#aura research
saikarunamissionusa · 1 month
Harmonizing Body and Mind: Exploring Aura Therapy and Chakra Meditation at Sai Karuna Mission
The Sai Karuna Mission USA offers an intriguing approach to personal development through its diverse array of courses and therapies that integrate spiritual, physical, and emotional wellness. Founded by Dr. Uday Shah, a practitioner with deep roots in both medicine and spirituality, the mission advocates for holistic health solutions that often transcend the limitations of conventional medicine.
One notable aspect of the Sai Karuna Mission is its focus on aura therapy and chakra spoken meditation, practices that aim to harmonize and balance one's inner energies through the use of aura and sound. This form of therapy is based on the belief that auras and sounds can influence the body’s energy centers, or chakras, thereby promoting healing and well-being.
Aura therapy in this context is not just about visual stimulation; it incorporates guided meditations that vocally induce relaxation and mental shifts, aiming to address specific emotional or physical imbalances. Each session is tailored to the needs of the individual, focusing on specific chakras that need attention. For instance, if someone feels a lack of energy and motivation, the therapy might concentrate on stimulating the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with power and self-esteem.
These sessions often take place in a serene environment, where participants are led through meditative practices that involve visualizing specific auras and listening to soothing spoken words. The goal is to create a harmonious alignment of the body's energies, which can lead to improved mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical health.
The mission's broader curriculum includes various other courses and treatments like psychic surgery, money abundance courses, past life regression, and more, each designed to tap into different aspects of spiritual and physical healing. By blending ancient wisdom with modern therapeutic techniques, Sai Karuna Mission USA aims to provide a pathway to deeper self-awareness and holistic well-being.
For those interested in exploring these therapeutic approaches, Sai Karuna Mission offers a range of options that cater to different needs and preferences, promising a journey of personal transformation and spiritual discovery. More information about their courses and therapies can be found on their website.
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geosaurus · 1 year
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sinner, you better get ready
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unlimited-nobu-works · 4 months
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Nine Queens (2000), Dir. Fabián Bielinsky.
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dullahandyke · 7 days
the insanity that is gyaxa is really working against me here. aura your stupid workplace is making it hard for me to contrive a way to shove a bitchy woman in the room with you so you can lez out
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ankhmeanswombman · 9 months
Protecting your aura (mentally and physically) in this satanic world makes a lot of sense and will pacify your eternal soul and block the world's constant babbling from your energy-sphere.
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scaryarcade · 11 months
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youre kidding yourself if you think academic support will prevent fakeclaiming, and even if it did, you'd be throwing tons of systems under the bus with this strategy. pushing for scientific validation above all else might result in some endogenic plural experiences being legitimized, but at the expense of others. so many inner experiences can't be quantified; the validity of someone's plurality should never be contingent on whether it can be observed through the lenses of psychology/neuroscience/etc. if the current view of plurality is "plurals are only valid if they fit into a medicalized box" the solution can't just be to create more medicalized boxes. this is respectability politics and another lazy attempt at dodging accountability for cultural appropriation 👎
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almoststedytimetravel · 8 months
The Wright Anything Agency? Um, I think you mean the Wright Autism Agency.
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celebduwen · 5 months
I feel like a lot of people think Migraines are just headaches but more painful when in fact, a lot of it (if not most of it) is the time before and after.
The pain itself and how bad it is (also where it is) can vary from episode to episode, sometimes it’s bearable, sometimes it might be at a point where even the slightest bit of light or sound feels. . . I’m bad at describing stuff.
But yeah, where the pain itself is can also vary, behind an eye, the other eye, the forehead. Etc. What the pain feels like can also vary, from feeling like something trying to push open your head to get out or a very sharp pain. You get it.
Auras are a big thing and another part that people without migraines know about. (At least I think so.) For those who don’t; they’re sort of things that happens before the pain sets in or arrives, examples are gradually losing your sight, trouble focusing, losing balance and a bunch of other stuff I can’t remember. They’re sort of the que for “OK, time to take my medicine as soon as possible” or well, you try to get to safety as fast as possible. They typically last for a couple minutes to a couple hours, sometimes even throughout the entire migraine.
I’m unsure about how other people experience auras and stuff, but for me I get different ones according to how bad the migraine will be.
As another thing, the part that I feel like is often overlooked. The Postdrome. I actually found out it had a name recently. It’s the period after the Pain and it can vary a lot, both in length and in effects. It’s sort of the period where you might be extra sensitive to your triggers, feel tired all the time, have difficulty speaking right or coordinating, or feel very inspired and stuff, also adding an etc. here, cause there’s a lot of diversity. Personally I get really chatty for example, even though I also feel extremely tired and have slurred speech, fun combo)
Triggers are another thing, maybe I should have put this at the start because it’s sort of, the main thing people without migraines should know, but eh.
So, there’s a lot of them, some people have several, some have one, some have none and just get migraines seemingly at random. I’ll try to list the ones I can remember now at the end of the post.
Some triggers are easy to avoid like specific foods and stuff. Chocolate, artificial sweeteners, coffeine, etc. Specific tastes can also be here. Like bananas or cheap apple juice. Something to note about foods is that, while some have it as a migraine trigger others can lessen the impact/harshness (I have no good English words for this) of the migraine, I can use caffeine (mostly tea) to alleviate the pain when the pain is dim for example)
On the other hand there are the triggers that may be near impossible to avoid in normal day to day life. Strong smells, chemical smells, heavy or thin air, bright or intense sounds, etc. etc.
The hard to avoid ones are sort of the main reason I made this post. I have an earnest hope that people who end up seeing this try to avoid doing things that can set off these things, some of them can be really easy to avoid doing. (Like Avoiding using a lot of perfume)
Sincerely; someone on the 6th day of migraine after effects (two of them full effects) due to people using perfume a lot and just a lot of activity.
The list
The hard ones
Spray deodorant
Harsh light
High pitched noises
Loud sounds
Heavy/still air (rooms with a lot of people or outside with no wind/temperature change from outside in some cases)
Pressure changes (when the weather changes, before storms, etc.)
The (maybe) easier ones
Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfam etc.)
Apple juice
Sweat (strong on the maybe here, sometimes near impossible)
Chemical smells (in most cases)
Sports soap
Too little or too much sleep
The lists are short, so feel free to add more.
There are some ways to help avoid some of them. Like how masks can help with avoiding string smells (those masks from The Pandemic may help) eh. Add more in tags I guess.
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dormont · 3 months
also the pokemon in the voidlands being apparitions fits well with ttb lore teehee
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ranger-rai · 5 months
Got anything on Cutiefly or Ribombee?
I dont know a whole lot about Alolan Bugs, but I do know some basic info like the fact they are the shortest and lightest known pokemon, and Ribombee collect pollen on their fur and later release it as something called "Pollen Puffs" which are highly sold in local markets, even having a lot of nutritional value in them.
Also, they apparently have precognative abilities, as they are one of the few non-fighting or psychic types who can read auras to some extent.
It does go to show that hidden power can take any shape form or size.
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rreids · 1 day
reids migraine arc was a plot device / mgg wanting to leave safety net and never satisfactorily resolved (iirc) but i am tired of seeing the babying around it!
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saikarunamissionusa · 2 months
Exploring the Depths of Spirituality with Sai Karuna Mission USA
In the quest for spiritual growth and understanding, many paths unfold before us, each offering a unique perspective on the essence of our being and the universe. Among these, aura research, spiritual resistance, psychic surgery, and past life regression stand out as fascinating subjects that not only deepen our spiritual practice but also enhance our wellbeing and inner harmony.
Dr Uday Shah, a renowned Aura Scientist and the founder of Sai Karuna Mission USA  has created multiple courses based on his thirty years research, learning and experience of spiritual healing modalities. Sai Karuna Mission USA is a beacon for those embarking on this profound journey, offering courses and insights that bridge the gap between the physical and the conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind.
Aura : Understanding Our Energetic Self
Our aura, or energy field, is more than just a colorful spectrum surrounding the body; it is a dynamic reflection of our inner health, emotions, and spiritual state. Sai Karuna Mission USA's focus on aura research illuminates how understanding and working with our aura can lead to profound healing and spiritual awakening. Through aura analysis, individuals understand, perceive and interpret auric colors, identify energetic imbalances, and employ techniques to cleanse and fortify their aura, paving the way for increased vitality and spiritual growth.
Spiritual Awakening: The Power Within
In the face of life's challenges, spiritual resistance is our inner fortress, offering protection and resilience. It is about harnessing our spiritual strength to overcome obstacles, negativity, and external influences that may sway us from our path. Sai Karuna Mission USA emphasizes the cultivation of spiritual resistance through practices that enhance our connection to the divine, fortify our energetic boundaries, and nurture a state of inner peace and equilibrium. This powerful aspect of spirituality is a core theme in courses that aim to empower individuals in their personal and spiritual journeys.
Psychic Surgery Course: Healing Beyond the Physical
Psychic surgery represents a fascinating intersection between spirituality and healing, transcending the conventional boundaries of physical intervention. Sai Karuna Mission USA offers courses in psychic surgery, guiding participants through the principles and techniques of this extraordinary healing modality. Students learn to channel divine energy to affect healing on the physical, genetic, emotional, and spiritual levels, addressing ailments and blockages that traditional medicine may not fully resolve. This course not only expands one's healing capabilities but also deepens the understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being.
Past Life Regression Healing: Journey Through Time
Exploring past lives offers insightful perspectives on our current existence, unlocking patterns, talents, and lessons that span beyond our present lifetime. The past life regression healing at Sai Karuna Mission USA is a profound journey into the soul's history, facilitating healing, closure, and understanding. Participants are guided through safe and nurturing regression techniques, allowing them to uncover and integrate past experiences that shape their current journey. This exploration can lead to remarkable transformations, offering clarity and liberation from longstanding issues.
Sai Karuna Mission USA stands at the confluence of these deep spiritual practices, offering a sanctuary for growth, healing, and exploration. Understanding Aura, learning Karuna Karm soul healing, psychic surgery, Money Abundance and get healed thru past life regression are more than just courses or healing services they are pathways to understanding the complexity of our existence and achieving a harmonious state of being. As we embark on these spiritual adventures, we not only discover more about ourselves but also contribute to the collective elevation of consciousness. Visit Sai Karuna Mission USA to embark on your journey towards spiritual enlightenment and holistic well-being.
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randompokemonfacts · 2 years
Random Fact of the Day
Daily Pokémon that was randomly selected: Lucario!
Did you know that the black streaks all over its body show where Lucario’s aura and the energy of Mega Evolution intermingles and races through it? Its aura has expanded due to Mega Evolution, and this Pokémon is now only governed by its combative instincts, striking enemies without mercy. It’s fighting style can be summed up in a single word: heartless!
Prior Post about Lucario
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
He was Right there- Blackmadhi & Faraskye
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Recovery date: July 31st, 2020
Description: Nahyuta is dead, and Simon and Ema aren't quite sure how to deal.
Notes: Content warning for character death. An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. This entry was recovered with aid from Eleanorr and Yujinx from research lab designation Ao3. You can find the first entry here.
Word count: 881
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Simon sits silently in front of his sister. There’s a bit of a glare on the glass, and it hides some of Simon’s face. Still, Aura can see his sadness from his body language. He’s slouching slightly, and playing with the feather between his lips. She knows what’s wrong, Athena told her when she sent Simon to her. Aura knows what Simon’s going through, the pain of losing  someone you love. She just hopes she can keep Simon from the path she walked. 
Eventually, she spoke up.
“The princess told me what happened,” Simon flinched slightly, “ I- I know I haven’t been the best sister, but if you want to talk, I’m here. And she’s there for you to. I’m sure Mr. Edgeworth will give you time off if you need it, the princess said the funeral is in a week, you should take time off until then I think.” What did Aura know about dealing with loss properly? There were probably plenty of other people more qualified, and yet Athena had sent him to her.
“We were on the phone when it happened,” Simon finally said. Aura’s expression turned to shock, before she felt like crying. Athena hadn’t told her that, she probably hadn’t known.
Athena had told Aura that Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Simon’s boyfriend, was dead. She’d called Aura last night, saying Simon was flying back in from Khura’in. He’d been gone for almost a month, and Athena had stayed with him. At first, she’d followed him for moral support. He wasn’t even planning to tell her, he’d only returned to the apartment to grab a bag, and that’s when he woke Athena. Once in Khura’in he took on the investigation, and Athena stayed to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. After his murderer was caught, they’d stayed for the funeral, and Simon told her he wouldn’t be going back to L.A with her. Athena convinced him he had to at least go back to pack a proper suitcase.
What Athena didn’t know was that they had been talking when the gunshot went off. Simon had been working late, and Nahyuta was telling him to go to bed, while he and Ema made their way to a crime scene. In the background, Ema could be heard complaining about snow. Nahyuta was in the middle of telling her to dress warmer when he was cut off, and Ema screamed. The smile on Simon’s face had dropped, and he could hear Ema screaming at Nahyuta and some others. 
Simon kept calling her name, but he received no answer. All he heard was Ema yelling at Nahyuta to stay with her, and telling people to get help.
“I’m going back to Khura’in tomorrow. With-with him gone, they need more trustworthy prosecutors and… I want to help. Justice-dono has buried himself in cases, and her benevolence refuses to speak to anyone but her mother.”
“What about Ms. Skye, I can’t imagine it’s been easy on her.”
“Skye-dono has returned to the U.S temporarily. Her mercifulness insisted on it, I think she’d preferred I stay here longer as well.” Aura nodded.
“I’ll visit you, once my sentence is done. Until then, would it be too much to ask you to come by for christmas?” For the first time in the past month, Simon cracked a small smile.
“Not at all.”
Ema lays in bed, blanket wrapped tightly around her, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. She’s in Lana’s guest bedroom,while Lana’s out getting groceries. There are empty bags of snackoos all over the floor, and the lights are off with the curtains drawn. A glass of water, science textbook, and her phone sat on the bed side table.
She’d left Khura’in yesterday with Athena and Simon, Apollo hadn’t left, but she had a feeling queen Amara would make him come back. While the queen was just as distraught over losing her son, she made sure everyone else was okay. She was probably trying to calm Rayfa right now. 
“Em?” A voice came from her window, making Ema jump. Looking up, she could see a silhouette against her curtains. “Ema?” The voice called again. This time, Kay stuck her head around the curtain.
“Kay, what ar-” Before she could finish, Kay was by her side and hugging her.
“Lana called me, and… Mr.Edgeworth told me what happened. I came to check on you,” Kay said, pulling far enough away to look Ema in the eye. Ema looked tired, and she was. She hadn’t gotten any sleep on the plane ride over. She’d been having nightmares since Nahyuta’s death, for some reason, it felt like she was to blame. “When was the last time you got proper sleep?” Kay asked, snapping Ema out of her thoughts.
“I don’t know. Lana asked me the same thing…”
“Here,” Kay said, shaking off her coat and pulling Ema to lay down with her. She pulled Ema into her chest and began to stroke her head, humming. “Get some sleep, I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“I’m going back you know. Not now, but they still need me,” Ema mumbled, sleep slowly over taking her.
“Mhm, maybe they could use a detective,” Kay hummed, although she didn’t expect an answer.
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mejomonster · 11 months
I really do read like a horrific amount like u can't comprehend the amount of books on my phone alone I hope theoretically if I date anyone they like that and either enjoy partaking in a good novel or else do not mind gratuitous discussion on em
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goshdangronpa · 1 year
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Don't mind me, just saving this for if I ever want to spice up Gundham Tanaka dialogue in a comic/fanfic
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