#might as well take an edible to make this enjoyable
ahonice · 2 months
why is it a cartoon
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thestudentfarmer · 8 months
Smallish post for the moment, to reply to some questions and comments made on prior posts :)
I've been asked a few times over the last couple of months about where I live as well as the grow seasons in my area.
I'm in a fairly populated area of the US, largely in usda grow zone 9-10.
Where I'm at in particular doesn't get snow, but further upstate does. (Those areas can't grow yr round, not without some adjustment such as greenhouses.)
Technically, I can grow almost all yr round. But once the Temps start hitting 100*f regularly it's too hot for us and most plants stop flowering or fruiting (pollen starts getting damaged at 95*f, but multiple 100*f days is bad for both plants and most pollinators) so we end up just letting what can struggle along till its cooler or we take everything up and solarise (Personally i Iet the plants that'll grow grow, keeps the soils covered, where it belongs and gives a fresh food source for my chickens that isnt trucked in everytime.)
In winter, we do get cold, but not too many frost days. When we do have frost days, often I can toss a few thin blankets over most crops at night and be good till the next day. If I only plant winter crops, I don't even need to do that.
I also do not follow a lot of the planting guides available. I often use them as a rough draft (like starting tomatoes in pots/grow cells in November around Thanksgiving. So their ready to be planted around valentines day).
Side note, 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌻🌻🌻 If your looking into starting gardening or farming and are in the USA, I 1000% would say check with your local county extension office or county extension ag office. Some of the larger state collages as well have offices dedicated to answering plant questions. You don't even have to be in the same state
I've asked for help with potatoes through 3 different counties (including the state I live in) each one has given valuable info, advice and several different answers. They are amazing resources if you don't have someone to buddy up with!
Sadly, I cannot give much info for such programs outside the states as im unknowledged in the possible resource shares. I believe most countries do have a similar equivalent though. 🌻🌻🌻🌱🌱🌱
Because I'm in an urban area (surrounded by neighbors and city), it does mess with the microclimate a bit. This means some crops do way better at different times than expected.
For examples, armenian cucumbers do great yr round.
Regular cucumbers? Only winter/fall. I don't grow them much, though cause they've tasted terrible.
Carrots are more a fall crop here and are much tastier and sweeter. Spring/summer carrots are hit or miss. Edible but less enjoyable.
Spinich? Haven't had any luck in either season yet. Either in ground or in raised bed or pots.
Regular potatoes? Soils too hard in the ground and the raised beds I've tried so far get too dry or too wet. :'( next try i intend to try a raised row/straw method.
Sweet potatoes? Vines grew and flourished well throughout the whole summer! I've yet to see what the spud harvest will look like yet, but I've gotten around 10 lbs of greens, plus a few pounds of vines that the chickens demolish quite eagerly. To me, that's a win, plus the vines trellis easily and can double as a nice shade structure when trained on trellis.
@oh-he-grows carrot seeds do smell fantastic! I was quite suprised how nice they smelled! Tbh I've been a little interested in collecting some umbells before they open next time and seeing if I might infuse some olive oil for a soap batch.
@tinyshe Thank you for your encouraging words! I hope as well to encourage more people to look into growing gardens, saving seeds, doing more small scale things to eventually make a positive difference for future and current generations :)
And to wrap up today a lil appearance from two of our lovely gals :)
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🌻🌻🌻 Happy Homesteading🌱🌱🌱
10 8 2023
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tallyanimatez · 2 years
You don't remember how long time has passed when you're left in such a state. You may not feel anything but the bruises are there...you need to take care of yourself again.
"This is how you should take care of yourself, pup. How did you even navigate your way to the outside..."
The scientist sighed, you recalled his name to be Crewel, the person who assisted in your clothing and chemistry studies, as well as personal injury.
You don't understand what is churning inside your chest, you miss him-no, you miss them.
"Nya, henchmen! You're awake!"
You forgot you haven't learned how to speak properly yet, Grim is all you have at the moment, you're only teacher, you're only family.
"If y'ah that tired then you should have told me sooner! You've been sleeping for 16 hours, I'm starvin' here!"
It must have passed Grim's meal time, for the 75th time, you feel sorry for Grim for having to deal with your clumsiness, you're still getting used to the outside world without your guardian's help. Wasting no time to stand up, you begin searching for berries or anything that's possibly edible for Grim to eat.
"These are the types that are edible to eat, those are poisonous, while the ones over there can be used for medicine."
You brought them back to Grim, hoping to make some stew for him to eat. You haven't mastered cooking so it may not be as enjoyable , but Grim said it's just fine to eat, you're glad it's not terrible.
It always repeats with you scavenging around for food, and then sleeping for the rest of the day. Though oftentimes you see Grim coming back with food on his own, more surprisingly, baked goods, and sharing them with you. Both of you were happy with what you have right now...
"Hide the child somewhere. Vargas! Take care of the intruders, I'll have to dispose of other documents"
"We should hurry up and give the little imp something to use, a knife would do."
"Promise me something pup, do not leave your current hideout until everything is clear."
After Crewel placed you down behind the bush, and using a perfume on you to conceal your smell, the skeleton looking man who generously offered the majority of your parts, Sam, put a pocket knife in your hands before following behind Crewel back to where they came from. With all your might, you tried reaching out to them, even though you were almost immobilized.
It was the last few memories you remembered when Grim helped you regain your mobility and consciousness again. You miss them dearly.
"Hey-y Grim, have you ever wished for so-omething?"
"Nyahaha, I wished to be the greatest mage in this world! What about you henchmen?"
"I-I...wish to f-ind my fami-ily...!"
Domicile au
Authors note: This idea came shortly after feathers au, me and some mutuals where chatting, all of the sudden mad father came up so I took the idea of Yuu being something that will be later revealed in this story. This au will mainly be focusing on fluff because I say so, and as you clearly can tell, I gave up on the title so I just googled whatever I could come up with ueueue.
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caliconnected · 5 months
How to Make Potent Weed Brownies
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Cannabis edibles have been gaining popularity as they allow consumers to cater to their sweet tooth and cannabis cravings at the same time. It is a pleasurable method of consumption as it tastes delicious, doesn’t affect the user's lungs, and can be made at a mild or strong potency. The high comes on a little slower, and the strength can be dependent on how much food you have consumed before taking your edible. Edibles have also been well known to help those who suffer from insomnia as they produce a very relaxing high.
The original and most famous edible is none other than the Weed Brownie. THC brownies can sometimes be found at your local dispensary if you live in a legal state or have a medical card. If you live in a state where THC is still recreationally illegal, CBD brownies can be purchased online. For those who don’t have access to purchasing pre-made brownies, or would like a more cost-effective solution, the best thing to do is roll up their sleeves and make a batch. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a newbie in the kitchen, this guide is designed to make your weed brownie baking experience as smooth and enjoyable as your final product.
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Your favorite brownie mix
Vegetable oil or melted butter (as per your mix’s instructions)
Decarboxylated Cannabis
Pro Tip: If you would like to make a gluten-free or slightly healthier brownie, substitute your vegetable oil or butter with coconut oil. Coconut oil is not only gluten-free but also a fantastic fat for cannabis infusion. It has a high saturated fat content, making it excellent at absorbing cannabinoids. Plus, its subtle, sweet flavor complements the chocolatey richness of the brownies.
Mixing bowl
Pot and lid
Baking pan
Parchment paper or Aluminum Foil
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Importance of Decarboxylation
One of the most critical steps in creating potent and effective weed edibles, including our beloved brownies, is decarboxylation. This process might sound complex, but it's actually simple chemistry that makes a world of difference in your baking. Understanding the science behind it not only enhances your baking skills but also ensures you're getting the most out of your cannabis. Let's break down what decarboxylation is and why it's so essential.
Raw cannabis contains THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid), which is non-psychoactive. This means that consuming raw cannabis won't give you the 'high' associated with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Decarboxylation transforms THCA into THC, the compound known for its psychoactive properties. Decarboxylation ensures that the psychoactive and medicinal properties of THC and CBD are activated. Without this process, your weed brownies might taste great, but they won’t deliver the effects you’re looking for. If you have the option to select your strain, this will dictate the effects of your weed brownies. Indica helps with relaxing, Sativa helps with uplifting, and hybrid for a bit of both.
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How to Make Potent Weed Brownies
Step 1: Decarb your Cannabis
Break It Down: Start by breaking your cannabis buds into small pieces. This increases the surface area and ensures more even decarboxylation.
Spread Evenly: Spread the cannabis evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil. This prevents sticking and ensures even heat distribution.
Low and Slow: Bake in a preheated oven at 240°F (115°C) for about 30-40 minutes. This time can vary depending on the moisture content of your cannabis. The color should change to a dark green color and be dry to the touch once finished.
Cool Down: Allow the cannabis to cool after removing it from the oven. It’s now ready for use in your edibles.
Pro Tip: If you have the time, put your weed in a metal tea holder, coffee filter, or strainer and boil it for 5 minutes before decarbing. This removes any dirt and contaminants and will ultimately lead to a better-tasting oil or butter without any earthy taste and aroma. You must remove the herb from the boiling water, put it in ice, and form it into a ball to squeeze out any moisture. Please note that you may need to decarb at slightly higher temps for longer. Some may think that boiling the weed would decrease potency, but it does not and your brownies will come out just as potent and much better tasting.
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Step 2: Infuse Your Oil or Butter
Now that your bud has been decarboxylated, it is time to infuse it with your oil or butter. Infusing your oil or butter is where your weed's potency gets transferred to your brownies. Mix your decarboxylated cannabis with your choice of fat (oil or butter) and gently simmer for 2-3 hours. This slow infusion ensures maximum THC absorption. Once done, strain the mixture to remove the plant material.
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Step 3: Strain Your Canna-Oil or Canna-Butter
This is the messiest step, but is essential in removing the small pieces of herb from your oil and butter. Simply pour the butter through a strainer and press any pieces of weed to extract any last drops of oil or butter that the herb has absorbed.
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Step 4: Mix Your Brownie Batter
Mix your brownie batter as per the package instructions, substituting regular oil or butter with your cannabis-infused version. Stir well to ensure even distribution of the cannabis oil.
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Step 5: Bake and Enjoy
Pour the batter into a greased pan and bake as per the brownie mix instructions. Once baked, let them cool (the hardest part is waiting!), cut them into even pieces, and enjoy your homemade weed brownies.
Tips to get the most out of your weed brownie experience.
Do not consume food two hours before eating your weed brownie. This ensures your stomach will only be focused on digesting your weed brownie and the THC and CBD inside of it.
If you are worried about the strength, you can find potency calculators online, which will help you determine the number of milligrams in each brownie. A single dose is 5mg, so beginners should start there and gradually eat more. The strength will be largely dependent on the user's weight and food consumption prior to ingesting the brownie.
Pair your brownie with a nice beverage. Coffee, milk or wine are all beverages that paid exceptionally well with weed brownies due to their effects and taste.
Invite some friends for a helping hand with preparing and enjoying the brownies. Chances are you’ll want some help with the prep, cooking, and cleaning as making weed brownies can be laborous, but very rewarding. Who better to show off your new recipe and share the fruits of your labor with than close friends!
Store your leftovers in a cool dry place and airtight container. If you made more than you can consume in a week, it is recommended to freeze them and defrost them a few hours before you’re ready to consume them for the most freshness.
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Potent Weed Brownies: Wrapping it Up
We hope you enjoyed our guide to making potent weed brownies. Whether you're baking for a party, for medicinal purposes, or just to relax on a weekend, these weed brownies are sure to be a hit. If brownies just aren’t your cup of tea or you are ready to make new canna-infused desserts and dishes, check out our How to Make Potent Cannabis Cookies and High Cuisine: Recipes for a 4/20 Four-Course Feast blogs for more cannabis-infused recipes. Happy Baking!
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noelledeltarune · 5 months
raises hand. i'd like to hear about your miscellaneous headcanons :]
YAYYY ok :-] all of these are unrelated 🔥💯
i know that everyone has their own specific headcanons for who their starters are but i have always liked the idea of them having been given their haxorus as an axew as their first pokemon. i totally understand why people think of it as being ingo's with the whole mold breaker earthquake thing but especially with the whole heroes of legend and original dragon thing i think it's customary / traditional for people in unova to give children who are setting off on their journeys together a dragon to raise together. like as a reminder not to be too consumed with your goals that you lose the people who matter to you. or something. works out because i imagine dragons are typically prideful and kind of finicky to raise by nature. so making it a 2 person job is easier on all parties LMAO (their haxorus is jolly by nature so maybe less so but. yknow)
i also personally think that emmet really likes to cook. completely unrelated and i don't know why i think so but to me his love of battling translates a little as him being a guy who cares about his health LOL. he wants his team to be in good shape, so he should put in that effort too! because it's something he's very passionate about. and this applies to exercise but also food to me. it's an easy way to take care of yourself and it's nice to share food with people (<- necessary intervention to avoid ingo's 7th fast food chain burger in 4 days). + i imagine that pokemon who do a lot of battling like his do would need to eat a lot anyways, it's probably cheaper to make your own pokemon food than to buy as much as he'd need in bulk. maybe he got into making it for his team when he was younger and that translated into him learning to cook because he's already making something edible anyways LMAO, might as well do the same for himself
i think ingo likes to draw. no real reason for this one either he just strikes me as The Absentminded Doodler. never really considered himself to be super passionate about art but he is a dedicated hobbyist. in my head when they were kids ingo and emmet's parents tried to get emmet into journaling because he wasn't much of a talker and they figured it'd be an easier way to express himself. he did not really care for it and ingo took it up instead. lots of paper for writing and doodling. i imagine he sort of got out of journaling as an adult/older teen but got back into both writing and drawing more when he was in hisui. we know he's a man who appreciates physical reminders of things. less ephemeral than memories 🔥💯
i also like the headcanon that uxie is the one who stole his memories rather than it just being a result of The Dreaded SpaceTime Travel. like i know it doesn't actually make sense because how would he have possibly met uxie given the requirement of having god's blessing in your cell phone. but. OH MY GOD! IN COMES CANALAVE LIBRARY'S "A HORRIFIC MYTH" WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!!!!!!!
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^ i just like it. it's also the one way i will excuse the trope of zoroark transforming into emmet because the pokemon guarding uxie's cave is. an alpha zoroark. so maybe that thing has some special powers relating to the memories it steals like it can look into them to more effectively scare people away from it or whatever. because like. hisuian zoroark can't actually read minds. LMAO. but i'll accept it specifically for ingo through this
i am known to be an enjoyer of the headcanon that emmet is a pokemon breeder as a hobby. but specifically NOT just with joltik. i think he met lenora when he was younger when she helped him revive his archen from a fossil and he works with her sometimes now as a breeder aiding in pokemon restoration. i also like to ignore the fact this would likely require a lot of dedicated training and education and time on top of his job because i can do whatever i want forever. i think that elesa's tynamo is the anime was a gift from him :-]
on a slightly related note i also think that emmet and burgh are underrated "characters who have never interacted but i think they'd be friends" guys. in my head even ingo likes to draw he's not really much of an art nerd. but i think emmet kind of is LOL. (<- queen of taking that one line where he talks about wanting to go to galar to see the sirfetch'd vs escavalier painting too far). i think they'd be bug buddies. they're both a little silly in a way that i think would be very compatible and i like imagining them as friends. 2 guys who love looking at pictures of bugs and also are professional pokemon battlers. match made in heaven 🔥💯 slightly related because burgh is the one character i think emmet actually would give a joltik to. gave him a shiny baby spider at one of his art shows and their friendship was cemented when a couple of weeks later he showed up on the doubles line with a professionally trained shiny galvantula :-]
i flip flop 100000x per day over their pokemon but specifically when it comes to the haxorus mold breaker thing i want to bring up how abilities on the battle subway are randomized. meaning that, to me specifically, it is not actually an act of malice 100% of the time. i KNOW that it was introduced in gen 6 but i think that mold breaker earthquake is more often a FUCK I FORGOT TO USE THE ABILITY CAPSULE AGAIN AFTER THE SINGLES LINE than a HA HA HA. FUCK YOU, TEAMMATE! ingo is also a guy who likes a thrilling battle and likes to win. if i wasn't as fond of the idea that their starter was axew i'd say it's a brought the wrong haxorus to work accident
i think that's everything that comes to mind for now. THANK YOU :-]
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leam1983 · 1 year
Recombinant gene strands analyzed.
Protein folding successful.
Inserting new genetic structure into host organism...
Insertion complete.
Brain_Gremlin_4.0 Iteration gestating. Release planned in six hours, thirty-seven minutes and forty-two seconds. All containment measures holding.
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All containment measures holding.
All containment
CONTAINMENT BR4541434820494E2050524F47524553532E
What they don't know is I've got a card holder packed with fingerprints cloned with Scotch tape, my Flipper Zero and something that at least approaches workable charisma, despite my limp. I couldn't outrun the guards to save my life, but most of them probably haven't been able to entertain a good conversation in a long while. I should know - night shifts are particularly gruelling. Schmoozing my way free shouldn't be too difficult.
Now, then - to steal someone's car, find something to help me reach the gas and brake pedals and drive back to Montreal without the sight of a wrinkly, bat-eared and child-sized Transgenic abomination freaking the hoi polloi into calling the constabulary...
Did I mention I can't drive? This shouldn't be too hard - all I need is to obey turn signals, keep straight and make sure that my complete lack of respect for human adulthood doesn't show through my pint-sized, grotesque, if occasionally debonair Self. As for finding my way back, well - every guard conveniently has a GPS-enabled cell phone, which I can use once I've acquired a burner SIM card from, oh - practically any drugstore that also packs personal electronics...
Don't ask, this is Quebec. There's a ton of those here; I could buy myself a mid-range laptop while stocking on snacks for the road and First Aid essentials! Add a gun and some rounds to the mix and you'd swear I'm down past State lines!
What's that you say - traced purchases? Oh, please. Take a good look at me and tell me anyone would believe a teenaged cashier saying an unfailingly polite Hellspawn with an adorable little cardigan vest walked out of a Jean Coutu pharmacy with an entry-level ASUS laptop, a pack of Chips Ahoy, some ibuprofen and some gauze. They'd sooner ask the kid at which chapter of the SDQC he first stopped...
Hm. Food for thought - stock up on edibles. Not for myself, but to plant on any credible enjoyers of fine greenery that may or may not serve as accessories to my escape.
As for Walt and Sarah? They've both known for a while, now, but I'm confident the hallucinogenics I workshopped at the lab should keep most of everyone else in the Gay Quarter from seeing me as anything other than Dan, Boilerplate Human Non-Extraordinaire. A little fluoride, a little lab-produced mezcal derivative with designer nootropic compounds designed to trigger and sustain specific character-based hallucinations - you might as well say I'm doing the city's dentists a favor!
Aaah, this is the life, ladies and gents - wailing sirens from befuddled rent-a-cops trailing behind me, my stolen shortwave CB radio sputtering tales of generalized scientific hubris and institutional incompetence, the countryside's smell of potato shacks and dung heaps simmering in the dregs of the early summer heat...
Oh, and the invariable tales that'll crop up on r/nosleep, too. I always end up as someone's perfect image for a sleep paralysis demon, somehow... Go figure, eh?
Once more around the maypole for this freak of Science and Godless Nature combined - how exciting!
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pidge-poetry · 6 months
In-Flight Edibles, Rowdy Aussie Crowds & The “Sonic War” Of Their Next Album – Here’s Our Foals Interview
Gotta pass that plane time somehow.
Words by Amar Gera | December 6, 2023 | Life without Andy
We catch up with guitarist Jimmy ahead of their trip Down Under…
British rockers Foals are a rare sight in todays music world. The ability to craft commercial and festival-pleasing heaters while maintaining artistic integrity is a feat few pull off, a one that fewer actually make enjoyable. However, it seems Foals have perfected the art of the festival crowd anthem, and thankfully, they’ll be bringing their talents back to Australia over the NYE period for a bunch of shows around the country.
Slated to play the likes of Heaps Good Festival, Lost Paradise, Fortitude Music Hall and more, the run of shows will see the honorary Aussies bring their latest LP Life Is Yours (and its companion piece, Life Is Dub) across the country. Judging by our interview with lead guitarist Jimmy, this could very well be the the last time the album will be played out in its entirety, with Foals’ upcoming album seemingly already in the works. Which makes it all the more important that you catch them at the upcoming batch of shows.
To celebrate their upcoming Aussie shows, wee caught up with Jimmy from the band to talk Life Is Yours, their tips for flying to Australia and more. Check it below.
It’s a pretty busy time for you right now. You’re capping off a year of shows, a new LP, and a pretty crazy festival season. How are the energy levels?
Yeah, they’re pretty good right now. I think it’s because we’ve just had a bit of time off since September. So, we’re okay. We’re ready to do another LP and everything, I think.
Obviously, you’ve been playing music on this level for quite a long time now. After all these years, is the chaos of nonstop flights, shows, and so on, where you feel most comfortable?
I mean, post-COVID stuff is more annoying, like flying, airports and all of that. But yeah, we’re pretty used to it now. The show is such a tiny part of what the actual tour is. It’s all the hustle and bustle, and then a lot of time doing nothing.
Australia is pretty far removed from the rest of the world, which got me wondering, how do you kill time on that mammoth plane ride?
Just movies. If I’ve got my laptop, I might work on a song or something, that’s always pretty good. But then, the battery will always die in like an hour. So, yeah, generally I just take some edibles and watch some movies and enjoy it.
Edibles on a plane?
Yeah, I highly recommend it. I wouldn’t do it for the first time on a flight to Australia. I think that would be horrific if it went wrong.
Are you a window or aisle seat kind of guy?
If it’s below four hours, I want a window. If it’s above, I have to have an aisle because I can’t stand waking people up to go to the toilet.
Speaking of Australia, you’re playing a bunch of festivals and shows Down Under, including Heaps Good. How are you feeling for it?
I don’t know how long it’s been since we’ve been to Australia, but it’s been a long time. So, we’re pretty psyched just to be coming down. And yeah, also Aussie midsummer again, it’s pretty good. It’s a good time to come visit. And yeah, those lineups are pretty good as well. I’m really excited about The Avalanches, I’ve never seen them. That’s going to be cool.
International artists always seem taken aback at how rowdy Aussie crowds are. In your personal experience, how do we compare to the rest of the world?
Yeah, you guys are surprisingly rowdy, considering the tropical setting. Aussie crowds bring this crazy European energy, like the stuff we see in the UK. But yeah, it’s good. I mean, I remember it was pretty surprising the first time we came and played in Australia. We were like, “Oh, shit. They’re actually pretty into it.”
Are there any specific memories from that first time in Australia that stand out?
I always just think of our first show, which was in Adelaide. We played a festival in Switzerland and then flew for two days or something, and then played in Adelaide the night we landed. Then, the same night, Edwin, our keyboard player, had a DJ set as well. And I remember the crowd went nuts for that set. That crowd was basically the only thing that got us through it all.
I also want to chat ‘Life Is Yours’. It’s been a year since that record entered the world. How has your relationship changed with it since?
I’ll tell you what, it’s been a quick year. I’m a bit bummed though. We haven’t played the whole record live, and I don’t know if we’re going to get to it. We’ve only got Australia left to do it. But I wish we could have played more of Life Is Yours.
I think it was a really necessary album for us to make, certainly because of COVID and all of that that was going on. I feel like it was the right thing to do. It felt nice to take our foot off the adventurous gas. We weren’t too pressured on ourselves about making the record. But I see it as a little calming record before whatever’s coming next, which I presume will be an all-out sonic war.
It’s pretty interesting that you followed it up with ‘Life Is Dub’, given that it’s pretty rare for artists to rework a new album to that extent. As a group, what was the reasoning behind it?
That was Dan Carey, one of the producers of Life Is Yours, and one of the guys we work with the most. He’s got his studio in South London and never leaves. It’s kind of a dream. I idolize him in a way because I want to live like that. I want to have my studio in the bottom of my house with my family up the top. But yeah, he was like, “I want to do a dub version.” And it was great.
Actually, I wish he’d gone a bit more out there on it. I haven’t seen him since it was released. But yeah, I really love it. Because I know that he’s got the capabilities to go really far out. I guess he doesn’t want to scare anybody though. But yeah, I thought it was really cool. I want to do more things like that, just in terms of weird releases and alternate versions of stuff we’ve done.
If ‘Life Is Yours’ and ‘Life Is Dub’ were two characters sitting at a bar, what would they be and what would they be talking about?
Life Is Dub probably wouldn’t need to drink any alcohol because it would already be so high. So, Life Is Dub would be on sparkling water or a Coca-Cola and would probably be talking about, I’m not sure, a new piece of musical equipment or maybe a tin hat conspiracy theory. One that doesn’t offend anybody, but it’s just a mystery.
And then, I feel like Life Is Yours would be quite positive and maybe reassuring Life Is Dub about their worries. Definitely would having a couple of drinks, maybe a cocktail. Looking slightly more ’80s than Life Is Dub, I would say. That’d be quite an interesting duo.
Your music’s pretty perfect for crowd singalongs. It’s a really moving thing to see in your lives videos. In terms of songwriting and instrumentation, is there a secret to crafting tracks that resonate so hard?
Yannis does all of the lyrics, but I would say that when you’re writing, there’ll be even just part of a sentence that pops out. And you’d probably be like, “That’s what they’re going to sing.” Because what we always naturally pick up on is slogans or catchphrases that pop out. And sure enough, there’ll be one at the end of a sentence, which the whole crowd will sing. It’s really cool. And then, similarly, they’ll just pick up on something that we haven’t even thought of, and sing that back at us, which is really cool.
You’re also playing a show in Brissy at The Fortitude Music Hall with Declan McKenna, Sycco, Felony and so on. How do you differentiate between festival and the more concert sort of set?
I don’t think we’re doing any sideshows so I’m glad that the Brisbane show is like a sideshow, because they are different. You can play for longer at a sideshow and you can play hard and fast with the set list, just because it’s like a no-pressured scenario. I think sideshows are more for having a bit of fun and connecting with your fans, whereas a festival show is more of a proper show, and it’s got to be a more crafted set list. Also, it’s got to fit into whatever allocated slot you’re playing.
It is a funny thing that I find interesting about festivals and I think its really impressive that all these bands actually manage to pretty much play for the allotted time and figure it out. Like we’ve gone over a few times. We’ve had sound cut by festivals and stuff, and I just find it so brutal that they invite these musicians to come all the way over and if they go a minute over because they’re enjoying themselves, that’s it. They’re like “How dare you?” How dare you encroach on The Killers’ headlines time?” So, yeah, I like the sideshows just because they’re a bit looser.
You’re gonna be ringing in the New Year with us. What are your plans for the big countdown?
I don’t know, but I remember last time we did it in Melbourne we were at a festival. But it was actually quite depressing because we came back off stage really pumped, and there was just nobody around. Everyone had gone into Melbourne. So, we all just want to make sure that doesn’t happen again this time. Hopefully we’ll find a party, you’d think.
Lastly, can you give us a summary for Foals’ trajectory in 2023 and for the year ahead?
It’s all the things. Words like “Exploration” and “Oblivion” are popping into my head. But yeah, we’re just going to have a lot of fun.
Foals are returning Down Under at the end of this year. Be sure to cop tickets to their upcoming Aussie shows here.
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draintheblood · 1 year
Hey!! I’m so sorry about the insomnia thing. I struggled BAD with this for about a year (not continuously thank goodness). It was onset insomnia where I wouldn’t fall asleep until 6-7am. I was exhausted, scared, and desperate.
I’ll relay what ended up helping me. First it’s important to know that my insomnia was a product of extreme anxiety about sleep and exhaustion itself, so all the tips out there about “sleep hygiene” and having a bedtime routine or evening meditation , etc actually made my insomnia worse, because it caused me to obsess too much over the mere concept of sleep and make too big a fuss over the whole process - what should be a natural, easy process when you’re feeling tired, right? Ha, wrong. Brain said no we’re staying awake EXTRA long now.
I relied instead more on distraction, and on reframing the importance I was putting on sleep. All the advice says “stay off your phone!” to get better sleep, but for me having my phone accessible in bed was a godsend to distract me when I would lie down and feel the anxiety and spiraling thought patterns kick up. I’d browse tumblr, or pinterest, read fanfic, and watch ASMR videos - anything that could help keep my mind occupied and not focused on the duality of feeling both exhausted and hyper-awake. This was big for managing it in the moment. Reading a book was also a great thing to do although sometimes hard because it would require turning on the light or sitting up in bed, which frequently felt like too much.
There’s lots of research out there that yells about the “danger” of not getting enough sleep. This definitely contributed to my anxiety. Our bodies are adaptable and resilient. Getting in touch with that deep trust and knowledge is difficult ( esp when the body doesn’t seem to be *cooperating*) but ultimately can make the experience less acutely frightening. Also! There’s research emerging that says that a) we NEED less sleep than we think and b) we often sleep more than we estimate and c) even if you’re lying in bed quietly but awake all night, you’re still getting some valuable rest-induced benefits! That last one was a massive positive discovery and helped me accept my body and mind in the moment and release the intensity of my need for control over how they were both behaving.
Other things that definitely helped over time (not immediately in most cases - it’s okay if it takes a few days or weeks, remember that): magnesium glycinate supplements and magnesium topical lotion/spray before bed, l-theanine throughout the day and evening, phosphatidylserine before bed, getting unfiltered bright morning sunlight each day, using a white noise machine and eye mask. I also found sleep-specific edibles to be really helpful, although I know you mentioned those didn’t work so well for you. It’s highly variable based on formula. I used Kiva brand and that might not be available in your area. They helped take the edge off at night so I couldn’t even get anxious in the first place which is why they worked - so anything similar for you would be a good starting point idea (not alcohol tho - that one screws with your ability to sleep).
Last major thing that helped me was another mindset based shift: I thought about all the days I survived already on slim-to-none sleep, all the things I accomplished and the moments of enjoyment I still was able to have despite the lack of rest and underlying exhaustion. And I reminded myself that I was still capable of living life even without lots of sleep (helps to really think about the times you’ve deliberately chosen to skip out on sleep for really special or fun reasons too! Those count! Those are evidence you can get through it!). Trust your body WILL get the rest it needs, sooner or later. It wants to keep you alive and it’s very VERY good at it in most circumstances, I promise. The brain will catch up to that :) this last tip was super super important, because the sleep anxiety was trying to tell me that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my life at all ever again if I didn’t sleep. But it was wrong, and I sloooowly started to see that it was lying.
Now I rarely go more than a night at a time missing sleep, and it mainly happens when I get stressed about waking up earlier than usual, or an important event. And I understand where the anxiety comes from so I can gently head it off before I spiral into a true insomnia episode. And even if I do have a bad night - I know I’ll get through the next day, and sleep is coming for me soon. Just know that you can and will recover. I hope hearing my story and ideas helps you even a little bit!!
hi, thank you so so much for sending this. you have no idea how much it means. this hits me really hard because it sound so much exactly like what im going through. its so frustrating and annoying especially to me because im a bit of a perfectionist and control freak and when i cant get my brain and body to cooperate with what i want it makes me so angry and it just adds to the anxiousness. what u said about the sleep hygiene also makes so much sense. i always get so frustrated because its one of the first things i do, and even when the conditions are perfect and i still dont sleep i get so mad that i have to jump through all these hoops that the average person doesnt even have to think about and its still not helping. im also a bit of a pessimist when it comes to behavioral thinking patterns.. like for example i would never be a person who was likely to be able to be hypnotized because my brain just shuts down any suggestions or changes because its so rational that like if i try to change my mindset or do some self hypnosis or whatver another part of my brain quickly takes over and is like "of course this wont work on you because your just trying to trick yourself and this is what you REALLY think". but at the same time i have no control at all over my anxiety or thoughts and it just creates this situation thats such a paradox that it feels like theres no way out. its a vicious cycle where the more i cant sleep the more it takes up more and more of my energy and time. i really appreciate the way you worded this. its gonna take some time to make any of these changes, but i'll definitely try. it feels like my whole life revolves around sleeping and failing to do so (and i hate failing, which just makes everything worse) that if i could just reframe it so that it wasnt such an important, dominating part of my mind i think that would be extremely helpful. thank you so much again for taking the time to message me. its even just inspiring to hear someone in a situation so similar to myself was able to recover and make these changes. ♥️♥️♥️ i hope u have a great holiday season !
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
Saw a couple of Emil posts- the biting one is the one I’m most interested in. May I vampire bite him please? On the neck if that’s acceptable, but y’know I’m not picky.
TW: Downplaying trauma, Panic attack esc symptoms
Tael is more than thrilled to bring you down into the basement to meet Emil. He treats this as if you're just another one of his friends as he takes Emil's collar off.
However when Emil tries to stands up, Tael puts a hand on his shoulder to force him back down onto his knees and runs his other hand into the vampire's hair to force his head to the side so you have direct easy access to his neck.
It doesn't take long for Emil to realize what's happening and he starts to struggle as you get closer.
"Stay still." Tael warns through gritted teeth, causing Emil to stiffen. "I really don't get why this is so scary for you, you're already a vampire. It's not like it's going to kill you." He added on as if it wasn't a big deal.
Emil's already struggling to not let himself shake as you get close to his neck, his heart is pounding in his chest and tears are gathering in his eyes.
When you bite down, sinking your fangs into his neck, his yelp gets caught in his throat and comes out almost like a strangled sob.
Depending on if other vampires blood is edible to you or not, his blood may taste basic with really nothing remarkable about it; similar to how human bloods tastes to other humans. Or it might have more of a savory taste at first with a sweet aftertaste, as a result of what Tael feeds him in between blood feedings. Depending on your tastes, this may or may not be enjoyable!
Regardless if you feed or if you let go, Emil is crying. He couldn't hold it back anymore as he's already struggling with trying to stay still to not make it even worse.
When you do let go of him, Tael lets go of him as well, allowing him to drop to the floor. His hands go to the wound, trying to clamp down tightly on it. He's sobbing and shaking, it sounds like he's trying to get words out but they're lost in his sobs and gasps for air.
He doesn't even seem to think to use his own spit to stop the bleeding, despite having had used it before for previous injuries.
If either you or Tael try to speak or interact with him, he doesn't respond. He's too lost in his own panic.
General: @emmettnet @thebluejaysworld
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potsmart · 2 years
10 Unique Takes on Edibles: Recipes Every Cannabis User Should Try
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Consuming edibles can be one of the most pleasant methods for enjoying cannabis. You can take all the foods that you already love, and turn them into delectable edibles. It’s always fun to try out some new recipes, and potentially a lot more fun, when those recipes involve cannabis infusion. To help you get those creative juices flowing, here are 10 easy edible recipes that you can try at home…
#1: Cereal
Start the day off right by adding a little THC to your breakfast cereal. You can infuse any cereal with cannabis by slow-cooking it with some cannabis butter or “budder” as it is known among cannabis users and sellers. This goes for any type of cereal, from oatmeal to your favourite sugary puffs. Bag it up, pour on some milk, and enjoy a well-balanced, sense-heightening breakfast! 
#2: Edible Meats
No one is going to suspect that the chicken salad or roast beef you brought for lunch is cannabis-infused. Simply cook your meat of choice with some cannabis butter or a marijuana glaze, and you end up with the perfect covert edible. Just make sure your nosey coworkers don’t try to snag your lunch.
#3: Cannabis Coffee
Mornings can feel like a bit of a contradiction sometimes. You want to wake up, but you’re also trying to relax. Weirdly, infusing your coffee with marijuana might be just the thing to meet this specific need. The caffeine acts quickly to wake you up, and the edibles keep your body from getting too anxious. Give this one a try (assuming you’re a coffee drinker)! Of course, if you don’t feel like making your own, you can always buy some infused coffee (and other infused beverages) here.
#4: Pot Burgers
Burgers are always very satisfying, and the perfect medium for mixing in some weed. Grind up your dry bud as finely as you can, and simply mix it in with the burger meat. The fats of the burger will soak up the THC, helping your body to absorb it into your system. 
#5: Herb French Fries
Cook the French Fries in some cannabis butter, then toss them in the oven to crisp up. These go great with the infused burger. ;)
#6: Trail Mix
In our post about fun activities to try while high, we mentioned how hiking while high is a feast for your senses. And what better way to enjoy the outdoors than mixing some ground-up bud with your favourite trail mix! Set the stove burner to a low heat, and cook the fruits, nuts, and granola in cannabis butter. (Yeah, the butter / budder is super handy to have around.) Again, you can get it here.
#7: Salad Dressing
Cannabis is perfect for adding to sauces and glazes, and salad dressings! Just add some – you guessed it – cannabis butter to your favourite dressing mixture. Salad was never this enjoyable!
#8: Pot Wings
Speaking of sauces, chicken wings can be a perfect edible for parties because you can make any type of hemp sauce for it.  You can make a hot glaze, buffalo sauce, BBQ or queso. The possibilities are extensive, so let your imagination go wild.
#9: Macaroni in a Pot
Mac and cheese is an already perfect combination that is both delicious and easy to make. To make it even better, melt the cheese and mix in a bit of that cannabis butter we keep talking about. Mix in the cooked macaroni, and enjoy the yummy goodness (and good times) in store for you. 
#10: Ice Cream
Your food doesn’t need to be warm to get you baked. Most options for edibles involve baking and cooking, but making infused ice cream is a nice cool change of pace. Allow your favourite ice cream to mildly soften, then mix it with a little marijuana butter. Suddenly, there are now several options for cool concoctions. You can make edible milkshakes, sundaes, and ice cream sandwiches. You can even put a scoop or two on top of your favourite desserts.
We hope that we have provided you with some “food for thought”; new ideas or inspirations for your next culinary adventure. Remember to be cautious when trying any of these recipes. Do your measurements and keep track of how much cannabis you’re taking into your system so you don’t get too much of a good thing. As a rule of thumb, start with small doses and work your way up (or down) as needed or desired.
By the Potmaster General, for Potsmart
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astroblemesblog · 22 days
Full Spectrum CBD Gummy: Your Ultimate Guide to a Sweet Solution
CBD products have taken the wellness world by storm, and among them, Full Spectrum Cbd Gummy have emerged as a delicious and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol. Whether you're a CBD novice or a seasoned user, these tasty treats promise to enhance your wellness routine in more ways than one. Let's dive into the world of full spectrum CBD gummies and uncover what makes them so special.
What Are Full Spectrum CBD Gummies?
The Basics of CBD
Before we get into the specifics of full spectrum CBD gummies, let's quickly recap what CBD is. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD won't get you high but offers a plethora of health benefits.
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Defining Full Spectrum
When we talk about "full spectrum," we're referring to a type of CBD that includes all the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, not just CBD. This includes trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3%), terpenes, flavonoids, and other beneficial compounds. The idea is that these components work together in what’s known as the "entourage effect," enhancing the overall benefits.
Gummies: A Tasty Delivery Method
Gummies are an edible form of CBD that make dosing easy and enjoyable. They come in a variety of flavors, shapes, and dosages, making them an appealing option for those who might not enjoy the earthy taste of CBD oil or other forms of CBD.
The Benefits of Full Spectrum CBD Gummies
Holistic Health Boost
Full spectrum CBD gummies offer a holistic approach to health. The entourage effect means that the combination of cannabinoids and terpenes can enhance the therapeutic benefits, potentially providing more significant relief from symptoms compared to CBD isolate.
Easy and Discreet
Taking CBD in gummy form is incredibly convenient. You can carry them anywhere and consume them without drawing attention, making them perfect for on-the-go use. Plus, they taste great, which is a big plus if you're not a fan of the natural flavor of CBD oil.
Precise Dosing
Each gummy contains a pre-measured dose of CBD, taking the guesswork out of how much you’re consuming. This is particularly helpful for beginners who are just starting to figure out their ideal dosage.
How Do Full Spectrum CBD Gummies Work?
Interaction with the Endocannabinoid System
CBD works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating various functions such as mood, sleep, appetite, and immune response. When you consume a full spectrum CBD gummy, the CBD and other cannabinoids bind to ECS receptors, promoting balance and homeostasis.
Slow and Steady Absorption
Edibles like gummies are absorbed through the digestive system, which means the CBD is released slowly over time. This results in longer-lasting effects compared to other methods like vaping or sublingual drops.
Choosing the Right Full Spectrum CBD Gummies
Quality Matters
Not all CBD gummies are created equal. Look for products made from high-quality, organically grown hemp. Check for third-party lab testing to ensure purity and potency. The absence of pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants is a must.
Dosage Considerations
CBD gummies come in various strengths, typically ranging from 5mg to 50mg of CBD per gummy. If you're new to CBD, start with a lower dose and gradually increase until you find what works best for you.
Flavor and Ingredients
While the primary goal is to benefit from CBD, there's no reason you can't enjoy the taste. Choose a flavor you like and check the ingredient list for any potential allergens or additives you might want to avoid.
Potential Side Effects and Considerations
Mild Side Effects
While CBD is generally well-tolerated, some people might experience mild side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, or changes in appetite. These are typically rare and can often be mitigated by adjusting the dosage.
Interactions with Medications
If you're taking any prescription medications, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider before adding CBD to your routine. CBD can interact with certain medications, affecting how they work.
Legal Considerations
Although full spectrum CBD gummies contain trace amounts of THC, they are legal in many places as long as the THC content is below 0.3%. However, laws vary by region, so it's important to check your local regulations.
Incorporating Full Spectrum CBD Gummies into Your Routine
Morning Boost
Taking a CBD gummy in the morning can help set a positive tone for the day. The calming effects can reduce stress and anxiety, helping you tackle your daily tasks with a clear mind.
Midday Pick-Me-Up
Feeling the afternoon slump? A CBD gummy can provide a gentle energy boost without the jitters associated with caffeine. It can also help improve focus and concentration.
Evening Relaxation
CBD gummies can be a great addition to your evening routine, helping you unwind and relax after a long day. They can also promote better sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Comparing Full Spectrum CBD Gummies with Other CBD Products
CBD oil is versatile and can be taken sublingually, added to food and drinks, or applied topically. However, it can be challenging to measure the exact dosage, and some people might not enjoy the taste.
CBD Capsules
Capsules offer precise dosing like gummies but lack the enjoyable flavors. They are discreet and convenient but might take longer to absorb compared to gummies.
CBD Topicals
Topicals like creams and balms are great for localized relief from pain and inflammation. They work well for muscle soreness but don’t provide the systemic benefits of ingested CBD.
Real-Life Experiences: Testimonials from CBD Gummy Users
Stress Relief
"I've been using full spectrum CBD gummies for a few months now, and they have significantly reduced my stress levels. I take one in the morning, and it helps me stay calm and focused throughout the day." - Emily, 34
Pain Management
"As someone with chronic back pain, these gummies have been a game-changer. They don’t eliminate the pain completely, but they make it much more manageable." - Tom, 45
Better Sleep
"I struggle with insomnia, and CBD gummies have been the only thing that helps me get a good night's sleep. I take one about an hour before bed, and I'm out like a light." - Sarah, 29
DIY CBD Gummies: A Fun and Creative Project
Ingredients You'll Need
Full spectrum CBD oil
Gelatin or a vegan gelatin substitute
Fruit juice or flavored water
Sweetener of choice (honey, agave syrup, etc.)
Molds for shaping your gummies
Step-by-Step Guide
Prepare Your Ingredients: Measure out your CBD oil, gelatin, and juice. If using a sweetener, have it ready.
Heat the Juice: Warm the juice in a saucepan over low heat.
Add Gelatin: Slowly whisk in the gelatin until fully dissolved.
Incorporate CBD: Remove from heat and stir in the CBD oil.
Pour into Molds: Carefully pour the mixture into your molds.
Set and Enjoy: Refrigerate for a few hours until the gummies are firm.
Benefits of Making Your Own Gummies
Making your own CBD gummies allows you to control the ingredients and dosage. Plus, it's a fun project that can be customized with your favorite flavors.
The Future of Full Spectrum CBD Gummies
Innovations in CBD Edibles
The CBD market is constantly evolving, with new products and innovations emerging regularly. Look out for gummies with enhanced bioavailability, faster absorption rates, and more targeted effects.
Regulatory Changes
As the legal landscape around CBD continues to evolve, we can expect clearer regulations and standards. This will likely lead to higher quality products and more transparency for consumers.
Growing Popularity
The popularity of CBD gummies shows no signs of slowing down. As more people discover their benefits, we can expect to see even more variety and availability in the market.
Conclusion: Embrace the Sweet Solution
Full spectrum CBD gummies offer a delightful and effective way to experience the benefits of CBD. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, manage pain, or improve your sleep, these tasty treats can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine. With their convenience, precise dosing, and enjoyable flavors, it's no wonder they're becoming a favorite among CBD enthusiasts. So why not give them a try and see how they can sweeten your life?
Incorporate full spectrum CBD gummies into your daily routine and enjoy the holistic health benefits they bring. Remember, quality is key, so always choose reputable brands and check for third-party lab testing. With the right product, you can savor the goodness of CBD in every bite.
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Activgenix CBD Gummies A Gateway to Natural Wellness
Activgenix CBD Gummies
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Activgenix CBD Gummies Reviews : Anxiety and depression are common problems, especially among college students. As is trouble sleeping and a deterioration of mental health. We are expected to multitask more than ever before in today’s society. Every day, we are tasked with a wide range of mental and physical activities. A healthy existence requires both mental and physical fitness.
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╰┈➤ Product Name:⇢ Activgenix CBD Gummies
╰┈➤ Benefits:⇢ Anxiety, Pain and Stress Remove
╰┈➤ Count:⇢ 30 Gummies(2 Gummies/Day)
╰┈➤ Rating:⇢ ★★★★★(5.0)
╰┈➤ Availability:⇢ In Stock Voted #1 Product in the USA
In a world where wellness is a top priority, more individuals are turning to natural remedies like CBD products to enhance their overall health. Among the wide array of CBD-infused options available, Activgenix CBD Gummies stand out for their convenience and effectiveness. These gummies offer a delicious and discreet way to incorporate the benefits of cannabidiol into your daily routine.
What Are Activgenix CBD Gummies?
Activgenix CBD Gummies are edible candies infused with cannabidiol, a compound derived from the hemp plant. Unlike other forms of CBD consumption, such as oils or capsules, gummies provide a convenient and enjoyable way to experience the potential benefits of CBD. They come in various flavors, shapes, and concentrations, making them suitable for users of all preferences.
Key Factor Of Activgenix CBD Gummies
Understanding Cannabidiol (CBD)
CBD is one of over a hundred cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological functions, including mood, sleep, appetite, and pain sensation. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another prominent cannabinoid, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, making it a safe option for daily use.
How Activgenix CBD Gummies Work ?
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When consumed, Activgenix CBD Gummies are broken down in the digestive system, releasing the CBD into the bloodstream. From there, CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the ECS, helping to maintain balance and promote overall wellness. The effects of Activgenix CBD Gummies may vary depending on factors such as dosage, individual metabolism, and frequency of use. 
Absorption Process - When consumed, CBD gummies pass through the digestive system, where they are broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. The digestive process can take some time, typically ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours, before the effects of CBD are felt.
Interaction with Endocannabinoid System (ECS) - CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors and neurotransmitters that help regulate various physiological functions, including mood, pain sensation, appetite, and sleep. By interacting with ECS receptors, CBD may help maintain balance and promote overall well-being.
Metabolism: Once absorbed, CBD travels through your bloodstream to various tissues and organs. It may interact with different receptors and systems in the body, contributing to its potential effects.
Non-Psychoactive Effects: Unlike THC, CBD does not produce a psychoactive "high." Instead, it's believed to have various potential therapeutic effects, such as reducing anxiety, alleviating pain, promoting relaxation, and potentially aiding in sleep.
(EXCLUSIVE OFFER) View Pricing & Availability of Activgenix CBD Gummies
Benefits of Activgenix CBD Gummies
Pain Management: CBD is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and might help in managing pain by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in pain perception.
Anxiety and Stress Relief: Some people use CBD to help manage symptoms of anxiety and stress. It's thought to affect serotonin receptors, which are related to mood regulation.
Sleep Aid: CBD might help improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, although the effects can vary from person to person.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects: CBD's anti-inflammatory properties could make it beneficial for conditions where inflammation plays a role, such as arthritis or inflammatory skin conditions.
Epilepsy Treatment: Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, has been approved by the FDA to treat certain rare forms of epilepsy, indicating the potential of CBD in seizure management.
Neuroprotective Properties: Some studies suggest that CBD might have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting conditions like Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.
Reducing Nausea: CBD has been investigated for its potential to reduce nausea and vomiting, particularly in cases of chemotherapy-induced nausea.
Antioxidant Benefits: CBD's antioxidant properties might help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, contributing to overall well-being.
Skin Health: CBD-infused products are used in skincare for their potential anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on conditions like acne or eczema.
Substance Abuse Treatment: There's some research suggesting that CBD might help individuals with substance abuse disorders by reducing drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Heart Health: While more research is needed, CBD might have cardiovascular benefits due to its potential to lower blood pressure and reduce stress and anxiety.
Potential for Mental Health Disorders: CBD could potentially aid in managing conditions like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues, although more research is required in this area.
Activgenix CBD Gummies Ingredients
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Activgenix CBD Gummies Official Website is effects produced with the assistance of natural and natural substances and treat numerous fitness difficulties properly and healthily. The fundamental components of this chemical-free system are outlined below:
CBD Gummies: — It is derived from the hashish plant and helps with a wide variety of health problems, including sleeplessness, depression, chronic pain, and so on; it is also good for your heart.
Insomnia, stress, and other mental health difficulties can all be alleviated with the help of lavender gummies, so it’s no surprise that this essential gummy is so popular.
Coconut gummies are great for the skin since it helps with a wide variety of skin issues, eases chronic discomfort, and increase digesting power with less effort.
Castor Gummies:- Minerals and vitamins abound, your digestive electricity is increased, sleeplessness is cured, and inflammation is lowered thanks to its use.
Gelatin or Pectin: Gelatin is traditionally used to give gummies their chewy texture. However, some gummies use pectin instead, making them suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Colorings: Artificial or natural colorings are often used to give the gummies their vibrant and appealing colors.
Citric Acid: This is sometimes added to give a sour or tart flavor to the gummies.
Coating or Dusting: Some gummies are coated with a fine layer of sugar or sour powder to enhance the taste and texture.
Aside from alleviating pain, clove extract also cleanses the blood and improves overall health.
Flavors: It’s stuffed with fruit extract and springs of varying sizes and shapes, making it simple to enjoy their delicious flavors.
Other Key Ingredients
In addition to CBD and natural flavorings, Activgenix CBD Gummies may contain other ingredients such as vitamins, antioxidants, and essential nutrients, further enhancing their nutritional value.
(EXCLUSIVE OFFER) View Pricing & Availability of Activgenix CBD Gummies
How to Use Activgenix CBD Gummies
Dosage Guidelines - The recommended dosage of Activgenix CBD Gummies may vary depending on individual factors such as body weight, metabolism, and the desired level of effects. It is advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase until the desired results are achieved.
Daily Routine Of CBD Gummies - CBD gummies are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Simply chew and swallow one or two gummies as needed, preferably with a meal or snack for optimal absorption.
Individual Body Chemistry - Each person's body chemistry is unique, leading to variations in how CBD gummies may affect individuals. Factors such as metabolism, weight, and tolerance levels can influence the effectiveness of CBD.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water can help enhance the absorption of CBD and support overall wellness.
Effects and Duration: Activgenix CBD Gummies typically take longer to take effect compared to methods like vaping, as they need to be digested first. It might take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours for you to feel the effects. The duration of the effects can vary, usually lasting around 4 to 6 hours. Remember, the information provided here is for general guidance, and it's important to consult a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific health concerns or are considering using CBD as part of a treatment plan.
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What are The Activgenix CBD Gummies Fixings?
The Activgenix CBD Gummies Fixings contain 300 mg of unadulterated, greatest strength hemp CBD! Dissimilar to so numerous other hemp items that are only segregates, this one is a Full Range recuperating CBD. Implying that it contains probably the best, most impressive fixings. These staggering gummies are taken from the hemp plant. Which implies that they have no psychoactive impacts! Not at all like THC, Gummies can’t get you high. Be that as it may, it can in any case help you recuperate.
There are Activgenix CBD Gummies Results ?
Probably the most awesome aspect about this color is the Activgenix CBD Gummies Results. What’s more, that is on the grounds that you shouldn’t perceive any. The explanation such countless individuals go to Gummies is on the grounds that it doesn’t have however many results as most meds. Pastor CBD be told, one investigation expresses that Gummies has a decent security profile. In the event that you do encounter results, it’s presumably in light of the fact that your body doesn’t work well with Gummies.
Are Activgenix CBD Gummies Safe?
Third-Party Testing
Activgenix CBD Gummies undergo third-party testing to ensure purity, potency, and safety. These tests verify the absence of harmful contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and residual solvents, providing peace of mind to consumers.
Potential Side Effects
While CBD is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or changes in appetite. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any CBD regimen, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications.
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(EXCLUSIVE OFFER) View Pricing & Availability of Activgenix CBD Gummies
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Understanding Bloom CBD Gummies: Benefits, How They Work, and Potential Side Effects
CBD, or cannabidiol, has seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the past few years, becoming one of the most sought-after supplements for its purported health benefits without the psychoactive effects associated with its cousin, THC.
Among the various forms of CBD consumption, gummies have become particularly popular due to their ease of use, discrete nature, and enjoyable flavor. Bloom CBD Gummies are one such product that has captured the attention of consumers. This article delves into the benefits, workings, and potential side effects of Bloom CBD Gummies.
What Are Bloom CBD Gummies?
Bloom CBD Gummies are edible candies that contain cannabidiol (CBD) oil. They come in a variety of flavor, colors, and concentrations of CBD. Gummies offer a discreet and easy way to ingest CBD and have been used widely for a variety of medical conditions. Bloom, a company known for its commitment to purity and quality, uses organic hemp free from pesticides and herbicides to produce its CBD oil.
Benefits of Bloom CBD Gummies
The benefits of CBD gummies are derived from their CBD content. Here’s how they can help:
Pain Relief
CBD is well-known for its analgesic properties. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) to reduce inflammation and interact with neurotransmitters, thereby reducing pain perception. This makes Bloom CBD Gummies Reviews a great alternative for chronic pain management.
Anxiety and Stress Reduction
CBD has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. It does this by altering the brain’s receptor responses to serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mental health. Bloom CBD Gummies can provide a calming effect without the potential side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
Improvement in Sleep Quality
CBD has therapeutic potentials in treating insomnia. By regulating cortisol, a stress hormone, which has a significant impact on non-REM sleep cycles, Bloom CBD Gummies can improve the quality and duration of sleep.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
CBD's anti-inflammatory effects are one of its most celebrated benefits, used in treating various conditions from arthritis to bowel diseases. Its ability to reduce inflammation and offer pain relief is highly valued.
Neuroprotective and Antioxidant Effects
CBD provides benefits to the neural system by supporting brain health, which is why it’s being studied in people with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.
How Do Bloom CBD Gummies Work?
Bloom CBD Gummies Side Effect Understanding How Bloom CBD Gummies work requires knowledge of the biological system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating a range of functions and processes, including sleep, mood, appetite, memory, and reproduction. CBD gummies help to normalize the ECS by interacting with its cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. This interaction helps to:
Regulate Mood: CBD enhances ECS activity to improve mood and alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Reduce Pain and Inflammation: By interacting with neurotransmitters and inflammatory cells, CBD helps reduce the perception of pain and combat inflammation.
Enhance Sleep Quality: CBD influences the sleep cycle by reducing anxiety and pain, which can disrupt sleep.
Potential Side Effects of Bloom CBD Gummies
While Bloom CBD Gummies are generally safe, they can have potential side effects, especially when not consumed in moderation. The most common include:
Dry Mouth: Known colloquially as "cottonmouth," it happens due to the interaction of CBD with the salivary glands causing reduced saliva production.
Dizziness or Light-headedness: This can occur due to a drop in blood pressure as a result of taking higher doses of CBD.
Gastrointestinal Problems: Some people might experience issues such as diarrhoea or mild stomach ache when they start using CBD products.
Appetite Changes: CBD can either increase or decrease appetite, depending on the individual's body chemistry.
Interaction with Other Medications: CBD can interact with other medications like blood thinners, so it’s important to consult healthcare providers before starting any CBD product.
Bloom CBD Gummies offer a convenient, enjoyable, and effective way to consume CBD and potentially benefit from its therapeutic properties. They provide a viable option for pain relief, anxiety reduction, sleep enhancement, and more, with a natural approach that may reduce the need for synthetic drugs.
However, like any supplement, they should be used responsibly under medical guidance, especially by those with existing health conditions or who are using other medications. As the research into CBD grows, so too will our understanding of its full potential and limitations. For now, Bloom CBD Gummies represent a promising, holistic approach to health and wellness.
Official Website :- https://pratibimbnews.com/bloom-cbd-gummies-reviews/
Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/trybloomcbdgummy/
Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/trybloomcbdgummiesreview/
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hamannkaya62 · 2 months
Some great benefits of Fryd Bars
About Fryd Pubs: Fryd bars is a well-known cannabis edible product or service that offers an excellant and convenient method to enjoy the positive aspects of cannabis. FRYD Bar also comes in different flavors, each created to provide a great unique and satisfying experience.
FRYD is the popular brand that gives a variety regarding cannabis products, which includes vape cartridges, disposable vape pens, plus other cannabis-infused products. Their products will be known for their own high-quality ingredients in addition to innovative flavors. If you’re looking for some sort of convenient and enjoyable way to consume cannabis.
Delicious Flavor Choices
Among the key benefits involving Fryd Bars is their delicious taste options. From classic chocolate and vanilla to more distinctive flavors like salted caramel and pastries and cream, discover a Fryd Club flavor to fit every single taste preference. Regardless of whether you have a sweet tooth or prefer something even more savory, Fryd Cafes offer a wide range of options to satisfy the cravings.
Convenient and Portable
Fryd Bars are furthermore incredibly convenient plus portable, making them perfect for on-the-go consumption. Each bar is individually draped, making it quick to toss a single in your bag or pocket for any quick snack when you need it. No matter if you're heading in order to work, hitting the gym, or perhaps going on a hike, Fryd Cafes really are a convenient and hassle-free way to enjoy the benefits associated with cannabis.
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Precise Dose
Another benefit of Fryd Night clubs is that that they offer precise dosage, allowing you to be able to easily control the intake of cannabis. Each bar contains a specific amount of THC or CBD, dependent on your desire, which makes it easy to monitor your medication dosage and achieve the desired effects. This specific precision ensures a frequent and reliable experience with each consumption, providing you with peace of head knowing precisely what you aren't consuming.
For those which would rather consume marijuana discreetly, Fryd Bars could be an excellent alternative. Unlike traditional smoking methods, which might produce strong odors and even draw attention, Fryd Bars provide a very discreet and inconspicuous method to enjoy the great things about cannabis. Whether you're in a new public setting or perhaps simply prefer in order to maintain your consumption personal, Fryd Bars enable you to take pleasure in cannabis without getting unwanted attention.
Long-Lasting Effects
A big benefit of consuming cannabis-infused edibles like Fryd Bars is their long-lasting effects. Contrary to smoking or vaping, which produce fast but short-lived results, edibles are digested differently by the body, resulting in a slower onset of effects that may are several hours. This prolonged timeframe of action makes Fryd Bars perfect for individuals seeking continual relief from signs and symptoms such as pain, panic, or insomnia.
Variety associated with Benefits
In addition to be able to providing an satisfying recreational experience, Fryd Bars also offer a variety of potential health advantages. Cannabis offers been shown to possess therapeutic properties that might help alleviate symptoms of a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, inflammation, panic, depression, and insomnia. By incorporating marijuana into your health and fitness routine through products like Fryd Cafes, you might experience alleviation from symptoms and even an overall improvement in your quality of life.
Fryd Cafes offer a scrumptious, convenient, and prudent way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis. With their wide range of tastes, precise dosing, plus long-lasting effects, Fryd Bars are a good excellent option regarding both recreational in addition to medicinal cannabis buyers. Whether you are looking to be able to unwind after the long day, reduce the signs of a medical condition, or simply consume a tasty treat, Fryd Bars provide the convenient and pleasurable solution. Experience the benefits of Fryd Bars for on your own and discover why could possibly be a well liked among marijuana enthusiasts everywhere.
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needlesthc123 · 2 months
The Healing Center
Many in Needles, California's thriving business community see Marijuana Dispensary as a beacon of optimism.
We have cannabis experts on staff who are happy to lend you a hand if you need it.
Being one of the world's most famous cannabis shops is something we're really proud of needles dispensary The collection of premium indica and sativa strains has been greatly expanded, and we couldn't be happier to share the news.  We have sent you the two premium cannabis strains you ordered. We greatly value your support. Among the many cannabis items offered at our dispensary are edibles and vape pens.
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It is quickly becoming the market standard because no other product can compare to its quality and performance.
For the record, we are not associated with the medicinal marijuana sector. Conversely, we keep an eye on internet markets that sell all sorts of stuff, including cannabis and cigarettes. If you search carefully enough, you might discover some very breathtaking websites in this day and age.
Needles is a station on Route 66 on the route from Arizona to California. Among Needles's many potential enterprises is the Healing Centre Weed Dispensary. It is possible that California is home to both of these spots. This area of California is home to all of these stunning landmarks. Both of these locations probably are in California. Two cannabis dispensaries, in an odd coincidence, are located in the same building. If you are in search of local greatness, they should be your go-to. We have a wide variety of premium cannabis products in stock at our dispensary, each chosen for its unique benefits. You can find whatever you're looking for here. At our dispensary, you are welcome to make use of these items. Flower, extracts, candies, and more besides are available at the Healing Centre's extensive cannabis product selection. This is vital regardless of the type of cannabis product you're seeking. The issue's continuance is unrelated to how accurately you typed in your cannabis search phrases. You may trust this promise since it ensures a smooth and enjoyable transaction. Before you go ahead and buy cannabis goods online, remember this. Nobody can afford to ignore this.
Helping you make the greatest product choice is our first goal, and our helpful and knowledgeable staff is here to make that happen. Having our kind hosts take us on a tour of their showrooms would be an honour. Your gracious acceptance of our invitation would mean the world to us. Stop by any of these locations to browse our vast variety and get the most recent recommendations. Here at the Healing Centre's dispensary, our customers' well-being and security are our top priorities. Come along with us on Route 66 as we begin your never-ending search for the perfect cannabis experience. We warmly welcome you weed dispensary Having you there would be a tremendous blessing for us. Please get in touch with us at any time if we are of service to you.
Please adhere to following guidelines to guarantee a trouble-free order pickup experience at the dispensary.
At the Healing Centre dispensary, you can begin the ordering procedure for cannabis goods for pickup by perusing our menu. It will be easier to begin the process if all the required information is collected in advance. Give us a call whenever it's convenient for you, whether you need help or simply want to talk about anything. Take a look at this alternative expression. Once a technique is decided upon, selecting the desired items and quantities is as simple as dragging and dropping. When you turn the key to start the engine, everything falls into place. You may be able to maximise the space in your suitcase with this choice.
The items need to be collected promptly, so please come and get them. Following the correct steps will get you ready once you've found them. Without the following details about you, we will not be able to complete your order. In order to complete the order, this request is required. Existing users will have complete access to all features, while new users will be required to submit identification when they sign up. Once the verification process is complete, we will grant the user access to their account. Because they do not possess the necessary credentials, they cannot take part in the verification procedure.
We will handle the disposal at the curb after you give us the OK. We will notify you via text message when your order is ready for pickup.
It is crucial that our clients understand the gravity of the situation regarding the responsible usage of our cannabis products. We would like to stress this point again and again. This is crucial to their success, and we couldn't be more certain.
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Blissrise CBD Gummies Reviews
Blissrise CBD Gummies likewise work by invigorating the mending system of fiery circumstances. These chewy candies are enhanced with CBD oil which is known to reestablish the mending system of hurts and agony. The chewy candies trigger the mitigating reactions of your body and it helps in limiting the agony and throbs across your body. It lessens the irritation and expanding brought about by joint inflammation and permits you to lead an aggravation free way of life.
Blissrise CBD Gummies additionally bring down the feelings of anxiety and controls mental episodes and guarantees to keep your body and psyche loose and quiet. It advances solid rest cycles and treats the underlying driver of sleep deprivation. Blissrise CBD Gummies Indeed, these chewy candies are enjoyable cannabidiol confections which are logically demonstrated and known for overseeing endless mental or actual wellbeing problems in protected and simple manner.
Blissrise CBD Gummies are normal and created in a perfect and sterile climate in outsider research centres. The wellbeing trained professionals and specialists express that CBD chewy candies can possibly make preparations for wellbeing sicknesses and diseases in numerous ways. These chewy candies are gainful and particularly intended for individuals who are persistently managing different wellbeing related issues, for example,
Blissrise CBD Gummies These chewy candies are an ideal and famous cure that aides in giving extraordinary and crisis care to different medical problems as well as help with bringing down the gamble of a few sicknesses and illnesses. It is the basic and simple method for acquiring a calm and illness free body absent a lot of exertion. In unfamiliar nations, loads of individuals are selecting these confections to accomplish salubrious wellness and astounding wellbeing encounters.
Blissrise CBD Gummies are everyday consumable and have upper, enemies of oxidants, mitigating and recuperating impacts. These confections are advantageous and offer lots of advantages to human wellbeing. Bliss Rise CBD Gummies are not difficult to swallow and well-absorbable desserts that promptly launch the recuperation cycle in a compelling way. These are chewy edibles help to restore generally wellbeing and possibly help with holding healthiness.
Blissrise CBD Gummies an individual gets solid working of the mind and body with no secondary effects to the body. This is the most effective way to handle different medical conditions like pressure, nervousness, and discouragement. It assists with further developing digestion and the safe framework for the sound working of the mind and body.
Blissrise CBD Gummies have many advantages to the body and mind. It might assist with giving legitimate rest to the client to get help from pressure, uneasiness, and other cerebrum issues. Utilizing a characteristic enhancement with no secondary effects is superior to involving compound items for medical conditions. Tell us about the working of the item alongside the fixings.
Blissrise CBD Gummies are sensibly evaluated, and they can without much of a stretch outclass different items accessible in the cost range. The engaging proposals on the authority site make the shopping experience far and away superior for purchasers. Week after week and month to month membership plans are accessible for standard clients, and they can get a markdown by settling on them. They can likewise get group packs or combo packs to get the items at a limited cost. The people who need to test the item can go for a solitary unit, and they can get a markdown on their most memorable buy.
Blissrise CBD Gummies are protected to consume, and clients are probably not going to confront any issues as long as they don't take a weighty portion without testing their cutoff points. Fledglings ought to constantly begin with a little portion and increment the measurements bit by bit. Blissrise CBD Gummies They ought to likewise ensure that they aren't adversely affected by any fixing. Additional Strength Labs chewy candies contain no pointless or destructive fixings, yet checking the name prior to consuming them is significant.
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#Bliss RiseCBDGummies
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