#meet by chance
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"Life is like duckweed, it's easy to get together and easy to get away."
祝你 幸福平安!
Wish you happiness and peace!
作詞作曲:嚕啦啦 Singer: 李翊君
別管以後將 如何結束 至少我 們曾經相聚過 不必費心的 彼此約束 更不需 要語言的承諾 只要我們 曾經擁有過 對你我來講 已經足夠 人的一生有 許多回憶 只願你 的追憶有個我
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lovekia · 1 month
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Weekly Competition Theme: Magazine Photoshoot
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anna-scribbles · 4 months
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inspired by recent events from my sister’s actual real life
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
I know Percy's desperately trying to escape the godly world but not only do I think the gods aren't going to leave percy alone once he's in New Rome, I also think Percy's in the situation now where he can't refuse at all because like, if he was in the mortal world at a mortal college he at least would be able to try and be like "sorry I can't do a quest right now I've already used up my three excused absences this semester try again in the spring :/" but in New Rome? They will be like "Percy! It is an honor to be hand-selected for a quest. And by the gods no less! Stars above, you should be grateful! I don't know what your little greek camp has taught you but here in Rome, we respect the gods' requests. Your absence will be excused. Now go."
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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I know this probably sounds crazy,,, but i used to wear a hat almost exactly like that one!!!
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jonnywaistcoat · 2 months
Mr. Waistcoat, there's a rather heated discussion about this question on hellsites such as Twitter & Tiktok, and I thought your opinion might be a valuable contribution.
Would you rather stumble across a bear or a man when alone in the woods?
Wish you a lovely day (preferably not alone in the woods),
This is a very bizarre question that I can only put down to the likelihood that the majority of Twitter/Tiktok users don't regularly go walking alone in the woods, 'cause, uh, you do meet people (including men), pretty regularly. And it's fine. Maybe you say hi or give each other a nod as you pass, but basically no-one is actually lurking in the woods with sinister intent. When you meet someone, chances are they are also just taking a walk. It's not impossible the encounter might be unpleasant, I suppose, but it's a pretty tiny possibility.
A bear, on the other hand... Depending on the type of bear, that's an encounter that has a comparatively high chance of going sideways.
I suppose my view might be slightly skewed by being a British man - passing other people in the woods generally only requires a nod of acknowledgement, whereas in a lot of other cultures (especially much of the US) I suspect the expectation of being drawn into small talk is much higher, which might be awkward or irritating. But still, y'know, better than a bear.
But yeah, 99% of the time neither the woods, nor people walking within them, are dangerous or scary, and I think the folks debating this question should get off social media and take a woodland walk, cause walking alone in the woods rules actually!
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i will give the animators 12 american dollars if this is how the inevitable final faceoff with Striker goes down
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tiffanyachings · 3 months
i love tlt because i get to be like yes i am aware this character has died not once but twice. now pray tell me what page of alecto is she gonna show up
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animepopheart · 8 months
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★ 【@pixiescout】 「 仕立て屋で 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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mice-and-moonbeams · 6 days
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When you just want to have the horrors with you all the time but there isn't anything official to buy.... make your own!
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catsafarithewriter · 10 months
v tired of coming out to ppl who are familiar and accepting of the aroace term, who then still turn around and say "yeah but you might still one day meet someone, right?" like I promise you most aspec ppl are aware it's an option, but it's still rude
I get you're trying to be supportive, but it still comes off as "don't worry, perhaps you're not really aroace/broken"
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codemonki · 1 month
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I don't care if this trend was from last year
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go-go-devil · 2 months
The entire 3-minute city ambiance scene from Ghost in the Shell (1995) is already one of the best moments in all of cinema imo, but I NEED to talk about my absolute favorite part from it:
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That brief moment when Major Kusanagi and a stranger with her exact same body model catch a glance at one another. How quickly the initial curiosity of seeing the doppelgänger turns into a feeling of unease as the boat carries her away.
She will never meet this stranger. She'll never know anything about her other than the simple reminder that every piece of her cybernetic body is not unique to her. There is no part of her other than her brain and all its memories that she has any true ownership of, and even that isn't immune to being hacked and potentially erased by outside forces. Despite being a part of a bustling city, all she can do is reflect on how utterly isolated she feels as a living being.
How can she possibly define her humanity when she herself is confined in the form of what is essentially a highly modified weapon? How can she relate to others when she has more in common with the mannequins on display in a shopping mall than with the any of the people walking the streets?
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All of this inner turmoil at one’s own existence conveyed without a SINGLE word of dialogue spoken. Now that's the power of cinema if I've ever seen it!
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nelkcats · 10 months
Lost Relatives
Maddie Fenton is Iris West's sister, the two lost communication after Maddie focused on her inventions; Hoping to reconnect with her sister, Iris invites her to her wedding.
When the Fentons show up at the wedding, the only way Barry can describe them is...eccentric. He didn't expect his bride-to-be's family to be so quirky, though he didn't mind Iris's request, he hoped they could reconnect.
That was until he was near Danny Fenton and felt the Speedforce lean toward him. Almost as if it was calling out to him. Danny looked at Barry curiously but didn't comment on it. Barry wondered if there was a flaw in the Speedforce.
Danny had a bad feeling about the wedding ever since he saw Clockwork grinning like a maniac after he mentioned the event to him.
He clearly didn't expect to find the "criminals who keep altering space-time" that Clockwork kept complaining about. He wondered if he could feign ignorance until the end of the event.
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tangledinink · 3 months
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am i here to advocate for a @tmntaucompetition poll i'm not even in? absolutely i am~
listen up y'all. i need you guys to pretty plz go and vote little scraps of wisdom and feral leo to tie. because if they tie, then they get to go up against gemini in the next round. and audi said, in what was BASICALLY a legally binding contract, that if that happened, they'd write a LSOW/Gemini crossover thing with me. and did you know that the gemini are lou jitsu's BIGGEST FANS EVER?...
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skeletoninthemelonland · 11 months
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a glimpse of what their early dynamic looks like
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