#They can’t return to Amity & Vlad retreats deeper into the Ghost Zone
puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 176
Danny would like to blame Vlad for this, but it’s actually his own fault. He was the one who insisted on telling his parents about the whole half-ghost thing since everything else was going so well. He was the one who insisted on not waiting, on not using a duplicate and doing it in person. 
Which resulted in the situation they both were in now. Injured, destabilizing, and barely able to retreat through the portal. His parents hadn’t taken things well and he would have probably ended up in one of the cages or worse if Vlad hadn’t been skulking around. 
If they could make it to the Far Frozen they’d be alright, maybe. At least safe enough to not be in as much shock as he was right now and to properly take in what had happened without having to worry so much about blood loss. Ecto loss? Ugh, he was starting to get dizzy. 
Maybe a nap would be fine? Vlad was still able to fly… he thinks. Just a little nap and a moment to figure out what to do. To… something. Why is it so much harder to heal now…? 
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