#meiko x Kiyoteru
justanie · 9 months
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More drawings of my hcs? Yep! I couldn't refuse to see these three as high school friends (and yep, I used piccollage stickers to make it look like a photo, so cringe)
And years later~
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I clarify, I like both kiyomei and kaimei, but I support the first one more...I feel somewhat ignored...
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid is a translunar transtidal digigender angechic lovegender trans angeladored asexual demigaybian biflux lesbian who uses any pronouns!
Bot is dating Kagamine Rin, a femmefluid nonbinary playfulcutie lesbian who uses she/her, they/them, fae/faer, and pop/pops pronouns!
Faer brother Kagamine Len is a bisexual veldiaflux MLM boyloser trans boy who uses he/him pronouns!
Megurine Luka is an aroace nonbinary agender outherine deityadored springoddess who uses it/its, they/them, and she/her pronouns!
MEIKO is an angled aroace woman who uses she/her pronouns!
KAITO is a gay agenderfluid genderjendere man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Kiyoteru and VY2!
Kasane Teto is a transmasculine chimeragender manixieamgirl bi gaybian who uses any pronouns!
Akita Neru is a damselpunk gendertsundere yellowdarling arospec bi lesbian who uses they/them, he/him, and she/her pronouns!
They're dating Haku Yowane, a genderyottadere depredemareboy depregender girlloser girlfreak girlfail alloaro aroflux aphrodite omni lesbian who uses she/her, it/its, and sometimes he/him and they/them pronouns!
GUMI is a femme ply aroace agender nerdgender transfeminine person who uses it/its, they/them, and sometimes he/him, she/her, vae/vaer, and xe/xem pronouns!
Kamui Gakupo is a GNC wargod princedream divinedream nonbinary biplatonic solian who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
v flower is a bigender transmascfem agender deathdeity deliriumdeity gendercute kuuderegender genderkuudere gaybian who uses all pronouns!
Uta Utane/Defoko from UTAU is a bigender boygirl transmascfem agender bigenderfluid eclipsian demixenic techgender aroaceflux velaurian lesbian who uses she/her, he/him, x/xs, and it/its pronouns!
Momo Momone is a cupiospec aromantic bellusromantic bi straight asexual transfeminine maidgender idolmaidic person who uses she/her and mae/mair pronouns!
Fukase is a chaosgender cannibalfreak who uses he/him pronouns!
IA is an aromantic spacegender universegender moondeity who uses they/them, she/her, and it/its pronouns!
Lily is a punkgirlish bi straight lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
MEIKA Hime is a nonbinary genderless cutegender sistergender plumgender genderspirit bi lesbian who uses they/them pronouns!
MEIKA Mikoto is a nonbinary genderless coolgender sistergender plumgender genderspirit bi turian who uses they/them pronouns!
Hiyama Kiyoteru is a gay twink scienteacher man who uses he/him pronouns!
Nekomura Iroha is an ay catgender catgirlgender mechangender bigender person who uses nya/nyas pronouns!
OLIVER is a menheragender angelboy who uses he/him pronouns!
Otomachi Una is a bisexual punkgirlish eelgender gummygender juxera person who uses nyeh/nyehs and she/her pronouns!
Nyeh is best friends with Rana, a genderless rainbowgender girl who uses it/its, they/them, she/her, and luv/luvs pronouns!
SF-A2 miki is a GNC MLM boy who uses she/her and he/him pronouns!
Utatane Piko is a femme digigender bi gay boy wh ouses he/him, bot/bots, it/its, and byte/bytes pronouns!
VY2/Roro is a punkboyish popunke popunkmasc pinkgender twinkgender homoflexible gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
VY1/Kobushi Kiku is an aromantic asexual transfeminine woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Anon is a futch bi lesbian who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
Kanon is a femme omnisexual boy who uses he/him, they/them, and she/her pronouns!
Kaai Yuki is a trans boy who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
Ryuto is a GNC girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Tone Rion is a bisexual bigender bungender maidgender idolgender transfeminine person who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
CUL is a transvestic intersex demongender boy who uses any pronouns besides they/them!
Yuzuki Yukari is an abrosexual pangender moongender bungender person who uses all pronouns!
Aoki Lapis is a pansexual magicalgirlgender lapisgender fairycoric person who uses fae/faer and she/her pronouns!
galaco is a straight genderhimedere girlboy who uses she/her pronouns!
MAYU is a femme alterous princessgender gendergoth deadgender demiboy girl who uses she/her or any pronouns!
Merli is a fairycoric lesbian who uses they/them pronouns!
Macne Nana is an omnisexual bordergender person who uses she/her pronouns!
Yohioloid is a futch lesbian who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
Kokone is a bisexual lovecoric person who uses she/her pronouns!
Tohoku Zunko is a cassaroace mochigender bigender girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Chika is a chocogender drag queen who uses any pronouns with a preference for she/her!
Yumemi Nemu is a NEETgender gamergirlic sapphic bi lesbian who uses she/her and nya/nyas pronouns!
Masaoka Azuki is a bi lesbian who uses she/her or any pronouns!
She's dating Kobayashi Matcha, a deadgender lesbian who uses she/her or any pronouns!
dni link
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
fucking. appreciation post
my family, especially kiyoteru, arsloid, yohioloid, dex, and gakupo. my father figure and my 4 older brothers which only one is biological
and meme squad of course. piko and flower and len i love you guys /r, andoliver youre my little brother and the only reason yohio considers me family (probably) and i love u too
friends outside of meme squad, rin and gumi and iroha and miku, luka and kaito and meiko too kinda. regardless of how close we were i love you guys too /p
idk im soft. im very very soft
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b4r3ly-3v3n-hum4n · 2 months
Alll The VOCALOID Ships I ship
Miku x Len
Yohioloid x maika
Mikuo x Lenka
Zeito x Zatsune Miku
Vflower x piko
Yumma x yukari
Gakupo x Kaito
Oliver x Kazehiki (victorian child vibes)
Arsloid x kiyoteru
Gumi x SONiKA
Meiko x Luka
Galaco x seeu
Cul x ring suzune
IA x ONE (they were never stated to be siblings)
Rin x Mayu
Teto x defoko
rinto x luki x gumo x kaiko (fanloid Pollycule)
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Rambling under the cut
Does anyone get my vision? (talking to myself)
I’ve been meaning to draw Meiko x Vy1 for months now
and I’ve also been meaning to do something for mermay for years now
So this is a two birds one stone thing
So yeah basically in this au Meiko is a surfer she surfs
She ends up getting in an accident and nearly drowns but Kiku saves her just in the Nick of time,,, and then stuff just happens from there,
various hijinks and the like ensue
Kaiteru is also there for some of it, I’ll draw them whenever
Kiyoteru and Meiko are like friends, Kiyoteru’s a photographer (maybe)
Kaito is another merguy
Writing stuff down now I realize I don’t have a lot of stuff, just mainly drawing ideas
I’ll ramble about those when I get to them
Ponyo au: Yeag so Meiko as Fujimoto, Kiku as granmamare. I thought they’d be cute as them, I don’t actually plan on fleshing out this au
Fukase is there bc for a fleeting moment I thought “wait maybe i could flesh this out”
Thought he’d fit for ponyo bc 1. He reds, 2. He is of yamaha
That’s as far as I got
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icyhydrangea · 1 year
= about =
I'm Ray! (19 y.o, he / they) My main blog is @beananium. This blog is focused on Vocal Synth character headcanons and thoughts, mostly. There might be some shipping content, but they're light. The only two things I really ship are KAITO X MEIKO and Hiyama Kiyoteru x Yuezheng Longya
= favorites =
My personal favorite Vocaloids are Hiyama Kiyoteru, KAITO and MEIKO. As well, I'm fond of Yuezheng Longya, Kaai Yuki, Kamui Gakupo, Nekomura Iroha, and Zola Project's YUU.
= dni =
People that are actively harmful to other people (this includes terfs / radfems and proshippers) get instantly blocked. As well, please don't follow me if you frequently post about the ship between KAITO and Kagamine Len. This is mostly for my own comfort since this ship really alienates me, and I'd rather not see it.
meiko nation rise up
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dolls-and-demise · 1 year
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I posted 687 times in 2022
That's 93 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (2%)
676 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 16 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 6 posts
#encanto luisa - 3 posts
#luisa madrigal - 3 posts
#encanto - 2 posts
#luka megurine - 2 posts
#idk i just wanted to be a munchlax - 2 posts
#just rambling - 1 post
#so i'm sticking to him until i die - 1 post
#but there really aren't many gay emo boy - 1 post
#i love my emo boy - 1 post
Longest Tag: 42 characters
#me marrying sebastian for the dith time :>
My Top Posts in 2022:
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It's Luka's birthday :D
4 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
You know what I realized?
I haven't drawn Luka since I was like 13, now I'm 21 about to be 22.
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If you're wondering why, it's stupid.
I got bullied off DeviantArt because I had a stamp that said Len and Rin are twins to me and that Luka was my favorite vocaloid. So yeah people wrote really awful thing on my profile and notes just because I said I liked Luka more than Miku / I also said that I actually liked Meiko x Kaito. ((I shipped her with Kiyoteru at the time) lol
I'm just going to start doing more vocaloid fan art. It's been too long
11 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
I've been sick but I'm feeling a lot better.
Really want to get drawing, but I don't have any inspiration.
Give me some ideas. Please
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In the meantime please have this chibi Luisa
70 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
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I felt sick yesterday again, so I mostly spent it sleeping, but now it's nearly 2:30 a.m. I can't sleep, and I wanna draw.
I got this suggestion from @lafamilia-madrigal , but there's no way I have enough braincells to draw a full scene. My head still hurts
Should probably draw someone else, but I can't help it.
[-Also I finally found a place that does piercings with anesthesia but it's kinds expensive :( - ] [ Check out my redbubble so I can actually get them done]
The suggestion:
See the full post
116 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Let's be honest Luisa and Pepa were the best characters from encanto
Still kinda mad that they didn't show Luisa with her hair down.
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133 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wormywormz · 4 years
kiyoteru!! and also for fun maybe leadia if u want?
Sexuality Headcanon: gay!
Gender Headcanon: hes like.. the only vocaloid i havent thought about specifically.. but get back to me in a month or so that might change.. trans kiyo might implant itself into my brain properly
A ship I have with said character: KAITERU........ i care them
A BROTP I have with said character: him & meiko would be fun!!!! also him & everyone in ice mountain ofc
A NOTP I have with said character: KAAI YUKI OH MY GOD..... PLEASE people learn how to be normal i am not making any exceptions this time. unironically cant believe i have to say this even (also if him x iroha is a thing.. dont come near me with that either)
A random headcanon: i think..... he has a cat :] absolutely was a stray cat at some point.. also hes similar to kaito in that hes good at making friends, people just meet kiyo and go oh! i trust him
General Opinion over said character: I LOOOOOOVE him so much.. very close to kaito in how dear he is to me now....... i do wish he got some more usage but its ok.. he is cared for
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian!
Gender Headcanon: trans leadia is real i cant believe it guys! we did it
A ship I have with said character: none
A BROTP I have with said character: hard to say because shes being tormented by like Everyone in the series but i think her and laika could be friends! and genyas is friends with everyone so him too
A NOTP I have with said character: basically..... anyone since they all seem like adults. especially funkbeat. thankfully people are being normal here so i havent seen anything bad yet
A random headcanon: i dont know if she can eat but if she could i think she would like pastries..
General Opinion over said character: i like her!!!!! definitely dont appreciate her enough but her design is so nice... shes a good character!!!
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justanie · 7 months
Mei Mei's 19th Birthday! 🌹🍷
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Drawing KiyoMei for Mei-chan's anniversary? I know it's not as impressive as others I did this year, but at least I wanted to do something for her. I really hate that November is the month where I'm busiest with university things 😔
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KiyoMei Headcanon 💕💕
When he was a child, Kiyoteru was taught a life full of work and concentration in school to be successful in the future and yet, his parents, despite being proud of him, did not force him and sometimes thought that it would be his social life, mainly his mother. Upon entering high school he would meet Kaito and Meiko, who would eventually become lifelong friends and despite being the brainiac of the group, Kiyoteru had no complaints for having met them. He never thought that if he would fall in love, and the lucky girl would be is Meiko, without even noticing it, he was fascinated by everything about her attitude determined by her own and independent life without anyone being able to mess with her, he had to wait a long time to confess to her assumed that a girl like that...wouldn't be interested in love. And to his surprise, she showed such a sensitive and loving side in the moments when she needed her loved ones the most, which put that thought out of his head, and even when they had their first romantic date, he blushed when she responded "I love you too, my pretty little brainy".
On the one hand, Meiko grew up in an environment where her parents began to force her to be a delicate girl, who then over time would get fed up with becoming a willing submissive just by being "pretty and smiling" . That is why as a teenager she decided to take her own path and there were no friends who would take her seriously like Kaito and Kiyoteru, more to be seen when later on, she would leave home so that both of them help her in whatever way they could. Personally, when she crossed paths with Kiyoteru, when she was young she thought he was just a nerd who stuck to the rules and passed, but in due time he put all that aside to have fun and go to his friends when they needed him most. Meiko accepted that friendly and peaceful reflection of the guy who, in her twenties, ended up having feelings for him. Their first date was far from perfect, but even if everything didn't go as planned as they wanted on the day, they enjoyed having a moment alone and somehow they knew was the one when he told her "I've always loved you, Mei" indeed, fell in love with him.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
hatsune miku (V2 art) is a translunar transtidal demigaybian digigender asexual angechic lovegender trans angeladored biflux lesbian who uses any and all pronouns! Bot is dating kagamine rin!
kagamine rin is a femmefluid nonbinary playfulcutie lesbian who uses she/they/faer/pop pronouns!
faer brother, kagamine len, is a bisexual veldiaflux MLM boyloser (begendered-mogai) trans boy who uses he/him pronouns!
megurine luka (V2) is an aroace nonbinary agender outherine deityadored springoddess who uses it/they/she pronouns!
MEIKO (V4X) is an angled aroace woman who uses she/her pronouns!
KAITO (V3) is a gay agenderfluid genderjendere man who uses he/him pronouns! he is dating kiyoteru and vy2!
Kasane Teto is a transmasc chimeragender manixieamgirl bi gaybian who uses any pronouns!
Akita Neru is a girlpunk gendertsundere yellowdarling arospec bi lesbian who uses they/he/she pronouns! he's dating haku (if you're comfortable with that, haku's age isn't confirmed and nerus 16, if you're not you can jsut remove this!)
Haku Yowane is a genderyottadere depredemareboy depregender girlloser girlfreak (begendered-mogai) girlfail alloaro aroflux aphrodite omni lesbian who uses she/it pronouns, as well as sometimes he/they!
GUMI (V4) is an agender femme nerdgender transfem ply aroace who uses it/they pronouns, as well as he/she/vae/xe sometimes!
Kamui Gakupo (V3/V4) is a GNC biplatonic wargod princedream divinedream nonbinary solian who uses he/they pronouns!
v flower (V4) is a bigender transmascfem agender deathdeity deliriumdeity gendercute kuuderegender genderkuudere gaybian that uses all pronouns!
Uta Utane/Defoko is a bigender boygirl transmascfem aroaceflux agender bigenderfluid eclipsian demixenic techgender velaurian lesbian who uses she/he/x/it pronouns!
Momo Momone is a transfem maidgender idolmaidic cupiospec aromantic bellusromantic bi straight asexual who uses she/mae pronouns!
Fukase is a chaosgender cannibalfreak who uses he/him pronouns!
IA (V3) is an aromantic spacegender universegender moongoddess who uses they/she/it pronouns!
Lily (V3) is a bi straight punkgirlish lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
MEIKA Hime is a nonbinary genderless cutegender sistergender plumgender genderspirit bi lesbian who uses they/them pronouns!
MEIKA Mikoto is a nonbinary genderless coolgender sistergender plumgender genderspirit bi turian who uses they/them pronouns!
Hiyama Kiyoteru (V4 natural) is a gay twink scienteacher man who uses he/him pronouns!
Nekomura Iroha (V2) is a catgender catgirlgender mechangender bigender ay who uses nya/nyas pronouns!
OLIVER is a menheragender angelboy who uses he/him pronouns!
Otomachi Una (Spicy) is a punkgirlish eelgender gummygender bi juxera who uses nyeh/she pronouns! nyeh is best friends with rana!
Rana (V4) is a genderless rainbowgender girl who uses it/they/she/luv pronouns!
Miki (V2) is a GNC MLM boy who uses she/he pronouns!
Utatane Piko is a digigender femme bi gay boy who uses he/bot/it/byte pronouns!
VY2/Roro (the design featured in the illustration book) is a punkboyish popunke popunkmasc pinkgender twinkgender homoflexible gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
VY1/Kobushi Kiku (also featured in the illustration book) is an aromantic transfem asexual woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Anon is a futch bi lesbian who uses they/she pronouns!
Kanon is a femme omnisexual boy who uses he/they/she pronouns!
Kaai Yuki (V2) is a trans boy who uses he/she pronouns!
Ryuto (V2) is a GNC girl that uses she/her pronouns!
Tone Rion (V3) is a bigender bungender maidgender idolgender transfem bisexual who uses he/she pronouns!
CUL (V3 standard) is a demongender transvestic intersex boy who uses any pronouns besides they/them!
Yuzuki Yukari (V4 JUN) is a pangender moongender bungender abrosexual who uses all pronouns!
Aoki Lapis is a magicalgirlgender lapisgender fairycoric pansexual who uses fae/she pronouns!
galaco (prize vers) is a genderhimedere straight girlboy who uses she/her pronouns!
MAYU is an alterous princessgender gendergoth deadgender femme demiboy girl who uses she/any pronouns!
Merli is a fairycoric lesbian who uses they/them pronouns!
Macne Nana (V3) is a bordergender omnisexual who uses she/her pronouns!
Yohioloid is a futch lesbian who uses she/they pronouns!
Kokone is a lovecoric bisexual that uses she/her pronouns!
Tohoku Zunko (V4) is a mochigender bigender cassaroace girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Chika is a chocogender drag queen who uses any pronouns, preferring she/her!
Yumemi Nemu is a NEETgender gamergirlic sapphic bi lesbian who uses she/nya pronouns!
Masaoka Azuki (V2) is a bi lesbian who uses she/any pronouns! she's dating matcha!
Kobayashi Matcha (V2) is a deadgender lesbian who uses she/any pronouns!
queued! i couldn't find meiko's v4x art, so i used the v3 standard art for now, but if you know where i can find the v4x art lmk and i'll get it fixed!
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curewhimsy · 5 years
I looked at Vocaloid Wiki and updated myself on Vocaloid knowledge, and because I was bored, I arranged them all into ships (without multishipping), albeit somewhat randomly.
A lot of these ships are probably very outlandish. Also they’re in no particular order for the most part...
Some of these Vocaloids are actually UTAU or Fanloid. Some of whom are obscure as heck.
Also I didn’t put in their full names so good luck trying to figure out who I’m talking about sometimes.
Haku x Luka Miku x Gumi Teto x Neru Akaito x Dell Kaito x Gakupo IA x Yukari Rin x Kokone Meiko x Lily Len x Piko Merli x SeeU Lapis x CUL Miki x Iroha Mayu x Galaco Zatsune x Aku Lola x Leon Bruno x Clara Mizuki x Yuuma Uta x Momo Yuki x Ryuuto Oliver x Nigaito Ruko x Ritsu Tei x Taito Ring x Lui Kiyoteru x Kikaito Yohio x Flower Miriam x Sonika Avanna x Maika Sora x Chika Prima x Big Al Fukase x Rion Tonio x Ann Anon x Zunko Luo x Qingxian Lumi x Una Kanon x Ruby Sachiko x Dex Yumemi x Macne Nana Xin Hua x Ling Longya x Nemu Matcha x Mirai Rana x Miko Yanhe x Taya Arsloid x Cyber Diva Kohaku x Akaza Cyber Songman x Daina Sora x Moke Yufu x Koto Uni x One Merry x Renri Akiko x Rune Xingchen x Yuu Kyo x Wil Yuecheng x Chuchu Mako x Luna Zing x Luniang Yowa x Sayu Haiyi x Lorra Mew x Ona Haruka Nana x Ito
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pkjd · 7 years
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Today we celebrate Hatsune Miku's 10th anniversary! It is amazing to see how 10 years can just fly by. We each have our own special memories that we hold dear to our hearts. But now is the time to reflect back on those moments and see the kind of cultural impact the Vocaloid franchise has had on our community. Whether you were into the music, the fanart, the cosplay, the games, etc., we all had our ways of expressing that love that lead to the formula for the perfect virtual idol.
Back in 2007, I was there to witness a phenomenon in the making. Hastune Miku had taken over the Japanese video sharing website Niconico; and it took the internet by storm. I'll never forget the hours I spent searching endlessly for new music to add to my collection. Every Vocaloid music artist that released new material that year would have me at the pinnacle of excitement. This newly found passion would eventually lead me in creating the fan project, Moetron-Subs.
In 2008, I and a few others had very popular channels on Youtube where we would reprint with credit Vocaloid music for a western audience. However, there was hardly anyone devoting their time in fansubbing the music. That's where I formed a team and started Moetron-Subs and immediately began work on various song projects. This would last almost 4 years and I had a blast in doing so.
Below you can find links to our video fansubs that we released over that period in time. Many of the original uploads have been forever lost. But considering how today is a special day, we decided to re-upload them all once again.
Happy Birthday Hatsune Miku!
-Moetron-Subs Project List- (Oct 2008 - July 2012)
Hatsune Miku - Atoms (Heavenz-P) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - Secret Police (Buriru-P) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - Rolling Girl (wowaka) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - ":Re" (Mikuru396; Brother-P PV) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Unhappy Refrain" PV (wowaka) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "World's End Dancehall" (wowaka; KinoP PV) [Link]
Hatsune Miku and GUMI - "Futariboshi" PV (40meterP) [Link]
Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, GUMI - "pray for" PV (pray for japan) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Black★Rock Shooter" (ryo, Anomaro-P PV) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Black★Rock Shooter" Anime PV (ryo) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Black★Rock Shooter" (ryo) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Kimi Ijou, Boku Miman" (DECO*27) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Chain Girl" (Noboru↑-P) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "DANCE" (Lovely-P) [Link]
Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka - "World's End Dancehall" (wowaka, Kino-P PV) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Love is War" PV (ryo) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Imitation" (Heavenz-P) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - Nebula" (Tripshots) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Putting my wishes into a starry sky ~Good Night" (tomoP) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "When the First Love Ends" (ryo) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Sakura no Ame" (halyosy) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Smiley x Smiley" (GonGoss) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "World is Mine" (ryo, rak PV) [Link]
Hatsune Miku - "Two-Faced Lovers" (wowaka) [Link]
【SOMESAT】 Miku to Venus (Tripshots PV) [Link]
Kagamine Rin - "Kokoro" (Travolta-P, Brother-P PV) [Link]
Kagamine Rin - "Kokoro" MMD PV [Link]
Kagamine Rin - "meltdown" (iroha) [Link]
Kagamine Rin & Len - "trick and treat" (OSTER project) [Link]
Kagamine Len - "Ame wo Tsureyuku" (Hadano-P) [Link]
Kagamine Len - "SPICE!" (minato) [Link]
Kagamine Len - "SPICE!" PV (minato) [Link]
Megurine Luka - "Double Lariat" (Agoaniki-P) [Link]
Megurine Luka - "Japanese Ninja No.1" (deadball-P, Atatata-P PV) [Link]
Megurine Luka - "Japanese Ninja No.1" (deadball-P, lilish PV) [Link]
Megurine Luka - "Around the World" (OSTER project) [Link]
Megurine Luka - "Dancer in the Dark" (FatmanP) [Link]
GUMI - Life Reset Button (kemu) [Link]
GUMI - Dreamer Eater (yukkedoluce) [Link]
KAITO, Len, Gakupo, Kiyoteru - "Have You All to Myself! Summer☆Girl" (Pantan-C) [Link]
MEIKO - "Change me" (shu-tP, Brother-P PV) [Link]
Lily - "Lience" (Sele-P) [Link]
CUL makes Revolution! [Link]
[Image Source]
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elizaxspears · 7 years
Knowing me, knowing you...
Tagged by @balbisaur. Again, thank you for the tag, friend! ^^
I tag: @checkeredtablesloth, @akashadarkblade, @lady-of-rohan and anyone else who wants to!
Nicknames: Ellie, El or KK
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: I honestly can’t remember. Something like 5′9, 5′10, I think? Sorry...
Last thing you googled: Project Diva X All Meiko Outfits
Favorite music artist: Kiyoteru Hiyama (I’m a big VOCALOID fan TBH)
Song stuck in your head: Calling for Rain from the FFXV Kingsglaive soundtrack
Last movie you watched: The autopsy of Jane Doe
What are you wearing right now: A stripped, long, summer dress
Why did you choose your URL: Ha, okay, well, you see there was a character I did, and still do, adore named William and his last name was Spears. So...I bet you can figure it out from there. I am ashamed xD
Do you have any other blogs: Nope
What did your last relationship teach you: That they loved all the characters I could be then rather who I actually was
Religious or Spiritual: Religious
Favorite color: Purple
Average hours of sleep: Like, 4-5
Lucky number: 5
Favorite characters:  Ignis Scentia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Arenea Highwind William T. Spears, Ronald Knox, Alan Humphries, Eric Slingby, Kiyoteru Hiyama, Joseph Oda, Ezio Auditore, Spencer Reid and Aerrow
How many blankets do you sleep with: 2
Dream job: Becoming an author and if I’d stop procrastinating, I probably would be on that road right now xD
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jamesfalt · 7 years
i found a vocaloid ranking list i made a few years ago last night so i was like okay imma remake this. there are like 100 vocaloids and i’m dying
KAITO Songs used: Judgement of Corruption, Cantarella, Goodnight Song Rating: 6/10
MEIKO Songs Used: Evil Food Eater Conchita, Piano x Forte x Scandal Rating: 6/10
LOLA Songs Used: Memory, Halloween Requiem Rating: 4/10
LEON Songs Used: Halloween Requiem Rating: 5/10
MIRIAM Songs Used: Re:Sound, White Flag (cover) Rating: 6/10
BIG AL Songs Used: Last Dance Rating: 4/10
Camui Gackpo (Gakupo) Songs Used: Madness of Duke Venomania, ggrks, Dancing Samurai Rating: 7/10
GUMI (or Megpoid) Songs Used: Campanella, Saigo no Revolver, Masked bitcH Rating: 8.5/10
Hatsune Miku Songs Used: News 39, VOiCE, Pierrot Rating: 10/10 miku is supreme
Hiyama Kiyoteru Songs Used: Guilty Verse, A Clown's Tears Rating: 6/10
Kaai Yuki Songs Used: Disco Chocolatheque, Ikanaide Rating: 9/10
Kagamine Rin Songs Used: Kokoro, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder, Quarrel with the Doppelganger Rating: 10/10 supreme
Kagamine Len Songs Used: Fire Flower, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder, Gigantic OTN Rating: 9/10
Kobayashi Matcha Songs Used: ボーカロイド Rating: 5/10
Lily Songs Used: -ERROR, Lily Lily Burning Night Rating: 7/10
Masaoka Azuki Songs Used: 飛び出せ授業! Rating: 6/10
Megurine Luka Songs Used: No Logic, RIP=RELEASE, Double Lariat Rating: 9/10
Nekomura Iroha Songs Used: Insomnia, Twinkle Smile Rating: 10/10
Prima Songs Used: Morning Light, Illusion Rating: 5/10
Ryuto (or Gachapoid) Songs Used: Fairy Dandelion, Error of Love Rating: 7/10
SF-A2 miki Songs Used: Shatter, miki miki Romantic Night, iNSaNiTY Rating: 7/10
SONiKA Songs Used: Repeat II, Could I Just,  Desire Rating: 6/10
Sweet Ann Songs Used: Japanese Boy, Saudade, In Verbatim Rating: 7.5/10
Tonio Songs Used: Treasure Rating: 6/10
Utatane Piko Songs Used: remember, Your Song Rating: 7/10
VY1 Songs Used: Paradichlorobenzene - VY1 SOFT MIX -, Invitation Rating: 7/10
VY2 Songs Used: A Clingy Boy Sticking for 15 Years, Fools Among the Stars ~Hikoboshi~ Rating: 7.5/10
Akikoloid-chan Songs Used: It's Your Fault, Let's Stop by the Convenience Store Rating: 8/10
anon Songs Used: Eden of Nobleness, Full Throttle Rating: 6.5/10
kanon Songs Used: Eden of Nobleness, Full Throttle Rating: 6.5/10
Anri Rune Songs Used: Hallelujah Super Idol Rating: 7.5/10 (rip cries)
Aoki Lapis Songs Used: Illusionary Funeral paradise, Roll in smoke!, Waltz for Yume Nikki Rating: 10/10
AVANNA Songs Used: Word.rar III, Frigid Hearts Rating: 8/10
Bruno Songs Used: Ballroom Breakdown Rating: 6/10
Camui Gackpo V3 Native Songs Used: Paranoid Doll Rating: 8/10
Camui Gackpo V3 Power Songs Used: RIP=RELEASE Rating: 9/10
Camui Gackpo V3 Whisper Songs Used: soundless voice Rating: 10/10
Chika Songs Used: Ai, Charming Kiss, ET CETERA Rating: 9/10
Clara: Songs Used: Ballroom Breakdown Rating: 8/10
CUL Songs Used: White Knight, Lonely Star Rating: 9/10
v flower Songs Used: Inokori Sensei, HYPERDONTIA, charles Rating: 9/10
galaco Songs Used: Lovely Secret, Goodbye to a Childhood Friend, Warning! Rating: 8/10
V3 Megpoid (GUMI) Songs Used: Ten-Faced Adult Rating: 8/10 Sweet Rating: 7/10 Power Rating: 7/10 Whisper Rating: 8/10
Hatsune Miku V3 Songs Used: World is Mine, Blushifying Phenomena 100% Rating: 10/10 still supreme
IA Songs Used: A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night, Imagination Forest Rating: 10/10 one of my faves
KAITO V3 STRAIGHT Songs Used: Bad Apple Rating: 9/10
KAITO V3 SOFT Songs Used: Meltdown Rating: 9/10
KAITO V3 WHISPER Songs Used: Hirai Hirai Rating: 10/10
KAITO V3 ENGLISH Songs Used: Addicted Rating: 9/10
kokone Songs Used: Nervous, cry for the STAR Rating: 8/10
Lily V3 Songs Used: Lily Lily Burning Night Rating: 7/10
Luo Tianyi Songs Used: Waiting in Vain, Not Too Hot in Tokyo Rating: 8/10
Macne Nana Songs Used: IROHA(common), Slow Starter Rating: 7/10
MAIKA Songs Used: HAYWIRE, En tu mirar, La Llorona Rating: 8/10
MAYU Songs Used: I Fall....and Stay Down, emerald city Rating: 8/10
MEIKO V3 POWER Songs Used: Love is War Rating: 8/10
MEIKO V3 STRAIGHT Songs Used: Romeo and Cinderella Rating: 6/10
MEIKO V3 DARK Songs Used: Ayano's Theory of Happiness, Hirai Hirai Rating: 7/10
MEIKO V3 WHISPER Songs Used: Hirai Hirai Rating: 8/10
MEIKO V3 ENGLISH Songs Used: Hello Rating: 9/10
Merli Songs Used: How many tears, Tori no Uta (cover) Rating: 9/10
Mew Songs Used: Yume no Chikara, Stella Rating: 8/10
OLIVER Songs Used: eTeRNiTY, desync Rating: 6.5/10
Rana Songs Used: Uraomote Fortune, Bad Girl Rating: 8/10
Ryuto V3 Songs Used: WAVEFILE Rating: 8/10
SeeU Songs Used: Hide and Seek, Leaving Donna Rating: 6.5/10
Tohoku Zunko (btw can i just say i love her and the whole concept of her being a vocaloid is so sweet) Songs Used: Pastel Imagination, On My Wingless Back Rating: 8/10
Tone Rion Songs Used: Caramel Macchiato Rating: 5.5/10 i just never liked her tbh
VY1v3 Songs Used: Rolling Girl -Rock ver.- Rating: 8/10
VY2v3 Songs Used: Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain Rating: 8.5/10
Xin Hua Songs Used: Honey², Standing on Tiptoes Rating: 9/10
YANHE Songs Used: A Superior Youth, To Love To Kill Rating: 10/10 i just love her voice a lot??
YOHIOloid Songs Used: NeapolitaN, BURST FORTH Rating: 9.5/10 i mcfucking love yohio
Yuezheg Ling Songs Used: Nine-Nine Eighty One Rating: 9/10
Yuzuki Yukari Songs Used: Ferris Wheel Rating: 6/10 sounds like every female vocaloid looks off
ZOLA PROJECT Songs Used: Natural nobility of downfall Rating: 8/10
AKAZA/Otori Kohaku/Unity-chan Songs Used: SILENCE, Indulging: Idol Syndrome Rating: 6/10 again, sounds like every female vocaloid
ARSLOID Songs Used: Mischievous Function, RAINBOW Rating: 6.5/10 not really memorable
Camui Gackpo V4 listen man he always sounds the same just whatever 9/10
CYBER DIVA Songs Used: Korozashisakae's Mysterious Package, LOVE, Smoke and Mirrors Rating: 5/10 she sounds like miku without an accent lmao
CYBER SONGMAN Songs Used: Tightrope Rating: 6/10 he's ok
DAINA Songs Used: Rotary Dial, Pushing Daisies Rating: 7/10
DEX Songs Used: BLACK & WHITE, My Impulse, Different Seas Rating: 8/10
flower v4 Songs Used: Mind Brand Rating: 10/10 i'm biased
Fukase Songs Used: Alien Girlfriend Rating: 8/10
Megpoid V4 (GUMI) please i don't wnat to do this just she's gOOD OK
Hiyama Kiyoteru V4 Natural Songs Used: Hey William Rating: 8/10
Hiyama Kiyoteru V4 Rock Songs Used: Liar Dance Rating: 7/10
Kaai Yuki V4 Songs Used: Deep Sea Girl Rating: 10/10 i love her
Kagamine Rin/Len i'm not doing them they sound fine probably
Macne Nana and her english probably the same as before i never really liked macne tbh even when she was an utau
Macne Nana Petit Songs Used: Senbonzakura Rating: 8/10
Megurine Luka V4 Songs Used: Last Song Rating: 10/10 i lvoe luka she is perfect
Nekomura Iroha V4 Songs Used: Ghost Rule Rating: 10/10 perfect vocaloid
Otomachi Una Songs Used: Hate It! Hate It! Huge Ego! Rating: 6/10
Rana V4 idr what i put for her before but whatever that was yeah
RUBY Songs Used: Heart's Lock, -ERROR Rating: 7/10 her hype was a let down
Sachiko Songs Used: Seasonal Feathers Rating: 10/10 I LOVE HER I DIE FOR DEEP VOICED FEMALE VOCALOIDS
SF-A2 Miki V4 Songs Used: Mind Brand Rating: 10/10 sHE SOUDNS SO MUCH BETTER???
Stardust Songs Used: Coming For You Rating: 10/10 GREAT GOLLY
Tohoku Zunko V4 Songs Used: Deep Sea Girl Rating: 10/10 i kepe giving them these but they all sound so good
VY1v4 Songs Used: iNSaNiTy Rating: 8/10
Yuzuki Yukari V4 god please this is my last one i listened to her onn voicebank it sounds really good ok i'm done
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cloverhouraisan · 7 years
Hey there!  I decided to make a list of the WIP covers I have in the works.  I recently got VY2V3, so now I’ll be able to cover group songs that have more than one mid-low range male voice.  Anyway, there’s not much of an order that’s going on for how I’m doing them, but I’ll link to the original or whichever cover I’m basing my cover off of so you can get a feel for what my cover might draw inspiration from with extra notes about the voices that will be used and other things about the cover that are interesting.  Enjoy!
Note: If a listing is crossed off, that means I completed it successfully.  If it’s removed, that means that I either gave up or suspended progress for the long-term depending on how you look at it.
リンリンシグナル by dios/シグナルP (Rin/Len role reversal definitely happening, Miki/Mayu duet might get updated.)
こちら、幸福安心委員会です。by うたたP (Most likely Chika, but potentially Mayu or maybe Rin.)
Freely Tomorrow by Mitchie M (Gumi, tuning Mitchie M covers is worse than Giga P covers, debating whether to use breath sounds or not, around 56% done.)
鏡音八八花合戦 by モジャP (Chika and Iroha, too lazy to start tuning.  Might put off longer.)
Magnet by minato (Basically done.  Needs timing and mixing.  Ultimate yaoi foursome.  Kaito x Kiyoteru x VY2 x Gakupo forever.)
Fire Flower by Halyosy (UST finding/transcription not started.  Likely Rin or maybe Chika.)
Two of Hearts by Stacey Q (Transcription not started.  Definitely Rin English.)
fake doll by 八王子P (UST made, voice not decided)
Weekender Girl by 八王子P (Tuning nearly done, likely Chika, I love this song too much.)
アゲアゲアゲイン by Mitchie M (Tuning not started, likely Gumi, it’s a great song, but that tuning...)
Nostalogic by yuukiss (UST found, tuning not started, likely Lily or maybe Chika)
ハレ晴レユカイ from 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 (Tuning started, Chika, Rin, and Gumi.)
おまかせ♪ガーディアン  from しゅごキャラ! (Instrumental obtained, transcription not started, Chika, Yukari, Gumi, and Rin.)
ワンダーラスト by sasakure (UST found, tuning not started, likely Yukari or Chika.)
Alice in Musicland by Oster Project (UST found, tuning not started, Gumi as Miku, Chika as Len, VY2 as Kaito, Miki as Rin, Yukari as Luka, Lily as Meiko.)
on the rocks by Oster Project (Tuning started, about 67% completed, either Yukari/Lily or Kiyoteru/Gakupo.)
Piano Girl by Oster Project (Tuning started, 1% completed, Gumi)
妄想スケッチ by 40mP (UST found, tuning not started, Chika or Mayu.)
悪ノ娘 by mothy (Original VSQ found, tuning done, arrangement planned for instrumental track, Mayu.)
悪ノ召使 classical version by mothy (UST found.  Rin/Len role switch cover planned.  Kokone/Chika cover might happen too.)
Maybe from Annie (Instrumental not found yet.  Rin English.  A classic.)
When You Believe (Mandarin and English versions) from Prince of Egypt (Transcription started, 1% done, Stardust for the Chinese version and Len/Rin duet for English version)
ビバハピ by Mitchie M (VSQx found.  Tuning adjustments not started.  Another Mitchie M song for Gumi.  Yay for terrible tuning.)
恋愛勇者 by LastNote (UST found.  Tuning not started.  Rin.)
アマツキツネ by まらしぃ (UST found. Tuning not started.  Chika or Miki.)
glow by keeno (UST/VSQx found.  UST likely to be used.  Rin or Gumi or Rin/Gumi duet.)
インタビュア by クワガタP (UST found.  Tuning not started.  Yukari.)
Splash Free from Free (UST found.  All boys.  More yaoi.)
右肩の蝶 by のりぴー (UST found.  Tuning not started.  Rin/Len role switch cover planned.)
おこちゃま戦争 by ギガP (Tuned VSQx prepared.  Rin/Len role switch cover planned.)
More to come as I remember them.
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