#my eyes twitching rn
heartscrypt · 1 month
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dont worry guys im sure theres a completely normal and funny reason why cxs is only shown through a screen in the 3rd year anniversary pv. HES FINE HE LIKES BEING IN THE TV DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT
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ohtendril · 16 days
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There was something heartbreaking in the way she was gazing at him, as if she might die if he didn’t kiss her. Not from heartbreak, not from embarrassment—it was almost as if she needed him for nourishment, to feed her soul, to fill her heart.
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puppydoggraham · 7 months
can you seriously believe there are people out there that think hannigram don’t love each other? that’s 10x more insane than the social worker in the horse.
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jackshiccup · 8 months
whatever you do, do not think about the layers behind jack saying, “we’re good friends, the wind and i.” the implication that jack and hiccup were meant to cross paths, to find one another at all points in their lifetime even if they weren’t aware of who they were to each other yet. that their first and second lives are inextricably linked— hiccup, as a spirit, drawn to jack when he was still human while jack, as jack frost thrown back in time, drawn to hiccup in his present. that their love and friendship is a circle, in a way that they’ll keep meeting in the middle over and over and over again. in a way that it’s infinite and transcends time as long as there’s proof of memory. in a way that there is no telling where their story really begins or ends, only that it exists, that it's continuous. in a way that it’s inevitable, fated, like every moment that passes, whether they spend it together or apart, are all puzzle pieces that connect. that their love is constant, always in motion, in a way that’s tried and true.
whatever you do, do not think about how they both waited 300 years (and some more) until they could experience what it was like to have a companion again. i repeat, do not think about, “you were always there. weren’t you? you’re the wind.”
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abiiors · 5 months
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moon-mountain · 1 year
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I've got some new(ish) additions to my furby fam to show off!! First up is the dynamic duo Blorbo and Skrunkly, decked out beautifully in matching tumblr shoelaces. Next up, I've got a repainted Burger King '05 named Mr. Binch, and two repainted 2012 era Christmas ornaments named Cosmo Black and Foghorn. These guys have kinda been in limbo since last year due to life event interruptions, but I'm glad to finally have them up on my shelves with the rest of the squad <3
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butterflymountain · 6 months
the way people relentlessly sexualize Finnick as if that doesn’t go against the whole point Suzanne Collins was trying to get across makes my eye twitch
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teekays · 6 days
honestly our bravest soldier is lauren kyle... if i had to share the stanley cup finals with the summer of my wedding i would be a little pissed but she's playing it very cool as expected
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meownotgood · 9 months
my brain rewarded me for working hard, last night I had a dream about aki sex ❤️
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blackcrowing · 9 months
I've just come to the conclusion that I, apparently, use my altar space..... differently than others.
I've seen a lot of posts recently that discuss altars and their uses and these posts always feel.... alien to me... as do most discussions I see being held amongst other pagans in social circles.
The altar in my home is not my work space, its not a ritual area (exept giving of offerings, but perishables normally go straight outside), its not a meditation center, its not MY SPACE.
For me, the altar is an area I have handed over to the deities represented there. I maintain it for them, sometimes I decorate it with things I think they may enjoy to be surrounded by when they care to spend time there, but it is THEIR SPACE. The most I "intrude" on it is that I keep my sacred tools there (my divination tools and when I'm not wearing it my devotional necklace).
This seems to make me odd to some degree, because I'm not going to do (the rare and awkward) ritual activity in the gods house unless it is LIKE LIFE OR DEALTH. It would be rude to force* them to attend my ritual by busting up in their space and demanding their attention, if they wish to pay attention to me when I preform an activity (for them or otherwise) they will.
*I use force, but since they are not omnipresent they may not even actively be in that space at any given time, but it certainly still seems intrusive and rude
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captain-hen · 2 months
why is it that when people want you to do something they can't give you all the instructions up front for some reason but send a million follow-up messages with new/conflicting directions while you're already working on the thing
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jaegersdevil · 2 months
‘but does it have spice?’
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hyunpic · 2 years
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cr. zero to zero
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devicecontact · 1 year
Regardless of if you think that the egg tree man is gaster or not, I think it is very nice how polite the guy seems to be. Like in all egg man related events we have it has been nice.
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He might be happy to see you when you get the chp2 egg
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and certainly is happy in the car! (you can only get this text if you got the egg in chp1)
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Seeing how the tree man orphan page for the sweepstakes links directly to the Noelle egg post, I think it is pretty safe to assume they are somewhat related to one another. Just a little egg gift to have is all!
And if you do think of the egg guy and gaster as the same dude (and I guess the intro guy too lol) then the dialoge in the vessel maker intro scene saying that Noelle is “very, very wonderful” matches up pretty well with the idea that she would get a “special” egg gift.
Idk just think there’s a polite guy givin people things and it’s nice
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neuvistar · 11 months
imagine getting double teamed by both yoo joonghyuk and kim dokja
oh. my. days. you just awakened something in me. two lips r smilin rn (what)
bro. i feel like they would both correspond w each other almost like sometimes joonghyuk can kinda be on the meaner side but he’s fine so i forgive him for that while dokja here probably never even touched a person n stayed single his whole life as a loser (i love pathetic loser men like him <3) so let’s say he’s just a tad bit more nicer n more hesitant, scared 2 make u uncomfy :(( he doesn’t wanna touch you where u don’t wanna be touched, so he’s always asking if what he’s doing is okay, he’s such a sweetie i wish i could push his face in between my legs sigh
joonghyuk won’t admit it but buddy probs like it whenever u tug and pull at his hair whenever he’s going down on you, his thrusts harsh and soso good, he loves hearing u whimper n whine for him n dokja to absolutely ruin u :((
DOKJA HERE. like i said he’s probs never even touched anyone intimately before (he’s a loser) so his thrusts r so messy and desperate but they’re SO FUCKIBF GOOD ITS LIKE BRO IS A NATURAL. his thrusts may be a lil messy but they’re always so slow and passionate, biting his lip n trying to savour how you feel, savour how tightly you’re clenching around his aching cock <33 i would love 2 have them both going down on me bro jesus christ
loser men have big d!
hot men have big d!
thank you.
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koa-z · 2 months
absolutely love late stage capitalism. I don't want anything, but I actively have to find something to buy with my credit card that I didn't want so that I can amass a credit score in order to prove that I pay for stuff and haven't just been mysteriously not getting charged rent for the last 5 years across many different apartments. I have to do all of this so that I can leave my current apartment, where my downstairs neighbors are actively exposing me to a number of very serious health risks, and pay for a significantly worse and significantly more expensive one. Yay
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