#ml rarepair
fabseg-reader · 4 days
Miraculous sketches: Zolya/Zoelya (Zoé and Alya)
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I've drawn sketches of both Alya and Zoé together.
These sketches present Zolya/Zoelya scenes that are romance moments. Each scene presents a romance/love/attraction/kiss situation between the two girls.
These scenes involve their miraculous alter egos.
First: Alya and Zoé (Civilians)
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Second: Scarabella and Kitty Noire Kittybella
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Third: Rena Rouge and Vesperia
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Fourth: Scarabella and Vesperia
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Fifth: Rena Rouge and Kitty Noire
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Happy Lesbian Visibility Week ! 🏳️‍🌈 🟠🧡⚪🤍🟣💜
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sfigatino · 1 year
For you wrapped ask, 28 for... Hmmm, Sabine and Tom!
“Ugh, I was supposed to have these done an hour ago.” Tom muttered as he tossed burnt croissants into the trash. “If I’d followed the recipe instead of trying something new, I’d make enough, I’d be enough–”
Tom stopped himself, but Sabine had already noticed his slip-up and was walking over to him, lightly rubbing his arm.
“Tom, you’re doing great.” She encouraged him with a soft smile. “If you were enough for your father, you wouldn’t be the man I married. You’d be someone else entirely.”
“I know, but I’ve just convinced myself that if I could try hard enough, I’d be the perfect baker, the perfect son… I’m not a teen anymore, I don’t know why I still think like this.” He sighed. 
“The perfect life wouldn’t have Marinette in it.” Sabine pointed out. “In your father’s ideal, you never would’ve married me and Marinette would never have existed. I for one am happy that you’re nobody else but you.”
“You’re right.” He smiled. “Just give me a minute to breathe before baking again, I know I’ll be fine, just… I never really stopped wanting to please him.”
“And you don’t have to.” Sabine smiled. “You’re perfect the way you are. Take a good look at yourself, I’m very happy that you’re nobody else but the man I married, the man who raised our daughter with me, the best baker on this side of Paris, and the boy I fell for all those years ago.” She kissed his cheek before whispering in his ear, “je t’aime, mon amour.”
And in that moment, he felt exactly like he had when she first kissed him all those years ago when they were young and in love… He felt infinite.
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blinday · 2 years
Okay but why am I suddently shipping Chat Noir x Alya Cesáire???
Like, ?????
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ml-rarepairs · 1 year
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Reminder to keep it civil in the reblogs! Lift up your own ship, don't put others down.
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sallertiafabrica · 1 year
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Was rooting for that tie, but alas. Thanks for the alliance feluka nation ✊🏽😔
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inkmousey · 1 year
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saemi-the-writer · 11 months
If you're still doing the pairing meme: Tikki/Plagg, Alyanette, Felinette, Adrinino and Lukanino?
Oh wow, that's quite the list. *cracks knuckle* Here I go!!
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Screw canon with "Kwami don't understand love or human's feelings", Tikki and Plagg are the oldest married couple ever around!!! The balance, opposite attracts, fun bickering, sweet nickname Plagg only has for Tikki? They're married, your Honour!
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Best friends to lovers is a go!! It's a shame the show is so inconstant with Alya's characterization, but let's forget it for a moment: Alya is the one who openly stood up to Chloé for Marinette when they didn't know one another, Alya keeps rooting for Marinette in everything she does and helps whenever she can, is her confident and keeps giving her pep talk... what's not to love? Sure, Alya isn't perfect, and she's still a teen learning subtility among other things. And I don't think I need to expand on what Marinette does for Alya and everyone else, the poor girl even needs a long vacation! Burn whatever Lila is doing to Alya's brain whenever she appears on screen, Alya is a good friend and potential GF for Marinette!
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I am glad Felix was replaced by Adrien, I don't care if the quality of the show dropped or is imitating a roller-coaster ride. I've seen enough "girl is infatuated with a (selfish) boy who's acting like an asshole to her, whilst drooling all over a persona of hers", and I am glad they went for the "classmates-friends-to-lovers" route. Felix isn't "a jerk with a heart of gold", that's fanon Felix, and while some creators have very good AUs for the pairing (some I even follow!), it got tarnished in my eyes by the too many salt fics where Felix comes around to "save Marinette from EvUlanDsTOopiD classmates and Adrien". UGH. I despise how they made Felix an asshole only to try and make me feel sorry for him afterwards, there are two kinds of assholes, and Felix in his first apparitions wasn't in the "likeable" one.
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Underrated, underdeveloped, wasted potential, WHY?! They would make a very cute couple!! Also, gimme more of their friendship on screen goddamnit!!!!! They would be so fun to follow, example: Nino is usually being chill and smiling yet he (internally or not) completely freak out when Adrien makes a social faux pas due to his upbringing or casually buys him some expensive stuff "DUDE PLEASE DON'T 😨" "Did I do something wrong?? Are you mad? 😢" "Nonononono I'm not mad but... next time, just follow my lead and keep your money, please??" (still he lets Adrien give him gifts though because it's one of his love languages)
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Anon, either you've been through my main blog (respect, for it's so chaotic and mostly untagged) or you're a mind-reader because it's a rare pair that I'd love to see more!! I admit that the idea crossed my mind kind of randomly, mostly when I was working on my Miraculous Team AU, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it. With good development, these two could work well! They'd make a fun, cute and chill couple, both music lovers and artists in different fields. Nino could be the shoulder Luka could lean on, he who is so often the one to dry people's tears, the two would support each other in a calm, steady way. Nino's perseverance would inspire Luka, and Luka's hidden sneakiness would come in handy for Nino... so much potential!
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zenniaphoenix · 2 years
​A ship dynamic
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Felix would not let Luka get away with being his therapist. Luka would not let Felix get away with shit.
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Metal Glueing
Meet Cute Monday Bonus
Meet Cute Monday Masterlist
"...." - English
"[....]" - French
"/…./" - Italian
"{....}" - Cantonese
The soft vanilla scent reached Roy's nose before he heard her. The top floral scents and earthier undertones filled the workshop contrasting sharply with the smells of oil, sweat and metal drawing his attention away from the bike engine before him he had been working on.
Quiet, barely heard flips of soft shoes colliding with the concrete workshop floor soon followed by sharp clicks of dress shoes made their way around the work space. Harsh whispers could be made out over the sounds blasting from the radio that stood by the tool cabinet.
Roy glanced over to Jason who sent him a raised eyebrow back, he too clearly was not expecting any visitors either. Rising from where he was working, Roy edged towards where the strangers were coming from with a spanner in hand. Just in case. He may be a hero, but this was still Gotham. Jason shifted so had a clear view of the couple, gun rest within a seconds reach if required.
Spinning the spanner like he often did with arrows, Roy almost dropped it as a tiny flurry of pink finally appeared followed sedately by a tall disinterested blonde. Her sapphire eyes sparkled in the fluorescent lights but held glints of a hidden fire. Peach lips pursed before pulling into a tight forced smile.
"[Hello] Hi, ummm I've heard you do metal…" the woman gestured with her hands colliding with each other… "glueing."
Roy frowned in confusion, "Metal… glueing?"
She twisted before speaking in rapid French to her companion, her arms waving around gesturing while the impeccable blonde watched on indifferently.
"[Fe, I need English word. You know, for the fffvvvvghk sound thing. Welding!! It's] /Welding/ [in Italian and] {Welding} [in Cantonese. You grew up in England. What's welding!!]"
Pivoting, seemingly unable to stay still for long, displacing her perfume through the air, the woman's attention focused sharply on Roy.
"[Yes!] Metal glue. Sticking metal together with sparks. To make a box."
The exasperated sigh that escaped the blonde, Fe if heard correctly, startled Roy as the man pinched his nose in a very Bruce and Oliver. Given the high end designer gear he wore, Roy would not be surprised if the aloof nature of the man was because he was of 'high society' and being dragged to the dingey workshop that Jason and he used by the petite energy ball was something he'd happily turn his nose at.
"What my Duchess means is welding. She's heard that you guys weld and have good reviews as a workshop with reasonable rates and wants you to weld her a box."
Blinking in slight surprise, Roy watched at the enthusiastic nodding while the woman beamed up at Roy like he would solve all her problems.
"Ummm, why?"
Suddenly the cute, sweet, almost puppy-like expression whipped off her face and was replaced by a dragon as she snarled. The petite woman dressed in soft grey and pinks growled deeply whilst 'Fe' rolled his eyes just humouring the now fuming dark head 'Duchess'.
Roy was confused as to why, now known two aristocrats, were here, unless the blonde was security, and having such strong emotions. Placing the spanner down Roy leant against the workbench to study the pair. Unexpectedly the Duchess hissed at his question before responding through gritted teeth almost glaring laser beams into Roy.
"My douche baguette, unrisen loaf of a fiancé, decided to cheat on me. In OUR home!!! But, gracefully, I didn't not turn him into a kebab with… with knitting needles!! And ended things… nicely."
The blonde snorted and the Duchess narrowed her eyes at him. Impassively he shrugged at her with a small smirk, before tilting his head back to Roy.
"We've separated. Ended. Kaput. Done! I pawned the hideous eye sore of a ring… but…. He kind of… maybe sort of… wants it back. Could you pleeeeease weld(?) me a small box so I can put a euro in it and send it back to him. Especially as he unreasonable refuses to collect the knock off jewellery."
"A euro? Won't he just cut the box open and see what you've done?"
"Ha!!! He can't use a drill… a screw driver. Or even a kettle. I'm safe. Incompetent crumb minded fool. He'd be too lazy to think of that until it's forever too late."
Pirouetting yet again Cantonese flew out her mouth with vigour as she wandered about the work space. Roy glanced over at Jason who had taken interest but was currently frowning. The frown was not in his 'I'm going to kill you' or 'Kill me now' way but in his 'I'm concerned and going to protect you and most likely stuff food down your throat aggressively' way. 'Fe' grabbed Duchess's shoulders as she stormed past and stared deeply into her burning fire eyes.
"Nope. Marinette none of that."
"But Felix," he flicked her forehead at her protest, "hey!! Owww!!!"
She rubbed her head scowling at the man who may have been her security, but the flick suggested more familiarity.
"YOU are not at fault. His jealousy was unbecoming. I can't say that you are perfect. Decidedly not so with your time keeping in fact, BUT that's beside the point. It is his fault for being unfaithful, not yours. Duchess, I love you despite the wrong anatomy, get it into your thick skull, you.did.nothing.wrong."
A tired sigh escaped his mouth now as he looked at two towering men in the room.
"Excuse my friend. She seems to believe mechanics can weld her a tiny metal box and has not considered going to a welding company."
"There are welding companies?!"
"Yes Marinette!"
"Oh… oh well, thank you for your time. I'll find the right place now. [Goodbye!]"
"Wait! Hang on!!"
Roy stumbled slightly as he made his way closer to the eccentric duo, but not a couple if he was reading between the lines correctly. He waited until the pair's attention was back on him.
"We can weld. I, err, I'm happy to weld a revenge box for you. When did you need it?"
The excited squeal and cheek kiss caught Roy by surprise. He slowly touched his face where the soft lips touched as Marinette proceeded to do what could only be described as a 'happy dance' around the workshop smiling like the sun. Watching her friend who was back into the charade of apathy and disdain, Roy shook his head in soft amusement as he caught Jason eyeing the fair haired man with curiosity.
Despite their somewhat poor experience with the upper class and aristocracy, the pair before him seemed not to meet his expectations. The aura they gave off was more akin to Tim. That they know what was expected of them, and remembered most of the time but the mask slipped when comfortable and not paying attention to the audience. Or at least that was what Felix was portraying.
Well … she wasn't acting like she was better than probably everyone in the room. To be frank, Roy hadn't pegged her as a Duchess when she came in, so maybe she spent a lot of time avoiding the upper crust.
She also wasn't Tim's type of strange. A child left to bring up themselves and decided to choose heros, specifically Bats to role model against.
She emoted. Well maybe that was it. She emoted like Jason, wearing her heart on her sleeve, reacting to the bruises it receives with anger but still refusing to hide it from the world. Unlike Jason, Roy could see that despite the hurt thrown her way she wasn't clinging onto it and letting it fester. There wasn't an obvious mask to her emotions to turn them onto a performance accompanied by a war with words.
Ok her revenge was petty and potentially cruel, but there was no direct violence that he could tell. Hell, Roy bought into it completely. Being unfaithful deserved more than a box and a coin in his eyes, but the Duchess wanted to tackle it with pranks and not violence, Roy couldn't really argue. He supposed it stopped her being seen in a negative light if the press found out.
Leaving Jason to watch the couple, Roy moved to his work bench and grabbed a scrap of paper and turned his cap backwards so he could focus on designing a small box with dimensions that would allow the illusion of a rattling ring. Focusing on the diagram and trying to recall what pieces of waste metal was stored about the place, Roy drowned out the soft lilt of Duchess Marinette's voice, Jason's low drawl and the almost nasally sharp cuts of Felix.
Ignoring the rest of the world, Roy got quickly to work cutting and welding a small box until it just needed the coin to be shut in. Looking up from his work Roy was yet again taken off guard. Where Jason had been working, Marinette had taken off her dove grey jacket and was tinkering with Jason's bike. Jason has let someone touch his baby! Off to the side, Jason was deep in discussion with Felix. Roy was bemused, this… this was unexpected and he did not know what to make of it.
Coughing to draw attention to himself, Roy looked awkwardly at the comfortable trio. Running a hand through his hair, knocking the cap off only to fumble catching it.
"The box is nearly done, I just need a coin…"
"Oh! That was quick!! Ummm, [hang on, kwami where did I put it-]" Marinette fumbled with her jacket, "Ah-haa! Here!"
Moving towards Roy, Marinette missed seeing the toolbox that sat next to the bike he had been working on. Tripping, her eyes blew wide in surprise and arms windmilled as she tried to catch herself. Moving on impulse, Roy leaped forward and caught the woman before her face planted on the floor.
A choked laugh and a snort followed with a mutter 'clutz' could be heard behind the embraced pair. Roy elected to overlook Jason's and Felix's peanut gallery comments in favour of watching a rosey blush spread across the woman in his arm's face. The rouge made her azure eyes pop out more, shimmering in the dingy workshop. His eyes darted to where her tongue licked her coral lips as she sighed.
"Thank you, Monsieur, for… err… saving me. Ummm, I found the coin."
Dragging his attention away from her lips, Roy reluctantly helped Marinette find her feet. It was sheer will power that he let her leave his embrace to take the coin and seal it in the small metal box.
"I'll just finish these off… and make sure there are no sharp edges."
"Shame. Would be nice to have him cut by the thing he desires."
"Ha, yeah, well, I don't think postal workers would approve of it."
"Hmmm, true. I err, thanks. Ummm I'll let you finish and I just…"
Roy smirked as Marinette pointed towards the bike and sheepishly headed back in that direction paying attention to her steps. Shaking his head in fond amusement, Roy returned to finishing off the box.
It didn't take too long to finish welding and file off the sharp edges. Roy, content with his work, made his way back to the trio he had been ignoring. Jason and Felix seemed to be in a deep debate about Austen and Dickens much to Roy's amusement, while Marinette had grease swept upon her face where she had clearly tried to push her fringe out the way and her tongue poking out in cute concentration as she tinkered away on Jason's bike. Deciding not to be drawn into yet another literacy debate, he rattled the now sealed box gaining the attention of everyone and dropped into a mock bow.
"Sorted. Ready and waiting for you, your grace."
Felix raised a curious eyebrow at Roy's semi theatrics. Roy personally felt it was unnecessary as he was nowhere near as dramatic as his theatre nerd of a friend. Marinette on the other hand beamed a full watt smile at him. It was blinding and heart melting. Roy did not understand why anyone would want to hurt this sunshine blessed child.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"No probs. Seems fair to help you get your revenge."
"How much do I owe you?"
Roy scratched the back of head. He hadn't thought this far, just more that he was intrigued by the woman and wanted to find out more about her. Helping her with this prank… revenge… mission, was nothing really. The metal was from scraps around the workshop mainly. Plus is felt - wrong - to charge her for seeking retribution. He had no issues with poly or open relationships, but cheating and doing it under cover was wrong! Nope, he didn't feel right taking menu for this.
"Nothing. Ummm, the guys sounds like a douche and deserves it. Consider this on the house."
The wide eye's blink in surprise. Roy watched as Marinette bites her lips in confusion trying to figure out how best to respond. He worries he's overstepped as her eyes dart towards Felix and Jason, silently begging them for help on how to reply.
"Oh, umm…"
"We can't accept that. Payment is non-negotiable. My Duchess understands skills and labour required to hand make things and refuses to accept your work for free. [it's a lesson she has learnt the long way round!]"
"Okay, well as Roy isn't gonna accept payment in cash, how 'bout they meet at the diner 'cross the street for breakfast?"
"Hmm, brunch would be preferable. Duchess isn't a morning creature."
"Say 11?"
"11 would be acceptable."
"Perfect. I'll meet you here for tea while the payment is in progress."
"Earl Grey?"
"That would be most agreeable, Jason.'
"With milk?"
"Are you a heathen?! Miniture god's! No."
"Ha! Just wanna check. Can't have my hosting skills criticised. There are heathens *cough* Bruce *cough* who do."
"Hmmm. Fine. Tomorrow at 11."
"See ya Felix."
Felix nodded as he marched towards Marinette, looping her arm through his and used a finger to close her gapping mouth.
"Duchess, no need to be uncouth and act like a fish. It's very unbecoming. Now coming along darling, we have a box to post."
Plucking the box out of Roy's hands, Felix smirked at the redhead and guided the Duchess out of the dingy car workshop, leaving the soft trail of vanilla as the sharp dress shoe clicks retreated. Roy's eyes narrowed as he squinted in confusion at Jason. His bat crazy friend grinned at him like a maniac.
"What… what just happened?"
"I just got you a date with a girl who you've been making heart eyes at."
"But… what?!... Huh?"
"You can thank me later when we compare juicy gossip notes afterwards."
"Yup, keep up Roy. I got you a date with a girl who'd keep Ollie off your back, adores bikes, is an adrenaline junkies from what Felix was saying and you have the hots for. And I have gained a new person to join my book club."
Jason puffs up his chest like he was proud of his accomplishments. Roy runs his fingers against the brim of his hat using the habit to process everything while his mind catches up.
"You don't have a book club… oh my gawd! You said comparing notes! You got yourself A DATE TOO!!!"
Letting out ripples of laughter as Jason spluttered, Roy couldn't help but grin.
Tomorrow was going to be fun.
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iindigoeyed · 8 months
sucks to be the ONLY person with a rarepair in a fandom but the good part is when youre working on your own fanart and fanfic so you can convert people to your religion. Like yes here's my propaganda, please join my cult it's literally just me in here
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
Looking for ML Rarepairs
I'm undergoing a fun, necessary challenge moving forward and am looking for suggestions for ML rarepairs for an AU. I've had a few suggestions thus far, but am looking for more. If there are any pairs you want to see, maybe have a guilty pleasure pairing, or an odd couple that you want to see get more attention. All players and characters are fair game except for: Ivan, Kagami, and Ondine.
I look forward to seeing what pairings you guys like and want to see more of.
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MLB Femslash February 2024
Pairing - Aurore Beauréal/Ondine
I’m more than a bite late to post this, but I wanted to get it out. I do plan on writing more for this event.
As a weather girl, Aurore likes to look at the bright side of things. Well, she tries to.
On the sunny side, Aurore’s swimsuit is super cute and she’s already gotten some compliments for it! Also, Marinette brought free pastries for everyone.
On the cloudy side, however, Aurore has only made some small talk so far. Maybe it’s the noisy and bustling atmosphere of the event, reminding Aurore too much of work. That and she’s getting cold feet at the last possible minute.
Aurore’s weather girl responsibilities often collide with her schooling and her parents realised that their daughter doesn’t have the normal social life that girl her age should have. Sure, Aurore is friends with Marinette but that girl is friends with everyone, aside from Chloé and Sabrina. And she does commercials with Mirelle, sometimes. For those, they have to pretend to be friends and not just friends but "besties".
Since a few students from Collège Françoise Dupont would be competing in the swimming competition, Aurore’s parents said that it would be a great opportunity for her to get to know her schoolmates better.
The other students are either cheering on the contestants or enjoying Marinette’s pastries, minus Alya, who’s interviewing Kim and a pink haired girl. Aurore doesn’t understand the purpose of it. Unless Ladybug is competing, she doubts that the followers of the Ladyblog will be interested in some swimming competition.
“So, are you two going to compete together or separately?” Alya asks.
“Together!” Kim replies enthusiastically. “We work better as a team. Ondine here has really taught me a lot!” He places his arm around the pink haired girl.
From where she’s sitting, Aurore can’t get a clear view of the girl’s face. It’s always good to know who the competition is. Even if there is a 99% percent chance that she’s going to drop out of the race and call her Mom to take her home.
Although, now that Kim mentioned working together as team, it dawns on that Aurore that it would helpful to have a partner for this competition.
Why didn’t she think of that before?
Would it be too late now?
Well, Kim did say that Ondine has helped him out. Maybe Aurore could ask Ondine to give her some tips so that she doesn’t make a complete fool of herself?
After the interview finishes, Aurore builds up the courage to try and ask Ondine.
“Hey, you’re Ondine, right?”
When she actually sees Ondine’s face for the first time, Aurore is thrown completely off guard.
This girl looks like a sunkissed daydream.
She smiles and Aurore thinks that’s she’s actually going to melt.
“Yeah, I am! Why do you ask?” Ondine replies.
Keep it cool Aurore, keep it cool.
She purses her lips.
“It’s about the race,” she begins. “Kim said that you’ve been a big help to him and I was wondering, if you have anytime, that is, if you could give me some pointers?”
Aurore feels like she’s out of breath.
“Of course! If you’d like, I could show you some techniques, too!” Ondine offers.
Aurore flushes sunset-pink. “Yeah, I’d like that,” she admits.
Guess every cloud really does have a sliver lining.
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Aaaaaaaand it's back!!
Lukagami month will be coming back this August but this time in the form of a week-long event, taking place from the 15th till the 21st of August!!
Before inserting the prompts, I would like to thank all the people that submitted any prompts they had, I certainly wouldn't have come up with them on my own. I also will be crediting the people who came up with each respective prompt below.
And without further ado, here it is:
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15th August - Music/Dance (both by @homestucks-against-homestuck)
16th August - Leisure (@ran-akabara) /Sports
17th August - Akumatized/Heroes
18th August - Surprise/Opposites (@kgmi-tsrgi)
19th August - Alternate Universe/Secret
20th August - Future/Past
21st August - Free Day
(Free day is basically the day where one may post any Lukagami content created that isn't related to any of the prompts)
Here are the rules:
• Any form of content (ex: fanfic, drawing, edits, etc...) is accepted as long as Lukagami is the main focus.
• You can do a prompt or both from each day, and how many days you like, as long as the day and prompt are clearly stated.
• Tag all your posts with #lukagamiweek2022 so I can repost your content here. If it isn't reposted by 24 hours, then send the post to me via private message.
• Any NSFW stuff must have a warning and be placed under a cut.
• Disrespect to any other creators is strictly prohibited.
• Most importantly, have fun and be creative!! This event was created for a fun purpose and for this ship to get more content :)
That's all for this post! Please reblog to spread the word about this event and looking forward to seeing all your amazing creations!! ❤️💙
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ml-rarepairs · 1 year
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Last poll for this round! On the left we have the first explicitly sapphic one-sided ship in Miraculous Ladybug. On the right we have the OG Miraculous Ladybug ship. Which will advance?
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pladrien · 1 year
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twin-books · 2 years
So is it bad that I still like Chloé in spite of Astruc's bullshit. Yeah her not redeeming stings and I agree, but I still find her funny and realize being an egotistical diva is part of her character (and let's be real, watching a near 50 year old man act like a fictional teenager pissed in his cornflakes is pretty pathetic, no matter what you think of Chloé) and Season 4 had some genuinely funny moments with her if you can look past all the BS with Zoé.
I personally think it's fine to like Chloe. I like Chloe. I don't really enjoy her character much now but I don't enjoy anyone's character now so can't really hold that against her.
I also think it doesn't matter what people tell you (yes that includes the makers of the very character), you are allowed to like whatever character you want. It's pretty awesome that you're still loving Chloe. Even after all the turmoil the show, show writers, and fandoms have put ya through you're still going on strong! Ashamed to say I've nearly given up on Chloe but she's, again, not the only character. I still love them enough to write fanfics but I am just not strong enough to watch the show much anymore. I hate Astruc's attitude towards Chloe and her fans so I can't blame ya for being ticked. He can be quite rude. Or well... he's almost always rude when it comes to Chloe, I should say. Not to mention he fails to think things through. I don't get why he refuses to forgive and forget the bully he based her off of. Like I'm totally for writers writing in a character based on someone they don't like just to kill them off later or give them a small punishment in the story that's not too important. I get that. It helps ya process and calm down and let go. But in Astruc's case it only seems to fuel his rage? The man ticks me off but I can't help but feel bad for him when it comes to things like this. Off-topic; Anyway, no, it's not bad you like Chloe. You do you. You're allowed to like whatever character you like and the characters you like should not be a reason to judge you. I like Signora from Genshin Impact a little too much and she's a horrible person. I don't think I'd have any right judging you if I wanted to anyway! I love your icon and name, btw! Nice rarepair! Feel free to drop by again and talk about Chloe! She's a fun character to explore and now that the gates are shut for her canonically we have free reign to do whatever we want! Thanks for your lovely ask and I hope you're having a wonderful day, night, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is where you are! <3
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