#mmm nalu
celestialulu · 7 months
things i would talk about on a nalu podcast if i had one:
-batshit insane 100yq theories for nalu
-nalu headcanons
-general nalu scenarios
-analysing their interactions and convos
-just sobbing about them
-how lucy rewriting END has been forgotten for 100yq so far is wasted potential
-any of the songs that i listen to being connected to nalu
-just screaming about them
-about how all of natsus development has been thrown away in 100yq
-about how yokai lucy was wasted potential for nalu development
-crying about future lucy
-cool au ideas
-annoying mischaracterisation tropes (natsu fuckboy trope)
-how i think fanservice in 100yq is worse than in the og ft and it ruins the story moments
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vaniliens · 3 months
It is so funny how theres still people who think its weird to ship things that definitely won't be canon. Do you really think im in it for the prize. Babygirl I've had dreams and thoughts of them becoming canon and I actually hated it.
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petri808 · 1 year
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
*Special holiday chapter*
Lucy’s excited giggle pierced the cold night air as she held out her hands to catch the snow falling around her. It’s not very often that Tokyo receives snow, maybe a couple times in a season and rarely enough to blanket the ground. On the sidewalk around her, other tokyoites scurry past uninterested in a young girl’s childish antics for it is two days before Christmas Eve and there are errands to run. She grinned at Natsu before looking towards the sky and closing her eyes for a moment while the cold little drops of snow flurries touched her skin. He merely chuckled as a warm smile graced his lips. It never failed to amaze Natsu each time the woman did something to make him fall in love all over again. But here she was, her face bathed in the artificial glow of store signs looking like an ethereal angel. 
This was their first winter after graduating from high school when nothing was yet set in stone and the rest of their lives laid before them. Once Natsu turned 20, he already knew that his father wanted him to succeed as the Oyabun, but he wasn’t ready to be a boss of their yakuza group just yet. He’s still young! And as he watched his girlfriend catching snowflakes, it only steeled his desire to focus on love not business… especially because Lucy is opposed to him becoming the boss. He held back a sigh and put on a smile as she grabbed his hand again to continue walking down the avenue. 
“Did you order the meal from KFC?” Lucy queried.
“Of course,” Natsu lifted their conjoined hands, kissing the back of her knuckles. “I even ordered your favorite cake from the patisserie.” 
“Mmm,” she bounced up placing a quick peck on his cheek. “You take such good care of me,” she cooed and snuggled to his side.
‘I’d kill for you,’ Natsu mumbled in his head. “I wanna give you everything kitten. I’ll always protect and take care of you.”
He knew that she knew exactly what those words meant… and it only added to her opposition. It wasn’t that Lucy was against him being the boss, what she’s really annoyed with is the whole boys club aspect of the yakuza. Natsu didn’t blame her for feeling the way she did, hell one of the things that attracted him was her strength. People often assumed Lucy was just another pretty girl who traded on her looks and lacked in intelligence, but they’re dead wrong. Picture it. The woman who was just minutes ago childly catching snowflakes was always in the top 10 percent of exams and was accepted into Tokyo University, one of the toughest universities to get into for business. Beautiful, brilliant, and feisty. He loved her so much… It’s because of that love that he didn’t want her joining the yakuza. 
Time to change the subject.
“Hey, I was thinking we should go to an onsen after visiting the shrine for New Year’s.” Natsu suggested. “We haven’t visited one in a while.”
“That would be nice, a trip before I start college.”
Natsu kissed her temple. “I’ll book a room with a private onsen.” 
The couple spent a sweet and savory Christmas Eve together at Natsu’s apartment, cuddling under the covers for most of the evening. He lived in a one-bedroom flat on the 26th floor of a high-rise apartment building where the nighttime views of Tokyo were beautiful. Outside the picture window, snow flurries fell and swirled through the air, catching on the light coming from the apartment before disappearing into the darkness. A few scattered buildings around the city were lit up for the holiday season making them stand out in the skyline. These really were the best times, when they could forget the world and all the responsibilities of life that lay beyond the front the door. Here in their own little heaven, where they made the rules, it was always sad to leave it. 
The next morning, Lucy went home with plans to hang out with her best friend Levy because Natsu had to deal with some end of year matters for the organization. No matter, it’s just five days until they’ll leave for their trip. He really hated being apart from her for more than a couple days, but he knew he better get used to it. Once Lucy started school, there will be times she needed to focus on projects and exams that may keep them apart for weeks at a time. He too may have problems that pop up that he needed to deal with. As the current first lieutenant it’s his responsibility to take care of matters before they escalated and required the boss to get involved. 
Finally, the 30th arrived. Natsu picked Lucy up from her apartment and they headed out in his car to an onsen located in the Saitama region. It’s about an hour’s drive, but the route is scenic once they leave Tokyo with forested land flanking many sections of the highway. During the autumn, the colors… all the reds, yellow, and orange leaves are pleasing to the eye, now those trees lay barren, and the pines are blanketed with piles of snow. Mountains of white wintergreens gleaming in the mid-afternoon sunlight.         
The ryokan Natsu chose was a mid-sized inn tucked away from the nearby city. Its design featured traditional Japanese style accommodations from tatami floors to pillowy futon mattresses, complimentary yukata robes, and in-room dining services. There are sliding shoji doors that led to a private deck and covered onsen bath that’s open to the outside. It’s a perfect hotel if you’re looking for a cozy, intimate getaway, and that’s exactly what Natsu wanted to spoil his girlfriend with before school stress began. Let Lucy start off the new year relaxed and sated. 
“Of course, I’m being clingy,” Natsu teased as they walked towards the guest room after check in. “It’s been a week.” He wrapped his arms around Lucy’s waist making it difficult for her to walk, but as much as she grumbled through gritted smiles, he won’t let go. The poor attendant carrying their luggage must’ve been so uncomfortable. 
The moment the door closed behind them… “Okay! Okay!” Lucy shrieked and clawed at the arms cinched around her waist. “So embarrassing!”
“Oww! Oww!” Natsu laughed as he finally let go. “Sorry kitten, I’ll leave the affection for behind the scenes.” Lucy rolled her eyes though there’s no malice in her expression, so Natsu still considered it his win. He kissed her cheek. “I’m just happy.” He kissed her cheek again. “Can you blame me?”
Lucy’s cheeks flushed. “No…” 
Yup, definitely his win.
The couple changed into the more comfortable yukata robes and hapi coats before venturing outside. For the three hours before the dinner service would be served, they spent it walking around the hotels zengarden and tea house. It’s a beautifully maintained garden replete with a koi pond that had a wooden bridge that crossed it, several intersecting pathways to follow, benches along the way to rest, and a couple of gazebo structures to enjoy the tranquility of nature. There’s a very light snow fall during the walk, but without much of a breeze the chill factor is tolerable. Natsu couldn’t remember the last time he’s been in a garden like this one. It might have been during a school trip. Had he held hands with Lucy then like he’s doing now? Possibly. Oh well, now there’s this memory to add to the collection.
Because the hotel is smaller it doesn’t have a sit-down restaurant, so meals are delivered to the rooms by request. Guests were also allowed to order specialty menus at the time of reservation, which is the route Natsu chose. He knew Lucy’s favorite dishes and made sure they were included. For dinner he’d chosen a mix of options. A chirashi bowl of sushi rice covered in a variety of fish, scallop, shrimp, and eel sliced thin in sashimi style. Braised pork belly coated with a sticky teriyaki sauce. Red miso soup with wakame seaweed, tofu, and scallion. Shrimp and vegetable tempura, and lastly for dessert, strawberry mochi ice cream drizzled with sugar glaze and kinako powder. The resident sake master included a top line junmai daiginjo sake to go with the meal. Everything was delicious. 
Now that their bellies are full and the sake has mellowed them, it was the best time to relax away the rest of the evening. They took turns taking a quick bath before slipping into the onsen. Natsu went in first. 
“Finally,” he teased from the steaming waters. “I was starting to worry you fell asleep in the bathroom.”
Lucy kneeled next to the edge with the towel wrapped around her body and her hair tied up in a loose bun. “I have a surprise to show you first.”
“Oh?” Natsu shifted his body to rest his elbows on the edge.
She turned around, still on her knees, then let the towel drop down to her waist to reveal her back. “I got it on the 26th so it’s still healing.” Lucy twisted her neck so she could see him. “What do you think?” Then before he started to respond, she let go of the towel and joined him in the water. 
Natsu prompted Lucy to sit with her back to him so he could look at it closer. “It’s a beautiful tattoo, fits you perfectly.” He ran his fingers over the soft, fluid line work that graced her upper back. Top to bottom it covered half of her back, perfectly centered over her spine with the wingspan stretching over her shoulder blades. He couldn’t quite place the style, a touch of whimsy, fantasy, maybe even tribal and the design was part butterfly, fairy, and angelic in its beauty. “Very delicate, perfect for a woman, but why wings?”
Lucy turned back to him. “Because you often call me kitten or angel, so when Levy and I visited the tattoo shop and I saw this design I decided to go with it.” She caressed his cheek and placed a pressured lingering kiss on his lips. “Now I’m forever your angel.”
Natsu pulled her onto his lap so she’s straddling his legs, wrapping his arms around her waist with hands draping over her lower curves. The steaming waters chased away the winter chill, while Lucy’s lithe body is framed by the lightly falling snow behind her and the overhead light created a haloed glow around her blonde hair. Just, breathtaking… and it’s all his. He grinned and returned the kiss in kind letting his forehead rest against hers, “Damn right your mine, and I’ll never let you go.” 
Snap Snap Snap “Boss? Oi Natsu, why the hell are you staring at the kids?”
“Kids?” Natsu’s eyes blinked and slowly readjusted from daydreaming. That’s right, the restaurant they ate dinner at was across from a park decorated with lights for the holiday season. He was waiting outside while Gray settled the bill when he noticed a young woman bathed in lights looking at the sky while two children, presumably hers, were laughing a few feet away as they made snow angels in the snow. Did he just flash back to a decade-old memory? The second he realized where he was, he turned around to address Gray. “I um, was just remembering how we used to make snow angels too as kids. Remember, Gray?”
Gray’s brow raised in suspicion, “not really, but whatever. I paid so let’s go.”
“Right…” Natsu glanced back to the park one last time before falling in step with his lieutenant. He’d almost forgotten that memory, but how could he. “My angel,” he muttered under his breath and gained another weird look from Gray. 
With the shinnenkai end of year celebration party coming up in a couple more weeks, Natsu had been too busy preparing to notice all the Christmas seasonal decorations around the city. Though a western thing, it was becoming more and more accepted as a secular holiday, especially in the bigger cities. But that wasn’t the issue of the moment. He really loved it when Lucy got that tattoo because he thought that it meant she’d accepted a future with him— Oh, how wrong he’d been because that was the year they broke up and ten years later he still wasn’t exactly sure why.  
“You go on in Gray, I’ll be in shortly.” They’d arrived back at the office building, but Natsu wasn’t ready to go in just yet. 
Natsu pulled the collar of his coat tighter to his neck to brace against a small gust of chilly wind. Lately his and Lucy’s current relationship as rivals was starting to wear on him mentally and it was getting harder and harder to control his emotions surrounding her. Guess ten years of pining really will drive a person insane. He closed his eyes and tilted his head to the sky to allow the little white flurries to chill his skin. Somehow, some way he’ll win his angel back and finally fulfill the wish he’d made at the shrine all those years ago. ‘I said it didn’t I Luce,’ he smiled to himself. ‘I’ll never let you go…’
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livyapapper · 4 months
mmm thinking about nalu vampire x vampire hunter again
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nalufever · 6 years
December Drabbles: 5-Sentence Challenge - gingerbread
Fairy Tail, Nalu
"Lucy, did you make extras?" Natsu chewed and swallowed the rest of the gingerbread man he'd stuffed in his mouth.
"What kind of question is that?"
"An important one, 'cause these are delicious and I want more!"
Lucy dropped a kiss on the side of Natsu's head, "Yeah, I made extras."
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doginshoe · 3 years
warning: smut, spitting, foreplay, restraints
Lucy wriggled her hands slightly in the restraints. Natsu’s belt held them firmly in place, pulled tightly around her wrists until they bit softly into the flesh. It was enough to make her wince with how they pinched and twisted. Rubbing the skin red and raw whilst she shivered on the bed, looking up into Natsu’s dark eyes. He palmed his cock, using his free hand to caress the side of her breast - dark green eyes never leaving her face as he watched her squirm before him.
Lucy gasped as he flicked over her nipple, pulling again at the restraints that left her helpless in front of him. Her moan echoed in the dark room, pushing up on her knees - begging for him to touch her body more. His hand was warm, like fire over the stiff peaks of her breast and sending a rhythm of feeling down towards her thighs.
“Do you like that?” He asked, voice husky and rough.
Her chest heaved - bucking her hips again as she squeezed her thighs together. “Y-Ye-Yes,” She breathed, struggling to keep her eyes focused on him as her cheeks flushed a brilliant red.
Natsu’s eyes flickered down to her breasts, twisting and pinching her nipple as he pumped his cock harder. “Yeah. Tell me how much you like it.”
Lucy’s jaw went slack, breathing heavy as another whine left her lips. “It- It feels… G-good.”
He squeezed her whole breast in his hands, pressing his fingers into the soft skin as he leaned down towards her - his eyes brightly burning with lust as he trailed his hand up to her face.
“Mmm,” Natsu groaned, still keeping pace with his left hand on his length as he held her chin. “You’re such a good girl.”
His lips met hers harshly, pushing his tongue against hers before sliding it against the roof of her mouth and retreating before she could make a move. The muscle moved against her bottom lip, his rough fingers pushing her cheeks together before he spat into her mouth.
Natsu watched her intently, his saliva beginning to dribble from the corner of her mouth. “Swallow it,” he demanded, his fingers slipping slightly from their hold on her jaw.
Lucy complied, nodding as best as she could before she let his spit slide down her throat - the feeling foreign.
He smiled, canines protruding and causing another shiver down Lucy’s spine. He kissed her again. Though much more softly this time, letting the softness of his lips sit against her own before pulling away.
“You’re so good,” He breathed. His hand around his cock had slowed, resting now at the base of his cock as he stood up straight. Natsu left her jaw for her shoulder, rubbing small circles with his thumb as he eased her down towards his member.
He breathed deeply, a smile never leaving his lips as Lucy kissed the skin of his stomach. “God, show me how good of a girl you can be, Lucy.”
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hearttender · 7 years
me after the spoilers dropped: itS really OVER wow.. No Kiss No Kids No Nothing, ,, haha… it was nalu or death, so ya’ll can just end me right here
me after translations were released: Wow, CAN YOU EVEN FATHOM THAT NALU, natsu and lucy, TOGETHER… are CANON, in the most amazing way. They DID that. truly Iconic. Can’t believe this is my life
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Nalu for Nalu day?
mmm... when's nalu day again?
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phoneboxfairy · 3 years
Quarantine Fic Chapter 4!
All that remains is a silly epilogue.
That afternoon saw Lucy laying on the couch with her nose buried in a book. She was so engrossed in her story that she didn’t notice when Natsu sat next to her.
…at least, not until she felt his hand stroke over her knee. A sweet chill ran down her spine.
“Natsuuuu. Cut that out. I’m trying to read.”
“No. I wanna touch you. You’re smart. You can read with my hand on your leg.”
“Fine. As long as that hand minds its manners and stays right where it is. I can’t concentrate if you’re pawing at me.”
“Sheesh, alright, miss bossy.” Shrug, smile.
So Lucy read.
Truth be told it was hard to focus on her story when the touch of his hand brought delicious thoughts into her mind. By the time she finished the chapter and put the book down, those delicious thoughts were running rampant.
She made a show of stretching, felt the heat of his stare as he watched her.
“Lucy. There’s something you should know.”
“Hmm? What’s that?”
“I don’t have any manners. Neither does my hand.” Growl. The naughty boy moved his naughty hand. He feathered his fingers down her thigh and traced the hem of her shorts. She squirmed.
“Mmm, how very rude.”
“I think ya like it when I get rude.” Stroking her inner thigh. Stoking the fire between her legs.
“I love it when you get rude.” Sensual purr. She shifted and spread her legs then reached down and unbuttoned the shorts. “Come here, Natsu. Let’s misbehave.”
“Hell yeah.” He growled, this sexy devilish look on his face as he pulled her shirt off. “Luce, have I told ya how fucking perfect you are? You ain’t even completely naked and I wanna devour ya.”
As if on cue she kicked away the shorts, spread her legs, and traced her hand over her exposed pussy.
“What’s stopping you, love?”
“Absolutely nothing.” He pounced. Shed his pants, claimed her mouth and body at the same time.
They moved together with animalistic fervor. He went hard and fast. Lucy mewled, feeling him hit every sweet spot just the way she looooved it.
She was brought back to earth by a rather ominous creaking sound from beneath her.
“Na…Natsu…st, stop stop stop.” He stopped, pulled out, shot her a look that was confused and slightly irritated. “I don’t want to break this couch. Take me to bed, love.”
Confusion and irritation were replaced by immediate comprehension and a sexy as hell grin.
“Anything you want, Lucy-baby.” So very carefully, he carried her across the room and settled her on the soft bed. Before he had a chance to get going again she stopped him with a “wait a minute” finger gesture then grabbed a bottle of lube off the nightstand.
Then she got on her knees, took his cock in her hand, and licked up some of the sticky sweet mess.
“Mmm. We taste delicious.”
“Hell yeah. Now hurry up and let me fuck ya.” His words sent a delicious tingle straight to her clit. She slathered a generous amount of lube on him before laying back, spreading her legs, and beckoning him over with a finger wiggle.
“Like I could ever say no to you. Mnnn…” She let out a moan feeling him push back into her depths. One hand tangled through already messy pink locks while the other dug into his shoulder.
Truth be told she was more than wet enough without the lube, and Gods only knew they would have had an incredible romp regardless.
But Lucy was rather adventurous. And the tingling sensation felt ohhh so good, especially with his warm cock savoring every inch of her.
“Gimme your hand.” Their hands intertwined. They shared slow, sweet kisses, making love with increased frenzy followed by the hazy bliss of afterglow.
Lucy giggled. Natsu peered up at her from the comfy pillow of her boobs.
“You okay?”
“Duh. I’m happy.” Lazy smile as she fluffed his hair. Natsu got the hint and climbed up to cuddle with her for a while. Turns out he was pretty happy too.
That last afternoon of quarantine was pretty relaxed. No sparring, just chilling and bonding in a different way.
The pair worked on cooking dinner. Lucy left the finishing touches to Natsu as she went to wash up and change.
Some time later when the meal was ready and Lucy came back, it was hard to tell which silly human was more awestruck. Lucy was rather impressed with his table setting skills. Natsu, on the other hand, couldn’t keep his eyes off her.
Ravishing, in a shimmering blue celestial gown, her hair in a loose halo around her body.
Eventually Natsu remembered where he was. He offered her a chair, scooted her close to the table, and took the seat next to her.
“Thanks, Natsu.” Her soft giggle was music to his ears.
They shared dinner in the sweet comfortable silence of lovers. Every so often Natsu would reach over and touch Lucy’s shoulder or stroke her back. And every time Lucy would respond by leaning over and kissing his nose or cheek, cute smile on her face.
So much more than friendship.
Once plates had been cleared Lucy snapped her fingers. Natsu watched, mesmerized, as her gown transformed into lingerie.
“I believe I’ll go to bed now. Care to join me?” She rarely used her cultured society girl voice, never really had a need to. But somehow the voice, the outfit, and the situation worked perfectly.
Natsu thought it was sexy as fuck.
By the time he got to the bed she had untied her panties and was laying on her back playing with her boobs. He could already see the delicious perk of her nipples peeking through the silky material.
He didn’t waste any time. Pants and briefs were discarded and he joined his beloved Lucy on the bed.
“Like what you see, love?”
“Then show me. Let’s make love, Natsu.”
“Anything for you, Lucy-baby.”
For most of the week, their activities had been more raunchy and wild. Tonight, though… Tonight was different. Each touch reverent, each kiss deep and tender. No animalistic frenzy, but rather, pure lovemaking in its barest form.
They moved together as one, Lucy’s legs wrapped around Natsu’s lower back, each motion accented by her little gasps and moans. Passion reached its peak and the pair crashed into one another’s arms.
Natsu rested his forehead on Lucy’s. More tender kisses, more sweet whispers of shared love.
For several moments relaxed shared silence. Then…
“hey Luce? Can we talk?”
“uhhh sure.” A pause. She snapped her fingers again, this time becoming wrapped in a nightgown that was simple and comfortable yet as beautiful as her other celestial garments.
She sat next to him on the bed.
“What’s up? Is something wrong?”
“Huh? Nah. Everything’s good. Lucy…” Here he took her hand. “…I wanna be your mate.”
Mate… The words made her blush.
“So you want to stay with me?”
“Duh. I just said that. Why not? I’ll even fix my place up for ya, make us a nice little cottage.”
“Natsu, you’d do all that…for me?”
“Yeah.” One word, accompanied by a genuine fang-bearing smile. Lucy couldn’t even attempt to verbalize her response. So, she pounced and hugged him, letting happy tears flow. “Is…that a yes?”
“duh…” Lucy giggled, face buried in chest and scarf. She heard Natsu laugh, relieved, and felt him run his hands through her hair.
“Gimme your hand.” Assuming he just wanted to hold her hand again Lucy did what she was told. Seconds later she felt him sliding something cool onto her finger.
Suddenly she knew exactly what Natsu had been working on earlier that week.
A ring… he made me a ring…
“Wow…it’s so pretty.” An opalescent blue stone was set in a cool metal band that fit her finger just right.
“Look on the inside.”
“Okay…?” Curious, Lucy slipped it off, and took a look at the inside of the band. There, in Natsu’s odd handwriting, were carved four letters. NaLu. Lucy couldn’t help smiling as she slipped the ring back on.
She also couldn’t help the tears of love and utter joy from flowing down her face as Natsu pulled her into a hug then kissed her.
Who would have thought…who could have ever imagined, that a week in quarantine for a silly magic bug would have changed so much?
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themoonglitch · 3 years
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Granite Falls - Yuna & Nalu #3
Nalu: What a beautiful day! I’ve never been here before, it’s a bit cold for my taste but it’s so relaxing. 
Yuna *thoughtful*: Mmm... it is.
Nalu *worried*: Is everything okay? 
Yuna: Oh yes, sorry! I was thinking about this Bachelorette and sometimes it seems unfair.
Nalu: Unfair?? What do you mean?
Yuna: You boys are here for me, trying to get my attention and with a few time to do it. It's not fair to kick one after another out of it, just because we don't fit right now. 
Nalu: don't fit right now? 
Yuna: While I do belive in love at the first sight, I also believe that you kind of have to grow together. Maybe you fall in love at the first sight, but just after a while you see, you don't fit. And it’s the same the other way around. Just because we don't fit right now, doesn't mean whe don't have a chance at all. But we are kind of forced to "fall in love" in this time!
Nalu: It’s a good point and you are right indeed, but we all knew the rules when we apply for the Bachelorette Challenge. It’s not easy for none of us and it’s not easy for you either but that’s how it works. Take it as a sort of game and see what will happen. You respect us and we kind of feel it.
Yuna: Thank you Nalu, you’re such a good boy.
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m4tsuk4ze · 3 years
Naoyuta and why I can't stop thinking about it
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Naoyuta ( Naoyuu / Yuunao ) is the ship between Naoya Kido and Yuta Matsukaze. Now this post will just be me ranting about Naoyuta and why people in the community should talk about it more.
[ Quick warning : I AM Yuta so I will be referring to myself in the first person during this whole post. Also, if you reply, please do not mention anything about Kosu/Yuu because I can literally explain how that's never going to happen and why I'm so uncomfortable about it ]
Part 1 : A Pair of Nerds
I ( Yuta ) am a surfer from Shōnan who was born and raised at my parent's surfing shop. Naoya is a surfer from Oita. Through dialogue, it's revealed that I've known Naoya longer than he's known me. Our first meeting was either at the cafe where he got Miruru merch from [ WAVE!! 4-koma ], where he met both me and Kosuke twice, but never had a proper conversation, we only told him that he can have our coasters and cards. Or at my surf shop, where Naoya came in to check out a necklace he saw [ Yuta Matsukaze - Analysis During Shop Duty ].
Our feelings towards each other are unknown, as the full relationship chart only says "?". Meanwhile, the character relationship charts have our opinions on each other. Though, from the mmm relationship chart, me and Naoya are shown to be confused with each other, "Miruru...?" "Megane character...?".
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Part 2 : Next to each other.
As the 5th and 6th characters in the roster, me and Naoya are constantly paired together in promotional works and songs. Though, that's not as important as our actual relationship to each other.
We don't get to see much in the anime, though there have been a lot of interactions outside of it that shows that we're not as far apart as we seem.
From the [ WAVE!! 4-koma ], it's shown that me and Naoya has spent a couple of days together. In one comic, I was spending my whole day with him to figure out how he's so amazing at surfing. We ended up only watching anime, which made my notes fill up with data about Miruru. That databook was then given to Naoya. Something interesting is how the narrator said "There was no data collected, but the distance between their hearts did shorten."
On the game story [ Yuta Matsukaze - Analysis During Shop Duty ], I said a line that could be interpreted as falling in love or gaining interest, "At first, I was just supposed to guard the store. But before I knew it, I was..." In the same story, I also told Naoya that I've been watching him for over a year ( to which he called me a stalker, but that's fair i guess ), though it was Naoya telling me that he didn't mind me talking so much.
Naoya, meanwhile, doesn't give us much. He's said I was different on multiple occasions, on the character relationship charts ( which we will get to later ) and in the story [ Naoya Kido - The Secret of the Notebook ], where he said "…… Hinaoka-senshu is not ready yet. But Matsukaze-senshu is different." when it came to names for techniques. Naoya has also became really enthusiastic when I told him that I would probably move to Tokyo after high school [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]. We also got a close up shot of Naoya being worried for me during my heat with Fuke----
Also, a friend of mine theorised that the promotional SURFDAYS illustrations, the ways we're holding our surfboards are the way we'll hold our significant others...... So in terms of being next to each other,,,
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Part 3 : Annoying?!
Now on to those character relationship charts.
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On my relationship chart :
Y -> N : "He gets really excited when we're in Tokyo"
N -> Y : "I'd rather watch the latest Miruru episode than listen to your data."
On Naoya's relationship chart :
Y -> N : "His Miruru fan-ness gets annoying."
N -> Y : "He's a little different from the megane characters I know."
So yes, not that positive.... Though, despite me finding his love for Miruru a little annoying, it doesn't stop me from looking out for him. On the game event story [ Chocolate Securing Plan ], Nalu reveals that I've been telling him about Naoya. Nalu said that I told him not to touch the truth about Miruru, or basically, not to reality check him. This came up when Sho almost told Naoya about how fictional characters can't make real life chocolate.
Part 4 : Trivia and Hints
Me alerting Bill as to why Naoya isn't going to participate in the Forest Cup [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]
Me being the first to try and help Naoya after seeing him sad because the anime isn't going to stream in his city [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]
Me saying that I need Naoya in Shōnan after finding out how Naoya could actually make Kosuke take a break [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]
Me falling more into interest with Naoya after finding out how he is towards 2D and 3D girls [ Naoya Kido - 2D and 3D ]
Me itching to talk to him after seeing him at the beach [ Naoya Kido - The Secret of the Notebook ]
Me being the most worried when mine and Masaki's plan to give Naoya Miruru Dried Sweet Potatoes failed [ Naoya's Birthday Post 2020 ]
Naoya saying he doesn't mind that I talk a lot and that I'm just enthusiastic [ Yuta Matsukaze - Analysis During Store Duty ]
Naoya actually laughing and blushing at whatever the fuck I'm showing him [ WAVE!! Surfing Yappe!! Vol.2 DVD Cover ]
Part 5 : Yuta's Thoughts
Yeah so far it seems somewhat one-sided. I've shown a lot of interest towards Naoya in multiple different stories. Though there's much on him towards me. It's not something I mind though. In the stories, Naoya has shown to be kind towards me, though sometimes sarcastic and straightforward. He's a really interesting person and I'm glad that I could figure him out piece by piece. In the end, we still feel very far apart.
Yet, despite our distance and somewhat distaste for each other, we also have a lot of similarities. First of all, we're both described as nerds. But we also have shown to be the most perceptive out of the whole group, other similarities is that we can't seem to fucking shut up about our interests, and we also treasure our friends very much.
Part 6 : Final Thoughts
Anyways Naoyuta is a great ship, fuck you nerd x nerd is superior I don't want to hear anyone say shit about it. Also pink and green literally amazing, the colour palette is just spectacular, I cannot shut up about it.
This is dedicated to the first showing of Shonan the WAVE!! which will be streamed on the LOVE&ART official YouTube channel featuring both mine and Naoya's seiyuus, Yusuke Shirai and Shunichi Toki, on Friday 21st of May at 21:00 JST
Manifesting a Naoyuta drama but who knows.
Also WAVE!! Wonderful Party has a clip,,, It might be from a drama featuring the both of us or it could be something else. If it's the former then WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID I FUCKING MOAN AFTER NAOYA SAID SOMETHING ABOUT LAUNCHING SOMETHING [ CONTEXT PLEASE ]
Anyways have a great day, this was Yuta Matsukaze ranting about his own relationship and being gay as fuck so I hope you enjoyed reading it.
To leave off this post, I'll be sharing some art. And that's it, thank you for reading, goodbye for now!
- m4tsuk4ze || Yūta
Part 7 : Naoyuta so true
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mimir-anoshe · 4 years
List 5 TV shows that make you feel better, then tag 10 other blogs.
Tagged by @lopeforrestlope thanks mate 💕🤗
1. ATLA - Avatar the Last Airbender (dudes this is my childhood, my legend, it brings tears of joy and laughter always) + Toph is my Spirit animal so there's that. The gAang is my original found family and I will love them forever and always🤘🥺❤️
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2. THE ADVENTURES OF MERLIN - My guy, my dude, Merlin and Arthur are my gay King Wizard (Wizing/Kizard) dork couple of the (12th) century (and Gwen keeping her boys in check). Gwain is a living mood, and Killghara just gets me... I too would want to crispy bacon Uther's ass. The absolute sass, the comedic genius, the fucking heartbreak, the drama, the early 2000's BBC CGI budget mmm *chefs kiss*
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3. Firefly - Will I ever forgive the network for not giving this show the gazillion seasons it deserved? Nope. Will I always cherish the episodes I was given? Absolutely, for fucking ever. Space cowboys with awesome action and hilarious humour/character dynamics that would make any writer swoon. Also I had the biggest crush on Kaylee! You can't take the sky from me!
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4. Fairy Tail - The first anime that I ever really watched. Fond memories of me and my brother just having a blast binging over 300 episodes of it together, going on adventures with the guild. It will always bring a smile to my face and a "fairy tale" like magic to my heart 🧙🦄🐲 Snow fairy makes me cry 🧚❄️ every time. (Also NaLu was my gateway to Tumblr so it's technically why I'm even on this hellsite 🤪🤣) If you're noticing a pattern of found family shows, then you are absolutely fucking right!! This one's for you little bro, I'll always be watching over you, no matter how far👆❤️
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5. Julie and the Himbos Phantoms - the newest on this list, yet within only a week it has captured my heart and soul, it has made me laugh aloud and cry weeping grief. I went into it expecting an American cheesy teen sing song HSM esc monstrosity, and in some ways I got that, but boy was it so much more! The songs! The characters! The themes! The humour! The LADS!! JULIE "I'LL BREAK YOU" MOLINA!!! 🤭I relate to Alex SO MUCH, Luke too, and REGGIE 😂HONESTLY he sends me. My s.o. went "that looks so cheesy" right in front of my face and I literally hissed like a hellcat and went "excuse me sir that's my emotional support show!" 🤣🤣 Of the apocalyptic hellscape 2020 been, the fact that it's given me this show is a fucking light in the dark, one that'll make me raise my voice to the rain forever🎸🎹🎧❤️🥁🤙💕 They are my newest found family children and I love them your honor 🌺😎🥰
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Ok well there you go! All my favourite series and emotional support shows! I would've put the 100 but the way it ended sent me into a depression spiral and I needed these shows above to get me out of it^ (Honourable mention for seasons 1-4, but I need to move on, Jason can drown in his own ego for all I care 🤘BELLARKE lives on💕). Another honourable mention to The Mandalorian 🙏 (lmao another found family what is wrong with me?) Djin and his bb 🥺 *dies from💘*
Tagging: @head-and-heart @justalittlebluetiefling @levimikasa @bellarkestories @bellamynochillblake @cassianandfenrysaremyboyos @mischiefavenged1309 @bre95611 @kofiscrib @abandoned-as-mustard
Or anyone who wants to. I'm terrible with blog names (and names in general) so I just picked familiar mutuals/random, but you're all welcome to have at it! 🤘😁
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petri808 · 2 years
comparing hand sizes + nalu ?
From this prompt list
Here you go Nony!
When the heat of a known intruder roused Lucy from her slumber, her first reaction was to kick said pinkette out of her bed! And yet… she gazed sleepily on his bed-hogging frame, with arms extended and palms faced up and open. Slowly, carefully as to not wake the sleeping dragon, Lucy smoothed her own fingers over his. Digit by digit until her hand lay still and centered over his— well as centered as she could, for his hand was so much larger. Her fingertips were a joint lower, and palm consumed.
They’d held hands too many times to count, but often in the midst of action. No time to truly take in the difference between them. Even without any light to see by, she knew… as she tentatively ran her fingertips over his skin how worn and rugged they felt from years of physical demands. Lucy’s were still smooth and supple by comparison. Not that it mattered, for his hands conveyed safety and security. A comfort no other had ever brought to her life.
How many years had it been since they met in Hargeon? When Natsu extended his hand to her and welcomed her into Fairytail? What was it he’d said when he’d grabbed hold of her hand? ‘They’ll be together forever?’ Before the Hundred year quest? Lucy let her hand settle on his slumbering palm as a hint of heat flushed over her cheeks. “Forever…” with Natsu she whispered.
Without warning, Natsu’s fingers closed and entwined with hers. Lucy flinched, had he awoken? But his eyes were still closed? His fingers tightened their grip and arms lowered until their conjoined hands were settled over his chest.
“Mmm, forever…” Natsu mumbled.
Lucy stiffened again, unsure of what to do. He held a tight grip on her hand and if she tried to pull away he’d surely wake up! So warm… was his hold, swallowing her own with ease. The heat of his hand and the proximity of their bodies— All Lucy could do is surrender and pray he let go before morning.
But was it really such a bad thing? She flushed at their closeness. As much as she complained, Natsu was the reason she slept so peacefully. Assured that he and these powerful hands would keep her safe for the rest of their lives…
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bmarvels · 5 years
Not sure if you’re taking requests but how about a Nalu fluff fic where they’re cuddling during horror movie on the lacrima and Nastu comforts his Luce? (Original universe) or Nastu tending to his after a hang over from a guild party? He found her inebriated Antics endearing— but lightly chided her for not being more careful out of protecting Concern . Oh and he could have a bone to pick with Max and Warren after challenging Lucy...
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Sorry it took so long! @millennial-star-gazer But here it is! I do hope it’s to your liking and what you were hoping for ☺️ thanks so much for the request! Let me know what you think!
Natsu makes his way back to the guild, guided by the setting sun after an easy mission. Happy flies overhead munching on a fish treat he’s helped himself to while his partner’s stomach growls in protest.
“Man, they might have been easy to beat but it’s still left me starving! I hope Mira’s still working.” Natsu grumbles.
“Mmm, aye sir! Maybe she has my favorite fish!” Happy chirps eating the last bite of his fish.
“I dunno what you’re complaining about since you’ve been eating the entire time!” Natsu points out with a grimace and another growl of his stomach.
“Flying makes me hungry,” the blue exceed states, justifying his need for more fish.
Natsu opens the door to the guild still glaring at his partner, about to give another retort until he hears his name called in a singsong voice.
“Natsuuuu!” a certain blonde cheers, her face flushed a bright red as she sways on the barstool she sits on. “Hey, guys! Natsu’s back! Yaaaay!”
Happy lowers himself behind Natsu’s shoulder to whisper in his ear. “What’s wrong with Lucy?” The fire mage sees an empty, overturned stein in front of Lucy and his body runs cold at the realization… Lucy’s drunk. He groans at the memory flashing through his mind the last time the guys found the girls drunk and how clingy Lucy gets. “Oh great…she’s drunk. I bet Cana-” He stops himself as he doesn’t see any of the other girls around. His eyes fall on the guys around Lucy, two currently passed out on the floor next to Lucy with similar flushed faces- Max and Warren. His blood boiling through his veins, knowing somehow they’re the reason for Lucy’s current drunken state, he narrows his gaze on his guildmates and makes his way over to the celestial wizard.
Just as he reaches her, she attempts to jump towards him while still in her seated position at the bar, making the stool wobble and her topple over. Natsu’s arms catch her before she hits the floor while the stool clatters, wood against wood.
“Hehe, I fell for you, Nat-shuuuuu!” Her tongue slurring his name as a fit of giggles rack through her body. He fights the urge to roll his eyes at her, hearing snickers from the remaining few still drinking. His gaze narrows on them with a sharp glint in his eyes, piercing them from where they sat.
“Oh, come on, Natsu,” Macao speaks up. “It’s not like she was forced to drink with us. She was feeling a bit bummed that all the girls and you were out busy, so Max and Warren thought they would offer a challenge.” He barks out a laugh. “The two thought they had a chance against her since Cana wasn’t here, but Lucy sure showed them.” He takes another swig of the amber liquid as Natsu’s gaze travels back to the two men passed out on the floor by the bar. Lucy’s incessant giggling brought his focus back to the blonde still being held up by his arms. With a frustrated huff, Natsu tries righting Lucy back on her feet, but her unstable and wobbly legs proved useless as she kept swaying back against his solid, steady frame.
“Come on, Luce. Let’s get you home,” he tells her decidedly as he picks her up cradling her body in his arms. Ignoring the snickering coming from the guys at Lucy’s excited antics from being carried, Natsu walks back out of the guild- food far from his mind now.
The fire mage debated to himself whether he should take his blonde partner to her place or to his being closer to the guild. Carrying her as she throws her arms and legs around was bound to bring attention to them from passerbyers, not to mention she wasn’t making the job any easier on him either. He heads towards the path to take them to his humble abode. Walking along the dirt pathway through passing the tall trees of the forest, Lucy became silent and more still in his arms. The girl tucks her arms close to her as she snuggles her head into Natsu’s chest, mumbling softly. Listening carefully, he could pick up what she was saying: “warm…comfy…so sweet…love..”
His brows quirked up surprised at that last word. Love? Love what, exactly? Natsu shakes his head trying not to think too much about it. She was drunk after all. Last time he saw her like this, she didn’t remember a thing that happened much less anything she said. It had to be the booze talking…right? Reaching the door to his home, Natsu carefully reaches for the doorknob with his hand keeping Lucy’s legs draped over his arm. He lets the door swing open as he side steps through to not disturb the sleeping girl. Looking between his hammock and the couch, he chooses to lay her on the cushioned furniture, slightly concerned if she rolled around too much while still drunk sleeping on the hammock. Natsu sets her down gently letting her curl up against the backside of the couch still mumbling incoherently before finally getting comfortable and silent. With a soft sigh, Natsu sits on the edge of the cushion next to her, watching the way her nose slightly twitches as she falls deeper into slumber.
“What am I going to do with you this time, Luce…” he murmurs to himself but can’t help the small quirk of a smile. The sun shining through the window casting a brilliant glow to her golden tresses, a few loose strands fallen from her tied ribbon now hanging loosely across her face. Natsu reaches out gently moving the strands aside, no longer obstructing his view of the sleeping beauty before him. He wasn’t a complete dolt to not notice her good looks, but that’s never been what has drawn him to her. Even knowing how much Lucy cared to keep up her good appearances, always making sure her hair was done just right or her clothes showing off her curves perfectly. None of that mattered to him. It was the way she cared for everyone- her friends, her family, no matter their history she always believed in giving them a chance. It was the way her brown eyes would light up excitedly to see him and their guild mates, especially after a long mission of being away. The softness in her eyes as she would be lost in thought and staring out into the distance with a small smile on her lips. The curve of her lips creating every smile that always reached her eyes, genuine, playful, compassionate. Her weird tendencies to get upset over the smallest stuff while handling bigger problems with confidence and ease and her silly reactions anytime he’s just being himself, varying between bouts of laughter and annoyed yelling.
Natsu catches himself smiling at his thoughts roaming over the many parts that make Lucy…well, Lucy as tracing the side of her face. He pulls his hand back, a bit embarrassed he hadn’t realized he was doing that all this time, but Lucy turns his head towards him and barely opens her eyes to look at him.
“Don’t stop, please..” her voice soft and drowsy. He freezes for a moment to make sure he wasn’t imagining it, but she wouldn’t turn back over until his soft touch lulled her back to sleep. Tentative at first, he continues the same path he traced along the side of her face and sure enough she turned back fully on her side with her eyes closed. His fingers gently caressing her skin then traveling to her silky hair as he lets out a breath he hadn’t realized her was holding until now. He stays by her side for several minutes until he hears her deep, even breathing. Smiling, he gets up to find a blanket for her and sets a glass of water on the table next to her. Taking one last lingering look at the celestial mage’s sleeping form, he leans over her and softly lays his lips on her temple.
“Get some sleep, Luce.”
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nalufever · 4 years
Drinks on the House
A drabble in honour of the latest Mashima twitter sketches - the almost Nalu kiss. He’s a troll, but it did give lots of ideas to lots of writers and that’s a good thing! A second hand story told from another's eyes is just as valid and perhaps more scarring. ;) READ on A03 here^^ FF.net HERE Enjoy! Comments, reviews welcomed.
Mira slid another double whiskey on the rocks to Happy who flinched at the scrape of the glass down the bar top. She had to restrain herself from diving across to offer the poor exceed a hug. "Aww! Are you ready to talk now?" 
The abject misery on Happy's face dimmed, replaced with an unfocussed look. Praise be to the insulating haze of alcohol! He tipped back the rest of his drink and pushed the empty to Mira with a little hiccup. "Aye sir!" Grabbing the new drink, Happy held onto it as if it were a lifeline and he was willing to take on a whole gang of bandits to defend his beverage. Happy took a slow look around the guild. He hunched his shoulders and leaned closer to the avidly listening Mirajane. "I saw something I shouldn't have." 
"Mmm." Mira glanced at the various guild members in attendance. Who was Happy looking for before spilling his guts? Normally, the exceed loved to be the centre of attention and would instigate a fight at the smallest opportunity. Time to get him to talk. "Did Macao scratch or adjust himself where people could see again? I had Laxus -" she made air quotes as she spoke, "-tell him that has to stop." 
Happy frowned. "Ew but no! I can't sleep without having nightmares!"
"Oh. Did you see Reedus' new collection of art? His series on man and broom? I have so many questions about Max now."
"Good to know I gotta avoid talking to Reedus, but I saw real life action that will haunt me forever!" Happy gulped half his whiskey, this time his shudder at the fiery taste was mild. "I should bury this deep."
"No!" Mira suppressed her urge to shift into one of her demon forms - barely. "I mean, it's better out than in, right?" How was she going to keep her title of most informed guild mate without learning every bit of gossip available?
"All I know is that doesn't apply to farts. Charle still won't come within twenty feet of me." Happy pouted, the booze was making it hard to keep track of his whirling thoughts.
"Well,-" Mira batted her baby blues and leaned closer, the better to hear and let Happy feel their conversation was private and intimate, "-let's ignore that for now. What did you see that has you drinking so early in the morning?"
Happy rubbed one paw over his forehead. "I saw…I saw Natsu and Lucy standing real close to one another…" His voice petered out, thin and trembling.
Mira waited for a minute. "That's not even weird." She squinted at Happy, taking her time to best consider what words would make him spill his guts. "They're best friends and partners. When aren't they close to one another?"
"He licked her! I'm a cat and I don't even do that!'
Various adult ideas began to swirl around Mira's brain - but she'd had her hopes raised one too many times. "Oh, you mean he licked a bit of food or sauce?"
Happy shook his head, eyes wide and panicked. "No, not food or sauce or else Lucy would have bitten him, she doesn't share her greasy meat!"
Mira topped up Happy's whiskey and gave him a slow reassuring smile and nod. "So they were standing close to one another, what else did you see?"
"They do both have hands…" Mira hoped Happy would talk faster or else she'd have to scare the information out of him. "What's so traumatizing about hands?"
"They were all over each other! Clutching! Grabbing! Touching!"
"Sounds like they might've been play fighting." Mira sighed. She should have known better to get her hopes up. Sooner or later she'd be Godmother to thirty or so Nalu babies - but since Lucy was young and healthy, there was plenty of time for that to happen.
"Since when does play fighting include sticking your tongue in someone else's mouth?!" Happy shuddered, drank the dregs of his whiskey and hugged himself, rocking back and forth on his bar stool. "I keep seeing it over and over! First it was just Natsu licking Lushi's mouth and then she grabbed him! I thought she was gonna push him away but she stuck to him like a barnacle!"
Mira almost toppled to the floor. Years of waiting for a miracle had made her almost give up hope but Happy's story was undeniably the truth. There was no way the exceed would make up such a fanciful lie. Nor did he have the imagination! Or let alone, actual knowledge about what two consenting adults could get up to when they liked one another.
Giant hearts in her eyes, Mira slammed her hands on the counter of the bar. At the top of her lungs she bellowed, "Drinks on the House! Imma be a Godmother!"
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doginshoe · 4 years
Nalu: Longing
Natsu pushed Lucy against the wall, his hands gripping onto her waist as their lips moulded together in a fierce kiss. Her hand wound themselves around his neck and he had to stifle a moan as she brought his lower lip inbetween her teeth.
He had to try everything to keep it together, concentrating on the music reverberating through the walls as he tried not to melt as the girl of his dreams peppered kisses along his jaw causing him to suck in a breath of air. He had waited for this for so long, he thought, moving his hands from her hips to her backside as he pushed himself closer to her.
She was his best friend and he had been pining after her for years. Lucy Heartfilia - his neighbour and the girl that nearly made his heart pound out of his chest from just a smile. He didn’t know how he had kept his patience for so long, her breathy moans sounding like heaven as he grinded against her.
His brows furrowed as the thought of why he had held himself back for so long bounced around in his head. There was a strange feeling in his stomach, but he blamed it on the alcohol as she pulled back to look into his dark eyes.
Her lips were soft, perfectly moulded against his own as they, once again, caught themselves in another heated kiss. He couldn’t resist as he pinched her butt, using the opportunity of her gasp to delve his tongue into her mouth. It was hot and the alcohol mixing on their breath made his head dizzy.
He wanted her so bad.
“Mmm, N-Natsu,” she slurred as they parted, chests heaving for more air as they stared at each other with half lidded eyes. Lucy squirmed, pulling her arms from around him to tug at his shirt. “M...more.”
His eyes widened as she twisted her fingers under hem and then started pulling the article clothing off of him, raising his arms quickly as she forced it off of him. She didn’t waste time as his chest was no bare in front of her, dropping the shirt as she glided her hands across his chest and down the muscles of his arms.
“Lu... Lushi.” Her name was harder to roll his tongue and his brain struggled to formulate thoughts apart from the heat that her touch provided.
She was all over him, fingers skimming over his abs as she nibbled on the flesh just above his collarbone. He had to steady himself against the wall, barely suppressing a groan that hummed down in his chest. Natsu’s breathing was laboured and all he could look at was her blonde hair shining in the light of the bathroom as she left bite marks down his body.
He loved her hair - how it turned golden in the sunlight and how soft it was between his fingers. Though, he loved everything about her. From the tips of her toes to her brown eyes that looked so pretty whenever she laughed.
Natsu didn’t know how he hadn’t caved and made a move on the blonde before. She was everything to him and now, he couldn’t describe how good it felt to have her touching him like this.
Though, he couldn’t help but frown as that feeling in his stomach continued to grow up into his chest. A bad feeling that pulled his brain from focusing wholly on Lucy.
It was on the tip of his tongue, but he felt a haze fogging his brain that stopped the answer from coming to him.
Lucy, however was already unbuckling his belt. “Come on. We have.. t-to hurry,” she breathed, the hot hair blowing against his skin just above his pants. “We.... we can’t l-let.” Her jumbled words were interrupted with a giggle as she pushed herself back up to kiss Natsu.
“Wait....” He pushed her away, the feeling overwhelming him as he felt he was gonna be sick. “I don’t think we c-can... do this, Lushi.”
She screwed up her face and Natsu had to blink a few times to get the blonde back into focus.
“Bur I want youu, Nat-suuu,” she whined, “I always... loved you. I promise-“ she hiccuped and Natsu felt his thoughts finally click into place as his emotions became distraught. Lucy leaned forward as he struggled to breath, her voice a whisper as she spoke into the shell of his ear, “I promise Loki won’t find out.”
He stumbled back then, his arms coming up to hold the blonde at length as she tried to put her hands on him again.
“No.” Natsu shook his head. “I... We can’t do this.”
“Luce,” he spoke, his voice cracking as the alcohol worked up his emotions that were already spiraling out of control. “I’m not doing this.”
Lucy’s brows pinched together, eyes barely focused as the words started to tumble incoherently from her lips. “I thought... Didnt you- love me?”
Natsu took another step back. “I-I-I.... I do, Lucy.” He clenched and unclenched his fist. “But I can’t... no, I can’t. Not like this.”
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