#musa my beloved
Hello, I have something very important to post today!
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Musa in a scarf!
Yes, this is important. I would never misuse my blog.
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larasoak · 1 year
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i felt like a crow as a child looking at these shiny dresses and wings
my favourite transformation by far
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eisenbrave · 4 months
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soaring the skies
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charmixpower · 2 years
Tecna: Ok I've set up the new search parameters. Including gem, dark depths, and shine as keywords
Musa: How many hits did you get? A billion?
Tenca: Noooo
Tecna: only fifty one million, nine hundred and sixty seven thousand, and four hundred and thirty eight
Moments that make you fall in love with Tecna
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floralovebot · 2 years
Hiii ! It's anon again
I really loved your answer to my ask so I want to ask again:
We all love the way Helia's hair is styled before the chop™. I love it tied down with the ribbon and I want to know how else do you think he would style his hair while keeping that length he had in s2 and s3?
HIII OMG i love this!! literally every single helia stan has thought about his hair :') here's a pinterest board with some hairstyles i think he'd wear!
BUT!! i also have some thoughts about it too!
personally, i feel like helia keeps his hair pretty simple so to speak. i don't think he's that into elaborate hairstyles for a normal day. so his usual hairstyles are really just ponytails, a braid, straight out, you get the picture
when it comes to more formal events, i think he does still prefer simple hairstyles with added accessories for the fancy instead of a fancy hairstyle. i added a couple of hairstyles with hair accessories that have the vibe i think he'd go for!!
i mean mostly i really think he prefers that simple + elegant vibe for hairstyles!
and then he occasionally has a goblin hairstyle when he gets hyperfocused on art
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prrcyjacksons · 2 years
I thought I was normal about this thing, but as it turns out, I am still just as feral about it, so please come scream with me? 😩🤲
Me @ Riven
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Honesty Riven is the most dramatic bitch ever.
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rafalkbircom · 3 months
Help my family evacuate out of Gaza
I'm truly sorry for the hardships you and your family are facing. Your story is heartbreaking, and it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. Here's a short emotional appeal for donations:
Dear friends,
I'm reaching out to you in a time of desperate need. My name is Menna Musa, and I come from Gaza. My life has been shattered by the recent loss of my beloved brothers, Abd and Ahmed, who were killed in front of our house during an attack on our neighborhood. We have been forced to flee to the south, leaving behind everything we had, including our home and our cat.
My surviving brother is still trapped in Gaza with his wife and young children, including my nieces Alma and Dania, who are in urgent need of essentials like milk, diapers, and warm clothes. The situation in Gaza is dire, with bombing, hunger, and fear gripping the region.
I humbly ask for your help to evacuate my brother and his family from Gaza. Each person needs about $5,000 for travel costs, totaling $75,000 for the entire family. Your donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in our lives and bring us closer to safety and a brighter future.
Please donate and share our story. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
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greenkrujalo · 8 months
Winx redesign
Or what I was trying to do
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face redesign
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First Bloom redesign
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And unfinished Musa redesign (Musa it's my beloved 🛐)
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devilheartsblog · 5 months
Here’s Part 2 of some ideas I’m doodled for my Winx rewrite
Last post seemed to do better than I expected and I’m glad a few people enjoyed it. So here are some more things I want to work with.
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I like Artu and Roxy’s relationship but I would have also liked some backstory on them and more depth. Like Gantlos said “it’s just a dog”. How did Roxy get Artu? Is he adopted or bought? Is there a reason he doesn’t like anyone outside of Roxy and Klaus?
In my rewrite, yes. Abandoned as a puppy, a kid Roxy took him in after her mother left her dad unexpectedly. She basically raised Artu and he means a lot to her, but she never socialised him since she herself isn’t social with people (so while Artu may tolerate someone’s prescence he doesn’t like being touched or seen upclose). Roxy raising Artu is also why she gets pissed and earns her fairy form but doesn’t want the fairy gig since it ended up hurting her dog, because as a fairy the wizards are after her and Gantlos hurt Artu.
Speaking of Gantlos
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Gantlos my beloved you’re so fucking bland the only personality trait you have is having fucked up pointy hands and a cool hat <3
Ok in all honestly I like his apathy to animals and the Winx in general, but that also applies to the other wizards to some extent. At least you can say something about the other wizards; Orgon’s voice is top tier, Duman has really cool powers and design, Anagan’s banter with Flora’s entertaining. This one’s technically a headcannon I made cannon in the rewrite. I did my research btw.
Gantlos has a pretty intense fear of deers also called Elafiphobia, even asking Duman to not shapeshift into one. It’s pretty bad, seeing a deer gets him pretty close to a panic attack. I’m not going to spoil why but I’ll say it’s a consequence of the Great Fairy Hunt. In fact all the Wizards despite being the cause have been affected by the fairy hunt, either overall or because of a major event. Gantlos’ deer phobia is also why he doesn’t like/care about animals initially, I mean, why should he like them? Just cause they’re cute? Hah!
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Apart from Riven and Musa I hate the melodrama in season 4 it’s so shit. Since in my version Sky isn’t in the story cause king stuff, Mitzi is narratively cremated and Nabu doesn’t die, on top of planning to expand on Anagan and Flora’s relationship as rivals and Anagan “flirting” with her, it’d be weird for Helia to be like “eh”. Like even if Flora can hold her own I think he’d at least be a little concerned and annoyed at Anagan.
So yeah, Helia’s conflict is having a case of Impostor syndrome because Anagan’s a foil to him; confident, extroverted, confrontational, and actually bounces off of Flora really well. (Like, I don’t ship Anagan and Flora but the people who do I don’t blame them, it sounds more interesting) Even if Flora doesn’t reciprocate Anagan’s feelings, Helia feels inadequate and is anxious Flora will lose interest and might even break up with him since he’s the anti-social poet of the group. Timmy could even help after his confidence arc in Season 2. He’s not overprotective of Flora like wanting to fight Anagan since it kinda goes against his pacifism but the narrative doesn’t care about that as much as I do :/
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And lastly I think it’s be neat if we saw a more fleshed out dynamic between the Wizards, the best I can think of is when they’re protected by Syllia and Duman almost slips their plan to which Anagan says he’s being whoosy, Orgon complains about being protected by fairies while Gantlos is fine with it.
A lot of the rewrite is focused on fleshing out the wizards because I want complex villains grr, and they’re perfect for it. The Earth Fairies? They’re good but they’re dead in my rewrite soooo-
I like to think Orgon is pretty manipulative of them. Was he always like this? No, but he’s desperate to secure the disappearance of magic from Earth, and his manipulation gets worse and worse as the episodes go on, in the end being threats and guilt-tripping. He still cares but mostly how the wizards can be of service to the Black Circle. And yes Duman is his favorite because he has the best powers. Shapeshifting will always be OP and the best power in my heart.
Anyway that’s all folks. If I make a part 3 it’ll probs cover some other stuff like Jason Queen, which I like his character, it’s perfect for Musa’s development (until they made Bloom the fucking main singer like WHYYY) or perhaps talk about Klaus or Morgana, Tecna and Timmy and more about Nabu. Anyway I’ll go watch some more nostalgic minecraft videos and webtoon rants. See ya!
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shazleen · 10 months
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BUUZA!! Volumes 1-4 are now available for Pre-Order until 31st August!
Order your copy now on Big Cartel
Incase you haven't heard of BUUZA!!...
BUUZA!! follows Sam and Zach; two young people trying to navigate the sprawling nation of Dawlat al Harir. Along the way they meet Musa, a young man who's looking to find his estranged half-brother; Zhen, the very same estranged sibling who strikes up an unlikely, long distance friendship with Zach; and Miriam, the third sibling who's wrapped up in apolitical rivalry with the esteemed Oracle, Daeng Aria bin Dariush, the beloved ruler of the country , who also has a mysterious connection with Sam... BUUZA!! touches on themes of found family, spirituality, cultural identity, marginalisation and diaspora while featuring a full QPOC cast.
You can also read the comic on Webtoon and Tapas for free <3
I'm always so worried to share advertisements for my books on Tumblr! I feel like tumblr is definitely more a creative space, but I wanted to try and advertise this in as many places as possible.
I usually make a new book for BUUZA!! every year, but this year I'm taking a break to focus more on new projects that pay (lol) and promoting Saving Sunshine. But that means I have 3 events on this year which I have 0 stock for...
I often sell out at cons, but it'll take a few thousand to restock properly for my upcoming events! I'm holding the pre-orders now to help me get some funds to reprint the books :,)
Thank you for baring with me!!
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lynpheas · 3 months
vy my beloved big brained winx mutual you simply must ramble about the platonic winx/specialists dynamics i'm actually begging you </3 aldhgl
like,, which ones are your favorite and why! which ones do you want to see more of in canon! which ones are you definitely sure would be great but have zero canon evidence for (tecna helia dynamics my beloved ueghhhh)
i'm a huge huge huge sucker for platonic friendships and i think the biggest personal attack winx club canon has made on ME, vy lynpheas, is that they never really develop... platonic winx and specialist relationships ☹️ i haven't seen s1-3 in a long while but i just rewatched s4 and i'm wracking my brain trying to remember any platonic interactions between the winx and their non-boyfriend specialists. & i got nothing. when there was a 30 second interaction in s5 between sky and flora right before sky got amnesia, my 12 year old self thought about it for months i swear 😭
so i'm just gonna throw out a bunch of fun random pairings i like and how i think their friendship would work because my basic assumption is that EVERYONE is friends with EVERYONE because i want them to be!!!
(also i wrote most of this in oct 2023 and forgot about it but if anyone wants to ask me abt any more platonic pairings i would be so so so down 😭😭)
tecna & riven
okay this dynamic i have a lot of fun thinking about just bc tecna is musa's roommate so she deals with riven on a diff level than the other girls
i think esp early tecna would tend to make snap judgments of people & she immediately thinks riven is like. rude and immature and so everything he does after that point is framed through that lens. & i think riven is primarily motivated by his emotions (at least in terms of his interpersonal relationships) and tecna who is more "logic" based so she doesn't really understand why he acts the way he does. (i put logic in quotes because i do think tecna is biased toward her feelings when it comes to interpersonal relationships, but she sorta confirmation biases herself into thinking her judgment is more factual) & so i think their relationship begins as being vaguely antagonistic/indifferent (ie tecna making snarky comments to the side and riven being like. offended but kinda writing it off by acting like he just doesn't care about tecna), especially because she doesn't see why musa would like such a jerk and thinks musa deserves better.
then i think because of proximity and just facing a lot of mortally perilous conflict together, tecna begins to respect/sympathize with riven a lot more as a strategist because riven is actually like. pretty contemplative about his next moves, and she sees how his abrasive personality obfuscates that and leads to the specialist squad initially just. bulldozing over his ideas bc they're like "oh riven's just an asshole all the time let's go with sky's plan." and i think riven begins to really appreciate and respect tecna's tactical skills but also be slightly envious of how the winx do rely on tecna and trust her judgment. and he tries to learn from her approach: more levelheaded suggestions rather than condescending/combative remarks to express his ideas.
& i think riven's really good friends with timmy (they might be roommates in s1? i don't know if i made that up tho) so when tecna starts showing up more often & he can tell she's very important to timmy, riven makes an effort to be less rude and standoffish toward her, although still awkward. i think this is what especially shatters tecna's preconceptions about riven bc besides her relationship with timmy, he doesn't have any real reason to make nice with her -- especially after she's been pretty rude to him about him and musa.
and then they become pretty decent friends! maybe not super emotionally intimate, but they like, advocate for each other. tecna really utilizes riven's skillsets in her plans and makes sure he isn't overlooked & riven gets more protective over tecna bc he's like. this girl is smart and capable. and even when they don't always see eye-to-eye, she's very kind in her own non-traditional way.
musa & timmy
between riven and tecna, musa sees a Lot of timmy. i think as riven and tecna stop being as icy with one another, the four of them hang out as a group a lot. musa can kinda be the odd one out at times, because tecna and timmy can technobabble together a lot but if they veer into. hovercrafts or battle strategy riven and tecna can get Really into it with each other bc they agree on enough to not argue but have enough strong contrasting opinions to have very spirited conversations. so musa can kinda sit back and watch as timmy gets ousted from the convo and they have solidarity in that LMAO
they're both very chill and timmy is just. super curious about all of musa's hobbies and interests bc he doesn't know Anything abt music or anything. & i feel like timmy is an edm/techno/trap kinda guy & i hc that musa freelance djs at clubs and parties. so timmy is like fascinated by the mechanics of all of that and musa loves talking about music in any capacity so they reach common ground through that. and in turn musa gets interested in like, hovercraft mechanic convos and videogame lore that also helps musa better connect with riven and tecna!!
& i think these conversations evolve into. timmy tagging along with musa to raves LOL like they party it UP together!!! like timmy is pretty self-conscious and awkward at first, but musa really shows him that dancing/enjoying music isn't about how you look or acting cool -- it's just about having fun. and it really brings him out of his shell. timmy's got his white boy dance moves!!! riven goes to musa's shows sometimes but edm gives him a headache and most of the girls like to party but they're not into the subculture at all so they're not consistent participants. but timmy is a yes-man! he always wants to come!
& timmy and musa get fairly close because of this! timmy is such a huge hype man and occasional technician for musa and musa knows she can always rely on timmy to show up for her! and they just learn a lot from each other!
plus because they're both close with the other's respective partners, they like to go to the other for relationship advice because they'll get some unique insight into the problems they're facing. timmy is a huge riven-is-just-misunderstood advocate and musa knows tecna's ins and outs.
musa & timmy besties agenda <3 like i really really just love the idea of their friendship
aisha & riven
this is the only non-romantically involved winx/specialist combo i had actual recollection of interacting before i did my rewatch tbh. or i guess also riven and bloom. riven is just a very notable character LMFAO
anyways, aisha is hyper-independent and riven is prickly and easy to misjudge so. aisha doesn't fuck with him very much at first BUT when she comes into the winx's life she didn't firsthand experience riven double-crossing them w the trix. so she's an asshole to him for like. "i think you're kind of a loser and i don't like men that much in general" reasons instead of "you have personally wronged me" reasons. she challenges him to petty stuff because she likes poking the bear and she finds it kind of entertaining to see him get annoyed and want to prove himself for the sake of his ego, but eventually she just starts genuinely thinking that riven's a pretty decent guy. like, he never tries to undermine her for her skills, he just wants to match and surpass her. and he simultaneously respects her authority but also respects her enough to disagree with her and involve her in certain decisions, where she's used to having to put her foot down to assert herself.
at first riven really just. does not care that there's a new winx girl bc besides musa and maybe bloom they're all kinda the same to him. but then aisha is just kinda mean to him and temporarily hogs his hoverbike so he starts actively disliking her but underneath it all begrudgingly respects her. THEN he finds out she and musa are getting really close and she's actually a princess and he sees her put sky in his place over smth that wouldve irritated the fuck out of riven privately -- and he just starts to really like and respect her.
at first, aisha just likes to aggravate riven bc she initially thinks he's kind of standoffish and takes himself too seriously. so they'll be walking with the group and she'll all of a sudden be like "bet i can reach that tree faster than you" and riven's like "what are you talking about" "so you know you're gonna lose?" "uh, fuck no, you're on" and suddenly they're sprinting past everyone else and leaving them in the dust. but aisha tends to win these little competitions and eventually after she starts genuinely liking riven, she gets bored of trying to get a rise out of him. but riven still thinks she's cool asf and wants her to realize that he's actually Not A Loser so he's the one that ends up instigating more often.
their friendship is mostly characterized by them just. egging each other on. bet you can't do more hoverboard tricks than me. bet you can't do a backflip on the spot. bet you can't tell musa you haven't listened to her mixtape yet. bet you can't let stella give you a makeover. bet you can't swing from that vine across that canyon. holy shit riven ur lucky i have wings otherwise you would've died. nah i knew i could trust you.
like honestly riven is basically just aisha and tecna's kid brother. with aisha specifically he just rly wants to prove himself to her lmfao. little does he know, aisha already thinks he's cool but she will never ever ever tell him that.
stella & sky
so canonically stella has probably never met sky before red fountain in order to be able to pull off the whole name-switch situation, but i think it'd be fun if they had at least some awareness of each other before going to school from being the royals of their respective realms. like you can't tell me they've never attended the princess balls of some realm that's mutually allied with eraklyon and solaria! if anything, as his squire, brandon and sky must've always attended events together and been so close/tight-knit that a lot of people weren't exactly sure who was who, just that the duo themselves were sky and his squire. (because sky also barely looks like his parents lmfao)
i like to think that stella is extremely put off by sky for multiple reasons, including that he ultimately fucked up her relationship and completely broke bloom's trust. and pettily she sorta vows to make sure solaria and eraklyon never have good relations ever again. sky's like. well, can't let that happen + i need to be on stella's good side for the sake of brandon/bloom
and i think this results in him just like !! slowly trying to initiate a relationship with stella, like if he agrees with her about something he'll go out of his way to make it known he agrees with her. and just making comments and stuff to get on her good side
and stella sees right thru this lmfao she's like ok... i see your game... and i don't respect it... but she fully just leans into it and if sky is saying some kind of affirmative to an outrageous idea she has she's just like ok bet. put your money where your mouth is
which is how sky ends up in a lot of ridiculous situations because of stella like maybe during a mission stella suggests going down a path everyone else is hesitant about, and sky is also hesitant but he doesn't necessarily DISagree with her so he loudly corroborates her plan and then. it's just the two of them who get sent down that path and then get fucking eaten by a venus flytrap monster or smth idk. or sky ends up being stella's mannequin for like 12 hours straight while she figures out draping. or he ends up accompanying her to a stuffy ball where everyone around her is condescending her
and then eventually they'll just have more and more moments where they're spending time together like one on one and theyre like???? hey we actually do have a lot in common because of our upbringings and we can give each other diff perspectives about how to deal with the expectations that were imposed on us growing up
like stella has reacted to being in the spotlight as a princess by being aggressively and unapologetically herself. shes not afraid of fucking up but shes like inifinitely empathetic and kindhearted. sky is kinda the opposite where he's always tried to mold himself into expectations and really lean into this idea of being a leader-prince charming type guy. and basically they teach each other how to Be A Royal in a way that allows them to be their truest selves. like sky helps stella figure out how to use Royalty Etiquette and Rules to get her way and stella helps sky figure out how to let loose and not be so bogged down by duty all the time
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thequietesthing · 2 years
so i finished Fate:The Winx Saga season 2…….
…….i freaking loved it!!!
i mean season 1 was cute, something nice to watch especially if you, like me, used to watch the animated show as a kid, and wanted to be brought back to that world
but season 2 slapped!! i loved it!! idk why but it had that something more.
i guess it felt like while in S1 the story was completely revolving around Bloom, just focusing on her growth and her adapting to the Otherworld, in S2 we know that Bloom is important because we finally discover that she has the Dragon Flame and is the only one that can best Sebastian, still it allowed other characters to have their own stories and development. Also Sebastian surname being Valtor… we love a good reference
I loved all the other side-stories: Aisha & Grey, when i found out he was a blood witch i was like OwO
Terra storyline was so sweet!! Flora also is a great addition to the ensemble and i liked it how she is different than how she is in the animated series (since her personality is already portrayed by Terra), it would have been boring otherwise
Bloom and Sky… they are adorable, incredible chemistry and it shows, all their scenes were either absolutely lovely or absolutely heartbreaking
Stella and Beatrix: yes please! i loved them together! two sassy queens dealing with a lot of shit, i hope Beatrix comes back (also she has two sister Isobel and D’arcy!! the way i SCREAMED, i feel the trix are coming)
then my beloved Musa and Riven: i love love love love love them, Musa storyline was brilliant this season and i love how they showed Riven growth (less of an asshole and more similar to the Riven in the animated series)
i also liked the way the gave Farah a proper farewell (they shipped her away from westeros for that scene lol)
ahhhhh the more i think about it the more i love this season
brian young did his homework this time!!
in general, i really liked it and i think that a second rewatch is going to happen very soon
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doodlegraveyard · 6 months
I also wanted to know how you felt about the pixies and if you were going to use them in your au
@seth-the-whalelord you are two for two on 'asking very simple questions that send me into a brain spiral' lol thank you this is. actually very useful for getting me to figure this stuff out. This is what i've gotten to write thru on my lunch break.
So! Pixies.
Once again I have no idea if I’m about to spout an Unpopular Opinion or not but…..I don’t like…..little, ‘Mascot’ characters. And I tend not to like the Pixies. Theyre trying Too Hard to be Beloved and it CAN be pulled off..........but I’m sorry I can’t stand their shrill little voices………………
I GET that it’s a kids show and you want little critters to appeal to little kids and sell toys of but like… the cast of Winx is HUGE and bloated at a baseline?? Like the Winx and Specialists by themselves are already so much to deal with. I will say upon rewatch, the Pixies are definitely better than like, any of the other little critters they add in later seasons. There are definitely episodes where the pixies Work and aren't completely overwhelming, and they're liked enough to be worth keeping, conceptually.
I like the idea of the pixies being plot relevant to the fairies development, and I actually have been thinking about explicitly tying them to charmix (or, idk if I’m keeping the concept of Charmix entirely intact because its BARELY a form. But i guess it can remain as a concept, and as a stepping stone to leveling up a fairy has to get her pixie/charmix (so its a standard step not just something the Winx girls have)
I really like how Amore and Chatta specifically contrast Stella/Flora’s respective personalities, because it brings to mind to me that charmix is supposed to be about overcoming some personal fear or weakness/character flaw, it makes sense to me to tie them together.
THAT SAID some of the pixie/fairy relationships are stronger than others.
Lockette’s theming as Pixie of Portals/a wayfinder can be styled as helping Bloom who is currently feeling ‘lost’ in an unfamiliar world, help her navigate both herself learning about and her newly discovered backstory/identity. I think that pretty much works: Lockette encourages Bloom to find the truth even if she’s kind of afraid to/ has been avoiding it. Amore’s calm peacekeeper demeanor definitely helps to temper Stella, and I feel like she could help deal with issues of not just romantic love but her relationships with her friends and her parents. I think Stella is full of love and affection, but doesn’t always show it / in the most considerate way.
Chatta forcing Flora to talk to Helia about her feelings is a pretty good example of what she brings to the table there, though I never want it to be just flattened to Flora’s romantic subplot - Flora could do with speaking up more in general! Have her forced to intercede in a friend conflict or assert herself when previously she was just letting the group overrule her!
Piff. I am conflicted about. Because like… she’s just a fuckin’ baby. there's a limited amount of personality there. She's sleepy. She's baby. I guess I think it’s cute that she helps Aisha with her bad dreams. I knee-jerk wondered if it was in bad taste to ‘mom-ify’ Aisha by giving her effectively a baby to care for but it really doesn’t read like that too much because Aisha is arguably one of the best-written and most complex of the girls. Piff could play a dual role - as someone Aisha has to stand up for and be brave for, but also a manifestation of childish wonder, to push Aisha to enjoy things she maybe didn’t have the opportunity to experience as a kid.
Tune is where it starts to lose me. I get it, Musa is tomboyish and brash and Tune is about manners but that really doesn’t feel as…important a problem to deal with? I feel like it may be a thing where Musa has to like… repair difficult relationships she has that are made rockier by how quick she is to argue, or maybe take responsibility for mistakes - like a formal apology and maturely talking about things rather than being avoidant? I’m not sure it’s best styled as ‘Etiquette’ if that’s the case. I’m taking suggestions on this one idk.
Aaaaaand they didn’t even try with Digit. She’s just a Flanderized version of Tecna. It doesn’t feel like she contrasts or challenges Tecna’s personality in any interesting way...Idk I kind of feel like she has to be changed whole cloth?
I know they replaced Tune and Digit but I’m not as familiar with Cherie or Caramel. I might look into whether their concepts work better for Musa and Tecna character arcs as they are currently swirling around in my head. What's the general consensus on those two?
My design thoughts are. I want to make the pixies much more…. Abstract I guess? What if they’re not their own species as much as concentrated sparks of magic - Fairies generate a lot of excess magic, hence ‘their pixie’ is actually a part of them - a little external manifestation of their magic fissured off my whatever internal conflicts or unaddressed needs they have, and resolving that allows them to re fuse with the Fairy? (Bonus: pixies are only around when relevant and I can poof them away when I don’t want them in a scene lol)
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piristephes · 28 days
Afrodite armada, da lança entre os dedos A Deusa amada de todos gracejos Berço de espuma, cabelo violáceo Insigne figura, semblante esbelto. Saúde-a ó Musa, entendida dos amores, Adocicada senhora, Deusa dos esplendores. Que desprende a raiva em cálida doçura Que compreende a tristeza e afasta amargura.
A Mãe dos Desejos com mãos gentis Voz calmante que incita o sorrir. Venha ó Donzela, sobre ondas caminhas Meu coração acalenta e seus braços aninha.
Armed Aphrodite, spear between fingers The beloved Goddess of all jests Of foam she was born, violet hair Remarkable figure, slender appearance.
Salute her, O Muse, she-who-knows of love, Sweet lady, Goddess of splendours. Who releases anger in warm sweetness Who understands sadness and drives away bitterness.
The Mother of Desires with gentlest hands Calming voice that encourages smile most grand Come, O Maiden, walking over the waves Warm my heart, nesting it in thy very arms.
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skylaryozora · 2 years
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Reposting my old Rivusa drawing here on Tumblr because you need to see those as well in case you haven't seen them on IG!
I imagine Musa hearing this kind of jokes not only from her beloved, but also from the rest of her friends (mostly Stella and Aisha, probably), at least once in a while haha.
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floralovebot · 6 months
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winx club x kpop au my beloved.......
some headcanons below!!
i CANNOT stop thinking about this i'm going insane !!!
here's a playlist i made for them! it includes group songs and solo songs :)
personally if the winx were a kpop group, i think their music would be very similar to their canon music (ie superheroes, we're magic all the way, etcetc). so very girlie pop and the occasional ballad and pop rock song.
i typically think of this au as very canon-aligned (though not canon-compliant) so most of the canon dynamics are part of it!
bloom is the leader and a main vocalist
stella is a lead dancer and lead vocalist
flora is a lead dancer and vocalist
musa is a main vocalist! she also helps make a lot of their songs via lyrics, composing, and producing. i picture musa as being the triple threat and/or ace of the group so she's good at everything, but her Official position is main vocalist
aisha is the main dancer and a vocalist
tecna is a vocalist and the main rapper (think dreamcatcher's dami!)
i don't like the "visual" position tbh but if we're trying to be authentic then it'd be stella and maybe flora too
the little bottom left chibi is holding their lightstick <3
and again, if we're being authentic, musa, stella, and flora would be the most popular members (this is based on my knowledge of other kpop groups and what fanbases and the general public tend to like the most). stella and flora would be considered the "faces of the group" ie they're the most well known amongst the gp
the most popular group ships would be solarflare and flowerwave (or did we decide to go with petalwave... i never remember for them oops)
bloom would get into scandals because she's often the center member and solo stans and trix stans would hate on her for trying to steal the spotlight ajdhf
their introduction/greeting thing would be like canon so they would say "magic winx! hello yadda yadda" and their hand sign would be the crossed peace signs :) (idc that it's later seasons propaganda it's cute !!!)
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oh also the little duo pics aren't meant to be outfits for the same song/stage, i just wanted to do close ups :) i also touched them up a little so they look better in the duo ones!
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