#my dad saw this. of course. pretty recently even because my stepbrother asked for help a few months ago (with master mode)
its a little funny how my dad kept being like "ooh ur gonna be so good at elden ring u were great at parrying the guardians in botw" and as it turns out.. im pretty decent at parrying in bloodborne!
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lancetuckershairgel · 5 years
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The Family Secret: A Superfamily AU 
Eleanor Rogers is your average teenage girl living in New York City. Her father, Steve, is a highly ranked, semi-retired military soldier. Her stepfather, Tony Stark, is a billionaire inventor. Her stepbrother, Peter, is a dweeb. Life was great for the Rogers-Stark family until one day Steve leaves for an important mission and Eleanor stumbles upon a secret her father has been keeping from her. 
Chapter 1: An Ordinary Day
“Eleanor wake up!” My little brother’s voice squeaked as he poked my slumbering body
“Go away Peter” I grumbled, turning over and pulling the blanket over my head
“We’re going to be late for school” Peter pushed against my shoulder, annoyed
“Go without me, I’ll get there eventually.” I said, swatting at his hand
“Steve’s going to be mad if you’re late again” Peter shrugged before walking out of my room, making sure to flip the light on as he left.
I groaned and threw the covers off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes until they adjusted to the bright light and yawned. Staying up until midnight studying for midterms wasn’t a great idea, but I wasn’t one for organized structure and had messed around until the last minute. I quickly got dressed, throwing on some leggings and a sweatshirt that had originally belonged to my step dad. Throwing my hair into a bun, I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs.
“Morning kiddo.” I heard from the kitchen as my step dad stepped into the doorway, his favorite coffee mug from the CERN museum in his hand “You going to eat breakfast?”
“I don’t have time Tony, I’m running late”
“Again?” I heard my dad sigh from the kitchen before joining us
“Sorry” I shrugged, looking around frantically for my shoes
“Here” Dad grabbed my flip flops and handed them to me
“Not those. I have gym today” I said, tossing the cushions off the couch “I need my trainers”
“I’ll look in the bathroom, Steve you take the entryway,” Tony said as he walked off down the hallway
My dads helped me look for my shoes and a few minutes later I was kissing them both on the cheek and running out the door.
“She’s a mess” Dad muttered, shaking his head as he watched me run down the sidewalk
“But she’s our mess” Tony gave him a kiss on the temple before returning to his breakfast
School was the same as always, and the midterm was a breeze. I finished early which gave me time to go to the library. I was browsing the biography section, trying to decide on which person I should write my literature paper about when I saw someone approach from the corner of my eye.
“Sup?” MJ said, leaning her back against the shelf
“Not much” I mumbled still thumbing my way through the row of books “You finish the test early too?”
“Of course” MJ said “I bet Pete's still not even halfway done”
I laughed and agreed with her, selecting a book about Grace Hopper, a computer scientist in the Navy, figuring that would be the closest thing to my interests considering who my fathers were. I loved to read, don't get me wrong, but I much prefer fiction over nonfiction. MJ followed me to the checkout station and helpfully held my textbooks while I searched through my bag for the library card.
“Woah.” MJ whispered, nudging me in the side “Dude look at what just walked through the door”
I glanced in the direction my best friend was frantically gesturing toward and my jaw dropped. There, alongside our assistant principal, stood two incredibly handsome boys. Definitely seniors, they had to be. The blond was tall, muscular and had obviously long hair even if it was pulled into a man bun. The second also had long hair, but it was black as onyx. You could tell they were new here, the blond looking around in confusion and the raven haired one looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.
“Hurry up girls” the librarian snapped her fingers at us, “Bell is about to ring”
We stopped gawking at the new kids and I checked out my book. We had to pass by them as we made our way to the door and I locked eyes with the dark haired one. His green eyes squinted as he saw me, as if he was trying to read me.
“Hi” I said politely, slightly blushing at the feeling of him looking me over.
“Hello.” he replied and I was taken aback by his accent
MJ pushed me forward and out the door just as the bell rang and we hurried to our next class. I soon forgot about the two new guys and focused on my science project.
The rest of the day carried on without event and soon the bell rung, indicating the end of school and that the weekend was finally here. I grabbed some things out of my locker and walked out of the front of the school to wait for my brother and our friends. Peter and his best friend, Ned, showed up first and I could instantly tell Peter was bothered by something.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him
“Nothing” he shrugged it off, but he still had a pout
I looked at Ned and raised my eyebrows.
“Flash was picking on him again” Ned said and Peter shot him a look
“Seriously? Peter you’ve got to learn to stick up for yourself.” I sighed
“It’s fine, Ellie, really.” Peter said as he slung his bag over his shoulder
“No it isn’t” I protested but was cut off by MJ joining us
“Did you and Ned see the new guys?” MJ asked Peter
“No?” Peter perked up at the mention of new people in the school and looked around to see if he could see them
“I did” Ned said “The blond guy is built like a brick house”
“Right?” MJ exclaimed
“Just what we need. More jocks.” I said with an eye roll “So what are we doing today?”
“The Bean Tap?” MJ suggested our favorite coffee shop
“Peter and I were going back to his place to work on the Death Star” Ned said
“Nerds” MJ wrinkled her nose
“Guess we’re on our own” I laughed
“We can go back to your place too I guess. I have math homework” MJ groaned
“Yeah, I have to start reading that book for my paper” I shrugged
I linked arms with MJ and we headed off, following the boys home. When we arrived, we went into the kitchen and Peter began searching the pantry for snacks. He threw a bag of chips and some fruit snacks on the counter and we dug in.
“Hey kids!”
My stepdad came into the kitchen. The glasses he was wearing indicated that he had spent the day down in his lab working, and the coffee cup he had that morning had been replaced with his favorite whiskey glass, which was empty.
“Hey Dad” Peter said with a mouthful of fruit snacks
Tony ruffled Peter’s hair and went over to the liquor cabinet, pouring himself another drink. He took a sip, peering over the glass at us.
“How was school?” he asked
“The usual”
“It was school”
Tony chuckled at our responses, taking another sip.
“Where’s Dad?” I asked, noticing that it was pretty quiet in the house
“Oh..well..” Tony swallowed another gulp “Steve had to go to work honey”
“Woook? He dint see bah?” Peter said
“Swallow your food, then speak, Pete” Tony said “No, this was an emergency. He had to leave quickly, but told me to give you both a hug and kiss. He’ll call when he lands”
“Lands? He had to go overseas?”
I became worried, since my dad was technically retired from the military, he still had enough rank and status that if the US Army ever needed something, they’d call him in.. He tried to stay home as much as he could to raise Peter and I but when the country had a devastating event he’d be the first one there to help. The last time they needed him was when Hurricane Maria hit and he went to Puerto Rico to help with disaster relief. There hadn’t been any major storms recently, and no terrorist attacks that I knew of, so it was alarming that he’d take off without giving us notice.
“It’s top secret Government stuff” Tony shrugged before coming over and placing a kiss on my forehead “It’ll be ok and he’ll be home soon”
I gave Tony a hug and he turned to go back down to the lab. I suddenly remembered something.
“What?” Tony turned back around
“Daddy was supposed to take me to my drivers test on Monday” I pouted “Can you take me? Please?”
“I’ll see if Happy is available.” Tony nodded and left the room
Tony hated to drive anywhere unless he really wanted to, and didn’t really do much of the parenting if he could help it. He was a great dad, don’t get me wrong, but he was the fun dad. My dad, Steve, was always the one to attend the PTO meetings, chaperone field trips, take Peter and I to the doctor, anything that required an adult. Tony would leave the adulting up to his assistant, Pepper, or his driver, Happy. Happy wasn’t always “happy” to take care of us kids, but he did it because he got paid to. Pepper was always thrilled to spend time with us because Tony usually had her running all over the place doing ridiculous errands.
Later that night I was in my room, curled up in the white saucer chair, reading the biography book I had gotten at the library. I couldn’t focus on the book because my mind was on my dad. Where was he going that he hadn’t landed and called me yet? What was so “top secret” that he couldn’t tell Tony what was going on? Although my dad and I butt heads sometimes, we’re very close. He’s always been there for me and before Tony and Peter came into our lives, we were all each other had. Sure I was only four when he and Tony met and got married, but for those first four years it was just my dad and I. With him being military, I was always on edge worrying about him when he was away. One of the last tours he went on was a few years after September 11th and I made myself so physically sick worrying about him that he had chosen early retirement instead of furthering his career.
I put my book down and began to gather the week’s dirty laundry from my hamper and went down to the laundry room. I started the load and wandered the house, looking for a snack and another human. Ned was spending the night so I knew Peter was busy and MJ had gone home for dinner so I wandered down to the lab to find Tony still hard at work on his latest creation.
“Hey” I said
“Hey kiddo” Tony said, not even looking up from the computer screen
“Have you heard from Dad yet?” I asked as I perched myself on the stool next to Tony
‘Not yet, honey. He’ll call when he can, I promise”
“Yeah, I’m sure he will.” I sighed, looking at my phone for the hundredth time
I sat and watched Tony work on the robot he was building, like I always did. I never really understood the science behind it all, but I spent many hours just sitting in Tony’s lab watching him. He always had classic rock music playing and I’d often dance and sing around the lab as he worked. He never really paid attention to Peter and I when we were down there, as long as we didn’t touch anything, but we knew he liked the company.
I knew Tony would be working late into the night like he always did, so after bringing him another glass of whiskey, I made my way back upstairs. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and laid down in bed but I couldn’t sleep. Instead, I stared at the ceiling and checked my phone every few minutes, hoping my dad would call. He never did and I eventually drifted off to sleep.
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suckerforhobi · 7 years
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader (2nd POV)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: You almost only met him at funerals and weddings. You and he had several common points in your lives and you wanted to keep him as close as possible.
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The first time you met the boy was when your paternal grandmother passed away, and her funeral was held, your eyes almost popped out when your father brought his new female companion - and the woman’s son with himself, whom no one knew in your family, not even your aunts and uncles.
Your family life was a mess but year by year, you had nothing else to do but accept it. Your parents divorced during the very first school year in your life which gave you a huge heartbreak at the tender age of 6, you could hardly recover from the memory of your dad tearing off the door and leaving you with two suitcases in his hands and your mother crying face which broke your heart even more. Looking back, years later you shouldn’t have been that shocked - they fought a lot, your dad came home too late and spent too much many. Your father didn’t act like an adult. Your parents were each other’s first love and you came when they were both so young, freshly graduated from the university. Still, your heart ached when you thought back to other kid’s parents - they were in love, they had mutual programs like visiting the zoo. That wasn’t the case with your eonma and appa - they loved each other but not that way anymore, the atmosphere tensed around them every single time.
Your father kept visiting you as much as he could, being a lawyer, he was pretty busy, not to mention he was living in another city. He supported you as much as he could, paying your mom every month the child support. Then, your father didn’t see you that much but still called every week. You missed him terribly but you knew he had a hard job, you wouldn’t hurt him.
That day you felt like you were betrayed. He didn’t see you because of that woman? Was she more important than you, his own daughter?  Did he spend time with her son instead of you? The 15-year-old yourself was beyond angry when you saw how much he cared about the two persons with him but not with his daughter who was few meters away. You cleared your throat in annoyance and your father turned to see you. He had a huge smile on his face. You had a couple of negative feelings towards your father. A new family and he missed you out? Why didn’t he tell you something about that?
“Hello, Birdie. I would like to introduce you to Hye and Hoseok.” You flinched when you heard your nickname your father gave you when you were a toddler. “Hye, Hoseok, she’s my daughter, Y/N.”
You were never impolite but deep inside, you would tell your father and his new chick with her son to get lost. However, it was your grandmother’s funeral and you wouldn’t have wanted to cause such a scene. She was an angel, she deserved a beautiful, peaceful goodbye ceremony.
“Nice to meet you.” You tried to sound as sweet as you could, it might hurt your soul to do that though you had no other choice. Hye who was the same sage as your dad and mom squeezed your hands and frowned.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I heard how much time you spent with your grandma. If you need anything and anyone to talk about, we are here.”
You nodded, giving them a smile which turned out to be more like a snarl. “Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind.”
You were inspecting the boy who did the same to you - his face had similarities with his mom’s, the timid smile he gave to you was identical to Hye’s. You would have been lying to yourself if you had denied the fact he was handsome. The way he looked at you was oddly comforting, despite knowing him for minutes.
“Y/N... are you free on on next week? We’ve bought a new house recently and you should see it yourself and we would decorate your room.”  
Your little heart was content. Your father maybe didn’t forget about you.
You found out more and more about both of your stepmother and stepbrother.  Hoseok was a few years older than you, he wasn’t a planned - how could he be when his mother was 17 when he was born? Growing up was surely hard for Hoseok, that’s why you weren’t surprised anymore how protective was your father of him. 
Hoseok was a graduating student from high school, you were surprised, he was so kind towards you, not the typical hormonal and cocky guy you thought he would be.  You two didn’t really meet often, just few occasions when he wasn’t with his girlfriend and you paid a visit to your father or at the wedding or funeral of your relatives.
It was the day of your dad and his mom’s wedding when you couldn’t keep your eyes off Hoseok - he was the most charming boy you had ever seen as much as you wanted to deny the fact. He was seated the opposite side of you, close to your parents. Your heart skipped a beat when he poked you gently.
“May I have a dance with you, sis?” His smile was contagious as you wore a matching one.”
“I would love to.”
The was the first time you were close to Hoseok, as you were now a 17-year-old teenager, your face was flushed but you still tried not to redden it more. His beautiful eyes, his warm smile, his comforting large hand resting on your waist.
“I never really said that but I’m glad I got a little sister.” He said softly, his eyes never leaving yours. From that moment, you knew he was the death of you. Luckily, his girlfriend’s whining turned you back to the real world, letting go his hand, to let them dance together.
“Y/N...” Your roommate called your name and you knew she plotted something for you. “I want to ask for something.”
You were nervous, if she asked for something, it never meant a good thing. 
“How can I help you, Haru?”
“Do you remember Park Jimin?” She asked and you nodded. Who didn’t know him? He was a popular guy, graduated a year after your first university year. He was a legend, many girls were the fan of his, worshipping him like he was a Greek God. Your roomie fell into this category, screaming every time his name was mentioned.
“I remember. What’s with him?”
“He asked me out on a date but he said his roommate has just broken up with his girlfriend, so he said we should go on a double date, he needs something to distract himself... and I thought...”
“I say yes but you owe me a lot.” You said and your goofy roommate suddenly pulled you into a tight hug, you felt your breathing becoming heavy as she almost choked you to death.
“You are the best.”
You spent on that October day hours on choosing your outfit for the night. You didn’t really have any fancy clothes, you didn’t really go out to have fun, instead of participating in some parties, you studied as much as you could. You were hard working and you hoped one day all your efforts would pay off. 
When you came out your room, Haru squealed like a proud mom when she noticed you in the red dress you had bought a year ago.
“Oh my God, Y/N, you look breathtaking! This dress is so lovely! I’m sure that guy would love it!”
You nodded, not believing her words entirely. Haru was almost like a sister to you, of course, she said nice words about your appearance.
“Where will we meet them?”
“Inside.” She replied happily and she was shining in happiness. You envied her,  she was always positive and cheerful, while you were so gloomy most of the time. This is who you were, the quiet, insecure bookworm. While she was a real Disney Princess.
Before you two entered the cozy Italian restaurant, you surely had imagined the mysterious guy Jimin brought with himself. Judging by his character, you trusted his choice, there was no way he would invite a boring, grumpy guy but a smiling and curious. But you never excepted to see someone you knew relatively well. Hoseok.
Both of you froze immediately, earning glances from Haru and Jimin.
“Do you know each other?” Jimin asked and Hoseok gave you a shy smile after hearing his friend’s question.
You wanted to tell the awkward truth but Hoseok was faster. “We are old friends.” 
You tried to be convincing enough, however, you didn’t really get it why Hoseok lied. Okay, he didn’t like exactly, you two had known the other for years but you were rather family than friends. Stepsiblings, to be exact. You guessed he said that to not upset your friends’ attempt to get a date for you.
“Is it true, Y/N?” Haru asked you with widened eyes, not really believing what she just heard.
During the dinner, the four of you had a great time together but you were flushed as Hoseok never once took his eyes off of you, examining your face, waiting for your reactions. The faded crush from years ago that you thought of like a distant memory came back in once, making you confused. He was a forbidden fruit, a guy who off-limit, a platonic love. Still, you didn’t know how to handle when the dream boy of your youth was sitting with you on a date. On a date.
You had fun but you decided to go home earlier - your aim was to make Haru happy, your task was done. When you announced your leave, saying you are not feeling quite well, Hoseok stood up after you. “I’ll walk you home.”
The atmosphere was tensed between the two of you when you walked out of the building. You didn’t speak up but your brain was working on finding a possible, not awkward topic.
“We had a nice night, didn’t we, Y/N?” He asked smiling but not looking in your way.
“Yes, we had. It was good to see you again, not just listening to dad’s reports.”
“The same goes to you. I’m so proud of you, studying Psychology and you achieved your goals like a pro.”
Unlike Haru, you knew Hoseok would never tell you something he didn’t think seriously. His eyes were honest and you tried not to look in them, protecting yourself from falling for him too much.
“I tried my best.” You smiled sheepishly.
“Y/N. I want to meet you more, Sis. We are family and now I’m working and...”
“Of course, just text me and I try my best not to drown myself into studying.”
After that night you really met regularly, going to drink a cup of coffee together, or just hanging in the mall. Hoseok was in every time you called him up to meet and you reacted the same way when he wanted you to see your face. You never read anything more into those rendez-vous. You were just nothing more but brother and sister. Weeks turned into months, he quickly became the most trusted person in your life.
One day, everything changed.
“Will you go with me to meet my colleagues? We’ll have a small gathering and everyone brings a girl with themselves...” He explained laying his head in your lap, while you were sitting on your couch.
“Hobi, why don’t you ask the girl who lives in the same apartment as you?”
“Not my type.”
“The girl you were making out with at Jimin’s party?” You raised your eyebrows suspiciously.
“You will love this, she is engaged.”
“Noooooo. What a stupid chick.” You shook your head in disbelief.
“Are you free on this Friday?”
“I am.”
“Then we will go together there. Be pretty but not too pretty, I don’t want to chop off anybody’s di-”
You only responded by hitting his head with a pillow.
You got to know his friends beside Jimin, his colleagues at the I.T. company he started working not too long ago. The always grumpy but a soft guy, Min Yoongi and the incredibly intelligent Kim Namjoon, both of them brought their girlfriends who were happy Hoseok got himself a pretty cute girl (before you could tell you were related he once again stopped you from saying anything).
At the bar, you saw how everybody adored him. Indeed, he was the most amazing human being you had ever met.
He touched your hand, his body pressed to you, giving the warmth you loved.
You both drank but he surprised you when he put his lips on yours. You knew it was wrong, you panicked but you couldn’t push him away. It was a miracle, a dream, you thought. Then the loud banging music returned you to the real world, Hoseok still holding your lips as a hostage. That was when you realized... you couldn’t go back the way you used to be. You signaled him to let you go and he did but you could see the disappointment in his dark orbs.
You lied to anyone and you went home. It was a mistake. Stepsiblings should never do it.
You avoided him like plague afterward. You weren’t too happy when your dad and his wife, his mom had invited you to have a dinner together. You were scared, no, you were terrified. After a month, the pain remained, not healing like you prayed for. Hoseok caused you unintentionally a huge wound on your sensitive soul but you also harmed yourself as you ignored his existence. However, you had to stop your stupid, immature actions, for the sake of your family.
“Hello, Birdie.” Your father greeted you with a kiss on your forehead. Hye flew to the door to hug you and Hoseok was standing there, with an undetected expression. Of course, he didn’t cheer when he laid his eyes on you, he was surely upset with you.
“I missed you.” You said to them and you saw Hoseok turning away. He called you many times and you never once received his phone call, never replied to his messages on Kakaotalk. You wanted - God you really wanted - to answer him but you knew what had happened was wrong. 
The dinner went like the usual, his mom asking you about boys (you noticed Hoseok’s body stiffening), your father cracking the lamest jokes he’d heard in his life. You didn’t dare look him in the eye - you were afraid of the coldness in his usually shining pair.
When you went up to your room, your parents headed to the living room, Hoseok grabbed your wrist unexpectedly, making you almost scream out because of the sudden touch.
“Don’t go. We need to talk.”
You were ready to escape his grip but you missed him. You missed your stepbrother, who always made you laugh whenever you talked to me, who comforted you when you failed on an exam, he was there.
“What do you want to say, Hobi?”
“Don’t ignore me, like I am nobody to you!” He growled angrily, his unexpected outburst catching off your guard.
“Look, I needed time. It was wrong and we both know it!”
“Don’t say that you didn’t enjoy it, then you wouldn’t have responded the kiss.” His body was shaking as he was nervous and angry.
“The fact doesn’t change even if I did. We are family.”
You and Hoseok tried to ignore what had happened between the two of you that night. It was just a kiss nothing more but that kiss meant more to the both of you.You missed Hoseok like an alcoholic his favourite drink, you couldn’t ignore him anymore.
It was not long after the first few days of the new year when you woke up by a loud banging on the door. You groaned - you valued sleep as you could hardly fall asleep. You looked like a mad scientist with your messy hair but you opened the door.
Hobi was standing in your door, his eyes in tears. Your heart sank seeing him in that state but what he said burned into your memory for life. “Mom and Dad died.” You couldn’t breathe, collapsed on the floor. The man whom you loved the most and the woman you loved like your second mother were gone.
It was an accident on that winter day. Hoseok was the one whom they could call up. You couldn’t believe how he could remain sane - you felt like you were dead inside. Your mom visited you almost every single day, she told you also she lost one of the most important people in her life. If Hobi, Haru and your mom hadn’t been there, you surely would have fallen into depression.
But the only who exactly knew the loss was your step-brother. The tragedy brought you closer, you invited him over to sleepover beside planning the funeral. 
After the day of the funeral, you thought he would distance himself from you but he didn’t. He still wanted to talk to you, he still surprised you by giving little presents once in a while. One day you realized you couldn’t live without him by your side, in a way you should have never thought of.
“When will you admit you are in love with him?” Your mom rolled her eyes when she saw you texting with him. Involuntarily your lips stretched into a huge smile but it turned into a frown once your mother asked about him.
“Do you know about it?”
“Everybody can see how much you adore the other. Even your father saw it, Y/N.”
Your eyes widened, not believing your ears. “What?”
“Your father was a clever man and let me confess you something. We, the three parents talked about it one day and your father said he would feel strange. He got a son and the idea of dating with his blood, with his daughter...but trust me, as crazy as it sounds, Hye would have loved the idea of you two being together. But just think about that, your father wanted the best for you in all of his life. If that means you and him being more than step-siblings... Go for it!”
Later that night, after your mom left, it was your movie night with him.
You were watching a movie - you didn’t even remember its name as the movie was boring as hell - cuddling with him on the couch. Haru was staying with Jimin, so it was a perfect opportunity to ask him about his feelings.
“Hobi... I would like to thank you everything. Everything you did. You made my life better, you helped me through the darkest days.”
“Of course, that’s what brothers and sisters do.”
You frowned, sitting up to look at him. “I wanted to talk about us, too.”
He seemed surprised for a moment, unsure what to say to you. His silence pushed you further to talk. “I was thinking about the two of us. I loved that kiss and I love everything about you. I hate to admit but I’ve been in love with you since I was 15.”
He softly traced his fingers on your face. “You don’t know how much I love you. So would you give us a try?”
“I would.”
“Finally.” He pushed you down to his chest kissing you softly on your lips.This time you were sure you would never break the kiss. 
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