#mini retreat
tinyshe · 7 months
Book: Meditations On Death, Preparing For Eternity by Thomas `a Kempis; translated by Fr. Robert Nixon, OSB
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mindfullofyoga · 2 years
Retreat with Patrick, Gösta & Moksi
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Long weekend retreat with Patrick, Gösta and Moksi.
For the first time in many many years Patrick and Gösta will host a long weekend retreat at the Babaji Ashram in Loenen. This is the Ashram where we conduct the final parts of the Teacher training program. So you are in good wholesome company.
There is nothing better then hanging out with like minded people (Satsang). We get to inspire, lift and crack each other up.
We’ll meet on Friday at noon for lunch and then after lunch we get going. We will have Yoga classes, Pranayama and Meditations sessions. We will also join parts of the Ashram program like: Aarti and early morning Havan (fire ceremony) if allowed.
Most rooms will be for 2 people. Only a few single rooms available.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be vegetarian and organic where possible.
Investment for three days of fun, chill and Bliss, €450
For info and sign up: [email protected]
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 176
Danny would like to blame Vlad for this, but it’s actually his own fault. He was the one who insisted on telling his parents about the whole half-ghost thing since everything else was going so well. He was the one who insisted on not waiting, on not using a duplicate and doing it in person. 
Which resulted in the situation they both were in now. Injured, destabilizing, and barely able to retreat through the portal. His parents hadn’t taken things well and he would have probably ended up in one of the cages or worse if Vlad hadn’t been skulking around. 
If they could make it to the Far Frozen they’d be alright, maybe. At least safe enough to not be in as much shock as he was right now and to properly take in what had happened without having to worry so much about blood loss. Ecto loss? Ugh, he was starting to get dizzy. 
Maybe a nap would be fine? Vlad was still able to fly… he thinks. Just a little nap and a moment to figure out what to do. To… something. Why is it so much harder to heal now…? 
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quickboot · 5 months
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Please pray for my baby boy, nothing is wrong I just tried to give him a grape and he was afraid of it
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immortalled · 25 days
gnaws on my desk bc i want to write so badly but every time i try lately, anywhere, it's like i forget the english language
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ask-sarah-and-co · 4 months
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They continue forward after the lights disappear.
After a while flying, something catches Sarah’s eye.
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Wyvern! Stop! The aerodactyl halts midair, Turn back and fly down. Wyvern flies low and she jumps down, Just wait for me, guys!
Digging through the brush, she eventually finds the source of the sound.
A shiny nidoran growls at her, defending her male partner. He trembles behind her, clearly paralyzed.
Sarah kneels down beside them, taking out a cheri berry.
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She waits as the female sniffs the berry, before taking it and giving it to the male. There you go!
The two glance at her, as she’s about to walk off. Sorry guys, I’ve got places to be. The two follow her for a few steps, I’ve got a wedding to go to.
She glances at them again, Actually. If you want to, of course, maybe you can come with me? I’m sure Giovanni and Rose will treat you well, but if you don’t want to go with them, you don’t have to either…
She digs into her bag and holds out two luxury balls, You’ll stay together, I promise!
They exchanged a look, before each tapped one ball with their nose.
A quick jog later, and Sarah grinned excitedly. We’ve got our gifts!
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Of course she just found something along the way.
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That’s just how Sarah rolls. Gladion nods in agreement.
The quartet remount Wyvern, We’re in Kanto, right? Not too far to Galar. Let’s keep going.
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fineanddang · 1 year
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when i said i wanted 2 be a bear i didnt mean like this
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witchern · 1 year
not to brag but uhhhh in a little less than 2 weeks i'm gonna be at a writing retreat in england and this is our home base
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rj-anderson · 2 years
Also, I am happy to report that @scarvenartist drove up to visit me this weekend, and we wrote words and went for long walks and watched Over The Garden Wall together (she’d never seen it!) and had a thoroughly lovely time. I have not forgotten that I have numerous other long-time writer moots that I’ve not yet succeeded in meeting in person, and I look forward to remedying that in future, but this was a nice way to start.
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
planned on writing tonight and have yet again been thwarted, this time by the fact that i have like 100 pages left in this book and things are TENSE. so while i stress about little make believe people and their little make believe problems please tell me which fic you most want me to post this weekend as an apology for being so terrible at writing new content lmao:
- part one of billy-in-russia fic
- part three of this + that
- wild card (one of my random wips)
comment away!
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rants-n-chants · 1 year
The grotesque and life are forever entwined,this intertwining spiral of delusion and fake grandeur persists forevermore and i remain still,anchored to its desolate shore.
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Every time I remember something from my evangelical upbringing I cringe a little bit (in a thank Nyx I've grown kind of way)
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chinacatmoonflower · 2 years
house sitting for this rich lady right now meaning i just get to sunbathe and read and do yoga and smoke weed with this view all day for the next four days thank youuuuu universe✨🍃♥️
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saikarunamissionusa · 1 month
Harmonizing Body and Mind: Exploring Aura Therapy and Chakra Meditation at Sai Karuna Mission
The Sai Karuna Mission USA offers an intriguing approach to personal development through its diverse array of courses and therapies that integrate spiritual, physical, and emotional wellness. Founded by Dr. Uday Shah, a practitioner with deep roots in both medicine and spirituality, the mission advocates for holistic health solutions that often transcend the limitations of conventional medicine.
One notable aspect of the Sai Karuna Mission is its focus on aura therapy and chakra spoken meditation, practices that aim to harmonize and balance one's inner energies through the use of aura and sound. This form of therapy is based on the belief that auras and sounds can influence the body’s energy centers, or chakras, thereby promoting healing and well-being.
Aura therapy in this context is not just about visual stimulation; it incorporates guided meditations that vocally induce relaxation and mental shifts, aiming to address specific emotional or physical imbalances. Each session is tailored to the needs of the individual, focusing on specific chakras that need attention. For instance, if someone feels a lack of energy and motivation, the therapy might concentrate on stimulating the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with power and self-esteem.
These sessions often take place in a serene environment, where participants are led through meditative practices that involve visualizing specific auras and listening to soothing spoken words. The goal is to create a harmonious alignment of the body's energies, which can lead to improved mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical health.
The mission's broader curriculum includes various other courses and treatments like psychic surgery, money abundance courses, past life regression, and more, each designed to tap into different aspects of spiritual and physical healing. By blending ancient wisdom with modern therapeutic techniques, Sai Karuna Mission USA aims to provide a pathway to deeper self-awareness and holistic well-being.
For those interested in exploring these therapeutic approaches, Sai Karuna Mission offers a range of options that cater to different needs and preferences, promising a journey of personal transformation and spiritual discovery. More information about their courses and therapies can be found on their website.
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
The Evolution and Benefits of Reading Week Break at School
Shaina Tranquilino
February 17, 2024
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In the midst of a bustling academic year, students often find themselves overwhelmed with coursework, deadlines, and extracurricular commitments. However, there is a beacon of respite that comes in the form of reading week break. This cherished period has become an integral part of many educational institutions worldwide. In this blog post, we will delve into the origins of reading week break and explore the numerous advantages it offers to both students and educators.
The Origins: Reading week break did not always exist; its introduction evolved over time as educators recognized the need for a designated period dedicated solely to rejuvenation and self-reflection. Universities began experimenting with breaks during the academic calendar by incorporating mini-vacations or study periods in their schedules.
The first official "reading week" was introduced in 1962 at City College (now City University of New York) as an alternative to traditional spring vacations. It aimed to provide students an opportunity to catch up on coursework, review materials, and prepare for upcoming exams. Over time, other institutions followed suit, adopting similar breaks during various parts of the academic year.
Benefits for Students: 1. Academic Recharge: Reading week acts as a much-needed pause button amid hectic semesters, allowing students to recharge mentally and physically. It provides an ideal chance to focus on catching up with assignments, reviewing course material, or delving deeper into complex subjects without competing distractions.
2. Improved Time Management Skills: During reading week break, students have ample time to reflect upon their performance so far and strategize for upcoming challenges. They can identify areas where they may be falling behind and develop effective time management techniques to stay organized throughout the remainder of the semester.
3. Reduced Stress Levels: By offering a reprieve from constant academic pressure, reading week helps alleviate stress levels among students. A temporary hiatus from deadlines and exams fosters better mental health, allowing students to return to their studies with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and focus.
Benefits for Educators: 1. Opportunity for Course Adjustments: Reading week break not only benefits students but also offers educators valuable time to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching methods. They can reflect on course outcomes, identify areas that need improvement, and make necessary adjustments to ensure students' understanding and engagement in subsequent lessons.
2. Enhanced Student Performance: By actively utilizing reading week break as a period for self-study and review, students are more likely to excel in subsequent coursework assessments and exams. This improved performance reflects positively on teachers, highlighting the efficacy of their instruction.
3. Increased Classroom Engagement: Following reading week break, students often come back reenergized and motivated. Their refreshed mindset contributes to enhanced classroom participation and interactions, leading to an overall positive learning environment.
Reading week break has become an indispensable part of school calendars due to its numerous benefits for both students and educators alike. By granting dedicated time for reflection, rejuvenation, and academic catch-up, this period allows individuals to recharge mentally while fostering improved student performance and teacher satisfaction. As we continue to navigate through challenging academic journeys, let us appreciate the significance of reading week breaks as an essential component of our educational experiences.
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jannattravelguru · 4 months
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