#mushing them together has me a bit confused still _(:/ 」∠)_
letteredlettered · 30 days
Went to a panel about slash fanfic at a con. Moderator said, "Welcome to the panel about erotica." The words "slash" and "erotica" were used interchangeably throughout. Panel was great.
There was a Q&A at the end so I raised my hand and said these terms seemed conflated. Moderator explained she'd run this panel for 10 years and it started out being about slash but drifted into erotica and she never changed the name. (She also said she was glad I brought it up and would keep it in mind for the future of the panel.) The guy on the panel who writes original m/f erotica said that slash and what he writes are basically the same thing. I said I had no complaints about the name of the panel or the panelists, I was just curious about what slash meant to them, and whether slash by necessity had to include sex scenes to be considered slash.
Two panelists answered that slash was romance between men but usually had sex. Eventually one of them did make clear that slash didn't have to have sex but that it was what they wanted to read. Another panelist said that to them slash really just meant dude romance but people wouldn't read their fic unless there was sex so they felt they had to put sex scenes in.
Person came up to me after the panel. Said they felt I didn't get my question answered. Then they explained that since the 70s, 'slash' has been used to mean m slash m romance, meaning explicit and sexual. Then they said it sounded like what I wanted to ask about was shipping. They explained to me that shipping is just wanting the characters to be together but slash meant sex. They explained that since the invention of AO3, people had begun to use the ampersand to mean the fic had two characters who were friends and that the slash was used to denote ships, but even though that punctuation just meant romance, the word "slash" in the last twenty years had become synonymous with explicit fic. I explained I had been in fandom longer than twenty years and this was not necessarily my experience. They said, "Bye!"
Though they seemed confused as to whether what they personally defined as slash had been mainstream since the 70s or since the last twenty years (the person was 24), they were well-meaning. The panel was great. I'd recommend it to anyone, though I'm not stating the name of the con here because I don't want anyone involved to feel this is really a critique of the panel itself. The moderator in particular was superb.
I think that this conversation just brought up a whole lot of feelings for me. I think it bothers me that people still think that all fanfic is smutty, that all slash requires porn, and that all fic must have porn in order to be read. I am familiar with this conflation and feel perfectly fine going to a panel that I think is about slash fic and finding out it's about erotic lit, some of which is fanfic. After all, I like both, and I recognize that fandom mushes these things together and teasing them out into separate strands isn't something everyone--or possibly even most fans--have any interest in. I recognize that I am pedantic to a degree that most people find uninteresting.
I have a little bit more of a problem with the idea that slash is "basically the same" as het, but this was said by only one of the panelists. If your panel is actually about straight up erotica and not slash, then the problem is just the name of the panel.
What I found the most frustrating, however, is that whenever I have this conversation, I feel like the default assumption most of my interlocutors begin AND end with is this: smut is why we're here. And I just don't understand that. Away Childish Things has 44,800 kudos, and it has no smut in it. My next most kudosed fic has almost 15,000 kudos and tons of smut. My next most kudosed fic has almost 14,000 kudos and it doesn't even have a kiss.
I'm not talking about kudos to show off how many I have, or because I think kudos make a point about quality of a fic. They have nothing to do with quality. But they do have to do with popularity, and the truth is, sex doesn't sell. It's something else. It's not good writing. It's not a great plot. It's not in-character characterization. IT'S SOMETHING ELSE. What is it?
I've had people say to me, "Well, you're lettered; it works differently for you." DOES IT??? Maybe they meant that because enough people know me as fic author, people will read my fic anyway, but let me tell you, it's always been this way for me, long before my fic was really popular. The ones with smut did not get more praise and attention. The ones that PEOPLE LIKED got more praise and attention. Do people like fic that has smut in it more than fic without smut? Some of the time! Does there have to be smut for people to like it? NO.
Have I had people tell me they didn't want to read something I wrote because it didn't have smut? YES. But the point I'm trying to make is, there are people who want to read fic that doesn't have smut in it. THEY are your audience for the fic you want to write that doesn't have smut in it. Fic does not have to have smut to be fic; it doesn't have to have smut to be read.
I think part of the reason I get so upset about it is that slash as we know it today didn't just emerge because some people weren't getting to read smut and they wanted to. It emerged because women and queer people and other marginalized communities were not getting to see what they wanted to in mainstream media. They weren't getting sex scenes, but they also weren't getting queer content, they weren't getting stories about sensitive men that defied patriarchal stereotypes of male toxicity; they weren't getting stories about disabled folks and people of color and folks who are into kink and folks who have different lifestyles. To reduce fanfic to porn is to remove the rich history of why it exists and who it exists for.
I asked earlier what makes a fic popular, and to me, it's exactly this. It's when you read a thing and you feel, "this is really satisfying to my id in a way that I am not getting from mainstream media." And sometimes what is satisfying to your id is very horny anal sex. Other times what is satisfying to your id is Bucky Barnes getting a blanket and facing his trauma. Sometimes it's Harry Potter being trans. Sometimes it's Naruto and Sasuke getting to just hold hands as the sun sets. I have no idea who those two people are but boy howdy do I know they just fucking need to hold hands.
But the other reason I get so upset about it is I'm so fucking tired of reading a great fic that devolves into mediocre mechanical porn that is there due to the collective brainwashing that states that this is the ONLY reason ALL of us are here.
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starzshopoflove · 4 months
Double Trouble (Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x Reader)
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request fill for @bringinsexybackk69  <3 hope you enjoy this little drabble!! Notes: fem reader! sfw, chaotic couple, fluff, civilian reader
Soap: getting a girl
Okay, not unbelievable; he's quite the pretty boy. He’ll usually squawk about some bird for a few weeks, then shut up once he’s done with her. Sometimes he’ll bring them around base for a round at the pub or to a government charity event the squad was forced to attend.
Recently, he has been less rowdy and more active. And by active, I mean rushing home as soon as he’s done with work on base. He’s been saying some nonsense about his family being in town.
He’s been more diligent with his paperwork, gathering up the lot and running himself down to the archivist to drop them off before getting home. Not even stopping with the force to grab a pint at the pub or have dinner.
Of course, he does eventually crack and tell Ghost. The poor boy can't keep his mouth shut for anything. Giggling as he unlocks his phone to scroll through and show ghost pictures of you together, his personal favorite being a screenshot of you holding a burnt pan of something thats supposed to resemble food thats been charred to nothingness with the biggest smile on your face, of course paired with a little text.
‘My man is eatin' good tonight. Bon appetit, baby.😍’
Ghost gave him a weak thumbs up. You were gorgeous; don't get him wrong, but for a civilian to be as strange or erratic as Soap meant some screws were definitely lost, perhaps multiple. Soap finally let himself yap a bit more about you to the squad, explaining that he actually wanted to take you seriously and didn't want to jinx it by bragging about you before he could really be sure.
Soap started bringing you around the base after a few weeks, ready for you to meet his friends—well, more like brothers—and Price as his proxy dad. You concerned Ghost more than annoyed him, and you clicked with Gaz almost as easily as you did Soap. Price didn't get to meet you on the same night Gaz and Ghost did since he was held up in a meeting.
Your first encounter with him wasn't exactly charming.
Price was honestly just trying to get on with his day; he was already pissed off dealing with rookies misbehaving. All he wanted to do was drop off these papers and nurse a nice, good scotch before bed.
He stood in front of Soap’s office door, knocking on it, waiting for some reply. Hearing nothing, he tried again. Still nothing.
'Whatever, he's probably pissing or something, I’ll just drop these and leave’
Sighing heavily, he leans his head against the door, bringing a tired hand to the door knob and briefly shutting his eyes, imagining the drink that will soon be his. Hey, he's actually kind of happy right now. Maybe he’ll wait for Soap and take the boys out for a round; maybe that'll make his day.
A small smile cracks on his face fondly as he twists the doorknob, cracking it open. That same smile drops just as quickly.
Oh, what the fuck?
He’s greeted by the sight of Johnny's desk on fire—no explanation, just the table on fire. No, not the papers on the table on fire, but the actual table on fire. Also, he’s screaming, and so is the lady with him. Wait, who the fuck is she?
Johnny's shouting—actually screaming—how did he not hear this behind the door when he was coming in? Price just stands there, eyebrows wrinkled as he squints his eyes, barely able to process what he's seeing at 11 p.m. with his brain feeling like mush.
Oh great, now she's screaming. His eyes wander over to you in your screaming match, trying to figure out the fire extinguisher. Johnny's trying to fan out the flame while you're struggling to pull the pin.
“YOU MEAN THAT, GUY? HI, Mr. Price."
Johnny whips his head to the open door, where Price stands still verily confused as the lady works a miracle, extinguishing the fire while also covering Johnny in the same foam. Panting, you drop the extinguisher on the floor, slapping your hands on your knees. You turn to look at Price, shooting him the same grin Johnny has had before.
“Lovely to meet you, boss!!” You seem to chirp out happily.
"Pleasures are all mine” is all Price can manage at this point.
It seems like thing one has finally found thing two.
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snow--berry · 6 months
Random CoD headcanons
Characters: Roach, Horangi and König
Mute, ever since he was a child. Knows BSL for obvious reasons and is very willing to teach.
He's still trying to teach Soap, but it's not very successful. (Inspired by hurrraaid's falconry AU and Soap struggling to learn BSL there)
May or may not be autistic, I haven't decided yet, but he probably is.
Squish his face! Squish his face!
He goes by he/him and they/them.
Definitely has freckles.
Roach and Ghost grew up together, I don't make the rules. So like 90% of the CoD fandom, I'll blatantly ignore the canon.
He's a chaotic gremlin. He hides in the vents and you can't do anything about it.
Will steal your food at lunch.
Especially if you shit talk him or people he cares for.
Roach has stolen Ghost's food for fun a couple of times and given it to Soap.
He insults you in BSL when you piss him off and you probably will not know unless you're Ghost or Price. Or Gaz maybe.
If you know BSL he'll probably tease you, because he knows most people won't understand. And because this man just loves chaos. Especially if he's the cause of it.
He's the type of person to draw on your face if you're asleep early during a sleep over.
Roach isn't as short as most people think.
I don't think he'd be as interested in football as Price, for example, is.
He's hard to get rid of, just like a real roach. Whether's he's being super loyal or making your life hell depends on what you may, or may not, have done.
He bites. You will never be able to change my mind on this.
He's also attempted to bite König through the mask couple of times.
Also not as short as people usually make him out to be. Still shorter than Ghost though.
New recruits are dared to put a tiger-ear headband on his head to test their bravery.
He grew accustomed to it and usually tries to ignore it.
Definitly has ADHD.
And is a nightmare to be around when he's out of his meds.
Horangi comes off as really impatient. Idk why.
He struggled with learning English.
Acts like a cat, will push stuff off of tables just because he can.
I know what I said about him not being short, but if he was he'd totally climb cupboards and shelves if he had to to reach things.
Sassy as hell for no reason.
His face looks very squishable to me. He'd probably try to bite if I tried but it'd be worth a shot.
I feel like he'd kinda hate K-Pop because of some/most of the stereotypes that come with it.
Probably should not be allowed to drive.
Total cat person.
He's insecure about his accent.
In addition to being (canonly) socially anxious, I think he has autism as well.
I feel like he'd go non-verbal when he's overwhelmed or having a sensory overload.
He likes making German and Austrian dishes.
He doesn't handle spice very well and almost died (at least that's what he claims) when eating Korean food once and now refuses to eat it when Horangi offers.
He gets a bit upset when people confuse Austrians for Germans, mush them together or similar. Even if it's a common thing.
König has an accent while speaking German as well, because Germans and Austrians (can) sound very different from eachother. Especially in slang and general vocabulary.
I headcanon him with blonde, shoulder-length hair.
And a scarred face.
He also has a squishable face. All three of them do.
König has freckles as well, but only in summer and only a few.
Probably has eye bags.
Also stares, but by accident.
I think König gets flustered easily, for some reason.
That's all for now! Have a nice day/night! :)
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klausinamarink · 9 months
One Kid Gone, Another Up and Vanished (part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 next: Part 5
(no Wayne POV this time sorry!)
When Eddie finally lifts his head up, he’s still on the kitchen floor and everything’s too dark except for the floating ash and vines. It’s a little hard to see clearly when his eyes have tears coming out of them.
Something bumps against his arm. He glances over to see Will sitting next to him, carefully eating soup right out of the can with a spoon. Eddie hopes that spoon got washed.
He watches as Will dips the spoon into the van, stirs it, blows a few nearby ash away, brings the spoon to his mouth and carefully slurps it as if it’s hot. Eddie almost believes that maybe Will did find some way to heat it up while he was silently crying to himself like a baby. But there’s no steam coming off it.
“Why you’re doing that?” He asks without thinking. His voice is raspy as he speak.
Will nearly startles. “Do what?”
“That.” Eddie nods at the can. “Pretending like it’s hot.”
Will makes an ‘oh’ sound and looks away, seemingly embarrassed. “It’s just how I eat soup sometimes…” Then he looks up with a neutral expression. “It’s not that bad. Cold soup, I mean. I think it’s gross when the chicken just, you know, sits around like mush.”
“Hm.” is all Eddie can say.
“You can finish mine.”
“Are you okay?”
Eddie breathes in and out slowly, but ends up coughing. The air here is starting to taste weird at the back of his tongue. “Yeah, I guess.” He clears his throat. “I mean, I’m sorry you had to…” he gestures to himself.
“It’s okay.” Will looks down at his half-eaten soup again. “My mom has those moments sometimes. Mostly because my dad yells at her. I found it better to sit next to her instead of in my room.”
Eddie has known this kid for probably half a day, but he is already willing to die for him.
Speaking of days…
“What time is it here?”
Will blinks. Then he shrugs. “I don’t really know. The clocks don’t work at all. But we’ve heard people getting up so… early morning? Maybe eight?”
Wayne should either be home soon or is already sleeping here.
Eddie snorts, “Okay, power and time are fu- completely useless. Typical of the Vale of Shadows.” He shakes his head dramatically, tsk-tsking. It makes him feel better somehow. Maybe because it makes Will laugh a bit or that Will clearly knows D&D.
Then he nearly jolts up with a sudden realization. Will Byers knows D&D. Not only that it almost makes him squeal in glee, it also makes the wheels in his brain turn into Dungeon Master mode.
And when he’s on Dungeon Master mode, it helps him think ten times better.
Because what the hell, he’s in an alternate dimension with a missing kid and a monster. That’s like prime campaign material!
“Eddie?” Will cuts in just before his thoughts start to make sense.
“Wait, wait. Shush now, Little Byers. Actually, no. You may now speak.” Eddie gets up and starts pacing around, barely mindful of the vines so he doesn’t trip over.
“Uh, what?” Will tilts his head in confusion.
Eddie stands tall before him yet keeps his gaze even as he starts, “Little Byers the Vanished, you have wandered into the domain you identified as the Vale of Shadows. Is that correct?”
Will’s eyes briefly flicker to one side. He nods slowly.
“Declare your arrival to the Vale of Shadows.”
“Uh… I was biking home from my friend Mike’s place. Then the demogorgon appeared in the road…” His breath shudders but Eddie gestures him to continue, “I fell off and I ran. Went to my shed to shoot it but it got me, well, here.”
Eddie grabs his heart with his classic dramatic flair, though he doesn’t fall to the ground. “Oh, a Nat 1 capture by a local monstrosity! But alas, it seems our fates has been mirrored. Now, together as allies of demonic capture,” he kneels down with outstretched arms and his hushed tone, “we must think not just of our escape, but of our survival.”
Will only nods for two seconds before laughter bursts out of his lips. When he catches his breath, he says, “Sorry! I just- I mean it’s really cool that you’re a DM but it’s kind of-”
“Stupid? Dramatic? Very mood fitting?”
Will snickers before asking, “But what are you saying?”
Eddie dramatically gasps before spreading his arms, “Little Byers! Wisdom check!”
He blinks before he seems to register Eddie’s message and looks around the kitchen. “Uh, this is a kitchen…” Eddie waits until Will looks down at the can of soup still in his hand. The boy’s eyes flicker to the rest Eddie had taken out and they brighten. “There’s still edible food! We can take the cans with us! And- and-”
He looks around almost feverishly until he points at a knife rack. “Take the knives as self-defense weapons!”
Eddie doesn’t stop himself from hugging the kid, squeezing him tight and almost throwing him around in a spin. “Little Byers, you genius! That’s a Nat 20!”
Will shrieks with laughter. Oh to be young and innocent. “No, it’s not! It’s more of a 12 in my party!”
“Nope, that’s a 20!”
After their little celebration, Eddie sets to shoving half of the cans in Will’s backpack. Some of it chicken soup, some beans and vegetables. He also checked for the hard foods like granola bars but they were too covered in vines to be pulled out.
The whole time, Eddie feels some hope in his chest.
Just as Will zips up his backpack, Eddie clears his dry throat again and remembers another vital thing. “Shit, what about water?”
Will stops and shakes his head. “Taps don’t work either. Only weird sludge comes out.”
“Have you drank that?”
He gets another judgemental look in return.
“Alright, fair enough.” Eddie observes the cabinets again, biting his lip. “I reckon some folks in this lovely town have stocks of bottled water. At least some drinks that aren’t weird sludge.”
“Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that exists. We don’t have any in my house, but I know Mike’s place has some!”
Great, they’re not going to die of thirst. Unless they die of something else. Eddie shoves that thought away, trying to remember anything else. “Is there anything-”
A grossly familiar sound interrupts them outside.
It’s a growl. Loud and close.
In their frozen state, Eddie stares at Will, both of them sharing wide eyes. Before Eddie even mouths a question, Will nods fast, terror-stricken.
The growling continues. Crunching of dead leaves. Claws dragging across metal and wood.
Shit shit shit shit shit
Eddie can’t think straight at any high-stake scenario. Hell, he can’t even do any of Ms. Click’s pop quizzes. But Will is urgently tugging him up, forcing him to get up and move move.
It’s only by a miracle that Eddie even thinks to grab one of the kitchen knives as a weapon. It’s cheap and hilariously short when Wayne bought the set few years ago, but it’s sharp. It should stab through a monster’s skin enough, right?
He really hopes this demogorgon doesn’t have any acid blood.
“Back door, the back door.” Eddie hisses urgently as he takes the lead. Will nearly stumbles but they’re both on their feet, being swift and quiet as they possibly can.
But apparently the universe doesn’t hate Eddie enough.
At the hall, he steps on one of the bigger vines.
Before he could even curse, the demogorgon roars.
“RUN!” Eddie isn’t sure if he’s screaming at himself or Will as they burst right out of the door. But they’re running fast as they could. Something breaks and crashes in the kitchen but he doesn’t stop. He runs as fast as he could around the trailer, Will’s hand tight in his grasp.
They run across the rest of the park. The crashing sounds get followed up by a ear-piercing shreeee of ripping metal.
Eddie feels Will tumbling behind, but he keeps yanking the boy up, desperate to keep them both on moving feet. They duck behind the other trailers, hopefully away from the demogorgon’s sight.
Eddie finally stops behind one of the homes, close to the entry gate. His lungs are burning like his average gym class. A quick glance at Will, who doesn’t even look at all winded. He peeks behind the wall, trying to catch any movement.
They both jump at a crash of some garbage cans. There’s another roar, but it’s still farther.
Eddie crouches down, meeting Will at eye-level. “Okay, we’re just gonna run away from that thing. We don’t stop until we don’t hear it, got it?” Will nods. “We’re gonna- god, what are we going to do?”
“We can go to my house.” Will suggests, the brilliant angel he is.
“We go to your house. So-”
He stops at another sound’s arrival. It’s only the rumbling of a truck engine coming up the path. But this one he knows from the bottom of his blackened heart. It’s the way from how it putters every five seconds and how the front wheels click from a card Eddie once superglued there at the lovely age of twelve because other rich boys had cards in their bike wheels and he never had a bike of his own.
“Wayne! Uncle Wayne!” He calls out because what the hell, how could he even forget his uncle? Wayne is coming home from on and Eddie wouldn’t be there.
The truck obliviously rumbles on.
A new kind of hurt clenches around him as he stands up and begins to make chase. “Wayne!”
Before he can take another step, Will pulls at his wrist (his bandaged wrist, ow) with surprising amount of strength. Eddie stumbles back and almost yells at him when the demogorgon roars closer.
For the second time, Will tugs Eddie with him by the hand and Eddie lets him to so. As they run out of the trailer park, Eddie almost turns around and calls out for his uncle again.
But the new hurt stops him from that. He doesn’t know if it’s a good thing.
— —
Taglist: @unclewaynemunson @steves-strapcollection @hellion-child @sidekick-hero @mmmmwaffles94 @demolitionjetstar @hbyrde36 @princessstevemunson @sirsnacksalot @tartarusknight @lyriclight @kodaik97 @plsdontdrinkmylavalamp @wuttttttttttt @bookbinderbitch @gutterflower77 @tentativeghost @soaringornithopter @angeldreamsoffanfic @panicatthediaz @renaissan-vvitch @manda-panda-monium
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wintermarmalade · 18 days
A Name
It waited in front of the window watching all the people go by on the street. It had finished all of it's tasks for the day and was patiently waiting for it's clockmaker, Mags, to return from the market. Anyone looking from the outside might assume it was simply a porcelain statue. After some time, it spotted her messy dark hair in the crowd. It wanted to wave to her, but it knew she was too short to see much above everyone else, so it ran over to the door and waited. After a few moments, she swung it open with a bright "hello" and opened her arms, her doll jumping into her for a hug.
"Did you get anything fun?" It always loved when Mags got something new for it to cook with.
"No, just the basics this time, sorry."
"But what's that?" It asked curiously, pointing at a crumpled sachet sitting on top of her bag.
"Oh just a packet of seeds I found on the ground on the way home. Maybe that eccentric fruit vendor would trade me something cool for it, they like to garden."
"Seeds? Like ones that grow into plants?"
"Uh... yeah? That's what seeds do, silly."
The doll gasped, "Can we grow them?" It asked with a sparkle in it's eye.
The clockmaker gave her doll a sad look. "Trust me, I've tried. They don't do well all the way down here, too much smog and not enough sun. The water definitely isn't the best either..... plus I have no idea what these seeds even are."
"But.... we can try!" It looked at her with a dramatic, yearning expression.
She stared at it doubtfully, trying to resist, but caved and chuckled. "Oh, I suppose we could give it one more shot, just for you." She gave it a playful pat on the head as her doll starting hopping up and down in excitement. "Come with me, let's get the stuff we need together."
They foraged around her workstation until they found an old planter box full of brass bits and bolts and emptied it. Next, they dug into the back of her closet, finding a dusty container full of a grayish mush. "I made this compost forever ago out of used tea bags and ash from the oven, it's kind of the best I could do. It might be okay if we mix it with some dirt and gravel from the alley."
"I thought you said that burnt things were gross." The doll said inquisitively.
Mags giggled and replied, "Definitely gross for me, but it has nutrients that plants like, and it'll make the soil less acidic. The acidity of the ground out there is.... concerning."
*Nutrients? Acidity?* It had so many questions. She could tell her doll was confused, but curious. "Come on, I'll explain more outside." And so they went into the alley together and filled the pot with gravelly soil and makeshift compost while she described to her inquisitive doll the different types of soil and what plants needed in it. Once they were done, they took it inside and she taught it how to water and care for a plant. It had no idea they were so complicated, they looked so simple from the outside. She had her doll place the pot by the window, dig a tiny hole, and bury the seeds inside.
"When does it become a plant?" The doll asked.
"Well, it depends on what it is, and if the soil is actually good enough, but it'll take a couple of weeks at the very least."
"That's.... so long...."
"Yes, gardening requires lots of patience."
"I can be patient!" It assured. It had always been good at waiting for new tasks and holding perfectly still for long periods.
"I have no doubts that you will be." She said with a smile.
It enjoyed having the new daily task of making sure the seeds were watered and cared for. It checked to see if they had sprouted yet as often as it could, sometimes staring at the pot in anticipation for hours.
One early morning nearly two weeks later, a tiny leaf had appeared! It ran back into Mags' room and jumped on her bed to wake her up so she could see the amazing feat their seeds had accomplished. It hopped up and down as Mags shambled behind it, still not fully awake. Once she was in view, it dramatically jumped in front of the pot and spread out it's arms, as if presenting a masterwork of art. Her gloomy face lit up when she saw the teeny sprout.
"Wow, I'm impressed! You've done a wonderful job caring for it." She praised as she rubbed her doll's head.
It beamed, "It looks so happy!"
"It certainly does." She said with a tired smile. She wanted to remind it that the sprout probably wouldn't make it much further, but she didn't have the heart to stifle it's excitement.
Over the next few weeks, the porcelain doll continued to care for the sprout while Mags taught it how to tell if it needed more or less water or was malnourished. Their little plant struggled, it was often not as green as it should be and wilted leaves were common, but very slowly, it kept growing. The doll celebrated every time it grew a new leaf, tried not to cry every time they had to trim one that was too wilted, and spent many hours lovingly examining and encouraging it. The plant didn't really do anything, but for some reason, the doll still adored it. It was so small and pretty and it liked the feeling of taking care of something.
After a couple months had passed, not only was it still alive, but it was nearly 6 inches tall and had lots of leaves! Some of them even looked fairly healthy. Mags was bewildered, by all means, this plant should've died weeks ago. She knew that her doll partially ran on magic as well as clockwork, and could only guess that that might have something to do with it.
Another month or so later, they woke up to see that a gorgeous white and pink flower had bloomed.
"It's a flower it's a flower!" The doll exclaimed in wonder.
"It's a dahlia!" Said Mags, almost more excited than her doll.
It gently cupped the flower in it's tiny hands and gazed at it for several moments. It couldn't believe it had helped something so beautiful grow from just a few specks in an old dirt pot.
"Magdeline?" The doll looked at her clockmaker thoughtfully.
"I think I know what I want my name to be."
Her heart jumped, "Oh? What are you thinking?" She tried to respond with a casual but genuine interest, she didn't want to put any pressure on her doll.
"I want my name to be Dahlia."
A huge smile grew on her face, "That's a gorgeous name! I would love to call you Dahlia! I think it's very fitting for you."
It let out a happy squeak at hearing it's name and jumped into her as she held it tight and spun around.
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tiasreadingnook · 2 years
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[ A/N: These are based on my opinion, standards, and experiences only. The writers in this blog are those whose blogs I read religiously. I weirdly have a high standard on what fics I can read without cringing and these writers are the ones on the top of my list. This is also for those new readers that are still kinda confused about where to start and where they can find writers with extensive and quality master lists. This is a continuously growing list and I will add more when I encounter others.]
This list are blogs that mostly make fanfictions of the characters Chris Evans, Henry Cavill, and Sebastian Stan plays.
Please read the individual warnings, rules, and tags in each of these writers' blogs or fics. Minors dni.
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@littlefreya - "The Eve"
When I was lost and new to the Henry Cavill fandom it was her stories that were the final nail to my coffin that will bury me 6 feet under the fandom. Her master list is everything and more -- smut, ddlg, dark, fluff, domestic -- whatever you want it's there.
@onsunnyside - "My Sofia Coppola"
Sofia Coppola is my favorite director when it comes to imagery and aesthetics -- that is why I consider Sunny as my Sofia because I SWEAR the first time I read Tarzan!Steve fic it was like a movie and none of her stories have ever disappointed me. I still can't believe I read her stories for free.
@evansbby - "New York Times"
I've said it once and I'll repeat it, I check her blog every day like it's the morning news. I am so obsessed with her stories it is unhealthy. She writes the most delicious and varied Chris Evans and characters fics which makes it exciting but also comforting at the same time because at the end of the day -- they're all daddy.
@kinanabinks - "Spicy Shakespeare"
I actually took a lot of inspiration from her in one of my series -- she is that good. She writes the most delicious smut with the perfect splash of angst, tragedy, drama, and smut that will satisfy that itch in your head when you're looking for a bit of drama in your p*rn.
@comfortcap - "Guilty Comfort"
My daddy issues FLARE TF UP when I'm reading any of her (ddlg) fics. Such a sweet writer with the sweetest, fluffiest, and sometimes smuttiest fics that makes me feel guilty and comforted at the same time ;3 I love reading her stuff after a long and overwhelming day.
@junipermuses - "Lizzy Grant"
Lizzy Grant -- aka Lana del Ray -- is how I imagine her fics would be if it was a person. Sexy, effortlessly cool, and so put together. The subtle but easy-to-digest plots builds up the smut so much that it's so satisfying to watch it all unravel in the end.
@buckycuddlebuddy - "hey god ... me again"
Her fics immerse me so much that she has me giggling and kicking my feet as I read them. She is one of the few "x reader" fic writers that makes me want to cry and scream and beg whichever god is listening to move me in the alternate reality where I am the "reader" / main character in her story.
@sillyrabbit81 - "Mother Nature Called"
I swear every time I'm on my period you will find me vicariously scrolling through her master list because the way she writes the daddies (ESPECIALLY SY) are so comforting, dominant, and caring that it just turns my heart, womb, and coochie into mush.
@angrythingstarlight - "Pandora's Box"
Once you open her master list you will read nothing but her works for days (trust me I've been there) . She has an extensive collection of works that are a top quality. Her works can range from sweet to downright nasty to the fluffiest domestic scenarios that will have you grinning at your screen at 3 am.
@hansensgirl - "The Witch"
I forget feminism when I'm reading her works. I cannot believe I'm giggling over a man bossing me over and controlling my entire life?! And she somehow makes it work and that's how I've come to the theory that she pulls some witchcraft shit when she writes her stories but hey ... I'm not complaining.
@pellucid-constellations - "All Too Well (10 minute version)"
She writes the BEST angst and that's coming from me whose comfort film is "Love, Rosie". If you're looking for a well-developed plot, characters, and story arcs that end with a lot of groveling, comfort, and a happy ending -- look no further.
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nzeldahime · 1 year
His Puppy (RE2!Leon x Reader)
Oh look, a finished one shot fic !! Started as a drabble for my dear friend @leonspuppy and turned into a whole story (oops #sorrynotsorry) /-\
Synopsis: You go out with Leon & some work friends, things get a little uncomfortable so you leave and Leon has to comfort you at home
Notes/Warnings: my first fic! (posted at least), mention of bullying (@reader, not coming from Leon), gender neutral reader (no pronouns), lots of crying/sad vocab, fluff/comfort, no use of “y/n”
You had just wanted to get along with Leon’s friends and agreed to a night out with them. The two of you had decided to leave the work get-together early when you had ended up the victim of a scream attack. One of his coworkers had gotten a little too drunk and tried to make a fool of you in front of the unit. They kept on saying how Leon was too good for you and you were just a lost dog following him around. You couldn’t take it and started crying right then and there, another thing for them to pick on you about. Leon did his best to step in, which was him getting in between you two and telling them in a stern tone, “that’s enough.” He then took you by the hand and pulled you out of the building, the sound of that coworker’s yelling fading into the crowded bar. 
Now, Leon’s hand was holding onto you just as strongly as when he rescued you from that awful situation. He held it the whole way home, even in the car with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping you tightly; he only let go to help you out of the car, then it was right back to your hand. Tears were streaming silently down your face as Leon led you back to your shared apartment. As he carefully guided you up the stairs, he took glances back at you, a twinge of pain showing on his face as he looked at your tear stained cheeks. 
“P-please don’t cry, babydoll. We’re almost home,” he said with such concern. He almost sounded like he would cry too.
When you reached the door to your place, he stopped to peer into you once more. You didn’t want to look at him, make him see the pained expression you wore and your eyes trailed downwards, looking down at your feet. His hands found the sides of your face, making you face him. You couldn’t help but look into his baby blues and you broke down once again. The tears wouldn’t stop, you let them take over, and the whole ordeal turned Leon into a nervous wreck. 
“W-whoa, hey, I’m sorry, what did- did I do something?” You just kept crying and fell into him. He held you, a little bit confused, but was as delicate as possible while he reached into his pocket for the house keys. “I-I can’t find em,” you heard him muttering to himself, “dammit, where’d they go?” 
You tried your best to calm down enough to search within your own pockets. You stayed pressed against his chest, fumbling till you found the keys in your jacket pocket. Although without the strength to speak, you pulled away from Leon enough to place the keys in one of his hands. 
“You always were more responsible than me in most things,” he said in an attempt to lighten the mood. You sniffled, wanting to let out a little bit of a laugh, but the tears continued to flow. When he realized that was no help, he ushered you through the door after unlocking it as quickly as possible. 
Leon reached for you, taking the jacket from your shoulders and placing it on the hooks by the door along with his own. In the next instance, he gathered you into his arms once more. You continued to cry into his chest and he made gentle shushing sounds as he navigated your mushed bodies to the bedroom. He managed to sit you both on the bed, still holding you close. He placed a kiss on your head.
“I’m sorry if I can’t do more for you right now,” he spoke into your hair. “I wish I was better at this kind of thing.” He then began to stroke your hair, gentle comforting pats to your head in hopes to comfort you more.
“Y-you don’t think I-I’m a d-dog, do you Leon,” you questioned between sniffles and hiccups. You felt him pause his movements and grow a little tense, causing you to look up at him. He had an apologetic look on his face as he looked down at you. 
“I didn’t mean for you to think I was petting you! I just- I thought it would be soothing or, su-something,” he stammered, trying to get out an explanation. Now you couldn’t help but smile a little. 
“I liked it,” you stated. Relief washed over his expression. 
“Should I … keep going?” 
You hesitated, but then nodded. He continued his movements, his fingertips weaving through your hair and sending slight goosebumps on your skin at the sensation. You sighed in relief, your breath hitching as you stopped a sob from ripping through you. A few moments of this went by as you melted further into him with each touch.
“I like to think of you more as a puppy I can take care of.” Leon’s voice was low, almost a whisper, his words filled with a caring tone. He chuckled a little and added, “In a good way.” You smiled into his chest.
“I wouldn’t want to be anyone else’s puppy,” you replied, your voice slightly muffled. You felt him chuckle again, the slight vibration against your face making you smile more. You wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed lightly.
“Thank you, Leon.” 
He pulled away slightly, arms still around you, but enough so he could see you. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“For what?” You let out a giggle.
“For making me feel better, silly man.” 
You could see a slight blush on his face as his eyes looked elsewhere, avoiding eye contact. He was so cute, you couldn’t help yourself and pressed a kiss to his cheek. That got him turning redder and he immediately became flustered. He stood up, clearly nervous and lost on what to do next. 
“I uh - I should probably take a shower. Been a long day and what not,” he forced out. He was almost tripping over his own words as he made his way towards the bathroom. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
After Leon had finished up, you went to shower soon after. When you both were comfortable and ready for bed, you got snuggled up under the covers. He had an arm under you, resting his hand over your shoulder as you leaned your head on his chest. 
“I’m sorry about my stupid friends,” he said out of the blue. His tone was defeated. It all caught you by surprise, your heart skipping a beat as you recalled the encounter at the bar. 
“I know he was really drunk,” Leon continued, “but that doesn’t excuse the way he talked to you. I’ll have a talk with him at the station next time I see him.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of your head. “You don’t deserve that kind of talk. You’re more to me than they’ll ever know.”
You almost teared up at his words, so much happiness filling your heart. Bringing your arm over his middle, you gave him a light squeeze. 
“They were right about one thing,” you teased. 
“And what’s that?” 
“You’re definitely too good for me.”
Leon laughed and embraced you. His arms wrapped around you, enveloping you, pressing you tighter against him. 
“I love you, my little puppy.”
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hey!! o/ just finished binge reading your xcom-qsmp au on ao3 today and just wanted to say that i loved it!! i'd already read parts of it, but i just got to the rest and enjoyed every word of it. one of my favorite parts was the Dream chapter of Remind Me How It Feels To Hear Your Voice. watching mike slowly put the pieces together in the back-to-back dreams, figuring out what's going on, what pac is doing for mike, what he's doing to himself. (auuugh pacccc </3) i have more thoughts abt this section but i think i'll just go leave a comment on the fic itself at some point bc it is much too long for this already long ask lmaooo
anyway!! question for you abt your xcom au (if you're still taking questions that is): it's mentioned in the fic that cellbit's psionics are "academic" (if i'm remembering correctly) but pac and mike have a soul bond situation going on, which has a different sort of psionics, from what i've gathered. so, what is the difference? and if cellbit's psionics are "academic," then where and how did he learn them? and how/why are tazercraft soul-bonded? idk if this will be answered in a later fic but basically any spoiler-free info you've got on the psionics in your au that you're willing to share, i'm all ears. for reference i know nothing about xcom besides what you've told me so. yeahh.
(also the way pac and mike can just swap between bodies, mush into each other until they're pac-and-mike, communicate without really having to think words over the bond, that's so cool!! and the way pac takes mike's migraine'd body so that mike can get to sleep <33 can you tell one of my fav parts of this au is the psionics because one of my fav parts of this au is the psionics hfjdsk)
Ah! I'm super glad yo enjoyed it <3 comments here, comments there, whereever you comment it's greatly appreciated and makes me smile <3 The dream bit wasn't originally planned for, but is my favourite
Okay, so psionics. God help us all. First, wiki entries for the actual xcom2 canon so I don't confuse you too much
But I should also yeet you this one...
XCOM2 canon wise its also used by the Templars, so their stuff here:
So okay now I've done that, AU version time.
Eh this isn't super spoilery as the characters just kinda know these bits already, or never actually work it out. The where did Cellbit learn it is relatively easy - he's been nicking shit from the aliens for most of the last decade. In terms of an actual study, the aliens and Federation are far superior than any human run facility. Learning it takes putting your body through a lot of abuse, and leads to specific, defined powers the effects of which are known and quantified. Not everyone /can/ learn it, and some are more naturally talented than others, but with time and effort shit can be worked out. Cellbit's been watching and reading and learning, copying known techniques (even if he snuck shit out without a teacher) in an attempt to learn known powers. Once he meets up with the group he spends time with Antoine and Ironmouse - Antoine literally makes a field of academic study about psionics, what exactly it is and how it functions, while Ironmouse as (openly) a demon has a unique connection to it (she can use the psionic field to eat bits of people's emotions, dulling said emotion in return for power. Indeed, it's a demon's primary food source). But still it's very much a case of 'I know this can be done and this is approximately how to do it, now how do I actually make it so'.
It should be noted that Cellbit's powers can be used on anyone (bar himself in some cases), and because they affect the world generally as well as targets specifically can be boosted or nullified by local environment changes.
Every person makes a dent within the psionic field, by nature of having a soul. Cellbit's use of psionics is learning how to tug at the field around them to have knock-on consequences for the target - or in cases such as when he's trying to shield Pac from a possible threat that time Mike contacted him from too far away, an area around himself as he basically grabs the threads of that layer of reality and forces them to freeze.
Next we pause on specifics to talk about soldier bonds. The early and tbh most useful effect of bonds in game (give an action to your bondmate are actually also powers a PsiOp has access to (AKA Cellbit's class) - hand over an action, and remove negative mental effects when next to each other. It follows then to me that the powers are related, but in a different form - and, notably, they are only able to be used on the bondmate. Bonds form simply by spending time in high stress environments together, and how quickly they form depends on just a random number generated. Every unit has a randomly assigned bond-compatibility with every other unit, which is how many 'points' they earn each mission. Each time the bar maxes out, a bond-pair gets new powers (but only one bondmate per person, and it must be mutual).
To which my read on it and what's going on in this au is that bonds are extremely limited psionic sub-networks. Your souls/minds/whatever have via exposure and stress and shit become partially synched to one another, such that when you are nearby there is a slight ripple effect between you. Allowing for the perfect timing and your encouragement having mechanical effect and all. Just little things, mostly, but it's there.
Now, Pac and Mike. Pac and Mike are weirdos, and I say that with affection. They won't be the only example of what they can do that's ever existed, but given... reasons which are spoilers both for the game and if I ever bother to write plot into the AU, people like them are being actively hunted down. Still, what they have is an extremely powerful version of the basic bond thing, one that has become only more apparent with time.
This is for a few reasons. I'll bullet point the ones I can remember without my notes while sick and having just taken meds which fuck my brain <3
Pac and Mike are both just naturally very sensitive to psionics. This would make them great to learn the sort of stuff Cellbit does! They'd be extremely powerful! But they're also both more susceptible to the powers being used on them (for sake of the fact they weren't in game, their ability to reflexively shield themselves and each other is basically a thing they developed during the initial war when they kept getting hit in the face with these effects and needed to live, and sort of... cancels out their penalty? As long as they get it in time. Their ability to shield each other is superior to themselves, tho)
Pac and Mike are just compatible. Of all the many people in the universe, their souls just happen to harmonise well. Everyone's soul haromises a bit with everyone else's (okay no there are some exceptions but that's due to external factors without having been fucked with they would), and with enough time and effort anyone (same disclaimer) can improve their harmony with anyone else. Most people don't bother, because there's no real... understanding of this as a thing? And most people are never in the sort of constant life-or-death situations for the months if not years it'd take. And then aren't in the sorts of situations to realise they can effect each other. Pac and Mike... Well, theirs just started very in synch
Pac and Mike met very young, and under extremely stressful circumstances. It is very much not the case that all orphanages are abusive, but theirs was (if when it shut down the remaining kids ended up homeless even just a few who got lost in the paperwork its not a good place to be. Which. *gestures at those two*). Also like. Orphanage. Nobody ends up in an orphanage for happy reasons. Mike in paticular was bullied a lot, shit happened, etc. Followed by being homeless. And all of that.
So, by this point, they were heavily in synch. It was them against the world, two teenagers who had a lot of ability to manipulate the psionic field - something at the time humanity in general had no idea existed - constantly together and constantly extremely stressed for years. They didn't notice the initial powers, because why would they? It happened slowly over time and just a bit of. They did, however, notice when they started feeling each other's emotions, something which developed into each other's thoughts.
And then, what's two intellectually curious kids already on the path to a life of crime to do, eh? Well, experiment of course. If they could think at each other, perfecting their timing was a natural step. If they could get perfectly in synch then maybe...
... And oops, they blurred together
And go wow this is really useful I bet we can do it again. And worked it out between them. The bodyswapping and perfect synch they developed as career criminals because um well it's actually really useful if the guy who knows everything about computers and the guy who knows everything at lockpicks can be in two places at once, you know? Just in case one body runs into the problem.
So, yeah, that's how they got here. Cellbit studied already known, tried, and practiced methodology. Tazercraft woke up with telepathy one day and decided to fuck around and find out. Also, because Cellbit has studied how to manipulate the field in general he can use powers on anyone, but they're generally a little weaker. Tazercraft meanwhile manipulate not the field but effectively have a shortcut through it to each other's brains, where they can work directly. A little hole in that layer of reality that connects them together, no matter how far apart - though the further apart they are, the more exhausting it is to reach through. As they manipulate each other's minds/souls/brains directly rather than just tug the area around them to make it shift certain ways, what they can do is a lot more powerful. But, only on each other.
Also different skills, because Cellbit studied (even if it was self-guided study using resources stolen from various places) while Tazercraft ran on instinct, desperation, and curiosity just to see if they could.
(Sorry Tazercraft get more because they have the special custom stuff, while Cellbit just has like. The actual in game stuff.)
I said earlier that there are others like Tazercraft. Not strictly true. There's others whose bonds are as strong, but no pair is going to have stumbled into the same thing.
(The bonds other soldiers form in game having all the same powers? Is because their bonds are being allowed to develop but also being intentionally guided in certain shapes, and also by the /same/ stress factors - ie the fucking aliens - so the things they're doing to try protect each other are similar to the same. Aliens shooting you leads to very different necessities than trying not to starve! Though tbh similar to local bullies keep breaking your nose. And they'll never be as strong, because there's something very different about the bond when you grow up with your souls partially merged and if you connect them as adults. That's if I even decide to keep the other bonds as story things rather than just occasionally they're weirdly in synch. I'm honestly tempted to not keep those bonds that formed in game, and when the powers are significant maybe its an indicator of a bond but its not something anyone knows about. Just. A slightly uncanny timing or lucky shot or whatever.)
But yes also this is one of my favourite bits too! Feel free to continue poking me its just ha;f ten and I'm sick so like. God only knows if this was coherent <3
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alessiathepirate · 10 months
Now You See Me 2
MIDNIGHT ON THE THAMES: Dylan Rhodes/Shrike x fem!reader
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Summary: The reveal happens at the stroke of midnight, in the middle of the Thames, on New Year's Eve - and she couldn't be happier. Or maybe she could, because Lula and Jack won't be the only ones kissing that night.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
This man is so underrated, it's a crime. He deserves some love - please love him.
Warnings: a bit of swearing, but nothing more
No matter how many successful reveals they pull off, she still feels the same amount of excitement, happiness and slight nervousness at the end of every trick and show.
Yet, the strongest feeling out of all of them was the happiness. The happiness because everything turned out just fine in the end, because this tiring performance is close to being over and mostly because her friends are also smiling with honest, wide grins and letting out excited chuckles.
This one though, this one wasn't easy to pull off. It was possibly the hardest show they had to put together with the trouble and issues they had to overcome. It was tiring, stressful, but also kind of fun and thrilling.
After this they'll sleep through a day if not two, she smiled at the thought as she let go of Lula, who was the last to end the group hug.
As Walter, Tressler and Chase slowly, reluctantly left the plane, stepping into the light, not understanding what is happening around them; the last act was about to start -- and this, this will be her favourite.
Those three absolutely ruined her whole week, made her almost choke on tears and worry and made her hate their whole existence and the fact that if they wanted to fool them, they had to let them believe they won was hard to swallow. Now they will get those smirks off of their faces and make them realize how easy it was to fool them. They were greedy and arogant and now they are losers -- nothing more.
God, how much they had to go through to reveal their real faces to the world.
"No, no, you should feel pretty good about yourself man. You predicted it correctly." Atlas started to tease the three of them for her pleasure, as they looked around with nothing but pure shock on their faces. "The Thames, stroke of midnight. New Year's Eve. Happy New Year!"
The people, the hundreds of curious fans who decided to come and see the final act shouted in happiness and excitement. Before these people tonight, there'll be nothing they'll be able to hide. That thought alone made her smile wider.
"We would like to acknowledge not just our old friend, Arthur Tressler, but his young and brilliant son, Walter Mabry!" Daniel continued. "Who has performed one of the greatest feats of illusion even we have ever seen. He has, amazingly, brought himself back from the death!"
The audience roared again, but this time the happy laughter wasn't the thing what made her heartbeat unevenly fast. It was the presence of the person who could both calm her down and make her uneasy with butterflies. Dylan's hand landed on her arm, squeezing it gently, lovingly, making her mind into a mush and her tounge forgot how to function to speak - and it's soon her turn to say something. She didn't know what that meant, but it was a sign of something - something soft like a silent 'thank you' or 'congratulations'. Even if it was slightly confusing, it felt nice. Too nice.
"But before he did that, he revealed someone. And we think it only right to give him a proper introduction. He is our friend and he is our leader, Dylan Shrike!"
His hand slowly left her as he turned towards their audience and began to speak.
"So normally only the magician, his assistant, and a few trusted stage hands know the secret of a trick..."
His voice faded away as she looked at him, quietly admiring him from afar, letting him enjoy his place in the spotlight. Her mind was full of memories. Memories of him, memories of today. The day she thought she'll actually choke on stress and worry.
God, how thankful she is that he's okay. That he's alive and up here with them, not down there in the water.
They were close, so close she felt comfortable in his presence. He was a person she could trust with anything, a person who didn't tease her like Merritt or Danny did sometimes. They were play fights, she knew that, but still there was something special between her and Dylan, a different kind of honesty.
And knowing that he could die from the digusting 'magic trick' those three tried to pull off with him made her cry. Like actually cry, many tears with a dry and quiet voice.
After he climbed out of that damned safe, she followed him around like puppy, sitting next to him on the stairs as they discussed what to do next. She sat next to him, not daring to hug him, but craving it -- yet instead she just let their knees touch slightly. It was enough to give her some energy and acknowledge that now they are going to war.
A slight nudge made her let go of those memories, getting back to reality, to a moment she should enjoy. Jack was the one talking now, explaining the secret behind 'Find the Lady' and this time Merritt was the one standing next to her.
"Don't daydream yet, lover girl. We still got a show to run." he patted her back and then walked away with a knowing a smirk.
Damn mentalist, she thought just as Lula began to explain the secret behind the airplane. He knows everything he can use to tease people with.
"Basically, we showed them everything." she finally spoke up herself, still laughing a little as she watched how Merritt teased his brother, finally getting the upper hand. "The switch, the plane, the manipulation... Yet they were still too blind to see." she turned towards Walter, a smirk forming on her face. "And you kidnapped us to steal the very thing that is in your pocket."
Walter was about to reach into his coat's pocket, to see if their homemade special card is really there; but Atlas was quicker.
"Whoops!" he said as the card appeared in his hand, seemingly out of nowhere. "You know, this thing here, which you said you could use to adjust markets, manipulate goverments, and spy on whomever you choose."
"Also, you could, as you said, control the public from outside the grid." she continued as the public groaned in frustration, realizing what their words really meant.
That reaction filled her heart up with pride.
"These men destroy people's lives. Spying on the world, robbing you of your right to privacy." It was weird, how well she recognized Dylan's voice and how well her heart did as well - as it was beating faster. Their eyes met and even if he was speaking the harsh truth, his gaze was still soft. It was always soft with her. "And they do that by hiding in the dark. So in true Horsemen tradition, we are here to expose them."
"Tonight, they, like all of us, are finally stepping into the light." she was grinning as the people reacted, shouting, screaming happily, because the truth was finally out. "Thank you everybody!"
"We are the Horsemen and we will be back very soon!"
And the moment came - when the show ends, the tiredness appears. Her chest was heavy with pride and happiness, justice found those three men who ruined their lives for days without stopping. Now they got what they deserve.
And then the coundown began. The audience shouted, like if the wait until New Year was part of the show... They shouted as the sirens were turned on, meaning the FBI was on its way. It was time to leave -- and then finally rest.
And then she felt it, the push - the literal, physical push she knew she needed, which got her closer to Dylan, almost bumping into him. She didn't know who it was, although she could bet her right arm on one of her friends -- but it didn't really matter. Thoughts didn't really matter. She was there, close to him, their eyes met.
It was their moment.
"So fun's over, huh?" she tried to joke, but her throat was dry and she could feel that her cheeks were pink for sure.
And then it happened - the need in her was satisfied, they touched the other. That kind of closeness was new and intoxicating, but not at all uncomfortable. It was something what both of them longed for since forever - and now here they were.
Their lips touched. It was a quick and short kiss, but it was a very meaningful one. She felt it. She felt it in how warm his lips were, how he touched her cheeks and how he was slightly shaking just like her, because what they wanted finally happened. It was soft, but it was full of passion. All the unsaid feelings were pushed into that one, simple kiss.
"I love you." his words were simple, they were nothing special, but they still made her insides warm.
"Hey, we are on the clock here!"
Damn the clock!
They had to run, sure. But even that couldn't wash the lovesick smile off her face. It couldn't, because Dylan Shrike loved her. He said it himself and she knew it was true.
Dylan grabbed her arm, he held onto her firmly as they started to run - just in time, because the boats arrived and agents started to get out of them, running towards them.
"I love you too." she said as they hurried away. "I think I've loved you since you interrogated me."
"Ever since then, huh?" he chuckled.
"What can I say? I think it was the suit. You look really good in suits."
They both laughed even if they were a little bit out of breath.
Dylan suddenly stopped and so did she. She took a deep breath as she looked at the water of the Thames, which was only a few meters away. People shouted behind them, possibly the agents who were sent here, only to fail their mission once again. They never really learn.
He turned towards her and touched her cheeks once again, his thumbs drawing shapes gently into her skin.
"I need you to go, okay? I'll be right behind you, but there's one more thing I have to do."
"I promise."
She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek and then she looked up at him with a shy smile.
"I'll see you soon."
And just like that she was gone. Gone, disappeared into the night like the magician she is, making a fool out of the FBI once again.
Dylan stayed there, waiting for an agent to turn up so he can finish what he started and give them the proof they need against Tressler and his son. He stayed there as the shouts came closer. He stayed there and looked after his lover, knowing that he'll adore the moments he'll spend with her once they finally get to a safe place where they can finally rest.
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Candy Color Paradox episode 4
Having vented my complaints, and after some helpful conversations about the show, I was better able to enjoy this episode for the fluff that the show is rather than being frustrated about what it is not. I mean, I still think that it's missing a lot of opportunities to explore some interesting themes around ethics, celebrity journalism, Kaburagi's cool boy pose and the way he uses sex for his job, Onoe's... not innocence, but whatever it is that makes him a blushing maiden uke, and everyone's feelings about sex in general. But I accept that's not what the show wants to do. It is straight up yaoi archetypes and a silly plot to smash them together. ("Now kiss.") The glancing look at deeper questions is probably accidental.
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That being said, here is what I thought while watching this episode:
- lol it looks like they heard my complaining about how bad they were at stalking people because the literal first conversation in this episode is about how they're too obvious in a parked car 😂
- ooh la la, and they're in a love hotel 😳🤭😉 How risqué. Poor little blushing uke. 🥺
- Aw poor Onoe. He was all ready to fuck then and there. (Or maybe just kiss? I'm not sure how he interpreted the phrase that Gaga translated as "let's do it.")
- It seems odd to me that a paparazzi photographer is also the one taking official portraits. Is that a real thing (in general or in Japan specifically) or just a contrivance for the plot here. Not important, just curious.
- More extremely jealous Onoe 😂 To be fair, I too would be jealous under the very confusing circumstances he's in.
- I hope we get Kaburagi photographing Onoe. Bonus points if Onoe doesn't notice him doing it. I love that trope and what's the point of having a photographer character if you don't use it.
- Haruta is blatantly flirting lol. I suspect that Kaburagi is trying to see if he can catch Inami in jealousy with this hair fixing maneuver, but he's caught Onoe in his net instead. 😂
- But are these actors dating/in love? Is the father/little sister thing a ruse or their genuine feelings? Now I want to know, not because I care about these imaginary celebrities, but because I feel like the answer will say something about the show's perspective on paparazzi ethics.
- Is Onoe putting the pieces together about Kaburagi's purpose? And does Inami's expression while on his phone indicate jealousy or disinterest? I honestly can't tell the answer to either of those.
- Innocent Onoe is literally eating vanilla yogurt while bad boy Kaburagi is smoking.😂
- Go Onoe! Bravely asking Kaburagi what he meant be "I like you." I'm so proud.
- On the one hand, I'm annoyed at Kaburagi for acting so aloof and not taking Onoe's understandable frustration seriously. On the other hand, "smutty alien" is adorably hilarious and I can't blame him for laughing fondly at it. I do wonder if it's a literal translation, or an actual phrase in Japanese, or if it's as random and absurd as it sounds in English.
- Onoe is so obvious when he tails people 🤣
- Inami is pulling an Issei and killing the paparazzi stalker with kindness. I love it. Perhaps that is just how celebrities in Japan deal with paps? I don't know.
- Inami is cute though. And very young looking for supposedly 40. Though the actor is 36, so not that far off.
- Oh the meta levels of young new actors trying to shake off their idol images. I have no idea if Kimura Keito and Yamanaka Jyutaro are actually trying to shake off their idol images, but it does feel a bit ironic or something.
- Onoe. Where is your journalist's skepticism. Are you always this credulous or is it because your brain has been turned to mush by your crush?
- I see Kaburagi wonders the same thing. Perhaps we're both being unfair to Onoe and he just has good instincts.
- Kaburagi noticed Onoe's yogurt and brought him the same kind! Cracks in the facade! Feelings creeping back in. And brave Onoe immediately goes to ask him...
- and... a mid-sentence cliffhanger.
- Looks like next week it'll be Kaburagi's turn to be jealous. And we get more Inami. Being flirty even. Hooray for me!
There probably are things I could say about their developing relationship, the slow melting of Kaburagi's numbness and cynicism, and Onoe's (honestly wise) anxiety about falling for this confusing ice prince (or tsundere seme, to use yaoi vocabulary), but I frankly don't care enough about the characters or this relatively shallow take on this conventional romance arc to think much about it. Still, now that I'm thinking of them as cartoons come to life I'm enjoying them a lot more.
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digitalworldbound · 2 years
takari week, day three
this doesn’t quite fit the theme of today, my apologies!
cold shoulder
characters: takeru x hikari
summary:  "Yamato says that everyone has their first kiss before high school."
"I don't think it's really that big of a deal."
// or the one where takeru complains about never being kissed and hikari sets out to fix that
also on AO3 and FFN
“Yamato says that everyone has their first kiss before high school.” 
Leaning against the railing outside of Odaiba Middle School, Takaishi Takeru ruffled his blond fringe. Despite the chilly breeze of March, his smile remained effortlessly warm and bright. 
Yagami Hikari wished she could appear as comfortable in the bone-chilling cold as Takeru seemed to be.
“I don’t think it’s really that big of a deal.” 
Hikari bent down to unchain her bicycle, pausing briefly to breathe warmth into her numb fingers. She had woken up late that morning, her gloves forgotten beside the front door.
Beside her, Takeru scoffed. “That’s easy for you to say. You’ve had boys falling at your feet since we were, like, ten.”
With her back turned to him, Hikari allowed herself to roll her eyes. Takeru had always been a bit of a drama queen, but as high school entrance exams drew near, his attitude had taken a turn for the worse.
Without a word, the wheels of the bicycle ticked forwards, her stride short to give Takeru time to catch up. 
A breeze whistled through the mostly barren trees, a trail of goosebumps decorating her thighs. Hikari shivered slightly, absent-mindedly wishing the hem of her uniform skirt was longer.
“Ah, I see. You’re giving me the cold shoulder.” Takeru bumped his shoulder against hers, a smirk stretched across his lips. “Your cheeks are also pink. Tell me: Is the mysterious and aloof Yagami Hikari embarrassed?”
“Embarrassed?” The ticking of the bicycle stopped, Hikari facing Takeru head-on. “What do I have to be embarrassed about?”
His cerulean eyes bore into hers, unflinching. “Boys.” 
Hikari could feel her eyebrows scrunch together, the back of her hand pressing against her cheek. Like the weather around her, Hikari’s skin was cold. 
“Boys? Are you talking about Daisuke, or something? I can’t really think of anyone else that has thrown themselves at my feet besides him.” 
Another gust of wind coaxed them further down the street, the warmth of their apartments like a beacon in the storm. 
They walked alongside each other in silence for a moment. Remnants of the last snowfall adorned the street corners in piles of graying mush. 
“Well?” Takeru broke the silence. The tip of his nose was bright pink, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his trousers. Hikari still marveled at how her neck had to crane upwards to meet his gaze, his height surpassing hers long ago.
“Well, what?” 
“How was it?” Takeru kept his focus on the path in front of him. Confusion bubbled in Hikari’s stomach, a strange curiosity pulling at the edge of her lips.
“Takeru, it’s too cold to play twenty questions. If you have something to ask, come out with it.”
She tore her focus from him. Even through her two pairs of socks, her toes had frozen, the journey home more arduous now that Takeru was being obnoxious.
Running his fingers through his hair, a puff of air ghosted in the afternoon sun. As he stalled, Hikari allowed herself to glance over his features. The best time to watch Takeru, she had decided, was when he was distracted. 
His cheerful mask had slipped around the edges, the corners of his mouth downturned. 
Dark circles crowded underneath his usually bright eyes, an uncharacteristic anxiety gnawing at his bottom lip. ‘Whatever Yamato had said must have really messed with him,’ Hikari thought.
Looking away, she gave him a moment of privacy to gather his thoughts. 
“How was kissing Daisuke?”
“Daisuke?” The bicycle screeched to a halt. Hikari couldn’t - wouldn’t -  process Takeru’s implication, shock leaving her mouth open. “Where on Earth would you get the idea that I’ve kissed Daisuke of all people?”
Takeru merely shrugged as if he hadn’t suggested that Hikari spent her spare time shoving her tongue down Daisuke’s throat. “It just made sense, you know? He obviously has the hots for you, and he told me and Ken you both would be official by April. I guess my next question is why haven’t you kissed him?”
Hikari could feel the warm flush of indignation crawl up her neck, effectively shielding her from the cold. “You’re my best friend. If I was dating anyone, Daisuke or otherwise, don’t you think I would have told you?” She paused, knuckles turning white around the handlebars of her bicycle. As she opened her mouth to continue, the wave of Takeru’s hand cut her off. 
“I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just…” His voice pittered out. “I’m nervous. What if I get into high school, ready to finally kiss someone, and I’m horrible at it? Like, where do your teeth even go?” With a frustrated sigh, the pair resumed walking, albeit at a slower pace than before. 
A small giggle slipped past Hikari, the tension in her shoulders slowly melted. “Your teeth? How am I supposed to know?” Takeru glanced at her through his peripherals, but Hikari pretended not to notice. 
He awkwardly cleared his throat, his hand poorly hiding his smirk. “I know you haven’t kissed Daisuke, but surely you’ve kissed somebody.”
Warmth seeped into her cheeks, Takeru’s observant eyes searching her face.  Hikari averted her gaze, pushing forward. If she squinted, the corner of her apartment building would be barely visible through the weaving streets. 
Peeking up at him from the corner of her eye, Hikari balked  as a look of realization settled on Takeru’s features. 
“You’ve never kissed anyone.”
The statement, simple and true, hung between them. Takeru’s energy had somehow been restored, a mischievous grin simultaneously infuriating and flustering her. 
“So?” Hikari managed, doing her best to sound indifferent. Her cheeks were aflame with embarrassment. The brunette uselessly hoped that Takeru wouldn’t notice. 
A single syllable laugh jolted Hikari from her momentary reprieve. 
“I don’t know what your brother said to get you all like,” she gestured vaguely with a free hand, “this, but I’m positive that kissing someone isn’t the end-all, be-all of high school. I’m sure that everyone else is too busy studying or juggling after school clubs to care about who's kissed who.” 
“That’s what someone who’s never been kissed would say.” Takeru coughed into his fist, his chuckles reverberating in his chest. 
She swatted his arm with her free hand, fighting back a grin. “You,” she smacked him, “are one to talk. Now, I want you to tell me something: Why hasn’t the basketball captain and self-proclaimed heartthrob of Odaiba Middle School gotten a kiss from one of his admirers? My theory is stage fright, or a gnarly snaggle tooth.” 
Takeru’s smile faded in the weak ray of sunshine that peeked through the clouds. Hikari could see him retreat back into himself, his cerulean eyes void of their usual glimmer. 
Regret cinched around her heart for the briefest moment, her gait faltering. Their corner approached much too quickly, their time together growing short. 
Words filled her mouth to the brim, balancing on the tip of her tongue. She had to make this right before they went their separate ways. “Takeru, wait, I-”
“No, it’s okay.” He waved her off, lips pulled upwards in an ingenious way, “You’re right.”
As he turned to go down his street, his sneaker collided with the wheel of Hikari’s bicycle tire. His hair fluttered in the chilly breeze as he shot her a look over his shoulder, eyebrows gathered in confusion. 
“Wait,” she breathed, a half-baked idea at the forefront of her mind. 
Takeru paused and turned around. His mouth formed a straight line, blond fringe obscuring his features. 
“Why don’t we…try it?” Hikari could feel her heart pounding in her chest, The words seem to thicken the air around them, the chilly weather long forgotten. Takeru’s head snapped to attention, his eyes searching hers. 
“What?” His voice was no louder than a whisper, his uniform jacket waving in the wind.
Hikari swallowed the doubt that had risen to her chest. Taking a page from her brother’s book, she charged forward. “Well, now I’m scared. I don’t want to go to high school without having kissed anyone either. As Koushrio would say, we have to think logically about this. Why don’t…” With his gaze on her, Hikari could feel her palms grow sweaty, a fluttering of something mixing with the anxiety in her stomach. Her tongue felt too thick in her mouth to speak.
Takeru took a tentative step forward, pulling his hands from the pockets of his slacks. “Hikari?”
Together they teetered on the precipice, neither willing to disturb the delicate tension that encased them. Hikari’s fingers trembled around the handlebars of her bicycle. 
“Could we?” she whispered. 
Takeru stepped even closer, the tips of his shoes grazing her own. From this distance, the light smell of his cologne engulfed her, easing the tension in her shoulder. 
She had to look upwards to meet his eyes.
“Could we what?”
In the midst of her inner turmoil, Hikari almost rejoiced at the shimmer of mirth in his eyes; she almost found joy in the way the corners of his mouth twitched as he teased her. 
“Actually,” Hikari straightened herself, gracefully hopping onto the seat of the bicycle, “I’ve got to run. Mom needs my help cooking dinner tonight.”
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kazewhara · 2 years
cherry kisses.
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# — pairing: kazuha x gn!reader
# — characters: gender neutral reader, kazuha
# — summary: n/a
# — warnings: slightly suggestive (brief description of making out); minors proceed with caution or dni
# — tags: modern au, fluff, you're a candy thief and kazuha's a tease, making out
# — notes: okay look, i was eating a cherry lollipop and this idea hit me so fast, i damn near blacked out. it's also probably not my best, but goddamn if i'm not so fucking happy i managed to write smth! anyways, as always, reblogs and reactions are appreciated, and i hope you enjoy!
wanna join the tag list?
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✧ — 🍁 — ✧
"have you seen it?"
"have i seen what?" you sit up on the couch to get a better look at kazuha, whose brows are drawn with confusion. "what're you looking for?"
your boyfriend pushes a hand through his hair. "i thought i had stored some candy away from my travels, but," he sighs, "maybe i was wrong. i was tired when i put them up."
you run your tongue over your teeth and glance to the side guiltily. so that's what that candy was, you think. you'd found a bag of little red candies inside your night table and helped yourself to a few. they're still there, but it appears kazuha hasn't checked there yet. you press your lips together to try and school your expression. you don't have the heart to come clean, not when he looks so miffed about his missing candy.
it's not like kazuha will blow up at you or anything, but you don't want to be on the receiving end of his disappointed smile. it never quite reaches his eyes -- it's definitely at the top of the list of things you hate.
so you hum absently, hoping you don't look as culpable as you feel. "is there any chance you can buy more of them?" you ask. when you look back at him, you find that kazuha is already staring at you. you feel your stomach twist into a small knot; does he know that you ate them? he couldn't possibly know from what you've said so far -- he doesn't even know that you know where they are. he couldn't possibly--
in the blink of an eye, kazuha crosses the room and stands in front of you, his eyes narrowed. there's no real heat to his stare -- he looks entertained by something and it's making you more nervous by the second. you try not to react too much as he shuffles a bit closer, standing between your legs.
"something wrong?" you try to ease your back onto the couch cushions but kazuha stops you, his hand flying to your jaw and keeping you in place.
"i think i know where they went." he says softly. his fingers tighten on your face ever so slightly. "and i think you know as well."
"you'd be thinking wrong," you mumble. kazuha's fingers slide up to your cheeks and he mushes your face, chuckling when you try to pull out of his grip. "lemme go!"
kazuha tilts his head to the side with a grin. "tell me what happened to the candy, and i may consider it."
so clearly, he knows. you're too annoyed to feel bad about it anymore. you won't come clean either -- not when he's being such an ass about it. you huff and push his hand down, but he doesn't let go of your face. "what are you, a cop?" you bite. "what if i don't talk, hm?"
you regret those words as soon as they leave your mouth. every time you challenge him, you're usually bluffing, but kazuha always plays along -- maybe a little too well. he has far too many means of getting answers out of you. and when you see him raise an eyebrow in response, you know he's already got one such method in mind.
"you know i have my ways, petal." kazuha all but croons at you. "shall i try one of them?"
"no." is your immediate response. your boyfriend laughs, but you inch back, retreating like a threatened animal. there's been many a time in which kazuha has chased you around your shared apartment, and you suddenly feel the need to add another instance to that list.
kazuha inches closer and tilts your head up. is he trying to--
"i promise," he whispers as he leans in, "you'll love this one."
before you can question him, his mouth is covering yours, silencing you completely. you're always on edge whenever kazuha initiates kisses -- he only does it when he has some sort of agenda. and since you have no idea what he's trying to do, your fingers twitch as they hover just over kazuha's skin, unsure of if you should give in to him or not.
to your surprise, it seems like kazuha plans on dragging the kiss for as long as he can. you can't fight him for much longer, anyhow; not when he tugs at your bottom lip with his teeth like that. you fall victim to your boyfriend like you always do, getting caught in his trap like a fly in a spider's web. the very second your breath hitches, kazuha takes his chance to brush his tongue against yours, widening the opening you've made for him. you know he's doing this on purpose -- you know good and well that he's lowered your guard with such a sensual kiss for a reason -- but you're not exactly the strongest when it comes to kazuha.
and he knows that.
kazuha's got you hook, line, and sinker, but after a few more seconds pass, he realizes that he'd gotten carried away. reluctantly, he pulls away; he got the information he needed out of you more than three minutes ago, but he couldn't help himself. teasing you was clearly just as much fun for you as it was for him, and your reactions are so dizzying to him.
your eyes are a little hazy, but you can still see the impish grin on your boyfriend's face. before you can ask why he kissed you, he beats you to the punch, lightly brushing his thumb over your bottom lip.
"you ate it, didn't you?" when you blink at him in a daze, kazuha puffs a quiet laugh. "the candy, love. you ate it."
your mind takes a few moments to reboot. when you finally put the pieces together, you feel your face starting to burn. he probably figured out that you ate the candy the second you avoided his eyes a little while ago. but knowing kazuha, he wanted to make you confess in his own little way.
in this case, though you didn't speak a word, your mouth still did all the talking. kazuha confirmed his suspicions through taste.
the very thought makes you shiver.
you avert your eyes, too embarrassed to look at your boyfriend any longer. you can't believe you decided to love someone so... shameless. you peek at him for a quick second only to see his eyes softening as he breaks into giggles. he enjoyed that way too much for your liking, but... damn it, you have to admit that you did, too.
kazuha's laughter is too infectious for you to stay upset at him. you sigh, defeated. "what'd it taste like?"
thank god kazuha knows what you're talking about. he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead in apology.
"you were very sweet," he confesses, chuckling at the way you squirm at his words. "like cherries."
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years
That was amazing :0 I'm requesting out of curiosity? Perhaps, Scaramouche, Xiao And Diluc with a Nezuko kamado!S/o?
Nezuko! reader x Scaramouche, Xiao and Diluc
Pronounce: She/him/they, no pronounce mentioned so i won't either!
Warning: Slight spoilers for Nezuko, Xiao and Diluc, violence (a little bit noting concerning)
A/n: Moshi moshi~ sweetie, thank you so much for the compliment! it means a lot to me <3 And yes a very interesting request, the touch-starved tsunderes. Kinda sad not many people ask for the genshin females >:(
Please check my rules!! You can find the rules/request page in my masterlist that is pinned on my blog >:)
First time meeting:
Meeting him well was quite..eventful...the fandango man isn't very nice as we all know but what made him not yell at you? Maybe your calming presence? We don't know.
As you were just calmly sleeping near the training area for the harbingers, he stomped over to you.
He woke you up and got ready to yell at you, but you just calmly patted his head with a smile.
Scaramouche.exe. has stopped working
He exploded in red and then yelled at you to stop doing that, but you just kept coming back to him to do that.
He liked it.
When you two get together:
Ah yes, our aggressive fandango man has acquired an s/o.
Everyone questioned why such a sweet and cute person like you got together with you. Because he is hot asf.
You usually initiate affection, and he aggressively accepts it with a red face.
Since he has a busy job he doesn't really have time to go on dates but when he has breaks or time to spend with you he brings little gifts.
He does think you are lazy and usually reprimands you for that, you just growl at him and go back to sleep.
He is very bad at comforting you when you tell him about the people you lost, but at least he will try and be more gentle with you.
His anger slightly dims when you enter the room;
Scaramouche glared at the fatui agent in front of him, anger swirling in his eyes, the fatui agent trembled under the small man's gaze. Opening his mouth to yell at the poor guy, the door to the room opened and a person entered. The anger in Scaramouche’s eyes decreased and a smile appeared, the fatui agent fainted on the spot out of fear.
When he finds out that you are protective over him he will be very smug about it.
The little brat will tease you about it.
But he will be even more smug (and a little scared) when he sees you fighting someone for him.
will boast about you and how you are defending him.
Will bark at people who even look at you wrong /srs
He does have a soft spot for you, but he acts all tsundere.
A cute relationship and he secretly is a big simp for you (but don't tell him I said that) and he tries his best to be less aggressive to you, you don't mind though you give him affection and then go to sleep lmao.
First time meeting:
He was sitting on top of Wangshu inn when he heard someone approaching him. He wanted to teleport away but the person's scent was what he found quite different from other Mortals.
When you came into view he was kind of shook like who are you, and what are you doing here??
You just calmly walked towards him, and he really just tensed up like a cat.
When you were in front of him, he knew you were very cute but ma’am, sir, person what are you doing?
He was even more surprised when you cupped his cheeks (the ones on ur face perv!) and just gently smiled at him.
That moment he felt as if all the voices were just in the back of his mind and the pain in his body subdued, he declared you an angel on the spot.
Ngl he was about to cry on the spot
You often came back and he just basked in your comfort each time.
When you two get together:
It would be quite difficult since he is after all the conquer of demons.
Yes he has conquered your demon heart...okay i'll stop
He is quite surprised when he finds out about what you are, but..you seem quite laid back so he lets it be.
You both have lost many things and loved ones, although you take more care of him, comforting when needed and such.
He feels angry that you put him above you, like stop what are you doing?? He doesn't want you to see him as weak and wants you to take care of him.
But it doesn't matter because you want him to be happy and feel good.
PDA isn't something Xiao is very fond of but he does like it when you two are alone and you just hold his hand with the sweetest smile, he is stunned each time with your kindness.
You two don't go on dates often but you two just sit together or hug, you also love to make flower crowns and give them to him.
He doesn't like it but for you..yes only for you he will put it on.
You also like to take naps next with him, he doesn't actually sleep he just watches you with the fondest look in his eyes.
He also gives you adepti amulets.
You are very protective over him, when in battle you will protect him, (even though he doesn't need it)
Like he will be shocked, his heart just stopped, his organs failed him, his eyes popped out of his socket, jaw flew to the floor, brain dead on the spot, bones turned to mush-. All in all he is shocked when you basically socked the demon out of existence, and you looked very...um...scary.
You growled and when you turn to him, he thinks for a hot second if you are going to obliterate him from existence as well, but then your eyes meet and he can see how your whole expression changed from an angry one into a happy one.
Y/n: 😡 👹 🤼‍♂️ 🔪 --sees Xiao---> 🤗 🥺 🧎‍♂️ 💍 💓
Xiao: 🧍 The demon: 💀
He is very shocked at your display of strength, but nevertheless pleased that you know how to protect yourself.
The relationship is quite cute and heartwarming since our poor touch-starved bby Xiao needs love and affection<3
First time meeting:
It was at night when he was doing his Batman dark knight hero business when he saw a person being ambushed by some hillichurls.
Heading over there to vanquish the hillichurls, the person turned around angrily and with brute strength alone slayed the hillichurl.
To say he was shocked was an understatement, he stands there looking at them shocked when they turn to him.
He cocks his head to the side with the person mimicking him, asking if they were alright.
The person walked towards them and he noticeably tensed up, you however walked towards him and when you stopped in front of him he looked at you in confusion and suspicion.
Taking his hand in yours you gently caressed it, he found this weird comfort in you while you were a complete stranger.
When you two get together:
A lot of heartwarming and comforting moments.
You both have lost a lot of people you loved. While he isn't the best at comforting but his presence is very comforting to you.
While you give him a lot of comfort with your affection, he is a touch starved individual so be careful with him.
He is quite an uptight person while you are the opposite, sometimes it irritates him that you are so lazy/laid back but it also gives him some sort of relaxation.
When he goes to work at the winery you usually take a nap at one of the tables in the back or you just wander over towards the bar and lay there underneath.
He once almost accidentally stepped on you.
He loves it when he comes home and can cuddle up with you and just relax.
Loves taking you on walks when he is free.
You will growl at Kaeya each time he teases Diluc, Diluc has a very smug smirk plastered on his face.
He likes to bring little gifts from time to time.
One time he brought you a bouquet of flowers and you didn't know what to do so just ate them.
He really went 😀
He doesn't really like PDA but does like it behind closed doors.
He already knows of your strength but it still impresses him each time.
You let him rant to you about the knights.
You growl at Donna each time she ‘moans’ about Master Diluc.
He doesn't like it when you dont take care of yourself, he will take care of you <3
Overall a cute and heartwarming relationship with lots of cute moments.
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s-shinichirosgf · 3 years
I'll make you see (the devil within) [2]
ft. mikey
cw. f!reader, incubus!mikey, dub-con (again, horny demon powers at work, one of them being able to touch the reader in her dreams), dirty talk, nicknames, oral (f receiving), a bit of pain and blood (man's got claws and fangs), a bit of cervix fucking, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control). not proofread.
an. this is part 2 of the incubus!mikey series (?), you can find part 1 here but it's not completely necessary to read it beforehand to get the gist of what's going on.
tagged. @scandalous-writing
minors dni (18+)
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You should have expected this. And to be fair, in a way, you had. It was what you two had agreed on when you parted ways that night. But a part of you had still been impressed by how fast things had escalated. A blur of limbs and eager touches, clothes being discarded, flushed skin and swollen lips, all blended together in the mush that was your now head.
So here you were, on Mikey's couch, with said man nestled in between your legs and lapping at your pussy like a man positively starved. Three orgasms milked out of you with the aid of his very talented tongue and fingers, your words had turned into babblings from the sheer pleasure running through your veins. The way your fingers tugged at the raven strands of hair and the way your thighs trembled and fought to close over his head only seemed to spur him on—the slow grind of his hips on the couch below him was a clear testament of that.
"Need more," he rasped out, giving one last suck to your throbbing clit before rising to his knees, hands gripping your still spread legs to wrap them around his waist. You could feel the heat rushing to your head and how you clenched around nothing when you noticed the way your arousal clung to his mouth and chin, even coating parts of his cheeks and nose.
"You'll give me more, right? Week after week of postponing things... almost thought you didn't wanna see me again, doll." He slowly ground his clothed bulge against your drooling cunt, a whiny groan leaving his mouth as he watched your slick smear his sweatpants.
He couldn't be more wrong about that but it was true that the weeks after your little encounter ended up being some of the busiest you had in a long time. Each time you had to refuse his invitations to "hang out", you could feel the frustration building inside of you, boiling, simmering under your skin; you yourself weren't sure how you had managed to hold out for so long.
"Thought I was losing my touch," he continued, "thought that my little night escapes were having no effect."
You made a questioning sound, confused, and he smiled, hips not halting their slow pace.
"Don't tell me you don't remember, doll?" A mocking pout adorned his slick-covered lips. "Each time you came all pretty for me in your dreams?" You felt your stomach drop at his words, cheeks heating up as flashes of the dreams, the figure, that had been haunting you for weeks now appeared in your mind.
"How did y-"
"How did I know each time you woke up with my name on your lips?" he interrupted you, his grin widening, this time with a sharper edge to it.
"Each time you dreamt about me filling you up? With my fingers? My tongue? My cock?" Every question was punctuated by a harsher roll of his hips, which made it all the more difficult for you to focus on what his words were implying. "How do I know all that?" he repeated. "Oh, I think you must have an idea, don'tcha, doll?"
His movements stopped momentarily, probably trying to give you a second to think. You wanted to say that you had no idea what he was talking about, but you'd have been lying. There has always been something off about Mikey from the moment you had met him, that night you had shared, as mindblowing as it was, did nothing but intensify that feeling. Now him saying all that, things no one but you could have known, was all but confirmation of those suspicions. Suspicions that added together presented a picture that wasn't, as ridiculous as it sounds, not really human.
Feeling the shiver that ran through your spine, his smile broadened, seemingly reading your train of thought plainly in your eyes.
"Smart girl," he praised, grip on your legs tightening ever so slightly. Feeling a sudden prickling sensation, you looked down and subsequently gulped—his previously inconspicuous hands, all warm slender fingers, had now changed; long sharp nails now adorned the tips and a dark gray colored the digits in a gradient, gently blending with his regular skin as it reached his palm.
"Scared?" he wondered, head cocked to the side, when he noticed the way your eyes widened and your pulse quickened. In spite of his question, his touch only grew firmer, claws digging harder into the plush flesh of your thighs.
And you should be scared, you should be terrified, but you're not. Even with your heartbeat accelerating and the goosebumps rising on your skin, you couldn't honestly say that fear was the prevalent emotion in your mind. And he could tell that was the case, sparking his curiosity once again.
"Maybe you should be," he whispered, leaning forward before capturing your lips in his, only to bite and pull at the tender flesh of your bottom lip. He soothed the sting with a warm swipe of his tongue, sharing the faint state of yourself on your own lips.
"Tell me," he went on before you could ask, "did you touch yourself when you woke up?" One hand trailed up your thigh until it reached your core, sharp claw collecting the slick smeared all over your outer lips. Mikey felt you twitch as his nail grazed your skin but your body was smart, sensing the possible pain you could end up inflicting if you moved too suddenly when his touch was so close to your most sensitive parts.
At your lack of answer, he pushed on. Now with two fingers, he used them to spread your pussy lips apart, exposing your messy cunt for him to admire—shiny, dripping lips, puffy clit, and your little hole clenching around nothing. He had to stop himself from diving right back down. "Well?" he rasped out, squeezing your little nub between his fingers. Your response came in the form of a high-pitched mewl and the embarrassment that was quick to color your features.
He groaned, and the pink glow in his eyes, which you had convinced yourself you had been imagining all those weeks ago, shined and swirled around his dilated pupils.
"Touched this pretty pussy all by yourself when you could have called me?" he growled, hands now clawing at his pants in the rush to get them off of him. "When I was all held up waiting for you?" His cock sprang up free, flushed and throbbing, the head an angry red and leaking with precum. He momentarily basked in the way you scanned his figure, zeroing in on his dick as you subconsciously licked your lips and another needy whine escaped your throat. Oh, to feel your lips around him was such a lovely mental image but it would have to wait for another time.
"I was gonna try to be gentle, doll." He positioned himself right at home between your legs once more. "I was, but I dunno if I can, I'm too hungry." Mikey wasn't lying; he was starving—his pale skin and the dark circles under his eyes when you had arrived were a testament to that. Ever since he got that little taste of you that night, he had wanted nothing more than to absolutely ravish you. And now that he had you here, all sprawled out for him like the tastiest meal he had ever seen? He was surprised his self-control handy hadn't snapped already.
He took a hold of his cock for the first time that night, a hiss escaping him at the mere touch after being neglected for so long. He pumped himself a few times and after asking you to spread your little cunt for him, he leaned forward, and slid his length across your parted lips, swollen tip nudging your clit and making both of you let out a breathless moan. He ground against you one, two, three more times, teasing both you and him, before he couldn't handle it anymore. With an almost animalistic groan, he finally, finally, pushed in, delicious inch by delicious inch, not stopping until he was sheathed all the way in.
"F-fuck," he exhaled, eyes half-lidded as he savored in the feel of you, hips rolling slowly, feeling the way your cunt is fluttering around him, trying to adjust to his size. "Pussy so good for me, hhnng, so wet and gripping me so fucking tight."
As in response to the praise, your gummy walls clenched around him, as if trying to suck him in even deeper. His eyes rolled back, giving a harsher snap of his hips. He looked back down at you—pretty lips bitten and shiny, tits bouncing with each rough thrust, and he felt the heat in his lower stomach coiling impossibly higher. He swooped down, lips latching onto one of your breaths, tongue swirling around your nipple. Your back arched, chest chasing the warmth of his mouth as your fingers itching to tug at his hair. However, before you could do just that, your hand brushed against something hard.
Looking up, you gulped and felt another shiver run down your spine, because right there on top of his head sat a pair of horns that definitely hadn't been there before. Mikey stilled the moment your hand made contact with them and you almost pulled away, an apology burning on the tip of your tongue, but then the most beautifully sinful moan left his lips, rendering you speechless.
While maintaining eye contact, slowly, tentatively, you moved your hand until it's gently wrapped around one of his horns. It felt slightly cold and leathery to the touch, soft and smooth, and the moment you added pressure to your grip you were blessed with another heavenly moan and the sight of Mikey's eyes rolling back into his skull.
His own grip tightened; one hand pierced the cushion beneath your head, while the other turned into a bruising grasp on your thigh, claws drawing tiny droplets of blood. You flinched, but the pain did nothing if not enhance the pleasure coursing through your own veins as his pace quickened—his hips drilled into you, moving desperately as if he was trying to embed you into the couch.
His rhythm had started to turn sloppy, he could feel it, but he couldn't help it. How could he, when it felt like each of his nerves had gone into overdrive, when you were clenching so fucking sweetly around him, when your hand was holding onto his horn for dear life, when you were gifting him with the pretties moans each time the fat tip of his cock kissed your abused cervix. It was just too much. The whines tumble out of his lips unrestrained, only being muffled by the curve of your neck, but still ringing loudly next to your ear in an unholy prayer made up of a string of curses mixed with your name.
As he lapped at your neck, he could taste the salty tang of sweat in your skin mixed with the saccharin taste that defined your very own energy. That simmering sweetness that had attracted him to you back then is now right here for him to taste and he simply couldn't hold back anymore. His hips hammered down on you like he wanted to make sure you wouldn't forget the imprint of him on your body, on your insides, like he wanted you to remember that no one could fill you up like he did, not ever, not after this. All it took was one last tug to his horns just as your gummy walls spasmed erratically around him for both of you to reach that desperate high you had been chasing. With a deep satisfied groan, he sank his teeth into your neck, cock twitching as he painted your insides with his seed.
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oniku-niku · 2 years
Huge Crush} Kirishima Eijiro
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Kirishima x f!Reader Summary} Kirishima has a fat crush on you. You have a fat crush on Kirishima Word Count} 1.9k Warnings} Swearing? Fighting w/ villains
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“Dude…just go talk to her…You’ve done it before.” Denki nudged his red headed friend who was a blushing mess in the kitchen.
Everyone was at Mina’s place for the little get together that she holds every month. Just a couple close friends from high school, hanging around and playing board games to catch up on each other’s lives.
Bakugou was throwing a fit about how he couldn’t get out of jail in monopoly no matter how many times he tried to roll doubles. He tried buying the ‘Get out of jail free’ card from Sero, but Sero asked for a price that would make him go broke (just to piss him off). The ones playing changed the rules just so that Bakugou couldn’t win.
“I know I have…But still…makes me nervous.” Kirishima mumbled into his cup as he took a sip. His eyes trailed over your form sitting on the couch.
You were watching Uraraka, Midoriya, Iida, and Hagakure play Mario Kart on the big screen. They were all hyper focused on their own screen, wanting to desperately win, but there you were cheering for all of them. Your eyes moved from one screen to another because you couldn’t pick who to root for. It was adorable to him.
His heart skipped a beat when your eyes met his red ones from the kitchen entrance. The soft smile that graced your face afterwards made him return it. Your little “come sit” motion of your hands had him in a bind. With Denki’s light push, he was walking towards the seat next to you that you were patting for him.
You smelled so good, he couldn’t help but subconsciously take a deep inhale as he sat down. With the little bit of space that your friends left you, your thighs and his were touching and it set his entire body aflame. It was ironic that you turned the rock hero into a melting, soft mush.
The rest of the night consisted of him starting conversations, anything to hear your pretty voice over Bakugou flipping the monopoly board in the background. And by the time everyone’s social battery ran out, he offered to take you home because you both had work in the morning. Everyone was setting up their own sleeping bags on Mina’s floor.
“Oi Shitty Hair, take me home too. Denki was my ride here but it looks like he’s sleeping here.” Bakugou grumbled as he pulled on his jacket. You were behind them as the three of you made your way to Kirishima’s car. He and Bakugou were in a whisper argument about something you thought you shouldn’t listen to, so when Bakugou opened the backseat door, you looked at him, confusion written all over your face because you assumed the bros would want to sit next to each other.
“Kirishima wanted to sit next to you in the front or whatever.” Bakugou rolled his eyes as he begrudgingly got into the back seat and shut the door. Your face flushed red at his words before quickly settling yourself into the passenger seat, missing the glare Kirishima sent to Bakugou for blurting out their argument and getting in the car himself.
It was a comfortable ride, even with Bakugou pouting with his arms crossed in the backseat. Kirishima had the radio on the police channel to keep alert at all times.
“Emergency! We need officers north of the shopping district in Tokyo immediately! Minor explosion set in the middle of the city, several civilians injured! Number of suspects is unclear. Stay alert!” that jolted everyone in the car. Bakugou shut off his phone as he listened intently.
“Hey, aren’t we near there? It’s just two turns from here- EIJIRO WATCH OUT!” you screamed as you watched a group of people charge straight at the car. Kirishima stomped his foot on the break, causing the car to skid into a halt and swerving off the road. All three of you gripped tight onto the car as the front slammed straight into a light pole.
“Damn it!” Kirishima exclaimed as the car stopped moving, the people outside watched the car slam before two of them jumped straight onto the hood and shattered the windshield. Kirishima was quick to shield your eyes from the flying glass as the two hopped off and ran from the scene.
“They must be the suspects. I’m on it, you two get to the main area!” Bakugou kicked the door open before going after them. You and Eijiro hurried out of the car where two more were waiting for a fight.
Kicks and punches were thrown, Kirishima mostly trying to shield you because he knew this was no place for your quirk to activate. When the two criminals were finally knocked out, you quickly tied them up to the bottom of the pole before making your way towards the shopping district.
Together, you and Eijiro were quick to direct civilians away from the blast as everyone had gathered around to take videos.
“(Y/N)!” you whipped yourself around at the sound of Kirishima’s voice, just in time for him to throw his body over yours to move you aside from an incoming attack.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Red Riot, and the lame puppy hero, aww.” the guy let out a laugh as he watched Kirishima stand up and shield over you. Had you been able to see his face, you would’ve gotten chills all over because he was pissed.
“What do you want with this city, Asshole?” he asked, his quirk activating on his arms as a precaution. The villain scoffed as he, too, activated his quirk. Vines grew from his arms like they were snakes, wobbling in the air and waiting for action.
“It’s none of your business. But, you are getting in the way of it, so now I have to take care of you!” His arms moved quickly, one wrapping the vines around your neck to shove you aside while the other gripped Kirishima's arm to prevent him from going anywhere. Within seconds he was wrapped from the neck and you were thrown to the side.
When you regained your senses, you saw the vine villain whipping Kirishima to the side trying to knock him out whilst laughing. It was enough to make you see red before you started to change your form. Nails growing longer, teeth elongating into fangs, and the wolf form taking over, you stood well beyond 10 feet tall. Your eyes looked down at the vine villain with a snarl emitting from the back of your throat, watching him squeak before dropping Kirishima who was bleeding from the head.
Before the guy could even take a step, your fangs snapped onto the back of his shirt before thrashing him around. At this point the police arrived and you gladly dropped him off in front of an officer, all disheveled and dizzy. You then pointed your nose in the direction of where you and Kirishima left the other villains back at the lamp post and the other officers left in the pointed area. Turning back to the square you gently picked up Kirishima before placing him on your back, taking a quick jog to the nearest hospital.
As he was being whisked away, he gave your nose a little pet and a smile. For the rest of the night you were working to find any civilians who were trapped under the rubble or were injured, with a worried heart for Kirishima.
As the sun was beginning to come up, you were back to your human form before rushing to the hospital. The nurse gave you Kirishima’s information and you rushed off to his room. He was peacefully resting in his bed, bandages wrapped around his head and cast over his leg that was broken. As you settled the chair next to his bed and took his hand in yours, you knocked out due to the exhaustion of being a giant wolf all night.
“You’re so obviously smitten with her, just ask her out.” someone grumbled.
“Shh, shut up dude. You don’t even know if she likes me that way.” someone else whispered right back.
“DUDE. She tossed around a villain like a chew toy last night to save your life. And she is holding your hand right, fuckin, now. What more obvious signs do you need?” the exasperation in the other person’s voice was evident. The conversation was not as quiet as the two of them would have liked because you were slowly beginning to wake.
The first face you see is Kirishima’s, his soft smile looking down at your sleepy face.
“Hiya..” he greeted as you sat up, hand holding yours a little tighter because he didn’t want to let go just yet (not that you wanted to either).
“Hey, Kiri…how are you feeling?” You took a light stretch to erase the drowsiness before looking at him again.
“Better now, thanks for last night…” his smile never faltered, and the silence ran over the room again before, “Oi…I’m here too.” came from behind you.
Bakugou was sitting in a chair, arms folded over themself that matched the grouchy face he had on.
“Ya did good last night or whatever.” he rolled his eyes before shooting what seemed like the smallest smile ever at you, “I’ll let you two talk.” and then leaving the room.
“Thanks for saving me last night.” Kirishima spoke, his hands were playing with your fingers as a way to avoid your eyes.
“Well, you also threw yourself to save me too…Kinda just returned the favor.” you giggled. The thumping of your heart was getting harder and harder against your chest the longer you two looked at each other. And even though he couldn’t hear it, you knew his was beating just as loud because the heart monitor was going crazy in the back. His face turned as red as his hair as he registered what that loud beeping was. It beat just loud enough for a nurse to come in.
“What happened?” She ran over to fetch his clipboard to check on the information given.
“Oh it’s nothing…I just…” he mumbled as she looked intently at him, waiting for an answer. His eyes went from hers, down to his hands that were holding yours, and then over to you sitting there, before going back to her. You could see the light bulb flashing on behind her eyes as she understood.
“Oh!....ohhhh….Alrighty then, everything seems more than fine, I’m going to get your paperwork.” and she hurried out with a small giggle, getting ready to talk to another nurse about the scene going on in the room.
“Alright well…I never really thought that my own heart was going to out me like this…But I might as well.” Kirishima spoke before taking a deep breath and looking at you.
“(Y/n). I have had the biggest crush on you since forever. I think you are stunning and the way that you admire everyone around you is the most adorable thing ever. Your quirk is so, frigging, awesome. Don’t listen to that dumb villain yesterday who called it lame. You certainly showed him. And if you would, I’d really like to take you out on a date.” he rambled, his eyes were determined to stay on you as a way to keep his courage up so he doesn’t falter.
Now it was your turn to adorn the red face that he had just moments ago.
“Yes!” You cleared your throat, realizing how excited you sounded “I mean, yes. I’d like that very much...”
Whole time you guys were still holding hands.
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Taglist} @aomi04
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herofics · 3 years
hiii, may I have a todoroki with an s/o who is insecure about her relathionship with him? everyone says that he suits better with Momo, and she tries to say it for him but he didn't noticed that it was a big insecurity of her, so she starts to ignore him a little bit and the other girls goes tell him to talk with his girlfriend because che was crying (like a lot) in her dorm room (but she don't want to worry anyone) (I'm sorry if it's too detailed or confusing. have a nice day :) <3 )
This is a good scenario to be honest, and I feel like this is a relatable one in general, unfortunately, angst with a fluffy ending coming right up. This is fem!reader, instead of genderneutral, mostly because it kinda just ended up that way, didn’t go exactly as you described but mostly
You were looking at some photos of you and Shouto you had taken in a photo booth. There were four pictures, one of you two kissing, one of you two making silly faces, one with serious expressions and one with your cheeks mushed together. You smiled while looking at the pictures, but you also felt like there was something false about them. Like there was something behind your eyes that didn’t quite make it to the surface. The self doubt, the insecurities and a dash of jealousy perhaps.
You had been hearing it so much lately, that you weren’t good enough for Shouto, that Yaoyorozu would be a better match for him, and that you two weren’t going to last anyway. You hated it, but you couldn’t help but think that if so many people were saying it, it might just be true.
You didn’t even notice you had started crying before the first tear hit the photos.
“Huh?” you muttered, and wiped your cheeks.
You just started sobbing, you just wanted Shouto to be happy, and maybe if you let him go, he would be.
Todoroki was sitting in the common room with Midoriya and Iida, when Bakugou stomped into the room.
“Oi! Half-and-half bastard, your fucking girldfriend is crying in her room again, what the fuck did you do this time?!” Bakugou growled
“What do you mean ‘again’?” Todoroki asked, getting up from the couch and already starting to walk towards the elevator.
“I mean again, for like the third fucking time this week!” Bakugou barked.
What…?” Todoroki muttered in a hurry to get to you.
He stopped when he got to your room door, he hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he should intrude, since you hadn’t told him you were upset about anything, he wasn’t sure this was any of his business. When he heard you though, sobbing in there, he pretty much busted the door down.
“(Name)? What’s wrong?”
As soon as you heard the door open, you turned your back to it and wiped your eyes.
“I-I’m okay” you said, trying to make him go away.
“I know I don’t pick up on these things very well, but you’re crying right in front of me, and I can see you’re upset” Todoroki said and sat down next to you on the bed.
He put his hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off and stood up, crossing your arms in front of yourself. You were still crying, but you tried to keep quiet.
“Talk to me, please” he pleaded softly, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles.
“I-I just, I don’t think you’re happy with-with me, you-you deserve someone better” you sniffled.
“What are you talking about? Of course I’m happy with you” he said and pulled you back to sit on the bed.
“You-you don’t want to be with someone else?”  you said and looked up at him.
You looked so hurt and heartbroken, Todoroki could feel his chest tighten. He didn’t know how you had gotten that idea in your head, but he would certainly do his best to drive it out.
“No of course not, and if I’ve done something that has given you that impression, I’m so sorry”
“You promise?” you asked.
“Yes, I promise” he said and wrapped his arms around you.
You hugged him back and buried your face to the crook of his neck. You hated when your insecurities got to you like this, but you loved that Shouto always managed to always somehow bring you back from the edge.
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