#my rat vampire
mrghostrat · 14 days
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oh my god i finally thought of a vampire au that i'm completely unhinged for. i am about to be so insufferable about this
vampire aziraphale x vampire hunter crowley. and no, neither of them realise they're hereditary enemies when they hook up. they're dorks and idiots your honour.
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yaolmao · 13 days
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milkytiddyboy · 1 year
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Nyvee ~ BRAT
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distant--shadow · 3 months
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"that must be a new personal record."
taken up more brain space for the sake of an AU where laudna has white hair
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ra1ny-daze · 9 months
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woohoo! yippee! it is done now! i literally can’t add anything else to it the page is full
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klepto-kaz · 1 year
i love my puter all my childrens shows are inside it
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colapopppart · 3 months
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This campaign has a violent grip on my soul. can’t wait to see how long it takes Condi to use all of Emizel’s lives because tbh it ain’t looking good. But at least Soda’s in rehab now, hopefully that means he can JOIN THE DAMN PARTY SOON. There is no reason for them to not grab him and run istg.
anyway here’s him!!. I am constantly rotating favorite characters because they’re all so silly!!! But right now he’s the chosen one
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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get real, get another - i don’t exist when you don’t see me
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pollswithnogoals · 3 months
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adoniism · 6 months
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Oh yea I also did a Brunim week organized by TheBueiro!! It's an account dedicated to Brunim Neet's community and they have made an entire week dedicated to draw him :D I highly suggest following them (AND BRUNIM OFC) they are awesome and I gladly helped them in the beginning of their account!!! Anyway I just had a lof of fun these days :33
The original prompt by @/TheBueiro on twitter:
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mrghostrat · 12 hours
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in the room where you sleep :: 1/4 (E)
“It’s a nice idea,” Crowley chirped, grinning a little wider and making the butterflies in Aziraphale’s stomach flutter a little harder. “Except for the part where, you know, monsters aren’t real.” Aziraphale smiled with tightly shut lips, hiding the fangs that grew involuntarily sharper behind them. “Of course,” he hurried out with a polite laugh. “Speaking hypothetically, that is.”
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cascadiiing · 1 year
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Bloodlust, or something like that
(Quinn Redacted Audio)
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whumpsday · 7 months
K&J: Kane's Whumptober Bites #10
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, attempted drugging, lab whump, needles, captivity, slight death wish
@whumptober Day 10 (Alt): Examination / Drugging / Lab Rat
Kane held still, compliant as the visitor injected something into his arm. This was by far one of the most tolerable punishments the hunters would give him, though it had become less and less common as time went on, as they ran out of ideas.
It wasn’t a punishment at all, really, neither in intent nor experience. It never hurt– Kane refused to count the slight pinch of the needle as “hurt”– and it never had any of the effects the humans intended, either.
If anything, the worst part was the looks they would give him when it didn’t work. Like it was his fault, like he’d done something wrong.
“You’ll let me know if you feel anything different, vampire,” the visitor ordered. The man wasn’t a hunter, and always spoke to Kane in a voice devoid of both kindness and malice. Kane liked him for that. It was at least better than the hunters’ open sadism. “Anything at all. Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, pain, itching, lightheadedness, what-have-you.”
“Yes, sir,” Kane agreed. “It’s just– I’m always lightheaded and fatigued and in pain.”
“Beyond your usual,” the visitor amended.
The hunter escorting him rolled his eyes. “It’s not gonna work, doc. These things are just immune, you’ve tried everything by this point. Wish there was a way to bottle sunlight.”
Kane shuddered at the thought, beyond grateful there wasn’t.
“Have you tried artificial?” the visitor asked.
“Yeah, just gave it a regular sunburn, not the vampire kind. Not exactly gonna incapacitate one of these things for staking.”
The humans idly discussed various experiments they could try on him as Kane waited to see if the drug would take effect. Experiments for practicality, not torture. Ones they could take out into the field and use on other vampires, vampires who would only suffer for a moment before their lives are cut blissfully short, while he lives on.
On and on and on.
The visitor snapped his fingers to get his attention, pulling him from his miserable spiral. “It’s been fifteen minutes. Anything, vampire?”
“No, sir. I’m sorry.” Guilt crawled up Kane’s spine, as if he should have tried harder to feel an effect from the drug.
“Come here,” he ordered.
Kane stood, dutifully walking toward the bars. This was always his least-favorite part. The visitor had never pulled him forward into them to burn, but enough hunters had that even being within arm’s-length of the bars drenched him in dread. But he knew what the visitor wanted by now, and stepped all the way forward, until his face was mere inches from the torturous silver.
“Look at me.” 
“Yes, sir.”
The visitor held a device up to each of Kane’s eyes as he stared dutifully ahead, shining a bright light in each one. It was the type of brightness he would have called painful before he knew what true pain was, but he did his very best to keep his eyes open wide. He could be good.
With a disapproving tsk, the visitor put the device away and motioned with a wave for Kane to back off. He gratefully scurried back to his corner.
The hunter sighed, irritated. “Thanks anyway, doc.”
“Of course. I’ll let you know when I have something new to try.” The visitor pointed to Kane. “You let any of your keepers know if you feel something later. Be good, now.”
“Yes, sir.” He wished all his tasks were so easy.
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the way lestat autocorrected to le rat on my phone… it knows what’s up
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comfy-whumpee · 7 months
Lab Rat
Whumptober 7. Lab whump with extra dehumanisation and gore, this time!
There’s a taste in his mouth that he can’t get out.
The first experiment is simple. The muzzle is removed, and the body is fed water for the first time in days. It is helped to drink until it can drink no more, turning its head away from the feeding tube. Then, for the next twenty minutes, some mild acid forces the body to produce saliva, which is collected in test tubes on ice.
The body endures this placidly. It is cooperative with the cotton swabs placed inside its mouth. It holds still with its jaw wide, not needing to be forced. Maybe it is grateful to have been given water. Maybe it hopes, as the doctors do, that saliva will substitute blood in their treatments.
But the testing is done quickly and the results are clear. If there is power in the saliva, it is so diluted as to be useless.
And there’s a taste in his mouth that he can’t get out.
The second experiment is nails and hair. The body is unresponsive when the hair is trimmed. It looks to be sleeping, though nobody is sure whether it truly sleeps like humans do. It wakes up, as best they can tell, with no idea of what was done. But later that day, they trim its nails. The clippings are stored in another sample container and taken away for testing.
This is equally unimpressive. There was already significant doubt that such expendable parts of the body would contain anything of value. But it was proof of the previous experiment. Only things integral would be useful to gather.
And there’s a taste in his mouth that he can’t get out.
By the end of the week, Caroline has allowed another experiment, more invasive now there have been no ill effects from the others. The body still bleeds through the needle in its arm, and nothing else matters. So Caroline authorises a tissue sample.
The first one is small, just a scraping of dead skin from under their trimmed fingernails. The body barely responds to the dull shear on their fingers. The flakes are taken away in a petri dish.
Next is a slice of fresh skin. One hand is taken into a bowl of water to be thoroughly cleaned. This, unlike the rest, gets a response, tears leaking down its cheeks as if touched by the gesture. But it is done by uncaring hands, who only want to make sure the site of their sample is sterile.
Gloved hands press the knuckles flat on a rolling steel side table. Caroline does the incision herself, peeling back mere millimetres of skin with her sharpest scalpel. The blood, which cannot be wasted, is allowed to flow openly until it clots on its own. Caroline takes the sample off herself for immediate testing, while one of the acolyte doctors is responsible for soaking up every drop of blood.
Lachlan doesn’t know if the skin sample works or not. All he knows is that, the very next day, Caroline returns for more. As the body heals, and does not scar, she grows less and less worried that she will do something irreversible.
Kurt used to speak up. He is supposed to, if she risks permanent damage to the body, but he doesn’t say a word. He’s barely present anymore. He’s here because he was told to be here, and outside of working hours, he is gone.
Caroline stays. Caroline sharpens and sterilises her scalpels. She gathers her two favourite students, the brightest and most loyal. They cleanse the site of her next incision. She has chosen the thigh, and they make sure every strand of hair and speck of dirt is gone from the area she designs. No contaminants. Why stop at blood when flesh could yield better results?
The body knows it is coming already. Even as Caroline only prepares, it has clearly worked out the pattern. It keens in pain at the first touch of metal and doesn’t stop when it comes in earnest. She presses the scalpel into flesh, barely needing to push with as sharp as she has the blade. Blood wells up around it, and she cuts with confidence.
The body – Northlight – cries out through the muzzle, legs jerking and arms pulling at the restraints. The pain is audible in their voice. The tears flow from their eyes again, backwards down their face as their head is thrown back. Caroline is immune, extracting the gouged flesh and having it conveyed to be chilled and preserved for testing. One of her students is already stifling the bleeding. The other conveys the sample away.
Lachlan tries not to look at the blob of flesh on the tray, nor at the bleeding hole in Northlight’s leg. He looks at the body’s tormented expression, and tries not to listen to the whimpers low in its throat. It’s a sensible thing to do with the experiments, to build up like this. It makes sense. It’s scientific. The body was always going to respond like this. Simulating feelings. Like how trees bleed sap.
Northlight cries in hopeless pain as the wound is tightly bandaged. Northlight shakes their head in plea when the doctor leaves. Northlight endures without painkillers, without even food. Northlight turns their eyes to him.
There’s a taste in Lachlan’s mouth that he can’t get out. Metallic and sour. He knows it can’t be real, but he can taste it all the same. He drinks it in his dreams and it makes him ache and shiver.
Every morning he goes to wash his face in the laboratory toilets, and he bares his teeth the mirror, to check them for sharper edges.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
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