereo a todo pulmón, la Loreto se puso cariñosa con el paco de ojitos celestes y se lo agarró a besos con el culiao care raja, hasta que llegamos a puerto.
Al bajarnos, los pacos ebrios nos gritaban desde su furgón:
“Shao shiquillas! Nos llaman!”
Yo, haciéndoles chao con mi mano y caminando para atrás, me saqué la conchetumare por no ver la acera, me pegué un tremendo cabezazo que me dejó tirá, sangrando, y así fue como los pacos se bajaron de la hueá y me llevaron rajá a la posta, funando así mi viaje a Viña.
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Things I would read the hell out of:
A retelling of Ciri's time on Tir ná Lia but without the grubby incestous politics. Emhyr already attempted a grubbier and more incestous version of this plotline. It's trite and formulaic, and this isn't Game of Thrones.
You know what would be more interesting than grubby incestous politics?
Almost anything, really, but in this case, a changeling child story. The Aen Elle are pretty heavily influenced by European lore about the Fair Folk, so why not lean into that? "I have stolen this child. This is now my child, and I will keep them forever and never let them go," is absolutely the sort of thing you'd expect from the Court of Winter.
Auberon's whole obsession with Ciri stemmed from the fact that she was a direct descendant of his long-dead daughter, complete with Lara's reality-bending curse. Wouldn't it be a whole lot more interesting if Auberon sees this girl who looks almost exactly like his murdered daughter and thinks of her as His Child Now?
He see her as something like a second chance, to make up for his mistakes with Lara. So clearly he has to protect her and keep her safe from all of those dangerous human influences, like he should have done with Lara.
And this way, you'd get a lot of slow psychological horror with Ciri's perspective slowly shifting from "these people seem nice :))" to "actually this guy is kind of possessive and weird, i should be careful" to "oh fuck, he's planning to keep me here for literal eternity, isn't he?"
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
Ode mně si to taky neslyšela, ale měl bych to dělat častěji! LSDFIHSDFSDF Vždycky je třeba kousat a štekat. občas sápat. a trocha studené vody taky neuškodí <3
No musíme se NĚKDE shodnout a u Suns to je prostě fakt, že i přesto, že jsou obrovská kalkulačka větší než kraje tak je jejich neskutečná idiocie. Tísíce metrických tun čiré blbosti. Budu muset jít zpátky po mých zprávách tady a sepsat si moji iteraci (heh) Suns abych to eventulně dal někde dohromady.... časem .... časem.
DNESKA jsem si místo učení přečetl Assembly a bože. ty kokos musel jsem to několikrát odložit a prostě vstřebávat. Děkuji za doporučení je to hodně dobrý. Nálada po přečtení?
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Já a moje věčná slabost pro postavy plné pocitu viny až je to žere zaživa, kokos. A je tam toho hodně co se mi líbí, jak interpertace Suns i Nishe, Spears, ty technické popisy všeho, hraní si s identitou (náběh na myšlenky stylu "je to můj úspěch když tu výhru toho útěku nikdy nežažiju přímo ale místo toho můj klon/moje jiné já" které mi velmi připomíná gru SOMA, jestli ji znáš). Prostě. deranged.
Jeden nemůže zkrátka randit s Moon a nebýt adrenalinovým nadšencem, jinak to nejde. Navíc vtipná představa kdy Moon něco takového provede před ostatními a Nish se pouze začne dmout hrdostí, "to je moje holka <3"
trocha tej priateľskej vraždy nikdy nikomu neuškodilo <3
"Tísíce metrických tun čiré blbosti." LSDGKLKCDMSKLG JOP, TO JE SUNS, TO SÚ VONI OKEJ JGSKCLKDSMLKGS godspeed kámo, chyť ten Suns lore z naších správ ako pokémonov
EJJJJJJJ SOM RADA že si si to užil!! -lusk prstami- ja som Vedela že ťa to dostane, síce som to nechala po tej kapitole kde Spears a Suns preskúmajú Sunsovo mesto, ale juj. úplne typ top ale c!! **C**!!!!!! jasan že poznám SOMA (soma-u... som-u????) čo som? nekultúrny páprda? /lh normálne hororovky skrátka neôžem ale pozrela som Lets play so sestrou asi tak.... pred štyrmi alebo piatimi rokmi, vynikajúca vec. existenčný strach a spochybňovanie/uvažovanie nad identitou a čo nás robí nami a takéto veci sú jedna z mojich najobľúbenejších vecí vôbec. psychológia a spol. moje milované 💞
GJSLDKCLKSDMGLK HEJ NO, furt si stojím za tým za Moon je taký špeci Steve Irwin. ona by pichla prstom do červenej jašterky, ak na To niekto nie je psychicky pripravený 24 hodín denne 7 dní v týždny, tak to randenie skrátka nevýde. dobrá vec že NSH mi dáva náboj osoby ktorá skrátka ide s prúdom. "och, chceš poškáriť entoho supa kráľovského? okej, jasan, supriš, what's the beef with that guy, love, why we angry?"
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gayeredin · 1 year
Regarding Blood Origins, I think you should abandon the ship on trying to put the books together with whatever BO was. They won't follow the books. There are no Aen Elle, no Aen Seidhe - just elves. The monoliths are dwarven & cause the Conjunction due to an OC-mage. There is no Auberon, logically. Avallac'h is not Avallac'h & Eredin is not Eredin & everything is just a cold pile of dung. I just got sad reading your impressions bc they are legit but those writers don't give a shit.
i have had no hope for them actually putting this together to fit canon, but it still frustrates me to see how skewed it is. watching what they're doing just gives me a need to put it into writing though, no matter how well i know that they were not planning on following the books. it's just venting, i guess.
you're right, the writers don't give a shit about the lore of the witcher universe, and it's apparent. kind of amazing that not only did they decide to entirely derail the saga in the main show, they had to find a way to mess up the conjunction of the spheres itself. i've been pointing out the fact that auberon doesn't exist as well when rambling to some friends, i assume they will find some way to shoehorn him in. he'll be tossed in somewhere as an almost completely different character. i can't even see tir ná lia existing in the show at this point, so lord knows what kind of role he would/will have and if avallac'h and eredin will be involved with him in any way.
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ldrtsdflgtrsal · 1 year
Semana Santita (parte 1)
Como esta es la fecha propicia para reflexionar, vengo con una hermosa historia ad-hoc al momento.
Corría el año 2007, y yo compartía departamento con una de mis mejores amigas, la Loreto. Vivíamos en un regio departamento en Providencia, con una vista maravillosa al oriente, en un piso 15. Con la Loreto nos dedicamos a lanzarnos como si el mundo se fuera a acabar, ya que estábamos pasando por una racha increíble en la vida y había que celebrar a como de lugar. Decidimos tomar vacaciones para la semana santa, por lo que el día Miércoles, fuimos a comer al Liguria con unos amigos, y después nos íbamos directo a un after electrónico en Providencia. Como el carrete estuvo demasiado prendío, llegamos a nuestro palacio como a las 9 am, más prendías que la mierda,  pensando en que no debíamos perder más el tiempo, y partir como las estupendas aprovechando el vuelito, a Viña del Mar.
Debo ser honesta y reconocer que estaba ultra ebria junto a la Loreto y que en definitiva la decisión de viajar en ese estado fue más que nada impulsado por el copete, que por una decisión concienzuda, ya que la verdad la verdad, quería puro dormir.
En eso estábamos, escuchando música a todo volumen, armando maletas, y arreglando hueás varias, cuando nos llaman desde conserjería para echarnos la foca por “ruidos molestos”. Como no les dimos ni pelota a los culiaos, no encontraron nada mejor que llamar a los pacos, sin mediar aviso, para que nos hicieran cagar sin piedad. Como a los 30 minutos, nos tocan el timbre.
“los pacos hueona! Baja la música” -Me dice la Lore.-
“Conchetumare!” -Apago la hueá.-
La Lore le abre la puerta a los pacos culiaos, y los invita a pasar cordialmente. Era una pareja de Carabineros jóvenes, a lo mucho de 30 años el mayor y el otro bien cabrito.
“Ve? Si estamos las dos solas.” -Les dice la Loreto, haciéndose la linda.-
“Sí poh, además, ya son las 10 de la mañana, y no es hora para que estén llamando por ruidos molestos.” -interfiero yo.-
“Sí, así nos damos cuenta. Pero ‘oigan shiquillas’, ustedes tan lindas y solitas? -Salta el paco más viejo a tirar los calzones de una.-
La Loreto que no estaba ni ahí con “mancharse” los papeles en el edificio, se la jugó al todo o nada con los pacos y empezó su coquetería con los dos culiaos.
“Ay, sí. Es que estábamos celebrando la titulación de mi hermana, y ahora nos queremos ir a Viña y blá.” -Les comenta la Lore, jugando a la simpática.-
“Aaaah, y están tomando algo, shiquillas?” -Preguntan los pacos califas.-
“Sí pues, tenemos vodkita, quieren?” -La Lore nuevamente.-
“No, no podemos, estamos en servicio, pero podemos acompañarlas un ratito?”
“Claro! Quédense!”
Yo quedé con cara de Plop, porque… no sé poh, ná que ver carretear con un par de pacos que te van a derechamente partear. Creo…
“Ya poh, shiquillas, pongan música y bailemos!” -Exigiendo los dos hueones.-
La hueá, es que nos pusimos a bailar con los pacos, seguimos chupando, el paco más pendejo tenía los ojos celestes muy celestes, y fue el tema de conversación de la mañana.
Los pacos terminaron chupando con nosotras, fumando e intentando agarrar con nosotras de alguna manera, siendo lo menos pescado por nosotras, pero siempre haciéndonos las minas más felices con ellos.
Nos dieron las 13°° hrs. con estos dos, cuando los llamaron de la comisaría echándoles la foca por su “desaparición”; estos giles culeaos pasaos a copete, y a carrete, asustados al máximo, y urgíos que no les hayamos tomado fotos o videos, -hueá que a nosotros nos importaba un pico, ya que estábamos en Saturno, y en la única hueá que pensábamos, era en que no nos partearan, para irnos felices de la vida a la chucha.-
“Shiquillas, dónde van a tomar bus? Nosotros las vamos a dejar, así pasamos más piola.”
“Al terminal Alameda. En serio? Uh! Bacán!”
Partimos con los pacos en su cagá de zapatilla hasta el terminal, cantando Soda Stereo a todo pulmón, la Loreto se puso cariñosa con el paco de ojitos celestes y se lo agarró a besos con el culiao care raja, hasta que llegamos a puerto.
Al bajarnos, los pacos ebrios nos gritaban desde su furgón:
“Shao shiquillas! Nos llaman!”
Yo, haciéndoles chao con mi mano y caminando para atrás, me saqué la conchetumare por no ver la acera, me pegué un tremendo cabezazo que me dejó tirá, sangrando, y así fue como los pacos se bajaron de la hueá y me llevaron rajá a la posta, funando así mi viaje a Viña.
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elderbloodcarrier · 1 year
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9 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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11 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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Tir ná Lia Aesthetic (Aen Elle)
Tir ná Lia is the capital of the world of the Aen Elle and was governed by Auberon Muircetach. The river Easnadh runs through it. According to Ciri, the city has a look similar to that of Shaerrawedd.
Its buildings are described as light, open on all sides (thus resembling gazebos or arbours), seeming so airy, delicate and ephemeral that they actually look not like buildings, but phantoms of buildings. They are built of marble, alabaster, and malachite, and adorned with stucco, terracotta, and mosaics. There are many bridges and terraces, peristiles, cloisters and balconies, sculptures and monuments.
According to Galahad, this land is known by people of his world and have various names: Faërie (by Britons), Annwn (by Celtic druids) or Elfland (by Saxons).
11 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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xuelingxu · 3 years
Lore discussion
Topic: Aen Elle's religion
Through the grasses covering the glade walked - no, not walked - floated a queen, radiant, golden-haired, fiery-eyed, ravishing. The Queen of the Fields, decorated with garlands of flowers, ears of corn, bunches of herbs. At her left-hand side a young stag pattered on stiff legs, at her right rustled an enormous hedgehog.
Dana Méadbh is the elves' name for a goddess also known as the Eternal One, Queen of the Fields, Lyfia, and Bloemenmagde by the dwarves. Lyfia is a goddess worshipped in the area of Dol Blathanna, the Valley of Flowers, as well as in Kaedwen and Aedirn, venerated by peasants, beekeepers and pitch-burners, all of those who live off gifts of the soil and the forest.
We can learn from "The Edge of the World" that Dana Méadbh seems to be the goddess of Aen Seidhe. So I can't help but think, what is Aen Elle's religion like? Here are a few questions to discuss:
Does Aen Elle have religion?
If so, what kind of God/Goddess would they believe?
Will this religious belief become the mainstream thought?
First of all, I'm an atheist and I don't know much about religion, so I apologize in advance if my thoughts offend any of you. Because religion is indeed a rather sensitive topic, I also hope that we can all discuss it in a more rational manner.
Then, let me talk about my opinion. I think the Aen Elle also have a religion, and even they venerate Dana Méadbh, because I think they don't know how to farm like the Aen Seidhe, except that they live a privileged life and have human servants to help them farm, so they don't have to steal or rob to get food like the Aen Seidhe sometimes do.
If their goddess is not Dana Méadbh, I also think they venerate a goddess of a natural one similar to Dana. Yes, I think they would venerate a goddess, considering that they seem to be doing well with affirmative action (had Princess Lara as a priority, proud female elf image, etc.).
They're also a nomadic people who are similarly martial (except now they're stuck in Tir ná Lia because they lost Lara and can't open The Gate of the Worlds), so I think the god/goddess of war is a revered being for them as well.
However, I don't think that religious beliefs will become mainstream in Aen Elle's society. For example, I think Eredin will only believe in his own strength and will not put his faith in religion because he is strong enough and confident enough. Let me be a little mean (sorry), some civilians choose to believe in religion because they are unable to achieve their desires on their own, or their spiritual needs are not satisfied, then they will hope that religion will bring them psychological comfort. Aen Elle, because of its high standard of living, will allow religion to exist, and there will be civilians who believe in religion, but the rest have many other ways to satisfy their spiritual needs, so not the whole race will be religious.
@martinebishop @lamie-lad @livingonmyown @seinyacarol @eredins-wife @ysangre-f-a @dclcq @pickingfightswithsprites @papauue @andordean @craiteys @rosyfingeredqueer @golden-olea
Hello, everyone, if you are interested, you can express your opinion here!
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bloededhoine · 3 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 4: elves!
everyone loves elves! they're a fantasy genre mainstay, archery is so sexy, and they have those E A R S. plus, they play a pretty important part in the witcher universe!
series masterpost
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
i'd recommend going through the last parts, or at least the tl;dr's first
elves arrived on the continent about 2000 years before humans, and are divided into 5 distinct cultures of varying importance: aen undod, aen elle, aen seidhe, black seidhe, and aen woedde
elves only came to the continent in one group, but not all of that group stayed. the different branches based on where they settled make up the different cultures
the main two languages in the witcher are common speech and elder speech (aka hen llinge), the former used by most humans and the latter used by the elder races
aen undod
the aen undod are the oldest elven culture, having existed years before the conjunction of spheres
their home world faced some huge catastrophe, so the aen undod left in search of new worlds, leaving their descendants to become all the future elven cultures.
the aen undod spoke the oldest dialect of elder speech, laith aen undod, or one speech
aen elle
the aen elle use a language derived from hen llinge called ellylon, in which their name means "of the alders"
they don't actually live on the continent, having abandoned it years ago for their own world.
however, when the aen elle arrived in this new world, it was already populated by humans and unicorns. unfortunately, these elves are notoriously ruthless and both the native species were eradicated.
the capital of the aen elle world is tir ná lia, and is described as stunningly beautiful, featuring open air buildings made of marble, alabaster, and malachite. here it is in the third witcher video game, by djkovrik on nexus. their screenshots are amazing btw.
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[ID: screenshot from wild hunt showing tir ná lia. the city is built on cliffs above a sea, there are waterfalls falling from the cliffs and bridges connecting them. there are mountains in the background and the buildings are fairly small and out of focus, they seem to be in the gothic revival style with ornate windows and steeped roofs. end ID]
the ruler of the aen elle was auberon muircetach, king of the alders and aen saevherne (aen saevherne is the honorary title of an elven mage who has extensive knowledge of magic, geneology, history, and many other subjects). auberon was also ciri's 5 times great grandfather. this gwent card pretty much sums up his vibe: scary yet sexy.
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[ID: illustration of elven man with long white hair on a brown horse. he has defined cheekbones and facial features and is wearing a gold crown and blue robes with a red sash, gold belt, and leather boots. he is holding a white unicorn head in one hand. the unicorn's horn is cut off, and is bloody around its neck and where its horn was. end ID]
auberon's consort was another aen elle named shiadhal, with whom he had one daughter, lara dorren. lara is so so so important for the witcher, as she is the beginning of the elder blood, or hen ichaer.
hen ichaer is a gene that carries incredibly powerful magic, and those who have it are usually sources. i talk more abt this in part 3.
for better or for worse, lara dorren fell in love with a human sorcerer, cregennan of lod, and left tir ná lia for him. auberon took this as cregennan "stealing" his daughter and therefore the hen ichaer, and developed a pretty hefty vengeance and dedication to "take back" what was his (yikes).
this also set a precedent of people "claiming" the lives of carriers of the hen ichaer
auberon also formed an elven cavalry known as the red riders or wild hunt (dearg ruadhri in ellylon) and he appointed eredin bréacc glas as their commander. the initial purpose of the wild hunt was to travel to different worlds and capture slaves for tir ná lia, although they later became auberon's tool to find and exploit carriers of hen ichaer.
the wild hunt also uses specially trained mages known as navigators to open portals to other worlds, the most notable of these navigators is caranthir ar-feiniel, who doubled as one of eredin's most trusted men.
the aen elle also live a pretty long time, average is around 650 years, so the timelines are kinda hard to keep track of.
notable aen elle include: auberon muircetach, shiadhal, lara dorren, eredin breácc glas, crevan espane aep caomhan macha (aka avallac'h, also an aen saevherne and lara dorren's ex), caranthir ar-feiniel (also avallac'h's foster son), ge'els (the viceroy of tir ná lia), and imlerith (general of the wild hunt)
aen seidhe
put simply, the aen seidhe are the elves that did not leave when the aen elle did
the aen seidhe don't really have a society like the aen elle, they're pretty dispersed across the world. but, there are certain areas the aen seidhe have claimed as their own.
one of these little civilizations is dol blathanna, also known as the valley of flowers. unfortunately, it's not an independent state, as it was conquered by aedirn in the 1150s. however, then-king baldwin thyssen did allow the elves to retain a lot of their cultural identity and live in peace.
dol blathanna includes the village posada and the capital silver towers, which is where filavandrel aén findháil is from. he's that sexy man right there
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[ID: photo of white elf man with blonde hair going to his shoulders. he is wearing tattered green robes and is looking slightly to the side with his lips pursed. end ID]
not that anyone cares, but here's him in the hexer. it's not important to the lore or twn it's just fuckin funny
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[ID: old man with white frizzy wig. he is wearing a headband that appears to be rocks on a string. he has what looks like a potato sack tied around his shoulders over a green tunic. he is scowling. end ID]
outside of dol blathanna, there aren't really any places where elves can live with minimal human interaction, although the blue mountains are home to a few incredibly powerful elves
side note: dol blathanna is technically part of the blue mountains, but is in the far southern foothills so they're usually treated as separate entities.
the blue mountains are also a natural border dividing the northern kingdoms from the far east, and where filavandrel went to live after he got fed up with dol blathanna.
they're also the home of ida emean aep sivney, who's also an aen saevherne and future member of the lodge of sorceresses.
next season, we're going to meet the beautiful elven sorceress francesca findabair, also known as enid an gleanna (hen llinge for daisy of the valley)
here she is with fringilla vigo (nilfgaardian sorceress) in twn season 2. note that enid is preggers! that's very odd and i will go into detail on it later
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[ID: photo of two women walking side by side. the one on the left is black and has black hair in braids going over one shoulder. she is wearing a silver dress with a similarly coloured floor length coat. the one on the right is biracial and has strawberry blonde hair in a braided updo. she is wearing a floor length blue gown with gold embroidery and a metallic brown cloak. she is pregnant. end ID]
enid is crazy interesting and important for the story of the witcher (and confirmed for season two!), so i won't go too in depth about her now
as i mentioned in part 2, nilfgaard tends to favour elves, leading to a lot of militaristic forces allied with nilfgaard. most notably, the scoia'tael, or squirrels. the scoia'tael are an incredibly ruthless and effective nonhuman guerilla force, generally divided into commandos, units that patrol a given area and eliminate the northern (or simply human) threat.
there are a lot of scoia'tael, so i'll just give you the commanders for now: angus bri cri, coinneach dá reo, iorveth, isengrim faoiltiarna, riordain, and toruviel.
you might remember toruviel as this sexy angry lady from twn, and she is possibly going to get a much bigger role later... pay attention to toruviel.
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[ID: young elf woman with white skin and red hair tied over her shoulder. she has a bloody nose and is wearing a light green top with a dark brown leather studded belt. her belt is also around an olive green coat. she looks quite angry. end ID]
the scoia'tael were very well organized, but also quite dispersed, so when nilfgaard needed more specific tasks done, they would assemble specific military units (usually led by some of our favourite squirrels)
the vrihedd brigade was the most important of these units. they were especially notorious for their cruelty in the second northern war, so i'm sure we'll meet at least a few members next season.
their leader was colonel isengrim faoiltiarna (aka the iron wolf), and his officers coinneach, iorveth, riordain, and angus.
francesca findabair is not directly involved with either the scoia'tael or the vrihedd brigade, but she does work quite closely with them very often.
also important to note that not all scoia'tael are aen seidhe elves, most (including all higher ranking commanders and officers) are, but there are a number of nonhumans including dwarves and halflings.
unfortunately, the aen seidhe are slowly going extinct, both from years of genocide from humans and their slow reproductive cycles (elves live a Long time, but can only have children towards the beginning of their lives)
that's why it's so surprising to me that enid is preggers! we don't exactly know her age, but by my calculations she was over 150 in twn (pretty far past the age elves can have children).
because of this, elves are pretty divided between fighting against human rule and seeking coexistence. there are arguments for both camps, mainly that humans are colonizers and should not be trusted for the former, and that elves are dying out already and need to live with humans to survive for the latter.
the most prominent stand for the fight was in the 1060s when an aen seidhe named aelireen led an uprising against humans. most of the elders told her that it wouldn't end well, but she didn't listen and led hundreds of young elves into battle. it was an utter massacre, and basically all elves who could have children died.
unfortunately, the movement for coexistence was just as unsuccessful. it was led by our man cregennan of lod, lara dorren's husband. the poor simp just wanted to live in peace with his wife, but a lot of humans thought he was a traitor because he married an elf, and he and lara were murdered in 1137 in redania.
the last real push for independence was with the formation of the scoia'tael in the 1260s. I say 1260s because the very beginnings of the scoia'tael were right around 1262-1236 (the start of ciri's timeline) but they became majorly important around 1267. although, even the scoia'tael realized they needed humans to survive and began working with nilfgaard.
however, some scoia'tael are less keen on being nilfgaard's attack dogs, leading to further division amongst the aen seidhe.
black seidhe
remember the elves i talked about in part 2 as being the ancestors of the albans? this is them!
the black seidhe are native to the south, more particularly the valley around the alba river. they are practically extinct, but the nilfgaardians carry a lot of their cultural identity in the nilfgaardian language, a variation of hen llinge.
aen woedde
the wood elves, or aen woedde, is the elven culture we know the least about, they primarily live in the areas around nilfgaardian forests and speak hen llinge.
the only notable wood elf is aenyeweddien, or iskra, a member of the rats, a gang of semi violent youths in the northern realms. we'll learn more about the rats in future seasons.
tl;dr: elves, especially the aen seidhe and aen elle cultures, make up a large part of witcher lore. they are most notable for their long lifespans, magical and historical knowledge, and militaristic alliances with nilfgaard.
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Slovopad/Wordvember 04 - Hlasy listí
Aaaand we're back! Dneska se vracím k fantasy univerzitě z prvního dne, dozvíme se trošku lore a tak!
Podzim v lesích na severu byl to nejkrásnější, co Gerda znala. Smíšený les, ve kterém vyrůstala, se najednou z velké části zbarvil do ruda, žluta a oranžova a zemi pokrylo listí. Pravidelně každý rok vznikla pod okny srubu, ve kterém Gerdina rodina bydlela, ohromná hromada listí, pohrabaného po celé vesnici. V polovině podzimu už byla tak veliká, že se Gerda a její sourozenci nenamáhali slézat z podkrovního pokojíku po příkrých schodech a skákali z okna rovnou na hromadu. Když se teď rozhlížela po univerzitním kampusu, docela jí to chybělo.
Trávníky kolem budov univerzity byly barevným listím téměř nedotčeny. Na vině byli patrně univerzitní zaměstnanci, kteří jakýkoliv list, který dopadl na trávu, okamžitě přemisťovali do pytlů a odnášeli někam pryč. A i když se snažila sebevíc, nikdy neměla dost času na to, aby se jí podařilo zjistit, kam listy kolem univerzity mizí.
“Nejspíš je někde pálí,” usoudil Wid, když se ho na to v jídelně zeptala s nadějí, že mu o tom jeho starší sestra třeba něco řekla.
“Nebo je vozí na kompost?” navrhla Brenda, která se znenadání objevila u jejich stolu. Wid vyjekl a Gerda jen sledovala, jak mu rudnou uši. “Nejspíš prostě chtějí, aby tady byl pořádek,” dodala Brenda smutně. “Kdybychom byli v lese, bylo by to jiné…”
“Taky ti chybí listy?” vyhrkla Gerda. Brenda přikývla.
“Vyrůstala jsem na kraji lesa, strávila jsem tam prakticky celé dětství. Jestli budu mít příležitost, až tady skončím, tak odejdu do lesů a pokud možno je už neopoustím.”
“Takhle mluvil můj bratranec Pelje o horách,” vzpomněla si Gerda.
“Jak to s ním dopadlo?”
“Žije vysoko v horách a stará se tam o svatyni. Když jsem ho viděla naposledy, měřil přes dva metry.”
“To je u trollů normální výška?” ozval se Wid.
“Podle možností. Většina z nás co žije v domech a vesnicích, není o nic větší než lidé. Občas i trochu menší. Ale ti, co tráví celé roky na rovinách nebo v horách pod širým nebem… Našinci to obvykle berou jako hotovou věc, nikdo moc nepřemýšlí nad tím, jak to přesně funguje, ale ti co žijí v takhle velkém prostoru bez střechy nad hlavou, většinou ve větším souladu s přírodou, většinou prostě rostou dál. Nestává se to často, jenom u těch opravdových samotářů. Vypráví se historky o trollech, kteří byli velcí jako hory, ale největší, jakého jsem viděla já, měl tak čtyři metry? O moc víc určitě ne. Myslím, že v dnešní době už by žádný troll nenarostl o tolik víc.”
Brenda se zájmem poslouchala. Wid zíral někam na strop, ale Gerda by se vsadila, že se snaží odhadnout, jak vysoko jsou čtyři metry a co by pro strop a dveře v jídelně znamenala tak vysoká osoba.
“Myslím, že tvého bratrance si asi na čaj nepozvu,” usoudila Brenda s lehkým úsměvem.
“Jemu by to asi ani nevadilo,” přiznala Gerda. “Řekla bych, že je spokojený tam, kde je.”
Brenda přikývla a ohlédla se na Aldaru, která seděla u stejného stolu o pár míst dál.
“Co ty, Aldaro, tys taky vyrůstala v lese, že? Nechybí ti listí?”
Elfka překvapeně vzhlédla od večeře.
“Já- nevím,” zamumlala a znovu sklopila hlavu. “Možná. Nepřemýšlela jsem nad tím.”
“Jednou na podzim vás vezmu k nám,” rozhodla Gerda. “Ať si můžete taky zaskákat do listí.”
Slunce bylo ještě za obzorem, když Gerdě několik dní po debatě v jídelně začal někdo jemně třást ramenem.
“...seděje?” zamumlala rozespale.
“Pššššt,” ozval se tichý hlas její spolubydlící. “Pojď se mnou.”
Aldara počkala, až si Gerda obuje boty a přehodí přes ramena vlněný plášť. Potom ji vyvedla z kolejní budovy.
“Teď ti musím zavázat oči,” oznámila vážně. “Ale nemusíš se bát, nemám v úmyslu nic zlého!” dodala spěšně.
“Kam jdeme?”
“Uvidíš,” zamumlala Aldara rozpačitě. “Je to překvapení.”
“Dobře,” kývla Gerda. “Tak do toho.”
Aldara jí opatrně zavázala oči a pak ji vzala za ruku. Její ruka byla překvapivě teplá a, jak se dalo čekat, měla pět prstů, ne čtyři jako ta Gerdina. Gerdu napadlo, že to je něco, co by v budoucnu ráda prostudovala. Pro teď se ale nechala vést přes kampus někam za skleníky.
Jak pokračovaly dál, přinesl noční vánek ke Gerdiným uším něco povědomého. Stovky šustivých, šumivých zvuků, jako když listím v jejím rodném lese prolétl vítr a ono se rozšumělo spoustou jemných hlásků. Pak jí listí zašustilo kolem nohou a Aldara se zastavila.
“Jsme tu,” oznámila tiše a pustila Gerdinu ruku. Bylo slyšet zamumlané zaklínadlo a Gerda přes šátek, který měla přes oči, zaznamenala jemné světlo. Pak jí Aldara šátek sundala.
Obě dívky stály na palouku, uprostřed kterého byla navršená hromada listí. Zdaleka nedosahovala takových rozměrů jako ta z Gerdiny vesnice, ale i tak šlo o obdivuhodné množství listí. Nad ní se vznášelo několik magických světel.
“To je jediné kouzlo, které zatím zvládám,” přiznala Aldara skromně.
“Tahle hromada je taky kouzelná,” prohlásila Gerda. “To ty?”
“Mluvila jsi poslední dobou hodně o listí. A zmínila jsi hromadu, do které jste skákali? Znělo to hezky. Přemýšlela jsem, že něco takového zkusím, ale myslím, že nevím, jak na to…”
“Nevíš si rady se skákáním do hromady listí?”
Aldara byla úplně rudá, ale přikývla. Gerda se usmála.
“Tak v tom případě tě tomuto starobylému umění budu muset naučit.”
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oxenfurt-archives · 4 years
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Aen Elle
“ The oldest Aen Seidhe legends speak of another tribe of elves - the Aen Elle, which in Elder Speech means the People of the Alders. Their paths are said to have diverged ages ago, when the Conjunction of the Spheres gave birth to dozens, or perhaps even hundreds, of other worlds. The lord of the Aen Elle was supposedly Auberon Muircetach, known as the King of the Alders, who ruled from the city Tir ná Lia. Several fantastical tales of this king exist, but it is not for me to judge here whether there is a kernel of truth in these legends. "
Hen Gedymdeith, "The Legends of the Elder Races"
The Witcher Lore (49/∞)
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gingerftmnerd · 4 years
Magical Science (Title In Progress)
If you believe in myth, magic, dragons, and climate change, then lend an ear. Many believe the core, human aspects to a tale such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to hold truth.
What if someone told you that Merlin himself was real? That magic, was real? Avery Daniel Addair has always believed in such things, but who would ever believe him? Could his mentor and professor prove useful in such inquiries?
(Avery) “ I’ll have you know Professor Danes is a very busy man, the school is not his only priority."
(Anna) “ I hear he’s looking for something Arthurian, I hear he’s putting a team together for the spring elective. Please, I need this if I’m going to prove anything in this field. Especially as a woman”
(Avery) “ Look, i’m all for equality and there’s plenty of good women doing what you aspire to do, but it’s not up to me. His methods of choosing his candidates are his own and it matters not what I say. “
*Anna stays her ground, and scrunches her face about to escalate the conversation*
(Avery) “*sigh* If you’re that desperate, try going around him and talk to one of the scientists he’s hired to be on the ‘team’. Marks or Hanlen might hear you out”
(Anna) “ While I’d prefer the head, I guess i’ll take one of the legs….that came out weird..I-”
(Avery) “Good evening Miss Collins”
Closing the red oak door to his small yet efficient office, Avery runs his fingers along the inside, covered in scratch marks and other multitudes of 200 year old wear and tear, poorly covered up with wood filler and stain. He saunters over and slumps down into his old leather chair. The one his father gave to him as a congratulatory present after hearing of his new position at the University. Old but comfortable, it’s cracks telling stories on the ridges of the bottom, nearly visible. But it’s tough tan exterior proved worthy of those long nights at the typewriter. Probably just as old as too. Professor Danes insisted that everything be typed out that way; never trusting technology when it came to his soon-to-be published works.
Avery was always the type of TA that could look the part one minute, and come across as a college/university student the next. Wavy auburn hair never out of place as if by magic, button nose and eyes as green as the grassy meadows of his homeland.
He was a short in stature burly farm boy, plus the charm. Complete with tattoos, hipster beard and deep blue horned rim glasses. Hidden away in layers under Cardigans and denim shirts.
(Danes) “ As you know I’ve been searching for candidates to assist my team of Scientists, Historians, and Archaeologists..n’ so forth. I would like each of you to tell me in a 600 word essay, as to what it is about Arthurian lore that intrigues you the most”
Mr.Avery and I here, will grade, evaluate and discuss, and determine 3 lucky chosen individuals to accompany us on our journey as assistants in archival and analysis, par example. We aim - we hope, that there shall be evidence suggesting King Arthur and his knights, were in fact real people. I wouldn’t dream of going as far as to suggest that the magical aspect of it all is real, but there’s always people.
There’s always science, and to some that science could be viewed as a form of magic.
My - our goal is to unearth such mysteries.
*Danes looks at the time nervously*
Well, alright, that’s it for today. Hop to it!”
Danes respected Avery on equal terms perhaps, 85% of the time, if he’s lucky. If only people knew that half of the professor's dissertations were written by Avery. And whenever a curvaceous prospect crossed Danes’ radar, Avery caught their attention instead. Could it be that Danes is too old for this generation of students? Or is it that he’s just not as attractive as he thinks he is.?
Greying hair, Danes’ makes a point to keep it short, but long enough to fluff on special occasions. Brown eyes with glints of honey amber dancing around the pupils and partially deaf in his right ear. Otherwise tall, fairly toned, and had a story for every scar he gained in his adventures. Early inspirations include Milo from Disneys' Atlantis, and Indiana Jones. It never fails to amaze anyone either, at the amount of tweed this man owns to don every day for work.
* * * * * * * * *
(Unknown Elf) "D’ah’lell “ Ní mór an Fhoireann a aimsiú riamh. Coinnigh slán é, coinnigh i bhfolach é, agus ná nocht tú féin ach nuair a fuair tú é. "
(Translation) "The Staff must never be found. Keep it safe, keep it hidden, and only reveal yourself when you've found them."
As a swinging ax nearly takes his head off, Avery runs towards the bridge, not knowing who this elf was but unaware of what was happening wasn’t real. Out of breath, and terrified, Avery makes way for an old bridge in view. It's moss covered stone bricks barely strong enough to carry the weight of man at a glance. But with no choice his feet, rendering him light as a feather, hurtled him towards escape. A flash of orange light blinds him and soon as his eyesight returns, it appears he has landed in another unrecognizable part of the forest. Howls of wolves became louder and closer every second he stood still with the dying trees. Looking at his hands, covered in rings of gold, ruby, emerald, and sapphire, they were not his own.
Another flash of orange light and the screaming of a name, Avery whips his head to view a mystery woman cloaked in shadow and red velvet. Running towards her he trips on an elevated root, a searing pain emits from his leg. His eyes locked with that of a wolf of enormous size. It's teeth covered in blood and drool with a crazed glint in it's gaze, a snap of it's jaw and a lunge towards him, death was assured. The Last flash of familiar light is at it's brightest.
Avery springs from his drenched pillows and sheets feeling as if he'd lost a year off his life. Looking around in a panic, as if documenting each dark form from his desk, to his reading nook. The sites and smells were both foreign and comforting to him. It felt like he was living in two different worlds one moment, then back in his bedroom the next.
Coaxing his legs to move, Avery makes it to his desk, rummaging for a pen and paper before a name was gone from memory. Seis.
(Avery) “Seis? That means Melody in irish Gaelic. Why the hell would I dream up something like that?”
A cold and numbing feeling flushes over his face as if he’s about to expel every ounce of bile from the current day, only to find it hard enough to walk to the bathroom in time. His body convulsed at an alarming rate, falling to the ground, flashes of other unknown images flood his thoughts. Nothing comes out. Neither the sickly feeling nor mixed up narrative whirring in his nightmares left him.
Pins and needles slowly faded from his extremities, yet an itch on his left ankle remained, becoming too unbearable not to sate. As he started to scratch a confounded pain shot through his left leg. Pulling away as fast as he had reached, the tips of his fingers appeared to be covered in blood. The wound continues to bleed down past his foot.
(Avery) "Th-That was a dream...wasn't it?"
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sanhatipal · 6 years
Abyss,Wonderland,Tir ná nÓg? The Nature of the Abyss
This is a theory I came up with in October 2017,quite out of the blue. Before you read this, please know that I first read Pandora Hearts in September 2017,in one go.(It took me 3 days and 3 nights,I did away with sleep to read it,which was possible because it was after the exans and there were no classes). And then reread it around 7-8 times after that.
Now,the Theory:
I read the manga,(cried), then read it again,(cried harder),then went to re-read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,and Alice Through the looking glass, because there were obvious parallels, and innumerable references to Lewis Carrol's story in PH,and there were things I wanted to confirm. I found more parallels and references than I expected,and more than I'd seen anyone point out on the internet,maybe I'll post them someday,but that's not what I'm about. Many readers believe that the Abyss is a parallel to wonderland. But I don't think that's it. The part Oz fell into certainly seems like a twisted version of wonderland,but that isn't the true nature of The Abyss. It's the twisted,corrupted form from Levi's "experiment" which put Alyss with the core. What is wonderland? Alice's dream world,right? Or rather Alice's mind. So the corrupted Abyss is probably the state of Alyss's mind,which was,of course broken: a.k.a. the wonderland of a broken child.
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But then what is the true nature of the uncorrupted,golden Abyss? I have reason to believe that it is actually Tír ná nÓg,the Land of Youth according to Irish folklore. (I am a very big fan of Celtic Music,and Celtic culture is a huge obsession for me,even bigger than anime and manga,and that's why I know these, I'm not Irish though Ireland really interests me.)
It struck me while listening to Celtic music at night, like I always do. Think about it,Time flows differently in the Abyss,as does it in the Land of the Youth. Both have time altering properties.Tír ná nÓg or the Otherworld is the land of eternal youth and golden light. GOLDEN LIGHT. It is the realm of Faeries and the place of the Ideal. According to folklore,when a person went there for 3yrs, the time he had lost was actually 300 yrs. The only difference with the Abyss is that his age came back when he returned to earth,and aged to 300+ and turned to dust,in one version on opening a box from the faeries which they told him not to open,in another when he fell of the Otherworld horse.
The best implication is in the songs of the Irish people about Tír ná nÓg, the catchiest probably Celtic Woman's one in their album Destiny. Now after Pandora Hearts,all I can think of is the Abyss,when I hear these lines:
"Time won't follow the path we came,
The world you left it forgot your name.
Stay with me,and me mine my love,
Spare my heart the pain"
.. . I can't help but think it's the lonely Core of the Abyss that's singing this,also warning the person who fell into the Abyss that even if he does go back,he won't go back to his own time.
Hawthorn trees ,which in Irish lore are often called Fairy Trees,and believed to be the are the Gates to the Otherworld... cutting down a Hawthorn is supposed to bring hella bad luck,though living Fairy Trees bring good luck and harbour faeries. (Also the Hawthorn flower symbolizes hope. In other words the tree in all its aspects mean magic,hope and fortune,but will destroy you if you try to make them yours...and I'm proud that my Ogham sign is Hawthorn...er.... I'm going off topic,sorry.)
So does it follow that when I sing "Come with me to Tír ná nÓg",I imply "Let me cast you into the Abyss"?? Maybe it does,the Golden Abyss which Lacie saw,the golden Abyss we see at the very end of the manga.
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But then, this is just a wild theory my crazy mind is putting together, and I can't guarantee anything, because I can't look into Mochizuki's mind.
That being said here's something fun(this isn't a part of the theory,just an extra..er ..an omake?):
In retrace 104 we see that the concept of parallel worlds do exist in PH(hell, that was so painful) and the power of the Abyss can let you travel to such a world,even if for a short while,even if it's just a glimpse.
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Maybe we could access the PH world from hours through the Abyss,aka Tir ná nÓg? Just kidding :^) Good luck finding the right Hawthorn tree,let me know if you do.
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momo-de-avis · 5 years
No worries! :) You're right that Irish orthography is really simple once you know the rules! And then each dialect (we're Connacht) tosses half the rules away! (And don't worry, I've actually heard some people pronounce Padraig with a D, but I think it's an Ulster thing???)
(And I love your Irish stuff! Beyond impressed by all that you know, especially self-taught. That's one advantage of all the Americans being obsessed, I suppose - the online resources come on in leaps all the time. But it's wonderful to see someone from Portugal who loves the culture for itself! :))
Omg, no, don't cry! You're not massacring it, and even if you are, well, Irish has survived that plenty of times, lol. Honestly, people speaking a language badly is a necessary part of PEOPLE SPEAKING IT! And we Irish know this. Here's a phrase to hold to your heart: "Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste, ná Béarla cliste." Broken Irish is better than clever English!
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your message has given me an extra 5 years of life
I’ve always been so fascinated with irish culture, my mom always put me to sleep with irish music (Cds with actual traditional irish songs, sang in gaelic, not celtic woman, I promise!) and from that, I always wanted to learn more and more, and the history of Ireland to me remains one of the most fascinating in Europe. The language though it’s like.. God, it’s so beautiful to hear. And it’s the only language that makes me say it tastes good in the mouth like, I can’t explain it, but it’s smooth to the tongue and it’s just pleasant to speak
I try hard as hell to steer away from american-influenced stuff because, growing up, the more I learned about ireland, the more I realize a LOT of misconceptions come from americans. And beyond that, I think Irish history and culture is a lot more fascinating than americans at times make it sound. I’ve also come to learn there’s a lot of things in common between the irish and the portuguese, which I supposed is given the fact that we’re both very catholic (and in different ways, both countries that inherited a lot from pagan traditions, although the portuguese are less aware of that).
Like, this thing I’ve been posting snippets of is very loosely based in irish mythology (the lore, at least, and when I say loosely based, I mean imagine a bunch of people actually interpreting mythology to their own benefit) and I use modern irish as ‘the old tongue’ that is used mostly for blessings, curses and praying and that was like.. my way of just.. embracing the language and trying to show respect and admiration. I really was influenced by YEARS of irish songs and my mom going ‘god, Ireland is SO BEAUTIFUL’ . I only hope I can pay enough respects and homage to your culture!
Thank you so much for your message anon it makes me so, so grateful
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zlutyzakaznik · 4 years
Ten tajemný předmět touhy
 (30. 3. 2020) Pár poznámek k regionálním pražírnám a “privátním” zrnkům.
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Ne, dnešní článek není o pivu, jak by mohlo naznačovat úvodní foto zachycující výsledek krátkého nákupu v Maneu, kam jsme se s kamarádem minulý týden vydali jeho autem, abychom doplnili zásoby. Jelikož média nabádají, abychom se během karantény vzdělávali, vzal jsem si tato doporučení k srdci a zaměřil se zejména na belgickou klasiku, protože mám v této oblasti vážné mezery. Ještě než jsme vyrazili, připravil jsem slíbené cappuccino, servírované za přísně hygienických podmínek. Přiznávám, že se mi při nalévání červeného selského mléka do espresso základu i při předávání šálku viditelně klepaly ruce, protože jsem nechtěl zklamat člověka, co má už deset let Gaggii Baby Twin, Rancilo Rocky a k tomu si ještě paralelně předplácí týdeník The New Yorker a deník The New York Times. :-)
Pokud se aspoň trochu zajímáte o kávu a občas nahlédnete na některý z kávových e-shopů, osvětový web či stránky pražíren, možná se už také delší dobu potýkáte s podobným “problémem”: na reklamních proužcích v Google se podezřele často objevuje přehlídka lákavých profesionálních kávovarů a barevně pestrá škála filtrovacích trychtýřů. (Na mě osobně útočí na – někdy neadblockovaném – YouTube s neuvěřitelnou umanutostí reklama, na které je roztomilý především její konec; nic proti VBM, ba právě naopak, jejich kávovary i tento spot považuji za to nejlepší, co se dá v dané oblasti nalézt a viděl jsem ho mnohokrát). Jestliže se však algoritmům v Google nebo YouTube docela daří cílit svá reklamní sdělení, sponzorované příspěvky Facebooku jsou pro mne spíše zdrojem poučení a pobavení, protože poodkrývají často svéráznou krajinu českých a moravských regionálních pražíren.
Co začalo před pár měsíci jednou pražírnou denně, změnilo se v uplynulých týdnech na dvě a v posledních dnech občas i tři FB reklamy během 24 hodin a může se tak zdát, že praží celé Česko. Nemám sílu ani chuť procházet všechno, co jsem dosud v dané oblasti zaznamenal, natož abych jednotlivé podniky v budoucnu osobně navštěvoval – jakýsi přehled na webu prazirny.eu, který svého času udržovalo Piccolo neexistuje už, ano, neexistuje – a tak jen stručně zmíním hlavní rysy těchto podniků.
Šíře nabídky ve stylu “u nás si vybere každý”. Jak čerstvá asi bude zelená surovina, když má malá lokální pražírna skladem 10, 15 nebo i 30 různých káv a nemají obrat jako třeba Hasbean nebo Square Mile? A i když kávu upraží až po přijaté objednávce a druhý den vyexpeduje, což mimochodem není u dobrých podniků žádná výjimka, nelze se v případě této brněnské firmy ubránit pocitu, že tak trochu neví, co dělají, protože v diskusi na FB u sponzorovaného příspěvku se člověk dozví věci (že si zákazník u min. 250g balení může vybrat v určitém rozmezí vlastní stupeň pražení – jak si podnik stojí za tím, co dělá? –  a zejména to, že pražírna doporučuje pít kávu 2 až 3 dny po upražení a že oni sami ji pijí hned po vysypání z pražičky + pár dalších nepřesností).
Informační balíček. Velmi často bohužel chybí některé důležité údaje a nemohu se zbavit pocitu, že jde o úmysl s tím, že většina zákazníků tohle stejně neřeší. Pokud firma tedy neuplatňuje přístup roast to order, často schází informace o dni v týdnu, kdy dělá novou várku nebo v popisce balíčků datum prostě chybí. Úplně nejhorší jsou vágní geografická označení jako Ethiopia Sidamo nebo Brasil Santos. A cuppingové skóre nebo dokonce informace o importérovi zelené suroviny? Ale kdeže. V ojedinělých případech, jako je třeba tato firma, se pořád hraje na tajňačku. U podniku, který funguje pár let, je, obávám se, informace o tom, že se bude tajemství dědit z generace na generaci, asi poněkud předčasná. 
Jazyková kreativita jako téma na samostatnou studii. Všemožné květnaté obraty, superlativy, hodnotící adjektiva a tvrzení o vlastní jedinečnosti a příběhy o vzniku kopírující ve své monotónnosti zakládání nových kaváren. Heavenly Taste u Bloďáka, Born On Kilimanjaro a další. Na druhou stranu musím přiznat, že australskou kávu v ceně 1950 Kč za kilo bych u hulínské pražírny rozhodně nečekal a že se člověk opravdu dozví leccos zajímavého anebo se poučí (degustační list stejné pražírny, tzv. Kávový mlsoun, uvádí, že “Gramáž na poctivé presko doporučujeme mezi 11 – 14 g kávy/espresso.”) 
Nekomunikativnost pražíren a neochota. Ano. Bohužel se až příliš často stává, že člověk se na něco zeptá na Facebooku nebo Instagramu a odpovědí je jen mlčení a když tam zavolá, dočká se tvrzení, že se na “to” teď neměli čas (čest výjimkám jako je například tato). Chápu, že ne každý je produktivní mediální hvězda jako Industra nebo Bucheck, které sledují davy followerů během jejich spanilých jízd nebo “bytových tutorialů” ale i tak. U naprosté většiny regionálních pražíren mě to až tak nemrzí, ale výjimečně člověk narazí na něco zajímavého (třeba i na Slovensku, kde je nejprve ticho po pěšině na FB, pak jeden zavolá pražiči a ten je viditelně potěšený zájmem a odkáže jej na MAD DROP café v Bratislavě, kde prý jeho kávu určitě mají, ale daný podnik nemá telefon a na FB se zákazník opět dočká mlčení). Vrcholem je pak pro mě přístup táborského podniku s nedodělaným webem, kde na můj dotaz na informace o nabízené kávě byla reakce na FB tato: “A naši pravidelní zákazníci naší kávu znají...” 
A co vlastní zrnka? Ano, samozřejmě mě to už také napadlo a posledních pár týdnů jsem o tom docela přemýšlel, ale není kam spěchat a jestliže jsem věnoval studiu relevantních materiálů před koupí kávovaru a mlýnku zhruba 5 měsíců, tady jde o střednědobý výhled 5 až 7 let. Na prvním místě samozřejmě proto, že teď nějakou dobu potrvá, než se poměry stabilizují a pokud půjde jen o rok, mohli bychom hovořit o velkém štěstí. Vzhledem ke stále většímu rozsahu krize to ale také může být mnohem déle, hotovost bude opět králem a lze jen spekulovat, zda se výrazně nepromění i trh s výběrovou kávou. A samozřejmě je také nutné nasbírat potřebné korunky. A to nejen na pražičku a software, ale i na zařízení vhodného domácího prostoru + částka na surovinu. A úplně nejdřív si nastudovat veškerou legislativu a logistiku, navštívit příslušné expozice na oborových veletrzích jako World of Coffee či HOST nebo importéra suroviny a provést příslušné konzultace. Ale vize či předběžná představa tady je, a to v následujících rovinách – ideové a technické:
Rozhodně ne coby hlavní činnost na uživení se, ale pouze jako vážný a nadšený koníček, jehož výsledky budou určeny pro vlastní konzumaci a případně, bude-li zájem, pro pár kamarádů, kolegů a známých. Jeden den v týdnu pro vlastní práci, omniroast pojetí (použitelné pro espresso i filtr) a minimalismus v dramaturgii zrnek, tedy pouze jedna nebo dvě kávy s extrémním důrazem na kvalitu a vyhýbání se slovu výběrová. Kromě oblíbené Etiopie nebo Burundi samozřejmě i Kolumbie (tradiční i “reformovaná”) nebo Guatemala – prostě samé dobré microloty :-) Jen velmi velmi předběžně jsem se díval na stránky pár importérů zelené kávy, ale z těch několika známějších se mi líbí Nordic Approach, protože lze objednat (byť s pochopitelným manipulačním poplatkem 50 USD) už 30kg box nebo jeden 60kg žok a uvedena je i konstrukce cen včetně názorných příkladů a struktury vlastní marže. A po prokliknutí to zvídavého člověka odnese na Cropster Hub, kde je i cuppingové skóre a senzorické poznámky z poslední degustace. A druhou zajímavou firmou jsou na první přehlédnutí holandští This Side Up, kde nakupují surovinu i některá známá tuzemská jména – máváme do Doubleshotu, Rusty Nails nebo Rella. :-)
A pokud by byla špičková kvalita zrnek, nebylo by hezké kdyby i obal představoval ódu na typografickou kvalitu? Klasická papírová obdélníková či čtvercová krabička i různobarevné doypacky na zip skýtají tolik možností: monochromatické ladění, hrátky s povrchem papíru, otisky razítek a piktogramy, geometrická abstrakce a abstraktní expresionismus anebo reinterpretace názvosloví a významových konvencí specialty coffee. Proč alespoň občas neudělat balení kávy po vzoru bibliofilie coby číslovanou edici v rámci daného microlotu? 
A samozřejmě také detailní informace na balení včetně doporučeného receptu s doplňkovými informacemi na webu. Bohužel se občas škudlí na pár korunách a ceně 250g balení neodpovídá laciný hnědý sáček na zavinutí a skobičku. Někdy se o malých pražírnách pracujících s kvalitní surovinou mluví jako o butikových Jak by pak mělo být klasifikováno tohle? Mikrobutik? :-) A názvy jednotlivých edic? Co třeba Big Bean, Born Bearded, Bad Brew nebo Bean’s The Boss? (Pochopitelně žertuji a to opravdové si nechám zatím pro sebe coby součást vize).
Jedním z důvodů je i ekonomika, i když zdaleka to není to hlavní vzhledem k již uvedeným představám. Ale stejně. Před pár dny jsem viděl prodávat White Label od Coffeespotu v Martiňákovi na Veveří za 372 Kč (250g balení), hranice nacenění kontinuálně testují v Brně Rebelové a musím říct, že nejen mě šokovalo maloobchodní ohodnocení vybraných káv u Fiftybeans, kde je základní balení 200 g a cena za kilo dosáhla nového brněnského rekordu, tedy 1759 Kč s DPH za kilo Ekvádoru. Kdyby tam aspoň bylo uvedeno vysoké cuppingové skóre nebo že jde o vzácný mikrolot, aby se ta cena psychicky zdůvodnila, ale zasazeno do kontextu informace, že ve Friedrichovi Vám dají kilo drahé dánské La Cabry s sebou za 1400 Kč, se mi to zdá prostě příliš, a to je ještě bez poštovného, které v těchto dnech pražírny paušálně promíjejí. A je sice hezké, že pražírna u některých káv nabízí i tříkilové balení, ale pokud u Rwandy dosáhne úspora u tohoto oproti klasické kilovce 37 Kč, musím si o přístupu pražírny myslet své – tohle je opravdu úlet. Nejen mě to pak vede k úvahám, zda je taková cena mj. důsledkem pořízení nové pražičky, kterou na coffeeforums.com cenově charakterizovali takto: “The new Loring Nighthawk is sweet, but at $49K + shipping, + install, + $3K venting kit, it's about a $60K price tag for a 7kg roaster.” A to je myšleno pro americký trh, tedy bez dopravy do Evropy, cla a dalších radostí. A Loring, stejně jako naprostá většina velkých jmen pražení, cenu stroje na svých stránkách neuvádí a je nutné si ji vyžádat.
A konečně to poslední, tedy ten tajemný předmět touhy (ano, jde o výpůjčku z Buñuela, kterého mám nejraději – ještě víc než Krásku dne nebo Anděla zkázy), tedy pražička. Opakuji, že nikam nespěchám a uvidíme, zda následující měsíce a roky nebudou znamenat konec kávového světa tak jak jsme ho dosud znali, ale kdyby ne, mělo by to být něco komorního, skladného, estetického a především spolehlivého, odolného a nastavitelného. A ne vyrobené v Číně, protože pražička není telefon nebo tričko, jakkoli se prý o tomto výrobci pěkně vyjádřil spolupracující Scott Rao. Spíše něco jako toto. Daný model měli donedávna ve Fiftybeans a praží se na něm třeba i tady. (Espresso z Guatemaly připravené na tomto stroji bylo pro mě dosud nejlepší slovenskou kávou). Mají zastoupení v ČR, mají dvouletou EU záruku a “stříbrnou” verzi prosím. Ta tlačítka, ty displeje, ta trojice PIDů a ty možnosti, kdy lze v rámci jednoho stroje alternovat mezi vzorkovou pražičkou a plnou dávkou! Takže tak. :-) 
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