#muslims and christians are semitic too
itsmenefertiti · 4 months
not people still saying after all this time that anti-zionism = antisemitism.
it’s either ignorance or it’s not the eyes that are are blind but the heart.
anti-zionism is not antisemitism.
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barblaz-arts · 5 months
I live in Jordan my friends are Palestinian and their families are stuck in Gaza and it is quite disheartening to watch as the rest of the world blindly support genocide. I have studied and researched the history of Palestine for years now even been inside the wall myself I remember being there for about 2h and feeling trapped just to put it simply now I'm not arab or a Muslim Im Christian and I come from the west and what is going on in Palestine is just terrible. The blatant racism and anti-Semitism (because to be anti-Muslim is to also be anti-semitic.) that these people are being faced with is no better than what the Jews faced in WW2 except this time the rest of the world is on the oppressors' side. I hate to make this comparison but if you look side by side the way Hitler talked about the Jews and the way the Israeli government talks about the Palestinians it is almost the same. Still reading someone who does not live in this area talk in favor of Palestine has helped give me some faith that maybe a ceasefire will be achieved. I hope that the rest of the world can educate themselves and read more about the history of the Palestine-Israel war un bias for it is extremely important to know what you are talking about before you blindly support something. I also hate the way some people are saying that this is not so black and white. It is Palestinian citizens are being treated like nothing more than trash worse because at least trash is treated with some level of dignity. This is genocide and there is nothing good about genocide. It sickens me that a group of people that have all felt what genocide and hatred can do to you goes and does it themselves without any thought to who they are attacking. Again I hate to make this comparison but just look at the way the Nazis treated the Jews and look at the way the Israelis treat the Palestinians they are almost the same.
If you want to help but arent in a place to donate boycott these brands that support the genocide of Palestinians.
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There are many more if you want to look at them just search list of brands that support Israel. This is how we help this is how we make the world a little better.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. My heart goes to you and everyone else who have friends and family suffering in Gaza.
The remark about the similarities between the Holocaust and this genocide is a little too true tbh...
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Here is a more detailed list to boycott from BDS
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
One hundred days.
It's been 100 days since terrorists invaded my homeland, the Jewish people's only home, Israel.
It's been 100 days since hundreds of Israelis were taken hostage.
It's been 100 days of war and sorrow and uncertainty.
But after these 100 days, the one thing I am certain about—that I've always been certain about, and have seen more than ever in the days since Oct. 7—is that the Jewish state and the Jewish people have true friends in Christians around the world.
That's why it has been so unsettling to see anti-Semitism being spread in the name of Christianity—by those on the fringes, and those in mainstream media. But you know who has notbeen fooled by these lies?
Israel has more than 700 million Christian friends worldwide. As people who value human life—in this fight against those who don't hold life sacred, we all—Christians and Jews—must take a stand now, before it's too late. The time to stand for Israel and the Jewish people in now,as hateful and dangerous anti-Semitism has risen by nearly 400 percent in the 100 days since Hamas' attacks on the Jewish people.
During these 100 days of war, I've been shocked to see centuries-old blood libels revived, which have always been intended to divide the Christian and Jewish communities and make them see one another as enemies: "The Jews killed Jesus..." (...no, the Romans did).
Over these past 100 days, I've also seen new anti-Semitic theories spread like wildfire, all of them, too, based on historical inaccuracies—including Munther Isaac in the New York Times and Father Edward Beck on CNN both saying that if Jesus were born today, he'd be a Palestinian (...no, Jesus was a Jew, born in what the Bible calls the Land of Israel, more than 100 years before Judea was named Palestine by the Romans).
As I've heard these dangerous, harmful, evil anti-Semitic tropes spewed, it makes me wonder why Jesus' own people—the Jewish people—are being attacked in his name.
Because today, Jesus would be a Jewish citizen of the Jewish state—the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is growing, up 1.3 percent from the year before, with 187,900 Christians living in freedom. More than 20 percent of Israel's population is not Jewish and enjoys full legal equality.
Jesus today, would be proud to be an Israeli.
Today, the Jewish Jesus certainly wouldn't live in or even be allowed to visit biblical places like Gaza or Jericho or Bethlehem—these are places in which no Israelis are able to enter.
And like Israelis of all faiths—Jewish, Christian, and Muslim—Jesus would be in the middle of this ongoing war, spending time in a bomb shelter as terrorist rockets have targeted nearly every city in the Holy Land, including Jesus' hometown of Nazareth, these past 100 days.
One reason I am shocked, terrified, and outraged that such antisemitism is spreading is because Jewish-Christian relations have come so far. Bridges built on faith and fellowship have ended what have been centuries of distrust and worse. For the first time in history, millions of Christians and Jews are standing shoulder-to-shoulder in shared Judeo-Christian values we hold sacred. I guess it makes sense that the terrorists and the forces of darkness are trying to destroy what we, as people of faith in a loving God who sanctifies life, have achieved.
But those evil forces will never win. Today more than ever, millions of Christian friends around the world do stand for Israel.
Millions of Christians have stood with Israel—with their prayers and their support—during this war. Instead of joining the trending calls for Israel's destruction, they're praying for our strength and our success in wiping out Hamas, the modern day Amalek.
Millions of Christian friends of the Jewish people act by boldly rejecting the anti-Semitic lies being spread and by speaking up and spreading the truth about Israel.
No longer will a huge portion of the Christian community be fooled by hatred and lies, nor will they be fooled into spreading them. Israel's Christian friends are too committed to spreading love and support for their Jewish brothers and sisters, as they fight for survival in the only Jewish homeland.
The rising anti-semitism across the globe, only serves as a stark reminder to us all, why the Jewish people need a safe haven.
In Israel, it has been a beacon of hope for all of us, to see how millions of Christians love, pray, and act for Israel during our fight for survival, as enemies on every side try to destroy the land of the Jewish people, the Promised Land of the Bible.
No longer will Christians and Jews be separated by lies and hatred. Today, we stand unified.
These past 100 days, as Israel's enemies have chanted, "from the river to the sea," Israel's millions of Christian friends continue the same chorus to which they've been committed for more than 75 years:
Never again.
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Texas never fails to be a massive disappointment
"In the Wednesday executive order, the governor singled out Palestinian student groups on campuses — including the Palestine Solidarity Committee and Students for Justice in Palestine — who he says have violated free speech policies and should be subject to discipline." "The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, an advocacy group for free speech on college campuses, said Texas colleges can and should go after antisemitic harassment, threats and violence. But Abbott’s executive order goes too far and leans on a definition of antisemitism that would involve punishing students for “core political speech,” including any criticism of Israel, the group said." “State-mandated campus censorship violates the First Amendment and will not effectively answer anti-Semitism,” the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression said in a statement. “By chilling campus speech, the executive order threatens to sabotage the transformative power of debate and discussion.”
Being critical of Israel's settler terrorism, colonialism, and violence is not antisemitism. Making it seem like Palestinian/Arab/Muslim students are more of a threat to Jewish students is just baffling to me. Especially when it has been statistically proven that white supremacists/white 'nationalist' groups are the one's most likely to target, assault, harass, and sometimes even kill people who aren't white and Christian.
The reaches being made here are so incredibly dangerous. Saying that essentially protesting a genocide and saying that anti-Palestinian racism must be questioned and stopped is inherently antisemitic... is just what I would expect a zionist to do and it's incredibly despicable.
Islamophobia, antisemitism, queerphobia, transphobia, misogyny, anti-black racism, among MANY interconnected issues that are rampant on campuses should be something we should always be talking about. But saying that questioning Israel's war crimes and consistent human rights violations against Palestinian people is antisemitic is just so jarring and beyond horrific.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 3 months
A reminder that not all Jews are Zionists and support Israel.
Just because that person follows the religion, doesn't mean they support the war crimes. I have friends that are Jewish and support Palestine, the amount of backlash I have seen because of it is INSANE.
A majority of the backlash, however, is from Zionists. A Zionist even said to one of my friends "You're not a true Jew, you're a Nazi in disguise!"(Tf???)
Another reminder that anti-Semitism supporters are NOT welcomed on my blog. I lost count of how many Nazis I blocked at this point.
A final reminder in this post is that there are JEWISH PEOPLE IN PALESTINE. THEY TOO ARE GETTING BOMBED AND KILLED BY ISRAEL. Palestine is NOT strictly Muslim or Arab, as there are Jews, Christians, and Black Palestinians.
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leftists aren't just anti-semitic, they're also anti-hindu, pass it on.
ok ok i'll elaborate. we don't hear much about this in the west so i though i should share. i myself just started to hear about this after i started dating my indian bf, but it was only when we went to visit his family in india that i got to see for myself.
a few things i've witnessed there: hindus are called fascists for whatever reason, forced conversions are a serious issue there, like you have lots of cases of christians and muslims coercing or manipulating hindus into conversion, yet leftists and the media call it a conspiracy theory (look up 'love jihad'). anti forced conversion laws? leftists are against those. so many hindu sacred places and temples have been ransacked or converted into mosques or minars during the islamic invasion, and hindus are trying to get some of them back legally, but guess who's against this? leftists again. leftists disdain or make up problems about almost all hindu festivals and celebrations while putting christian and muslim festivals on pedestals. actual caste problems get purposefully misinterpreted by leftists to make it seem like absolutely different and bigger problems, that when they don't make up some caste problems too. teaching yoga in schools is fascist for some reason (?????)
i could go on
the point is that they claim to be all for indigenous populations and native culture and shit, but have a jew or an hindu in their own homeland (or like, an european in europe ffs) and they're suddenly against it all.
i stand with israel, i stand with india and leftists can kiss my ass
I'll take you at your word because I know nothing about the internal politics of India. But this doesn't surprise me. Modern leftism is built on the foundations of hate and jealousy. It attracts followers by promising them free reign to attack anyone they hate as long as they fit mostly arbitrary criteria of being from a "bad group".
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aterimber · 3 months
I saw your posts in the tags about deleting all reblogs! I went thru your blog to see what was wrong and it looks like Zionists have been harassing you about antisemitism until you stop talking about Palestine.
In so sorry about that and don't fall for it!!
To clear down things up: nativenews isn't antisemitic. They're pro-Palestine and support a decolonized solution which Zionists HATE and that's why they're saying nativenews in antisemitic. Zionists are calling ANYONE who doesn't support Israel or a 2state solution an "unsafe" person for Jews which doesn't even make sense.
That'd be like if Americans said "you're anti-american and unsafe to my well being because you think native Americans deserve equal rights. Natives obviously just want rights to get revenge on us, how could you possibly suggest supporting them."
That doesn't even make sense and it's obviously just a racist excuse for Americans to keep their privileges over natives right?
Same exact situation is happening.
Jewish Zionists like to pretend Israel is a Jewish state but it isn't. There are Christians and Palestinians and Muslims who live in Israel too. It isn't specifically anti-Semitic to criticize a government, regardless of it's population.
People criticize the USA all the time and who are the only people that get mad about it? Patriots and racists who want to ignore their problems, right? And should we stop talking about those things cuz they're uncomfortable? Course not. They are the Reason we talk about it, right?
Zionists are the same. And the doubt they are planting in you about your voice is their goal. One less voice speaking up for Palestine helps theirs get louder.
Please don't delete your reblogs.
Nothing you've done has helped out Jewish lives in danger JUST because they are Jewish. And that's what antisemitism is.
Antisemitism is not when you have opinions Jewish zionists don't like or reblog from people that Jewish zionists don't like, I promise.
Hi Anon!
Thank-you for the message!
Also, thank-you very much for that explaination. What you said definitely makes sense to me. As I've said, I'm not very knowledgable about what has been happening and was only attempting to help, which it had been pointed out to me that was not what happened.
I'm attempting to learn so I can make informed decisions going forward and listen to the people who I was attempting to help.
To clear things up: I am against murder. Period. (Yes this includes animals, but that's not the point of this post)
If you are pro-murder, I do NOT agree with you. Unfollow me, block me, whatever.
This is why I felt sick when I was told the post I reblogged from NativeNews could possibly get people killed. That is why I went to the extreme lengths of taking down every other post I had reblogged mentioning Israel and Palenstine and wrote the apology post.
I was trying to spread information to stop people from dying, not contribute to it.
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royalberryriku · 2 months
// Sort of a vent/ political rant but yeah
TLDR Free Palestine and there IS no antisemitism besides Israel itself, and the Zionists speaking for Jewish survivors of the holocaust who consistently say "not in our name".
Absolutely fascinating how we've gotten to this point of hundreds of Jews saying "hey this thing doesn't represent us!" and "Not in our name" while not-Jews say "hey stop being antisemetic" at these exact said Jews for saying a thing non-Jewish people don't like. And yes there are Jews saying this too, but a very large number are also saying Not Us and we're just. Ignoring them. Speaking over them. Silencing them. Then act like that isn't fucking antisemetic??
Also how said non-Jews are predominantly white Christian Zionists who also want Jews dead alongside Muslims because they think Israel belongs to Christians and in government positions of country's who have historically hated Jews and wanted them dead or legislated against them at the very VERY least.
And here we are still, in this western society that has a huge ass history of antisemitism that has existed since way after world war II with how badly they're still treated, calling freaking Jews antisemetic for not agreeing to the non-Jew WHITE CHRISTIANS WHO HATE THEM with their opinion of literally just "shut up for being the wrong kind of Jew" since that is, you know, really antisemetic but hey since they said it and they're defending Israel they're apparently totally allowed to tell Jews to shut up apparently when they "say the wrong thing".
It reminds me of other times when the suffering of a minority group is co-opted by people not even in that group who only listen to the smallest, TINIEST fraction of said minority who happen to agree with them. Usually out of internalised fear or hatred for other minorities.
All the while being okay with Jews saying by the hand of the IOF and being "yeah but what about Hamas" when Israel has killed hostages and Israeli civilians over and over again with "friendly fire", meanwhile Jewish Palestinians also die, and also as if arabic people in general aren't also of the Semitic people like... Israel itself has been antisemetic and murdering the Semitic race for, what 76+ years now? but we're still willing to back and ethnostate that refuses to even teach the holocaust properly more than listen tobthe majority of Jews who have said, over and over, "not in our name". Particularly holocaust survivors who have said they're appalled and who we actively silence in all of this because, woopty doo, they don't say what white Christian leaders want.
And by fascinating I mean absolutely fucking horrible.
It costs nothing to maybe think for five seconds "huh, why are so many Jews against Israel" to figure out that maybe Israel is fucking antisemetic that's why?? Because WE, our nation's in the west, have been antisemetic for a long ass time while we go "huh I wonder who's gonna deal with those neo Nazis attacking synagogues :/" and "I wonder why it's on the rise and no one's caring or talking about it" because our nation's are okay with it maybe like Jewish people have been saying and we've been ignoring for a long ass time?? Maybe because this shit about "aww the west just cares about Jews guys, stop being insensitive" is bullshit because where were you all when Jewish graves were being defaced by neo Nazis?? Because maybe Israel saying "we celebrate the killing of arabic babies because no child is innocent" is fucked up and doesn't represent Jews and claiming it does makes you antisemetic as all fuck?? Damn, what's not to get.
Also an interesting (and by that I mean fucked up) fact; so far, each time I talk about this issue with really pro Israel people, they keep being like "well I don't really like Jews either" or "I think it's good that Jews aren't in my country". So many pro Israel people are just antisemetic to the core.
Anyway, sorry for the rant but also not sorry if you support Israel by now I'm just gonna fucking assume you hate both Arabs and Jews. Wanting the side that actively bombs its own hostages doesn't care about Jews so no don't come at me with excuses either. Israel doesn't help Jews they don't care about Jews.
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nation-of-bros · 7 months
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They both have sexy circumcised cocks and a language that sounds like Klingon. Israel is the only reason why hatred grew between them despite this relationship.
Is religion enough to justify a state?
Another problem I have with Zionism is the claim that Jews are a self-contained ethnic group justifying its own nation state. In fact, Judaism is just a closed religion whose followers come from many countries, especially Central and Eastern Europe, therefore cannot possibly be viewed as ethnically uniform. Moreover, none of them spoke Hebrew, but either the local language or Yiddish, a Middle High German dialect. In addition, as I have already explained, these Jews, referred to as "Ashkenazis", are not original Jews in the Bible's sense, but merely converts from the Central Asian people of the Khazars. The real Jews are black Africans or have long since mixed with the Arabs and adopted Islam.
There are countless different religions on earth and absolutely none of them is the only religion of a country or unique to a particular country. The most I can think of is Japan's Shintoism, but even this religion is strongly interwoven with Buddhism, a belief that is also shared by many nations and different people. For example, Buddhist groups have demonstrably existed in Germany for over a hundred years; and at least since the Christian schism caused by Martin Luther, there has been no uniformly Christian faith either. In addition, there have always been atheist people too, although not as much in the past as there are today.
Furthermore, different religious groups can be found even in countries like Iran. Ultimately, the Iranians define themselves through their common language, common history, common traditions, which, although influenced by Islam, still contain a large, originally purely Iranian core. Likewise, neither Afghans nor Pakistanis define themselves exclusively by their religion. So why should Jews have the right to their own state if they do not form a unified ethnic group; and especially build their own state at the expense of others? There are thousands of religious communities on this planet that do not enjoy the same privilege as the Jews. So why this exception for “Khazar converts”?
In addition, Jews with Western citizenship can now move absolutely freely throughout the world (apart from Muslim countries because of their hatred of Israel). Especially in the USA, Jews enjoy all freedoms; and even in the country of the former Nazis, Jewish citizens are given special protection. So, apart from purely ideological reasons, there is no justification for the state of Israel.
Zionism is the greatest threat to Jews
Ironically, Israel itself is the reason why anti-Semitism is growing; In fact, anti-Semitism is the ultimate tool that Zionism has always used to separate Jews from society so that they do not assimilate in the long term. It is therefore not surprising that Zionism itself fomented hatred of Jews. I even believe that such nonsense like the Nuremberg racial laws reflected the wishes of the Zionists rather than that of the vast majority of Germans, since there were only 500,000 Jews in Germany at the time anyway; only half a million, facing 80 million non-Jews. Therefore, it seems absurd to speak of a "genetic threat" to the German "Volkskörper"; especially since the many Jewish academics were not among the population with the largest number of children. So was Hitler secretly just serving the Zionist cause?!
Israel is an exception, and a pretty stupid one at that
Israel is the only modern state on earth that explicitly uses religion and an artificial language called "New Hebrew" as justification for its existence, because they simply cannot claim a common ethnic origin. In the early years of Israel, newspapers regularly printed lists of new Hebrew words so that the former liturgical language, which was as dead as Latin, would become useful for today. And they are so bold that they seriously claim: "If Moses were to return, Israelis would be able to communicate with him without any problems." Zionists really believe that they have "reconstructed" a language that was supposedly spoken by "their ancestors" thousands of years ago. You definitely can't talk rationally with people like that…
Instead of such a questionable Semitic Klingon, Theodor Herzl, the protagonist of political Zionism, suggested in his book "Der Judenstaat" [translated "The Jewish State"] that German should become the official language, since most Ashkenazis had access to the German language through Yiddish. Herzl even considered purchasing land in South America as an alternative, but this sensible idea never continued in the ideological blindness that only saw occupation of the "holy land" as an option. The Zionists could have created their own paradise in peace in the sparsely populated areas of South America instead of fighting with Palestinians over a dusty desert. Since reading “Der Judenstaat,” Israel appears to me not just as a crime, but as something fundamentally stupid.
For the sake of their own state, they make others stateless.
In order to support their claim and maintain the absolute Jewish majority, Israel refuses to naturalize the Palestinians, who represent the original population of the land occupied by the Ashkenazis. Imagine if the USA or Brazil treated their indigenous population as non-citizens and refused any naturalization. It would be a scandal sparking protests and civil movements! But as far as the Palestinians are concerned, this stateless condition is still tolerated by the UN today, even though belonging to a state, or rather citizenship, is considered an important human right to gain legal status and things like the right to vote.
You can't really call Palestine a state, since it is just a patchwork of small areas around Israel where the remaining Palestinians are kept like in Indian reservations. Accordingly, the Gaza Strip is nothing more than an open-air prison into which Israel pushed most of the remaining Palestinians. The current escalation is the result of these years of politics. One cannot expect that young Palestinians in this huge refugee camp will not become radicalized, but will watch with love in their hearts as Israel advances further and further with its settlement policy. And in contrast to the Jews, the Palestinians, as an Arab nation, represent a closed ethnic unit who, even in worldwide exile, feel Palestinian and will never accept the state of Israel in its current form. For them there is only one option: Israel must burn and the Ashkenazis be driven out. And I don't blame them, because as a Palestinian I would feel the same way in the face of Israel's aggression. Therefore, Hamas's atrocities are a merely logical consequence of the pent-up loathing generated by Israel itself.
Go under the madness or change!
I see only two ways in which the conflict can be resolved: Either the Ashkenazi leave the Middle East, or they completely change their policy towards the Palestinians, gradually naturalize them and establish places of residence for them where they can be considered normal Citizens can live and work. Then there will no longer be any reasons for Palestinians to develop hatred of Israel. But I doubt that Israel will ever take this path in order not to lose its own Jewish majority or to shed its own delusion of being chosen. Just as Israel incapacitated its own citizens during the Corona years and punished them draconianly, one can assume that the Zionist leadership will act even more mercilessly against others. So there is no hope for a future for them! And just like in other conflicts, it would be best for us to stay out of it as a neutral party and instead of pumping Israel full of weapons, provide humanitarian aid FOR EVERYONE!
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unicornbeck · 3 months
I’ve been angry at Israel for years. Please don’t misunderstand me. My dad was Jewish, my mom a heathen. That means according to traditional matrilineal Judaism, I’m not Jewish, but according to Hitler and his ilk, I totally am.
I’m not a good Jew. I’ve never kept Kosher or attended temple regularly. Half the time for Hanukkah I forget to light my damn Menorah. I host my family’s Seder at Passover every spring because I didn’t want my kids to grow up entirely ignorant of their family’s culture and traditions. But it’s not a traditional Haggadah that I use, because I’m a bleeding heart liberal who wants as much inclusion as I can possibly shoehorn into the framework my grandparents left me.
I taught my kids the Hebrew blessing that I learned at the Unitarian church for lighting the candles. I took a semester of Biblical Hebrew in college so I could at least have a better picture of my own ignorance.
All this is to say, while no good Jew would count me in their number, I still, to a limited extent, count myself there. Their suffering would have been mine, but for a slight shift in time and place.
But just as I would be included in Jewish victimhood, so I share in culpability for our mistakes.
The history in Israel-Palestine is long and bloody and more complex than I understand. I am not in a position to judge anybody. But here is what I know:
1. We need Israel, because “Never Again” is an ideal we must never cease working towards. Anti-Semitism is real, and it is a force for evil in this world.
2. “Never Again” must include Everyone. Jews. Muslims. Christians. Faiths from all around the world. Agnostics and Atheists too. Heathens and True Believers. We all have a right to protect ourselves, but we don’t have the right to turn others who are ‘not like us’ into victims.
I see strong pro-Palestinian sentiment here, and I support it. People must not be oppressed, must not be systemically murdered or disenfranchised. But where that strong pro-Palestinian feeling bleeds into anti-Semitism, you lose me.
It is possible to uphold the rights and personhood of disparate people at the same time. It is possible to live in peace with each other. It is possible, and necessary, to love one another, not just in spite of our differences, but because of them.
This we must do if we want a hope of surviving the years to come.
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the-racer · 1 year
um, i just wanna say that i think the characterization of jewish remus lupin in fics is so important and that i think him in school isn't being done right. so- as a jewish person- i want to give you some help.
jews are tokenized in schools. we're the, as i say, jewish ambassador. we represent all jews in school systems and have to explain our culture. i know this would go for other religious minorities, too. my muslim friends go through the same thing. i had to explain channukah to 2nd-graders and was given a goddamn candy cane as a thank you (yes, this actually happened to me in grade six)
we get so much fucking random anti-semitism. my brother has been asked where he hides his horns, a kid once said in my friend's sister's class that he thought hitler was a rapper, some kid flashed me a swastika while him and his friend laughed, a kid chanted 'i love hitler' at my friend's school, etc, etc. all these incidents. usually by the same type of kid- white, doesn't understand judaism, vindicated in his anti-semitism by the fact that 'i didn't kill six million jews and therefore can't be anti-semetic'.
we don't learn anything, properly, about the holocaust. i had a teacher, also in grade six, kick me out of the class for correcting her about her information on auschwitz. my mom is a holocaust historian working on her phd in that field and i am the only jew in class. and i got kicked out. my friend's teacher thought that the holocaust was just work camps where they were just underpaid, not a mass genocide.
teachers are notorious, in schools i and my friends have been in, for being terrible at dealing with anti-semistism (also racism, homophobia, etc) and do not give a shit about your experiences. a teacher told me not to defend my religion and that i should go through the proper channels just to get a christian to defend jews. no. absolutely not. and then i argued and i was labelled as 'having a problem with christianity'. teachers don't give a shit if you were just hate-crimed.
please. if you're going to write a jewish remus lupin- which i so support and love the representation- please write his experiences realistically. i know that it's tough to find sources/proper explanations/detailed accounts.
so i'm always free. if you want help writing jewish characters, i will help you!! just dm me!!
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itsmenefertiti · 5 months
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I don’t want any zionist to call a Christian or Muslim anti-semitic just for defending palestine because it’s invalid!! The moment they are about to lose an argument they pull the anti-semitic card lol
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bloody-arty-myths · 5 months
You all do realize that Jews aren’t the only Semites?? Christians and Muslims are Semites too. So why is it when someone is hateful towards Muslims, it’s Islamophobia and not Antisemitism? Heck, hate towards Christians doesn’t even have a name, not that I’m aware of one. “Islamophobia” doesn’t make sense bc 1) -phobia only makes sense if it’s linked with ANOTHER Latin word and 2) it’s straight up hatred, not fear.
What I’m trying to say is, hateful behaviour towards Jews, Christians and Muslims should be considered Antisemitism. If you don’t agree with my opinion, just ignore this.
Edit/Correction: Arab Christians and Muslims are Semites too
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thehonestcollection · 6 months
I’ve not felt this level of discomfort in my lifetime. I was too young to understand the wrath of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Israel’s propaganda war has failed. 2 million people, who were driven out of their land in 1948, are now being massacred. Make no mistake, the Zionist project is a white-settler colonial state acting to completely eradicate Palestinian identity. Zionists do not want to talk about the contextualised nature of violence, decolonisation or their illegal settlements. They’ve weaponised anti-semitism and betrayed Jewish people. This is real cancel culture, being censored for protesting against a genocide. Babies are dying in hospitals - but the pro-life crowd are silent. The cruelties of this attack are endless.
Jews, Muslims and Christians lived in relative peace for hundreds of years, they lived amongst each other with a shared identity. This is now shattered by Zionists who do not represent the tenets of Judaism. American imperialism is fighting for its survival in the world with its allies. It has been one of the most violent forces in modern history. If the Palestinians are defeated this time, they will return to their land. We can never forgive the enablers for this massacre. The government of Israel has destabilised the region for its entire future.
All we have left is hope. Hope that Palestine will return in a peaceful form between all religions. We will remember all the innocent who lost their lives and continue to press for the liberation of those oppressed.
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babygirl-snugglefucks · 2 months
btw fuck anti-semitism, Islamophobia, transphobia all that bigoted hateful stuff, if you want my respect you support muslims, jews, christians, lgbtq, etc.
don't go finding excuses because of some bad people within a group because that's exactly what every racist says too
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“Two weeks into this patently miserable year, a British Pakistani gunman took four worshippers hostage at a Reform synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. If you logged on amid the 11-hour standoff, you might have been forgiven for thinking that the true crisis was not that people were being held at gunpoint in a place of worship, but rather that the story had failed to meet an indeterminate threshold of concern on Twitter. Even as scores of non-Jewish leaders quickly spoke out online against antisemitism, and organizations, particularly Muslim ones, rushed to release formal statements condemning the attack, a significant number of Jews railed against what they perceived as a familiar slight, reigniting the debate about where antisemitism fits into a supposed hierarchy of oppressions. When FBI special agent Matthew DeSarno said the attack was “not specifically related to the Jewish community”—a claim that was picked up by AP and the BBC—many asked if violence against any other minority group would suffer the same misdiagnosis. If the hostages had been Black, they began, resentfully conjuring a fantasy of tearful, wall-to-wall coverage. The same critics felt vindicated the following day when the incident failed to appear on the front page of The New York Times’s print edition.
The concern at being overlooked quickly devolved into a communal tantrum, even as the crisis itself resolved with all hostages returned to safety. This was followed by a petty accounting of the number of minutes devoted to the incident on cable news, or its relative placement in national newspapers. The outrage swelling on social media crested in the paper of record when the conservative New York Times columnist Bret Stephens posited that Jews were in fact suffering a double victimization: “First, by being physically targeted for being Jewish; second, by being begrudged the universal recognition that we were morally targeted, too.” Elsewhere in the opinion section, famed Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt—whose nomination for US special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism was stalled in the Senate—scolded gentiles for their callousness: “This week we wonder if the eyes of our non-Jewish friends and neighbors, particularly the ones who didn’t call to see if we were OK, have been opened just a bit.”
But Jews were not being ignored; in fact, the response was swift and substantial.
[…] Given [the] response from media, government, and civil society in the week following the attack—and the fact that our institutions already have significant resources to spend on the trappings of security—it’s not surprising that Jewish identitarians found themselves with few targets and even fewer demands. What stood in place of a coherent analysis of antisemitism or a list of actionable responses was a general posture of grievance, a diffuse call to be noticed, crystallized by Beauchamp in the conclusion to his Vox essay: “What American Jews need from mainstream American society right now is to be listened to, for our fears about rising anti-Semitism to be heard and, once heard, taken seriously on their own terms.” While the blanket claim of “rising anti-Semitism” is difficult to verify absent any baseline of comparison, it seems clear that we are witnessing a surge of organized white nationalism and a coordinated campaign in support of Christian rule. And still, according to a 2020 Pew study, the percentage of American Jews who self-report a sense of rising antisemitism—75%—is outmatched only by the percentages upwards of 85% reporting high degrees of physical, social, and economic well-being. This disjuncture between our anxieties and the material realities of our lives suggests that the fear is not a direct response to present conditions, but a compulsion rooted in some unseen terrain, making the call to meet it “on its own terms” impossible to fulfill.
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