#my h50 binge watch
jensensboyjared · 3 months
"It's a funny story. Danny and I are attending a 3 day workshop to focus on our relationship."
The woman: OMG GAYSSS
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eightysix-baby · 1 year
Okay so I binged all of Three Rivers today and it was okay. I'm not a huge fan of doctor drama shows but I was too entertained by seeing Alex O'Loughlin as a transplant surgeon in scrubs than anything else. It wasn't a waste of the day but I won't be so quick to go about rewatching it anytime soon like I did with Moonlight or H50.
same here , unless they have something unique about them that sets them apart from the many others , for the most part those kinds of shows aren't really my thing. The last doctor show that I watched was saving hope which I initially just watched for daniel gillies but it ended up being pretty good lol
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remi-briggs · 3 years
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i am truly a sucker for this little family right here
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mcdannowave · 5 years
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ilikemcdanno · 2 years
it is a ride! i'm almost glad i'm late to the party because it means i don't have to sit and wait for answers. i do like to guess, though! i thought shelburne was going to be his dad, and i suspected wo fat was his brother an episode before steve himself suspected it and i am always both disappointed and pleasantly surprised every time i guess something wrong. (i was also fully certain adam was a yakuza right up until i saw his ass washing dishes in canada. i'm so sorry, adam.)
i absolutley agree with what you're saying about steve. considering a good 90% of steve and danny's arguments boil down to danny being worried for steve's physical or emotional wellbeing and steve just going, "clearly there is no way anybody would care if i die today!" it's not the liver he cares about steven! learn to read between the lines, mr. special investigations!
steve truly is insufferable, but we suffer him happily anyway.
and considering the last episode i watched ended on "oh yeah btw i got radiation poisoning, lol, don't worry about it, want a beer?" i am prepared to be very frustrated with him in the near future.
First of all, the whole “until I saw his (Adam’s) ass washing dishes in Canada” killed me.
And second, you thinking shelburn was his dad 👀 interesting. I assume you mean Steve’s dad? And if so (you don’t have to answer though) but I am curious. Did you think John Mcgarrett was alive? Or that shelburn was his name before he died? That’s such an interesting thing to me.
(I go off on a tangent here, so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to XD) Also me too. I like being late to the party with shows. I’m gonna bring up the show Lost. Which starred Daniel Dae Kim and Jorge Garcia; among other actors. And it even was filmed in Hawaii. If you aren’t familiar, it’s a very mysterious show and there’s a ton of questions it asks about it’s plot. It keeps you guessing. So viewers watching it while it aired - had to wait each week for a new episode. And almost a year in between each season, give or take. Me however? I watched it last year. I binged it. No waiting. Where as my mom watched it as it aired years ago. It lasted 6 years in total.
And although I was here for season 9, and 10 of h50. It wasn’t until s10 that I REALLY was anticipating each episode. Especially the finale.
(Back to topic) and yes… steve is very much nonchalant about his health. He has that mentality of “I’m not gonna worry too much about it until it becomes a real issue” and even then he doesn’t worry about it. But we love him none the less, and so does Danny. 💙
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eg515 · 3 years
Yaaaay, ask game!
2, 16, 18
yes, I'm finally back! 😂 thanks for going easy on me on my triumphant return 💖
2. show you watch casually?
what do we mean by casual? If it means not watching every episode, only watching on the tv sometimes, than I'd say pretty much all the general cop shows you can find everywhere, with Hungarian dub. there are ridiculously lot of them. but by now they are mostly reruns and watching them means more criticising all the bullshit I didn't notice before. if casual means watching weekly but not interacting with the fandom, then... idk. with every show I watch, even if I'm not actively in the fandom, I check out the posts sometimes or blog about it.
I'd say most of the shows I watch are casual watches.
16. show you despise but still watch?
oh damn... okay, sometimes I talk shit about shows and still watch them. it's all (affectionate), you know? I can't really think of one, because usually if a show seriously upsets or annoys me for longer than a few episodes, I just. don't watch it anymore. yeah, I know, groundbreaking.
actually, thinking about it, I'd say Hawaii Five-O. A few years ago mom and I started binging it, and I loved it, but by season...5-6-ish, it got.... not as enjoyable. by season 7 and 8 I was watching it purely for Kono and Tani, and I mercilessly roasted every episode. I rarely talk (read: shout) as much at my tv as I did with H50. we still have s10 to watch as it wasn't out back then, so I guess technically I'm still watching it kinda??
18. show you dont understand the hype for?
Game of Thrones. just... no
at the beginning I could kinda understand why people would love it, even if it wasn't for me, but then it got ridiculously bad.
but for most shows I can understand the hype, I just don't share it.
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thefancyspin · 3 years
I just went to your ao3 and binge read a bunch of your works and I just wanted to say thank you for all the shit you’ve put out into the universe and I appreciate it so much. You got me reading H50 fics and I’ve never watched the show lol. Lots of love friend 💕💕
thanks so much lovely, honestly made my day xx
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incorrect-mcdanno · 4 years
Hey guys,
because of the show ending this year, me being several season behind and not wanting to avoid this site for months because of spoilers, I decided to do a REALLY big binge watch H50 so that I can catch up to S10. Right now I'm at the end of S03 so...
I have so many feels that I have to write myself out of so I'll be blogging during my binge....
If you don't want to be spammed with my posts, you should blacklist tags #claire binges H50 and #Hawaii Five-0 spoilers! Thanks!
Btw. Feel free to join me or comment, reblog and definitely talk to me! I'm in the mood to talk about those two pining idiots in love ALL THE TIME!! :DDD
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five-wow · 4 years
@lemon--verbena replied to your post “fair warning that this is going to be a less fun post, but oof,...”
*hugs* I know and understand and completely agree. There’s something that makes me feel guilty about liking certain things when on a surface level, it has elements you disagree with.
For me, I don’t think it’s that I feel guilty about it so much as that I just... don’t enjoy it? Like, it sometimes makes me feel a little queasy watching certain specific scenes because what’s happening feels Very Wrong to me while the show portrays it as totally okay and sometimes kind of funny, when it’s not. There’s, I don’t know, a moral whiplash.
I’m okay though! ❤ This is not a new thing and I knew about this, idk, issue? going in, and I can definitely deal with it (and often it’s also kind of fascinating to watch a show clearly not aimed at the people in my happy leftist bubble), but every once in a while I have that moment of “dear lord who thinks this is actually okay and can we please not give them any power ever”.
@eg515 replied to your post “fair warning that this is going to be a less fun post, but oof,...”
honestly, this is one of the reasons I got tired of this show. I binged 8 seasons with my mom, and at one point we got so tired of it, we just started pointing out all the times they ran in guns blazing, and ended up killing a valuable witness or informant, making solving the case so much harder. there is waaaaay too much unnecessary violence.     at the beginning they did work on high-profile cases and the worst of the worst bad guys, but then they started solving simple homicides. I didn't even understand why they did that, but they used the same force and violence, no matter who it was, and that was disturbing.               
The funny thing is that I think I probably noticed it less when I bingewatched it, because I guess it kind of just washed past me, though I also really really get what you’re saying. If you’re really paying attention, h50 is perhaps something best enjoyed in small doses.
(And oh my god, YES, they also just make their own work so much more difficult and dangerous than needed through their shoot-first-questions-during-torture approach. That’s part of the style of this show, but actually just... talking... to people? might be a good idea? maybe? Someone give me a full season of all of these characters going to therapy and working through what’s making them so angry and ready to shoot people who might well be innocent, please.)
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bgharison · 4 years
I was tagged by @telltaleclerk and thus I am procrastinating today’s chores . . . 
1. What was the last movie you watched in theaters? Endgame?  I think.
2. What’s your favorite game to play? Oh dear.  I honestly don’t care for games.  Ummm . . . Battleship, because I like the little plastic ships.
3. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.
4. What’s the last show you binge-watched? Currently binging Chicago PD and I am smitten.  There may be fic.  
5. Do you have any pets? Two cats.
6. What’s your favorite fairy tale? Again, oh dear.  I never cared for fairy tales, even as a child.
7. Who’s your favorite superhero? Ironman
8. Who’s you favorite Disney Princess? Stitch
9. Where’s the first place you’re going to go after the social distancing is over? Omg, a haircut.
10. Cookies or Cake? donuts
+ 10 questions
1. which show could you watch over and over? H50 early seasons maybe?  Because I like the core four soooo much.
2. favourite song lyric? Any line from Cohen’s Hallelujah or Anthem
3. favourite season of your favourite tv show? NCIS season ?? 
4. what never fails to make you smile/happy? Chatting with my friends online - you know who you are! Ditto
5. how are you doing with all that’s going on in the world (virus, having to do social distancing, etc)? I’m okay.  Still going into my office for a few hours a week, which is wonderful.  It’s quiet there.  My mom just moved in with us and my husband is working from home so . . . yeah.  I’m used to my solitude and this is difficult.  
6. we all love new music to listen to, name an artist that is underrated/you think people should check out? The Collection!!!!!
7. tv show or movie? fan fiction ;-)
8. Favourite holiday? Thanksgiving.
9. a song that describes you? HFucking Perfect.  Pink.  It’s what I wish someone had said to me when I was growing up, and it’s my song to my kids.
10. describe your tumblr in three words? Bat Shit Random
+5 questions
1. What is your favorite hobby? Writing
2. What is your favorite book? Or/and a really good book you’ve read recently? My dad’s highschool English textbook.  That, along with his US Navy Bluejackets manual, are the only books he saved.
3. What is your favorite Ship that will never happen (Or hasn’t happened yet)? McDanno.  But Gibbs/Caitlyn is a close second
4. If you could spend the day with any living celebrity, who would it be? Ellen Degeneres
5. The best worst movie you’ve ever seen. A movie that you know objectively is trash but you can’t help but really enjoy it. All of the Step Up Movies.  
Questions by @tilliwriteapine
1. If/when you read, do you prefer an eReader or an actual physical book? Physical book
2. Favorite movie? Speed?  Maybe? or Point Break?
3. What does a normal day look for you? Work, crash, try to find some peace and quiet to write, repeat.  I’m chronically anemic so my days are usually pretty boring because I’m tired most of the time.
Three questions from @telltaleclerk
1. Have you ever watched a show and/or movie for ONE character? If yes, WHO?!  Dr. Who for the current doctor
2. What is your ULTIMATE concert (musicians/bands from ANY period alive or dead)?  The idea of going to a big concert terrifies me.  I’ve been to small local gigs for The Collection and honestly, I can’t imagine I would ever like anything better.
3. Book that you were forced to read in school that you hated the most.  Little One, Maid of Israel.  ::shudder:: 
Three questions of my own devising… if you’ve been tagged by me, answer these ones too!!! And then add three of your own when you do yours. Plus tag ALL the people!
1.  If you could visit any country of the world, where would it be?
2.  If you could live in any country of the world, where would it be?
3.  Your dream home -- what is it?
I’m terrible at tagging so I’m just going to poke @ariestaurus21 and @sussexualtension-blog
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remi-briggs · 3 years
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idk they look pretty married to me
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ssthongmagnet · 5 years
Hi! I'm a newbie in this fandom, and I really love H50 so far – I'm binge watching it, I'm on S5 rn. And I super love McDanno, the way they talk to each other, bickering like a married couple, I ship them so hard ❤ So, could you plz recommend me REAL GOOD McDanno fics – I love case fics with canonic characters and everything, with ust, romance, maybe some heartbreaking tragedy which leads them to realization about their feelings, I don't mind if smut is there too🔥The bigger fic the better 😉
Hi and welcome! S5 is a good season, esp 5x17 (I won’t spoil in case you’re not there yet but it’s a good McDanno one!)
As for good McDanno fics... all I can do is link you to the ones I’ve bookmarked on my AO3. There’s a good mix of romance fics, smut fics (feat bottom!Steve), get together fics, hurt/comfort in there!And of course some shameless self promotion of my own McDanno fics! I write smut (bottom!Steve), and pretty much everything else I just listed above haha. I have a series called ‘Legacy’ where I gave Steve a baby girl (thanks to Cath, who I loath and despise) and he and Danny get together. I have another one called ‘Tender Loving Care’ in which after being ambushed on a 5-0 op he sustained a major traumatic brain injury and Danny had to go from being his boyfriend to being his carer. I’m currently in the process of re-writing the first story in which it all happens, as when I wrote it back in 2016 I didn’t have as much medical knowledge as I do now (I’m a neuro rehab nurse and look after people like Steve!), plus tbh I could have wrote it much better and it deserves to look the best :) 
And then we have my fic ‘31 days of kink’ where Steve & Danny explore a different kink each day of the month - I started writing it in October 2017 and it was meant to be done within the month... well I’ve not long posted chapter 18 x’DDDD
Sorry about the essay of the answer, and if any of my followers have anything to add then feel free!
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If it's not too late (:P), 10, 15, and 46 for the fanfic ask?
(Never XD)
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Plenty! MCU, POI, Teen Wolf, Criminal Minds, more recently Rizzoli & Isles, the Losers, H50...basically, if it ain’t leverage/librarians, I don’t write it, but I’ve gotten enough exposure to other fandoms either by osmosis or various binge watching periods that reading around is fun!
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I answered this one earlier with William Brandt/Ethan Hunt sooooo what’s another one... Magiere/Leesil from the Saga of the Noble Dead!
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Hearts Wrapped in Clover my biggest project to date, one I’m very proud of and...well, I just think it’s one of the few that actually holds most of the variances in my writing, as well as just being a story I enjoyed telling (and will continue to enjoy telling. I swear I’m writing the sequel. I promise!)
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abbyholmes · 5 years
The h50 binge is real
My Christmas break from work is nearly over and I watched more than 20 episodes of Hawaii five-0 in total. I haven‘t been on such a heavy binge for years. This show is simply awesome.
And as for McDanno...I just adore them.
And I am working on the Plot for my first fic about them set somewhere in season 3 already...now I‘ll just need the time to write it down :D
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fyeahvulnerablemen · 6 years
Humility - H50 - tag to 01x13 ‘Ke Kinohi’
A small tag to Hawaii Five-0′s episode ‘Ke Kinohi’. It’s a bit of a missing scene and I definitely could have fleshed it out, but I wanted to write something short and simple (listen I am on a H50 binge, I need my full attention whilst watching this series because of some very important…plot.)
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0 Character: Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
It had been less than two weeks since the whole ordeal with Chin Ho and the sudden ‘revival’ of Victor Hesse, or as Danny liked to call it: ‘the resurrection of the Antichrist’. Less than fourteen days and Steven McGarrett knew he would be having grey hair before he reached the ripe age of fifty. That was, if he managed to live that long. It was a miracle to basically the whole team, and sometimes Steve included, how the hotheaded super-SEAL slash ninja managed to not get killed in action. What with all the stunts he pulled, and risks he took.
Truth was, Steve McGarrett didn’t actively go looking for trouble. Danny thought it was cliché when Steve told him that trouble found him. The Jersey-born detective had actually started laughing out loud as he heard Steve’s answer to why the commander always seemed to get shot at in the most random places.
He wouldn’t be laughing this time.
Steve didn’t know if it had to do with his honed survival skills or the fact that his nightmares had returned ever since dealing with Hesse, but he was wide awake the second he heard the faintest scuffle coming from downstairs.
He did know that it was due to those honed skills that he managed to get the drop on at least one of the men that had decided to rummaging around his stuff without consent. Ready for another bout of pummelling his fists into one of the faces of these ‘burglars’, he spun on his heels, only to feel the awful zap of electricity coursing through his body, setting every nerve on fire. It lasted mere seconds: only a couple of moments in which his body was absolutely rigid and under the unforgiving current of a taser. Then the tool was turned off and he dropped boneless onto the wooden floor.
When he come to he had the taste of blood in his mouth and the feeling as if someone had smashed his head into the concrete, repeatedly. He sucked in a deep breath, trying to get some more oxygen in his lungs and rolled onto his side with a grunt. That movement alone sent spikes into his head that couldn’t keep him from whimpering.
He opened his eyes and tried, really tried, to get up and go after the perps. The thing was: he had no idea how long he had been unconscious. He couldn’t tell if the ache in his bones was from lying on a hard surface for some time or still the lingering effects from getting tased. He slowly got into a sitting position, valiantly ignoring the headache that ramped up and the stiff sensation in his neck. The first thing he saw was that his living room was a mess but his attention was almost immediately diverted to the fact that his father’s toolbox was gone.
“No,” he whispered. The horror of realising all the evidence was gone chased away any lingering pain and he got onto his feet. He spotted his gun underneath the desk and grabbed it before dashing outside. Even in the early dawn of the morning he knew he was too late and the intruders were gone already.
Cursing under his breath, he went back inside and ran upstairs, taking three steps at a time. He grabbed his cellphone on the nightstand and dialled Danny.
“Come on, pick up,” Steve hissed as the phone kept going over. Finally, after what seemed a lifetime, the detective picked up.
“’Lo?” a sleepy voice asked.
“Danny, it’s me. You have to call in everyone and come to my house. Now!” Steve spoke.
“Steve. It’s four in the morning. What’s wrong?”
Steve heard that whilst still not fully awake, the detective had noticed the urgency in his partner’s voice and was quickly becoming more awake.
“There were intruders at my house. They took my dad’s toolbox. You need to come over now!” Steve spat. Didn’t his partner understand time was of the essence?
“Okay buddy, I’m on my way. Are you okay?”
Steve heard a rustling in the background of the call, indicating Danny had jumped to action.
“It- I’m fine. Just call Kono and Chin, okay?” Steve replied, ignoring the throbbing headache.
Daniël Williams was a very patient man. Very patient. He also prided himself on the fact that he could keep his cool at all times. True, ever since he had met Steve –Super SEAL- McGarrett, those virtues had been put to the test. Repeatedly. Strenuously.
Getting a wake-up call from Mister Navy himself at four am, were one of the things that tested Danny’s prided virtues. Did he lose his cool? No, he didn’t. Did he lose his patience when, after informing Chin and Kono to meet at Steven’s house, Steve didn’t pick up his phone? No, sir!
Did he have to close his eyes and count to ten when he entered the house and saw the damage done, with one sickly looking Steve McGarrett in the midst of it all? Yes. He couldn’t deny that.
Ignoring the mess, he walked over to Steve who was in the process of making an even bigger mess.
“Is this your idea of changing the decor?” he jibed as he walked towards McGarrett. The joke fell flat as Steve turned around.  “Jesus Steve, what the hell happened to you?”
The commander looked pale and was squinting, as if the light hurt his eyes. He had yet to say a word.
“’m fine. Headache is all,” Steve answered after a moment.
Danny merely hummed, stepping closer to his partner and trained eyes scanning over the man’s face.
Uncomfortable with both the scrutiny and the close proximity of his partner, Steve took a step back, glass crunching underneath his boots.  “What are you doing?”
Danny shrugged, “Checking if you don’t have a concussion. Guessing by the way you are squinting, I’d say you have a major headache.”
Steve had a hard time not making a snide remark on Danny’s deduction skills but decided he just didn’t feel like in getting one of Danny’s remarks. So instead, he opted to copy Danny and shrugged. “Got tased,” he softly replied and went back to his business, hoping he could find any evidence.
“You-… They tased you?” Danny stood there, shaking his head, feeling a headache of his own starting to bloom.
“Yeah, I told you. I’m fine,” Steve grumbled, not bothering to turn around.
Danny didn’t get the chance to reply as both Chin and Kono entered the house. As the two colleagues immediately started firing questions, Danny rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen. Hopefully Steve had some icecubes. The detective knew from experience that getting tased was no fun. No fun at all. He’d know! Heck he’d gotten tased in-.
Danny shook his head, willing that bad, baaad memory to go away. He just knew that it had hurt massively and ice was the best cure. Grumbling about Steve for making him relive that memory and forgoing his morning coffee, Danny popped a chocolate into his mouth. It was the least Steve could do for him.
Danny was too good for this world, if he said so himself. After all humility was one of his greatest virtues. Just like being patient and never losing his temper.
~submitted by: @aecrimony
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buddie-chenford · 6 years
@ssthongmagnet completed this tumblr quiz and I thought it looked fun. So here we go.
Fictional character I relate to most:
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Randall Pearson from This Is Us. Like Randall, I’m adopted, suffer from anxiety, and make really corny jokes. Some of the things that he says are exact thoughts that I have had over the years.
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it:
This one’s a short story, but Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper.” I could talk about this story for hours but I won’t bore you.
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie?
New Girl. I’ve binged the show like five times now. You can always tell I don’t feel well if New Girl is streaming on my Netflix.
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Which fictional character are you most defensive over:
Danny Williams from H50. He seems to get a lot of hate for his sarcasm and pessimism and that makes me sad. People can’t always be rays of sunshine— people have anxiety and actually fear death. Danny’s a voice of reason in H50 and I’ll defend him and protect him until my last breath.
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Show you fell out of love with:
Riverdale. Season one was captivating but lately the show has fallen flat, is repetitive, and doesn’t follow through with storylines. I still watch it just to watch, but I don’t love it anymore.
Show you’re most excited for:
Hawaii Five-0 even though I know my OTP won’t get together. I get excited for the McDanno fanfic that comes from the episodes.
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What’s your aesthetic:
Books, coffee, warm tea, and the crackle of a fireplace.
Favorite fanfic tropes:
McDanno (obviously) where Steve’s denying his feelings for Danny, Danny gets hurt in some fashion and we get worried/protective Steve who proclaims his love and McDanno lives happily ever after. 🙃 Too specific?😂
I’m not gonna tag anyone but feel free to do it if you like!
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