#mod orion speaks
pronoun-shop · 10 months
Howdy! I love the idea of this blog! May I get a pronoun check with She/it, with the name Tigs?
For sure Tigs!
Tigs is in my class!! I’m so excited!! She is sooooo cooollllll. You’ve seen it before right? She’s in art, it’s got a hat that she wears often? Looks like a crown? Yea, that’s it! She is in my history class too, it’s really knowledgeable in history so she’s reallllyyyyy good at history. Oh that the bell!! I gotta go!! Bye!
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randoimago · 1 year
I'm watching the first episode where the gang is at a tavern when chaos came in and Keyleth turns into a bear (pretending to be Vex and Vax's pet bear,) and entertains the crowd.
Ooh nice! I honestly miss the Kraghammer arc, there are some really fun moments there!
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orion-galxy-anon · 11 months
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deathcast-offical · 8 days
"I regret to inform you that sometime in the next twenty-four hours you'll be meeting an untimely death."
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Don't worry! You aren't Deckers (yet). Welcome! These are your captains speaking! You've reached the main spawn point, where your favorite captains tell you about this specific blog! Read more under the cut!
I'm co-captain, Rose! I am one of the mods for this roleplay blog! This is simply for fun and to be taken lightly. I will always be using this font and color whenever I speak, plus I leave a little note with my name at the end! I take over a certain tag whenever I speak. One thing about me is that I am a total sucker for these books and partially got the other mod into this! 
Tag for mod: #cocaptain rose go away
Heyo, I'm co-captain Anni! I'm the second mod for the roleplay blog, and I'm very excited to start this off! I will be using this color whenever I'm around, a "?!?", and a certain tag when I post! Something about me is that my favorite book so far is TFTDATE, and kudos to Rose for hooking me into this. Can't wait to see what shenanigans we get into!
Tag for mod: #cocaptain anni panic ?!?
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"On behalf of everyone here at Death-Cast, we are so sorry to lose you."
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Onto my favorite part, the characters! You can send in asks for these characters about mostly anything!
You may be having some questions like:
What characters?
Mateo Torrez, Rufus Emeterio, Lidia Vargas, Orion Pagan, Valentino Prince, Dalma Young.. (more to come?)
What are the limits?
No spam, sexual content, political messages (excluding 9/11), racism, sexism, homophobia, or religious talk (excluding any comforting words for valentino due to his parents). We want this to run smoothly without any disruption. Please be respectful and kind toward our mods. We have lives outside of this. 
Tags will be formatted as 
#[character] answers
If there are any other questions or FAQs received, this list will expand. There will be events planned and this introduction may change so keep an eye on this!
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"Live your life to the fullest, okay?"
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m-the-god · 29 days
Mictlāntēcutli, who allows people to call him M, is an Aztec(Mexica) deity of the underworld. He is also father to @aspenvelaz, @leo-velaz, @mictlans-residents, and @velaz-kids as well as others who may pop up later. He eats people because yummy~
He’s also made entirely of red bone. And he’s ruthless.
‘Mind conversation’
‘M’s wife in his mind’
‘💀Aspen in M’s mind💀’
‘🫀Leo in M’s mind🫀’
‘✨Mara in M’s mind✨’
‘꧁Noxie in M’s mind꧂’
‘⁂Quinn in M’s mind⁂’
’•Orion in M’s mind•’
‘✽Maria in M’s mind✽’
‘✩Airam in M’s mind✩’
‘ఌNico in M’s mindఌ’
(Note: I do not play Maria Airam or Nico my brother does)
(Ooc speaking)
Mods main is @aspenvelaz
Fun little mythology info that’ll add into the lore:
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velaz-kids · 2 months
Noxie: “꧁speaking꧂”
Mara: “✨speaking✨”
Orion: “•speaking•”
Quinn: “⁂speaking⁂”
Random toddler Noxie found?: “🍼speaking🍼”
Actions always look like this.
Noxie(she/her) is a hyper, dead, 13 year old. Mara(she/they) is the eldest sibling at 23 and arguably the calmest one. Orion(he/him) is 17 and him and Noxie are essentially carbon copies of each other. Quinn(she/he) is 6 and so far, the only sibling who can read. Noxie is a leech demon, Mara is a leopard demon, Orion is clown demon, and Quinn is an octopus demon.
This blog will not be continuing the Noxie/Mara angst plotline thing and as far as I am concerned it is not canon for those characters.
Also there’s a baby, but it will prob just be mentioned in passing. Edit: nvm I wanna use the baby, its name is Crystal and it doesn’t speak yet so uh, yea.
ART IS NOT MINE but here’s some basic appearance references for them
The snek:
@daru-velaz-the-snek (no longer active)
Aspen and Leo:
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Mod info: mod Esme/E. I go by any pronouns but they/them is preferred. My DM’s are open, my main is @aspenvelaz.
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ask-seniorgamers · 7 years
BREAKING NEWS: Jeremiah (Jeremy) Heere is a huge fuckin furry
The secret is that it was never news its been going on for years and now he’s coming out of the fursuit closet 
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the-space-lady · 7 years
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astrofishics-blog · 7 years
Sndjdj nothing makes me happier than seeing Nebulus build his bubble nests again. Despite the fact that bubble nests are for mating and aren't usually for showing moods, I can tell something's off with him when he doesn't make them. Call it me giving extra credit to my fish or whatever you want to but he's been so much more energetic and perkier since giving him bloodworms and the tank cleanse and he's actually making bubble nests again. I'm thrilled. He's got as much energy as Orion does.
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pronoun-shop · 9 months
Trying to figure out some neopronouns, could you do Owen with Ae/aer, Voi/void, and It/it’s?
Sure Owen!
You’ve met Owen right? Voi is the person that has a really cool art account. Yea, that’s it! Ae’s throwing a Halloween party, do you want to come? Voids house is on greenhouse lane, do you know where that is? I’ll send you its address and party details, ….
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years
Nikateen’s Ban & My Final Thoughts (Important)
Hello. I wasn’t going to make any more posts on here about you Nikateen, because I was hoping you would just be able to leave it instead of saying even more, but I suppose not, so here’s my response, which I’d greatly appreciate you (and others on the blog) reading. After this I will not mention the situation again unless someone tries to outright tell lies (not opinions, lies) about the situation or me.
Perhaps the reason no one said anything about the hornets is because they were genuinely nervous to speak up. I’ve seen your chat tease people over minor things, they might have been wary of that happening.
I never said you sent anyone to harass anyone. And I think your “fuck you, swallow a rock” messages were rude and may have be taken as harassment (I wouldn’t say that myself, but I might say you’re harassing me now as you seem to continuously swear at me). However, it was immature of you when someone said not to harass Light to say that you “didn’t fucking care, they’re disrespectful and I demoted them from the mod team ages ago”. Again, I wouldn’t say that’s sending anyone on a witch hunt, but you should be trying to prevent the harassment of others for their sake and your own sake. Also, you’re already banned for life, sexual bans and (borderline) harassment can’t be repealed. The sole reason I made the rant is, and this might surprise you, to CALM DRAMA DOWN, not to fuel it. Do you really think I wanted to be swore at and harassed for this? I did it to protect Light/Kade/Snatcher from baseless accusations, and so the community wouldn’t go on for months making “Bring Back Nikateen” rants without knowing the whole story.
Multiple people in the comments on that rant told me they would’ve gotten panic attacks seeing hornet images if they’d been there, let alone a murder hornet. Bugs are a common trigger, especially ones with stingers.
You’re free to leave me banned, but know that if I had been allowed to stay (which I don’t need to be as I think it’s best for me not to out of respect for you) I would have respected your amino rules no matter what I thought of them. That’s why I didn’t include a single screen of your sexual messages in the post, to ABIDE by your wishes and be respectful despite you being banned from WA. If you had messaged me before my ban from your amino, maybe you could’ve had some closure with me and we would be on neutral terms, instead of you feeling the need to resort to posting angrily on this blog.
I have no idea what you’re taking about on this one? Is this directed at someone else, because I’ve never said anything like that anywhere and didn’t even know that you were accused of that until just now. It’s a heavy and hurtful accusation to claim I said something like that, especially when it’s utterly false, and I had no clue this was even a situation???
You had multiple offences of breaking the guidelines. I wasn’t the one to take it to LT, I simply took screens to send to a friend who felt intimidated by you and wanted to talk to LT about it but was too nervous to stay in the chat any longer. Also, the Juicebox had well over fifty members, and accepted almost anyone, so your ban wouldn’t be repealed if they changed said rule.
I’m genuinely sorry about your ban. I’m not saying it was unjust, because it was simply due to the WA guidelines, but I PROMISE you I get no pleasure (in fact, I felt badly) seeing you banned. I don’t necessarily agree with the LT’s one hour rule, I personally think you should have been given 12 to 24 hours to say goodbye considering your circumstances, and even thought a strike could have served the same purpose (before your unkind actions), but that’s not my decision to make.
Now, I’m not going to stoop to angry words in this last bit. Instead I am going to wish you well outside of WA. If in a few weeks or months when this cools down you’d like to respectfully talk to me and get some closure, please let one of your friends (who have been very polite to me throughout, thank you guys) know so we can communicate over discord. Know I hold no grudges against you, even if you hold one against me, and that I do not think ill of you. Thank you for hopefully reading this all the way through, which means you must somewhat respect me, and have a good rest of your day or night.
Best wishes,
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elliot-orion · 4 years
Remember that blog/discord I mentioned a while ago? Well, they’re all set up and ready to roll! 
The Blog
A Quarantined Nano is now set up and ready to launch! We’ll be doing prompts, reblogging your awesome Nano stories, and all sorts of fun stuff! For more info on what we’ll be doing, check out the about page!   If you have ideas for prompts or any suggestions on things we should do, please send them in via asks or submits!
The blog’s queue has not been filled yet, so it might still be a day or two before posts come regularly. Right now only a few posts from the Nano official blog are up as I’ve been busy with school. Speaking of which...  We are also in need of mods! If you’d like to help out, DM @quarantinednano or this blog, @elliot-orion.
The Discord
The discord has channels for workshopping plots, characters, etc, a whole series of channels just for individual genres, general chats, a mental health chat, and daily prompts! I’ll be organizing write-ins hopefully once a week through either voice chats or video too. 
Since the intent of this discord is to have a small community (no more than 30-35 people) I won’t be providing the invite link here. If you’d like to join, please send me a DM and I’ll give you it there! 
I hope at least one of these provides some sense of community during this disrupted nano and chaotic times. If you have any questions, shoot me a message and i’ll be happy to answer! Thanks!
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childotkw · 4 years
omg THAT cliffhanger for ybtm!!! I read it on my break at work, I only had 15 mins so had to skim read 😂 I love we got orion’s pov as well! Does this mean all the ghosts can see Harry is the MOD? Is Carrow & the rest actually going to leave Harry alone? Is Dumbledore already suspicious of Harry, from canon at that time we can see he’s VERY aware of the hallows. Finally, what were toms thoughts on Harry speaking to the centaurs? Tysm for the update, it was amazing! sorry for all the questions
Thank you! The ghosts can all tell that Harry is the MoD and they freak because what else would scare them more than someone bound to Death in such a way?
Carrow will definitely be leaving Harry alone for a while. Having someone with Harry’s magical strength basically crushing you under its power can be a little terrifying. Dumbledore is snooping, and things will be getting intense with him soon. 
Tom was mainly confused because centaurs don’t like humans, and yet here is this scrawny guy that suddenly has the bloody chieftain apologising to him, and being all respectful, and he’s Big Confused but very Intrigued because it’s another piece of the puzzle falling into place.
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withlovefromsimtown · 4 years
“Get to know”
By @cupcakegnome
I was tagged by @hystericallytragicsimmer​
Your Name: Lifa, or Claire, whichever you’re more comfortable calling me. I answer to either.
Languages you speak: English.
Are you a mermaid: Sometimes, when it’s hair dying time & I feel in a mermaidy mood.
Your play style: Challenge & creation-testing.
Your selfsim picture: I have an old Sim-Me as my icon. I change my hair often enough that it’s hard to keep her current.
Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: CC
Your favorite age state: YA, I think. They’re a little more exciting & have less responsibilities.
Your favorite season: Fall
Your favorite holiday: Halloween
How was your day: Procrastinating work to fill out an “about me” meme on Tumblorp.
Your favorite career:  Natural Science for the leaf outfit lol. Professional Party Guest otherwise.
Your favorite aspiration: Pleasure
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: Pets (EP), Mansion & Garden (kinda both an EP/SP in many ways), & IKEA (SP)
How old is your simblr: I started posting in May 2012, dunno how long I lurked before that.
Have you woohooed: Calling it that is a good way to get lol’ed out of bed.
Your favorite skill: Pool (Billiards) Skill lol. Also Meditation, Yoga, & Tai Chi, are all pretty cool skills too.
The size of your mods folder: TS2 (currently 12.2 GB - testing/creating/cleaning) / TS4 (0 GB)
Your 3 favorite mods: ACR, Insimenator, & Traits Mod.
Your interests (other than sims): Fitness/exercise, nutrition/cooking, thrifting, crafting, art, pets, gardening, charity work.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Don’t have a gameplay pic on hand right now, unfortunately.
Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, The Sims Freeplay, most of the Sim Cities, whichever Sims was on the Nintendo DS (not MySims?).
Propose a crazy scheme: Sims 2 Ultimate Remastered :D :D :D with open world, body sliders, etc. features from the newer games.
Best part of simblr: Seeing all the cool things that others post.
Worst part of simblr: Crappy anons & fake accounts in my inbox.
What other games you play: Master Of Orion, Pokemon Go, DDR, FF6/FF7 (repeatedly), the Megaman series (also repeatedly).
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): I don’t really post on my LJ anymore but that would be my other Sims account.
Are you single: Naw.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to answer.
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Get to Know Me Tag
       Sims Edition
tagged by @miri-sims ily, thank youuu!!
Your name: alli
Languages you speak: english & the tiniest bit of spanish
Are you a mermaid?: oh i wish
Your play style: mostly just random gameplay. i try to start a story but get too caught up in little details so i never finish
Your Simself picture: i don’t have one....
Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or CC: gameplay with the tiniest amount of story added in
Your favourite age state: young adult
Your favourite season: fall!!!
Your favourite holiday: christmas/winterfest How was your day?: real slow bc of work but ultimately a good one!
Your favourite career: tough - prob the gardener career...only bc i always give it to at least one sim
Your favourite aspiration: soulmate
Your favourite EP, GP and SP: city living, parenthood, laundry day!!
How old is your simblr?: just over a year, but I’ve hardly been active most of the year...oop
Have you WooHooed?: yes
Your favourite skill: gardening
The size of your mods folder: a whopping 14 GB, but I need to do a purge
Your 3 favourite mods: MCCC, UI Cheats, Slice of Life
Your interests (other than Sims): reading, travelling, coffee
Your favourite Sim (picture if possible): vera (closely followed by poppy & orion)
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Which Sims games have you played (including mobile games)?: Sims 3
Propose a crazy scheme: finishing a story I start and spend ages planning
Best part of simblr: how much all of you inspire me, like damn y’all are talented
Worst part of simblr: I haven’t experienced it, but the hate I see for some beautiful individuals
What other games you play?: none really, wish I did
Other websites or accounts (Origin, Twitter, etc.): just my private accounts
Are you single?: noooo
thanks again to @miri-sims​ for tagging me in this. not sure who has done it so here’s a go: I tag @lemonpxel @starry-eyed-simss @miasimxo 
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ask-seniorgamers · 7 years
I give ur hair a 5.7/10 next time, make it purple. :)
u sound like my mom GET OUTTA HERE 
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