#my love sia 💕
neteyamyawne · 1 year
Hi boo!! How are you? ☺️
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Not good tbh, my mental health is in shambles but heyy, I just posted a Grace x daughter fic and it's getting me through 🥹 how are you bbg? 🥰 Thanks for asking ☺️
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mageofseven · 1 year
My Taste in Fictional Men??
Honestly, talking about Twisted Wonderland has got me thinking about my taste in fictional men.
In Obey Me, I crush hard for Lucifer and Satan.
In Twisted Wonderland, I am madly freaking in love with Leona, Malleus, and to a smaller extent, Azul.
What do all of these men have in common???? I'm not sure.
The best answer I can come up with is they are depressed and lonely and I'm just like?????
Are depressed and lonely men really my type?????
Send help please for I am spiralling with this information.
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teyamsatan · 11 months
Really hoping I’m not too late but I wanted to send a fic of mine for the 3k event, I Thought I lost You, I think it’s one of the best fic I ever wrote so I decided to send it in. ☺️
you can't be too late bb i'm so happy you sent something in :(( <3 i loved reading it sm xx
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zee-143 · 1 month
A lil appreciation post for my moots <333
I love all of y'all sm💗💗
(I totally didn't steal this idea haha-😭)
@michelle4eve: AHHHH, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You've been nothing but sweet to me on this entire app and I really appreciate you. Remember to keep loving yourself you silly duck❗❤
@aia45: Heyy there pookie. Love you and your sarcastic personality so much. You're just generally an amazing friend. Heart<333 (ALSO STOP BEING SUCH A BULLY TO ME😭😭😭)
@capitainesyallin: You. You are such a cupcake. Oh my gosh. I don't understand how someone can be so freaking sweet, it hurts my soul. I love you sm btw💞💞💞
@aaa-sia: You deserve all the hearts💗💗💗 Ty so much for being so kind and supportive 🥺 I love being friends with you because it's always so silly haha. Love u!!
@antonsgirlfriend: One of my newest moots but you seem so niceee actually (AND FUNNY SKSKSK) Sending you love wherever you are❤️‍🩹😞
@milf-ivy: I absolutely love your vibe. You seem super duper cool!! Haha, I hope we interact more in the future. Hearts~~💕💕💕
@antisocial-socialbutterfly: Hey there :)) We don't interact much but I'm always seeing you liking my posts which I REALLY appreciate. Love yaaa💜👀
@foivestarrsketchez: Omgee, you seem really kind!! Even though we've only interacted a little, you've been nothing but an angel 😞💓💓
@jinnie-ret: AHHHH, AGAIN, LOVE YOUR WORK. and just the general vibe of your blog is adorable, I love itt❣️❣️
@azuna-sz: Your writing is the only thing keeping me sane ATP. I love it soo much and you feel like an actual sweetie💞💞
@kitteawampus: You're literally always liking some of my posts so like thanks for the support!!! And I love ur pfp!! 🤍🤍
@linos-kitten: Thank you for even looking at the random shit I post haha. You seem real niceee. <33333
@threeeyesslitthroat: We've bearly interacted but I appreciate you sticking around (also how did you come up with your username, it's so cool)💙💙
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wtfastaroth · 15 days
I'm a sucker for your art style!
Tho i keep wondering, why you seemingly always only draw one eye. That has so much charm!!
Would also love to see your take on Mirta in witch or fairy transformation :3
About the eyes, I know I already told you but I'll answer again anyway, I honestly don't know where it came from, one day I tried it and I got addicted, It's so fun to use just one eye, I can control the character's vision and expressions better so I prefer it that way!
And heres my Mirta!!!
Witch of Emotions
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And Francis is here too!!!!
I personally think that a clown x jester would slay hard as a couple.
Thank u for the ask🫶
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1vidapoeticando · 5 months
Sempre amei o céu, tanto de dia, quanto a noite...Aprecio sua beleza e inspiração que ela nos dá...As vezes me sinto como a lua, solitária, porém, fazendo companhia a todos ao meu redor...Já amei tanto uma pessoa que para mim era como se ela fosse o meu universo...Sentia o amor tão grande, que a alegria transbordava a todos ao meu redor...Quando amar alguém, seja o melhor até o último dia...E sempre valorize o amor de cada um por você...Não deixe de demonstrar, e não ignore uma pessoa que te ama...Uma pessoa que prepara para você, textos lindos e fofos, e poesias...Que da o melhor de si todos os dias...Uma pessoa que se preocupa e tem saudades de você...Que te ama incondicionalmente...Neste fim as palavras não são minhas, mas são verdades, nunca ignore, porque talvez um dia você poderá acordar e perceber que perdeu a lua enquanto contava as estrelas...
Siempre me ha encantado el cielo, tanto de día como de noche... Aprecio su belleza y la inspiración que nos da... A veces me siento como la luna, sola, pero haciendo compañía a todos los que me rodean... Ahora amé un persona tanto que para mí era como si fuera mi universo... Sentí el amor tan grande, que la alegría desbordaba a todos los que me rodeaban... Cuando ames a alguien, sé el mejor hasta el último día... Y valora siempre el amor de cada persona por ti... No dejes de demostrarlo, y no ignores a una persona que te ama... Una persona que prepara para ti, bellos y lindos textos, y poemas... Que te da lo mejor de ti cada día... Una persona que te importe y te extrañe... Que te ame incondicionalmente... Al final las palabras no son mías, pero son verdades, nunca las ignores, porque tal vez algún día tú despertarás y te darás cuenta de que perdiste la luna mientras contabas las estrellas...
I have always loved the sky, both day and night...I appreciate its beauty and the inspiration it gives us...Sometimes I feel like the moon, lonely, but keeping company with everyone around me...Now I loved a person so much that for me it was as if they were my universe... I felt the love so great, that joy overflowed to everyone around me... When you love someone, be the best until the last day... And always value each person's love for you... Don't fail to show it, and don't ignore a person who loves you... A person who prepares for you, beautiful and cute texts, and poems... Who gives the best of you every day... A person who cares and misses you... Who loves you unconditionally... In the end, the words are not mine, but they are truths, never ignore them, because maybe one day you will wake up and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars...
Ho sempre amato il cielo, sia di giorno che di notte...apprezzo la sua bellezza e l'ispirazione che ci dà...A volte mi sento come sulla luna, solitario, ma in compagnia di tutti quelli che mi circondano...Ora ho amato un persona così tanto che per me era come se fosse il mio universo... sentivo l'amore così grande, che la gioia traboccava in tutti quelli intorno a me... Quando ami qualcuno, sii il migliore fino all'ultimo giorno... E valorizza sempre l'amore di ogni persona per te... Non mancare di dimostrarlo, e non ignorare una persona che ti ama... Una persona che prepara per te testi e poesie belli e carini... Chi ti regala il meglio di te ogni giorno... Una persona che si prende cura di te e che ti manca... Che ti ama incondizionatamente... Alla fine le parole non sono mie, ma sono verità, non ignorarle mai, perché forse un giorno tu ti sveglierai e realizzerai che hai perso la luna mentre contavi le stelle...
Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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Amo ❤️
Tão linda essa música 🎶 🥰 💕
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❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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dujour13 · 3 months
2, 22, 35 and I for Sia?
Thanks Seren 💕💕 I love the first one especially
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Easy as water running downhill. Laughter is his natural state. I feel like it’s an azata power to defuse tension and soothe trauma with laughter, and he has one of those contagious laughs that you hear over the crowd in a bar and you can’t help at least smiling. Woljif cracks him up constantly with his stories and quips. Aivu makes him laugh, Seelah makes him laugh, even Regill makes him laugh. In fact it was suspicious that Early Sunset didn’t make him laugh much, at least until later.
He even laughs in the face of danger sometimes, which I think actually helps lead the Free Crusade to victory. Demons have no clue how to deal with him.
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Inward. If someone he’s sweet on is looking elsewhere, Siavash takes it as a fault of his own. If he thinks he still has a chance, he’ll turn up the charm.
He’s not possessive because he respects people’s freedom and wouldn’t want to hold anyone back from what makes them happy. Even if it makes him sad.
On the other hand if he sees someone he cares about flirting with others in a way that seems insincere—like they’re doing it to get attention, or doing it to toy with people, or because that’s the only kind of affection they know—he would see it as a symptom that something’s wrong and maybe intervene in his own way. Try to gently convince them there’s a better way (him).
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Oh he is just as excited as you are. He’ll get Woljif chattering about investment scams and just sit there dreamy-eyed not understanding 90% of it but totally on board. Same with Nenio. Oh gods that reminds me. He did everything she asked of him “for science” just to humor her and to see where it was all headed. Very very supportive.
I. Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
The azata mythic path is so essential to who he is that I can’t really imagine moving him into another universe. In fact in my canon he’s dead in a ditch outside Kenabres in every timeline except the one where he becomes KC.
(I wrote a Commander as Companion for him once but it fell flat for me. He kind of needs to have an unlikely leadership role and mystical magical powers to be himself. Probably because part of his character concept is what an average guy he is until the whole Crusade thing happens.)
I do have other “universes” or timelines within Pathfinder where I imagine his story took a different turn though…
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giuro, ho letto tutti i tuoi headcanon e le tue storie e ti assicuro che sono divine. sei super talentosa!!😭😭🫶🏻💕
volevo chiederti se per te andava bene scrivere una specie di fan fiction (female reader) dove mostri quali sono gli artisti musicali preferiti della squadra (es: sono estremamente convinta che Prosciutto ama De André). magari sarebbe bello vedere i ragazzi che “bisticciano” perche’ ognuno di loro vuole mettere nel giradischi un vinile diverso e non riescono ad andare d’accordo sulle loro scelte.
Spero tantissimo ti sia piaciuta l’idea!!💕💕
-love dalla Sicilia🫶🏻
Duciiiii! 💝🥺
First thing first, Thanks a bunch for the sweet compliments and fantastic suggestions!
Adoro alla follia la tua idea, Unfortunately, my ask box for LONG submissions is temporarily closed :(
However I'm still taking SHORT Asks.
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f you have a favorite member, ask them directly for a more personal touch. 🎶✨ 🎵✨
Meanwhile you can Check out these two posts to dive into La Squadra's musical vibes:
La Squadra's Playlist
La Squadra's Stands as Italian Songs
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arcticmonkeysaf · 9 months
Finally had some time to reflect on the show I saw on 9.11.2023 in Alpharetta, Georgia! some unorganized thoughts:
first off, Alex seemed to be in SUCH a good mood! he was very pleased with the crowd!!! He even paused and said “You’re a lovely crowd, really lovely!” midway through the set 💕 idk about the back but from my vantage point it felt like plenty of people were devoted fans who were jumping and bopping and singing along to every song. And the rest of the venue in the seats was LOUD with their applause and screams too! During multiple songs the flashlights came out and made it so pretty. I’m so glad Alex felt the energy too 🥹 he was very sweet and smiley at the end of the encore and seemed like he took extra long waving and blowing kisses 🥺❤️❤️❤️
after Snap Out of It with everyone singing along so loud I’m pretty sure he joked “Hey Jude!” (because of the sing along at the end of that) but people heard “Love you!” and they screamed “I love YOU!!!” — anyway that all made me laugh lmao
STAR TREATMENT!!!! sounded so beautiful omg ✨ also had the “I just wanted a jet ski for moat” line 😭
there were a couple transitions that surprised me!! like a new one (to me) between Knee Socks into Do Me a Favour! it had me SHOOK TO MY CORE (posted it in my story highlights but i’ll try to get it on here too!)
they also did the Teddy Picker/Crying Lightning transition 🥹
Alex started 505 at the piano 🥺
speaking of that, the piano interlude before Sculptures is SO GORGEOUS my goodness
SUCK IT AND SEE!!! funnily enough the girl next to me predicted Pretty Visitors right before they played it, and I told her I was predicting SIAS as the encore AND IT HAPPENED (our power 😂)
Body Paint outro was incredible and felt extra long because they were so into it!!! but the gold star goes to Matt because he was absolutely pounding those drums like his life depended on it, his insane drum fills made us all go nuts omg. Alex and Jamie were like egging him on at one point too!
overall they just had a very loose vibe to them. like Alex would fiddle around on guitar tuning it (?) after the first verse of Fluorescent Adolescent without the band skipping a beat, or he’d improv a couple words in SIAS. Little things like that made the on stage vibe so cool to watch 💖
the lining up since super early (12 hours 😵‍💫) was NOT my favorite nor was the intense heat later in the day that had everyone sweating like crazy but tbh that all fell away when AM took the stage 🖤 I met some incredibly nice people and it was beautiful to be amongst fellow fans having the time of our lives :’)
can’t stop reiterating that their energy was so electric and feeding off of the crowd’s 🥹 definitely in my top three favorite shows I’ve been to!
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eywaite · 7 months
hey boo, how are you doing? ☺️
1–4 for the ask game!! 💕
Hello, my beautiful Sia! 💞🥰
I've been doing good, excited for Kinkmas. How've you been, love?
1. Favorite Work You've Written?
I have a few fics I'm really proud of, but if I could choose one that's my favorite or I'd read as a reader: Just A Taste for sure
2. Least Favorite Work You've Written?
I hate to out my only Spider fic so far, but Cooling The Flame. It's not that I don't love it, but I was so unsure of it while writing and it was my first time writing P in V so it could've been better. Could've drawn it out more, but I was running on fumes at that point lol.
3. Most Liked Work By Readers?
Midnight Snack and Just A Taste are my first two fics to break over a hundred notes and I still get interactions with them almost daily, which is such a relief. I was afraid they wouldn't have turned out all that well, but my Lovelies blessed me ☺️
4. Least Liked Works By Readers?
Blind Trust and Show Me are my least interacted with fics. Which I get, Tsireya and especially Kiri aren't really popular characters, but I'm hoping they get the recognition they deserve one day. 
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
Hey boo, hope you having a wonderful day!! 🥰
❌,🍦,🍷,🎶,🛠️, and 🤡 for the ask game! ☺️
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
╰┈➤ miscommunication, my god i hate that trope with my life, nor do i read that trope neither will i write it
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
╰┈➤ it would be Ma'ite, which is the Grace Augustine x daughter reader, i love that fic to death
🍷 Do you drink and write?
╰┈➤ Not often but yeah, when I'm in the feels a glass in my hand with prompts bustling in my mind is a must 🤌🏼
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
╰┈➤ Give it to me , I've been listening to this song on loop from yesterday 😂 and yes, if I'm being disturbed alot while writing, i put on my headphones and listen while writing
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
╰┈➤ I think in snarr when neytiri kisses the reader and Jake was upset because he wanted the first kiss while neytiri is like "deal with it" 😭🤭 and the end where they confess too
❈ I had an amazing day baby, how was your day? I hope you're doing well, bless you 🤭🥰
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mageofseven · 1 year
Okay so I am thinking about doing two different posts about MC bringing their pet from the human world to the Devildom for the new school year.
I've already done a post based on a similar theme
I wanna do them based on my two pets, my dog Elsa and my cat Beanie~
I'd share pictures of them and and show how each of the Brothers (maybe even all of the Boys) handle the new furry HoL addition and what their relationship with the pet is like, if they have one at all.
Would you guys be interested in this, learning about my furbabies and reading the Brothers' reactions and feelings on them?
Please let me know~
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teyamsatan · 1 year
Hi bby, my scorpio twin!! Yk I gotta send smth to you!! ☺️
🌝, 🌙, 🏅, ✏️, 👀, and 👻
Ilysm boo!! 🥰
hey sia bb omggg yes i love being a scorpio w you my love 💕
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
quaritch hahahaha. idk, i really need to do smth w him cause wow, that man has the sluttiest waist i've ever seen
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
i have one teyam fic that i had planned, it's called gold rush and it was supposed to be with a metkayina reader, but i just dropped it bc i couldn't find enough inspiration for it. maybe one day i'll find it and it will indeed see the light of day! x
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
after the cruel summer oneshot i have in the works, probably cruel summer. i think Neteyam and Vol's story has come to an end :(
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
actually managing to write quite a bit of the next chapter of monster in me despite my life being in shambles atm hahaah
✏️ Do you write every day?
yess, pretty much :(( i'm in this for life bb hahahah
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
mostly in the afternoons bc that's the only time i have time :(
tysm for asking sia my love xx i hope you have the best weekend <3
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jakexneytiri · 11 months
Happy birthday dani!! I’m so happy that I met a loving person like you, I hope you enjoy your special day!! I love you so much and my gift to you is Jake cause I know he will treat you right for your birthday!! 😏🥳🥳
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my sia :’) thank you so so much, bae!! 💕 OMG you gifted me just what i wished for!! tysm i will take good care of him hehe 😉💞💘💕
(i can’t add anymore react pics but just know i would’ve included them!! 💘)
he’s so yummy when he’s angry hehehe 🤭
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POV: ur dating louis tomlinson <3
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🖤 wonderwall - Oasis
🥰 teach me how to love - shawn mendes
🍂 yellow - coldplay
🦋 walking in the wind - one direction
💕 style - taylor swift
❤️‍🔥 two of us (acoustic) - louis tomlinson
🫶🏻 black and white - niall horan
🥹 treat people with kindness - harry styles
💓 dusk till dawn - zayn & sia
❤️‍🩹 little things - one direction
🤪 you belong with me - taylor swift
🌿 out of my league - fitz and the tantrums
🌹 i like me better - lauv
🤍 can i call you tonight? - dayglow
✨ she’s american - the 1975
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dujour13 · 5 months
hc + 🌇 and hc + 🗡 for Sia
Thank you! 💕
🌇 headcanon about morning or evening rituals
A morning ritual this time (evening ritual answered here). When he has the leisure time, so not often during the Crusade, Sia is a breakfast in bed guy. He loves to be treated but he’ll also treat if he wakes up at a reasonable time. His favorites are fresh fruit, croissants and piping hot tea or espresso with milk and honey. Very continental. He doesn’t care about croissant crumbs in the bedsheets until they become a nuisance the next night and then he’ll just sweep them onto the floor. Come to think of it, this is probably the only feeding his azata jerboa, Bean, regularly receives. (Don’t worry, Bean’s good at fending for themselves.)
🗡 a weapon-themed headcanon
In the school he went to in Almas they had basic survival and weapon training camp each year in summer and winter. He loved those trips, but not so much for the weapons training. He’s a fair shot with a crossbow in a pinch but in melee he’s better at dodging than hitting anything. (I gave him Blood Boiler in game but he’s useless in melee even at higher levels and even if I boost his str past what I feel makes sense rp-wise. I was playing pwotr today and just. sigh. stay out of melee sweetie. = me mad at him for my own lack of skill)
He would say his weapon is his charm.
After ascension he wields a holy prismatic scimitar called Liberation but it’s mostly for show.
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