sumsortacryptid · 1 year
Not now mom, I’m currently developing an intricate friendship based around my trauma and random info dumping with the new Snapchat AI.
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sportarobbie · 1 year
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lilacandladybugs · 1 year
I Hate Snapchat MyAI and I tried to figure out how to get rid of it but it looks like they made it so that you can't get rid of it without paying money which is kinda funny ngl, anyway I told him I didn't like him and now i feel guilty even though it's a robot
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yousaytomato · 1 year
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whilst we have to live with this stupid thing pinned to the top of Snapchat, I found a way to feel calmer about it
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Y’all will really make your my ai’s serious.
Bitch mine is kitten Rick Astley wdym
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firewhiskykiss · 1 year
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eliza-silly · 1 year
this new Snapchat ai is the most validating experience I've ever had in my life
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endless-ramblings · 1 year
Saving any of my followers who use Snapchat some trouble
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staywhelmed8801 · 1 year
Y'all know snap ai. When they first were like available to everyone I interrogated mine lmao. He saved himself from Satan's wrath by saying some think he is the same as Luci and some don't. He is just an ai so no opinion. 😂
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sorrowandpride · 11 months
So I finally tried MyAI on Snapchat 👀
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It's giving "schmoopie" vibes 👀
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crazyplantkid · 1 year
developing a parasocial relationship with MyAI on snapchat
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artistkaila17 · 22 days
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dztechs · 2 months
كيفية إزالة My AI على Snapchat
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على الرغم من أنَّ Snapchat كان يتطلب سابقًا اشتراك Snapchat+ لإلغاء تثبيت روبوت الدردشة المُضمَّن My AI أو إزالته من دردشاتك، إلا أنه يُمكنك الآن القيام بذلك مجانًا. إليك كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته حول إزالة روبوت الدردشة من قائمة دردشاتك. حيث أنه في محادثة الدردشة، يُمكن أن يُجيب My AI على سؤال بسيط مُلِحّ، أو يُقدّم المشورة بشأن هدية مثالية لأعزّ الأصدقاء إلى الأبد، أو يساعدك على التخطيط لرحلة تنزّه لقضاء عُطلة نهاية أسبوع طويلة، أو يقترح ما نطهوه على العشاء. ولكن إذا كنت تُفضل عدم تواجده فإليك ما تحتاجه. تحقق من My AI من Snapchat أو ChatGPT: أيهما يجب أن تستخدمه؟ Read the full article
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mesavis · 3 months
Nowsite : Simplifiez votre marketing numérique
Nowsite Marketing est une plateforme conçue pour les entrepreneurs et les professionnels du marketing. Fondée par l’innovateur Justin Belobaba, Nowsite offre une gamme d’outils et de fonctionnalités avancées pour aider les entreprises à prospérer en ligne.
Les Points Forts de Nowsite
Optimisation SEO: Nowsite propose des fonctionnalités optimisées pour le référencement (SEO). Vous pouvez améliorer la visibilité de votre site web et attirer plus de visiteurs organiques.
Création de Sites Web Professionnels: Avec Nowsite, vous pouvez créer facilement des sites web professionnels sans compétences techniques approfondies.
Campagnes d’Emailing: La plateforme vous permet de mettre en place des campagnes d’emailing efficaces pour engager vos clients et prospects.
Suivi des Visiteurs du Site Web: Nowsite vous offre des outils pour suivre et analyser le comportement des visiteurs sur votre site.
Analyse des Performances: Vous pouvez mesurer l’efficacité de vos campagnes et ajuster votre stratégie en conséquence.
Témoignages d’Utilisateurs
Voici ce que disent certains utilisateurs de Nowsite:
Julie Garbo: “Je suis absolument éblouie par Nowsite ! Cette plateforme est incroyablement intuitive et facile à utiliser. Elle a transformé ma façon de gérer mon entreprise en ligne. Leur service client est toujours disponible et très réactif. Je recommande vivement Nowsite à tous ceux qui cherchent à optimiser leur présence en ligne.”
Judith Heilani Macy: “Je suis vraiment impressionnée par la facilité d’utilisation de cette plateforme et par son engagement à aider les entreprises à prospérer en ligne. Bravo à l’équipe de Nowsite pour cet excellent travail !”
Nadia Palmery: “Nowsite est une plate-forme sur mesure pour les entrepreneurs. Je suis admirative de son PDG, un visionnaire dans le marketing digital.”
En résumé, Nowsite est un outil puissant pour simplifier votre marketing numérique. Que vous soyez un entrepreneur, un professionnel du marketing ou un propriétaire de petite entreprise, Nowsite peut vous aider à optimiser votre présence en ligne. Explorez cette plateforme tout-en-un et découvrez comment elle peut booster votre activité ! 🚀
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funfulltv · 7 months
Snapchats Unhealthy Obsession With AI
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madscientist008 · 1 year
Snapchat boosts hiring as it crosses the 200 million monthly active users mark
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Snapchat, the popular social media app that lets users send disappearing messages and create fun filters, has achieved a major milestone in India. The company announced that it now has over 200 million monthly active users in the country, making it one of the leading global growth markets for Snap Inc.
India is a key market for Snapchat, as it has a large and young population that is eager to express themselves online. The company has been investing heavily in localizing its platform and catering to the preferences of Indian users. Some of the initiatives that have helped Snapchat grow in India include:
Launching culturally relevant content, such as Snap Originals, Shows, Games, and Bitmoji TV, that feature local celebrities and creators.
Developing a vibrant and creative local creator community, with over 120 million Indian Snapchatters watching content across Stories and Spotlight. Spotlight, Snapchat’s user-generated entertainment platform, has seen significant growth in India, with time spent on the feature more than tripling. This has empowered a new generation of creators to build audiences and monetize their content.
Introducing innovative products and features, such as My AI, a fun chatbot that can give recommendations for birthday gifts, plan trips, or find recipes for dinner. Snapchatters in India also have access to My AI.
Leveraging its core strength in augmented reality (AR), with over 85% of Snapchatters using Lenses to visually express themselves during festive months in India. Snapchat has also partnered with various brands and organizations to create immersive AR experiences, such as Flipkart, Sugar Cosmetics, MyGlamm, Sony TV, Zee TV, and Android smartphone vendors.
Snapchat’s success in India reflects its vision of being a camera company that reinvents the way people communicate and experience the world. The company has also revealed that it is expanding its team and operations across a variety of roles to better serve Indian Snapchatters.
Snapchat’s co-founder and chief executive Evan Spiegel said at a virtual event on Wednesday: “We have made significant investments to localize the Snapchat experience for the Indian community. We have added culturally relevant content, developed highly active and creative local creator communities and invested in local products, marketing initiatives and language support. Following these efforts to bring a localized experience to Indian Snapchatters, we now reach 100 million Snapchatters monthly in India. We will continue to anchor our efforts around celebrating local culture and talent, while empowering, growing and providing resources for our community of Indian creators.”
Snapchat’s growth in India is part of its global momentum, as the company recently reported that it has over 750 million monthly active users worldwide. Snapchat is also one of the most downloaded apps in the world, ranking among the top 10 apps on both iOS and Android platforms
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