#melacholy songs
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amicus-noctis · 8 months
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“Melancholy were the sounds on a winter's night.” ― Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room
Painting: Eugène Jansson "Riddarfjärden" 1898
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viniferas · 1 year
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guy who just wants to be a normal vtuber/idol faced with the crushing reality that he was only created as an experiment by some sick, twisted higher being and realizes that he doesn't even know if he had his own free will in the first place
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sweetsongtraveler · 2 years
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"Oh, my love,my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long lonely time
Time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine? "
— Unchained Melody [ Elvis Presley ]
What i think the song means :
Unchained Melody is such a beautiful and profound song ever written. It makes the listener dive into the depth of time and how it changes a person's emotions. How time can play with a person's emotions. How as time goes the longing we wrap ourselves in, traps us for more, for that one person's touch,warmth, words and everything. It isn't just about love and longing. It's about how people change with time by the bounds of bittersweet nostalgia. It was one of the last song performed by Elvis presley before his dead in 1977.
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panchambro · 11 months
[Art Fight 2023] - I'm Still Here...
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Attack on @demensa: Emil - @demensa
See full description:
And I want a moment to be real Wanna touch things I don't feel Wanna hold on and feel I belong And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same They can't see me but I'm still here...
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junko-jinko · 2 months
Hi!! If you don't mind me asking, what's your favorite commission song and cover song from each prsk group?
oh shit let me dig up the list of commissioned songs
I'm gonna answer mostly based on the songs that are available on EN because I'm not up to date with what songs are on JP. Also this response ended up being pretty long and detailed, hope you don't mind! (putting it under cut for that reason. it is a seriously long answer because I have Thoughts)
Commission songs
Leo/need: Flyaway or Teratera orrrr Voices. These are actually the only l/n comms I even really like. Voices only started to grow on me after hearing the Luka and Shiho cover of it. Writing this answer made me go check out the full version of Teratera for the first time and they really left the best parts out of the game huh. So maybe if I have to pick one it's Teratera.
More More Jump!: Parasol Cider 100000000%! what a banger honestly. Had that stuck in my head for hours on end during the event and did not mind it one bit
Vivid BAD SQUAD: Maybe Ready Steady? I'm a Giga enjoyer and the VBS covers have been pretty nice Hitsuji ga Ippiki is a close second though! If I was including the JP songs then Beyond the Way I forgot about Moodlight. Moonlight is my favourite, the melancholic vibes will always be number one for me (this is in no way foreshadowing for the rest of this list, no way)
Wonderland x Showtime: I am in hell, truly, trying to pick just one and not every single one. Back when I started playing proseka for the first time I really adored Tondemo Wonders and it's still one of my favourites out of all proseka songs along with Potatoes but. This one is definitely between Mr Showtime and Donna Ketsumatsu. The angst of both of these songs, the melancholy!! I think it's gotta be Mr. Showtime though, I prefer the style of music of that song over Donna Ketsumatsu.
25-ji, Nightcord de: Since Kitty is not yet released on EN, this is easy, it's Samsa. I absolutely lose it whenever that song plays anywhere (my friends can testify to me going nuts at a con when a dance group doing N25 dance covers started playing Samsa). Used to listen to this song daily and I even read Metamorphosis thanks to liking the song so much (knowing the plot adds a lot to the song imo). Honestly love almost all of N25 comms though!
VIRTUAL SINGER: I'm including this here just so I have a reason to put ÅMARA on this list. What a banger. Wish I didn't suck at stair notes so bad because I would be playing this on expert all the time otherwise
...I also now reread the ask and realised that you also asked for cover songs... I think picking those is even more difficult than this and since this post is already super long
Cover songs
Leo/need: Ok so. Lost One's Weeping is probably my first favourite vocaloid song ever and I want to put it as my favourite for that reason alone but. Dramaturgy because I am also a huge fan of Eve due to, you might have guessed, the melacholy vibes. Also the Ichika cover of that is very pretty! Lost and Found is also a top contender, somehow I don't yet hate it due to how much it gets spammed by tierers
More More Jump!: This would maybe be Darling Dance except I don't really like the MMJ cover. Same with Vampire. So the answer is Viva Happy (Mitchie M my beloved. Best at tuning Kaito if you ask me)
Vivid BAD SQUAD: I actually like every single one of the cover songs so far on EN. Maybe Bring It On? unsurprisingly Aun no Beats is a close contender lmao. I really like kagepro songs and I'd like to include them here but they did something to the drums in the proseka versions that I don't vibe with at all.
Wonderland x Showtime: I thought I was in hell before... Nonsense Bungaku comes to mind first along with Goodbye Declaration. Honestly I don't think they have a single bad cover... You know what I'm gonna make an exception and use a song that's not on EN yet, I think my fav cover from wxs is Childish War (though they missed a huge fucking opporturnity by not making it a Ena and Akito cover, seriously). That song is like the second or third vocaloid song I ever liked, so it has a special place in my heart, enough so that I'm planning on doing a pair cosplay of the Kagamine twins in it with a friend (also the og MV art is by Miwashiba!! I love their games and art a lot!) I think it's a superb cover, Tsukasa yelling it is very fitting and all that.
25-ji, Nightcord de: Phony, no questions asked. N25 has a ton of great covers but Phony is just Good.
anyways. those are my favourite songs.
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altocat · 3 months
Have you ever heard Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall? I feel like it'd be a perfect song to describe Sephiroth and Genesis relationship.
Hhhh that's such a melacholy song. It fits them very well.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side B
Goodbye (Look who's inside again) - Bo Burnham
"Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I started fourteen years ago? Wanna guess the ending? If it ever does I swear to God that all I've ever wanted was A little bit of everything, all of the time A bit of everything, all of the time Apathy's a tragedy, and boredom is a crime I'm finished playing, and I'm staying inside"
This is Home / Home - Cavetown
"Get a load of this monster He doesn't know how to communicate His mind is in a different place Will everybody please give him a little bit of space Get a load of this train-wreck His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet But little do we know, the stars Welcome him with open arms"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Goodbye (Look who's inside again) - Bo Burnham
No Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Twisted Wonderland
DSMP Wilbur
This is Home / Home - Cavetown
This song is sooooo sad man... the animatics to this one are so sad its very much a self loathing melacholy song and so you get a lot of really angsty sad animatics from this one, some can be downright gut wrenching but either way you see this song a whole lot so it deserves a place in the hall of fame
this is to the danganronpa animatic i watched all the way back in 2020 that i STILL think about even though im not in the fandom anymore. that animatic is the animatic of all animatics ever to me.
Animatics with the song:
The Magnus Archives (Home)
Homestuck (This is Home)
Good Omens (Home)
The Magnus Archives (Home)
Danganronpa (This is Home)
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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into-september · 7 months
For the "always wondered" questions: What's the meaning of "into September"?
...so in those halcyon days of 2011, I left uni and got my first adult job, which as it happened involved working with teenagers who were liable to be on the internet and also knew English. My old Livejournal - at that point some nine years old - had some information that if you dug deep enough, could've identified me IRL, and since I was at that point in a fandom where I didn't really have any friends (but for the first and this far only time, a nemesis!), I decided to quietly move house.
This happened during a time of my life that was defined by melacholy. My only ambition in life had been to study at a university, and now I had no idea what more there was. Eight years after I'd moved out on my own for the first time - most of which had been spent in a Real City, and two of them abroad - I was moving back to my rural home district, to a place larger than my hometown but even further away from the rest of civilisation. It felt like a regression, but also of waiting, since the only reason I was there was because that was where I had the job offer - I was sure I'd be out of there come June 2012. (spoiler: I wasn't)
So I wanted this new Livejournal for this new stage of my life to reflect that juxtaposition of something new beginning in a place where there is no future. And, well: September is both the time when the wheel starts turning again for those of us in the public school system, as well as heralding the inevitable fact that summer has ended and winter is coming. (it's allegedly called something like "the second new year's" in France, if Arte is to be believed)
I had a legit list of new journal handles until I landed on "days of september", which I changed somewhat when I made this tumblr a year or so later. (I had some idea that I didn't want this to be traced back there, but I can't remember why) This was towards the end of The Great Fandom Migration, and that second LJ never saw much use since the handful of friends who followed it soon enough left LJ behind. The most recent post is from New Year's Day 2017.
Yes, my default userpic was the same as my icon on here. Yes, this was also a refleciton of the kind of feeling that dominated my life back then.
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...so that was a whole story, the moral of which is that the month of September came to symbolise a transcient stage of my life during which everything slowed down and I had no idea where I'd go next, because I'd reached the finish line and I was in the exact same place as where I'd begun.
Also this song.
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fabiansbattlesheet · 2 years
omg you play viola!!!! i used to play it for like 3/4 years but i quit because music is not where my strengths or passions lie but whatever!! do you have a favorite piece? i always struggled with finding ones that actually had fun viola parts.
SO REAL. no, viola parts will be soooo weird (they are always. disturbingly melacholy even in happy songs). i don’t really have a favorite song but i do have a nemesis #farandole by bizet (i know it by heart and i can play it but the problem is it won’t leave my brain)
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lycheermne · 6 months
Day 4: Introspection
Maybe I should try something differently from the way that I journal. Apparently I can draft these journals and can revisit them when I have a revisiting thought. Maybe I wouldn't do this long run, since there is something satisfying about just clicking Post Now after I am done typing my thoughts out, but I would only try this out because I figured something out at 1 PM.
I remember I used to have a distaste on listening to a more sadder, melacholy, bittersweet sounding music as it would often make me face my feelings. My only justification as to why I don't listen to those types of music is because even the upbeat sounding music makes me sad either way; there is always a bittersweet context under every song that I associate it with, like drowning the music out in a club as I sit hopelessly in the bathroom. There is something about music mirroring your true emotions, and listening to the music I would avoided actually is beneficial to me. That even as I drowned myself in sadness, there is a point of perseverance and peace that I face that would make me thankful rather than sink myself to the bottom of a void with a lighted casted on me like it is interrogating my silence.
Throughout this break I had only realized that the life that I have is something that I ultimately would be content about; soft, peaceful, settling down, rather than sporadic and full of artificial fun around me that I can only enjoy because I have to. There is something beautiful about loving and longing for the world around me as I walk to admire the other people having fun. I seem to enjoy seeing the fun rather than being in the fun at times, as I have always been seen from other friends to be a source of laughter and life. Sometimes a product of laughter and life needs her inspiration and downtime to continue to be who she is authentically. I am currently laying on my bed with pillows that need hourly intervals of adjustment to make me comfortable as I am reading on my laptop placed on my body. Blue light glasses are often lost in my bed or on the dresser, often I would be lazy to reach for it because of a comfortable position that I don't want to get off from. I really need to wear those more often, and I am getting new ones since the ones I have been using has sort of lost its use at times.
My next dilemma that I have currently at 3:45 is Instagram, where all of my friends posts their winter break. I have deleted it ever since winter break started, roughly around 10 days, and so far I have been content with knowing more about myself. Until I logged back on again. There was a particular person that I have kept my tabs on, and when I looked at her posts, many things circulated my mind. She looked like she was enjoying herself, and there was something that the way my chest felt a bit heavier. Was I jealous that she was having fun? I knew she liked me, but there were things on my mind such as: Do I like her? Or do I like the thrill of being liked back? Am I falling behind as all of my friends were doing their own lives? Selfishly, I wanted to be the person to always have the fun around too, but now I really can't help but think that maybe, I am glad that she is having fun as winter break is happening. Maybe I deleted instagram because I wanted to avoid my friends in hopes that I achieve peace for myself, but there seems to be an internal struggle once I opened my app. Maybe it was the FOMO, definitely.. the FOMO.
However, if there is one thing that I also realized is that, social media tends the hide the reality of how fun some things are. I can attest to that, to any hangouts that I have had with my friends. A picture is only taken on one frame, but sometimes it does not entirely encaptures how things are truly. Everything posted on social media can honestly be toxic for me in the long run and considerably harmful for other friends too, constant comparison and the idealism to uplift towards the lifestyle that other people want to see for themselves. Maybe in reality that is sort of why I had wanted to delete social media in the first place all throughout break all this time. I do not want to mindlessly follow something that is seen on social media, a place full of exploitation in which the marketing hooks onto consumerism can be a platform for people's worst weapons, themselves and others. Insecurities, addiction, comparison, consumerism, I have always wanted to do things out of spite -- and writing this makes me feel better as to hopefully not stray away to what I really believe in. I can not fall into the mindsets that I have always wanted to avoid, and social media tends to play into this as someone who has constantly been on it for years.
Getting rid of selfish habits that I have indulged myself in as a product of social media is going to take a while, neither the fact that my journey towards becoming a better person for myself is going to be easy, yet what many people always forget to do these days is to love themselves and to know themselves more. Writing my feelings for the past few days have made me realized how more in tune I am with my feelings, open and honest. In a relationship, there is so much more about communication that I have realized and if I am this vunerable and open to communication towards myself, might as well date myself because of how well I have known me. My mind feels a lot more lighter knowing that my feelings have been typed out rather than it being repressed. Hopefully by then, I can continue doing this.
After thinking about it, I think I do like saving the journal drafts instead of just posting it out of the moment. Maybe occasionally if I don't have a fleeting thought and the thought is short and simple, but other than that, I like to just keep it on hold.
If there is one thing that my mind is just wandering about, it is really just Overwatch with good friends and reading. I think I really do have a current fixation on Miyuki Kazuya, I really love him as a character even though he is an asshole. I like that in people though unsurprisingly, asshole with just a passion or smarts in something. It motivates me to be who I am since I do feel somewhat related to that feeling of being an asshole that likes to poke fun, while still being somewhat confident about my intelligence in a way. In the same regard, he really is just a random comfort character.. would I even say he is a comfort character? He makes me happy, as well as Sawamura Eijun, they both are lovely characters.
The feeling of random dislike and discomfort is coming back again anytime that I am alone. I always have thoughts of things that I feel guilty about, things that are not proud. I always think about being in the shoes of others and what their mindset is when they think about this, but maybe it is not the healthiest since it feels like projection of what I would say in judgement of myself. These thoughts always come up anytime I think about what my choir director said about disrespecting something that is a heavy topic that we do not want to spread around in the program, but he is spreading it himself. I felt angry, why would he do that? Thankfully, the people that he told it to also feel that same anger that we have for something like this. I always think to myself, what if he wants people to find out what he is doing so that everyone can gang up on him and when the bad guy is out, everyone can live in peace? This type of philosophy, utilitarianism, has been stuck with me ever since I have watched a random analysis on Code Geass. Good analysis on Youtube, changed my life really. I don't really want to hold this sort of grudge over winter break, next week we will start anew into a new era of choir music for this year. Any who, I feel content that I still am continuing to do this journal and I want to do it as a regular hobby not some sort of past time to regulate my feelings that were all over the place. I think writing has saved me from going down a drain of despair, since last week I was repressing these same feelings now. Crazy.
Anywho, Alex, do not really think about these moments at all, because everything is in the past. Be content with what is now, you played a lot of games with your two best gaming friends, and they make you happy when they are both there. I find a sense of comfort in the both of them, including one of them since we sort of click. I see him as a little brother or maybe a twin that I can poke fun at. Be grateful that you can sit on your bed reading your fics in a giddly matter rather than deal with something that is uncomfortable. I do not want to be full of hate as a past time for myself, being happy and in ignorance is the best feeling that you can have.
Anyways, I love you Alex. I really do. I love you so much that I can just cry by looking at you in a mirror and seeing how far you have come. I love love love love you so much that there is already a tight feeling in my chest as I type this. You are doing the right thing for yourself, regulating, and wanting to become a better person to be an honest and lovely person for me. I love you. I love you. Never change and be happy for what you have. There is beauty in the little things that you are currently not seeing right now, please, love them for what they are instead of taking it for granted. Love the people around you, love the life you are living in, romanticize it. Romanticize it instead of playing Devil's Advocate and seeing too much of the dark realities of something innocent for you. Be cute, be pretty, be carefree, laugh, clap while you laugh, cry while you smile, I love to see it in you like I love seeing it in others. I love you, you are a kindred soul in a sea of a billion people for me. I want to see you love so carefree in yourself as you self discover yourself in the most beautiful way, like a sunflower growing it's petals out for light to take in.
Love you.
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marypsue · 2 years
awhile ago I think you rb'd a fanmix/playlist of melacholy autumn songs that I've been trying to find again on your blog but I can't find it anywhere. The tracklist went something like, Salt in the Wound by Boygenius, Monsoon by Hippo Campus, Meet Me in the Hallway by Harry Styles, but I don't remember what came after that. Blue Ridge Mountains by Fleet Foxes was on there, and maybe Leaves in the River by Sea Wolf? also I can't find any of the otgw fanmixes you rb'd which is weird
I'm not sure if I know the particular playlist you're looking for, but all the non-fandom playlists I reblog, I try to tag with mixtape. The fandom ones sometimes get tagged fanmix instead. Hopefully it's somewhere in there!
(Maybe the autumnal one you're thinking of is this one? Or this one?)
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murdocsagaypirate · 2 years
Cracker Island better be their best fucking song since Melacholy Hill with the way theyre hyping it and that clip they keep using does not support that...
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darkish-matter · 3 years
I can't sleep at night, I should of held you tight, Thought I knew wrong from right but that ain't true. This old road I'm heading down again. Like I'd always done before, These old lies I'm telling myself again. I know I done you wrong that's why I wrote this damn song, thought we'd just move along but I was too blind to see.  This old road I'm heading down again. Like I'd always done before, These old lies I'm telling myself again. How this time I'd just be more.
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nyxire · 3 years
SAD-ist chose so very well for the music on her passerine animatic because just listening to the music alone, there's something, not sad, exactly but, something so inherently... melancholic about it.
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