#my philosophy
blueprintblue · 11 months
the ten commandments
thog don't caare
if it sucks hit da bricks
play the cards i'm given
pobody's nerfect
this mess is a place
fuck it we ball
it's so over
we're so back
what if the world was made of pudding
there is good in every day
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bluegoblinfox · 5 months
If you see every mundane and unavoidable task as an inconvenience, then you will surely feel and be inconvenienced .
If you treat every mundane and unavoidable task as something to be rushed and got through, then you will surely feel and be rushed and spread thin.
Living your best life is not rushing through the mundane trying to skip to the good bit. It is being present in body and mind, through the mundane and unavoidable, in each moment.
It doesn't have to be Insta worthy or inspirational as a Pinterest picture to be worth your time and attention.
Your best life is lived in the big moments, as well as the many small. Time is precious. Don't rush through it as a mere inconvenience.
Echo Rose
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apostrophe-9 · 2 years
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David Bowie
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 2 months
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tremzr · 3 months
if someone really loves you, really cares for you, they wouldn’t hide you away. they wouldn’t sidebar you. don’t choose to be hidden, do something about it.
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heavenly-garden · 5 months
Many people want to be unique and to stand out but not me. I want a quiet life. To live a minimalistic lifestyle. To have a cozy home aesthetic. To pet my cats. To snuggle my husband. To make home cooked meals. To bury myself under the softest of blankets. To breath in the crisp mountain air. I live in a heavenly place, the Canadian wilderness and it's just beyond my backyard. A wild land filled with much natural beauty. I love my country. I love my community. I have a great family. Things worked out for me in the end, so no matter what the future has in store for me i'll always be grateful for the good years I got to enjoy. I'll die happy knowing I had real love in my life. No one can take that from me, the more I let go of my desire to own and possess objects the more free I am.
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my-philosophies111 · 3 months
Tea bags
if u put sugar in ur herbal tea, then u have the palate of a baby.
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The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I am not unique in my mediocrity. There are people with less skill than me who are more successful, and there are people with more skill who are less successful. There's no 1:1 correlation between quality and popularity. It requires just as much luck as skill. In art, in education, in employment, I am not the worst. I am nowhere near the worst. Even if I never succeed at all, that doesn't reflect negatively on me personally.
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yahoo-sodaa · 1 year
The fact that humans have to constantly fill a void with some sort of addiction, item, relationship, action and/or activity to achieve temporary peace is the definition of suffering. That’s misery.
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bluegoblinfox · 5 months
We are vesicles of emotion charged experiences. Encapsulated bubbles of memory; forged and reforged over and over again in the crucible of remembering.
When we arrive at our end of our lives, these bubbles are held for a time by those who shared our lives and shared in our remembering.
These bubbles are held and shared by those whom we touched, those who were moved by us and those in whom we ingnited emotions within. By those who in turn create their own bubbles of emotion charged memory. These are bubbles which you help create.
This is how our lives and experiences echo after we are gone. That is the our life after death. That is why what we do and how we impact those around us matter. As those echos ripple out, to the people who share the lives of those we have ignited emotions within.
Your echo matters. You matter. Your life. Your spark. Your joy. Your youness. It matters.
Don't go silently into that deep dark night. Let your echo sing loud and long and beautifully.
Echo Rose 22/11/2023.
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apostrophe-9 · 3 months
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My “overthinking” is my brain’s way of saying “I have a thorn in my paw, and I’m trying to pull it out”.
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hearty-an0n · 2 months
whatever happens josh getzoff is here
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ross-hori · 1 month
"Do you take photos for Tumblr or yourself?"
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A question posed on Threads that I felt compelled to answer here. Mostly because this is where I share my photography.
Short answer: I take them for me.
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Sometimes I take them on a decent FujiFilm in full-on artistic on-camera film simulation and prime lens mode. Sometimes on a less than stellar iPhone SE.
I'll go on photo walks and shoot close to a hundred shots at a time (and maybe delete half of them). Or I'll pop to the shops, see something I like and snap away.
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Quite often I sit quietly with my iPad scrolling through old pics and enjoying the memories they conjure up.
Or try and remember where the hell I took it.
There are even times when I break open Affinity Photo, add a watermark and post away. Or share it from Apple Photos with a touch of editing. Or not. I'm not precious.
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Not that I chase likes or fret about engagement.
I just share stuff and if it gives someone a scroll-by hit of happiness that makes me happy too.
Are you happy?
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