#milo kny
larz-barz · 8 months
Love story
Chapter 5
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A/n: i apologize for any inaccuracies in the chapters of this story, i don’t feel like rewatching the episodes that i’m writing. plus i find it easier to insert Milo when i’m being a bit inaccurate. i promise, i’m not trying to be better than creator of demon slayer cause i’m not.
Tanjiro took the box off his back, putting it near Zenitsu’s crying form.
“Watch out for this please. It’s very important to me.” Tanjiro said, putting emphasis on very.
Zenitsu looked up at him, teary eyed and nodded.
Milo and Tanjiro warily walked up to the door, the little girl standing close behind them.
Tanjiro slowly placed his hand onto the doorknob, Milo’s small, nervous hands gripping onto the sleeve of his haori.
Tanjiro twisted the doorknob and the 3 of them, including Zenitsu and the young boy get sucked into the building.
Zenitsu looks around, eyes wide in fear.
He drops to the floor, gripping the hem of Shoichi’s kimono (is that the right word for when a boy wears one? would it technically be a yukata since it isn’t fancy? idk😭)
“Please protect meeee!!!!” Zenitsu yelled, causing the boy to cringe nervously.
“Sir! You’re the one who should be protecting me!”
He said, trying to push Zenitsu off of him.
Tanjiro looked around.
He saw the little girl nearby, he breathed out a sigh of relief.
He looked around more to find Milo, Zenitsu, and the boy but they weren’t there.
“Milo? Zenitsu? Shoichi?” Tanjiro called out, looking around.
Milo looked around fearfully, she saw a boy out of the corner of her eye.
The boy looked at her, fear in his eyes.
“Wh-who are you?!” He called out to Milo.
“I’m Milo. Are you Shoichi’s and Teruko’s brother?”
The boy looked at Milo with wary eyes. “Yes..”
Milo nodded with a small smile. “I promise I’m gonna do whatever I can to get you to safety.” Milo said with conviction.
“Th-thank you. I’m Kiyoshi.” The boy, now known as Kiyoshi said.
“It’s no problem, are you hurt? Can you move?”
“A bit but I can move.” He said and Milo nodded.
Milo turned then crouched a bit. “Here, get on my back.” She said then Kiyoshi obeyed, his arms wrapped around her neck.
Zenitsu and Shoichi managed to get back outside.
Zenitsu could hear strange noises.
A boy with a boar head came out, roaring. “DEMON!!!” The boar yelled, running towards the box that Zenitsu had sworn to protect.
He ran to get to the box before the boar headed boy could get to it.
Zenitsu tackled it out of the way.
“What do you think you’re doing??!! There’s a demon in there!!!” The boy yelled, trying to get Zenitsu off the wooden box.
“This box is important to my friend!! Stop it!!” Zenitsu yelled, bracing his body for the impact of the boar’s relentless attacks.
Milo sped through the house, Kiyoshi on her back.
She saw the exit and smiled. “There’s the exit!” She said happily.
She ran out with Kiyoshi on her back, only to see Tanjiro head butt the boar head boy.
She walked over to Teruko and Shoichi, carefully letting Kiyoshi off of her back.
“Kiyoshi!” The 2 younger kids said, leaping up to hug their brother.
Milo smiled at the sweet sight, thinking of the things Tanjiro had told her about his siblings.
“Milo watch out!!!” She heard Tanjiro yell, turning slightly to see the boar boy running full speed in her’s and the kid’s direction.
Milo shoved the 3 kids out of the way, getting hit by the full force of the boy’s body.
“Milo!!” Yelled Tanjiro.
Milo expected to hit the ground, but instead landed into Tanjiro’s warm embrace.
He pulled her injured body into his arms.
“I don’t know who you are but you need to be careful! You could’ve seriously hurt her and those kids!”Tanjiro said, coming to Milo’s and the kids’ defense.
“I’m Inosuke Hashibira! Don’t forget it!” He yelled out then asked for their names.
They each introduced themselves then went on their way.
“AAHHHG ITS COMING OUT, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!” Zenitsu screeched, referring to the demon in Tanjiro’s box.
~the end~
A/n: btw i feel that i should mention that as the name of this story implies, this story is more focused on the Tanjmilo love story. i’ll be doing less battle focus in this story. part of that is cause i feel that i’m not that good at writing battles and it would be kinda hard to insert Milo into them. i will write some of the more major ones tho, and i apologize if i skip around or if i accidentally backtrack or if i skip something. hope i’m making sense! love y’all!^^
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ask-milo-suzuki · 6 months
*cutely grabs regular Milo and runs away with her*
you’re mine now.
*She gasps then sees its you* “Hi Yuna!” *She giggles*
(your oc’s name is yuna right? sorry, i’m not the leader of the muichiro memory for mothing😂)
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*Milo is doing some work around the butterfly mansion when Kenji comes in, injured from a mission*
(sorry if it's dry in any way ;-;)
"hey, sorry for the disturbance, but is anyone available right now? I need some help...."
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silliestsakura · 9 days
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art collab with @larz-barz eeeeee :D anyways the left oc is my new kny oc which will have her own post soon and the right oc belongs to Larz :)
this was kinda rushed since its basically my first time collaborating with someone dont mindddddd-w-
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rion-isnot-an-ai · 1 month
I think Kiyoshi would carry Milo around on his back :3
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And maybe sometimes he'd forget she was there and then go around looking for her when she was on his back the whole time XD
tags: @shycroissanti @kimetsu-chan @pinkwisteria @your-local-demon-slayer-nerd
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demonslayerdoodles · 2 months
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She’s so pretty (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I love Milo and her design so so so so so much!!!
Hope I did her justice ;W;
Hope you like it @larz-barz uwu
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tokito-dulya20 · 5 months
i decided to do some chibi people cuz i got bored sooo....
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i wanted to add this again even though i drew this a few months ago
i might make an edit with the 4 of them
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definitelynotgideon · 2 months
*Milo peaks from behind a tree and looks at Gideon curiously. Something about him reminds her of her big brother. Gosh she misses Michio.. She hopes Gideon doesn’t notice the little 11 year old demon slayer staring at him*
(@ask-milo-suzuki) (pre-hashira Milo:D)
Gideon was walking along the treeline. On occasion, he enjoyed being near the fragrant wisteria. After a few moments of solitude, he senses eyes on him...
He has a look around, and his attention goes to a small shape that ducked behind a tree. He could just make out the outline of a child.
He smiled. Turning himself slightly, he stretches and yawns loudly.
"I sure am glad I'm alone out here right now, so I can practice my amazing singing that no one will ever hear..." He smirks.
And then proceeds to sing in the most obnoxious manner, listening to see if he can hear a giggle from the hiding child.
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shycroissanti · 3 months
@larz-barz BEANS :3
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*Satoshi, Sebastian and Irina have an overdose of cuteness*
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kimetsu-chan · 2 months
Tanjiro hugging Milo’s dead body after the demons are all defeated :3
*sobs in Milo stan*
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ref under the cut bc doing a pose of my own was too hard ;-;
tbh, trying to recreate it was also hard, but I managed 😭
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also, Milo Suzuki is a popular tag now 😈
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*A small, heavily injured yokai is slowly walking through the streets of the entertainment district. She’s scared and crying. Multiple adults walk past the child, ignoring her pain and suffering. A few purposefully bump into her and knock her down*
*Gyutaro scowls at the sight of the child. He was hoping a human would help them out so he wouldn't have to. But seeing them being treated so poorly, he feels obligated to intervene. A small part of him sees his sister within the little girl, and he can't stop his brotherly instincts from showing through*
*he hops down from a nearby roof, and slowly approaches the little girl, hoping his appearance won't scare her off*
Are you ok...?
*he carefully reaches out a hand to her*
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larz-barz · 2 months
Taking risks, saving lives
Warning(s)/info: Almost character death, gore, angst, angst to reverse comfort, pre-TanjMilo (cause like- they met when Nezuko and Tanjiro were on trial-)
Tagging: @risingscorchingsuns @knyinfinity @kimetsu-chan(don’t kill me pls;-;) @shycroissanti
The battle is done right?
Enmu is dead now so it must be!
A malicious chuckle can be heard as a demon comes out of the forest.
Upper moon 3…
Kyojuro gets in a protective stance in front of the 3 teens and Nezuko and he blocks Milo from joining him.
“No, Milo… Stay back. Heal their wounds for me, okay?” He asks the younger hashira and she nods despite knowing she should help him.
Milo flinches as she, Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko listen to the raging battle.
Milo finishes healing Tanjiro and her eyes widen in fear as she scrambles up to jump to protect Kyojuro.
Akaza has his arm back, about to punch through Kyojuro and he instead punches through Milo.
“SUZUKI-SAMA!!!” Tanjiro cries out and before he can run to her, she weakly holds her hand out to stop him.
Kyojuro’s eyes fill with tears as he gently holds the young girl in his arms after she’d stumbled back into him.
The sun starts to rise slowly so Akaza runs off into the shelter of the woods.
Tanjiro lets out a loud, raging growl as he throws his sword at Akaza in attempt to kill him.
Kyojuro gently props Milo up against a tree and she smiles weakly.
“I-I’m glad you’re okay K-Kyojuro-sama….” She murmurs weakly.
Tanjiro runs over, along with Zenitsu, and Inosuke.
Nezuko had already been carefully placed into her box.
Tanjiro slides across the muddy ground on his knees, tears are pouring down his cheeks.
“A-are you going to be okay S-Suzuki-sama…??” He croaks out through his tears.
She sighs sadly. “I…. I don’t know if I can heal myself from something like this…. I-I’m terribly sorry… I would’ve loved to have gotten to know the 4 of you better…. A-and you can just call me Milo….”
“N-no don’t say that!! You’re gonna survive and we can spar and fight together all day every day!!!” Inosuke yells through his own tears.
“I’ll see you guys soon…. If I don’t make it…. promise me you’ll defeat Muzan for me….?” She asks weakly and they all nod shakily.
“Milo, please don’t talk like this! You’re going to survive! I just know it!” Kyojuro exclaims through his tears.
Milo’s eyes flutter shut as she smiles weakly.
Kyojuro breathes a sigh of relief when he hears her still breathing.
He picks her up very gently.
There’s no time to wait for any kakushis.
They, very quickly, race Milo to the butterfly mansion.
Nearly 4 months later, Milo wakes up and feels a pair of arms around herself.
She looks to see who’s cuddling her and she blushes when she sees Tanjiro’s sleeping form hugging her close.
Tanjiro’s eyes flutter open and he starts crying again as he hugs Milo tightly.
Milo hugs him back, suppressing her own tears.
“M-Milo thank goodness you’re ok!!” He cries out as he cries into her shoulder.
Milo gently rubs his back, smiling softly since he remembered her request to be called by her first name. “Y-yes… How are you..? A-and everyone else..?”
“We’re all okay too!” He eventually calms down but he doesn’t let go of Milo, she doesn’t mind though.
“….M-Milo….?” He calls out, breaking the calm silence.
“Hm…?” The yokai responds and slightly tilts her head after pulling away just enough to look at him.
He has something very important he wants, no, he needs to tell her.
Something he needs to confess…
“N-nevermind. It’s not that important!”
~the end~
Hehe- I’m mean Ik- 😂
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ask-milo-suzuki · 3 months
Rp event: Royalty au!
(for if they haven’t met her yet)
*Your muse has stumbled upon the kingdom of princess Milo. They have heard rumors of the princess’s beauty and kindness towards all she talks to*
(for if they have met her)
*Your muse has decided to pay princess Milo a visit and as they approach the castle they hear the sounds of fighting beyond the gateway* “I’m sorry but it is unsafe for you to enter the castle at this time. Please come back another time.” *A guard says to your muse, knowing they are a friend of the princess*
(for if your muse is royalty)
*Your muse has decided to pay princess Milo a visit and as they approach the castle they hear the sounds of fighting beyond the gateway* “Your majesty it isn’t safe here, you need to leave.. I’ll tell her majesty you came to see her as soon as things are safe once more..” *A guard says to your muse, knowing they are a friend of the princess*
(for Milo’s parents)
*The evil wizard Haruki is trying to infiltrate the castle to get to Milo. Neither your muse, nor her bodyguard Tatsuo, have seen her since your muse declared the castle under lockdown for Milo’s protection*
tagging: @ask-croissanti (I’m thinking Takahiro could be at the castle trying to get in to kill Milo-) @ask-paradox-and-friends @ask-shou-endo @aces-rp-blog @ask-ayuna-katsuki (you can ignore this since you’re not feeling well and since i already sent in a starter recently) @ask-yuna-handa (we can do this after the certain parts in our other rp happen hehe:3) @pinkwisteria @ask-liam-and-co and anyone else who wants to join:D
(I couldn’t help myself- i was gonna wait until tmr to post this-)
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nothingtoseehere1-2-3 · 2 months
i love Shiina’s and Milo’s relationship 🥰💕
like Shiina's only gentle when Milo's sad or smthn but like any other time she's like....
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ask-collie · 7 months
“Hi Collie! I’m Milo!” *Milo gives her a kind and shy smile*
Larz, I swear on everything I own you are one of my favorite moots Jsnsnsjsnsm /hj /hsrs
* Collie looks up to Milo with her own kind smile, leafy ears flicking as she responds. * "Hello Milo!! It's very nice to meet you!" *She seems happy to have a visitor *
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rion-isnot-an-ai · 1 month
can i request Shou hugging Milo from behind and they’re both rlly shy about it?:D
Here it is! Hope you like it :3
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