#more poyos
mosygrotto · 3 months
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Poyo poyo 💛💛💛
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zeroarmsgrani · 1 year
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digimon huecember no. 10 — psychemon
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konoa-t · 8 months
Teehee he’s so silly
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starlytenight · 1 year
Just out of curiosity, can you remind me what Kirby's lineage in this au is? Didn't you say he had some non-puff in there, delaying his speech...?
Sure thing!
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He's one of the rare half-breeds on the family tree, part Batamon and part Puff. More Puff than Batamon, unlike Dyasporo, though.
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Dya is more Batamon than Puff making him have less emotional responses and his wings don't work properly. Kirby's will function and grow as intended but with some oddities to them. (His cosmic wings are really unusual.)
His part Batamon lineage will also affect his growth. Dya is permanently shorter than a baby Puff (mostly thanks to being stuck in a lab with little nutrition but he was always going to be short from Batamon being dominant for him). But for Kirby...
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Meta gets to enjoy that baby staying a short stack.
Kirby doesn't mind though. Means he can still hide in Meta's warm cape-wings even as a full grown adult.
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spheredotorb · 2 months
found a kirby fanmanga series that does a very deep dive into the lore of forgotten land and im inhaling it all. also all the waddle dees are so so so autistic
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
Making the funny sounds Mika makes is very easy step 1) be autistic
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angrybatart · 2 years
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Idea I got while sifting through my tired thoughts after work today: Kirby with OTHER Street Fighter characters' powers. (And how he would probably look.) Kirby was one of my favorite games growing up, and I always had a little bit of fun playing as him in Smash Bros. So far, both are characters I don't have yet or have ever played as in any Street Fighter game. So I can't say what powers he'd get from them. Other than fire and ice from Gill, and EARTH POWER from G.
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I LOVE how the Gill one has come out so far. Line down the center of the face is there for when I get around to coloring him in. The hair was fun, and tricky, to draw. (My sibling thought he was wearing a wig.)
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Not....quite as pleased with G!Kirby, but that just means I can always mess with it and try to fix it, or just re-do it. Still cutesy looking in my opinion! So was the idea and concept!
Kirby probably shouldn't be waving like that since that's his taunt (from what I remember from Smash Bros. and Smash Bros. Melee) and that always removes whatever power he has. More on the way!
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antaresr · 11 months
a friend commissioned me to draw some emotes for his twitch channel, it was so much fun and i really feel proud of the pokedragon ball! ✨
I keep experimenting with my drawing style 🤭
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ended up binging all of Chew the past few days. fun comic.
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arc-misadventures · 2 months
Jaune FMK: Rosalina, Princess Peach, or Princess Daisy
Jaune: MFK XI
Nora: Jaune!
Jaune: Is it time for more, MFK?
Nora: Yes!
Jaune: Haaa… shit. Okay, who is it this time?
Nora: Who would you, MFK between, Rosalina, Princess Peach, and Princess Daisy?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Bitch.
Nora: Eh?
Jaune: Smash, Daisy, breed, Peach, and marry, Rosalina.
Nora: Hey; the MSB, we’re doing MFK!
Jaune: You gave me those three as the choices, and expect me to kill one of them? How crazy are you?
Nora: Shit, why did I say that with those three girls, I’d smash them all if I could.
Jaune: Honestly I’m not a big, Nintendo fan so I’m mostly just basing my choices on their looks.
Nora: Oh… But, what would you say if… Velvet was, Daisy. Yang was Peach, and Glynda was Rosalina? Would that change things up?
Jaune: Mmm no it would still stay the same.
Nora: Really? But, don’t you want to bang your favourite, Nintendo princess?
Jaune: I’m not really into them. My favourite, Nintendo character is, Kirby, not the princesses anyway.
Nora: Oh so you would be okay with banging me then~?
Jaune: W-What are you talking about?
Nora: Out of all the girls I would be, Kirby~!
Jaune: And, why is that?
Nora: Because we share so much in common: We’re both pink. We’re adorable. We have unending appetites. And, most importantly, we’re really good at sucking~!
Jaune: Well… Now I am both scared, and aroused. Thanks for that…
Nora: I can fix that for you if you want~!
Jaune: Uhhhh…?!
Nora: Hey, Jaune~?
Jaune: Y-Yes…?
Nora: Poyo~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Fuck.
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augustastr0 · 2 months
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:] WAWA AND POYO! XD here’s More Kirby and BWD (Bandana Waddle Dee) these sketches I made at school!
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lilly-chou-chou · 3 months
Evolution of Gyaru
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Hello everyone the long awaited post is here!! Sorry for the delay I has gone back to my he country to celebrate Lunar New Year.
As we all know Gyaru was and still is one of the most important fashion movement in the history because it's roots of opposing the "good girl" and "submissive" societal views of women that Japan had imposed into them.
During 90's with Namie Amuro being the first idol ever to popularize the Gyaru culture created a huge wave of community in all over Japan which eventually created many subcultures under it, over the years gyarus blossomed for 2 decades heavily but around early-mid 2010's the culture slowly died because people were now really trying to shun them out of the society, gyarus was losing it's popularity and old gyarus were getting to age of finding jobs or trying to get married yet the culture is still alive. There have been multiple support and love coming from international fans too.
Egg magazine, which is holy grail for us gyarus followers is still up and running to this day <3
Today i'll show you just a little glimpse of modern gyaru. Hopefully this will help new followers too.
Gyaru of the past:-
So let's start with how gyarus are usually seen, pictures below are gyarus from their peak eras so definitely from 90's to 2000's. They are all different subcultures but they all have one thing in common the eye makeup, gyarus were and are still known for their beautiful luscious eye makeup. They are what you call
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They were our guide, our mothers and everything! Gyaru has always been the most supportive community to ever exist, over here women were allowed to cuss, they were allowed to be brash, they were allowed to have male friends without the judgement of two goody shoes with insecurities, they were allowed to wear clothes that liberated them doesn't matter short or modest.
People often forget that gyaru exists more than manba, agejo and kogal, few of the modest and lesser knows subcultures are amekaji and roma gyaru, although amekaji is is blue eyed perfect grass is greener on the other side take of American inspired fashion. Either way it is one of the most fun subculture to exist.
We as gyaru followers ow everything to these past mother figures, without them and without brands like alba rosa, D.I.A and MA*RS we and egg Magazine teaching us what? How? And why? We would never thrive in this era. We owe it to them all even after decades and decades the magazines, scans and tutorials on YouTube by the OG gyarus have done it all <3
Modern Gyaru:-
The pictures below are the present models of Egg magazine. The last OG gyaru issue was stopped in 2014 which was Egg last physical print of magazine but in 2018 Egg came back as online magazine.
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A lot has changed in gyaru world. Long gone are the days of owning specific clothing brand or even wearing clothes that resemble even the least of typical gyaru fashion. The only key point which hasn't changed is eye makeup because that is utmost necessary thing for a gyal to have.
Over the years of almost dying to again alive fashion culture the meaning of gyaru has changed a lot, from dressing like the OG gyarus we have now evolved to the whole "gal is mind" mindset, now in this era dressing up as gyal doesn't mean that much because you can still have pointy acrylic nails, iconic eye makeup, wear casual clothes and still be a gyaru.
These days even the gyaru slangs have changed so much like instead of poyo, atonsu, pachikoku now we use yarirafi, kyun-desu, daijuobu-so?, tobu-zo and so on.
Although there are egg models that still somewhat follow OG gyaru fashion like @ / mahiroisme (left) and @ / kae. 06256 (right) on IG.
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By this post I just wanted to show that as time passes it is inevitable that everything changes and fashion changing is a no brainer. What is hate is companies capitalizing and making their own rules for lure in newbies gyals who would do anything to "fit in" and ring the nostalgia bell for old gyarus and all I have to say is that no, you don't have to spend 100-500$ on eBay trying to find the OG gyaru brands because you can definitely wear your own casual clothes and still be a gyaru because if egg magazine who raised whole generation of x gen, millennials and Gen Z of gyarus then who are we to judge them?
Although if you still wish to dress up like OG then I definitely recommend finding clothes that match the subculture that you want to follow for example I follow agejo, Tsuyome and kogal so I shop in Amazon, local stores, Instagram stores, I order clothes fr abroad the most helpful and fast way to do that finding a vendor and my vendors are all from Instagram. Hope this helps.
I will meet you all in my next post bye gyals <3
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konoa-t · 1 year
Crop of a small doodle I did :^) its the BOY
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lanzamoony · 4 months
HUGS! (ft. Kirby characters) pt.1
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(Not proofread) Kirby
He's my baby, He's our baby. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
He'll be more than happy to hug you if he knows you. After all, (almost) everyone is his friend!
He'll make happy sounds, and will ask you to hold him.
May or may not fall asleep in your arms...
He doesn't need a reason, he's just made of love <3
But if I had to write about any situation... it'd be this:
You had a rough day, Meta Knight's hard training lessons, Dedede's nagging, and various things that just drained your energy. You were in the beach, looking at the sea as your thought started to fill your mind. If only you could mute your consciousness...
What you didn't notice, however, was the small heroe next to you, who let out a concerned "poyo?" At the sight of a sad friend.
You didn't notice him run away either, but you did saw him running back to you with some apples. He sat next to you and gave you one of them happily, as if he were trying to cheer you up. He listened to your problems, and even if he didn't understand some of them, he comforted you as best as he could.
You two saw the sunset begin, and he jumped in your arms. It was int that moment that you realize that you'll always have a friend who's willing to listen to you, no matter what. Although he may fall asleep in your arms after that, like what was happening at the moment.
Meta knight
No. At least, not without asking for permission.
Let's be honest, he's a cold knight and even if he cares for his friends he's not a fan of physical contact.
So it takes a lot, A LOT of hard work to get him to trust you. Many battles and long training sessions, nights of talking and insufferable scolding during hikes.
He does that because he cares for your safety, but you're still a stranger to him. Though, your resilience and kindness have surprised this stoic knight.
Seeing you work hard and smile everyday was suspicious, not many are able to pass his training...
But one day, he saw you crying in your quarters out of exhaustion. He felt... guilty.
So he decided to set his ego to the side and apologize.
Try to imagine the expression under his mask when you told him you just wanted to make him proud because you didn't feel like you belonged to dreamland. :(
He hugged you. It was akward, yes, but it's the thought that matters. He feels bad for you, after all.
Meta had the great Idea of asking you to meet up for lunch the next day, to get to know eachother.
King Dedede
In his defense, he was very cold.
Winter in Dreamland, a strange sight but always welcomed by the most playful ones.
You came to Dreamland not too long ago, and the self-claimed king has hated you ever since. I mean, getting back at him for his insults is so unfair....! (Cue him throwing a fit at poor escargoon because you always manage to see him coming at you with a new scheme to ruin your day)
So when he saw you giving away sweet, hot chocolate to people in the town, he became furious (He wanted you to offer him hot chocolate too). He got closer to throw subtle comments about your chocolate not being tasty, and it ended up in a snowball fight.
What he didn't expect, was you covering him completely in snow.
It seems like Meta knight's training was worth it, after all.
This all leads us to the current situation: him having catched a cold and staying in your guest room at the castle. "It was your fault, you take care of him" (Escargoon's words).
He looked at your figure entering the bedroom with some (burning hot) soup and a cup, not really being in the mood to take medicine. You had to practically force him to finish the soup, but there were no problems when he realized the mysterious cup was filled with your hot chocolate.
After that, when the tiredness started to kick in, you decided it was a good moment to get to know him. Turns out he's not that bad, he's just... lonely. And traumatized (For everything that happens to him in the games).
You were about to go away, but he stopped you. You were about to ask why, when he sat up amd wrapped his arms around you. "Please" was the only thing he said. You really couldn't say no, huh?
You may have gotten a cold last night, but hey, at least you don't have a tyrant making your life impossible everyday! Now, you just have a whiny penguin nagging you with his schemes and plans. If you already understood Escargoon's suffering, now you two bond over it. Waddle Dee's
It was an average friday. You used to watch movies every friday night before coming to Dreamland, and it didn't change since there were TV's here too.
You put on whatever movie you could find, grabbed some snacks, a blanket, and sat on the couch. Everything was normal, until you heard a soft knock on the door. It was Bandana Waddle Dee, who came to see if you were doing alright. You cpuld tell he was happy when you offered him to sit next to you.
You talked to him through the entire movie, sharing the snacks and the blankets, carrying him to his quarters when he fell asleep. (He's so pure I can't-)
He came back the next friday, and the next, but that time he brought two other Waddle Dee's with him, claiming that they were following him. Fortunately, you had more that enough snacks for everyone.
But as weeks passed, your room started to get more crowded, to the point that you had to improvise a projector in the gardens and organise the snack and blankets/pillows situation.
By the time two months had passed, and you moved to the plaza (people like Dedede, Escargoon or Meta Knight may be in the crowd, but disguised or hidden, trying not to be suspicious they are).
However, you'll always be surrounded by a pile of happy Waddle Dee's, with any lucky one sleeping in your arms. It's safe to say that they absolutely adore you.
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Me writing the day before an exam bc I'm just that awesome (The anxiety creature is whispering in my ear)-
Ok first of all, I want to let you know that I'm aware that you can't catch a cold for not wearing a coat or being cold, it's just series/games/fanfic logic. I just feel the need to clarify this..
So yeah
I'm tired. (Zzz)
I wanted to be Susie in life but I feel like I'm slowly turning into Escargoon-
Anyways have a good day/night!
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Kirby: Pupupu Hero - Volume 1, Chapter 9 English Translation
It's a brand-new series! Kirby: Pupupu Hero is brought to us by Kei Aoki and Mikamaru and though it only uses game characters, it seems to be based on the anime. Notable similarities between the two include Chef Kawasaki being a bad cook, Kirby saying "poyo" a lot, and King Dedede being pretty much a one-dimensional bad guy (sorry, Dedede fans). It also bucks manga trend by having the panels be read left-to-right.
The first several chapters of this have already been translated on MangaDex (read 'em here), so I decided to start with the first chapter that hasn't. Fittingly for my current life circumstances, it's about Kirby getting a job! Will the warp star allow Kirby to find success as a deliveryman, or will King Dedede run him out of business and out of town? Find out by reading the full chapter at the following links:
Google Drive
Big thanks to @deafeninggardenerpanda for helping with the clean-up art on this one!
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The hour of the job approacheth for me, so unfortunately I cannot guarantee I'll be able to make any more posts before I ship out. Happy reading and I'll see you guys next time, whenever that may be!
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Curious about this: What’ll happen to Tiff?
Also I love the AU!! Keep up the good work!
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Guys I strongly suggest you read the first few chapters of The Knightmare's End for context... (it won't make sense).
I also want to take this chance to say:
The story is not only about Kirby becoming a Star Warrior, it's him growing up wanting to be one as well.
I guess you could consider this a continuation of these two previous posts: Post 1 & Post 2
Also wanted to do a Dame Morgan updated mask reveal (and being a little troll)~ Still don't know who I'm gonna put in the Kirby OC Tournament.
And spoilers ahead if you choose to keep reading.
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When I first wrote the story (a few years ago), I struggled to make Tiff a part of the story...
When mixing anime & game lore (of the Kirby series), it was difficult to find a purpose for Tiff & Tuff... especially after MK's reveal. I didn't want to just regulate them as support y' know. The role of Kirby's love & supporting guardian is no longer Tiff's.
What's the point if they're just going to stand around and make commentary? How do I make them in this story meaningful?
And when I came back to the story I realized something "Why don't I make that the conflict!" (Something to conflict with Kirby... the emotional conflict of the story.. let's make it meaningful."
Tiff & Tuff, in a sense, represents Kirby's "childhood" period in the series; Kirby grows in the series, and slowly, he realizes more of what he wants in life. I didn't set up the conflict with the cappies for nothing. The events of anime & the Knightmare's end carry.
It makes him realize how much of an outsider he is from the cappies. (and wanting to kick him out at the end of the series along with all the times they bullied Kirby too...)
They (the cappies) know it... and Tiff (being the problem solver she is) tries to fix it... which goes terribly! (And the whole: Kirby overhearing Tiff admitting she never wanted to be Kirby's guardian doesn't help the situation at all...)
This comes across as dismissive of Kirby's feelings... ouch! There are no more monsters to fight & Nightmare's gone... why are the problems still here. Making Kirby feel more isolated from everyone in town... (was it just him...)
This is why he opts to be with Meta Knight & his crew... more avoiding the (problem)... This is where basically Meta Knight reveals his (MK) past to Kirby. (Him being the cursed star & finding Jecra, Garlude & Team Halberd- the OG crew)
MK: Thought I was going to be an outcast forever... But I found my people you'll... find your people one day too.
Kirby: Poyo- Ka-bi's people?
Kirby re-establishing and growing a stronger bond with MK. And, of course, the new threat arrives... Dark Matter!
Throughout the series, Kirby does meet (his) people who seem to understand him better & know what he's going through. Through the madness, gaining a set of friends who know how to support him:
Kirby's People: The Star Allies - Highkey, the Star Allies (unintentionally) become Kirby's emotional support group.
Tiff & Tuff don't really trust Kirby's other set of new friends (the former baddies that tried to take over Dreamland... namely King Dedede, and Marx...). But this is what (sadly starts the drift (which I have hinted at in Marx's arch).
But by the time they're kinda let back into the loop and they forgive each other but it's never the same as it was. (Fall out during Marx's story& they make up before Planet Robot). (And have completely forgiven the former villains... KD & Marx)
They feel so out of place with Kirby's new fantastical friends who seem to fit in & understand him better... where does that leave them (Tiff & Tuff)? The group seems to have their own dynamic, with their little set of inside jokes... and Kirby's changed tremendously... It's almost as if Kirby's outgrown them...
And it's this unlikely rag-tag of reformed villains to friends that make him realize, "Hey, I really do want to be a star warrior... travel around the world, see distant lands, learn about other places, meet new people & make new friends, and help the lost become the better versions of themselves but..." He doesn't want to be Dreamland's hero...
One day Kirby has a big announcement! Inviting everyone to Dreamland & Star Allies, to share the news. Kirby is excited to share the news.
(After Kirby & the Forgotten Land... I made Star Allies the finale.)
Kirby: Guys, the galaxy council recognized Star Allies as an official group and we've been given a planet to make our own base!
Knuckle Joe: ALL OURS!?
MK: That's right *pats Kirby's head* "Brehmuhm" (the planet that was given to Kirby), and all Star Allies it's be considered almost another branch to the GSA. That's lead under Kirby!
Kirby:* shows the set of plans to everyone* It can be our own personal quarters that you guys can visit & stay whenever you want.
Adeline: Wait, we can live there too?
Kirby: Yup, it's set up in the part of the galaxy where everyone can access it, and it's right next door to the GSA base... Of course, I'll be overseeing the plans with Meta Knight there-
Tiff: Wait Kirby I-
Magolor: Hey, I thought you were gonna stay with us in Halcandara for a month?
Kirby: I still am I just have to check in with MK at the GSA HQ at the end of each week.
Tiff: Hold on-
Bandee: Me & Kirby plan to tour around for about a year before uh-oh
Tiff: Before what?
Kirby & Bandee had planned to take a tour around the galaxy. And the first place he's planning to stay is HALCANDRA BABY (Marx & Magalor)! Then next month Ripple Star (Adeline & Ribbon), then Floralia (Taranza), and ending the tour with Patchland (Prince Fluff) and dropping Bandee home. (Basically where all the Star Allies live... I did not want to list all places but you get the idea.)
This tour was to help establish diplomatic ties throughout the galaxies for the GSA (but lowkey, it was just an excuse to buy Kirby a year-long vacation).
Then Kirby formerly planning to move into the Star Ally base with Meta Knight and the rest of his crew and start his formal training with the Star Warrior in the GSA headquarters. (Becoming a cadet.)
(This was before Meta Knight became leader... and they didn't know that he was going to become the leader of the GSA, so yeah they were gonna have to move there any way either way~)
Kirby does pass the baton down to King Dedede (who has grown to be a true king and defender of Dreamland). Which I did hint at here: (sorry for my second blog that doesn't get much attention due to the spoiler nature of it due to it being a prelude of the future....)
So Kirby was planning to officially step down as their hero and hand it over to King Dedede, announcing his departure from Dreamland in two months, and then go on tour with Bandee the week after.
Needless to say yeah they're not happy about Kirby suddenly announcing his departure... But what specifically happens to Tiff well... it's Morgan-related but that's for later~
This is basically a water-down version of events, so if it doesn't seem like it makes sense, it does (there are just a few things in the middle I wanna keep a surprise...) but, it all makes sense in the end, I promise.
(I may want to change up how happens, but yup this is the gist of it!)
Brehmuhm is actually a reference to the fairy tale: The Town Musicians of Bremen by the Brothers Grimm. It's just the pronunciation of "Bremen" spelled out for~ (If you know the fairy tale you know why I chose to name it Bremen :3)
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