#mentions of fandom wank
rivkae-winters · 16 days
For the ask game 4, 8, 12, 18 and 25 for any fandom
This is part of this ask game :3 Mostly seven with some general and one intentionally unspecified fandom
4) What was the last straw for finally blocking that annoying person?
I’m very bad at actually blocking people, I tend to cause my own problems that way, but the last time I blocked someone it was because they sent me an unsolicited DM basically trying to guilt me into commissioning them right after an artist I’d just recently commissioned posted the piece. I love getting DM’s and interaction in general even if I’m not super active myself because of anxiety so I was really upset about it when I saw the message. 
On one hand I get it, I do- I’m also a commercial artist and I’m lucky enough to have a decently stable W2 Job right now. On the other hand though: maybe make your sales pitch at least more enticing than a Jehovah's Witness knocking on your door. 
8) Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about?
This one got WELL out of hand length wise so I'll be posting my full thoughts on why later today or tomorrow.
The apple game in CC (from the Silver Elite fan club letter) is bs, and it baffles me that people trust what Hojo says as much as they do. 
Honestly, most of the fan mail in the game is bs or has the truth heavily muddied but this example is especially egregious in my opinion. It's not an activity that Genesis, Angeal, or Sephiroth would actually enjoy much. Sephiroth himself would be bored to tears since he has such an unfair advantage since his sword is much slimmer than Rapier and Angeal's standard issue broadsword. There is also the issue of the fact that all of them likely have some element of food trauma (or in Angeal's case are confirmed as such) but the expanded post later today will expand on that.
Disclaimer that you can enjoy and write what you want or believe in the story of AGS playing with apples and swords. Make content you feel inspired to, consume content you enjoy, and don’t let me stop you from having fun. 
12) The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don’t know how unpopular he is anymore but Denzel is great- if you can find the ‘on the way to a smile’ anthology and read ‘episode Denzel’ or the OVA from 2010 his character gets a lot better. He’s a complex little guy with layers and plenty of regret already trying to go forward with life. Post AC he starts working with Reeve as a protege of sorts iirc after Reeve blocks him from joining the WRO’s militia. (Which would not have gone over well with anyone if it went through, Denzel is 10ish at that point.) 
He wants to save people like Cloud saved him, somewhat so he can feel worthy of having been saved. There is also still a lingering of the unintentional toxic positivity his mom instilled in him and it is delightful.
The book mentioned above was finally released in English around a decade after Japan got it but it was $35 USD last I checked. I think there are some readings of it on YouTube but I can’t vouch for the quality of any since I don’t do well with audio books. 
The OVA can be really hard to find because it was only on the AC complete Blu-Ray discs of a certain edition- I’m pretty sure it was the first run of them but I may be wrong. Because of this and the fact that I’ve seen take-downs happen continuously each time I went back to reference it last year it’s to the point where some people are incorrectly assuming it’s just totally lost media. Either way I have a so-so quality copy I saved, I won’t put it on the post directly just to be cautious but if you’re interested DM me or contact me through discord (rivkae) if you have that and I’ll shoot you the drive link. 
18) It’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
In og CC Gillian dies with a smile on her face. In reunion it’s blocked by a vignette.
I’ve never seen it mentioned in a fic dealing with her death yet, the few that there are, so eventually I’m just going to have to do it myself.
This answer is almost pathetically short because every time I start thinking about this I get the urge to write. Since I can't really sit down to write prose right now so I'm not going to get to into it.
25) Common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing? 
(Slightly dramatized for effect, I’m not saying the fandom because I’m mostly out of it writing wise right now but iykyk feel free to send me your guesses)
‘Ewww I hate y and z version of [media]!!! X version of [media] is the only good one- anyone who interacts with y and z supporting posts will be blocked!’
‘I hate this version of my favorite character from x in y and z [complaint that could be very easily interpreted as racism] anyone with art of this design will be blocked! DNI if you have [bastardized version of the characters name to show distaste] content!’
Except then they don’t block you after you DNI, they start following your blog posting stuff for y and z version of [media]
Now obviously blocking is a core part of the tumblr experience, really the entire social media experience but it’s taken more seriously other places. Here though? If they breathe annoyingly it is perfectly fine and normal to block them- encouraged even! I have no issues with a DNI, BYF, etc as concepts I just get a little irked when people don’t practice what they preach while still loudly complaining about [media]. 
Now obviously adaptations make a lot of people angry for good reasons sometimes, I understand that. I dislike many adaptations myself, but it’s the incessant complaining when you aren’t even following your own rules that it gets under my skin a bit. That’s not even mentioning the drama that happens in discord servers with areas about said alternate versions of [media] where most community spaces to discuss said versions die quickly due to the toxicity of comparison and the group norm to conform to being putting x version, the original version, over the other version. You can like y and z but you should like x more- you should agree that x is objectively better. Even if x is also offensive in several ways and dated in others and isn’t as easy to consume story wise- which is how y and z brought new fans to the fandom. 
I’m going to cut myself off there but… Yeah. I hate adaptations too sometimes but it shouldn’t be used to backhandedly bully others into silence. Let people enjoy what makes them happy.
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antianakin · 6 months
You know, if you watched Star Wars and claim to be a fan of it, but your takeaway of it is "this specific small group of people deserves to be murdered down to the last child" then I'm fairly certain the only thing you have ever enjoyed about Star Wars is the pew pew aesthetics of it because the overarching message seems to have completely blown right over your head. I can't imagine watching Star Wars, with its very very obvious symbolism and messages, and then coming onto someone else's post to advocate for the genocide of a minority cultural group. I'd be embarrassed. I'm embarrassed FOR YOU.
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As we celebrate public domain day and the start of Letters from Watson, I just want to say....
All queer Holmes headcanons are good.
All of them are meaningful to a multitude of people, and everyone finally has free reign to explore them in published works.
And I want to see all of them. They aren't in competition with each other.
I love explorations of what it would be like to be gay in Victorian society and all of the intricate historical connections people make. Both the painful ones and the ones that say fuck it, let's show some joy.
I love when characters are allowed to be bisexual and all of their relationships are treated with respect. I love when Watson gets to love Mary and Holmes, and when this isn't made out to be some competition.
I love aro and/or ace Holmes, and I beg certain corners of the fandom to remember that these explorations are not the same as simply not addressing the subject of Holmes' sexuality. They are so much more, and these interpretations are fundamentally queer. I love explorations of what it means for a queerplatonic partnership to be the most important relationship in someone's life, especially when they don't have the words to explain it.
I love explorations of Sherlock Holmes and gender. Whether it is someone concealing their gender to play a certain role in society or it is an exploration of being trans historically. All possibilities have something different and interesting to say.
Sherlock Holmes and the relationship between Holmes and Watson appeals to so many of us for a reason, and there are so many stories we can tell. There are so many ways authors can now say "I have always seen myself in this. Let me show you why." There is no limit.
I guess what I'm saying is this. Sherlock Holmes is now legally allowed to be kind and compassionate (and treat female characters well).
Here's to fandom doing the same.
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autisticwriterblog · 7 months
Izzy, Ed and abuse
okay, so I’ve seen a few people talking about Izzy and Ed, and it genuinely disturbs me that I’ve seen people deny that Izzy is a victim of abuse. By most definitions, physical abuse is categorised as causing physical harm to another person’s body with intent to hurt them. Some things, like punching Izzy for selling Stede out, or choking him for saying hateful stuff when Ed was at his lowest, whilst not acceptable in the real world, are perfectly normal reactions for a pirate to have toward a member of his crew, so I’m not talking about things like that.
But the toe scene and the early parts of season 2 are clearly abusive, and only by sheer character bias (framing Ed as someone who could never do anything wrong) can you look at the way Ed treats Izzy and not consider Izzy a victim. Izzy and Ed have had a mutually toxic relationship for a long time, judging by their interactions, but I personally only see abusive behaviour starting with the toe scene. And the abusive one is Ed. Which shouldn’t be a controversial thing to say, considering what we see on screen, and yet…
Even at the end of season one, we saw Ed cut Izzy’s toe off and force him to eat it, and it is confirmed in season 2 that he took two more toes. He is even about to take a fourth toe when Izzy reports that the crew refused to throw their treasure overboard, and Izzy doesn’t argue, much unlike in season 1, when he often bitched at Ed for his decisions. Now, Izzy just takes the punishment.
Things between them come to a head when Ed shoots Izzy in the leg, leading to infection, and the amputation of his leg. He even puts a gun in Izzy’s hand, directly leading to Izzy’s suicide attempt. And in the end, all Izzy gets is a mumbled apology and that's that.
I know many people don’t like Izzy, but do they not sympathise with him? I’ll be first to admit that I don’t like Ed and Stede (I used to, but season 2 made me dislike them more and more for reasons too complicated to go into now), but I feel bad for them when bad things happen to them. I got bullied as a child, so I sympathise with Stede in the flashbacks to his childhood, and I was horrified when I learned what Ed's father was like. I don't particularly like either of them, but I feel bad for them when they're suffering. Which is why I found it so strange and appalling that people who dislike Izzy seemed to find it funny when Izzy was crawling along the floor, or died a painful death.
Even ignoring Ed's treatment of Izzy, the way he treats the crew is abusive too. He overworks them, pushing them into three months of consecutive raids (assuming they did one raid a day), leaving them all so stressed that Fang seems to always be crying. He forces Jim and Archie to fight to the death for no reason other than he said so. He expects Frenchie to kill Izzy, and it is clear how terrified Frenchie is the entire time he lies to Ed. The whole crew walk on eggshells around Ed because they don't know when he'll explode again. Basically, even if Izzy isn't being mentioned (and he should for the record, because he got the worst treatment - and he didn't deserve it, despite that some people seem to think being mutilated is a fair punishment for yelling at Ed), Ed was still abusive towards the crew. During that time period, Ed is incredibly unstable. He wants the world to burn and doesn't care who gets hurt along with him. Which is why the crew still show signs of trauma after Stede returns. Because they are traumatised by Ed's behaviour.
I know that Ed is a victim of abuse, and I have seen people bring this up when his abusive behaviour is mentioned. The thing is, it's perfectly possible for a victim to become an abuser themself, because they're a human being and are capable of doing bad things. Yes, survivors don't have to become abusive (see: my mum, who was smacked as a child but never raised a hand to her own children, because she didn't turn out like her parents), but it can happen. And that is what happened with Ed. There is even a direct parallel between Ed's dad throwing a plate against the wall, scaring Ed's mother, and the scene where Ed throws a chair against the wall, making Stede visibly flinched. If you want someone to be annoyed with about this comparison, don't pick the fans who are just noticing something in canon - blame the show for writing Ed doing the same thing his abusive father did.
In conclusion, Izzy fans aren't just making things up. We're pointing out things that canon showed onscreen and how Ed's behaviour toward Izzy is abusive. I wanted to like Ed this season, but the way the show wrote him made it impossible for me to tolerate him, because he treated everyone badly and they were expected to just move on. I understand that Ed is a romantic lead, but perhaps it wasn't a good idea to make your romantic lead act so abusive toward his subordinates and then never show any real consequences of that.
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enchanted-day-dreams · 2 months
I find it ironic that people love to talk about Billy Hargrove having internalized homophobia despite the fact that homophobic Billy is only a fanon trait, meanwhile Steve Harrington used queer as an insult against Jonathan Byers and yet folks wanna act like he's the most ally to ever ally (or even pretend he was never homophobic to begin with) just because he wasn't still a dick to Robin when she came out to him.
Y'all can have whatever headcanons you want, but the canon truth is that between Billy and Steve, only one of them got a homophobic insult slung at them but never slung it back, and it wasn't Steve.
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findafight · 7 months
Do you like Robin as a character or is she just a quirky lesbian to you.
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allgremlinart · 4 days
also while I'm in a poking-the-beehive mood, I will at some point have to write a little meta blurb about the take that the creators of atla/tlok had a "fetishistic obsession" with "brutalizing" Korra. look. this is actually some very old 2010s discourse and while its a concern that I take seriously when people bring it up, I just dont think it holds much water. As someone for whom Korra is, like, THE character I'm protective about, I promise I'm super sensitive to any hint of mistreatment of her and... I think there really is a fundamental difference between how Korra and her struggles are treated in this show and how people like say COUGH Joss Whedon COUGH HACK treat female characters and their suffering... I dont have time to get into it tonight cus I need to go to bed so instead I'm just gonna let this fester here unaddressed like so many of my other possibly divisive posts LOL...
but like when I saw that discourse cropping up again in *2024* and VERBATIM to how it was said in 2013... . lol no... I'm not 11 anymore I can actually voice my opinions on this coherently now sdhshs (hopefully)
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
to me personally i just cant imagine hearing ludinus in a boyish, ferally relieved yet desperate voice say "a thousand years. you couldn't stop me. you couldnt...." with more emotion than almost any other villain has had about anything, when hes known far & wide for his stoicism, and thinking "yeah hes probably lying about being pre calamity"
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qprstobin · 7 months
I think some of y'all don't know how to make Mike sympathetic or redeemable or whatever without turning his trauma into internalized homophobia. Like the kid has had SOOO much shit happen to him/in front of him and yet every fic has him basically being a brat bc he can't handle his feelings for Will. He's a traumatized kid he's allowed to be a bit of dick honestly without automatically turning it into a shipping thing
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
just saw someone get accused of CP for shipping a 17-year-old anime character with a 20-year-old anime character
the internet was a mistake
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hasattory689 · 1 month
Kinda ironic how the ace attorney fandom, who has the word "ace" in it, is packed full of aphobic lgbt+ exclusionists.
Headcanoning a character as asexual, aromantic or as aroace is as valid as any other queer headcanon. Even if some here have the IQ of a rock and cannot comprehend that.
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catgirl-catboy · 6 months
The only thing that's worse than people claiming your favourite fandoms are problematic is people sticking to 1 or 2 details about why, when there's so many other reasons.
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qprstobin · 1 year
I'm getting really tired of all these posts complaining about stobin being too codependent and unhealthy. Not because i don't think that sometimes they are written as too codependent, but because the posts always seem to be because some of us write them as ya know, being each other's most important person and making life decisions together.
I'm an arospec person who views and writes stobin as a Queer Platonic Relationship. I really don't appreciate people claiming I and others who see them the same way are making them too "codependent" by writing them doing things together that would be considered normal and sweet if it was a romantic relationship.
Part of it is that qprs are actual relationships! That's literally what a qpr is, it is having a committed relationship with someone platonically, to the extent you might live together, make life decisions together, etc. You can still date outside of that ofc if you are inclined to romance and it's agreed upon, just like any other relationship, but it is just that! A relationship!
Another part of it is that in my experience, despite all the fandom jokes about them, a majority of fic only really has their friendship included as a way to prop up one of their individual storylines, or they are there to be a wingman. It is basically impossible to filter fics in a way to find anything friendship centric for them. Ive also closed out of so many fics because writers will fuck up their friendship just so one of the characters has a reason to spend time with their love interest.
So rarely do you see canon friendships that genuinely read like they could be qprs, that it makes these posts even more frustrating. They canonically spend so much time together, and are clearly very committed to each other.
Like are some of the jokes too far? Yeah that's fair, they can get a bit ridiculous. Are some of the HCS genuinely a bit unhealthy at times, even thru a QPR lens, and taking into account their trauma? Probably yes! But so are plenty of headcanons about their main romantic ships too.
It doesn't help that its honestly hard to engage with any actual posts about how the genuinely codependent jokes go too far, because so many posts with genuine complaints end up coming across as almost arophobic.
Idk, I'm just tired of being smacked in the face with posts about things being "unhealthy" because I am not prioritizing the romantic relationships over a platonic one.
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marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
An Incomplete List of Fandoms of People I’ve Seen Making “ew gross fictional toxic relationships/incest how can anyone like this?!?!” Posts About Crimson Peak:
- Breaking Bad
- Hannibal
- Marvel, but specifically the Thorki ship
In conclusion, Very Self-Aware Fandom Wank; Good Job, Bud!!!
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findafight · 1 year
i agree w all of your r*nance thoughts. i also think a big issue for them would be nancy never being robin's Person bc of steve; i do not think that's something nancy could stomach. tho at this point, even if i had liked it originally, i would despise it bc of how often ppl have robin or nancy or both do absolutely sick and twisted things to steve. like the amount of fics where robin doesn't tell steve/actively lies to him about it for extended periods of time then he just has to be okay w it or they have robin just start putting nancy above steve in every aspect of life is ridiculous. then there's the really bad ones, like the fic i saw where the entire premise is r*nance fucking in steve's bed w/o his knowledge (and robin specifically doesn't feel bad at all which ???? like they have nancy feel bad but not robin? i will never understand) or the ficlet i saw where robin asks steve for sex advice then either 1) tells him it's nancy and he makes the advice specific (wtf) or 2) doesn't tell him but he figures it out later bc nancy thanks him since she realized the advice came from him (demonic). like what the actual fuck. sorry i had to complain about the things i've been forced to see against my will by tumblr.
so many things to complain about having seen on the hellsite. carry on fellow soldier 🫡
dsakjhfaksdhkf ya like. the concept of either of them starting to date someone they like and not immediately busting the other's door down like candace_momholyFUCK dot jpeg is just absurd to me. Robin would kiss a girl for the first time and as soon as she gets home she's dialing Steve up and twirling the phone cord around her fingers and kicking her legs, giggling. They were having boobie talk in the car at 7am. they def share if they actually get a date with someone they have a crush on!! (the exception being if that person didn't want to come out, like I could see Steve telling Robin he kissed a guy or had a boyfriend but not saying who because the bf wasn't ready for other people/people he didn't know well to know? but robin would still know he had a bf and details about what they do, just not personal details.)
I find it actually laughable that people would consider Robin would put some romantic interest above her most specialest boy in the whole wide world. Like. She was obsessed with him when she held her tammy and bagel crumb grudge and hated him! Now she loves him? Do people thing she isn't obsessed with him now?? Absolutely not she's worse and she steals his shirts to prove it.
Which I agree with you. Nancy obviously wants to be her romantic partner's priority and number 1. Jonathan's priority is his family and we saw in both s3 and s4 that this causes strain in their relationship! To the point they kinda break up in s3 about it! Robin and Steve both can no longer give that to their partners, because they have each other, scoops troop, and, by extension, the Party. Which is wild because s2 Nancy was Steve's priority.
idk whyyy people have Robin be mean to Steve :( stopppp that's her special little guy. her sweet cheese. her rotten soldier. She might say or do something that hurts him but she would try to apologize as soon as she realizes!! Just like he would for her! I think it might come from people still prioritizing romo ships over platonic ones and trying to have those be the most important and special and deep relationship the characters have.
lldkfjlakdflkajlfdj anon those are WILD fics wow. I think some are trying to acknowledge past st4ncy, but neglect all the hurt that happened at the end of that relationship, and that for the characters, in s4, Steve and Nancy broke up less than a year and a half ago! very messily and hurtfully! (once again, regardless of whether or not steve knows Nancy cheated) that is so short between the end of the relationship to be hooking up with your best friend's ex! that he has expressed romantic feelings for recently! or trying to emphasize robin and steve's weird little qpr comfortable in one another's space and oversharing relationship but missing the mark. like. it's one thing to sleep in a friend's bed with a different friend. it another to have sex in a friend's guest bedroom. it's another level to have sex in your friends bed? that's bonkers.wild.
I do think it'd be funny for Steve and Robin to exchange sex tips/stories but the first time i think Robin asks and Steve just blanks and goes "cut your nails. watch your teeth." which like. yeah. Robin figured. They're weirdos who live inside each other's pockets and brains but they probably do have some levels of comfort to work up to (they've been friends for less than a year! even if it feels like they've known each other forever)
(also. there is a weird thing sometimes where Nancy is closer to Steve/cares more openly about him than she would. I think it might be a bit of a backlash to people pointing out that she cheated on him in s2 and then seemed to not talk to him at all between then and s3 and again between s3 and s4? hmm...)
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I genuinely don’t understand how someone could watch Castlevania, a series where no one is morally perfect, and come away with the conclusion that “all vampires are pure evil, killing them is a mercy, and if a decent person got turned into a vampire they’d off themself”
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