#moge ko x reader
thewiredgarden · 1 year
Could I request sfw of Moge-ko realizing she's pregnant with the male so's child?
Actually used this prompt as my starting point for Mogeko March 2023! I do hope you enjoy.
Moge-ko stared down at the test in her hands before mindlessly tossing it into the overflowing trash can and grabbing the fifth one that day. She did everything it said, pee on the stick and wait. Positive. Again. She let out a shout of frustration, turning the whole bathroom into a twister of destruction. Y/N practically jumped out of his skin as he heard the crashing and banging coming from the bathroom. He nervously leaned over and knocked, pressing his ear against the door. 
“Moge-ko are you okay in there? I…think I heard something fall?” That was, of course, a bit of an understatement but with her temper it was better to play the fool rather than be more direct. The sounds of destruction stopped and the long seconds of silence turned into a full minute. Now he was worried she had somehow hurt herself.
“I’m fine.” She finally answered, just when Y/N had resolved to open the door. Moge-ko slowly opened the door with a sour look in her eye as she stared at the ground. Y/N glanced into the room and physically winced as he saw that practically everything was ripped apart. That’s when the pink tests caught his eye. He stared at them and the little screen on each one blinking with the same word. Positive. Both went silent at that moment, walking to the bed near the bathroom and sitting down next to each other. Silence, it was hard to believe that a lack of sound could be so heavy.
“…Are you mad because….it’s happening or because…it’s with me?” To play the fool wouldn’t work anymore, he had to address the problem directly. Moge-ko looked enraged for a moment before letting it go and laying back on the bed.
“Cause it’s happening. I couldn’t be happier that it’s with you, but I don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s scary. And scary makes me angry.” She huffed loudly, putting a hand on her stomach as she stared at the ceiling. Y/N laid down next to her, before reaching over and gently pulling her into a hug. He had a smile, one that showed just how scared he was as well.
“Well, I…don’t really know what’s going to happen either. But I know you’re strong, and that you’ll figure it out. And if you can’t figure it out, you’ll be able to power your way through it.” Moge-ko snorted a bit, pressed their noses together, her face finally releasing the scowl and turning into a playful smirk.
“You’re the one that’s supposed to figure things out, pet.” She kissed him softly, looking down at her stomach under her hand. “But you’re right, it’s going to be okay. Because this little bug is gonna have me as a mom and you as a dad~”
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poorxsouls · 22 days
Yandere Moge-Ko (=^ ◡ ^=)!!
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Yandere type: sadistic + bratty
TW: murder, killing, slight spoliers, torture/sadism, violence, fem reader, she/her + feminine names for reader, yandere(isk) behavior in general, etc.
CW: Moge-ko created by DPS(deep sea prisoner)/Funamusea, mentions of Mogeko(s), Yonaka/Lord Prosciutto, slight DefectYona (defect Mogeko x Yonaka),
Tags: DPS, deepseaprisoner, Funamusea, okegom, mogeko, okegom x reader, mogeko x reader, Moge-ko, Moge-ko x reader, x reader, character x reader, yandere, yandere x reader
Requested by @Fr1endWe1rdo on Wattpad
-You are very unlucky either way if the Yonaka castle happens or not, you can't stand against her in any possible way (expect for many in bed—but that's a maybe). Of course shes not as horrible as most yanderes (*ahem* Fumus), but she clearly is someone who you shouldn't risk being kind to her. the mogekos/Lord Prosciutto gift you towards her so they don't have to deal with her brattiness.
-To start off with, Moge-ko is still a Mogeko. So, as a result, expect her sick and (extremely grossly) pervy with you even before staring to grow "feelings" for you (such as love). Most of the times she enjoys "playing" with you—feeling a horrible type of happiness whenever you scream, plea, or cry due to her lack of carefulness when it comes to you.
-But, if you're obedient and good—which will help you in the long run, you'll get a bit more nicer than most when it comes to the aftermath. Once she's done with "playing" with you, she lets you rest on bed and will stare at your sleeping face—enjoying seeing your passed out expression from the exhaustion. But—doing the opposite, disobeying her, you often end up being chained up to the ground after she beats you to a pulp. ((Both are better than giving up—if you do give up, you often get killed off by her)).
-Due to Lord Prosciutto being busy with (Angel) defect Mogeko, Moge-ko has more free time to do wholesome dates with you—or at least as wholesome as it gets. Thanks to Lord Prosciutto technically being your master (despite how many times Moge-ko forces you to call her mistress), Lord Prosciutto doesn't mind threading Moge-ko by using your name.
"Now, now, now... you aren't forgetting your place, are you? Hey, if you don't want your pet to be my new toy instead of you, you better not talk back to me again unless you want her to suffer your consequences instead",
is something that Moge-ko always shivers about whenever Lord Prosciutto puts her in her place—so as a consequence, Moge-ko often becomes quick to anger, being jealous, and so much more to the point she often forces you to stay inside her room and only lets you go (when she decides to).
-In conclusion, she's horrible—but also annoying. She often CAN be reduced into a pathetic pet (especially during the normal end), but her yanderism does often make her more sad than pathetic. She's much more tamer than the demons yet also more violent than the others—I'd she's a 5/10.
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kandyrezi · 1 year
I remember that you made nsfw headcannons for Moge-ko sooo....I honestly afraid to ask but can you do same for Fem Fumus?
[ ♡ / ♢ ] fem!Fumus x Reader NSF.W HCs.
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a/n: it's oddly cute... in a sadist's own whimsical sort of way... :')
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««
✧; our god, lady fumes is an interesting case—cruel, capricious, and dark with an appetite for the suffering of others. a demeanor so diabolical you sometimes think of her as a devil rather than god. no matter how much pain she inflicts onto you, your heart always skips a beat both in elation and fear when you see her again the next day after a particularly terrible night of pain and drawn-out (mostly physical) anguish.
✧; she likes to 'draw' (more accurately, carve) patterns into your legs and stomach with a knife or a scalpel. and later use a cigarette lighter to sterilize the area with fire, just so it's visible for the following couple of days. only for her eyes and her enjoyment, though. she learns the most sensitive parts of your body, so she can put out her cigarette on them. burning them on your tongue, throat, and thighs get the most amusing little noises out of you. of course she backhands you across the face if you get too loud. it grates on her ears.
✧; it's not all cigarette burns and scalpels with her, even if she more often than not finds the 'foreplay' with sharp objects more fun than the actual sex with her darling. so it usually all ends before it can even begin. but, not all the time.
✧; she makes you pleasure her, first and foremost. your head will stay between her legs, eating her out, and you won't be let up until you make her come. she sighs, and degrades you, about how your performance is so lousy, how slow, and inept you are at it. but she grabs your locks and tugs at them not-so-gently. it's clear indicator how she actually feels about it. how much she likes it.
✧; when you've been going at it all night, you barely get any rest or shut-eye when first rays of sunlight outside her mansion shine through the windows. she doesn't kick you out her designated sex bed, but lets you linger for a while.
✧; deciding you've fulfilled your duties for the night, you quietly lean over the edge of the headboard, reaching for a white shirt and a bra—but her voice cuts through the thick air of silence as she speaks;
"are you going somewhere?"
"i... no, i'm n-not."
"well, i'm craving for something sweet, so..." fumes ponders, "hm... go and bake a cake for me."
"a cake...? oh, y-yes, o-of course," your mouth moves faster than you can think, "is there a... a, um, particular flavor you'd prefer, lady fumes?"
"hmm, make it chocolate this time. with truffles." she orders, "and stop stuttering. it's infuriating. you'll speak clearly when you're addressing me. is that understood?"
you nod, "y... yes, lady fumes. of course." before hastily making your way out of her chambers, then through the long hallways.
✧; thankfully no one was occupying the kitchen at this time (especially not taffy, throwing dirty looks your way whenever he saw you.) and you could be alone. no matter what you were or are doing, there was no getting away from her. if your lady comes to the same room you're in, there's a chance she'll pull you away from the cooking and fuck you over the counter instead. maybe.
✧; you shake your head as you begin rummaging through the drawers and cupboards... 'uh, flour, cocoa powder, milk...' you think it over. what a way to start off at dawn. you'll probably be put on supervision duty with the lower-ranking angels later—
✧; a little while passes by as you do your thing in silence, trying to avoid thinking of anything aside from the task at hand. you hear footsteps from the threshold of the doorway—heels echoing against marble ground, which means—
swiftly turning around with an exclamation, "l-lady fumes, your cake i-isn't done yet. sorry, i'll get—"
"be quiet."
she does exactly what you predicted earlier. you don't get a say in, before you're being shoved backwards and bent over the counter, wrists bound together over your head, a gloved hand hard on your back.
"lady fumes—"
"i told you to keep quiet. can't you listen to instructions?"
shoving her fingers down your throat, you nearly gag at the rough intrusion. catching your breath hastily, all you can do is lay there and let her have you in any way she wants. aside from being a little afraid of her, you're not whining too much as long as she isn't holding a pair of scissors or a lit cigarette in her hands.
you're yanked bare below the waist and there's a different kind of pressure in between your legs. her hands are busy holding you down, you immediately assume she's decided to switch a certain 'part' of hers to ravage you over the shining, granite surface.
your god's curt, demanding voice snaps you out of your dazed state.
"it's still early. no one will come in here if you keep your mouth shut, so, you know what to do."
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lampyrid · 4 years
Could I request yandere hc for Moge-ko and Rawberry?
Such violent dreams some of these dreamers have...although I suppose that’s normal when it comes to that world...?
Trigger Warning: Abuse, graphic depictions of violence, character death, implied non-con, torture
Oh boy...you're quite unlucky, catching the attention of this insane girl.
Moge-ko's love is brutal and violent, and you would most likely lose your sanity as your...relationship develops. She's right below Fumus in the "Yanderes You Should Run From At All Costs" list. She's just that bad.
Moge-ko absolutely loves playing with you. She enjoys your screams, she enjoys your pleas, and she enjoys your tears as she takes you against your will.
Her red eyes would most likely give you nightmares for a very long time.
If you're good and obedient, then Moge-ko would hold you captive in her pretty pink room. After she's done playing, she'll watch your sleeping face after you pass out from exhaustion. She thinks you're super adorable!
If you're bad and resist her, then you're going to be held captive in her dungeon.
She'll beat that naughty part out of you whether you like it or not.
If you still don't give in, then you can say goodbye to your life. Your body will be crucified and once the light finally leaves your eyes, Moge-ko will rip your heart out so even when you're gone, she would aaalllwayyys have a part of you!
Rawberry Preserves
Rawberry...loves tasting you...if that makes any sense.
She's gluttonous and would literally eat anything especially if it comes from you in some way. It could be the delicious apple pie you made her...or it could be those toenails that you recently clipped. She's not picky. (The girl makes jam out if worms so...)
If she doesn't have anything to nibble on, she finds herself wandering over to you and suddenly you have a demon chewing on your hair.
Or she might give you kisses, her fangs piercing your lips. She has a tendency to bite your flesh as well, so you would most likely be covered in bruises in your relationship.
 Rawherry's moods vary. One day, she's a sweet girlfriend that wants to spend time with you picking apples and collecting worms while on another day, she's rough, possessive and just so...so...hungry.
If someone hurts you, then it will be utter chaos. You get to witness a very bloody and gory scene where Rawberry mauls your assailant and the fangs within her hair/wings are out in full display. Kcalb had to pull her away from the poor soul, but it was already too late. Your assailant was unrecognizable with most of their face ripped off.
If you're a human, then there's a high possibility that Rawberry would accidentally kill you.
But if you're an angel or a demon, then you would survive her...love with only some scars to show for it.
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kandyrezi · 5 years
Nsfw reader x Moge-ko headcanons?
(yessss, my first x reader request! ♥️)
[ ♡ / ♢ ] Moge-ko x Reader NSFW HCs.
don’t even think moge-ko will ever let you be on top or the dominant one. don’t even attempt to tease her, lest you want to end up broken and bruised worse than the night before. she expects you to be under her command and submit to her wholly.
no matter the activity the two of you are engaged in together, there’s a fifty-fifty change it’ll end up taking the sexual route in some kind of way, or at least her feeling you up or saying something dirty.
taking a bath is common with this example. it’s never just about scrubbing eachother nice and clean… quite the opposite, in fact.
it’s a well-known fact moge-ko has a bit of a thing for thighs, yours especially, so you best believe she’ll be leaving lots of hickeys and bitemarks on them, to admire them later on.
moge-ko likes to test your limits and see what you can endure having done to you. she’ll use just about any toy or device on you.
such as leaving cuts on your arms and chest, then taking the time to lick up the newfound trickling blood, commenting on how sweet you taste and how she can’t wait to devour every inch of your skin, to have more and more and more.
also likes using a strap-on with barbs attached on them.
doesn’t go easy on you in the slightest and enjoys seeing your face scrunched up from all the pain, mixed with tears prickling at the corners of your eyes.
aftercare is earned, not given. she doesn’t forgive easily for misdemeanors and you better be on your best behavior when you’re with her for the odd change she just might treat you nicely once in a while.
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kandyrezi · 5 years
- (updated 28/03/23)
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– reject my advances (and desperate pleas);
pairing: yonaka kurai x moge-ko
warnings: allusions to noncon and depression.
yonaka kurai x moge-ko headcanons
moge-ko x reader nsfw headcanons
moge-ko x rawberry headcanons
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pairing: ivlis x yosafire
– king of the hopers will fall;
❝yosafire will do anything to save kcalb’s life. ivlis, realizing he’s slowly been backed into a corner with no way to win what he started, seizes his opportunity to strike.❞
– red sky at night;
❝some things were simply so much more divine when broken. it was only a matter of time until the only thing on her mind was him. and only him.❞
– (pitch black);
❝whilst wandering around the flame castle, yosafire has a strange encounter with a jovial, otherwordly devil.❞
– my body is your canvas;
❝yosafire asks about the scars scattered across ivlis’ back and chest.❞
[pinterest board]
. . .
pairing: sin x reader
– paradise found;
❝there was nothing outside of her garden you could possibly desire more than what she could offer you - sin only wanted you to realize that.❞
– red carnations;
❝she is married for elux’s sake, how could you ever hope to think there being a chance of her returning your feelings?❞
ivlis x yosafire headcanons
ivlis x rieta headcanons
emalf x poemi headcanons
emalf x yosafire headcanons
emalf x yosafire nsfw headcanons
etihw x kcalb nsfw headcanons
wodahs x alela grora nsfw headcanons
froze x rawberry headcanons
reficul x sin headcanons (+ nsfw)
emalf x reader HCs
yandere!Ivlis x reader HCs
yandere!Ivlin pre-TGG & post-TGG
yandere!Ivlin with an oblivious darling yet always finding a way to get out of trouble
yandere!Reficul x reader HCs
yandere!Wodahs x reader HCs
yandere!Reficul finding yandere!reader having broken into her room to steal her keepsakes
yandere!Reficul/Venus with a darling who betrayed her
yandere!Sin & yandere!Reficul sharing a darling
yandere!Sin x oblivious!angel!darling
yandere!Siralos HCs
yandere!Emalf HCs (+ nsfw)
yandere!Yosafire HCs
yandere!devils reaction to their darling trying to escape from them
yandere!devils reaction to angel!darling insisting they need to go back to heaven
yandere!flame demons reaction to darling committing carnage for them
yandere!flame demons being possessive of their darling
yandere!head angels reaction to their darling trying to escape from them
yandere!gods reaction to their darling trying to escape from them
yandere!gods with a soft & innocent darling
would any of the gods be amused by an oblivious darling?
yandere!gods’ reaction to their darling moaning someone else’s name in their sleep
The gods & devils playing dress-up with their darling
Ivlin, fem!Kcalb, Rieta with a darling secretly ogling at them
Yosafire, Froze, Rawberry trying to resist their yandere impulses with their darling
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– nothing but a heartache;
pairing: stella x tsuribari
warnings: mentions of death and drowning
. . .
– esurient;
pairing: yandere!ziki (the mouth witch) x reader
❝the blood splatters have left her darling’s scent lingering, only a matter of time until you’re in the clutches of a witch again.❞
. . .
– home;
pairing: meikai x reader
❝in which meikai falls for a human living in a waterside home with a fascination of the stars.❞
lobco x chlomaki headcanons
lobco x chlomaki nsfw headcanons
what would red-sea!aom be like?
fukami x reader nsfw headcanons
fukami x sal headcanons
yandere!Fukami x reader HCs
Fukami x insomniac!reader HCs
yandere!Old x reader HCs
yandere!Syakesan x reader HCs
yandere!red-sea!Wadanohara who’s sadistic, with a masochistic darling.
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pairing: fem!idate x fem!shirogane
– you’re gonna learn (get what you deserve);
❝shirogane knew she should have listened to her instincts when she told herself to go back home the long way around, instead of stepping her foot into the orca danger zone – knowing there would be a price to pay.❞
– tell me, little wolf (if you crave bloodlust);
❝idate comes back to the iceberg isle after her long absence, much more sinister, violent, and bloodthirsty than shirogane ever remembered her.❞
idate x rocma headcanons
fem!idate x rocma headcanons
idate x shirogane headcanons
fem!idate x shirogane headcanons
fem!idate x shirogane nsfw headcanons
fem!idate x fem!shirogane headcanons
fem!idate x fem!shirogane nsfw headcanons
idate x fem!shirogane nsfw headcanons
shirogane x rocma headcanons
shirogane x rocma nsfw headcanons
rocma x shirogane x yukisada headcanons
shirogane x fem!idate x rocma headcanons
idate meeting his kid, kurogane
meikai x rocma HCs
rock x reader nsfw HCs
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dokugai headcanons
hitoki headcanons
kurotsuno x hanten headcanons
kurotsuno x hanten nsfw headcanons
glasses x kiku headcanons
taffy x anten headcanons
taffy x anten nsfw headcanons
elwine x nadine headcanons
yandere!satanick x reader HCs
yandere!fumus x reader HCs
fem!fumus x reader nsfw HCs
fem!fumus with a darling who unconditionally worships her
yandere!taffy HCs
dokugai x reader HCs
dokugai x shotacon!reader
yandere!Yagi HCs
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– (distortion);
pairing: edward hayes x reader
warnings: mentions of physical abuse and violence
[pinterest board]
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Harpae x Lisette headcanons
Enjel x reader headcanons
Lisette x reader headcanons
yandere!Fleta x reader HCs
yandere!Strange boy x reader HCs
yandere!Harpae x reader HCs
‘Pocket Mirror’ girls realizing they’re yandere, with possibly them trying not to act on said feelings of obsessiveness/jealousy
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– vengeful spirit;
pairing: ellen x viola (implied)
warnings: mild blood
viola x ellen headcanons
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chica x reader HCs
freddy fazbear x reader HCs
the mangle x reader HCs
toy freddy x reader HCs
toy bonnie x reader HCs
toy chica x reader HCs
funtime foxy x reader HCs
funtime freddy x reader HCs
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– come rain, come forth;
pairing: connor rk800 x reader
❝it was becoming increasingly obvious it’d been a mistake on his part to allow you outside the house.❞
. . .
– the devil won’t let me be;
pairing: rk900 x reader
❝he is machine made for war - some weak human resistance fighters shouldn’t have been able to neutralize him that easily. and yet...❞
yandere!Connor x reader HCs
yandere!RK900 x reader HCs
RK800-60 x reader HCs
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pairing: conrad x reader
– in retrospect;
❝hey, a dollar for your thoughts?❞
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Eddie Gluskin x reader HCs
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