#mitchell oregon
garyrandall · 3 months
The Painted Hills in the snow
Winter finally made it to Oregon and 2024 came in like a lion weather-wise. We had high winds, ice, snow and temps near 0°F. Needless today there was a lot of storm damage and hardship with electricity, water and phone/Internet disruption many people were in survival mode for at least a week in the area that I live. We stayed at home for the first four days but eventually decided to travel from…
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elenitrack · 1 year
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Kaylee Mitchell (Oregon State)
2023 NCAA Championships (Austin)
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muhammadgiovanni · 1 year
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Handful of shots from my journey...
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thelastnativeearthling · 11 months
When trying to see the "glass half full" side of things.. or when I'm attempting to make myself understand that there is an up side to every negative situation and or thing in life... The only reason I really have trouble is due to my constant fight or immense struggle to scrape up some kind of.. dare I say it?.. "positive" thing in regards to my pure O... but I guess Its not impossible.. because come to think of it, at least I can say that my intrusive thoughts,(stemming from my OCD) that plague my day to day life (as well as stemming from me thinking all humans can hear and see my thoughts and stream of consciousness) with enough apprehension to completely shut me down socially, or basically render my social health as non-existent.. which positive or not has directly led to me choosing to become (more like forcing myself) an A-sexual.
This new chapter or metamorphosis has undoubtedly occurred over a period time instead of something worse and more drastic decision wise (or in lieu of me offing myself) directly due to the cognitive toxicity levels in my brain reaching a lethal new high and level of total fuckedupedness... This shit gets my mind horribly overemotional and a whole long list of other negatively impactful neurological suicide bombs...
By now you must be jumping at the bit to understand why or what exactly I am describing, what could be so bad sure the intrusive thoughts sound annoying and whatnot but people can't really hear them in public right? Wrong, they can and not only that the intrusive thoughts (which always take the worst possible turn and contains the most shocking disgusting vile pervasive and self depreciating shit) but what takes the cake for the most impactful negatively speaking is what pops up into my mind during anything even remotely related to sex, sexuality, sensuality, physical love or sexual arousal.. especially during stimulation or God forbid while being intimate (to any extent and in any way or capacity) with another person...
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Beautiful 1969 mid-century modern home backs up to the National Forest in Rhododendron, Oregon. 3bds, 3ba, $1.160M.
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This home isn't like the average MCM home, but typical of MCMs, it does have a conversation pit in front of the fireplace.
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That looks nice, they put a desk in front of the window of the small path around the pit. Note that they have a low cabinet as a barrier so you don't fall in- good idea.
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The dining area is in front of the stairs, but there's enough room to get around an average dining set.
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The kitchen is very nice. It's been redone, but I like the color of the cabinets.
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Glad that it has shades on all the windows, b/c even though it's in the forest, there's an awful lot of glass. I would feel creeped out at night.
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I mean, really.
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It's nice, but that toilet may as well be outside.
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This family room is a beautiful shape, has a great fireplace, but can you imagine opening and closing all the shades in this house?
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Oh, who put white carpet on the stairs?
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This room has a lovely stone wall and a Juliet balcony.
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Very nice bath redo.
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The bedrooms are a little on the small side, but that's MCM design.
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Beautiful deck outside the kitchen has a view of the foot bridge.
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This deck is huge and even has a built-in bench.
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There's a garage at the bottom of the property.
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A creek runs thru the 1.90 acre property.
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Plus there's also this great woodworking shop.
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callsigncurse · 7 months
Call Sign Chaos - (Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Reader)
[Part One of the 'Agents of Chaos' series]
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Character Stats:
Personality is quiet, sweet - but will stand up for your friends/yourself if pushed too far. Very confident when it comes to your flying.
Best friend is your RIO, Lieutenant Joshua "Agent" Evans.
Raised in a small town in Oregon (this will be important-ish later)
Universe: Soulmates AU - When you come into contact with the one you're meant to be with, your invisible string shows itself to you, tying you to that person forever. Your soulmate can read your mind, and you can talk to each other telepathically (and, subsequently, block each other out), as well as feel the other's presence, no matter how far apart you are.
Words: 2.4K
Warnings: None that I know of, but if you see anything, please let me know!
part two →
"Listen, I'm just saying. You could do a lot worse than Seresin." Josh was walking beside you on your way to a meeting. "I mean, you haven't dated in good long while. I'm starting to worry about you."
Your amusement is evident when you turn your head to face him. "Seriously, J? You're trying to set me up with the Navy's number one playboy?" While you appreciated your best friend's concern, there was no way in hell you were going to pursue Jake "Hangman" Seresin.
"Oh, c'mon, he's not that bad." He sounded unconvinced, even to himself, and it pulled a laugh from you as you entered the classroom. "I mean, he's hot, isn't he?"
"I mean, sure." You relent. "But I'm not looking to mess around right now, you know? I want to wait for my soulmate." The last half of your sentence was more whispered than said, and the look your RIO gave you was one of worry. 
You took a seat next to Josh in preparation for the meeting. You were barely listening as your instructor for the mission was announced. You knew the callsign, of course. Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell was an absolute legend in the Navy. He was your instructor for this mission, the one that was top secret, which surprised you. He was pretty well known to never follow the rules set in place. He listened to no one but himself.
You started paying more attention when he started walking between the aisles of the tables you were sitting at. You caught sight of strong arms and a handsome face with messy black hair.
And when he reached the front and turned around, you caught sight of yet more of his strong, handsome face. He was a little on the older side, but still devastatingly gorgeous. When he removed his aviators, intense blue eyes met yours from across the room. Your breath left your lungs in a split second.
And because of the golden thread that was now gleaming against your skin, tying your wrist to his, he was also, evidently, your soulmate.
His eyes were blinking owlishly at you, confusion written in the gorgeous blue and in the tight line of his lips. The color of his string looked beautiful against the backdrop of the tanned skin on his left wrist. It was branded into him like a tattoo, just as it was on your right wrist.
You quickly slid your hand under your desk, sliding the sleeve of your flight suit down over your string. You looked around quickly, but it didn't seem like anyone else had seen anything. Rooster was too busy looking annoyed at Hangman; Hangman was snickering at him; and the rest were looking down at their desks or at each other.
To his credit, he didn't miss a beat. He copied you, sliding his flight suit sleeve down over his wrist. He played it cool, even if his intense gaze drifted to you constantly as he was talking.
It was hours later, and you were still walking around in a stupor. All you could think about was Captain Pete Mitchell. You could feel his presence, which was reassuring as the golden tattoo around your wrist pulsed. You weren't alone in the world anymore, because he was yours.
Just like you were his.
"Hey, Chaos. You wanna play some pool?"
The voice belonged to Rooster, and you looked up from your drink to see Bradley offering you a poolstick. You blinked at him for a second before you smiled. "Nah, I'm good. Last time I played pool here, I overshot majorly and broke a window."
"She totally did; Penny was not thrilled." Josh bumps into your side, his signature golden-retriever smile on his lips. "Basically banned her and me from playing from then on." 
Rooster found this outrageously funny, and you managed a meek smile as he and the others laughed at your antics. There was a reason why you and Josh were "Agent" and "Chaos." Agents of Chaos.
Your tattoo pulsed again, the string pulling tighter, and you turned your head toward the bar. Blue eyes were watching you, their intensity causing a shiver to roll down your spine. When he noticed you looking back at him, he offered a slight nod of his chin.
Well, at least he'd acknowledged you.
You copied him, lifting your drink up slightly. You wanted to go over to him, talk with him, and figure out just how you'd fit into his life. But the look on his face stopped you. He looked almost disappointed.
"It's not disappointment aimed at you." His voice was deeper and warmer in your head than it was out loud. It startled you, but you sat on your bar stool and listened carefully. "But you realize that this can't happen, right? This is a bad idea."
He watched as your mouth twisted into a devastating little pout, looking down at your drink now. He took a moment to study you, looking at your form-fitting blue jeans, your boots, and the shirt that hugged your curves. You were beautiful, and his chest ached with want.
"You don't even want to try?" You answered; your voice was now in his head, honeyed and sweet. He savored it. "If we explain what happened, Admiral Simpson can't keep us apart; there are laws against seperating soulmates."
"I know." He sighs in your head, and your eyes flick back from the drink in your hand to his face. He looks pained. "But Cyclone already hates me, and getting involved with a student would make things worse. We can't." 
Your throat suddenly felt too tight, the room too warm, and you suddenly just had to get out of there. You turn away, presenting Maverick with your back, and hand Josh your glass. "Hey, I'm feeling kind of tired. I think I'm going to head back a little early."
Josh hopped off his bar stool, concern for you in his deep brown eyes. "You want me to come with you?"
"Nah, I'll be alright. You stay and have fun, okay? I'll see you tomorrow." He looks like he wants to argue with you, but you gently push him back towards your friends. "Seriously, just go and have fun."
He sighs, but he knows it's pointless to argue with you, and he turns his attention back to a story that Hangman was telling. You turn away and start heading out when his voice fills your mind once again.
"Where are you going?"
You ignore him this time, slamming your mental block down so hard that you see him jolt in his seat from the corner of your eye, startled. 
It makes you feel a little bad, but you walk right past him and out the door of the bar. It's a cool night, with the ocean crashing nearby. You wish you'd had the foresight to grab a jacket before you'd left for the Hard Deck that night.
You make it maybe five minutes down the road when a motorcycle comes roaring up behind you, stopping a few feet away with dust flying all around.
"First of all," He steps off of the motorcycle, and the light from the streetlamp throws his face into shadows. "I probably deserved you shutting me out, but it fucking hurt." He's shrugging out of his bomber jacket and stepping into your space so he can throw it around your shoulders.
You're so startled by his sudden appearance that you let him.
"Second of all," he continues, "you should not be walking around out here alone. It's not safe. And without a jacket? C'mon, Chaos."
You open your mouth to argue; you're not a toddler. You're a fighter pilot in the United States Navy, for God's sake, but then he steps into your space a little more, and you get distracted by his eyes. His cologne dances with the wind, the scent of sandalwood and leather, and something that can only be described as him floods your senses.
He's staring at you now, his hands still on his jacket, and he's tugging it around you. You can feel the warmth of his skin bleeding into you, and it feels so right. You've never felt so at peace before, but when he's touching you it feels like everything is going to be okay.
"You did deserve it." You finally spoke up. He raises an eyebrow but lets you continue without interruption. "The Pete Mitchell I heard stories about in basic was fearless. Unstoppable. He always marched to the beat of his own drum."
He opens his mouth, but you push on. "And here you are, giving up on us before we even got started. All because you're scared of what, Admiral Simpson? Losing your job?"
"I'm not scared of him." He grumbles. "I have a responsibility to you and the rest of those kids whose lives are in danger because of this mission. I can't afford a distraction. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm a little too old for you."
You huff out an irritated sound, moving away from him so you have space to breathe. You can't think straight when he's so close. "Bullshit. I know you don't believe that."
"Look, obviously the universe made some kind of cosmic mistake here." He steps in toward you again, and you throw his jacket off and shove it back into his startled hands.
A mistake. Pete Mitchell, your soulmate, had just called your connection to him a mistake.
He tries to backtrack immediately when he sees the tears beginning to form in your eyes. He hadn't meant it that way, but he knows how it sounds, and he could feel your pain. You were wounded by his words.
"I'm so sorry." He murmured, watching you shiver and stare at the ground. "I really didn't—sweetheart, don't. Don't cry, please? I didn't mean it like that."
You're devastated, and you just shake your head. "Please go, Captain Mitchell." You don't use his call sign or his name, and somehow that feels wrong to him. All of this is making his head ache, but he doesn't move.
"At least let me take you home." His voice is soft. Tender, almost. You wipe your eyes and look back at him. "Please? I can't stomach the thought of you wandering around out here by yourself. Just let me get you home."
You almost say no. He'd rejected you twice and called you a mistake (whether he'd meant to or not, he'd still said it), and yet you found it hard to deny him anything. After a moment of hesitation, you nod slightly. "Okay." 
After practically ordering you to put his jacket back on so as not to catch your death, he helps you onto his bike, swinging his leg over and settling down with a practiced ease onto the seat in front of you. It's clear that he's been doing this for years. "You gotta hold on, sweetheart. Put your arms around me."
There's yet another moment of hesitation before you do as he says, sliding your arms around his waist. Your cheek rests against his back as he starts the bike back up and peels out onto the road.
The ride back to your place is tense. You want to relax into his warmth and cherish this time with him before it's gone for good. But there's no telling if he'll ever be this close to you again, and you don't want to get too close. You miss him already, and you quietly mourn the life you could've had with this man.
When the bike pulls into the driveway of your bungalow, you slide off quickly, nearly tripping and falling flat on your face. He catches you before you do, his strong arm sliding around you to keep you on your feet. Your shirt had ridden up, and you could feel his skin on yours. You did your best to ignore the warmth that was forming deep in your belly.
"Careful, sweetheart." He murmured, climbing off the bike. Suddenly, you felt small, looking up at him. "Don't want you getting hurt."
You huffed out a humorless laugh at that. "A little too late for that."
Turning your back, you left Captain Pete Mitchell in your driveway, watching your retreating form as he stood alone. He didn't let you get very far before he was moving your way.
"Can we please talk about this?" 
You were at the door, your hand resting on the surface. You don't bother to turn around. "What's there to talk about, sir? You made your decision perfectly clear. You don't want this. You don't want me."
"Hey, I never said that." His tone is stern, and that sound makes you swoon just the tiniest bit. "Did I say those words out loud to you?"
You lean your forehead against the door, rolling your eyes. "You didn't need to, Mr. 'This Is A Cosmic Mistake'." Your heart twinges again at the memory. You'd never felt that kind of sharp pain before.
He's so close to you that you can feel the warm air fanning over the back of your neck when he breathes out. His chest was very nearly pressed into your back, and his body heat cuts through the chill in the air.
His hand is on your shoulder, gently pulling you around to face him. You stubbornly refuse to meet his eyes, choosing instead to stare directly at his chest. This seems to amuse him, because he lets a soft chuckle escape his lips.
"I'm sorry." His thumb and pointer finger take your chin gently, tipping your head up so he can see your face. "I really am. I didn't mean that you were a mistake, sweetheart. I just meant..." He trails off for a moment before he continues. "I'm an old man. You deserve someone closer to your own age."
You shake your head, your hand coming up to wrap around his wrist. "Maverick, I don't care about the age gap." Your eyes meet his, finally, and he's blown away by the emotions he can see swirling in their depths. "I don't care that you're my instructor, and I don't care that you're the most stubborn man I've ever met. I want you."
He seems to be frozen in place, his hand still holding your face in place. His eyes are searching your face, almost like he's looking for something. When you resolve doesn't waiver, he sighs.
"You are something else." He says, his other hand coming up to cup your face. His thumb smooths over the skin of your cheekbone, and he leans his forehead against yours. He's still fighting an internal battle, but he gives himself this. A quiet moment with you.
This is just the beginning of Chaos and Maverick's story. Don't worry, dear reader. Maverick will come around.
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thegigilwriter · 24 days
03 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary: 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Keywords/Warnings: Romance, Fluff
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03 | A Hike and a Dance 🦋
Sunday June 4, 2023
“You good?ˮ
“You should worry a bit more about yourself Lieutenant, Iʼm fun-sized remember?ˮ
Bradley chuckled.
Lucy easily moved against the contours of limestone walls of the canyon. The sun was in its golden hour, and everything around them was basked in its glorious light. There was something in rocks that seemed to scintillate, like someone had mistakenly scattered some glitter dust. Somewhere in north San- Diego, off of the I-5, was Annieʼs Canyon, one of the first hikes that Bradley had overcome and was now the location of their second official date.
“Come here, I wanna show you something.ˮ
Bradley reached out his hand to her. Lucy smiled shyly before pressing her palm against his. He pulled her to him as they slotted themselves against the crevices of what appeared to be a limestone dome that was a little way off the path.
“This is pretty cool,ˮ Lucy remarked, taking a sip from her jug. “Does it have a name?ˮ
“The Mushroom Cave,ˮ Bradley replied. “Look over your left.ˮ
There, over Lucyʼs shoulder, was a graffiti carved into the stone. She grazed her fingers against its fading inscriptions.
“Nick and Carole,ˮ Lucy read.
“Those were my parents — look under it.ˮ
“Bradley,ˮ Lucy read again.
“My dad carved that in a few months before his last deployment,ˮ Bradley chuckled. “I havenʼt been in here for more than a decade — glad to see the old thingʼs still up in here.ˮ
“Your mom and dad — they liked to hike?ˮ
“They loved the outdoors in general,ˮ Bradley grinned. “They loved this place too, there are people in San Diego that have lived their entire lives here but never know of this gem — glad to see that theyʼre taking care of it.ˮ
Bradley helped Lucy off of the ledge and returned to the path. They ascended a metal ladder lodged set against the stones and they arrived at a viewing deck. They grasped the wooden fence overlooking the view. Lucy admired how the sun was nearly kissing the horizon of the Pacific Ocean and all the iridescent waterways against the backdrop of robust greenery.
“I know this place isnʼt very remarkable,ˮ Bradley scratched the nape of his neck nervously. “If you want we can go somewhere a little more uptown and—“
“Bradley stop,ˮ Lucy uttered and his eyes were immediately on hers. She placed her hand on top of his and squeezed his fingers tenderly. “Thank you,ˮ she whispered.
“For what?ˮ
“You took me to a very special place to you,ˮ Lucy smiled. “And that costs so much more in spades than in whatever fancy place with white tablecloths and overpriced appetizers for dinner. I havenʼt had the chance to hike like this since Oregon, so… I really appreciate it. Thank you.ˮ
Bradley just gazed wordlessly in her direction. Lucy Mitchell looked so good in sunsets and he wondered if he would ever see her at sunrises— in his sheets and in his clothes with a sleepy yawn and bed hair.
“I was thinking...ˮ Lucy finally broke the silence. “Since you took me somewhere Iʼve never been before, how about I do the same for you?ˮ
“What do you have in mind, Angel?ˮ Bradley finally found his voice,
Sunday June 11, 2023
When Bradley picked up Lucy at noon from her apartment, he couldnʼt stop staring at her marigold-colored sundress with a corseted bust and a floral lace hem that hung just right above her knees. His eyes grazed the expanse of her smooth and unblemished chest, as well as the winding straps of her sandals enclosing the length of her legs.
“Iʼm starting to think I should have worn something else,ˮ Lucy laughed.
“Wouldnʼt work,ˮ Bradley replied with a wink. “You look good in anything, Angel.ˮ
Lucy blushed.
“And I should say the same for you,ˮ she said quietly as Bradley grinned.
“I always love to look good for my girl,ˮ He said to her, locking eyes.
If Bradley wasnʼt good-looking enough, his hair was slick back with some stubborn brown curls framing his forehead; he had a black tank top on with complementing signature Hawaiian print shirt; dark jeans, and leather dress shoes.
They arrived at the Liberty Public Market some minutes later. Lucy was so excited that she was opening the door before they were fully parked and Bradley had to reach over to grab her arm just in case she fell over. They were laughing heartily in the middle of the parking lot and strangers cast their strange glances in their direction. When they had composed themselves to an acceptable standard (save for the giggles and the childish banter), they finally entered the market area.
“Welcome to one of my most favorite places,ˮ Lucy smiled up at him. “I hope youʼre hungry, ‘cause weʼre in one of Californiaʼs food hotspots.ˮ
Lucy led Bradley to the Maine Lobster. She ordered two of their popular Maine Lobster Roll, one of their signature favorites with some cokes, crispy fries, and pineapple slaw.
“Mmmhh,ˮ Bradley sighed, his mouth stuffed with the roll. “This is... just mmhhh.ˮ
“Itʼs perfect isnʼt it?ˮ Lucy sighed. “I had one of these in New England one time, and I was so upset that I couldnʼt find anything as good in San Diego — until now. Try putting some of the slaw in the roll. The acidity and richness of the mayo and butter together is amazing!ˮ
“What are you… doing?ˮ Lucy laughed as Bradley began side-stepping jauntily with a little wave in his upper body.
“Itʼs good!ˮ He grinned as Lucy held her stomach to support the peals of laughter tumbling from it.
“If youʼre gonna bust out a move every time you have something this good, then youʼre really in for it now,ˮ she smirked.
True to her word, Lucy led Bradley towards the Artisan Kebab where she ordered a plate of beef shawarma, grilled vegetables, hummus and pita bread for the both of them. The beef was tender, hearty, and flavorful. The vegetables were sweet, seasoned generously, and had a delicious roasted char. The pita bread and hummus were great pairings to such a rich meal. They walked around the market for some time, their fingers touching whenever they picked at their shared meal or when they walked a little too closely towards one another.
Their last food stop was at Lola’s Crepes. Lucy ordered two A La Folies with a scoop of ice cream in each one. Nutella, banana, and strawberry all in one delicious and delicate crepe.
“I gotta use the Johnʼs, wait for me at the patio?ˮ
“Sure,ˮ she replied.
As Bradley emerged from the restroom moments later, he came upon a small little shop in one corner of the vicinity. The vendor was a sweet-looking high school girl with freckles for days and light-colored hair in two braids. There were vivid and stylish clothes on hangers, hats of racks, shawls and scarves on hooks, and a table of glimmering jewelry of all sorts.
“See anything ya like?ˮ The young girl squeaked nervously.
Bradley was drawn towards a necklace bejeweled with a single butterfly charm. It sparkled in the afternoon light, casting sun spots all over the table. It came in several metallic tints: silver, gold, rose, and copper.
“This is one of our original pieces and it’s completely waterproof,ˮ the vendor spoke again. “I-Is it for the girl you came with?ˮ
“Yeah,ˮ Bradley smiled.
“Sheʼs very pretty and the copper-tinted butterfly would suit her complexion wonderfully.ˮ
Bradley nodded, staring at the copper butterfly.
“You donʼt have any birds?ˮ Bradley asked her. “I call her Angel.ˮ
The young vendor smiled.
“Thatʼs very sweet of you,ˮ The young vendor replied. “But who says angels canʼt look like butterflies?ˮ
Lucy popped an ice-cream coated strawberry in her mouth. She had seated herself in one of the patio tables facing near the front of a local band. She watched as little children ran around the grass patches and as people began to dance — couples and girl friends having a splendid time. It was officially golden hour, and everything was steeped in a warm haze. Just then, Lucy felt a familiar hand cover eyes and heard a familiar rasp near her ear.
“Keep ‘em closed Angel.ˮ
Lucy obliged and she felt Bradley lift her locks and place what felt to be a chilly string around her neck. When Lucy had opened her eyes, a necklace with a beautiful and iridescent butterfly charm was lying against the bare skin of her chest.
“Lieutenant you shouldnʼt have,ˮ Lucy gasped.
“I wanted to,ˮ Bradley insisted.
“Lucy Mitchell,ˮ Bradley said firmly. “This is a sincere gesture from me to you. I insist.ˮ
“Alright,ˮ Lucy resigned, smiling as she touched the charm fondly. “Thank you, Lieutenant.ˮ
They were quiet for a while, enjoying each otherʼs company and the sweet crepes. “Hey Angel?ˮ Bradley said to her.
Lucy hummed.
“Come dance with me.ˮ
“Iʼm afraid I canʼt Lieutenant. I have a concerning medical condition...ˮ
“What?ˮ Bradley furrowed his eyebrows. “Are you okay?ˮ
“Oh itʼs very serious,ˮ Lucy whispered leaning closer. “... I have two left feet.ˮ
Bradley stared at her dumfounded as Lucy threw her head back laughing.
“Y-Your f-f-face!ˮ Lucy howled, clutching her midsection. “Youʼre so hilar—“
Bradley chuckled, drawing Lucy by the waist towards him in a sudden motion, instantly silencing her.
“Serious, you say?ˮ Bradley smirked at her flustered expression. “I think I can remedy that.”
He lead her from the patio towards the open area and into the crowd of swaying couples, affectionately pressing their cheeks together and sidestepping to the beat.
“Here,ˮ Bradley whispered. “Let me.ˮ
Lucy surrendered her senses to him as he placed one of her hands up his broad shoulder and another one in his palm. He placed his hand slightly beneath her shoulder blades.
“The trick is,ˮ he spoke. “Is that weʼre not perfectly aligned. Your right foot is between my legs and mine is in the space between yours. That way...ˮ
They moved in unison.
“Your left feet never have to touch mine,ˮ he chuckled.
“Youʼre a brave man, Lieutenant,ˮ Lucy joked. “My diagnosis entails dire complications. Embarrassment and falling over are the least of them.ˮ
“For you? Iʼll take my chances Angel,ˮ he said quietly.
“Oh maybe I came on too strong, Maybe I waited too long,”
“Maybe I played my cards wrong Ohhhh, just a little bit of wrong Oh baby I-I-I apologize for it.ˮ
“Eyes on me,ˮ Bradley whispered to her as Lucy began to falter in her steps. Lucy breathed shakily, for fear of whatever catastrophe her dancing would bring, and attuned herself to the music. She began to mutter the lyrics and picked up where Ed Sheeran had left off.
“I could fall, or I could fly
Here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And Iʼve been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than—
Ten. Thousand. Rocks. On. The. Lake So donʼt call me babbbbyyyy—“
“You got it!ˮ Bradley smiled. They were box stepping now and Lucy, as best she can, was clumsily filling in the steps Bradley had drawn out for her. He spun her gently and Lucy giggled as he tugged her back towards his chest.
“Unless you mean it,ˮ Lucy sang with a little more certainty in her step. “Donʼt tell me you need me, if you donʼt believe it. So let me know the truth—“
“Before I dive right in to you,ˮ they sang together.
As the interlude played, Lucy placed her head against Bradleyʼs chest and closed her eyes. This was the source of Bradleyʼs pride and gentleness— and love. It felt safe. It felt like home. In the haze of the afternoon, Lucy let herself imagine lying like this every Sunday in the warm sun on her purple couch. She looked up at him, and felt nothing and everything at the same time. Her heart was calm, and her mind was peaceful. Even as the dance had ended, Bradley and Lucy kept their fingers intertwined as they exited the market, in the Bronco on the way to her apartment, and at the front gate. The threshold of their meetings.
“A penny for your thoughts, Lieutenant?ˮ She whispered, hands still locked.
“How about I take you to one of those fancy places with white tablecloths, and overpriced appetizers for dinner?ˮ
Looks like the Angel and Lieutenant are in it for another date! Things are progressing fast, the atmosphere between them is changing, but there is still so much to be known! Check out 04 | White Tablecloths and A Lovely Night!
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homomenhommes · 5 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 10
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1404 – Gilles De Rais [also spelled Retz] (d.1440); A French noble, soldier and one time brother-in-arms of Joan of Arc accused and ultimately convicted of torturing, raping and murdering dozens, if not hundreds, of young children, mainly boys. Along with Erzsébet Báthory, another sadistic aristocrat acting more than a century later, he is considered by some historians to be a precursor of the modern serial killer.
If one is to believe his confession, and there is good reason not to, de Rais had run through his fortune and was convinced that sacrificing young boys to Satan would restore his riches. Somewhere along the way he decided that sodomizing his victims before killing them would satisfy his needs along with the Devil's, and so more and more boys disappeared in his castle, never to be seen again. When Gilles was arrested on charges of blasphemy, the grisly murders were uncovered. He confessed to having killed some 150 boys, "for the pleasure and gratification of my senses." Having been an ally of Joan of Arc, there is good reason to suspect that the murders were the invention of the Catholic Church.
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1927 – Singer and songwriter Johnnie Ray (d.1990) caused a sensation in the 1950s with energetic concert performances of hit songs, including the chart-topping "Cry." Because of his emotional on-stage style he was dubbed the Prince of Wails.
John Alvin Ray was born on a farm near Dallas, Oregon on January 10, 1927. Several years later, at the height of the Great Depression, the family lost the property and moved into town, where Ray's father found work at a lumber mill.
Young Johnnie Ray showed musical talent early. At the age of three or four he began playing tunes by ear on a pump organ. His parents arranged for him to take lessons from the church organist, and soon Ray was playing at services. The boy's musical taste ran to pop, however, and he and his older sister began performing together at schools. By the time he was five Ray knew that he wanted to be an entertainer.
An accident in the summer of 1940 nearly derailed his plans. During a blanket toss at a Boy Scout Jamboree, Ray fell to the ground, suffering a concussion and severe ear injuries that cost him about fifty percent of his hearing.
When World War II broke out, Ray's family moved again, this time to Portland, where his father worked in the shipyards.
During high school and for several years thereafter he performed in Oregon, but at twenty-two he headed for Hollywood. Although he found some jobs, he did not enjoy much success in California. Within a year he was broke and on his way home.
Ray was delighted when the male-female comedy team of Bob Mitchell and Jay Grayton came to perform in Portland. The couple had helped him get some bookings in Los Angeles and had also made him part of a ménage à trois. Ray's participation in sexual activities with both Mitchell and Grayton is an exemplar of his bisexual tendencies; although he seems to have been mostly homosexual in orientation, Ray also participated in heterosexual liaisons. Once again the couple took him under their wing.
When Grayton and Mitchell, who were performing at the Flame Showbar in Detroit, persuaded the management to give Ray an audition, he barely had enough money for a bus ticket to Michigan.
While playing at the Flame in 1951, Ray was "discovered" by disk jockey Robin Seymour of WKMH in Dearborn. He brought him to the attention of record producer Danny Kessler, who said of his first view of Ray's performance, "I was probably more overwhelmed with what I heard and saw than by anything else I ever encountered artistically in my life." He signed Ray to a record contract.
Ray's recording of "Cry" topped the pop charts in late 1951, and the song on the flip side, "The Little White Cloud That Cried," reached number two. An appearance on Ed Sullivan's Toast of the Town television program in early 1952 added to Ray's popularity.
In the spring of 1952 Ray married Marilyn Morrison, the daughter of a Los Angeles club owner. Morrison had avidly pursued the handsome young singing star. She was aware of Ray's homosexuality but told a friend of his that she would "straighten it out." Her resolution was doomed, as was the marriage. The couple separated within a year and were divorced in 1954.
Ray's long-held dream of being in films was realized when he appeared in Walter Lang's There's No Business Like Show Business (1954). Ray hoped that more movies would follow, but when producer Darryl Zanuck, who had praised Ray's performance, left Twentieth Century Fox to form his own company, neither studio offered him any further projects.
When Ray appeared as the "mystery guest" on the What's My Line? television show in 1956 he met journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, who was a regular panelist on the program, and the two began an affair.
The romance was an unlikely one. Married and fifteen years Ray's senior, Kilgallen embodied cosmopolitan sophistication, while Ray had the image of a country boy turned pop singer. Kilgallen remained with her husband, and Ray took one man after another as lovers. Nevertheless, the affection between the pair was genuine, and the affair lasted for years. Ray was devastated by Kilgallen's mysterious death in 1964.
Although Ray's 1951 arrest for cruising a public washrrom had been alluded to in various scandal sheets over the years, the general public was unaware of it. That changed in 1959, when he was once again arrested by the Detroit vice squad on a charge of soliciting an undercover police officer in one of the city's gay bars, the Brass Rail.
This time Ray hired an attorney and fought the charges. Kilgallen stood by him, even calling the judge in the case to insist that that he receive a fair trial. After hearing the testimony, the jury took less than an hour to find Ray not guilty, apparently concluding that he had been entrapped. Ray promptly left Detroit and never set foot in the city again.
The hard drinking in which Ray had indulged since his teens caught up with him in 1960. Weakened and exhausted, he contracted tuberculosis. He recovered after several months of treatment and resumed his career. He did not give up alcohol, however, and landed back in the hospital in 1963, suffering from cirrhosis.
Once again Kilgallen was at his side, but this time so was Bill Franklin, who had worked in public relations in the entertainment industry before becoming Ray's manager and also his lover.
The relationship with Franklin gave Ray's personal life a stability that it had lacked for many years. With Franklin's encouragement, he started paying attention to proper nutrition and swore off drinking.
However, the 1959 arrest and widely disseminated gossip about Ray's homosexuality took a toll on his popularity, and contributed to the decline of his career, especially in the United States. Ray continued to play club dates in the U.S., though at increasingly less prestigious venues.
Eventually Ray started drinking again. Despite Franklin's efforts to limit his intake of alcohol, he reverted to his old ways. His career, already in decline, suffered further, although he could still draw adoring crowds in England and Australia.
Franklin, frustrated by Ray's self-destructive behavior, left him in 1977.
The concert that would be Ray's last took him home to Portland, where he did a benefit for the Center for the Performing Arts in October 1989. Afterward he went back to Los Angeles, where he became reclusive and withdrawn. He was malnourished and seriously ill with liver disease. To cope with his pain, he was using, in addition to alcohol, the tranquilizer Halcion.
Ray was soon hospitalized. He lapsed into a coma for a few days; although he came out of the coma, he had no chance of recovery from the liver disease. He died on February 24, 1990.
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1929 – Tintin, the beloved comic strip character, is gay, claims Matthew Parris, British ex-Tory MP. Parris insists that the boy reporter whose adventures have sold more than 200 million copies and been translated into 50 languages, is gay and that fans are in a state of "denial". Parris, himself gay, is a well-known newspaper columnist who notoriously 'outed' Business Minister Lord Peter Mandelson in the middle of a television interview in 1998.
Tintin, who was born January 10, 1929, on the pages of a children's supplement to the Belgian newspaper Le Vingtième Siècle, has an unknown background and origin, says Parris, adding: "This is common among young gay men, some of whom find it hard to believe that they really are their parents' child".
In fact, Parris suspects Tintin may well have been a spy - "secret intelligence has always attracted gay men. I myself applied for and was offered a post in MI6."
He finds Tintin's world full of men. Of the complete list of 350 characters in Tintin books, Parris counts only eight women, and he doesn't find them attractive. The best known of them, chain-smoking opera singer Bianca Castafiore, is a "diva fag-hag," while Peggy, the wife of a Latin American dictator, is a "curler-wearing virago". "The butch, bitchy, bullying, cigar-smoking, hard-drinking, flame-haired wife of General Alcazar may well have been lesbian," Parris proclaims.
Snowy the loyal fox terrier is the only "unambiguously heterosexual male mammal in Tintin's entire universe," Parris says.
Parris is not the first person to speculate on Tintin's sexuality. In 2001, Belgian police seized 600 copies of an unauthorised book titled "Tintin in Thailand" - which showed Tintin and his friends living it up in Thai gay bars.
Belgium-based Studios Herge reacted stoutly, with spokesman Marcel Wilmet declaring: "Tintin is not at all gay - he was very macho in fact. He has many friends who are boys but they are not boyfriends."
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Sal Mineo with James Dean in "Rebel..."
1939 – Sal Mineo, American actor (d.1976); A Golden Globe winning American movie and stage actor , best known for his Academy Award-nominated performance opposite James Dean in the film Rebel Without a Cause, Mineo, born in The Bronx, New York City , the son of a Sicilian coffin maker, was enrolled by his mother in dancing and acting school at an early age. One of the articles of faith of the James Dean cult that grew out of the actor's early death in 1955 is that Mineo "turned queer" after the auto wreck that took his co-star's life. As the story goes, young Sal left a séance in which he had attempted in vain to contact his fallen friend, only to wreck his own car. His life was spared, but the words "James Dean" suddenly appeared indelibly on his smashed windshield. Supposedly he was Gay from that moment on.
However, Mineo's homosexuality was a fairly open secret even at the height of his Hollywood success. He was rumored to have pursued numerous affairs, including one with Nicholas Ray during the filming of Rebel without a Cause.
The Hollywood Code of the `50s may have dictated that Dean win Natalie Wood at the end of Rebel Without A Cause, but anyone with half a brain knew that it should have been Mineo's Plato and Dean's Jim who embraced at the climax.
Other films in which Mineo appeared include Giant (1956), The Gene Krupa Story (1959), Exodus (1960),Cheyenne Autumn (1964),Who Killed Teddy Bear (1965), and The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965). He also had a modest success in the 1950s as a rock 'n' roll singer.
With maturity, Mineo sought to explore his homosexuality more fully in both his life and his art. Although he appeared in several television productions and films, in his latter years he increasingly found the theater more supportive of his aspirations. Sal Mineo grew up to produce the revival of John Herbert's Fortune and Men's Eyes, about homosexuality in a Canadian prison, and to star in a West Coast production of James Kirkwood's P.S. Your Cat is Dead, both of which enabled him to say without a word "I'm Gay. So what?"
Rumors that he spent his off hours in the company of rough trade have led to lurid speculation about his grisly murder in 1976. Such is Hollywood fame and popular legend that no one wants to believe that, like so many innocent Americans these days, he was "merely" mugged, robbed, and left to die just a few short steps from the safety of his own home.
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1953 – Dennis Cooper is one of the most controversial writers working today, He is best known for his series of strikingly original, critically acclaimed, albeit transgressive and contentious, novels exploring the nature of sexual obsession, alienation, brutality, and death. His works obsessively feature callow but beautiful adolescent boys, predatory older gay men, punk rock music, drug abuse, explicit sex, and graphic violence.
He has also courted controversy and debate for his works' extreme sexual nature, seemingly bordering on pornography, and his alleged fascination with pedophilia. Cooper himself has even been the recipient of death threats and protests by outraged gay activists.
Cooper grew up the son of a wealthy businessman in Pasadena, California. His literary aspirations were explored early on and often took the form of imitations of Rimbaud, Verlaine, De Sade, and Baudelaire. He wrote poetry and stories in his early teens that explored scandalous and often extreme subjects. As a teenager, Cooper was an outsider and the leader of a group of poets, punks, stoners and writers.
In 1976 Cooper moved to England to become involved in the nascent punk scene. In the same year he began Little Caesar Magazine which included among other things an issue on and dedicated to Rimbaud. In 1978 with the success of the magazine, Cooper was able to found Little Caesar Press.
In 1987 he moved to Amsterdam, mainly in pursuit of a boyfriend, where he finished writing Closer which took as inspiration a postcard that featured an image of Mickey Mouse carved onto the back of a young boy.
While in Amsterdam he also wrote articles for different American magazines including The Advocate, the Village Voice and others. He returned to New York in 1987 and began working on his next novel, Frisk. In the next few years Cooper worked on several different art and performance projects including co-curating an exhibit at LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) with Richard Hawkins entitled AGAINST NATURE: A Group Show of Work by Homosexual Men.
He completed his renowned, ten years in the writing sequence of five interconnected novels, 'The George Miles Cycle,' in the year 2000 - Closer, Frisk, Try, Guide, and Period. Since then he has written three novels: My Loose Thread, The Sluts (winner of the Lammy Award for best book of gay fiction of 2005), and God Jr.
George Miles, a recurring character in two of the series' five novels, as well as the model for most of the other major young male characters in the cycle, is also the name of an actual person in Cooper's life: his most important and influential friend from high school onwards.
As Cooper explained in an interview: "[Miles] was a few years younger than me, and very sweet and brilliant, but he had a severe chemical imbalance, so he was all over the place; really chaotic and unpredictable. Our relationship was intense and unforgettable, and if I have a muse, it's him."
The two remained extremely close friends, and years later, when Cooper was 30, he and Miles had a brief sexual relationship. Cooper lost contact with Miles, however, after he moved to Amsterdam, and tried tracking him down, but without luck. "In a way," Cooper noted, "I wrote the novels for him, and assumed that somehow, somewhere he was reading them, and knew how important he was to me."
In 1997, Cooper finally learned that Miles had killed himself ten years earlier while Cooper was still living in Europe.
A film adaptation of the novel Frisk was released in 1995, directed by Todd Verow and featuring Craig Chester and Parker Posey. Cooper himself makes a cameo appearance in the film.
Since the summer of 2005, Cooper has spent most of his time in Paris, France. While there, he has worked a stage adaption of his novella Jerk (2008). These theatre works have been highly acclaimed and have toured extensively in Europe and the UK.
As of late 2009, Cooper was completing his ninth novel, tentatively titled The Marbled Swarm.
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1978 – Thirty-five men in Bethesda, MD, who are married to women and have attractions to men, meet and create the Gay Married Men’s Association. Now named the Gay and Married Men’s Association, for over thirty years, GAMMA has been offering support to men who are or have been involved in a long-term heterosexual relationships, and are now coming to terms with their sexual attraction to other men.
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2005 – Israeli Supreme Court allows each partner of a lesbian couple to adopt the other’s children. The case involves Tal and Avital Yaros-Hakak who are raising three children conceived through donor insemination. Tal gave birth to two children, Avital to the third. They unsuccessfully sought to adopt each other’s children in the Family Court in Ramat Gan. The Supreme Court ruled that the Family Court should grant these adoptions if it were in the best interest of the children to do so. The ruling came at the end of a long legal battle, decided at the High Court. The Yaros-Hakak couple had lived together for 16 years.
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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The individuals pictured here have pleaded with the public to cease harassment, as they have already suffered the loss of friends, family, and jobs due to this story.
On June 12, 2022, the Kootenai County Sheriff's Office released the names and photos of 31 members of the white nationalist group, Patriot Front, who were arrested on suspicion of conspiring to riot in Coeur d'Alene during a Pride event[1][3][5].
All the arrested individuals had bonded out of the Kootenai County Jail by Sunday afternoon[1]. The group was reportedly en route to the "Pride in the Park" event equipped with riot gear, a smoke grenade, and paperwork that resembled an operations plan[1][3].
The Patriot Front is known for its activities in vandalism, racist propaganda, and flash demonstrations aimed at intimidating minorities[1][3].
The group members were found inside a U-Haul moving truck after a tip from a concerned citizen[1][3]. Among those arrested was the group's founder, Thomas R. Rousseau, and other known members like Kieran P. Morris, Garret J. Garland, and Mitchell F. Wagner[1][3]. The arrested individuals hailed from various states, including Michigan, Texas, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, and Arkansas[1][3]. The next court appearance for the arrested members is yet to be determined[1].
Citations: [1] https://washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/06/12/idaho-patriot-front-arrested/ [2] https://nytimes.com/2023/07/21/us/patriot-front-idaho-pride-convicted.html [3] https://opb.org/article/2022/06/12/31-patriot-front-members-arrested-near-idaho-pride-event/ [4] https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/06/13/idaho-political-leaders-groups-react-to-reports-of-patriot-front-arrests-in-coeur-dalene/ [5] https://news.wttw.com/2022/06/12/31-members-white-supremacist-group-patriot-front-arrested-near-idaho-pride-event [6] https://drgnews.com/2023/07/21/pat
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postingcards · 2 months
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a paddle steamer seen through the windows in mitchell's point tunnel, columbia river gorge, oregon. postmarked 26 june 1917
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blue-ravens · 2 years
David Ogden Stiers, Major Winchester on ‘M*A*S*H,’ Dies at 75
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David Ogden Stiers, left, with Harry Morgan and William Christopher in a scene from “M*A*S*H.
By Anita Gates (04 March 2018)
David Ogden Stiers, the tall, balding, baritone-voiced actor who brought articulate, somewhat snobbish comic dignity to six seasons of the acclaimed television series “M*A*S*H,” died on Saturday at his home in Newport, Ore., a small coastal city southwest of Salem. He was 75.
His death was announced on Twitter by his agent, Mitchell K. Stubbs, who said the cause was bladder cancer.
Mr. Stiers joined the cast of “M*A*S*H” in 1977, when Larry Linville, who had played the pompous and inept Maj. Frank Burns, left the show. The series, a comedy-drama set in a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean War, required a foil for its raucous, irreverent, martini-guzzling leads, Hawkeye Pierce (Alan Alda) and B.J. Hunnicutt (Mike Farrell), and Mr. Stiers’s imperious Maj. Charles Emerson Winchester III seemed to fit the bill.
Winchester’s upper-class Boston priggishness, however, turned out to be balanced by impressive medical skills, a heartfelt appreciation of the arts, real wit and a surprising level of compassionate humanity. Winchester was, unlike Frank Burns, a worthy adversary.
From the beginning, Mr. Stiers said, he felt confident about playing Winchester. “It’s just a matter of isolating the traits” from others in his own personality, he told The Salt Lake Tribune in 1977. But he confessed to one definite difference between himself and his aristocratic character. “Where he wears a smoking jacket to bed,” he suggested, “I often wear nothing but socks.”
The role earned Mr. Stiers two Emmy nominations (in 1981 and 1982). He was nominated a third time, in 1984, for his lead role in “The First Olympics: Athens in 1896,” a dramatic mini-series.
In a statement after his death, Loretta Swit, who played Maj. Margaret (Hot Lips) Houlihan on “M*A*S*H,” called Mr. Stiers “my sweet, dear shy friend,” adding, “Working with him was an adventure.”
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Mr. Stiers, right, with Mike Farrell and Alan Alda on the set of “M*A*S*H” in 1980.
David Allen Ogden Stiers was born on Oct. 31, 1942, in Peoria, Ill., the son of Kenneth Stiers and the former Margaret Elizabeth Ogden. The family later moved to Eugene, Ore., where David graduated from high school.
After briefly attending the University of Oregon, he headed to California to pursue an acting career and worked with the Santa Clara Shakespeare Festival in California for seven years. In the late 1960s, he moved to New York to study drama at Juilliard.
There he became a member of John Houseman’s City Center Acting Company, making his Broadway debut with the company in 1973. He appeared in “The Three Sisters,” “The Beggar’s Opera” and three other plays, which ran in repertory.
He continued to appear on the New York stage in the 1970s and returned to Broadway later in his career, playing a beloved wartime general in the 2009-10 holiday run of “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas.”
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Mr. Stiers as Reverend Brock in the musical “Tenderloin” at City Center in 2000.
Mr. Stiers had made his film debut with a small role in Jack Nicholson’s counterculture classic “Drive, He Said” (1971). That year, his voice was heard as the announcer in George Lucas’s debut feature film, the dystopian sci-fi drama “THX 1138.”
Voice roles went on to become an important part of Mr. Stiers’s career. He was in the cast of about two dozen Disney animated films, including “Lilo & Stitch” (2002), as the villain Jumba Jookiba, and “Beauty and the Beast” (1991), in which he was the voice of Cogsworth, a strong-willed pendulum clock. That character, often described as “tightly wound” and “ticked off,” suggests to the Beast at one point that he woo his love with “flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend to keep.”
Other movie work included roles in “Oh, God!” (1977), “The Man With One Red Shoe” (1985), “The Accidental Tourist” (1988) and four Woody Allen films. (He was a peculiar hypnotist in Mr. Allen’s “The Curse of the Jade Scorpion.”) His last screen appearance was in “The Joneses Unplugged,” a 2017 television movie about technology overload.
Like his “M*A*S*H” character, Mr. Stiers was a devoted fan of classical music. He conducted frequently and was the resident conductor of the Newport Symphony Orchestra (formerly the Yaquina Chamber Orchestra) in Oregon.
He never married. Some reports have suggested that he is survived by a son from an early relationship.
In early 2009, at 66, Mr. Stiers announced that he was gay and “very proud to be so” in a blog interview that was reported by ABC News. His secrecy, he said, had been strictly about the fear that openness about his sexuality might affect his livelihood. Now he regretted that.
“I wish to spend my life’s twilight being just who I am,” he said.
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kowalskiology101 · 6 months
Modern Family review in sum part 2
Haley and Dylan- Dylan’s stepped up even though there have been mess ups, which was dealt with in ‘Spuds’ and he cares about being a nurse after years of many financial endeavors. Though I still wouldn’t trust his mom because the whole reason for him being at Cam and Mitch’s in s4 is because Farrah kicked him out for her boyfriend. She kicked out her probably not financially independent son so she could date. He does still care for his ex’s stepkids and wants to make Haley and his kids happy. Haley, I think could have a better career but I don’t really care for who she ended up with. I mean, Andy was cheating on Beth and just because she was cheating and it was a toxic relationship to begin with, doesn’t absolve Andy of anything. Point-kinda fine with Dylan and I liked that they moved into Mitch and Cam’s old duplex unit with their kids.
Alex- The relationship with Arvin sprung out of nowhere. I feel like the whole ‘let’s make her company look bad so we can send off this character’ was out of nowhere. Like, she’s been working there for a couple years and all of the sudden ‘boo, no, company bad how dare you not know that’ and she went with her sister’s ex she had a crush on briefly. And why move to Switzerland and not at least Britain because he’s British? 
Luke- They dropped the ball on the app thing which wasn’t a terrible idea. They literally have medical apps. He was onto something. I don’t mind terribly that he’s going to college in Oregon, but I wish there was more of a goal for him because it feels like ‘sweep the ADHD kid somewhere he’ll probably be fine’. He’s been shown to be resourceful since he was little like with the Van Gough board and he solved basically everyone’s problems in two minutes in an episode. Like Haley’s, his ending wasn’t obnoxiously terrible, but could’ve been better.
So far, The Delgado-Pritchett, Dunphy, and Marshall families had at least okay endings. I’m chill with all of those listed above except Alex who’s more of a ‘meh’. But what I am absolutely not okay with at all…that grinds my gears so badly I’m writing an entire series on Ao3 on it...
The Tucker-Pritchett family: We have spent TEN seasons highlighting why specifically Mitchell and Missouri equals misery. He actually says it in an episode. Pam, as obnoxious as her later appearances are, is truthful when she tells Cam he couldn’t hack it on the farm and everyone picked up after his slack. The season before, he admits he hated farm work. Multiple times, he states he’d feel horrible if Mitch was miserable. According to Cam in ‘Putting Down Roots’ in season 10, he’s talked about moving closer to his family for years and though we don't see every detail of their lives, I doubt Mitch would be okay with that.
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ithinkitscami · 1 year
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [CAMILLE REESE]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [MAIA MITCHELL]. You must be the [TWENTY-EIGHT] year old [GROUNDSKEEPER AT AB BOTANICAL GARDENS]. Word is you’re [HUMBLE] but can also be a bit [FLAKY] and your favorite song is [HOLDING ON BY JUNGLE]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [SEABROOK QUARTER]. I’m sure you’ll love it! 
How long they’ve lived in Aurora Bay: 3 years
Current Residence: Seabrook Quarter // @aurorabayaesthetic
Camille is the youngest of two. She’s always had a close relationship with both her parents and her older brother. She grew up in a home where her family could speak about anything they wanted without judgement and could depend on each other for support, the big hugs and cuddles were a plus. Despite the 5-year difference, her brother and her were and are the best of friends yet bickering siblings at the same time. Her family was an outdoorsy one, as her parents happened to run a greenhouse/community garden in their hometown. Flowers and plants have been engraved in Camille’s mind her entire life. If you need a plant that aids tummy aches? She knows one. A plant that you need to taste at least once just to try. She knows of one. A flower that’s simply beautiful to look at? She’s got you. She has fond memories of camping, hiking, and her parents shouting her name when she wandered off the trail because she simply had to touch all the trees and plants she could, and asking every question there was to know about the outside.
She knows she had it good growing up, but there was always something missing. All the love she received, and all the love she would give-nothing felt quite right inside. She knew what a home was, but she didn’t necessarily know if her home was a home to her. She didn’t know if home was a feeling or a place, and she always felt at home in the wilderness. However, that wasn’t viable especially as a teenager. It did not help that everyone around her seemed to be extremely passionate about things, especially her parents with their greenhouse and community garden. She knew that she didn’t have to be somebody, but pressure from society was real. There were so many hobbies and likes in her life–she could never give her all to one thing. Her passion would last for so long until it burned out and she would be bored. She knew she loved plants and being outside, but there were other aspects of those that she liked as well, like meditating under a tree in silence. How was it possible for her to get a job like that?
If she was going to find her home, then she had to leave home. She took the leap when she was accepted into Colorado State University to study Horticulture, leaving Oregon behind. Colorado was fun. She had fun in college. She even met the love of her life, or the former love of her life in Colorado. Both had different college paths, but it worked. She loved how passionate he was about his future career, and it made her feel like she could be passionate about hers as well with whatever she chose. Time went on and the two were engaged by the time Camille graduated with her Bachelors in Horticulture. Oregon was calling and she moved back with her former fiancée as they set out to decide what they would make of their lives and prepare for their wedding. Everything would be alright.
Well, two years flew by, and Cami was in love, but she wasn’t happy. That home that she was searching for? She still hadn’t found it or even felt at home. She found herself working at the greenhouse and community garden because it was all she had known and living with her fiancée in a small apartment. It wasn’t until Camille’s mother asked her if she wanted to run the greenhouse/community garden that questioned her perspective on life. Lucky for her, she wasn’t expected to take over the family business, so her parents weren’t upset when she rejected the offer. This would, however, prompt the beginning of the end of the life she had in Oregon.
The wedding was getting closer, and Camille was initially excited as she picked out the red velvet cake, the color scheme of crème and light green, her wedding dress and sending out the wedding invitations. She’d be married to someone who supported her and loved her. What more could she ask for? The day of the wedding changed everything. She had stood staring at herself in the mirror realizing that the white dress she had on was never going to change how she felt inside about her life. She left her fiancée at the altar and packed her stuff, ignoring the disappointment that oozed from her parents, as she fled to another city.
What do they say about people who run away from the things they need to face? They never actually get away from it. Running is only a distraction. It was easy for Camille to adjust to life in Aurora Bay, thanks to her sister who had been living there already. It’s been two years since the move and Camille has been working as a florist at Flora and Fauna. She loves it and she’s good at it. She loves her life in Aurora Bay, and it feels like home… but something is still missing. Despite the life she has built so far, she still feels as though the passion that others have is what’s missing and what to ignite it? She’s searching for it.
Camille left Aurora Bay back in January to her hometown to help aid her parents in starting the new season for their greenhouse/community garden.
While in Oregon, she did run into her ex-fiancée and apologized. Finally taking accountability for leaving him behind.
She used to work at Flora & Fauna but decided that AB botanical gardens was a place she wanted to work more.
ex-girlfriend of @jaredx
good friends with @thelizaxlevin
Friends with @callme-harris @maura-cortes @missxrivera @finn-brooks
Thinks @ulyflynn is evil for ruining nature
Has a crush on @cherryxkoch
Used to work with @dilcne
Has the biggest soft spot for the best coworker / person she has met @samucl-kane
best friend
literally anything!!
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muhammadgiovanni · 1 year
I just traveled round trip across the country to see Joni Mitchell in concert. Stopping at National Parks on the way there and back home. The furthest west I went was to Cannon Beach in Oregon. Saw the Haystack Rock and the Pacific Ocean for the first time, first time seeing out west too. I went to the Badlands, Yellowstone, Mount Rainier, Cannon Beach, Grand Teton, Yellowstone (again), Theodore Roosevelt, and then the Indiana Dunes Nat. Park (which was the worst, there was a huge gas plant right next door and smog and pollution filled the air).
First time experiencing such large, expansive landscapes—I mean I've seen wide open spaces before, just nothing like what I saw near Yellowstone and Mt. Rainier. On my way from South Dakota to Montana, I took Route 212, which eventually leads to the Cheyenne Reservation, but that road was barren. Hardly any population, no exits, etc. just a two-way highway with big rigs flashing passed you. If you want to pass the person in front of you, you'd better calculate it right. Apparently it's one of the most dangerous highways in America. I rode that for hours, driving across flat, spacious lands and up through the Custer Gallatin National Forest.
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I got off 212 before Billings, MT and that's where I first came across the Yellowstone River. That night I stayed in Bozeman, MT and in the morning spontaneously decided to go to Yellowstone. From there the adventure really began. White capped Mountains came into view for the first time, nearing Bozeman. I was so emotional driving to the West entrance of Yellowstone. It was early morning and the moon was setting over this snow covered mountain range, and the sun rising over it all. You wind down this long road, along rivers and through valleys—in the thick of nature (Route 191 from Big Sky, MT to the West entrance of Yellowstone) After Yellowstone I headed for northern Idaho, then finally Quincy/George, WA area where I stayed for a few days before seeing Joni in concert.
Joni was incredible. I was expecting my mind to implode but when I saw her but I was just like, yup there's Joni Mitchell. It was natural. She was so sweet and jovial and it was just the icing on top of this unbelievable journey, that was only just beginning. Following the concert I traveled to Mount Rainier. Going through Yakima county which was desert like, until you start nearing the park area. Just near the end of Yakima county you can see the rivers are turquoise. Then the farther you get into the mountains, the lakes are bright blue, glacial blue. Mount Rainier hangs in front of you, following it deeper into the mountains. Eventually I arrived in Packwood, WA and took a back road "Skate Creek Road S" to the Nisqually entrance. That went through deep woods, following a river until you hit a stretch of road with huge trees towering over you. By the time I reached the park the morning mist had fully moved in, blanketing Mt. Rainier.
From there I went to Cannon Beach in Oregon to see the Haystack rock. That was beautiful and magical. Then crossed Oregon, then Idaho where I reached Ammon, ID. I was going to have an early end to travel day, so I decided to go see "Across the Spider-Verse" but when I reached the area a storm moved in and torrential rain poured down. Ponding started happening, then all of the traffic seized and the side road I was suppose to go down was closed. I eventually made it to the theater, but you could here the pound of the storm from within. I was full of anxiety until the movie ended and I came out to sunshine and relief. A lot more happened but i'll leave this here. I had fun. ☺︎
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sims-half-crazy · 1 year
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Village of Wythe, Id., Late 1871. My dearest Mother, I hope this post finds you well and your endeavors plentiful. We are settled into our new home and I must say that I was overwhelmed at first by the grandeur of it, but as the weeks have crept by the shine has faded and I must say that I am becoming quite accustomed to a finer way of life. Gilbert enjoys his work at Mitchell, McKee & Alter and hopes to one day advance to partner or at least a judgeship. To my way of thinking one is infinitely more difficult to attain than the other, but he has told me that I'm mistaken. Eugene asks for you constantly and it breaks my heart that he's forlorn. I am trying my best but I fear that I don't know what I'm doing. Thankfully, our neighbor has a passel of children and her youngest is about Eugene's age. I made her acquaintance for the sole purpose of finding a playmate for Eugene. She's a lovely woman with a foreign sounding name. I kept bungling the pronunciation of it that she instructed me to just call her Leo. I was so embarrassed, but she graciously informed me that everyone has problems with her name so not to worry myself over it. I am, of course, but that is just who I am. She invited me to a book club that includes several wives of Gilbert's associates. I greatly enjoyed myself at the their gathering. You will also be happy to know that I've taken up knitting. You should know that I'm only proficient at it unlike you. I'm hoping that Gilbert and I will be expecting soon and that my knitting endeavors won't be squandered. I hope all is well with you and the rest of the family. Your loving daughter, Effie Collier. Mr. Gilbert Collier, Roseburg, Oregon.
Print version of the letter below the cut...
Village of Wythe, Id., Late 1871. My dearest Mother, I hope this post finds you well and your endeavors plentiful. We are settled into our new home and I must say that I was overwhelmed at first by the grandeur of it, but as the weeks have crept by the shine has faded and I must say that I am becoming quite accustomed to a finer way of life. Gilbert enjoys his work at Mitchell, McKee & Alter and hopes to one day advance to partner or at least a judgeship. To my way of thinking one is infinitely more difficult to attain than the other, but he has told me that I'm mistaken. Eugene asks for you constantly and it breaks my heart that he's forlorn. I am trying my best but I fear that I don't know what I'm doing. Thankfully, our neighbor has a passel of children and her youngest is about Eugene's age. I made her acquaintance for the sole purpose of finding a playmate for Eugene. She's a lovely woman with a foreign sounding name. I kept bungling the pronunciation of it that she instructed me to just call her Leo. I was so embarrassed, but she graciously informed me that everyone has problems with her name so not to worry myself over it. I am, of course, but that is just who I am. She invited me to a book club that includes several wives of Gilbert's associates. I greatly enjoyed myself at the their gathering. You will also be happy to know that I've taken up knitting. You should know that I'm only proficient at it unlike you. I'm hoping that Gilbert and I will be expecting soon and that my knitting endeavors won't be squandered. I hope all is well with you and the rest of the family. Your loving daughter, Effie Collier. Mr. Gilbert Collier, Roseburg, Oregon.
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favorite kids/animated movies
Alabama - The Grinch
Alaska - Lilo and Stitch
Arizona - Coco
Arkansas - Into the Woods
California - Matilda
Colorado - Mary Poppins
Connecticut - Hook
Delaware - The Polar Express
Florida - Anything Disney? Moana especially
Georgia - The Sandlot
Hawai'i - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Idaho - WALL-E
Illinois - Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
Indiana - Cars 2
Iowa - The Three Musketeers
Kansas - The Wizard of Oz
Kentucky - Any of the Spirit Movies
Louisiana - Princess and the Frog
Maine - Luca
Maryland - Tangled
Massachusetts - Despicable Me
Michigan - Frozen
Minnesota - Zootopia
Mississippi - The Mitchells vs. the Machines
Missouri - The Willoughbys
Montana - Turning Red
Nebraska - The Addams Family
Nevada - Beeltejuice
New Hampshire - No Opinion (Unironically likes the Emoji Movie)
New Jersey - Coraline
New Mexico - Book of Life
New York - Sharkboy and Lavagirl
North Carolina - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
North Dakota - Sing
Ohio - Boss Baby : Back in Business
Oklahoma - The Outsiders
Oregon - Hotel Transylvania
Pennsylvania - Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Rhode Island - Freaky Friday
South Carolina - The Lego Movie
South Dakota - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
Tennessee - Enchanted
Texas - Inside Out
Utah - The Lion King
Vermont - Ice Age
Virginia - Pinocchio
Washington - Wreck-It-Ralph
West Virginia - Toy Story
Wisconsin - The Little Prince
Wyoming - Toy Story 3 (Hates 4. He cried. Thinks they should have left it at 3)
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