#muse: wednesday
inkdreamt · 1 month
“It’s rather complicated,” Principal Weems said, her ghostly form flickering a bit. (For Wednesday from my Larissa @mysteriousmissweems)
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Wednesday looked over to the woman's form in front of her... or what should be Principal Weems. Instead stood an apparition worthy of any ghost story. It was hardly a secret that she and their esteemed principal did not get along on the best of days, her thirst to solve the mystery and the principal's insistence that duty should outweigh the truth. But she did have a certain respect for her. And she didn't think the woman had deserved to die. Oh look, a twinge of guilt.
"I imagine so," she said for a moment before looking to the woman's face. "Honestly, I was expecting you to be back the next morning. There's a lot of studies out there suggesting that shapeshifters can survive what others can't. The only surprising part of this is your current form." And, if there was one thing that even Weems would be able to admit about Wednesday: she was an excellent researcher.
@mysteriousmissweems, @chromium-siren
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coreofgold · 2 years
@hiddenpxpercuts​ for Wednesday
“Drat my list !”  Garcia exclaimed and scurried to grab it.  “Excuse me !  Can you please grab that for me ?” 
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gasterofficial · 1 year
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breelynnxoxoxo · 2 months
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aparticularbandit · 2 days
WIP Wednesday Game
snatching from @kedreeva because have been given permission!
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
@eriquin, @adhdavinci, @post-and-out, @stonemaskedtaliesin, @princescar, @auburnlaughter, @captaintoomanybattles, @lingeringmirth, i know there are more of you but you are the ones i remember off the top of my head
I'll put mine in a separate note!
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starport-rodeo · 1 year
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i love my roommate <3
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barb-l · 2 years
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Enid was so worried not being able to shift would leave her without a mate but then she finally wolfs out to save Wednesday. It's like Beauty and the Beast, but in reverse. This is super cheesy to say but love turned her into a beast 🥰
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joeloverture · 3 months
wip wednesday
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for snowbound, hopefully coming to dashboards near you sometime next week 🤎💋 | thank you for the tag @joelsdagger
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priincebutt · 1 month
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sigh, here's the tea y'all: I was p much convinced I was not going to do a WIP Wednesday today. I'm not mentally in it, I'm feeling run down and useless, and my ability to write has gone out the window as of right now. But I found this lil snippy at the end of a doc, waiting to be incorporated into it's home, and I thought I'd share the last line I'd written for wip Wednesday. Thank you forever to @theprinceandagcd , @firenati0n , @piratefalls , @duchessdepolignaca03 , @thesleepyskipper
@onthewaytosomewhere , @heysweetheart-writes , @magicandarchery and @taste-thewaste for the tags, y'all are real ones and I appreciate you guys so much <3 (p.s. are tags still broken?? I tried to break it up into five I hope it works)
Henry falls in love with Alex who wears glasses, and Alex who studiously hunches over his desk into the late night until Henry has to pry him and ply him with sweet kisses, convincing him to come to bed.
Since it's so late I'm going to leave this tag open, and say plz tag me if you take it! <3
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inkdreamt · 4 months
@niiteshade, from Wednesday,
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Wednesday finally felt as if she had recovered from Family Weekend here at Nevermore. The stress of them all being there at the same time was almost too much to bare. Almost. If it hadn't been for the mystery that was her father being accused of murder, she probably would have gave up on that visit halfway through.
What she had not expected was her mother sitting on a bed in her room she shared with Enid, the drawing of her and Crackstone in front of her. Her eyes gazed down at the drawing before daring to approach the older woman. She grabbed the drawing before taking it back to her desk. "I was not aware that you have the authority to search my room now that I am no longer under your roof."
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 4 months
wip wednesday!
hey so it's been a long while since i've done anything and i think it's time to throw my hat back into the ring
Mirage groaned, her head pound and eye unfocused as she blinked. She rubbed her eyes, where was she? This isn't the club. Giant halls with tall pillars of white stone, velvet curtains and candelabras lit up the room. A chill ran through Mirage's spine, something felt off about this place. Sure it was pretty, but it was cold and dark, not a drip of warmth in the place. "What the hell?"
"Good. You're awake." She turned her head and there stood a tall woman, long black hair flowing down her back and grinning. "I thought you would sleep forever at this rate."
Mirage tensed, squinting her eyes and sat up more. "You're.. you're the girl in the bathroom. At the club who helped me."
The woman laughed. "I am. You can call me Xunami. Welcome to the house of Muse."
"How did I get here? Let me go!"
"Not going to happen, amiga." She purred. "Remember you agreed to come home with me tonight."
"I change my mind. I want to leave."
"Oh preciosa," Xunami chuckled, walking closer to her and hooking a finger under Mirage's chin. She forced her head up, making her look into her glowing red eyes. Those are definitely different than what she saw at the club. "You're not going anywhere. You're stuck here with me." She grinned and Mirage gasped, catching sight of her white teeth, fangs sticking out and looking sharper than any knife she's seen.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 month
I s2g I start writing a post here about me and my weird, fucked up childhood/brain but I then think that "this is all too hard and unbelievable for ppl to conceptualize" and just keep it in my drafts to rework it into the fiction that it sounds like with either ABW or UVCC.
My girls 😑
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breelynnxoxoxo · 3 months
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desultory-novice · 6 months
What do you think a mirror version of Bandana Waddle Dee would be like? I'd been looking at my analysis of Shadow/Bloody Dedede a while back, and it really got me wondering...
A part of me looks back on that post and imagines that, with the mirror world's Dedede being possessed, Bandana Dee might take the combo of his loyalty and willingness to fight the king when he's being controlled by something to its natural conclusion, and basically sacrifice himself in an attempt to free him- but that's pretty angsty, and not exactly my thing.
In terms of personality, I could see him being a lot more independent- though still caring for his friends, just maybe not being as obvious about it- and more confident in himself. It's an interesting idea to me, since he's such an iconic character now, but was just a minor enemy in a Super Star minigame back when Amazing Mirror was released... but do you have any thoughts on it?
I had some thoughts on this! My first thought is, if it amplifies negative traits, there's going to be one of two ways this is going to go. It's going to amplify Bandee's feelings of inadequacy and normalcy and Bandee is going to be NOT prepared for all the gothic Castlevania horror of the Mirror World and as a result... not make it.
Maybe he dies fighting for his friends or trying to save Dedede. But you're right in that it's just a bit TOO angsty. It fridges Bandee rather than gives him a chance to shine. (Also, I already killed the Meta Knights in my Mirror Worldl HC so we can't go killing Dees willy-nilly.) And then I remembered two things: the fact that Scarfies, some of the most violent and aggressive creatures in Dream Land, are kinda EASY to beat in KatAM. So what would Waddle Dees become?
The other is The Apple Juice Song.
Bandee is a little...obsessed about growing strong, isn't he...? And being able to defeat his friends in battle...? What if THAT was the side of him that got amplified? What if, instead of taking after Shadow Kirby, Shadow Bandee took after Dark Meta Knight?
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Strong, tough, unflinching. When Dark Matter Dedede is lounging around not caring about the state of Mirror Dream Land, it's Shadow Bandee who challenges every arrival to Castle Dedede to a fight before he's willing to let anyone "weak" walk through those gates?
And of course, he'd wear a red bandanna!
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quinloki · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Please see the OG post and rules - and thanks to @kedreeva for this xD
Alright the short version is I’mma share up to five file names and an excerpt, and you can send in an ask for three more sentences \o/ (I might not reply to these until my work shift is done, but don't be afraid to send in an ask, the sentences are cumulative xD - so the more asks, the more I write.)
(none of these are going to be hard to sort out honestly...)
Grandline Metro AU.scriv
“Greedy for me?” He prompts, finger under your chin, turning you easily toward him. You’re facing him, eyes shifted down, well aware of the hooded gaze waiting for you to look up. “I… am being teased.” You pout as he urges your chin up, bringing your gaze up to his one way or another.
Thatch Arranged marriage.scriv
“But, and I hate to say this-.” Marco started. “Then don’t.” “Thatch,” Izou said carefully. “You need to consider it.” “The hells I do!”
NaNoWriMo.scriv (I've been using this as a miscellaneous catch file for now - the story I'm working on in here is Zine-related, you won't get to see progress for it, but I'll do 3 sentences in it, and 3 in something else and share that)
“Really?” He muses, slowly letting his hand slide down [redacted]'s chest. “Pervert [redacted] likes to be praised, huh?”
The ask just needs the file name for the sake of the game, but feel free to kibitz a bit too, that's okay 😇
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freewillacquired · 8 months
In a world ravaged by a virus that primarily creates monsters, nasty encounters are in no short supply. When Rain begins to hear heavy footfalls—when she feels them practically shaking the ground beneath her, she figures she's about to have another.
Cursing under her breath, she unholsters her gun.
The days were blending together in depressing ways now. Nemesis was shocked at how quickly things had gone to hell after the Hive and Raccoon City Incidents. It had taken him quite a while to regenerate after the city's "sanitation," but once he was on his feet again, he realized the gravity of what was happening to the world.
Alone and with nothing left to do in his current mutated state, Nemesis had taken to showing up at Umbrella facilities unannounced, and destroying as much of them as he could. The digital feed supplied by the retinal implant attached to his right eye and sewn up into his head gave him a lot of useful information, especially after his mind was liberated from Umbrella's control. May as well put it to good use, right?
He'd acquired more clothes and equipment this way, with the boots and leather trenchcoat-style getup being standard issues for a creature called a Tyrant, which he apparently now was. They seemed just about the only things that were going to fit his... unique body shape nowadays.
Learning about himself and destroying Umbrella assets were good pastimes, but Nemesis was extremely lonely. The few survivors he came across now and then either screamed and ran from him or shot at him. Bullet wounds were nothing more than annoying mosquito bites to him now, thanks to his thick hide, but even so... it was demoralizing. All he wanted to do was help. He was almost getting used to being alone all the time, by necessity rather than desire, until that unexpectedly changed. While exploring a city one day, he rounded a corner and-
"Raaaain!" Nemesis bellowed the moment he saw her, unable to contain his excitement upon seeing her. "Oh... ny god!" He couldn't believe his eyes. Well, eye. He still had two, but one was... indisposed. In a move that probably looked damn near ridiculous to the other, he lifted his hand... and waved to her. "I'n so glad... to see you! How... are you... alithe... right now?" he tried to ask, his massive chompers getting in the way, as usual.
Nemesis couldn't get his voice to be anything other than a monotone growl, and with monstrous teeth and a noticeable lack of lips, his speech was something of a garbled mess. It took him a while, but he'd learned to make certain sounds in other ways, using his throat and tongue. Essentially, he'd had to relearn how to speak. Some sounds and words, though, were lost forever. None of that did anything to curb his enthusiasm at seeing Rain alive, however. Was he finally losing his mind? Hallucinating, maybe? No, the target identification system is identifying her as Rain... Right now, Nemesis didn't care either way. Just the sight of her was one for sore eyes, since his last clear memory of her was being at death's door.
"I thought... the anti-thirus... didn't work...?" he said, his elation at seeing her alive completely overriding his common sense. Nemesis wasn't thinking about the fact that Rain wouldn't recognize him anymore, or about how negatively she would likely react to seeing the hulking beast before her. Not to mention his tentacles, rooted at the backs of his shoulders, which were excitedly coiling and undulating in their own right, reacting to his surprise and happiness. He batted one of them with his hand. "Cut it out...!" he admonished the obnoxious appendage. It recoiled temporarily before returning to its idle activities.
Then it dawned on him, especially with how she had her gun at the ready. Oh no... she has no idea who I am. "It's Natt," he said, laying his hand on his chest. "Natt... Ad-di-son." How pathetic is it that I can't even say my own name correctly anymore? he thought grimly.
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