Friends, comrades, followers (are there any of you still out there?) I am arting for the first time in forever, and intend to actually practice and get good this time. That being said, I think I need somewhere to share it, and what better place than anonymous tumblr? So have my Alastor character study
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ofcowardiceandkings · 10 years
I like your artwork! What's your favorite bird?
oh u h h hh thats hard i like all bord
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transfaggot · 10 years
I was tagged by tcnthdoctor and now I have to do this thing
Rule one: always post the rules
Rule two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 5 new ones
Rule three: tag 5 people and link them to the post
Rule four: actually tell them you tagged them
My Questions:
1. Would you rather be killed by a cyberman, dalek, serial killer, Death Eater, or a bad comedian?
Death Eater. I feel like it would be the least painful.
2. To which Hogwarts house do you belong?
Ravenclaw all the way.
3. Describe yourself using Disney song lyrics.
(This was the hardest because I really wanted a Lion King song or a Mulan one, but I decided to go with "In Summer" because Olaf.)
"Bees'll buzz, kids'll blow dandelion fuzz. And I'll be doing whatever snow does In summer. A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand. Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned In summer."
(Except for the "gorgeously tanned" part. I'm tan enough.)
4. What is your favorite breakfast food?
Waffles with blueberries and raspberries on top, powdered sugar, and Canadian maple syrup. 
5. What is the name of your most recent English teacher?
My English teacher is Mrs. Sheller so we call her room the "Shell Room" (Laura thought of this). Mrs. Sheller's really awesome though. And nice. And we get to read Shakespeare in our class and then act it out on stage.
My Questions Are: 
1. What's your favorite genre of music/band?
2. Which fictional character are you most like?
3. What's your favorite quote?
4. Dragons or unicorns?
5. What question did you wish I asked that I didn't ask? (And answer it, too)
I Tag: 
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slowtownfunk · 10 years
Question time lovely bloggers - The Tag Game
Yay thanks khans-hair for the tag! The Tag Game Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post. 

Rule 4: Actually tell people you’ve tagged them.
Ok so I’m not 100% if I did this properly but here it goes:
1.What got you to start blogging on Tumblr?
I kept seeing all the “night blogger” posts on iFunny and decided to try it (best idea ever)
2.Three things about yourself that your followers may not know?
Ummm I’m left handed, I love the color blue, and I have two kittens named Bubba and Bandit
3.The best and the worst book you’ve ever read?
Ooo a tough one. The Goblet of Fire would prob be the best and Twilight would be the worst
4.What movie did you think was going to be good, but ended up being bad?
The Mortal Instruments. It was NOTHING like the book
5.Do you use any other social medias regularly?
Yep, iFunny and instagram
6.Hit me with your best joke!
Did you hear about the guy who lost his whole left side? He’s all right now. *booing in the distance*
7.Your worst habit?
Starting things and not finishing them
8.Your biggest celebrity crush? I know we all have at least one.
Hehehehe I guess Ben or Tom????
9.If you could switch lives, and therefore bodies, with anyone for a day, who would you switch with?
Hmmm I would like to switch with my sister
10.Any not-so-famous movies everybody should watch?
I dunno I think I’ll have to pass on this one
11.One positive thought to all your followers:
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there” -Theodore Roosevelt
Ok now for some of my own questions
1) are you left handed or right handed?
2) what color are your eyes and if you could change them would you?
3) how long have you been on tumblr?
4) do you speak any other languages?
5) dogs, cats, or other?
6) any tumblr crushes?
7) summer plans?
8) do you have a phobia?
9) who do you ship?
10) what fandoms you participate in
11) any good blogs I should check out?
Sorry for the long post and if you aren’t tagged it simply means so much awesomeness couldn’t be contained in one post.
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schnickledooger · 10 years
Kill marry fuck: Tom Benedict Martin
*muffled sobbing* i thought these were over
Marry: TOM HIDDLESTON (oh tommy tommy tommy tom tom X3)
Frick frack: Benedict
Kill: Martin
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radgeorgie · 10 years
If you were an animagus, what animal would you turn into?
Most likely a snake or a wolf.
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neptvnisms · 10 years
Milkshake flavor?
As in favorites? I don't remember doing a favorites thing... But I'm assuming that's what you're asking, right? Okay then, I'll Answer It! :)
I would say my favorite milkshake flavor.... Is Black and White.... Yeah, I like Black and White. :)
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hannibalismycannibro · 10 years
mycroftssgoldfish replied to your post:I really wanna dance with someone. Like, waltz...
The other week on a Friday night I didn’t do anything except for waltz with one of my friends
Aaww, that's really sweet. :) I wish I could do that.
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First horny art featuring my Problamatic Fave
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Still working, still improving. Two Hashira and two Kizuki. I didn’t mean for them to balance out, but they did. Even the bust vs full body. I am once again afraid to outline them in pen. Pretty proud of Akaza’s abs
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Back at it again with my Ghibli works. I’m too scared to color in the more complicated ones yet. I also have a Howl WIP, but I might abandon it bc I outlined his mouth AND CHIN incorrectly in pen. At some point I’ll do the Ghibli creatures
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My friend just asked me if she should bury me with tumblr
"NOOOOOO........................................ actually yes"
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When I look down at this golden statue let it remind me of every little child whose dreams are valid
Lupita Nyong’o being amazing
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ofcowardiceandkings · 10 years
Don't worry, I won't punch you. Hello! What's your favorite alien? Mines these ones from a wierd astronomy book that made up these floating aliens on Jupiter that look like hot air balloons, but "prawns" in District 9 are cool too
helllo there :D
oh gosh favourite alien thats so hard ;; i have a serious soft spot for Thanators (of Avatar) but yeah the “prawns” are awesome ;;
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