#medical question
Um, medical side of Tumblr, weird question. But does any one have any experience where they've been able, just by thinking, no other outer stimulus, to make themself feel cold, followed right after by a warm sort of tingling rush all over, mostly centered in the chest?
I kinda started doing it as like, a coping mechanism to feel better during depression cuz the warmth would feel good, but it has occurred to me that perhaps I should...not be doing that...if its gonna like, affect my heart or something :s
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apodemus-sylvaticus · 10 days
Can't handle the suspension of disbelief required to ignore how completely comfortable and well Lucy seems to be after being stabbed in the guts. Like, I had IBS worse than that :D. How?? I get that the drugs she injected herself with must be some good futuristic shit, but they don't seem advanced enough to have anything to actually patch up a perforated guts, so how isn't the contents of the intestines spilling all over her abdominal cavity???
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ya-boi-haru · 19 days
Everytime I ask this question I'm met with a weird look and a "what the fuck" so let me ask here...
Now, I could be wrong, but green ants have the chemical/venom in them that lingers in the body, which leaves that ouchie, itchy feeling.
Now HYPOTHETICALLY, if you extracted that venom from a bunch of green ants - enough to make a couple mls - could you take that venom, put it in a syringe and when injected, it's basically a torturous, giant ant bite?
I have the same question about mozzies and their numbing effect...
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thespacesay · 9 months
i adore not knowing what is 'normal symptoms of shitty service job / ditto but with my known medical conditions' physical ailments and what is 'i need more medical testing' shit.
when I have to stand in one place pretty much all of my 6 hour shift, even trying to hydrate, working an extremely busy register, I inevitably get a few symptoms. my eyes feel unfocused, I have a dizziness so bad that worries my coworkers, and vertigo (the world currently feels like it's tilted ~30 degrees to the right of vertical). I feel so disoriented I worry I might pass out. I once experienced this paired with a bit of unexplained chest pain (which I now suspect to have been fibromyalgia weirdness?) and went to the ER, where an EKG + a number of blood tests determined I wasn't experiencing anything they could think of.
but... fibromyalgia has so many comorbidities. does this sound like normal dehydration? i've been sitting for 15 minutes and I still feel like I could fall over. possibly something like POTS, otherwise?
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noose-lion · 2 months
Anyone know a good source of research on the effects standing still in place for hours at a time have on a young body? Like before puberty age? I can't find good research on it...
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numerousenbees · 4 months
so do any users here have any idea what would cause constant/intermediate nausea from waking up, eating, thinking about eating, by not eating, by existing.
it has been more than a month technically, but not a full month. it is more intermediate now-or was. after i threw up on the 21st 2 times with a hour between. (the college break started that say hence i know the date). it was constant until the throw up and it seems to be amping up.
like literally even tho broth has nutrients i cant live off that and also the nausea didnt stop. and soup isnt a safe food either. apple sauce is slightly but only for so long and so much apple sauce.
i dont wanna email my doc cus she also makes me go in person and we get nothing done, then she does a referral that could’ve been sent in email discussion. i dont drive.
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Okay people that have had a sleep paralysis can you please tell me if what I just experienced was one?
I was still half asleep and my body kind of started vibrating ig? I could always shake it off though until I just thought "wth, I'll just see what happens if I let the vibrating take over", then my entire body got numb and I couldn't move it (except for my left foot) and I thought I was going to suffocate (I couldn't scream either), when I took a breath it eas gone though
It was super scary and freaked me out and I'd like to know what it was 🥲
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jackpot-sad-dude · 7 months
okay soooo
i'm transmasc, and i'm not allowed to bind
only because my stepmom googled it and said it caused cancer and ocd and would break every bone in your body or some stupid shit that's obviously not true
so, could someone tell me the ACTUAL medical risks of binding, so that i could either try to convince her to let me bind, or at least try to get her to realize "hey, binding will NOT cause testicular cancer to someone with no testicles"
so yeah
i'd really appreciate it
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evilgoosegoose · 29 days
Doctors of Tumblr
My friend is really sick right now, her temperature was at 100.2 last I checked, if I move her blanket off her she says she goes really cold really fast, it's hard for her to walk and she shakes when she tries to, as well as a bad migraine, every time she sleeps she wakes up and can't remember how much time has passed at all, as well as saying that her eyeballs are hot, and she keeps crying for no reason I don't know what to do, please help?
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theribthatgrewback · 3 months
what does it mean if im not on t and ive never had penetrative sex and according to ultrasounds i dont have pcos. but in the last few months ive been growing facial hair and my period that always used to be incredibly regular hasnt happened in 3 months
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anomalous-posts · 5 months
I have a question regarding sensory overload/overstimulation...
Is it possible to get cold sweats and a woozy type of feeling when experiencing sensory overload?
(There are examples of my experiences below)
I've had this happen in a restaurant when it was extremely loud from multiple sources and I was sitting on a very uncomfortable stool that also kept sliding out of place and also had to interact with the others at the table. It came on gradually and I came to feel cold sweats, light headed and woozy, maybe a tinge of nausea. I moved to a booth seat that was much more comfortable and put on headphones to distract from and drown out the noise and started to feel better... Once I left the noisy place and was able to sit comfortably in the quiet car I recovered.
Then I felt a similar sensation again trying to get comfortable at another place, not so much loud but it was in public and I repositioned, took off some of my accessories (rings mainly) and it went away before it got too bad.
Yesterday, I was in a wheelchair (VERY long story short, I'm currently recovering from an infection and getting the strength back in my legs in a rehabilitation center.) for a while after doing physical therapy and it was getting very uncomfortable, multiple things bothering me, yet I wanted to sit in there for longer and tried, I couldn't quite distracted myself well enough, felt the cold sweats and some wooziness and decided I wanted back in bed, once there I recovered quickly.
I'm concerned about this, because I think it's overload and have taken steps to avoid it and had success, but not much of anything I find on internet searches confirms that it can cause things like cold sweats, dizziness, woozy feeling or nausea...
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galaxy-manticore · 5 months
Genuine question to the intersex community, I mean no offense at all - could I call myself intersex if I believe I could be, but have no real way of proving it?
Context under the read more
CW talk of menstruation, puberty, minor bodily injury, minor genital descriptions
The facts: I am afab. Growing up, everyone in my life who wasn’t explicitly told I was a girl assumed I was a boy - until I grew breasts in third grade. My menstrual cycle came in fourth grade.
My cycle was debilitating. Pain bad enough to put me out of commission for a week, passing blood clots the size of quarters, going through three or more “heavy overnight” pads every day. My doctor put me on birth control to try and help me.
Flash forward to sophomore year of high school. I’d been feeling like shit for months, so I got some minor testing done - my body wasn’t producing any estrogen. I was going around without any sex hormones in my body. At this point, I was already out as trans masc, so my doctor let me get put on testosterone early into my senior year of high school. (The year gap is due to the pandemic)
Now, I’m about 2 years on T. I feel like because of that, why tests to figure out if I’m intersex or not would be impossible since I’ve already gone through a second puberty.
Speculation: I believe when I was a young child (like, 2 or 3) I had a minor labial fusion. The reason for this is because around that time, the bottom part of my vulva “split open” because I “sat down too hard” on the side of the sink during a bath. I had to go to the hospital and, I believe, get stitches. Now, as an adult, I do not have the bottom half of my labia minora.
My doctors never found out why my menstruation was so debilitating. Additionally, the canal itself was very “tight” and I have to use dilation therapy to make sure I don’t get pain down there.
I also have a lot of other health issues but I don’t know how many of them relate to this or not.
Thank you for your time if you’ve read this far. I’m just confused and would like clarity. I know asking strangers online isn’t the best thing to do, but I’ve been to so many doctors in my time that I’m honestly just tired.
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