#michael to the rescue
seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 22: Pick Your Poison
Fandom: Be More Chill
Allergic reaction
Oof haven't been here since off broadway ocr… uh this ones pretty short and could be triggering so. Read with care. 
He takes the pill.
He takes that damn pill. 
He loses everything he knew. 
He gains some things he hadnt known.
He learns what he hadn't thought to learn.
But mostly, he suffers silently in the wake of suffering he caused, because he deserved it. He deserved everything.
Everything about me is so terrible.
Everything about me makes me want to die.
Jeremy shivers, reaching blindly for the covers he'd thrown off a moment ago. His joints object to the movement, his head screaming as its jostled from its hidden position in the pillow. He sniffles pitifully- gods dont think of that worddontthink- getting hot the minute the sheets touch his feet and groans. He slumps back down, wondering if some pizza would help his mood, only for the minute hunger to turn to churning nausea, his eyes get teary as he mutters angrily into his pillow.
Maybe he should have taken a page out of Riches book, done something to put himself in a coma so he didnt have to deal with the effects. But then again, maybe Rich didnt have these, maybe this was part of his punishment. As far as he knew no one else had either, but that was only when he could stand to look at his phone. 
It made sense, his SQUIP had been… intense. To fix him it had to do a lot of work, so the symptoms of not having it anymore would be intense too. 
Except, it wasnt quite gone was it.
Another reason to keep his face in his pillow. The glitching blue blur across the room- with piercing eyes that glare into his soul- has continued to slowly make his way closer everytime Jeremy has peeked out. His voice glitches quietly in the back of his mind, repeating his past lessons or his name. Its nothing new, nothing he doesnt know, nothing thats not true. But gosh is it annoying as hell. 
His head throbs something fierce, hasnt let up since before the play- though it hadnt been rainbows then either- and at times it got ten times worse and left him in a worse state. The blue glow only he can see stabs into his eye and straight through his head. Bile rises in his throat, as dots dance in his vision, and another wave of bone heavy exhaustion weighs his limbs down. If his body would just have one symptom at a time, he'd handle it better he's sure.
Not that he deserved to handle it better.
Im such a slob, terrible
Everything about me sucks
Nerdiness is Ugly
Such a chore
The next time he opens his eyes the light in the room has changed, and the SQUIP is right in front of him, glitching terribly. 
"I want some peanut butter." The voice sounds like his own. 
He blinks, the lights similar but slightly different, he really wants some peanut butter. 
He never liked the smell, made his throat tingle, so he'd stayed away from the stuff. But if he was craving it…
Yeah, he wanted some peanut butter. 
He hears a familiar jingle-
He really wants some peanut butter.
Standing up is a chore-
Stammerings a chore.
His fingers twitch as a chill runs down his spine, he flips his hair on instinct as his very brain shivers. 
Your ticks and fidgets are persistent and your charm is non-existent…
He shuffles awkwardly down the hall, swaying this way and that as the world warps around him and darkness edges his vision now and again. The stairs are a looming task, literally taking them one at a time as each step sends his brain for a loop. 
There's a note on the counter, his dad's scratchy handwriting there- where's the peanut butter?
He pulls out a big spoon, and the jar from the pantry, popping the lid off. His throat feels weird as he gets a whiff, and he swears his stomach flips but he 
Peanut butter.
He scoops a large glob, and sticks it in his mouth before he makes the choice, almost as if his arm had moved on its own. His spine tingles, wrists ache- everything hurts
He's on the ground.
He can't breathe.
Why can't he-
Everything about me makes me want to die. 
He deserves this. 
He's terrible. 
Everything is his fault.
If he called for help, it would just annoy everyone anyway. Why would they want to help him? When he almost ruined their lives.
"If I have to go, I'm taking you with me Jeremy."
A door opens somewhere, but he is silent as he twitches on the ground, air barely breaching his windpipe, his lungs begging for more that won't come. And all the while
He smells of peanuts. 
"Just hold on."
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mizgnomer · 10 months
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Trouble in the 1800's - Good Omens
The next time we see them together Crowley asks for holy water. What did they do to the poor dear?
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kitmarlowe · 11 months
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See? This is why I don't go to the pub.
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ybon-paramoux · 21 days
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The Rescue: Michael Hutter
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crowleysgirl56 · 4 months
Wildest dreams wishes for Good Omens Season 3 which will probably not come true but I can still hope hey!
Number 12.
REVERSE WALL SLAM! So in season 1 we got Crowley slamming Aziraphale into the wall when he was unhappy about being called nice.
Season 2 we got the kiss, which when you think about it, was a heartbreaking reflection of the season 1 wall slam.
For season 3 I would love to see Aziraphale slam Crowley into the wall instead.
I picture that Crowley has perhaps has been captured by Heaven and is being held somewhere. Aziraphale comes to him secretly, finding Crowley seated at the corner of his cell, and tries to break him out.
Crowley is having none of it. Aziraphale would apologise. Crowley would ignore him. Aziraphale would plead, make excuses, try to be diplomatic and pragmatic and all the other ‘atics he could think of. But nothing would avail Crowley. Finally Crowley would ask him for the apology dance, and Aziraphale, panicked with the amount of time being wasted would quickly acquiesce. Crowley would smile sardonically then throw his head back and say he still wasn’t coming.
Fed up Aziraphale would become frustrated and announce, “Fine! We did it my way, now we’re doing it your way”.
Crowley, off guard and confused would look back at Azirphale, muttering “Wot?”
That’s when Aziraphale would pick Crowley up by the lapels and slam him up against the cell wall, nose to nose, and bark out through gritted teeth, “You are going to get up off that chair, walk through those door, then you’re going to follow me and we will leave this hellhole together! Do you understand me?!”
Crowley, shocked and slightly speechless will just nervously nod his head and gulp out “Sure Angel”.
Aziraphale will let go of Crowley’s lapels, smooth down his jacket, then after taking a moment to calm down and straighten his own vest, calmly say, “This way dear”.
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So like was anyone gonna tell me Michael Sheen was in Tinker Bell and The Great Fairy Rescue?
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dangergirl64 · 7 months
Our special for today is: these hands
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amagnificentobsession · 9 months
Property of @mrazfellco DO NOT TOUCH
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Rescue 77 1x1 - "Pilot" (1999)
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pinkluver93 · 2 months
The Triangle of Pizza and Love
Told ya I felt that inspiration! Well, I acted on it, and here is the result. Enjoy!
Summary: This continues two months after “Finding Time”. Nasir and the Ovenist are dating, but not publicly. However, nothing gets past Dr. Michael Keh, who has a secret of his own. Nasir X Ovenist X Keh.
It’s after 10 p.m. and Dr. Keh has just finished closing his shop. He grabs his things and walks out the door, locking the door behind him. He gets to his car, opens the door and sits inside. Instead of turning on the car and driving home like most people, Dr. Keh likes to sit in his car in silence and admire his pizzeria, humbling himself. 
“I’ve come so far since Ambrosia. No Ovenist in this town is amazing like I am. No one. I am and always will be above all of the regular people in this world.” 
He takes his phone out of his pocket. 
“Before heading home, let’s see all of the “regs” out there buzzing about my astonishing business and I, as per usual.” 
Keh chuckles heartily to himself (“Regs” are regular people that are not and never will be Keh.) as he scrolls through the posts on his feed. He smiles to himself as he reads all the posts. Finally, he stops on a post that stands out to him. 
“that ovenist from (Your Pizzeria) is totally taken, you know. I saw them with some guy. DM me if u want more info!” 
Keh scoffs. “Please. They’re not with anyone.” He looks around at his surroundings to make sure he was alone. “They’re going to ask me out soon enough, maybe. No one is a better companion than I, THE Dr. Michael Keh!”  
He reads the comments, which he assumes are speculation, and throws his phone down in anger. 
“I don’t need to waste any more of my precious time reading nonsense. I need my beauty sleep.” 
He starts his car and drives home. 
As soon as you walk inside your place, you lay down on your bed, exhausted from the day. You still had your work clothes on, with dried sauce stains that missed the apron. Luckily it wasn’t the pesto sauce today, since your pesto sauce is incredibly strong.  You almost let yourself fall asleep but.... 
“Oh shoot, I gotta call Nasir!” 
You remembered that you had to call Nasir so he knew you were home safe and sound. When you two agreed to be a thing, Nasir was well aware of your late work hours and wanted to make sure you were alive and okay. You two also had to keep your relationship on the down-low for now (the investigation just ended recently and Nasir had to go undercover again for work). This meant that you each cherished the time you two were able to talk and spend together. 
You dial Nasir’s number and he answers on the third ring. 
“Hey (your name),” Nasir sweetly said. 
You blush and chuckle. “Hey you. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of you saying my real name.” 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your laugh either. How was the drive?” 
“It was fine,” You say. “I’m glad I got home before the skies opened up. People drive like crazy in the rain.” 
“Yeah,” He said. “People are just so reckless because they’re always in a hurry.” 
You yawn. “Exactly.” 
“I know I said I want you to call me when you get home each day you work, but if you’re ever too tired, don’t feel like you’re forced to do it.” 
Your heart stops to a halt, and you swallow. “Oh, so you don’t want me to call you?” 
“No no no, it’s not that! I just-” Nasir pauses and sighs. “I don’t wanna pressure you into doing anything that might be...too much trouble, you know? We both have tiring jobs so, I just want something that works out for everyone.” 
You smile as you think of something. “What if....instead of phone calls, I can send a text to you with my picture confirming I’m okay and safe? It’s not just a wordy text that any kidnapper could send to you using my phone.” 
Nasir chuckles. “Kidnappers?” 
“Yeah!” You blush as you joke. “With a picture of my smiling face, you can tell if I’m all good or in a pickle, so to speak!” 
You swear you could hear Nasir dreamily sigh on the other end of the phone line. “Well, it would be nice to have more pictures of you without me ruining the shot....” 
“Hey!” You say. “We look great together in pictures, when we’re able to hang out that is. Speaking of that, how’s your new investigation been going?” 
“Heh, it’s going.” Nasir says. “It’s just so time-consuming though. But don’t worry, I have plans for us when I’m actually off!” 
“Well,” You smile, rubbing the back of your neck. “It HAS been a while since you stopped in for a pie....” 
“I can come in after work next Tuesday! I’ll even come out of uniform and surprise you.” 
“Hang on, let me check my calendar!” You mute your phone so that you can jump in the air happily, pumping your fists. You couldn’t wait to see him! You unmute him. “Well, I’ve got no pizza meetings or family dinners or anything like that, so consider it good!” 
“Alright!” Nasir said. “I’ll see you around 9 next Tuesday! Let’s talk tomorrow, okay?” 
“Okay, bye!” As you hang up the phone, you lay in bed, wondering what he’ll order when he comes in. 
Next Tuesday comes sooner than you know it, and it’s now 8:40. You feel like you broke even with your orders today, and now it’s settling down. You look at your MyPad and check out what your friends are doing on BakedIn. You become so enraptured in what you’re looking at that you don’t hear your front door open. You look up and smile. 
“Hey, didn’t think you’d come so-” 
“Well well well...”  
You look at who the voice belongs to and frown. “Dr. Keh?!” 
It is, indeed, Dr. Keh in the flesh. He looks smugly around your shop. “(Your name). I see your shop hasn’t changed much. Not surprising....” 
You look around as if you are worried. “What are you doing here?” 
He takes out his phone, finds something on it, and places it down in front of you to see. You look with curiosity. “What am I looking at?” 
He sneers at you. “This buffoon says that you are....well, SEEING somebody, as in....dating a specific someone.” 
Your heart pounds in your chest, but you make sure to not let your face show it. “Okay? Someone says I’m dating someone? Why does that affect you?” 
He harshly takes his phone back and shoves it into his pocket. “Nothing, it doesn’t affect me at all. In fact, I congratulate you. I just assumed you would die alone, if your companion skills matched your pizza making skills.” 
You roll your eyes. “You’re just jealous that you’ll never be happy or feel fulfilled unless you cheat at something.” 
Upon hearing this, he chuckles. “It always goes back to that, doesn’t it Ovenist? Hopefully you do not make an excessive amount of excuses with this person you’re dating....whoever they are.” 
“I can do what I want.” You retort. “Last I checked, we weren’t dating, Keh....” 
He gives you an evil smile. “It’s so cute of you to say that, because I KNOW you wish you were dating me. There is no man out there that even compares to me, and you know it....” 
You shrug. “It doesn’t matter. Now, can you please leave? Unless you needed to order something?” 
He laughs. “Yes, just what I’d like, a pizza from a sad, mediocre Ovenist. Sure, I’ll take your House Special.” 
“I highly suggest you take that to go....” 
Neither you nor Keh said that, so you both looked to the front door to see who the voice belonged to. A man with gorgeous red hair, sunglasses and a peacoat jacket holds his detective badge.  
You give a small, but grateful smile. My hero.... 
Keh looks him over, and grunts. “Oh, it’s you, that detective from the Zarena case.” 
Nasir, with his hands now in his pockets, walks up to the front counter where Keh and you are waiting. “I was just coming in to get a pizza and saw you here verbally assaulting this Ovenist for some reason. Why is that?” 
Keh dismisses the detective and pulls out his wallet. “I don’t need to explain myself to you. I’m just here to order something and leave.” 
You ring Keh up for your House Special. “I’ll go make it right now.” 
As you go to make it, you overhear Keh and Nasir talk. 
“Do you really enjoy the pizza from here?” Keh asks with confidence. 
“Yes, I do.” Nasir says.  
“Pfft, your tastebuds must not feel well....” Keh chuckles. 
“Funny, because you just paid for a pizza here.” Nasir says, taking his glasses off to look Keh in the eyes. “So you either secretly enjoy it, or you’re buying a pizza from this establishment for nefarious purposes that are quite familiar....” 
“Ha!” Keh looks at Nasir with amusement. “You really think I need to steal (Your name)’s pizza recipe for my own gain? I’ve got news for you, “detective”. I don’t need to steal anyone’s recipes because my pizza stands out on its own. I have simply turned a new leaf.” 
You put Keh’s pizza in the box and walk out with it. “What’s your new leaf then?” 
He smiles at you. “I’m finally supporting small businesses like yours. I can’t relish in all of the glory, you know. I have to let other Ovenists feel like they’re at least putting in 1/10 of the required effort a Master Ovenist like me puts in every day.” 
You roll your eyes. “Whatever helps you feel better about yourself....” 
He takes his pizza into his hands and starts to walk out, looking back at you. “You’ll want to not have so much focus on your...personal life....if you want to stay afloat while I’m in business. Try not to drown, Ovenist.” He chuckles as he walks out.  
Nasir shakes his head. “I don’t know what’s up with that guy, he’s such a-” 
You cut him off by going up to him in front of the counter and roping him into a big hug and kissing his cheek. “You have such great timing. I thought he was gonna bury me alive.” 
Nasir blushes as you let go. He smiles. “Heh, I’m pretty sure Keh is all bark and no bite at the end of the day.” 
You smile at him. “Regardless, I’m grateful. I’ll surprise you with the toppings, but did you wanna set up a table for us?” 
“Actually,” He says. “I was thinking we could take this pizza and have a night picnic at Havarti Park. I brought some beverages in a cooler and a blanket, plus the weather is nice.” 
“Our usual spot, huh?” You grin. “It’s also pretty....quiet and serene this time of night there as well, isn’t it?” 
Nasir blushes and rubs the back of his head. “Yeah, I-I figured it’d be....nice for us to...catch up and...you know...” 
You smile sweetly seeing Nasir act so shy about your relationship. “I’ll make your pizza and get changed. Be right back!” 
You go to make his pizza with so much happiness as you await what Nasir has planned for you two, completely forgetting about the uninvited guest you had.... 
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate Atlantis "Search and Rescue"
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hurtcomfortguaranteed · 10 months
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In Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur, Hercules rescues a disoriented Iolaus from the very strangely gooey trap of the Minotaur.
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disneytva · 1 year
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Disney Television Animation dosn't turn 40 until 2024 however the celebration can come early with the classics!
The talented Darren Wilson has provided a new piece of artwork named "Disney Afternoon" who will be available at EPCOT Festival of the Arts!
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onewingedomegaman · 1 year
out of context kenny omega 2 (ft. michael nakazawa !!)
ok but his vocals.. my boy can sing! also nakazawa in the dale costume pls😭
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 7 months
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"Had I have been there, I would have kept trying rather than risk a surgical procedure."
"That's the thing, you weren't there."
Rescue 77 S01E03 A Bumpy Ride.
Bonus angry boi:
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keishiko · 9 months
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Miles Maitland lived on. In Paris. And time-travelled, just a smidge.
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Or maybe Aziraphale’s power is so strong he spontaneously manifested his psychic lovechild Miles…?
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