#n plays utapri
glitchdecay · 3 months
Natsuki Is So Much More Than His Ditzy Behavior: Part 4
A recurring... theory? Idea? Idea! That comes up whenever Natsuki (and Satsuki) is concerned is that the trigger for Satsuki's appearance is Natsuki's glasses being taken off in some way.
The true trigger for Satsuki's appearance, despite what the other characters (and basically everyone following UtaPri) think, is Natsuki being in danger. This is actually in line with real life accounts of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), aka what people used to call Split Personality Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, aka what the first season of the anime and the song オリオンでSHOUT OUT calls "Gemini Syndrome."
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This part will have two sub-parts, each with a scene that demonstrates the trigger condition. Before this point in Natsuki's route in Repeat/Repeat LOVE, however, we are aware that Satsuki can manifest as a dark aura around Natsuki — this has happened in May, when he went toe-to-toe against Shining Saotome; and in July, when his glasses were knocked off in a game of water polo at the school pool.
The first sub-part comes in October, when Natsuki brings MC-chan to the school roof so they could watch the school festival fireworks together.
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Note: The default name 七海春歌 (Nanami Haruka) will be used for the main character. I transcribed the Japanese manually from the Switch port, but I’m only human. All translations are my own.
どーんッ! 花火が上がり、屋上が明るく照らし出す。 【七海春歌】:「あっ」 四ノ宮さんが眼鏡を外していた。 【四ノ宮那月】:「今は名前で……那月って呼んで」 四ノ宮さんの瞳がまっすぐわたしを見つめていた。いつもの笑顔とは違う。真剣な顔……。 目を逸らせなくなる……。 【七海春歌】:「……那月くん……」 自然と口からそうこぼれた。 那月くんはふっと微笑んで、わたしの額にキスをする。 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕はずっと、あなたのことが好きだった。……でも、それは恋とは違うものだと思っていたんです」 【四ノ宮那月】:「小鳥さんたちや、翔ちゃんを好きな気持ちとおんなじなんだって。だけど……気づいてしまった」 【四ノ宮那月】:「これは恋なんだって……翔ちゃんを好きな気持ちとあなたを思うこの気持ちは別物なのだと……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「あなたはずっと僕を見ていてくれた。僕の支えになってくれた……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「そんなあなたを、僕はずっと前から好きになっていたんです。ただ、それに気づかなかっただけ」 ドーーーンッ! 再び花火が上がる。 かしゃんっ。 那月くんが私の肩を掴んだ瞬間、わたしの背中が屋上の金網にぶつかった。 【七海春歌】:「ん……!」 ドキドキが止まらなくて今にも倒れてしまいそうで、わたしは金網にもたれかかった。 【四ノ宮那月】:「…………はぁ。んっ」 そんなわたしを追い詰めるかのように、那月くんが金網に手をかける。 【四ノ宮那月】:「……っ。春歌……本当の僕を見て……!」 次第に、那月くんの顔が近づいてくる。 【七海春歌】:「……………………」 動けなかった。それどころか、目を逸らすことさえ……。 わたしは那月くんの瞳に吸い込まれそうになっていた。 でも……。 どーーーんッ!!!! その時、わたしの目に飛び込んできた花火。それは、学園長先生をかたどったものだった。 その瞬間、脳裏に浮かんだのは『恋愛禁止』の四文字。 【七海春歌】:「!!!!やっぱり駄目ですぅぅぅ!」 気づくとわたしは那月くんを突き飛ばしていた。 パキッ! 【七海春歌】:「………………あ」 眼鏡が…………。 突き飛ばされた拍子に、那月くんは眼鏡を落とし、それを踏んで壊してしまった。 【七海春歌】:「あ、あの、ごめんなさいっ。あの……わたし……」 【四ノ宮那月?】:「やってくれたな……」 【七海春歌】:「え……あ、あの……す、すみません」 ……那月……くん?なんだろう、全然違う人みたい……。 まるであのプール開きの時の……。もうひとつの人格みたいな……。 【四ノ宮那月?】:「あやまれば……許してもらえるとでも?」 やっぱり、違う。那月くんじゃ……ない。 【七海春歌】:「あ、あの……ほ、本当に四ノ宮……さん?」 【四ノ宮砂月】:「ああ、俺は四ノ宮だぜ。ただし、那月じゃない……。俺の名前は四ノ宮砂月」 砂月……くん?もうひとつの人格にも名前が!? 【七海春歌】:「あの……那月……くんは……どこへ?」 【四ノ宮砂月】:「さぁな?お前が拒絶したんだろ。もう、帰ってこないかもしれないな」 【七海春歌】:「そん……な……。ごめ……ごめんなさい……。那月……くん。那月くんは今、どこでどうして……」 【四ノ宮砂月】:「……自分から突き放しておいて今更、那月の心配か?」
Bang! The fireworks went off, lighting up the school roof. Nanami Haruka: Ah. Shinomiya-san removed his glasses. Shinomiya Natsuki: Say my name... Call me Natsuki. Shinomiya-san's eyes looked straight at me. He's not smiling as usual. He looked serious... I couldn't look away... Haruka: ... Natsuki-kun... The words slipped out of my mouth. Natsuki huffed a smile, kissing me on the forehead. Natsuki: I've always loved you. ... But I thought it wasn't the romantic kind of love. Natsuki: I thought I loved you the same way I loved little birds or Syo-chan. But... I realize now... Natsuki: That this is romantic love. That how I feel about you is different from the way I feel about Syo-chan. Natsuki: You've always looked at me. You've supported me... Natsuki: That's who I've been in love with for a while now. I just never realized it before. Ba—ng! Another firework went up into the sky. Crash. No sooner did Natsuki-kun grab my shoulders than I crashed into the iron fence around the roof. Haruka: Ngh...! My heart beat so hard I thought I'd faint any second. I grabbed onto the iron fence behind me. Natsuki: ... Ah. Mmh. Natsuki-kun held his hand against the fence as if to push me up against it. Natsuki: ... Haruka. Look at me... the real me! Natsuki-kun's face slowly closed in on mine. Haruka: ............ I couldn't move. I couldn't even avert my gaze. It felt like I was being sucked into Natsuki-kun's eyes. But... Ba—ng! The firework that appeared was in the shape of the school principal. At that moment, the words "romance is forbidden" floated to the back of my mind. Haruka: !!! I just can't do this! I noticed I'd just pushed Natsuki-kun away. Snap! Haruka: ......... Ah. His glasses...... The moment Natsuki was pushed away, his glasses dropped to the ground and broke from his step. Haruka: I— I'm— I'm sorry— I didn't mean... Shinomiya Natsuki[?]: You've done it now. Haruka: Uh... I— I'm sorry. Natsuki... -kun? He seems like a different person altogether. It was the same as the time we were at the pool... Like he had another personality... Natsuki[?]: Did you think... You'd be forgiven? He's not the same. Not... Natsuki-kun. Haruka: Are you... Are you really— Shinomiya-san? Shinomiya Satsuki: Yeah, I'm Shinomiya all right. But I ain't Natsuki... My name's Shinomiya Satsuki. Satsuki... -kun? The other personality had a name too? Haruka: So... Where'd... Natsuki... -kun... go? Satsuki: Who knows? You're the one who rejected him. Might not even come back. Haruka: No... I'm— I'm sorry... Natsuki... -kun. Where is he? How is he...? Satsuki: You were the one who forced him away... Worried about him now?
Natsuki first removed his glasses on his own. It was only when MC-chan pushed him away that Satsuki took over (after having experienced perceived rejection). The glasses breaking didn't do anything, as the next chapter establishes that fixing the glasses and putting them back onto him didn't make Natsuki take over again.
Natsuki and Satsuki also speak differently — the former uses polite language, the non-threatening 僕 boku, and the more formal あなた anata; while the latter speaks more roughly and uses the assertive 俺 ore/the informal お前 omae. I tried to slip some of this by making Satsuki say "ain't," but it doesn't come across as clearly in English.
The second sub-part is from November, when Syo recounted a brush with danger (read: Satsuki).
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【来栖翔】:「俺……砂月は嫌いだ」 【七海春歌】:「…………?翔くん、砂月くんのこと知ってるの?」 【来栖翔】:「…………昔。ちょっとだけ会ったことがある」 【渋谷友千香】:「ちょっと翔ちゃん、その話詳しくっ!」 【来栖翔】:「会ったっつーか、すれ違っただけっつーか。子供の頃、ヴァイオリンの演奏会でさ。俺と那月は楽屋が一緒だったんだ。」 【来栖翔】:「本番直前になっても、あいつ、楽屋でうたた寝してたから、起こしやったんだよ」 【来栖翔】:「そしたら、いきなり睨まれて。『お前じゃ、俺には絶対勝てない』なんてぬかしやがった」 【来栖翔】:「俺がキレたら、那月の奴、もっかい寝ちまってさ。起きた時には、普通に戻っていやがった」 【来栖翔】:「たぶん、あの時出てきたのが『砂月』なんだと思う」 【来栖翔】:「……あの頃、那月は天才ヴァイオリニストだ なんだってもてはやされてて、俺はそれが悔しくてさ」 【来栖翔】:「『絶対お前を越してやる』なんて、啖呵切ったりしてたんだよな」 【来栖翔】:「にしても、『絶対勝てない』はないよなぁ。子供心にグラっと来たぜ」 【渋谷友千香】:「で?一度でも勝てたことあるの?」 【来栖翔】:「聞くな!」 【渋谷友千香】:要するに勝てなかったのね」 【来栖翔】:「うぐっ!」 【七海春歌】:「と、トモちゃん……」
Kurusu Syo: I... hate Satsuki. Nanami Haruka: ......? Syo, do you know Satsuki? Syo: ...... A long time ago. I met him once. Shibuya Tomochika: Hold up Syo-chan, tell us more! Syo: I didn't really meet him, it was more like I passed him by. There was a violin competition when I was a kid. Natsuki and me were in the same waiting room. Syo: He was still asleep even though it was going to be his turn next, so I tried to wake him up. Syo: But I got glared at. "You're never gonna win against me," he said. Syo: I got mad, but he went back to sleep. But when he woke up, he was back to his regular self. Syo: I think Satsuki was the one who appeared at that time. Syo: ... Natsuki was a genius violinist back then. He mastered everything so quickly that it was frustrating to me. Syo: So I got mad at him and said, "I'll get better than you for sure!" Syo: You wouldn't say, "You're never gonna win," huh? It's shocking to a kid. Tomochika: So? Did you ever win against him? Syo: Don't ask! Tomochika: You never did, then. Syo: Geh! Haruka: Tomo-chan...
It's interesting that Satsuki appeared here. Of course, one could make the argument that Satsuki's "in charge" when Natsuki is sleeping, but you have to remember: you're defenseless when you're asleep.
Besides, a previous conversation with Syo and Natsuki (see Part 2) indicates Natsuki's memories of that time were a blur, implying a degree of dissociative amnesia from Satsuki taking the figurative wheel of their system (which is also shown in the anime).
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masatos-wig · 2 years
im the only one who finds this funny but the fact that the sexy venus ren card has avoided me EVERY single ren rate up banner for 4 years now is insane
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
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my favourite type of gaming is when theres a mechanic where you bond with the character i will prioritize my fav and ignore everyone else entirely until i max out their affection
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prettyboykatsuki · 10 months
Omg how did you play UnPS? That hasn’t even been localized 😭 Also, who was your fave? Lol /lh
OKAY SO FUNNY STORY!!!!! my family n i traveled overseas in like 2009 when my brother got his psp. i had an uncle who did a lot of traveling for military/diplomatic stuff. i was really young when utapri released but in like 2015 i was old enough to have my own interests LMAO
i ended up sending him a message on skype asking if he could find this for me AND HE DID 😭 it was like 5 years post the games release and i think he found it in some very random location in singapore (?) but it might’ve just been japan
he ended up giving it to my family who was permanently moving there so come 2016 i had played the original psp version in japanese and watched a yt vid for the mechanics 😭😭 im pretty sure my mom tossed the copy when we moved and my brothers psp was taken w him but YEAH. im crying thinking about this again it was really a deeply cringe thing to do but i wanted to play it w my friend so bad
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ifanclover · 1 year
do you play saisuta? (growing stars) i do see you play a couple of im@s gacha games and i do wonder if you played (or heard) that game as well. idk if ur familiar with sidem characters but there's a lot of seiyuus that shared the same role from utapri and a3
oh yeah i know sidem i just can’t play it because of storage reasons ;w;
i watched the anime though i loved it a lot teru my beloved
and touma i love touma too
i can’t wait for masters of idol world 2023!!!!!!
hoping immensely for a live performance of m@sterpiece by all the branches because i want a m@sterpiece live performance by all the branches because it’s m@sterpiece y’know?
i really like m@sterpiece to me it kinda feels like an overall theme song for the imas franchise
also i think it’s funny how terashii plays two idols from that are red-colored and like curry like what a coincidence lol i think otoya and touma could get along :3
ahahahaaaa there i go rambling again i’m not gonna delete the texts though because they’re like a part of me n stuff y’know?
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-Playing Among Us-
Otoya: Ahh I died!
Syo: Where?
Cecil:I was in Medbay!
Natsuki: I was in navigation!
Haruka: Admin...I saw Ai leaving admin
Ren: Ai sus?
Ai: I was swiping my card.
Reiji: I was in electrical!
Ranmaru: so Ai?
- Ai was not the Imposter-
- 2 Imposters remain-
Reiji: Oh no
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
i know the main purpose of cyberpunk is capitalism critique and, like, using the aesthetics divorced from the context just for your own fucky purposes kind of cheapens that
but like 
i got a hankerin for an uta no cyberpunk sama au 
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If the utapri boys were genshin characters
A/N: haha yes I have once again sold my soul to another game. I really do love the genshin characters a lot and so I decided to write about my 2 favourite fandoms together. I’m honestly not very good at keeping up with the character backstories so this is just my take on roughly how each vision is given.
(Just imagine a claymore Syo doing the spinny thing and Ai doing the entire Ningguang pose when she ults I might pass away)
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Vision: Electro 
Weapon: Sword 
When Otoya lost both his parents, he was devastated and lonely. But over the years he learnt to grow from that pain. While the memory constantly haunts him, Otoya remained cheerful. He often hung around the orphanage, always lending them a helping hand. He never wanted the kids there to go through the same pain as he did. 
Otoya finding strength and staying positive despite his childhood trauma was what granted him his vision.
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Vision: Geo 
Weapon: Polearm 
Tokiya had to learn how to be independent from a young age since his parents were hardly around to take care of him. He has run into multiple problems but has also learnt how to face them. Although quiet in nature and often found in a corner of the library, he is known to offer great life advice due to his personal experience.
Tokiya’s calm, steady nature caught the attention of the gods, who then granted him his vision.
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Vision: Cryo
Weapon: Claymore
At some point, Natsuki was aware of his split personality, and he wanted to break away from it. He knew the emotional and physical damage that Satsuki caused, and he didn’t want that. He wanted to be known as a cheerful, pure Natsuki. Over time, the appearance of Satsuki decreased steadily.
One day, when Natsuki had completely suppressed the appearance of Satsuki, he found himself gifted with a vision.
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Vision: Hydro 
Weapon: Bow 
Masato was raised in a strict family, and began practicing kyudo from a young age. He perfected the skill quickly and won various competitions. Because of his rigorous training since young, Masato rarely went outside and thus doesn’t have many friends, and he sometimes comes across as slightly socially awkward. 
Despite that, his mastery in the Japanese archery form was what led to the gods giving him his vision. 
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Vision: Pyro 
Weapon: Bow
Ren is insanely mature for his age, already fully skilled at running his father’s business. He’s often found managing negotiations among clients. However, Ren also takes his rest time seriously, practicing his dart throwing skills or having a drink with some of his colleagues as they engage in a casual conversation.
Ren’s passionate outlook in life impressed the gods, who then granted him his vision. 
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Vision: Pyro 
Weapon: Claymore 
Anyone who knew Syo, knew that he was one of the most passionate people around. Syo was well known for being athletic, and he was often seen helping out the others with their work. Syo also trained extremely hard at being a great dancer, often appearing in festivals to showcase his talent. 
His passion and hardwork was recognised by the gods, and he was therefore granted his vision. 
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Vision: Anemo 
Weapon: Catalyst 
Cecil loved going into town to interact with the people who lived there, he was known for being a carefree and happy person who got along well with everyone. While he enjoyed being in the presence of crowds, at the end of the day you would find him unwinding up in a tall tree, playing tunes on his flute. 
The gods loved his laid back personality, and how he was never tied down by stress, eventually granting him his vision.
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Vision: Anemo
Weapon: Sword 
Reiji was well known among his peers as an extremely hard worker. He often went beyond his responsibilities to help others, sometimes taking on more work than he could handle. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop him from being his cheerful self, never failing to make his daily rounds to greet the people around him.
The gods acknowledged his dedication to the city and how he took pride in his responsibilities, this granting him his vision.
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Vision: Pyro
Weapon: Claymore
Ranmaru was often seen hiding in a secluded place jamming out on his bass. Once he had his headphones on, he often found himself ignoring everything else going on in the world. While he may seem rather unapproachable by most common folk, his close friends knew that he was the most dedicated person when it came to rock music.
The gods looked at Ranmaru’s fond love for the music and acknowledged the hard work he put in, and granted his vision.
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Vision: Hydro
Weapon: Catalyst 
Ai was made to be the perfect idol, and he was made to deliver only the best performances to his fans. Since his creation, Ai has worked hard to perfect all his techniques - from his vocal skills to facial expressions, he paid attention to all the smallest details. Often you could find him locked up in the studio for hours.
For mastering the art of being an idol, Ai was granted his vision. 
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Vision: Cryo 
Weapon: Polearm
Camus was a man who only had a few close friends. While he was known to be a gentleman to the ladies, the men often found him extremely cold hearted. You couldn’t fault him though. He feared his dad as a child and when he grew up he swore to never be that kind of man ever. It was a past that he was trying to break free from.
The gods admired his strong character and brave attitude of wanting to be a better person, and gave him his vision.
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heretoomuch · 7 years
You like love live? :O
I enjoy playing the game, but I don’t really like the anime. I’ve watched season 1 and 2 of anime but could never get into it.
I stay for the songs, which are super catchy ❤️
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winterbl0ss0m · 2 years
GREMLIN LAUGHTER HERE WE GO (thank u to niko for choosing for me because i am Indecisive HAHAHAHA)
tsukushi !!
t - teach: what skills of theirs would they teach you + vice versa?
she would teach me drums methinks, i want to learn them very much n i would love to learn them from her especially <33 i know its my go to for most things but id teach her how to bake !! we can bake things for her little sisters together <33
s - story: if you and them were in a fairy tale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
i dont really know 🧍‍♂️ i cant think of many fairy tales oops
u - uplift: how do they help you when you’re stressed or sad and vice versa?
we go out to cafes and read while trying different coffees and sweets :] helps us calm down and its something we mutually enjoy !! its also very fun seeing her flustered when i sit close to her hehehe
k - kiss: any kiss headcanon
shes easily flustered which is ADORABLE so i initiate kisses more often, i like to kiss her cheeks a lot :] shes one of my few f/os who is shorter than me (she might be the only one actually) so i very much enjoy teasing her a little bit in that respect (of course not too much cause i too deal with teasing bc of my height a lot), i stand on my toes so she has to reach more, shes so cute <3
u - already answered !!
s - already answered !!
h - height: is there a height difference or a size difference between you two?
she is a little bit shorter than me and thinner. im a lil salty i cant steal most of her clothes (she started buying larger tshirts for that reason ehehe) but she snatches mine ALL THE TIME my big hoodies are absolutely massive on her and its SO CUTE GRRRR
i - image: show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings
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look at this cutie !! this is her birthday card :] the flowers in it, dahlias, represent dignity, involvement, and inner strength, which are very relevant to her character <3 a runner up is her band story 2 card, but im going with this one because the birthday cards are all so pretty and the symbolism in them !!! >>>>> IMMACULATE <3
otoya !!
o - online: what is your f/o’s social media presence like?
hmm well he’s an idol so i imagine he uses it semi often but not a ton?? idk he probably just updates it every so often but doesnt care for it Too much yk
t - teach: which of their skills would they teach you? what would you teach them?
ok ive neverbeen athletic like ever but i like soccer. i would absolutely play it with him. of course he would kick my ass cause i cant play sports for shit but it would be fun <33 i dont know what id teach him,, maybe art? possibly. i think he’d be interested in it
o - already answered !!
y - you!: what do they like about you?
he likes how much effort and care i put into what and who im passionate about :] i will drop everything for my favorite people in a heartbeat. sometimes he has to remind me to take care of myself too but it works out bc we take care of each other <3
a - art: what kind of art do they do?
wellll you know this but he writes songs !! he struggled a bit when he started 💀 but he has steadily improved <3 he writes his songs from his heart, reflecting his true feelings. uhh i dont really know what else to write here my mind is blanking but his songs are very good and he is very talented i love he <33
acrostic f/o ask game !!
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glitchdecay · 3 months
Natsuki Is So Much More Than His Ditzy Behavior: Part 5
Another one of Natsuki's traits that gets buried in the "wah~ everything's sunshine and rainbows and mega cute!" characterization in the anime and Shining Live is that he's actually quite the perfectionist. Never mind that it reminds me of another tragically depressed bespectacled teen classical musician (iykyk), but I've practically never heard of this side of Natsuki before actually playing his Repeat/Repeat LOVE route.
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Note: The default name 七海春歌 (Nanami Haruka) will be used for the main character. I transcribed the Japanese manually from the Switch port, but I’m only human. All translations are my own.
【四ノ宮那月】:「………………」 歌の途中で那月くんが暗い顔をして黙り込んでしまった。 【七海春歌】:「どこか痛いですか?もしくは体調が悪いとか……。ここのところずっと頑張っていたし……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「体調は関係ないですよ……。ただ、僕が……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕が下手になっただけ……」 【七海春歌】:「そんなこと…………」 そんなことないのに……。たぶん、那月くんはAクラスで一番上手い。 確かに、さっきはほんの少しズレていたけど。それはコンマ数秒の誤差でしかない。普通に聴いたら全然許容範囲なのに……。 【四ノ宮那月】:「頭の中にはね。ちゃんとイメージがあるんだ。ここで、入ろう。ここでこういう風に表現しようって。でも…………」 【四ノ宮那月】:「どうしても、それを再現できない。わかってはいるんです。どこでどうすればいいのか……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「せっかく、あなたが心をこめて作ってくれた曲なのに。僕は……完璧に歌うことができない」 【四ノ宮那月】:「あなたの作った曲に、『心』を『魂』を上手く乗せることができないんです」 【四ノ宮那月】:「こんなんじゃないのに……。もっと、できるはずなのに……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「ちゃんと歌えれば、僕たちは『音楽』の名のもとひとつに溶け合えるのに」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕のせいであなたの『音楽』が……。『未来』が欠けてしまう。それがもどかしくて……」 那月くん……。 わたしは、那月くんの服の袖をぎゅっと握った。 わたしは、臆病で、那月くんみたいにストレートに愛情を表現できないけれど。でも……。 わたしもいるんだってこと知ってほしい。那月くんはひとりで頑張っているんじゃないって。 【四ノ宮那月】:「え…………?」 【七海春歌】:「『音楽』は……。ふたりで一緒に作っていけばいいと思います。今できる精一杯を……」 【七海春歌】:「手の届かない先じゃなくて。今のわたしたちの一番いい形を……。そうすればきっと……」 【七海春歌】:「目指す頂に辿り着けると思うから。ひとりで先に行こうとしないで……。一緒に……。一緒に行きましょう」 なんだか、那月くんに置いていかれそうな気がして、自然と、目から涙が溢れてきた。 【四ノ宮那月】:「ハルちゃん……。ごめん……ごめんね。そうだよね」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕はひとりじゃない。いつも、そばにあなたがいてくれる」 【四ノ宮那月】:「それに、僕はもう二度と、あなたを離しはしないと決めたのに……」
Shinomiya Natsuki: ......... Natsuki-kun stopped in the middle of the song, his face glum and his mouth silent. Nanami Haruka: Are you hurt anywhere? Maybe you're not feeling well... We've been working hard for so long. Natsuki: I'm fine physically. It's just that I... Natsuki: I've gotten worse over time... Haruka: That's not... That's not the case at all. Natsuki-kun's probably the best musically out of everyone in Class A. He was a tiny bit out of sync earlier. Only by a few tenths of a second. If you listened to it, it'd still be within acceptable range. Natsuki: You see, I have it visualized in my head. This is where I come in. Here's how I'd play at this moment. But... Natsuki: No matter what I do, I just can't recreate it. I know how to do it. What do I do... Natsuki: You've put all your heart into creating this song. But... I just can't sing it right.¹ Natsuki: I just can't put my "heart," my "soul," into it well, even though it's a song you've made. Natsuki: I know I'm not like this... I know I can do better. Natsuki: If I could sing it properly, we could become one in the name of "music." Natsuki: Because of me, your "music"... Your "future"... will be ruined. It's so frustrating... Natsuki-kun... I gripped the sleeve of his uniform. I was a coward; I couldn't express my feelings as directly as him. But... I wanted him to know that I was by his side. That he wasn't going through all of it alone. Natsuki: Hm......? Haruka: "Music" is something the two of us make together. Let's just do what we can... Haruka: And not try to reach an impossible ideal. We do the best we can... And I'm sure... Haruka: I'm sure we'll reach the peak we're aiming for. Don't try to reach for it on your own... Let's... Let's do it together. For some reason... Once I realized Natsuki was about to leave me, the tears pooled in my eyes. Natsuki: Haru-chan... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. You're right. Natsuki: I'm not alone. You're always right there beside me. Natsuki: After all, I've decided I'll never leave you alone anymore...
¹ TN: 完璧 (kanpeki) literally means "perfect(ly)," but it doesn't quite fit the context.
Me, having only been diagnosed with autism at the ripe old age of 27 after three burnouts in the space of six years: I don't want to say Natsuki is autistic outright, but he definitely has neurodivergent vibes. Especially the inattentive type with specific strengths that goes under the radar until it implodes later on in life. (In short: he just like me fr.)
It's also important to note that neurodivergent folks often develop a perfectionist streak because they're unable to find out what's "right" in specific situations. The innate lack of understanding of social cues, like Natsuki refusing to let Syo go after putting him in a chokehold because Syo-chan is so gosh darn cute despite the latter's demands, may drive this perfectionist streak as a way to "compensate" for something they don't understand.
Growing up neurodivergent also exposed Natsuki to a lot of trauma, especially in early childhood, which gave rise to his DID (read: Satsuki) and depression. It also justifies why he'd realize his feelings for MC-chan were actually romantic a bit later than a neurotypical teen would (see Part 4).
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Hi! Hope you're having a good day!! I was recently watching Utapri Season 1 and just remembered that Rens mom was an idol! She was known all around the world so I'm sure people would've known about her songs? Could you write a scenario or headcanon (or whatever you like!) That maybe like one day Rens s/o was singing one of her songs? How would he react? Also, I'm pretty sure he's been asked about her (like on a variety show or by his bandmates) and has probably been asked to sing her songs!
Hey love! Sorry it took so long I have been thinking about this scenario for a while lol I really wanted to get to it!!! So since i have a bunch of time right now (yay for a safe wisdom teeth removal) I'll get onto it now!
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The topic of his mother's death was always a sensitive thing, you knew that, and you barely brought it up for that very reason. Ren is someone who doesnt like to disclose the information of his feelings very often and he rarely lets you, his long-term partner, see him in such a vulnerable state, which is fine. You admire him for keeping it in a lot of times, when you were sure you'd have broken down.
But lately, and you didnt quite know why, you've been seeing signs of Renge all around you. Her favorite flowers, her music, hell you could swear you hear her laugh at times too. At first you just kind of brushed it off as a coincidence, but you had a feeling it was something more; a sign, maybe? A hint or a warning that something is about to happen? You weren't quite sure, but you paid extra close attention to everything around you.
Ren had noticed you seeming more... Concentrated? Determined? He didn't quite know the word but it was different. For a while he just shrugged it off; maybe youre just reading a book and the plot is getting to you, or maybe youre wrecking your brain about how one person can be so perfect~ he chuckled at the last thought while he made his way home from practice. His hands were in his pocket, playing with the necklace he planned on giving you. It was a promise, from him to you, to always be there. He didnt like promise rings too much, but he knew a necklace was placed, more often than not, right above the heart, and that's where he wanted to stay. In your heart.
While he smiled and toyed with the though of spending his life with you, some day, the smell of roses caught him off guard. He stopped walking for a moment and looked around, not realizing where the smell came from until his eyes landed on a small flower shop. His mom's favorite because with every flower you bought, you got a free cupcake. His heart ached a little at the memory and he smiled sadly. Might as well... He entered the shop and bought a bouquet of carnations. Of course he got the cupcake too!
He finished his walk home rather quickly after that. You were in the kitchen, making some spicy spaghetti for you two, knowing that it combines two of his favorite things; Italian and spicy. You were also humming to one of his mother's songs; a song that has been around you for a while. It wasnt even that you heard it on the radio, the melody just came to you.
Ren entered his house and immediately, his nostrils were hit with the smell of spaghetti. God he loved your spaghetti and his smile turned wider. But his ears were hit with something else, something dear to him and his smile quickly dropped; how did you know that melody? Slowly, cautiously, he walked through the entrance and into the kitchen, the bouquet quickly put on the table while he just stood there; the familiar tune of his mother singing to him right before birth hitting his heart like cupid's arrow. "How do you know that...?" He didnt mean to sound stern, he really didn't. But he doesnt recall ever telling you about that; no one knows about that.
You jumped a little at the sound, but turned around to smile at your boyfriend, "welcome home, I made spaghetti!" You cheery voice told him that you ignored his question and he took a shaky step toward you until he stood, towering above, "how... Do you know that melody?" His voice was barely above a whisper and you met his eyes, now filled with sadness. "I.. I dont know. It just came to me... It was almost like a need, an urge, to sing it..." You explained and your concerned eyes searched his for any sign of emotion but he just pulled you into a tight embrace, burying his face into your neck, "Ren...?"
Ren was so overcome with emotion, the tears in his eyes threatening to spill so he buried his face further into your neck. You slowly wrapped your arms around his form and stroked a hand through his hair, feeling him crumble into you. You didnt quite understand why yet but you just let him.
He took a deep breath and pulled away, the tears staining his face being such an odd sight to you, but you didn't judge. "That was my mothers song... She sang it to me before I was born..." He recalled, softly, while looking at you like you weren't real. Your eyes met his again, in shock, "really...? It's so weird, ive been hearing her a lot lately..." confusion formed on his face while you said that and you quickly explained, "ive been seeing her favorite flowers, the orchids you told me about, wherever I go. Her songs come on on the radio all the time now, and ive been smelling this.. Perfume? I dont know what it is but it's so calming and motherly...sometimes I swear I hear her laugh as well."
His breath hitched in his throat as he listened to your words and his knees almost gave out, "(Y/N)..." He doesnt believe his ears when you tell him. He doesnt believe anything. But if there's one thing he can believe it's the fact that his mother has been watching him lately, has been watching him forever. To pull you into this... Surely it must mean something more and he wasnt quite sure what, but he will with time. For now, he pulled you back in close and kissed your face, hoping that you, his heaven send angel, weren't going to leave anytime soon.
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
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mihoyo: tears of themis
me: very elaborated artem route
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Utapri Song Game!
1. Favorite ST☆RISH group song? 
Mirai Chizu! This is the song that got me so interested in learning Japanese all those years ago! I really would love for a rainbow version to come out so Cecil can be added to it!
For a song with Cecil, Shining Romance for sure! I always feel so happy listening to this song!
2. Favorite QUARTET NIGHT group song? 
For sure it's Fly to the Future! Such an emotional and amazing song! It almost makes me cry every time I hear it!
3. Favorite QN + ST☆RISH song? 
I love Setsugetsuka, but I have to say WELCOME to UTAPRI KINGDOM!! Knowing that it was the first Utapri song and finally getting to hear all of the boys sing it together just makes me so happy!
4. Favorite HE☆VENS group song? 
GIRA x2 SEVEN! I always gotta get turnt to this song! Ai wo Sasageyo is very close behind though!
5. Favorite Cross-Unit song?
Original Resonance! I wish I could learn the piano part in the beginning!
6. Favorite QN pair song?
I can't decide between Fiction and Non-Fiction! They are both too great to me!
7. Favorite senpai-kouhai song?
Minna de tsunagaru! TRIANGLE BEAT!
8. Favorite Shuffle Unit song?
Still Still Still! Natsuki and Tokiya sound so so so great together! I love this song so much!
9. Favorite Shining Masterpiece song? 
Lycoris no Mori! The first time I heard that guitar in the beginning, I knew I was in for a banger of a song!
10. Favorite Legend Star duet song? 
Grown Empathy and Next Door are probably tied for this spot! I'm so happy that Natsuki and Satsuki got some closure in the anime! Next Door also makes me sad though because of what happened to Otoyan, but it's a banger and I feel like it helped him grow. (Side note but I think this would have been the perfect time to reveal Cecil as Otoya's half-brother! I really wish they did that in the anime!)
11. All-time favorite solo? 
ANDROMEDA DE KUCHIDZUKE WO! Let's make a constellation together, Natsuki! c:
12. All-time favorite duet?
Still Still Still! Like I said earlier, Natsuki and Tokiya sound so great together and I just love this song so much!
13. All-time favorite trio song?
Probably a four-way tie between AMAZING LOVE, Up-Down-Up, Egoistic, and Colorfully☆Spark!
14. Favorite cross-group song? 
Probably a three-way tie between Up-Down-Up, Egoistic, and Colorfully☆Spark!
15. Favorite Otoya solo? 
TRUST☆MY DREAM! As soon as I played his route and heard this song, I knew Otoya was gonna be one of my favorite boys! I loved going through Otoya's journey with him and then helping him make this beautiful song! I love a lot of his song though!
16. Favorite Masato solo? 
Knocking On The Mind!
17. Favorite Natsuki solo? 
ANDROMEDA DE KUCHIDZUKE WO has a special spot in my heart for so many reasons! I really love all of Natsuki's songs though!
18. Favorite Tokiya solo? 
Either BELIEVE☆MY VOICE or Nanairo no Compass!
19. Favorite Ren solo? 
Either Orange Rhapsody or Mellowx2 Chu!
20. Favorite Syo solo? 
Kakeru Kiseki for sure! I get so emotional when I hear this song and remember how much Syo struggled and how hard he's worked. I also love that the title uses kanji from his name! I really like a lot of Syo's songs as well!
21. Favorite Cecil solo? 
DESTINY SONG for sure! Such a banger! I love this song so much!
22. Favorite Reiji solo? 
Either Hurryx2 Dreamers or NEVER! I also love Dekiai Temptation too!
23. Favorite Ranmaru solo? 
24. Favorite Ai solo?
Synchronism! Absolutely a bop!
25. Favorite Camus solo?
AURORA! I also have to give a special mention of Saintly Territory because when Camus sang it in the anime and jumped off the building I laughed so hard I cried.
26. Favorite HE☆VENS member solo? 
I love them all, but Zetsutaiteki★N・A・G・I makes me laugh!
27. Favorite Maji Love Kingdom trio song? 
Three-way tie between Up-Down-Up, Egoistic, and Colorfully☆Spark!
28. Underrated song? 
I really love AMAZING LOVE! I feel like its forgotten a lot though! I go hard to that song all the time!
I wasn't tagged, but I really wanted to do this! Utapri and its music has changed my life and I love hearing what others have to say about their favorite songs! So please, if you want to do it, go for it! c:
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nolongerglitched · 7 years
@ Masato why do you use old-fashioned Japanese
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Shion: I'm going out with Cecil, see you guys later.
Eiichi: It's about time!
Kira: Be safe, don't do anything or each other with out protection.
Van: Get it Shion!
Eiji: Call us if you need anything-
Yamato:- or anyone beaten up!
Nagi: Shion your phones ringing.
Shion, phone: Oh Hey Cecil, I'm going to be a little late, maybe 15-20 min?
Cecil,on phone: Ok no problem! I'll have the room ready by then! *End call*
Rest of Heavens: ROOM??!!?!
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