#meanwhile Blues looks at Metal and sees something that can and will kill him
willows-rambles · 2 years
ough metalblues is a plague on my mind and im gonna be thinking about them the whole day while at work
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rubywolf0201 · 2 months
My thoughts on BUCCHIGIRI?! Episode 11 aka the most traumatizing episode I’ve ever seen
WARNING: *Contain spoilers for Episode 11*
- This was the most harrowing episode ever! Like man. We got lots of reveal!
- Ok so for the opening scene it’s a flashback. There was some oppression breaking out at where Ichiya and Senya is living at, Senya and Ichiya are still training to be Honki people but however, there was a change in Ichiya’s attitude. He became much more hostile and vengeful at Senya’s playfulness and during their last match together, Ichiya tried to brutalize Senya. Senya didn’t understand why Ichiya has become like that but….
- Just as Ichiya was about to land a blow, he was shoot at behind by some unknown assailants. Senya screamed out for Ichiya but he was shoot as well. Closer look at what the assailants are holding are the flintlock pistols that would soon house both Senya and Ichiya spiritually.
- Also can I take a moment’s notice to observe that in Senya’s dying scene, he’s reaching out to Ichiya before he died as well.
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- This was the backstory Senya told Arajin but Arajin was mad that he told him much later and that he was planning to kill him but Senya said that he planned to return Arajin mentally once his score with Ichiya is settled but Arajin too mad about it, told him to get lost. Senya was sad about it but also said that he felt some kind of bonding with Arajin before he disappeared.
- Back to Matakara, we see him beating up a bunch of random thugs and HOLY SHIT! I CALLED IT! HE HAD AN EVIL MAKEOVER!!! HE IS NOW WEARING A DIFFERENT INNER LAYER!!!
- Ok so now his hoodie is now a dark blue and is now showing cleavage with the metal bullet between his chest.
- Just as Matakara is walking back, Arajin was waiting for him and tried to warn Matakara about Ichiya’s plan but Matakara, who is still being manipulated, brushed it off thinking that Arajin doesn’t him want to be strong and that he is perfectly ok with letting Ichiya taking over his body.
- Ichiya questioned why didn’t Matakara go after Arajin since he has Senya with him but Matakara said that he wants to beat Kenichiro first.
- The Siguma goons are sitting at a playground and just being worried in general about how Matakara just outright pummeled Marito and wondering about the status of Siguma and if it will fall.
- While walking back to school, we have the NNL segment but this time it’s a lot more somber and we don’t see the customer freaking out. But that being said, it is also a lot….darker when The Customer ordered for Jasmine again and he started getting weird (I’m thinking it’s foreshadowing the finale)
- The aftermentioned goons went to the Siguma base , clearly worried before they saw Outa. He punched into the ground hard (guess they weren’t lying about how his punch can break concrete in Episode 3) because of what happenedast episode before declaring that Siguma isn’t dead.
- Meanwhile Marito is still out cold and Mahoro is watching over him. It’s pretty saddening to hear when Outa came by and had said that Marito hasn’t even woken up for 3 days!
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- Also I think it’s kind of nice to see Mahoro having a cordial relationship with Outa and the latter being worried about her. But still it really hurt to see Mahoro crying about Marito’s conditions. (I know she’s a huge weirdo around her brother but still I can’t help but feel for her really)
- When Outa got out, Jabashiri and Hague’s came by (@hiphopcherrrypop YOUR BOYS ARE BACK!!!) and asked about Marito’s conditions to which Outa replied to what he has relayed to Mahoro.
- Angered, Jabashiri tried to confront Matakara one more time but Hagure stopped him and scolded on how he is not in any condition to fight but not before slapping him across the face to calm him down. (Man, the way this scene reads is kind of something you would see in a shoujo manga)
- Also, Hagure called Jaba a blockhead. (I swear these two are in love with each other)
- Outa was glad to hear about the dedication that both Jabashiri and Hagure had for Siguma and patted them on their backs.
- Meanwhile with Minato Kai, the two men guarding Kenichiro’s room are discussing about how Matakara is going against the creed of Minato Kai and how it isn’t like him at all. But speak of the devil, Matakara attacked the guards.
- Zabu, Komao and the rest of Minato Kai arrived to witness everything that has happened. Zabu and Komao were visibly angered at how their friend is going back to the horrific mindset he used to have before joining Minato Kai. Matakara however did not care and brushed these two off as always.
- Also we got a flashback to how the friend group is formed. Zabu was the first to arrive and wanting to join the group but then he met Komao around the same time. Just then, they heard some beatings coming from behind and that’s when they met Matakara. They were also the ones to watch him get his ass handed by Kenichiro but however this sparked an interest in Zabu.
- During lunch break, Zabu tossed a juice box to Matakara all the while looking tsun tsun about it but Komao convinced the latter otherwise about how he felt about Matakara.
- Look I know some ppl have reservations about Zabu and Komao but let’s face it: Matakara, Zabu and Komao are ride and die buddies for each other and it shows in earlier episodes.
- But back to reality, we see Matakara proposing a challenge to Kenichiro, the latter whilst did not speak, accepted it. Which horrified everyone at Minato Kai.
- With Arajin, his mind is left wandering on how to save Matakara to the point of getting the order wrong with his customers but however once the ate the fried rice they just ate it without a care in the world.
- Just then, Kenichiro came into the shop and asking for Arajin’s assistance. (Also Mrs Tomoshibi igushing about Kenichiro is just too funny) While outside, they have an unseen conversation that would later be cut into the later scene.
- In the next scene, that took place after school, we see Zabu and Komao together, pondering about the fight that took place. Zabu had an idea and asked Komao to go fetch Arajin. Komao had no idea but he went with it anyways to go get Arajin. Zabu on the other hand was planning something drastic.
- While Arajin is resting in his room, Mrs Tomoshibi called for Arajin but before Arajin could answer, Komao barged in and dragged Arajin to Ichizu Bay to watch the ensuing fight.
- Meanwhile with Zabu, he stopped Matakara in his tracks and tried to convince him to change back to the way he used to be. And so he tried to fight off Matakara but this would later proved to be a very VERY fatal fight.
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- Meanwhile with Komao and Arajin, they’re watching the ensuing fight that is happening with Kenichiro and Matakara. The same goes for the members watching it as well.
- If you think Zabu’s was heartbreaking, Kenichiro is the same as well and equally so. Just seeing Matakara trying to go up to Ken and doing the same thing he did back when he was just a unrecruited member is just 😢.
- Akutaro happens to be there to witness the scene out of sight probably to see Ichiya’s downfall but I won’t comment much about him since he is basically irrelevant in this one.
- Matakara as always engulfed himself in Ichiya’s power once again and repeatedly shouted ‘Go Down!’ at Ken over and over again. (Which is saddening cause earlier episodes clearly have him respect Kenichiro and the latter knew his brother very well)
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- Komao leaving right in the middle of fight to check up on Zabu. (Boi pls don’t you would not like what you see what happened with your friend)
- And if that wasn’t enough, we got a backstory on the Asamine’s! Mr and Mrs Asamine basically abandoned their two children for some unknown bullshit reasons (SO THE MATAKARA AND MITSUKUNI ORPHAN HEADCANON/THEORIES ARE TRUE!!!) leaving their older son to care for his younger brother. But right after Mitsukuni got arrested for saving his friends, Matakara would then go through dubious means to achieve power. (Showing he isn’t the sunshine puppy dog boi he is always presented to be)
- Oh and one thing that shattered my heart: Matakara removing the jacket Mitsukuni gave to him along with the armbands and threw it right in front of Ken! (This is just horrible!)
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- Matakara would then lament how he would beat Arajin in which Ichiya smiled devilishly regarding how his revenge on Senya would come.
- Arajin went back to the Honki temple to reinstate Senya back but this time with a new resolve to bring back Matakara.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Arachne is not getting the nickel version so now she has to sit and listen to these terrifying villains explain Everything Wrong
Vod’ika I’m trying to keep track of all my questions here you know . . . 😅
Victor Von Doom has someone to monologue too, and he's going to take advantage of it. It helps, I suppose, that Arachne is a spider rather than a member of the Fantastic Four.
And also, hehehe~ There's some angst at the bottom, just fyi.
Meanwhile, on Coruscant- "Let go of me!" Dogma spits out, struggling against his brothers, trying to get to the glass and metal coffin that his Arachne is sleeping in, "Let-" Fives throws his weight over Dogma, joining Echo and Jesse in restraining him, "Come on, vod." Fives tries, "Kix is checking on her now. See?" There's a laugh from the opposite side of the room and the look up at the man standing there, "There's no need to worry. She's just having the sweetest dream. She might not ever want to wake up." There's a look on contempt on his face, "And you were foolish enough to come here without a jedi. So you'll be joining her soon enough." At the same time, in Manhattan- Doctor Doom's voice is like a drill, boring into her brain as he drones on and on and one- Stars, and you thought that Rhino was bad about monologuing. "Okay!" Arachne finally interrupts when he pauses to take a breath, "So, basically, my options to end this simulation or whatever are to die or to break it." "Exactly so." "Great! So, how far do I have to go to break the simulation from the inside?" "As far as you can," Doc Ock says, "Though, it really would be easier to let us kill you." "Yeahhh...I'm not doing that." She opens her mouth to say something else when the building above rattles with an explosion. Fisk, largely ignored until this point, turns to the room at large, "The Avengers are here." Arachne watches as the men around her done their battle gear, and then she yelps as the Green Goblin grabs her around the wrist, "Time for you to go." She's barely able to pull her mask on before she's being flung away from the battle between the Avengers and a lot of the super villains. "Oh boy." She breathes out as she turns and flings herself towards the Brooklyn Bridge, "Good thing this isn't real or the damages would be astronomical-" Arachne is halfway across the bridge when an arrow cuts through her web, causing her to fall to the ground. She lands, hard, on the ground, and immediately rolls over to her feet. "Working with Fisk now, are you Arachne?" Captain America asks as he stalks towards her with several other Avengers on his feels. "Well," She replies as she lowers herself to the ground, her gaze darting in every direction to look for an escape, "Needs must and all. You know how it is." His eyes are cold, and Arachne's heart sinks. She's never, ever, wanted to fight Captain America. "Surrender Arachne." "Oh, you have no idea how much I wish I could." She replies. "...so be it." Arachne's mind races, she needs to remove Iron Man from the field first and then focus on Captain America. Or else this is going to be a very short fight. Arachne is a very talented fighter. She's been heroing since she was 13 years old...however, the Avengers have both number and experience on her. Even so, the fight lasts longer than any of them expect. And then Hawkeye gets a lucky shot, and she goes down. Her head thumps aganint the concrete and she probably could get up, she probably could keep fighting. Her gaze drifts to Captain America, looming over her, and then drift back to the blue skies of Earth. She really, really hopes Victor was right about this. Captain America lifts his shield, holding onto the edges. Arachne keeps her gaze locked on the sky, "I was glad to see them. One more time." She whispers. He brings the shield down. She closes her eyes. Captain America's shield is embedded in the concrete of the Brooklyn Bridge, blood splattered across the white ring of his shield.
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sillyromance · 8 months
Good day everyone!
Here is my new story (WARNING: long writing). Characters: Pred! Sacura (OC)/Prey! Drift (TF RID).
Sacura is my new character; she's an autobot with two alt-modes, one of which is a dragon (the eastern one). While in the "beast" form, she can switch sizes from tiny (a usual snake) to huge(literally a train). So, she is definitely a "switch" in vore community. And... this exactly what everything is about!
I hope you'll enjoy!
They were in the garden surrounding a ruined castle in the mountains. Huge branches of wild, overgrown trees rustled above, hiding two alien visitors from the evil summer sun. Cool shadows danced on the cracked mossy rocks of an ancient human building, creating a surrealistic illusion of mystery and quiet, poetic tragedy. It was a perfect spot for meditation; Drift found it by accident some days ago and it was the first time he took Sacura with him.
They got comfy nearby one immense oak and led a simple, calm conversation.
- I wonder... - Drift's gaze switched to his wife. - How do you feel when I... swallow you?
Young fem stopped watching clouds passing blue lakes and streams of the sky which was hiding behind the roof of the ancient plants - and gave him a curious look. She turned onto the belly and put her helm on both palms; the samurai, embarrassed by his question and her immediate attention, looked away and cleared his throat.
- I mean... I can see well only my side of the story. Your little body passing my lips, your sweet flavour on my glossa, then stretching of my throat when it pushes you deeper into me... - He was slowly tracing the path from his chin to the start of his neck. - And the moment when I feel my waist weighs; the armour moves under my servos as you slip inside the fueltank, unconsciously rubbing it with your tiny hands and feet...
The samurai sighed deeply, recalling the moment. His wife smiled, blushing.
- However... - Drift's tone became serious again. - I have never asked you what it is like - to be consumed that way... And sometimes I doubt if you like all of this as much as I do. Doesn't it scary when you see my mouth open wide? My dents are so sharp that they can just slice you on two with a slight pressure. Or the second you see daylight fading and you slide along the dark esophagus? My sparkbeat must be deafing, and metal muscles squeeze you too tightly... And all these liquids...
Sacura made an interrupting gesture, then layed her hand on his knee and stroked it reassuringly.
- I don't have any discomfort when you send me to your insides. Actually, it's very pleasant - like a big warm hug from everywhere. Or a blanket wrapped around your entire body. Moreover... I can easily read your emotions while in there. - Drift narrowed his optics in disbelief but the fem simply laughed. - Yes, I do. Because at such time I am literally surrounded by you. I hear your systems working, energon circulating through your veins; listen to unsatisfied groans when something annoys you - or sense you relaxing when everything is exactly like you want it to be... It's strange. It's like I'm a part of you then; it affects me strongly. And at the meantime... it comforts me a lot.
She took his large, rough servo and started fondling its small scars and lines.
- If I could show you...
Some leaves fell down the tree at her back and shoulders; Drift leaned to her side and gently swiped them off. Her smooth, round forms seemed so vulnerable... Every time he touched her the only thing which wandered in his processor was: "She looks like a sparkling! How can an autobot be so helpless?"
He smirked to himself. Yeah... This "helpless" autobot could kill him without any problems if she would like to. What a joke of nature! - to give such enormous power to a small and friendly girl who freaks out to hurt a butterfly!
Meanwhile, Sacura suddenly winced and stared at her husband with a decisive look in her optics - she had come up with something.
- Well, perhaps I can...
The samurai rose his eyebrow.
- My second alt-mode. It's big enough to fit you.
Drift's faceplate didn't change even a little, but the mech recognised cool tickles going down his spine section.
- I guess so, darling.
The fem heard hardly noticeable tension in his voice and edges of her lips lowered. She looked down at the grass beneath her and spoke, vocaliser crackling of shame.
- Oh... I'm sorry. It isn't a good idea, I guess... If you are against it, I will never in my life...
Drift's cheeks immediately became blue.
- I didn't mean it, dear! It's just... confusing.
He turned her face back to his and gave the fem a soft kiss.
- Remember - I'm not afraid of you, whatever shape you have. Whatever weapons you have. I'm sure you wouldn't harm anyone you care about, and if you care about me - you won't make me suffer. - He paused and smiled warmly. - I think... We could commit the thing you're talking about. At least, it will help us understand each other better. Don't you agree?
Her face was immediately brightened up with happiness like a cloudy day with sunlight. Without any hesitation she desperately embraced her orange lover; Sacura's energy made them both inevitably crush on the ground. The pair laughed loudly at the occasion, making birds around scream and fly away...
Drift hadn't ever seen her THAT big before; and he was impressed by the size she took - her head was as large as his entire being! Now, in her dragon mode, Sacura could make anybody go offline just with her threatening appearance. Someone would say it had been a terrifying view: endless silver body, long fangs glowing under her upper lip, sharp claws on four huge, bareboned paws, strong and heavy tail with poisoned needles hidden beneath the scales...
Regardless, he personally found her magnificent.
Sacura approached her husband after the transformation had been ended - and cautiously nuzzled her elegant elongated muzzle in his shoulder. Unfortunately, she couldn't speak normally until she would get into her "human" form again, so touches and wild, animal sounds were all she could use to communicate with him. Drift noticed a shadow of inconfidence in her flaming eyes.
- You look perfect, my star. As always. - He cuddly scratched behind Sacura's audio sensors what made the dragon whine with pleasure. - Don't worry. I've already warned Bumblebee that we're going to "walk" for some more hours. I'm ready.
She nodded. Her jaws parted, letting the samurai observe a wet, glowing cavern, surrounded by steely knives of teeth. He felt hot air blowing out of the predator's maw, washing around his face, and couldn't help but shivered when her glossa draw a thin slimy line from his feet to the chassis. In spite of his fear, Drift didn't stop his darling. At first, he was a soldier who had fought in hundreds of battles; what an embarrassment it would be to back out when he had already gone so far! At the second - the mech seeked for the knowledge. He had to see what she was going through with him. And, observing a starving depths of the beast's maw which was ready to make him disappear at any second, he immediately felt sincere respect to how calm and willing she had always been to enter his own mouth.
Overcoming unexpectedly awoken instincts, Drift got closer and forced his hand to explore the dragon's shining, scabrous, wet tongue. He was going to lie on it soon after all...
The tongue wriggled amusingly of his action and curled affectionately around his servo, creating circles higher and higher, until his entire manipulator was captured in a warm trap. Nervous gigle escaped the mech.
- Well, what do you think?.. How do I taste like? - Frozen like a statue, Drift asked with edge in his voice. He'd like to pretend he was fine, but it was hard to trick his own wife.
Sacura freed Drift's arm and shut her mouth, disappointed. She peered at her surprised husband and let out a pleading moan.
- I'm not going to give up, girl. I'm all right.
She snuggled into him once more, looking at his strict face with deep sadness and doubt in the optics. He granted her a nice rub between the antennas.
- I believe, we should go ahead.
He courageously gave her his hands, so she could start over with tasting him - the dragon slowly accepted the favour, being more thoughtful and patient than before, letting Drift's mind process that there were nothing to worry about. Sacura, definitely enjoying every moment, licked his fingers, went to wrists, then to elbows... Their looks met again - he smiled reassuringly and titled his head down. The craving abyss appeared in front of him again, pouring with saliva. It needed him so badly... This time the samurai wasn't so merciless to the fem - he basically pushed himself into her ravenous jaws.
They caught and lovingly held him. Her hot glossa started working more actively, trying to reach every inch of Drift's voluminous body. He could sense how fast he was loosing an ability to move; his limbs became languorous and sticky, deadly exhaustion flood all around his tough body. The samurai was already too weak to keep his helm up; finally, he just put it on the fem's tongue, looking sleepily on its ribbed crimson surface. If he decided to struggle for some reason, he wouldn't succeed... Kinda pathetic...
Suddenly, a long, vibrating sound filled the room. His "ears" focused on the resonating, soothing rattling which shook every corner of his system blocks.
Sacura was purring.
Drift sent his concerns into the oblivion at the very moment he understood what the noise was. Thoughts about his own well-being were replaced with the ones about his wife's pleasure. He was the reason she was feeling that good. He gave her this bliss. Drift recalled the day when he swallowed her for the first time - it was... Undescribable. Fascinating. He had her whole; he felt her harsh sparkbeat, her clumsy squirming in his mouth before he made a gulp. He could remember delight of her deliciousness... Now, their roles got switched. And he was certain she loved it.
Finally, the pressure of her jaws increased; the dragon rose her head and let Drift smoothly slip into a small hole right before him. He heard an audible "glrk" with which his shoulders and shest were tugged further into the darkness of her throat.
It was a series of strong, dry, quick swallows, painful for a pred, but ineffective. Her husband never was miniaturous to say the least! Nevertheless the fem didn't stop the process - now it was only the way down for him, she do much more harm, trying to cough him out.
The mech noticed that his girl was in trouble; Sacura surely required some assistance. He began to shift a little, making his waist and hips come along - he was aware of how wide and bulky he was, and how it must be difficult for her to get over with it. The tightness of the tube he was going through seemed almost unbearable, and ironically, he felt guilty for the thick layers of metal which made him so hard to devour.
But their combined actions worked - the gulps slowed down, became calmer and visibly easier. The space around was still cramped, but it didn't crush the samurai any more; it was truly like a warm, plushie hug, pulsating with care and overwhelming love. This body demanded him to be its guest - he knew it in the very spark. And he was glad to give in himself to it as an earned prise for every time Sacura presented herself as a treat for her husband. He accepted the fact that he had to forget about his powers for this moment; he managed to see what his girl ment when she once said: "I wanna be a good prey for you". She deserved him to be submissive now, no matter his warrior pride.
At last, after some minutes of squeezing and pulling, Drift arrived at the fueltank. It greeted him with a friendly gurgling and soft blue light shining from the streaks crossing squishy, tender walls. For the first few seconds the mech felt himself hanging as if he was in a kind of hammock which swayed beneath him non-stop, although this situation didn't last long - Sacura layed herself on the ground and turned on the side, giving space to her enormous, bulging stomach.
She looked at it with mixture of relief and disbelief. She swallowed him whole. He was in there, surrounded by her; she could feel every movement her husband was making, settling down in depth of her growling stomach. It was so incredible... but wrong. It should have been... vice versa. He was stronger, wiser, older than her; he was a leader in their companionship, her "master". And meanwhile, he was in a position of a weaker one now. She literally had his life in her servos. And if she had been an enemy of his, then...
Sacura got terrified by this thought.
She carefully put an open paw on her round, swollen belly and stroked it gently. The mech inside "returned" the touch, pressing exactly at the place she was caressing. Purring like a big cat, the dragon eagerly embraced her stomach and leaned her head closer to the deformed metal. She would never harm him. Never in the world.
Drift was trying to get use to the place he got into. Everything was unstable, elastic, tender - alive; he was afraid that just his presence in here could do harm to his beloved because of how velvety tender her fueltank appeared to be. "This must be what she sees when she gets into my core" - he mumbled to himself, looking at squishy lumps all around him. Glowing wrinkly walls were grabbing his legs and arms with mischief and great interest as if they had a mind of their own; his body was sinking into them, being massaged, gently squeezed all over. It was...nice. He silently watched how every part of him was getting examined and generously soaked in scintillating mint-colour slime. He predicted it could be like that, he didn't care much; Drift would take a shower after anyways. The samurai found a comfortable position and closed his optics, listening to Sacura's distant sparkbeat, deep ventilating, tranquil rumbling - and his own emotions.
It was still hard to process that he was staying in his wife's "stomach". Especially, because he was absolutely helpless. He left his katanas outside. It was necessary, but at the meantime... He was just one step apart from death. The samurai felt so small and helpless that it almost drove him mad. But at that moment he noticed something changing. One of the walls leaned to him, moved by something from the outside; this thing affectionately drew circles on Drift's arm and chassis through the flexible flesh. It didn't take much time for the samurai to realise it was his wife caressing his body. Fury flew away from his spark as fast as it came. He stroke her back and felt Sacura wince in delight. The room slightly tightened around Drift; now he noticed silhouettes of two big paws laying on her belly, hugging his entire form - and a press of something larger right next to his head. The bot could swear it was her helm.
He snuggled into the warm wet muscles and finally relaxed, letting the surrounding do whatever it wanted with him.
Before she was his. Now, he is hers.
Sometimes it's important to see everything from a different angle.
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spookyspaghettisundae · 11 months
Put Them Back Together Wrong
The autopsy knife drew a thin line across the perfect center of her pale, exposed chest. It was like watching it all happen on television. Distant. Staged.
She felt nothing and could only watch because she was the corpse on the coroner’s table. Observing as something disembodied, above her own body, hovering like a ghost. Pale eyelids covered what had to be a hollow gaze from milky eyes, framed by her long, dark hair.
The coroner breathed steadily through his bright blue mask. Routine kept his latex-gloved hands steady. Practice kept the tiny blade precise, eventually giving way to a small power tool. The electric saw whizzed as its blade started spinning to the point of invisibility. Its high-pitched whine changed its tune once it started chewing through bone.
The lenses of his glasses fogged in regular intervals, and he readjusted them with his knuckles when he paused from cutting her abdomen open. Meanwhile, she could only watch.
This was what must have happened to all her victims. Now she got to watch it done on her own meatsuit. Front row seats in the spectral stadium.
Neatly, systematically, the coroner removed one organ after the other. Used instruments clinked gently when he placed them on the tray next to the cold metal slab upon which her lifeless naked body lay. And all the while, her invisible presence hovered above the corpse, watching him work.
Saturated with morbid curiosity.
He mumbled something under his breath, swallowed by the surgical mask. Clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“A waste,” he said a bit louder.
His methodical precision of dismantling her body mirrored her callous and cold methods of murdering people with knives and machetes. She wondered if he ever, at one point, had felt any pleasure in cutting humans open. On second thought, they were nothing alike. He probably only ever cut open dead bodies, while she had only cut open the living, freeing the blood from their flesh.
Her heart flopped onto the sleek scales with a wet slap. The coroner studied the digital display, and scribbled down its weight upon his clipboard.
“This is bullshit,” Karma said. Her voice pierced the ether. A ghostly whisper, echoing through walls that could no longer contain her.
The coroner paused in the middle of filling out the form on his clipboard, looking up. Eyes darting back and forth. As if to glimpse someone invisible.
As if he had heard her.
Then he shook his head and continued writing. The ballpoint pen scritch-scratched out his meticulous observations. He shot a glance over the rim of his glasses when he paused next.
“Can you hear me?” she asked him.
He did not respond.
Only scrawled out more notes.
Another voice reached her. Low, growling, and demonic.
“No,” she said. Radiating defiance.
“Shut up,” she hissed with a sharpness to rival the resting scalpel.
The coroner looked up again. Over his shoulder. Only darkness gazed back at from the farthest corner, where light from fluorescent tubes seldom reached. He continued writing while Karma’s disembodied presence searched for an image of the source of the growling voice.
The Shadow.
It lurked in the morgue’s dark corners. The coroner had seen it, but never really saw it. Only ever felt it.
But now, in her current state of being, Karma could see it.
Tiny dots, where light reflected off metal surfaces. They shone out to her like a thousand sets of eerie eyes. Where the Shadow shifted, it formed thin slits like mouths.
All grinning.
The growling surged with hideous revolutions of laughter. A chorus of baritone. Twisted.
“No,” she said. “Shut the fuck up, you demon screwhead.”
“My name is Karma.”
The pen clicked under the coroner’s thumb. He snapped it onto the board and put it to rest on the desk. The wheels of his chair churned as he scooted back over to her corpse on the metal slab.
Another chorus of chuckles erupted into laughter, booming and reverberating throughout the morgue.
As if the coroner sensed it somehow, he rolled his head and shoulders, weathering the invisible sensation of a shiver running down his spine.
“This shit isn’t even real,” Karma hissed. “You motherfucker, you’re not real.”
“Just imagining things, Bobby-boy,” mumbled the coroner to himself.
The coroner chuckled. Nervously.
“I don’t give two shits ab—"
THAT WAS ME, CARLIE. SHE LET ME IN, . She let me in a long time ago, it said, almost ending on a whisper. Then the growls erupted in full force anew. AND I GUIDED HER. HELPED HER PUT ALL THOSE PRETTY LITTLE BULLETS IN YOUR PRETTY LITTLE BODY.
The fluorescent tubes flickered.
Electricity buzzed.
Light sliced along the edges of the ceiling.
The light flickered again and the Shadow roiled. Its thousand eyes blinked. The grins all widened.
The light cut along the edges of the morgue with precision, like a spectral scalpel of its own. Hands peeled away the skin of the ceiling, and a shimmering veil rippled above it. The surface of a pool of water, distorting the image of a man in the sky, where his hands plunged into the tar-like liquid.
Obscured entirely, his meaty fingers reached through until they touched, and curled, and grasped her by her shoulders.
And shook.
Not the corpse, but the disembodied Karma.
No longer disembodied.
“I told you not to touch that shit,” Jericho said.
The unreal reality of the dining room returned to her.
No longer in the morgue, she lay on the floor, on a chair toppled over from rocking it too much. The back of her head hurt where she had hit it on the ground. A spiderweb of cracks marked the glass floor, an echo of that impact, returning to her with the throbbing sensation at the back of her head.
Wet to the touch. Blood on her fingertips when she groped at it.
The decaying dining room unfolded around her like origami, and its grimy textures peeled away where invisible fingers tore the skin from muscle and bone with wet sounds. Disintegrating the morgue, and the dingy room in-between, the filthy room’s surfaces flaked away, transforming into bright and shining mirrors, sleek surface by surface.
The floor was cold.
Jagged were the cracks in the glass spiderweb.
Jericho leaned over her, shaking her by her shoulders again. Gentler, this time.
“Yo, you back? Or still out of it? Earth to Karma—you are babbling shit, talking to yourself,” he said.
The morgue and the coroner had been wiped away entirely, replaced by a shining room, dazzling in its light. Mirrored walls turned it into a symmetrical infinity of identical chambers, where a majestic chandelier reflected a thousandfold between each of its vaulted shining chambers.
Everything made of glass.
Everything but the unshaven face of Jericho Kane hovering above her.
“For fuck’s sake, Karma, I told you not to touch that black shit,” Jericho said.
Karma slapped his hands away and Jericho backed up and away from her.
“Yeah, you’re fuckin’ welcome,” he mumbled. Then with more strength, he asked, “Was he asking you to ‘let him in’?”
Karma scrambled up onto her feet. Her sneakers squeaked on the slippery glass floor.
“Not he. She. My voice… my voice is in there,” she replied.
Jericho frowned. Pursed his lips.
“Okay, yeah, sure. So it’s using our own voices. Bad. That shit’s trying to get in our heads. Some mind game crap. Whatever you do, don’t let it in—”
“No shit, butt-breath. We need to get out of here, and I figured that the alien asshole might know a way out. How many times have we been back in this fucking shit-ass mirror dining room shit?”
Jericho swiveled. Shrugged.
“Hell if I know. Stopped counting, man. I feel like we’ve been through every room a hundred fuckin’ times, at least. And seeing new rooms only makes it worse, because you… you don’t know what to expect.”
“Like the fuckin’ shower room,” they both simultaneously said in a rare moment of harmonious agreement.
They punctuated the sentence differently: she groaned, he sighed. Pushing the memory of the shower room back down into the darkest recesses of their minds.
The chandelier’s electric bulbs flickered.
“You think that means something?” she asked.
“What? What the black slime’s voice is telling us? Yeah, it’s some dark side shit. Some Michael-level shit. That’s why we shouldn’t listen.”
“No. Not that. I mean the lights.”
Jericho sighed again. He said, “Fuck if I know. Yeah, sure, the House is tryin’ to tell us something. It’s definitely trying to show us something. But I’ll be fucked if I know what. Unlike the shadowy asshole, it doesn’t have a voice, it’s not using words we can understand. Once I learn to speak House, I’ll let you know.”
“I saw myself in a morgue.”
“Yeah? Cool.”
“No, not cool. Fuck you, asshole. What is the House trying to tell me with that?”
“I dunno. Maybe that you’re dead and you don’t know it yet?” Jericho looked up at the mirroring ceilings, yelling at his own reflection above. “Hey, House, why don’t you tell her? I’m fed up with this shit.”
The House remained silent.
It always did.
The lights of the infinite chandeliers flickered. Electricity buzzed.
“Thanks, big help,” Jericho mumbled.
“What did it show you in the forest diorama stage? You saw something there, didn’t you? Like on the TV sets?”
Jericho kept his back turned to Karma. Cocked his head to one side, then the other.
He projected fear.
“I saw the other FBI guy. That… black dude, with the real short hair,” Jericho ran a hand through his mop of disheveled blond hair. “He was talking to… well, someone you wouldn’t know. Doesn’t matter.”
“And? Come on, ass-wipe, I’m starting to think there’s clues we’re missing. There’s gotta be a trick to get out of this fucking place.”
Jericho shook his head.
“No. There’s no trick. There’s only one way out of the House of Change.”
“Well, spit it out already. I’m sick and fucking tired of this place.”
Fully turned around, Jericho sported a weary smile. It did not reach his eyes.
“I told you before and I’m telling you again, till you get it into your thick skull. You leave this place a different person.”
“You said that last time and it still makes zero sense. Explain. Or explain it better.”
With a sudden surge of impatience, he scratched his nose. “I told you and I’ll tell you again. You only walk out of here… changed. It,” he stammered, pointed at his head, then continued, “It messes with your memories. It alters your identity. The person who walks out is no longer the person who walked in.”
“You were in here before, so you’re seriously telling me you were someone else last time? Were you less or more of a loser? I need to manage my expectations here.”
Jericho snorted. Chortled.
“You’re always calling me stupid, now look who’s the stupid one. You really don’t get it, do you? You can’t trick this place. You can only give up who you were and walk out as someone else. I think I…”
“I think my name used to be Jack. Does it want me to go back to who I used to be? I don’t want to go back to that, and I don’t want a new life again.”
“Why the fuck not? First off, you don’t know who Jack was, and second, you’re already at rock bottom.”
“Ha-ha, fuck off. No, you don’t get it. I wanted to… die. Then I… I met her.”
“Agent Parker? The fed bitch gave you new hope? Please.”
“Fuck off. No. Not Parker. It’s—what does it fucking matter? I’m starting to think that I have to give up who I am, give up the new spark of life I found, and, and give up her. And… f-fuck that.”
“You’re flapping your lips but saying nothing. Again. Useless shit. Or, well, maybe not entirely useless. Unlike you, maybe I am willing to change. I mean, I could walk out of here with a clean slate? Is that what you’re actually telling me? Does it alter reality to match my new identity or some such shit?”
Jericho’s mien darkened. He shrugged.
“Hell if I know.”
“I’d no longer be the killer? Well, that’d be a loss for the world, for sure, but I could give it a round two. Try out something new. Not mutilate my Barbies this time. A new look, a new you—a new me. Come on, man, you could actually be less of a loser if you give it an honest shot.”
Jericho stayed silent.
Karma turned, full circle, surveying their surroundings. Past the long dining room table of glass, and the rows of chairs made of glass, and between the infinite number of glass chandeliers, she now glimpsed a door in the mirror maze. Ajar by a slim crack. A sliver of light flickered behind it, shining in through the narrow opening.
“Yes,” she said. Then she shouted. “I’m willing to change! Let’s go! Maybe I can be a lawyer this time. Or a… oh, hell yeah. Maybe I could be a coroner. Is that what you’re trying to tell me? I think I got that in me, for sure.”
Jericho followed her gaze to the door.
It slowly opened of its own volition, granting them passage to the next room of the House.
Beyond it, a long hallway yawned. Gloomy and twilit, Karma recognized it as the hallway to the changing rooms of the gym where she used to go to school.
It took her on a trip down memory lane. Physical education. Running. The squeak of sneakers. Sweat.
She smiled to herself and set out that way. Her sneakers squeaked on the shiny surfaces of the mirrored floor. The door’s hinges creaked when she pulled it farther open, taking the House’s invitation to explore another room in its endless and liminal bowels.
Distant laughter echoed through the halls.
“Come on,” she said with a sidelong glance to Jericho. “Are you a Jerry-Can or a Jerry-Can’t?”
She giggled, hopeful she could trick the House. Trick her way right out.
He groaned and followed.
“I fuckin’ hate gyms,” he muttered.
“Bet you always got picked last,” she said with another derisive giggle.
Several steps inside, the door slammed shut behind them, cutting them off from the mirrored dining room. The lock click-clacked into place, trapping them in the gym.
Electricity buzzed and then fizzled. Sparks rained from the fluorescent tubes and something sinister chugged. Choked. Inside the walls. It mounted into something snarling.
The gym halls wept with tar-like fluid. It seeped from every dark corner, where Shadow pooled like living liquid.
They both dodged back from the edges of the hall. Its checkered floors shrank wherever shadowy tar flowed, spreading across the ground, closing in on the two people lost inside the House of Change.
“You hear her too, right?” Karma asked.
“Him, yeah. Fuck it. It. I hear it, loud and clear,” Jericho said.
The tar bubbled and grew. The Shadow coalesced, rising from gurgling mass, churning, shaping into a growing silhouette, vaguely humanoid—
Karma and Jericho bumped into each other, back to back.
Surrounded by the living tar.
Several silhouettes had risen from its belching, sputtering surfaces. Human only at first glance.
Featuring too many arms. Too many legs. Writhing tentacles. All pulsating, undulating, throbbing.
Vertical slits formed on the tar silhouettes, forming mouths.
Jericho squeezed Karma’s wrist till it hurt.
Kiddos, just let me in. I PROMISE IT WON’T HURT.
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theherosreturn · 1 year
Braldey, to the fake Jackrow during the extra-long charge (for maximum power): If the Fatalis did kill him, he would’ve been incinerated or eaten while, not decapitated. Besides, knowing him, something or someone ended up doing something to invoke his desire to aid others and averted that fate anyways, and he’s a stronger lad than he thinks. (At that moment, a certain crazed mercenary sneezed, as if he was mentioned) *looks to everyone else* If you can come along and choose to do so, I feel like I’ll be piercing the barrier with this so be ready! *looks at Irida, Ratha, Emir, and Joan in particular* Irida, you and your Glaceon should stay on Ratha. (Irida, ready to leave this place: Understood!) Emir, I’ve noticed that you can fly well enough, so follow Ratha. (Emir: Aigas! (That’s a sound of confirmation) Joan, Ratha, you both know what to do. (Joan, now wearing a kite like a glider: I’m ready!)
(After Ratha roars in agreement, the extra powerful Limit Break was unleashed…and immediately pierced through the Analog Beast upon impact, dispelling the various monsters and causing it to fall apart. Bradley kept flying, soon followed by everyone who could come along and wished to at this exact moment (A.N. I’m not sure Mimic, Whank, and Mr. Drew can come along, so I’ll leave that to you), and soon was careening towards the final, now weakened barrier. Soon, he was basically ramming into it. In the merged universes, a crack in the sky started to form, a distinct orange color. All paused to look at it, even the crystal zombies that Sam had unleashed…and soon enough…it broke, releasing an ethereal blue dragon that was followed by a few hard to see entities. Those who didn’t recognize it were in shock…but those who did recognize Dragonsong Dive realized something, to their dread for villains…and immense relief and hope for heroes. Why? The Warrior of Light…was back.)
(A.N. Let’s have a battle scenario with some characters who joined in through the Adventureverse be particularly seen…alongside Jackrow’s reaction to this)
(Note: Mimic can't really come since he's still yet to figure out how to exactly "leave" the In-between Realm, Mr. Drew can only go back to the Ink realm, and Whank actually does come along with the others!)
Molly, with Giovanni's old "Vincent Murder" outfit protecting herself and her bear hoodie: Is...Is that who I think it is?...
Ross: Told you he was tougher than anything Sam brought in his way!
Jackrow:...I'll be damned...He's actually back!...
Khan, who was blocking a bunch of gunfire with his metal door shield: Guys! I could use a little help!!...*The fight between The Crystallized Ones and a group of Savage Scavengers and C.I. was becoming more and more intense by the second*
(Meanwhile with Enchantress Pink and the others)
*While Lightshow Yellow was busy cheering up the tired Sarah Henderson (Needlemouse) and the mentally anguished Jack Walten (Bon the Rabbit)...Enchantress Pink was floating towards Martin Greywhinder in an ethereal way that oozed out malice*
Martin, while fruitlessly hoping they didn't see what he's done in the past: T-Thank you for freeing me from that awful monstrosity and stopping that strange Samuel fellow from turning all of my creations into nightmarish monsters-!
Enchantress Pink, after immediately ensnaring the wicked man in holy golden chains: SHUT. UP. *She floated directly into his face and glared directly into his rotten soul* You are guilty for murdering your entire family and all for the sake of supposedly creating the "Perfect Toy"...How do you plead?...
Martin Greywhinder:...Not guilty??....*Enchantress Pink simply stared at the man and let him go...Only to reveal that she had secretly teleported him into a closed off room where his creations were free to maim him in order to finally be set free...His ghostly wife watched as the mechanical monstrosities got closer and closer to him* No...No! Stay back!! I said stay ba-AAAACK!!!!
*They all tore him apart*
Sarah, after Enchantress Pink returned without that vile monster of a man:...Is he gone?...
Enchantress Pink: I've given The Family the chance to finally be set free and rest...Now it's both your turns to rest as well...
Jack Walten:...Will I get to see my family again?...*She nodded...They both had finally letted go of their grief and anger...setting them and every other spirit in their respective worlds free...*
Enchantress Pink, while smiling as they both began fading away: Rest well...You all deserve it...
0 notes
Adventure Two
Darkstar arrives with Fern Clan to the gathering at Great Rock. Already there sits Boulder Clan, Rain Clan, and Ash Clan. Blue rped Darkstar as a bit aggressive towards Ash Clan’s leader Crowstar. The important part of the meeting is that it’s revealed that Ash Clan has been attacked by Rain Clan lately and their medicine supply was destroyed. Darkstar also revealed that she caught Ash Clan dirt near the medicine meadow and doesn’t appreciate trespassing.
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Meanwhile Buttermoss gossiped with other clan cats, quickly learning of the foul tension between Rain and Ash Clan. As for Applepaw, he spoke with the other Medicine Cats, informing them he would always aid in providing them herbs— as Fern Clan has the most bounty in Medicine Meadow. Lastly, Grizzlebark awkwardly avoided the other Seers, whom whispered to each other about him…
After the meeting, Applepaw and Grizzlebark discuss their visions with Darkstar. After Darkstar asks if “Is that all?” Star Clan sends a message to Applepaw: Dry bark makes for good flames, rotting fruit brings flies. This is warning of destruction. Heed these words well Darkstar.
After this they return to camp to think on this, they see their fresh kill pile completely ransacked, with bloody paw prints around it. Darkstar sends Applepaw and Buttermoss to investigate.
They discover the medicine den was also ransacked, and that the sent trail leads into Fern Clan hunting grounds. They follow it all the way towards Snake Rocks, a cavern that leads towards Ash Clan territory.
Applepaw catches sight of two gleaming eyes. As the two stare wondering what to do, the cat slides its claws over the cave floor, casing sparks to pop under its fur. The two are bewildered by this and decide to go back and get more help. Applepaw restocks his medicine supply while Darkstar goes with Buttermoss into the caverns.
Two snakes are dropped on them, Darkstar bravely turns to face them alone while Buttermoss uses her dash knack to chase after the cat in the caves. She tackles the enemy cat, its fur covered in clay to defend against harm but still she beats him down. Not without him giving her a few slashes himself. Darkstar kills the two snakes and they proceed to question this cat.
They find out he is a Rain Clan warrior sent with three others to do this job during the gathering. Rain Clan’s reasoning being that the Medicine Meadows should be free to all clans and that Fern Clan is greedy. They examine his claws and see their dipped in a strange hard silvery substance. He claims he dipped his claws in Liquid Fire, something only made by two-legs. This is odd to the Fern Clan cats. Rather then let him go, they kill him…
Darkstar asks Applepaw about Liquid Fire. Naturally the young tom looks to Star Clan for answers… By munching on some shrooms. From there he astral projects with his dead mentor Maplesong, who takes him to the two-leg barn.
She shows him a two-leg smashing metal together and causing sparks to fly just like the Rain Clan cat’s claws. She explains that Ash Clan and Bolder Clan have the secrets to defend against Liquid Fire. Then Applepaw is ripped from his dreams.
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Applepaw and Maplesong by Flame.
Grizzlebark comforts Applepaw after this, the two brothers sit together as Darkstar debates what this all means. She holds a clan meeting and says she will determine who to go to for aid against Liquid Fire— Ash Clan or Bolder Clan. Much debate ensues. Applepaw and Grizzlebark seem in favor of Ash Clan. Grizzlebark argues with his seer knowledge that Ash Clan’s spirit animal is the wolf. A loyal pack animal that shouldn’t be backed into a corner. But after plausibly crossing into Fern Clan territory, Darkstar isn’t sure she can trust them. She says she will decide by morning, and dismisses the clan.
Applepaw returns to his den and quietly crafts poison… What is this little tom planning?
Grizzlebark goes up Great Tree, recalling his mentor Ripplefoot explaining the closer they are to Silver Pelt the closer they are to Star Clan. Within the tree lies runes of knowledge they had acquired from different species, but the mysterious rune metal alludes Grizzle. This is a two-leg rune. He realizes he can speak to Buttermoss about two-legs, as her kittypet knowledge may come in handy!
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aseioh · 3 years
Of Cakes and Late Celebrations
Author’s Notes: This was supposed to be posted on Mother's day. But just like this fic, I got derailed and ended up being late. (picture taken from the internet)
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It was Mother's day.
Or to be precise it will be Mother's day in 15 hours 25 minutes. It shouldn't be a problem for Alcina, she usually just buys something from the Duke to give to Mother Miranda.
Unfortunately, such a thing is not possible right now. The Duke was delayed with his routine arrival at the castle opening, something about a spooked horse and lycans trying to get a nibble.
Honestly she lost interest after the word delayed was spoken through the phone. How is she going to remedy this. The gift itself was one of the finest silk she was able to obtain, she was sure Mother would appreciate a new ritual robe.
This is bad. To show up without a gift on this special day. She was sure she would be made a mockery during the gathering. Whats worst was that fool Heisenberg would be the first to lead with his pathetic insults.
Just the thought made Alcina's blood boil.
”I should send Bela to switch that man's shampoo with dog shampoo. Although the man still smells like wet dog. No. I'll think of something more devious.“
But back to the matter at hand. It's almost Mother's day and she doesn’t have a gift. Taking a deep drag off her cigarette, she considers her dwindling options.
At western part of the village
Donna is also facing a similar problems.
"What do you mean you're not coming?! Where am I supposed to find a present at this hour?!" Angie's raspy voice filtered through the phone "do you know how hard it is to find a 1st edition book on occult and rituals."
"Apologies Miss Angie, but the horse spooked and the carriage suffered a broken wheel. Even if the servants manage to haul themselves your house to the Duke's location and back it would still be too late." The main servant said trying to sound as apologetic as he can come across.
"This would not do" Donna said finally in her normal voice.
Somewhere inside the Stronghold.
Karl Heisenberg was having a meltdown.
"YOU STUPID LYCANS! I GAVE YOU ONE JOB AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO IT RIGHT!!" Heisenberg paces around the small assembly hall. Ten Lycans looked very apologetic, although it was very hard to tell from their looks. One even lets out a soft whimper.
“I told you to stall The Duke for a while. I didn’t said to derail him completely. The man has a package for me, now how am I supposed to get it!?” Heisenberg seethes.
His plan was a simply one really. Stall The Duke so that he would arrive at Castle Dimitrescu late, that way Alcina would not get her package and present it to Mother Miranda. That would show her, a little payback for calling him a child.
What he didn’t count on was the utter incapability of the Lycans to follow simple directions. Now even he doesn’t have a gift. Oh Miranda’s gonna blow a gasket.
“Augh... I hate the consequences of my actions” He lamented
 At Moreau’s Reservoir
“NOOOOOOO!! That’s not fair, that’s not fair!!!” Moreau starts throwing his stuff on the floor. He had finally saved up his money to buy Mother Miranda that nice jewelry that would go perfectly with her black wings.
“Someone’s gonna pay” He vows to take revenge on the Lycans responsible for his problem.
 After all his pet fish has been hungry for some Lycan meat.
 Castle Dimitrescu (13 hours until Mother’s day)
“I have gathered you here today for a very important meeting” Alcina starts looking at the sad (Donna) and tearful (Moreau) faces of her so called ‘siblings’. Heisenberg is surprisingly calm which puts Alcina on high alert, but lets it slide in favour of the more pressing matter
“We have a big problem. The Duke will not arrive on time for Mother’s Day. That means all the presents we bought for Mother will not arrive”
“We need a solution, any ideas?”  
“We kill the Lycans responsible and feed them to my fish”
“Yes Moreau, but that’s after we solve this problem” Donna said and tries to placate a Moreau by patting him at the back.
“Whoa, that’s a bit dark but I like it. And Moreau is right, we’re gonna make fish food out of those Lycans” “Better off those basdards, after all I don’t want to implicate myself” Heisenberg thinks
“People, you’re missing the point here” Alcina says pinching her nose to ward off an incoming headache. “Listen, we don’t have time. You know Mother Miranda, She’ll say she wasn’t really expecting something and then low-key punishes us for missing the day. We don’t want a repeat of the 1967 incident do we?”
Moreau whimpers from the trauma.
Donna goes into a slight trance and starts to shake.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough” Heisenberg stands. “Why don’t we just bake something and say it’s from all of us”
“Do you know how to bake?”
“I work at the Factory, I make steel molds for a living how hard could it be?”
“That doesn’t answer my question Heisenberg”
“We could make a small doll” Donna pipes up
“Sorry Donna that would still take time. And I don’t think we have the right materials on such short notice.” Alcina says
“For someone who’s looking for a solution you sure are shooting down all of them”
“Because it’s not feasible Heisenberg.” Alcina huffs “Can you gather all the materials in less than 10 hours? No? Of course not”
“And I keep telling you just BAKE A CAKE!”
“I don’t know how to bake, child! I’m a BLOODY COUNTESS not hired help” Alcina bellows at Heisenberg
“I know how to bake”
Everyone turns to Donna.
“Of course, I used to watch my Mother bake cakes before the accident. I just need help decorating. I never got a hang of that part” Donna beams with pride as she explains the basics of baking
“And we can gather the ingredients no problem. You have a pantry here somewhere right Alcina?” Moreau asked
“Of course. We always have a full pantry for the servants.” At that Heisenberg looks at Alcina with a hint of disbelief
“What? We need them healthy to serve us. I’m not a complete monster.” Alcina defends
“In any case we should start early. It takes time to cool and decorating is hard”
 Castle Kitchen (12 hours 30 minutes before Mother’s Day)
It was truly a sight to see. In a way it was enough for the Castle’s servants to wet themselves in fear when they saw the 4 Lords gathered at the kitchen in various forms of concentration. Needless to say, everyone was warned to steer clear of the kitchen for now.
Moreau was together with Donna supporting her with mixing the wet ingredients. Meanwhile, at the other side of the cooking station Alcina and Heisenberg are charge of measuring out the dry ingredients.
“You need to be precise, don’t put too much. Remember what Donna said and look at the damn recipe”
“I know what I’m doing you damn woman. I’m all about precision. Why don’t you move away and get that mixing bowl at the top shelf.” Heisenberg grouched
“I’m not your servant. And I certainly will not start fetching stuff for you” Alcina shot back
“Alcina, we need to work together. We don’t have time and you’re the tallest of us all. Please cooperate with Karl just this once. Please?” Donna implored
“Once. I’m helping him for this one time only. When I get my hands on the Lycan responsible for this problem, I’m gutting him and throwing him at Moreau’s reservoir.” At Donna’s admonishment of Alcina, Heisenberg gives a shit eating grin, showing some rather very pointy canines.
“And Heisenberg, stop provoking Alcina.” Donna adds
“Fine, you’re no fun Donna”
Suffice to say, the baking went well. Who knew that the 4 Lords working together would be a great success? If only Mother Miranda saw her children working together peacefully she might have had a heart attack and thought that she suffered one as well.
Or she might have been dreaming.
 Castle Kitchen (6 hours before Mother’s Day)
“Alright, the cake has cooled down completely, So what color will be the icing?” Donna asked
“Yellow” “Cream” “Light Blue” the other three said simultaneously.
“Light blue? Really? Not everything needs to be manly Heisenberg”
“And not everything needs to be boring like your color, Alcina”
“It should be yellow, like Mother’s sunny smile” Moreau explains
“And in which ever universe has Mother ever smiled like the sun?” Heisenberg counters Moreau
“Hey now. No need for that tone!”
“Tsk, sorry Moreau” Heisenberg apologizes to a quiet Moreau
“Fine, let’s do pastel yellow it’s easier for the eyes anyway” Donna supplies, getting ready to start coating the cake with the yellow cream
 Inside the Sanctuary
“Happy Mother’s day”
“We hope you like the cake Mother”
“Yes, we poured out our love in baking it. I hope you appreciate it” Heisenberg said
“Why thank you loves. This is a wonderful surprise. And Moreau said that you all worked together in baking it. How wonderful!” Mother Miranda said grateful for once that her children worked together without collateral damage (that she knew of).
“Although Heisenberg, I heard something interesting from Urias” Mother Miranda looks pointedly at Heisenberg, who for some reason starts to sweat and turn pale.
‘oh shit’ “Really Mother? Good news I hope” Heisenberg tries to bluff his way out.
“Why it was quite peculiar really. He said that you got 10 of his Lycans for a special project. I wasn’t aware that you have some side projects”
 The 3 Lords turn to Heisenberg
“Wait what?”
“I KNEW IT!!” Alcina unsheathes her claws
“You’re responsible for this mess in the first place!!”
“Really guy relax, if anything I just proved that we need more than one traveling merchant in the village for a successful and on time delivery” Heisenberg starts to carefully ease his way to the nearest exit.
In the end, Alcina was more than ready to feed Heisenberg to Moreau’s pet fish. Only Donna stopped her, citing Moreau would probably be inconsolable if his pet got indigestion from all the metal.
And that is how Heisenberg saw himself in doggy jail for a week along with his Lycan cohorts. Mother Miranda did get her Mother’s day gifts from her children although a bit later than expected.
 And the cake?
 The cake was surprisingly delicious.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Helloooo, can you do headcanons on Dazai having a strong S/O (ability wise) like nearly as strong as Chuuya? Cause isn't he a literal God lol. Thank you :]
Hewo! I had a lot of fun writing this...it almost turned out to be a oneshot :p , but dw, I managed to turn it into hcs :D
Here u go~
Dazai x gn!reader
Reader has a strong ability...like, rlly cool 😎 it's my dream ability
      This man is head over heels.
He loves how you scream over a cockroach but can rip people to shreds at the same time.
Since you didn’t mention any specific ability, I have gone ahead and given you a lightning ability.
Arahabaki is the god of calamity, that combined with Chuuya.
Raijin is the God of lightening. Your ability is pretty similar to His powers.
You can control the place, time and method of a lightning strike. You can also produce it on the spot and shoot it from your hands...kinda like Palpatine.
Your eyes turn arctic blue, with your hair flowing around you. You look like a literal Goddess/God.
He was mesmerised when he witnessed it in action for the first time.
You and Dazai were walking through Yokohama, observing the internal beauty of the city via small lanes and random alleyways.
Hand-in-hand, you two were chatting about how Dazai hadn’t tried the Napolitana pasta yet, despite living in a city that was rumoured to have invented the dish.
That’s when Dazai pulled you around a random corner and shielded you from the view of the road you two were originally walking on.
You knew better than to speak at such a moment and decided to observe and try to pick any signs of being followed.
Sure enough, you could hear faint footsteps come to a stop right at the corner, you two still being shielded by the corner. You both waited with bated breath, and after a while, the person went away.
Relieved, you were about to walk out of your hiding place, when a barrel placed itself on your head from behind. Your eyes widened and you froze in place. Dazai noticed the unknown presence and looked behind only to find you being held a hostage.
“Long time, Mr. Executive!”, the man holding you hostage said as he grinned at Dazai.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in prison, Ito san?”, Dazai said, offering him his own smile.
You could easily read through his façade. The smile was only a mask, covering his panic and fear. You had no experience in fighting, and Dazai was no match for this man. He had fought him earlier, but that was when he had Chuuya by his side. Dazai can come up with a spectacular and manipulative plan, and Chuuya, or his current ada partner, Kunikida, can execute it, considering their brawn. He was the brains, and his partners had always been the brawn. He can fight the occasional criminal, but Ito was a feared enemy of the mafia, who was both mentally and physically strong. He had always assumed that the mafia had caught him, and sent him to jail, thanks to the mafias feared double black, but apparently, he had gotten away, or had found a way to break out of prison.
“prison isn’t a place for a man like me; you of all people know that. So, I left! Decided to say hello to an old friend, now that I’m back.”
He moved his gun from your head, dragging it down to your chin.
“Turns out, my visit might actually kill two birds with one stone.”
Understanding the hidden meaning behind his words, Dazai tensed up. He couldn’t let him hurt you. He had to get you out f here. But how is he going to do that? There is no way out of this without either of you getting hurt. He must protect you, but what must he do?
You chuckled.
“Something funny, pretty thing?”
“Actually, yes.”, you say, “Do you know who you’re threatening?”, you smirk, your tone dangerously low and intimidating.
“You’re playing a dangerous game; Ito-san, wasn’t it?”
The man grabbed your chin, turning you to face him.
“I was going to let you go, but I suppose your naivety deserves a bullet to the head!”
You smiled, activating your ability.
A sudden jolt of electricity travelled into his body. Yelping, he let go of you. Using this window of opportunity, you kicked the gun out of his hand and pushed yourself away from him. Dazai quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the man, and out of the alley. His main intention was to get you away from here. Away from danger. He hadn’t understood what had just happened, but he decided that right now, running was the best course of action.
You two turned multiple corners, crossed many junctions, and ended up at an open field. Beyond the field, a few blocks away, was a metro station. You two could head to safety from there. All you had to do was cross this abandoned field and get in the metro.
Multiple men, clad in a uniform of sorts, emerged from the shadows, circling you both.
“Thought you could run away, did you?”, Ito stepped into the circle, a proud smirk on his face.
“You will face the consequences for destroying my gang. We never broke apart, you see. All of us are back. And we will take over the mafia, defeat the ada, and control this city.”
“Good luck with that.”, you say as you let go of Dazai’s hand, ignoring his warnings to stay back. Kinda like that scene with odasaku :')
You spread your arms wide, activating your ability. Bolts of lightning shot out from your fingers, hitting a few of the men, dropping them to the ground.
The men had no time to react as you swiftly raised yourself off the ground, hovering over them, and unleashed your signature move, striking them with a large bolt of lightning from the sky.
The head of the group, Ito, activated his own ability, the ability to control metal. Multiple guns aimed themselves at you and began shooting.
You created a shield around yourself, effectively blocking the hundreds of bullets.
Meanwhile, Dazai sneaked behind the others, incapacitating them.
You continued to fight Ito, blocking his attacks, and sending a couple bolts his way, while simultaneously attacking the others. The field was a mix of bullets, sharp scraps of metal, and bolts of electricity.
At the end, Dazai sneaked up behind Ito, nullifying his ability, and knocking him out.
To say that he was surprised would be an understatement.
He had heard of an ability that controlled lightning, but this was his first time witnessing it in action.
'Heaven's Fury' was the name of your dangerous ability.
He thought it suited you very well..
You are calm and composed, but when angered, you can unleash madness upon your enemies.
You were always so elegant, and seeing you like this, using your powers and fighting atleast 20 people at once, he couldn't help but admire your majestic beauty.
Your ability gives me 'They tell me I'm a God, I'm lost in the façade, Six feet off the ground' vibes.
Dazai agrees with my opinion.
You look like a deity.
He liked the idea of protecting you, yes, but he found it so hot that you could protect yourself.
Hell, he now knows that you can not only protect yourself, but also take out an entire city on your own.
He would be much at peace now, knowing that he doesn’t quite have to worry so much about any past enemy of his taking revenge. You were stronger than almost all his enemies.
Will praise you, 24/7. He wouldn’t stop talking about it.
He wonders why you didn’t tell him, and you merely shrugged saying that he never asked.
He would brag about you to all his friends(ada members)
He would never tell anyone other than the ada members, though, as he doesn’t want anybody to do some research and find out a way to defeat you.
He prefers it to be an element of surprise and catch the enemies off-guard.
Loves watching the shocked and scared faces of those that decide to wrong you, leading to you using your formidable ability on them.
If you aren’t a part of the ada, he would definitely think that you’d be a great addition to the organization.
He would never ask you join, though. He wants you to be as safe as possible. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have a strong ability, he just wants you out of harm’s way.
Besides, using your ability can take a toll on your health too.
He just wants to see you happy and safe.
If you decide to join the ada, he will try to talk you out of it.
If you’re absolutely sure of your decision, he wouldn’t stop you.
Instead, he will accompany you on all your missions, and will ask Atsushi to come along too.
He is aware that you are extremely strong and don’t need anyone, but he will constantly worry about you, which is why he accompanies you.
Don’t get him wrong, he really loves you and trusts you, but he is just so worried.
So, don’t oppose him when he joins you, please. Poor baby is just really concerned for your health.
Will call up Chuuya and brag about you to him.
“My Belladonna is much stronger than you, chibi-kun ;p”
If you’re taller than Chuuya, Dazai will tease the hell out of poor hat man.
He'll be like,"LOL shorty XD. My s/o is both taller and stronger than you!!"
If you're not taller, it will still be hell for poor wine boy.
"I can't believe that you're weaker than my s/o! They're so much better than you, LOL"
"Shut up, bastard!"
"Pathetic chuuya.. You literally have a God inside you, and you're still weaker! LMAO"
I feel bad for chu chu :(
But, oh well, that's just them, ig :)
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@sicktember #1
Prompt # 1: Fever
Title: Damn Nick Fury
Fandom: Avengers/MCU
To kick Sicktember off, I'm starting with some classic Avengers sickfic. This is actually part of a longer work that I posted many moons ago on AO3. Still one of my favorite whump fics that I've written.
Clint Barton breathed slowly and deeply as he drew back his bow, sighting in his next target. He was so far unnoticed by the cultists they were fighting, perched high in a tree as he was. Below, Natasha was baiting and dodging them with ease, dispatching one every now and then to keep them occupied. Clint's task was to pick them off as she did so.
Another arrow met its mark.The archer sniffled wetly as he reloaded while cold water continued to trickle down the back of his collar. He had made Fury aware a day or so ago that he had a mild cold, as was his duty as an assassin. If he wasn’t at one hundred percent, his commander needed to know. However, Fury had insisted he and Nat take this mission, since no one else was available. The soaking rain they encountered when they arrived was unexpected. However, it turned out the rain had actually made it easier to obtain the objective of this particular mission. Meanwhile though, it was making Clint thoroughly miserable. Compared to other missions it was going quickly, but the five hour stakeout leading up to the current fight had not been pleasant in the continuous downpour, even up in a tree.
Wiping his nose on his shoulder, Cint again loosed an arrow. Only five more cultists to go. Then they could loot the bunker, get the map they needed, and go home. A drip of water hit him right in the eye, and he growled to himself, inwardly cursing Fury. He had started to shiver an hour ago, though he made sure his hands were steady as ever. He couldn’t wait to take a long, hot shower and sleep for at least twelve hours. He only needed to hold out a little longer.
The tickle in his throat had gradually become a low, irritating ache. He coughed softly. The sound did little to make his throat feel better, but it did make the nearest cultist look up at him. Before the man could do anything other than widen his eyes, Clint’s arrow ended him expertly.
Hawkeye sighed wearily. Four more to go.
Thirty-six hours later, Clint and Natasha were relaxing on the couch in Avengers Tower. Natasha had her legs tucked up under her and was reading a book while Clint had his head pillowed in her lap with his arm flung over his eyes. Suddenly, his breath hitched warningly. Natasha lifted her arm in a practiced way to give him room to turn and bury his face into a tissue:
"HehyYIIZSHHhoo! hihtESHHHiew!"
She looked down at him with an irritated sound. "That is the third time you've sneezed in as many minutes. I'm making zero progress in this book. You're going to be finding yourself a new pillow in a minute here. Plus I'll kill you if you get me sick."
He sniffled wetly and blew his nose before replacing his head in her lap with a weak cough. "Aww, you would ndever kill mbe, 'Tash. I'mb the only one who puts up with your crap. But I'mb sorry. I can'dt help the sneezing. It's mbaking mbe mbiserable too if that helps."
She sighed in an annoyed way, but couldn't help looking down at him fondly. "You're lucky I know you well enough to understand what you're saying. And you're also lucky that it just so happens to be true that we tolerate each other better than most, so you're safe from assassination for now."
"Blame Fury. This cold wasn't so bad until I had to sid oud id the rain for hours." He sniffled thickly again, barely turning his head away as he followed it up with a cough.
Natasha made a face, swatting his shoulder lightly. "You're gross. Cover your mouth when you cough. And I don't *have* you let you lay here, you know. You have a perfectly comfortable bed only a short elevator ride away."
" 'm cold though. And if I go ubstairs there's ndo one to mbake mbe tea." He swiped at his reddened nose with the tissue, trying to look extra pitiful.
"You're extra whiny when you're sick. Not a good look on you, Hawk." She carded her fingers once through his hair. "And you're just cold because you're a little feverish."
Instead of replying, Clint halfway sat up again and brought a tissue to his nose, breath scissoring and nostrils flaring.
Natasha groaned as Clint once more exploded into a sneezing fit:
"Gihh-ESSHHshuuu! hehKSHHHshuu!" He coughed, then sneezed again: "ERRSHHhuh! Hih'EZSHHyue! --guhhh." Clint miserably rubbed the space between his eyebrows, slowly lowering himself once again to Natasha's lap.
"Apparently my partner has managed to catch the world's sneeziest cold. How did I get so lucky?"
Once again Clint was kept from replying as Natasha's communicator began to ring. She glanced at the screen, then at Clint.
"It's Fury," she warned.
Clint quickly sat up. She answered the device, turning it so they could both see. Fury's single eye met theirs, looking as serious and commanding as ever.
"Good, you're both here. Barton… your nose looks red. How are you feeling?"
"Aboud the sabe I guess. Sneezy."
"And feverish," Natasha said with a warning look at her partner.
"How feverish?"
"Ndot very. One hundred or so," Clint mumbled.
"That's… not ideal. But I don't have any other option… if at all possible, we need you both out in the field again ASAP. We've discovered a small Hydra base, but it's a crucial one. Some of their brainiest goons are posted there, working on something big. From some communication we intercepted, it sounds like their project is almost finished. I need eyes out there immediately. Recon only for now. Think you can handle that?"
The assassins glanced at each other. "We're good to go," said Clint firmly, though the sore-sounding rasp in his voice betrayed him slightly.
"I hope so. Don't disappoint me. I expect you in the air in an hour or less." With that their director ended the call.
Barton and Romanov glanced at each other once more, this time with a weary sigh from Clint before they stood and went to get ready.
"Barton! What's your situation?"Natasha's voice crackled over the com.
"Being... chased by three. Heading... to the roof… of the base," Clint gasped around labored breathing.The metal steps made a sharp clanking noise as the archer sprinted up them, nocking an arrow as he went.
"Can you handle them on your own?"
"We'll… see...," he panted, sweat rolling into his eyes. "Backup… would be nice...."
"I'll be there as soon as I can. I've got 4 of my own. Hang in there, Hawk!" The line went dead for the time being.
"I'm gonna … kill Fury…," he mumbled breathlessly as he reached the roof. He darted to the far side of the area and spun around, taking a knee and aiming his bow at the stairway he had just vacated. The sounds of the three Hydra agents sprinting up behind him were unmistakable, but he was as ready as he was going to be.
"This was supposed to be... an easy recon mission, but noooooo…. It's another... full-on assault," he continued to mumble, trying to catch his breath as the shouting on the stairs got louder.
As an extra stroke of bad luck, it was pouring rain here too. Clint flipped the water out of his eyes with a toss of his head, his hair and clothes hanging on him limply. He hadn't stopped shivering since they'd gotten off the jet. His teeth were now chattering and his fingers were blue with cold. His throat was absolutely burning now, raw and inflamed, the pain exacerbated from running. He couldn't suppress a hoarse barking cough just as the first baddie poked his head through the opening. Clint dispatched him immediately, but the two still coming up were not dissuaded.
The second goon got lucky. Clint's hand slipped on the bow a fraction, and the Hydra agent got hit in the shoulder instead of the heart. The archer knew he was in trouble now. With trembling hands, he managed to kill number three with a final arrow, but the one he had wounded, by far the biggest of them all, continued to advance menacingly.
Hand-to-hand combat was evidently imminent. On any other day Clint could have made short work of this, but this miserable, feverish cold had him operating at around fifty percent capacity and falling. Clint pulled out his knives with shaky hands and another rasping cough. When his opponent was a foot away, Clint tried to leap up to get in the first hit. Instead he slipped and staggered, and the Hydra agent's fist, with all of his weight behind it, caught him in the ribs. Clint heard a dull cracking sound as he was flooded with pain, but he couldn't pause. He spun and ducked, trying to avoid the worst of the blows while trying to get in some of his own. At least ⅓ of his opponent's swings met their target though, and in minutes Clint was battered and bruised, barely clinging to consciousness.
He knew he only had enough stamina for one more try. In a split second, while the Hydra agent was off-balance winding up for another swing, Clint leapt once more, and at last his knife met its mark.
As the baddie crumpled to the ground, so did Hawkeye, wheezing weakly, every breath agonizing. He activated his com as his vision threatened to gray out:
"Roof... clear. Good...Nat?"
"All clear down here too. Mission complete. Nice job, Hawk. Let's turn this bunker inside out and go home."
"You good, Barton?" she asked, concern suddenly in her voice.
"Gonna need... medevac… Won't… make it down… stairs…."
If Natasha replied, he did not hear her. He let his head fall against the cool, wet metal and let the grayness overtake his vision.
48 hours later found Clint lying on a bed in S.H.E.I.L.D. medical with broken ribs and and a confirmed case of pneumonia. He was drifting in and out of consciousness from the drugs they were giving him, but his ears perked up when he heard Natasha arguing with someone nearby.
"He's stable. Not on oxygen. Fever is controlled. He can tolerate oral meds. There's no reason he needs to stay. I promise you, he won't recover while he's here. You need to discharge him home."
The haughty-looking orderly she was speaking with huffed angrily, muttering about shortness of breath and heart rate and changing oxygen requirements.
Clint let himself drift off again to the sound of their voices, trusting his partner to deal with the situation. A cool hand on his cheek awakened him a little while later. He blearily opened his eyes to meet Natasha's, for of course it was she that had roused him.
"We're busting you out of here," she whispered with a little smile. "They're bringing a wheelchair now."
"Thangk god," Clint groaned. "And thangk *you*, 'Tash. You're a lifesaver."
"Eh, you've saved my life plenty of times too. I think we're pretty even."
It took some maneuvering to get a very breathless, battered, and achy Clint out of the bed and into the wheelchair, but they managed it with minimal damage. Once he was settled in the chair, Natasha wheeled him away to their rooms.
Inside Clint's suite, they again had to coordinate getting him from the chair to his bed. Natasha was grateful Clint's pain tolerance was high, because she knew the transfer was far rougher without the assistance of the medical staff. He didn't make a sound throughout the process however, though his face was drawn in pain. As soon as he was settled though, he let out the breath he'd been holding in a rush, which quickly became a nasty coughing fit. He had trouble catching his breath for several moments even after the fit ended. He gasped and wheezed and clutched his ribs, sweaty and reddened and miserable. Natasha could only watch helplessly, stroking his hair to try to help him relax.
"Damn Fury," he croaked weakly when he could finally speak. "This fugcking sucks. "
"Language, please. But I can't argue with you there."
"I'mb gonna kill himb for sending me od thad mission."
"I think he got his just desserts since now his best archer is out of commission for a few months. But at least it seems like the sneezy part of your cold is better."
"You h- had to s- hih- say sumbthing, dih- dn't you?" Clint croaked, gingerly bracing his ribs as his breath scissored and his red nose twitched:
"Gih'tsschh! Ghhnxt'chf! Oh Fugck. Ow! Ow ow ow...." Clint groaned, gritting his teeth, eyes squeezed shut in pain. "Not doing that again."
"Yeah, stifling is probably not wise. Poor sick guy," Natasha murmured, carding his hair with her fingers as they waited for Clint's pain to subside.
After a moment, Clint opened one eye, looking suspicious. " 'Poor sigck guy?' Who are you and what have you done with mby partner?"
Natasha smirked as she sat on the edge of his bed. "Would you prefer I call you a whiny asshole?"
"Yes. Maybe. I dunno," Clint mumbled with a weary sigh and a grimace of pain as he exhaled.
"Well too bad for you, because right now *my* partner is sick and miserable and I plan to baby him at least a little until he's feeling better."
"Guess I'mb nodt complainig," Clint mumbled, stifling a cough, which only made him clutch his ribs in pain. "Hurts whed I cough. Hurts whed I try not to cough. Fugck me."
"Language, seriously. But what can I do to help? You need water, food, drugs, anything?"
"Nodt hungry or thirsty. Too sood for drugs. I just want to sleeb, 'Tash."
"That sounds like a good plan. I'll leave you be then. But I'll be back to check on you soon." She stood up right away, fussing around and tidying up his nightstand area before moving toward the door.
" 'Tash?"
She turned expectantly.
" 'm still cold," he mumbled thickly, looking pale and weary now.
Her face softened affectionately. "Well you're still running a fever, hotshot. You're gonna feel cold."
He groaned pathetically. She moved to his side once more.
"Aww, you're shivering," she murmured, stroking his cheek.
"Told you, I'mb freezing…."
She sighed, looking at him fondly. "Is this you trying to say that you need some extra body heat in bed with you for a while?"
He looked at her pleadingly.
"Okay, okay, no more puppy eyes. I'm coming. But if you get me sick--"
"I know, I know, you'll kill mbe. I'll try ndot to share."
"That's all I ask." She kicked off her shoes and slid into bed beside him, doing her best to jostle around as little as possible. They carefully arranged themselves so that Clint was tucked against Natasha, most of his weight resting against her, while her weight was against the stack of pillows behind them. This position seemed to cause the archer the least pain, and in fact he relaxed against her right away, his breathing deepening.
" I'mb sorry I'mb so warmb. You'll probably swelter," mumbled Clint sleepily.
"It's not the first time I've slept with you when you're running a fever, and I'm sure it won't be the last. As long as you're warm enough."
"Am now," he breathed, nearly asleep.
"Then that's all that matters to me."
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 years
The Voyage So Far: Wano (Part One)
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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shirahoshi seeing the sun for the first time is really a relatively minor and understated thing, among all the chaos and revelations of reverie, but it strikes me as one of the most meaningful little moments in the arc. 
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i LOVE the luffy fanclub. i love that a meeting of the world leaders winds up being a who’s-who with assorted friends of one of the world’s most notorious criminals, and it brings me SO much joy to see them meeting each other and being able to connect. i feel the same way about coby and rebecca meeting.
in general, and i think i said this at marineford too, i love that the one piece world is developed and interconnected and alive enough to allow for these sorts of interactions. 
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fucked up that this was almost a hundred chapters ago and we still have no clue what the fuck was up with this, isn’t it? 
i do find the introduction of im fascinating. up until this point we’ve had two presumed final villains- blackbeard and akainu- who were first established pretty far back at jaya and enies lobby (in robin’s flashback) respectively. meanwhile, im isn’t even seen until chapter nine hundred and something. it feels very late-game, but at the same time, their existence doesn’t contradict anything previously established, and in fact jives pretty well with a lot of information more recently revealed in dressrosa. 
in any case, when in doubt i do trust oda knows what he’s doing when handling his story, and i’m very excited to see what he does with this.
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wano is SO PRETTY. i mentioned this before in fishman island, but i think wano is definitely the prettiest setting in the series to date. i think it’s obvious oda was both very excited to draw it and put a lot of work and research into his depiction of it, and wow does it pay off. wano is so bursting with life and detail, and frequently looks like an ukiyo-e painting come to life, and just- wow wow wow.
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i love zoro and luffy’s reunion so much... i love how happy they are to see each other. it’s only been, what, a couple weeks in-universe? but luffy is pulling the full tackle-hug like he did for sabo at dressrosa. i love them.
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i really like the outfits in wano, too!! zoro’s ronin look in particular i think suits him very well, and i also love luffy’s patchy yukata and robin’s geisha getup and they’re just very cool. this also applies to the non-strawhat wano characters, for the record, and kind of ties back to what i was just saying about wano being so full of detail. it has a very specific look, and everything from the outfits to the way things like the fire and the waves are drawn folds very neatly into that aesthetic. 
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as i’m writing this i just finished on the paramount war posts, so with that fresh on my mind, i have to say i really like the way ace (or rather, his memory) is incorporated into wano. he’s not really a major presence- that is, the fact that he was there before luffy has no real bearing on the plot. but there are people who knew and cared about him and remember him fondly, tama and yamato, and it just really helps add to this feeling that ace was a person and his life and death had real and lasting affects. 
and it adds, too, to the fact that even if it took ace way too long to realize it, he was so thoroughly loved everywhere he went. 
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i have a lot of thoughts on the intersection of food and heroism in one piece (i keep trying to compile a coherent meta post on the subject and mostly failing). but i’ll settle for saying that in wano luffy is a hero by his own definition, as someone who shares food with others, and i doubt he realizes that, but i think it’s really interesting. 
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i know luffy’s fight with kaidou is kind of controversial in fandom but i love it, personally. it feels like a logical outcome for luffy to get his ass kicked the first time he tries to go up against a yonkou singlehandedly! he got wrecked when he tried to throw down with a shichibukai the first time, too, and this is just the next logical step from that. 
luffy’s always been an underdog starting from nowhere and working his way up and up and up, and i love that for him. of course he’s going to get messed up the first time he tries punching an entire order of magnitude above his weight class. and then he’s going to get up and try again, and again, and again until he wins. 
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the act structure of wano is really neat, i think. it helps such a long and complicated arc feel a lot more structured and less interminable than it might otherwise, and it also gives specific breaks where we can cut away to the story happening on the outside world. 
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honestly i really like the whole udon prison segment. it’s fun! i like it for similar reasons i like the colosseum mini-arc in dressrosa, honestly, which is that there’s no real stress because we know luffy is the scariest person there by a country mile so we can just watch him go ham, and that’s fun. it consistently cracks me up that absolutely nobody is worried luffy’s in jail. they’re all just like “yeah, he’ll be fine.” and they’re right! he’s having the time of his life!
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wano’s cast is fascinating, because almost nobody is who they first appear to be. almost everyone is wearing masks, whether literal or not- fitting, for an arc structured after a kabuki play. everyone is playing roles, from hiyori to denjirou to kanjurou to yasuie, and everyone lies. 
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this entire sequence at orochi’s party is one of my favorites in the whole arc- in fact, it was my favorite, until we reached a certain part i’ll get to in the next post. everything from komurasaki standing up for toko and slapping orochi to denjirou “killing” her to robin getting caught by the oniwabanshu and dissolving into petals to nami calling down a massive lightning bolt to cover their escape- it’s really good. 
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i’ve written extensively before about the smile fruits and the themes of smile and laughter in one piece and how important the freedom to feel and express emotion is. suffice it to say that for all the atrocities orochi commits against the people of wano, it’s feeding the smile fruits to the people of ebisu town that is his greatest crime, and the revelation of just what happened to those poor people ratchets up the tragedy of wano tenfold.
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i do think it’s interesting to think about how if denjirou had been just a little less committed to his role, zoro would’ve killed orochi right here. it really drives home that orochi is nothing- he’s weak, he’s cowardly, he’s just lucky and clever and cruel enough to be able to get much more powerful people to do his work for him. 
it’s infuriating that someone like him has been able to hold such power over the lives of the people of wano and ruin them so thoroughly, and that’s exactly the point. 
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wano is the arc where oda says you Will care about the supernovas and i’m like yeah
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hey, another of my all-time favorite luffy panels!! i honestly just think this one sums him up as a character in a line more than almost any other- “i’m always free.” 
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just look at the detail on kidd’s metal hand holy shit holy shit. on occasion certain panels jump out at me that remind me that oda really is just, a genius at drawing on a technical level, even setting aside his writing and storytelling chops, and this is one of them. 
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oda is really, really good at creating the sense of a darkest hour- a time when all hope seems lost. the other best example in the series is in water seven, when the crew seems to be falling to pieces, merry is marked for death, robin’s gone, and the aqua laguna is coming. here, too- nobody comes to meet the akazaya nine, and the one chance they’ve waited twenty years and staked their lives on seems in danger of slipping through their fingers-
but the point of making it so all seems lost is so that when hope does appear, it shines all the brighter, and feels all the more triumphant. it’s always darkest before the dawn, and we all know how wano has been waiting for the dawn. 
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dreaminpetals · 3 years
I love how you write Andrew, could I have a little mermaid au where his s/o is a mermaid and it follows the events of the disney movie?? Or it can be a normal mermaid fic if you're not familiar with it, no pressure. Keep up the great work <3
🌊 the little mermaid // andrew kreiss
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you had always been fascinated with human culture, particularly the people that lived above your aquatic kingdom. the castle you lived in was located directly under what your friend bonbon called a railway. everyday a train would zoom past, full of humans with different lives and destinations. you longed to grow legs and ride a train yourself. alas, you were stuck under the sea with seahorse drawn carriages as your main mode of transportation.
bonbon had been teaching you about conductors, the brave humans who controlled the trains, before you realized you were almost late to see your favourite train fly by. it was going to arrive any minute now and you needed to see it.
unfortunately, when you swam as fast as your little tail could take you to the railway, embers and rubble were scattered throughout the terrain as far as the eye could see. the train had... crashed?
your first instinct was to search for survivors of the wreckage. after digging through heaps of metal and ash, you found a man struggling to stay afloat. "i've got you!" you yelped, battling the debris with your tail and bringing him to the surface to rest atop a loose seat from the train.
when you got a good look at the human you saved, it was as if cupid struck you with one of his arrows. he was a man with skin so pale it was almost grey, and beautiful white hair despite looking so young. it was unlike anything you've ever seen before, did all humans look like this? his eyes fluttered open and met yours. they were a coral hue and absolutely breathtaking. looking up, you recognized his hat from the stories bonbon rehearsed to you... he was the train conductor! oh, you were so glad that he was safe.
merfolk were meant to be kept a secret from the humans lest they be hunted for their scales, so once a spotlight flashed over the man you returned home, giggling all the way back. you got to touch a human and it was a handsome one too! you couldn't wait to tell your sisters about it.
arriving at the castle, you were instantly greeted by two of your sisters, emily and vera. they both wondered why you were covered in soot.
oh yeah.
you were a bit dirty from rescuing that train conductor.
they washed you up with some soap while you gushed to them about the boy you saw, but none of them were very impressed with your actions.
"humans are the reason we lost our father, he was killed by pirates, do you not remember?" vera scolded you as she massaged soap into your scalp, "there are plenty of mermen for you to choose from so please, please stay away from the surface. i don't want to lose a sister," if she wanted to nail guilt into your head then it certainly worked, you felt awful. was saving him really that heinous of a crime? you couldn't simply ignore someone if they were about to die, human or not.
emily scrubbed at your tail and tut-tutted you, "humans are dangerous creatures and only wish to hunt us down, i'd advise seeking mental help if you find yourself attached to one... please y/n, we only want the best for you."
halfway through her speech you suddenly became dizzy. you heard the sound of a young girl cackling in your ear, and you swore you saw a flash of purple swimming away, right outside your window...
the sea witch, yidhra, let out a boisterous laugh when she learned of your current situation. a mermaid has fallen in love with a human? oh, this was too good!
yidhra specialized in making deals with unsuspecting merfolk, she collected their souls like an oyster would collect pearls. young lovestruck girls were the most vulnerable of targets, she could see herself winning big off of you. the daughter of miss nightingale, ruler of the seas? you being a princess in love meant you could hand over the key to the kingdom if you could spend just a day with your beloved. dangerous schemes swam through her head, this was going to be the deal of a lifetime.
meanwhile, above the surface, the train conductor who nearly tasted death was going nuts thinking about you. hushed whispers of townsfolk taught him that mermaids were ravenous creatures who only sought to lure sailors from their ships to consume their souls, but a mermaid had saved him. nobody believed andrew; they insisted he had been pulled from the wreckage by one of his crewmates and merely hallucinated a mermaid. a mermaid would never save him, they would only drag him down further.
their words ate away at andrew. were mermaids as misunderstood as he was? his entire life, andrew had been cast away as a monster. rumours circled around that his lack of pigment was caused by sucking out the souls of his train passengers for nutrients. the mystery girl he saw wouldn't leave his mind, every waking moment he heard her voice, a melodic chirp that promised to save him... if only he recorded her appearance, he couldn't remember what she looked like if he did try to find her. only her voice. he longed to meet her. he longed to repay her, nobody deserves to endanger themselves to save andrew kreiss of all people.
when you stirred, all of your sisters were gathered around your clamshell bed. frantic whispers filled the room as you sat up and placed a heat compress on your head. it felt like someone hexed you.
"she has a slight fever, but i trust that y/n will make a full recovery with some rest," emily explained to tracy, your youngest sister who was beside herself with worry. "she likely went into shock from seeing a human up close. fret not, demi is preparing some medicine as we speak."
soon enough, their voices fizzled out and were replaced by a ghoulish group of whispers in your ear. it sounded like several children and an old woman speaking all at once. "come to yidhra's domain, sweet princess. you will meet your human love if you follow my instructions." your human love? your ears perked up the moment you heard her mention the train conductor you had fallen for. suddenly gaining a burst of energy, you told your sisters you were going to take a breather in the castle garden and swam off. they were left dumbfounded.
before you raced to yidhra's domain, you told your feathered friend bonbon what you were up to, just in case something happened. you had no idea how much this would pay off later on.
yidhra's domain intimidated you the moment it came into view. it was a serpent shaped cave made of bones surrounded by gardens of disembodied, broken souls. they moaned and weeped as you swam past them. miss nightingale warned you about yidhra, insisting that you never make a deal with the sea witch. however... she wanted to reunite you with the train conductor, she wanted to help you! none of your sisters understood how you felt, but yidhra did.
"is yidhra here?" you called out to an empty room lined with bookshelves and potions, a cauldron brewing in the centre. then, a pale blue woman with a serpent's tail emerged from the dark.
"sweet princess, have you come to make a deal with me?" she purred, tilting your chin up with a bony finger. you nodded. "you'd go against mommy's wishes for a human boy?" this time her tone was more condescending, but you nodded anyways.
"he's a train conductor, a brave man... oh yidhra, he's perfect, you'd know if you met him!"
yidhra snickered, slithering back to her bookshelves and carefully removing a contract with a floating pen. "what if i told you that you could see him again, dearie?" she used magic to teleport the contract into your hands, along with the pen. "if you sign this contract, you will become a human for three days. if the boy gives you true love's kiss by sunset of the third day, you'll stay as a human forever and fall in love, yadda yadda,"
you nodded, it sounded like a perfect deal. who knew yidhra could be so generous?
she gave a deafening clap of her hands. "hush. i'm not done." then a devilish grin corrupted her features, "if he doesn't kiss you, then you can kiss you and your kingdom goodbye. i will replace miss nightingale as ruler of the seas and you'll be the prettiest soul in my patch. deal?"
silence enveloped both of you as you thought this through. three days was plenty of time, all you had to do was kiss. he was your true love, your soulmate, it was a naive thought but you had never felt so much for another person before.
"silly me, i forgot to mention," yidhra stifled a cackle, "you won't have a voice, sweetie. you'll be a mute. will this conductor still fall for you when you can't chit chat with him?"
damn her, of course there had to be a catch.
you gave a shaky nod, mumbling that it was a deal. the laugh she let out was unlike anything you've ever heard, what was so funny? she couldn't stop howling as she dropped various potions into her cauldron, steam and green flames overriding your senses. "sing! sing for me, you foolish girl!"
singing a lullaby you grew up with, you signed the contract and felt your voice fade away along with your consciousness.
when you rose, you were on the shores of a freezing cold sea, the conductor staring down at you in disbelief. thank god for the seaweed covering your shivering form.
andrew blinked at you, visibly concerned. "i ah... i... i noticed you," he reached out a trembling hand which you gladly took to hoist yourself up. your feet buckled under you. wait. feet? looking down you noticed that you were a human, you had legs and feet! you could hardly contain your excitement, yidhra was helping you! your attention shifted back to the man in front of you, pulling you close to his chest so you wouldn't fall. "you washed up on the... shore. are you okay?" he was fumbling over his words and seemed so uncomfortable around you, like he wasn't used to the skin to skin contact.
you tried to answer but your words were caught in your throat. she wasn't messing around when she took your voice, you couldn't produce any type of sound whatsoever.
"ah, you're... you're scared of me, aren't you?" andrew tried to hide the hurt in his voice, "so scared you can't walk or talk. well, run off to your family now. go tell them you saw andrew the train conductor, that he tried to eat you... i know you're thinking it," andrew. your love's name was andrew!
he tried to drop you and turn on his heel to leave, but the moment you hit the grass he had to turn back around to check if you were alright again. he couldn't leave you.
you pointed to your throat as you stood up, knees wobbly. you made an 'x' shape with your arms and shook your head. andrew had an unreadable expression, but slowly began to nod in understanding. "oh, you can't speak? i'm... sorry for assuming, the people around here are... they're... not the kindest. they're wolves."
his eyes flicked to your body and saw the seaweed barely clinging to you. did you fall overboard or something? he wanted to respect your privacy so he stared at the water beside you as he set his coat over your shoulders, still averting his gaze. it was cozy and smelled like mint. the fur lining on the inside warmed you right up. "you would have froze in that. i'm not sure where you're... from, but... ah, just follow me," you gave him a grin and he walked you back to his home which wasn't far. it was right beside the grand railway you loved observing. it felt like a dream to visit it while andrew had his arms around you, even if he didn't know who you were.
he saw your jaw drop at the sight of the railway and the parked train. "that's my family's train, folks here aren't too... nice to me, but... they appreciate all our hard work," from what you could gather, he seemed to be an outcast. you related to that.
once you arrived at his house, he dashed upstairs to what you presumed to be his mother's room, because he returned with a stunning, sequinned dress. it was the same colour as your mermaid's tail!
after you were dried off and dressed, he sat down at the dinner table with you. for dinner you two ate some beef stew, one of his favourites. it was so amusing to him how you tried to brush your hair with a fork before the meal. he wanted to make small talk with you, but what would we say? it wasn't just the fact you were mute, but he's never eaten dinner with anyone other than his mother before. she passed years ago and he was left to fend for himself in their shared house, he's been entirely alone since you turned up. what could he say..?
"may i guess your name, miss?" andrew asked after swallowing some carrots, his voice as shaky as usual.
you gave him a playful thumbs up.
"great... hm, you strike me as a galatea."
thumbs down.
"violetta, then?"
thumbs down.
"ahh, okay... strike three, you remind me of a y/n."
thumbs up, and a bright smile on your face!
"n-no way, y/n? well, y/n... i'm sure you don't want to live with a monster for the rest of your days, so... i'll contact rescue... you'll be home by tomorrow morning,"
that made you flinch. tomorrow morning? you had to kiss him within three days! you vigorously shook your head and he tried to decipher what you meant.
"do you have a home? memory loss?"
you shook your head to both.
"ah, so you... saw your home get destroyed when you washed up. i'm sorry y/n." he stirred his beverage to break the silence, but the look he gave you was nothing short of heartbroken. how would you ever tell him you were a mermaid? "a similar thing happened yesterday... a train i was on crashed, and... a uh, mermaid saved me. nobody believes me though, but i felt her tail, heard her voice..."
his words made you freeze.
"you're the only person i can say this to, but... i think i love her."
you fainted.
after tucking you into his mother's bed, andrew headed outside for some fresh air. the salty smell of the sea would always help steel his nerves. running his calloused fingers through his hair, he reflected on the chaotic past two days he was being dragged through.
a mute girl who lived on a ship crashed and landed right in front of his home. he could barely handle the pressure of caring for you. you were adorable, charming, and the kindest person he had met, but he wanted to find the mermaid who saved him. he wasn't sure if what he felt for you was love or not, all he could think about was the mysterious mermaid.
then, as if fate hadn't been unpredictable enough, he heard her voice coming from a few feet away. an ethereal woman emerged from the sea, silky black hair matching her pitch black dress. she looked so mysterious, but her voice was all too familiar to andrew.
"oh, my sweet conductor, i became human out of love for you... please, let us marry as soon as possible!" the woman spoke in that relaxing, life saving voice. he could listen to it all day. he didn't know that she was hijacking his mind with a powerful love spell, he would become infatuated with more than her voice very soon.
"m-my name is andrew kreiss, miss... miss...?"
"tomie yidhra. but oh, how i yearn to be tomie kreiss! i don't view you as a monster in the slightest, i only wish to nurture you and love you for the rest of my days... you're the strongest and bravest man i know, please marry me! marry me andrew!"
how could he say no to those words, dripping out of the air like honey? no, really. he couldn't say no.
"i would love to."
"the day after tomorrow, at sunset... let us be wed, andrew."
the next day, you woke up to the sight of andrew looming over you again. you saw him give a silent fist bump when you sat up, he must have been ill with worry all night.
"oh! you're awake, that's good, miss. miss y/n, i have something unbelievable to tell you..."
you tilted your head to a curious angle, silently urging for him to continue.
"do you recall my story of a mermaid who saved me? she grew legs last night and visited me... tomie yidhra, we'll be marrying tomorrow... i would ah, love for you to come,"
you tried to scream but it was silent.
that bitch.
that wicked, evil bitch.
she took advantage of the fact andrew only recognized your voice and impersonated you. you needed to give him true love's kiss before their wedding. he was planning to marry yidhra. yidhra would kill him!
fueled by the fear of losing him, you bravely draped your arms around andrew's neck and gave him the deepest, most desperate kiss you could possibly give. he immediately pried his lips off yours and rubbed the back of his neck in humiliation.
"y-y/n! you're... you're great and all, but... i love tomie. please don't be hurt..." it was so strange and tragic, every time he spoke yidhra's human name it looked like he was under some kind of hypnosis, he wasn't his usual self. why would closed off andrew suddenly decide to marry her? tears brimmed at your eyes thinking of how foolish you were. "i have to leave now. work. i hope i didn't... ruin anything." he hurried out the door, giving you one last sad look before leaving you alone.
silent wails and shrieks of agony were caught in your throat, glass burrowing itself inside every inch of your body. your sisters were right. bonbon was right. miss nightingale was right. you should have left andrew alone, he wouldn't be tricked into marrying a sea witch this way. you ran outside, back to the shore you washed up on, and tried to swim back home, in case it gave you a tail. it didn't. you were still a human. you wanted nothing more than to reach yidhra's domain and strangle her yourself.
as you writhed in despair, bonbon flew overheard and recognized you. he saw the wedding boat being prepared and assumed your dreams were coming true, was andrew already engaged? he hoped not, and headed to the wedding boat to investigate.
there, he saw a woman with raven hair taking her makeup off and preparing for bed. except her reflection... her reflection showed the wicked sea witch, yidhra. then, in your voice, bonbon heard her shout for room service. this woman andrew was marrying... it was that vile witch, disguised as the woman who selflessly saved his life.
he flung some of his fecal matter through the window out of spite, and yidhra shrieked in your voice. yup, there was no doubting it, he has to interfere.
the next day, wedding bells rang and all you wanted was to drop dead. none of the guests even liked andrew and of course nobody knew who yidhra was, they were only attending his wedding out of curiosity. they were curious what ill woman would marry a demon.
you dabbed away the tears with your handkerchief and noticed that andrew was looking anywhere but you as he hooked arms with the bride. they were giving their vows, seconds away from kissing, until a starfish shot out of the water and hit yidhra square in the face.
then a dolphin flopped on deck.
then several octopi stuck to the crowd.
just what was going on here?
you began to recognize some of the creatures that made their way on the ship, and if you weren't mistaken, you could hear bonbon's voice in the distance... he was shouting 'attack'?
finally, you saw your sisters emerge from the sea.
"don't marry tomie, andrew! she's a witch! y/n was the mermaid who turned into a hu-"
before martha could finish, you felt a dull pain in your legs. oh no. casting a horrified glance to the horizon, the sun was setting.
"stupid girl!" yidhra transformed back into her serpent form, and spoke in her usual vile voice. "you may have found me out, but you didn't get your true love's kiss! andrew chose ME!" she gave her usual boisterous laugh, and with a stomp of her tail, the ship flipped overboard.
"andrew!" you called out, searching for him once again. your voice was back, you couldn't believe it. he was floating on a seat, just like when you saved him for the first time. "andrew, it's me, i'm sorry... i was so stupid," a gloved hand wiped the tears from your eyes, and he gave a content smile when he heard your voice. it fit you much better than that raggedy witch.
"it's okay, y/n... so, it was you all along...?" he gave a sad laugh when you nodded. you leaned in to kiss him and he gladly reciprocated, he was actually leaning into the kiss this time and it felt magical. the moment was quickly killed when you saw yidhra holding miss nightingale, ripping off her mask and placing it on her own face. this was terrible news. that mask helped her maintain balance between all the creatures of the sea, it was her main source of strength and wisdom. if it fell into the wrong hands, the results would be catastrophic.
and it just did.
yidhra grew ten times her usual size and towered above everyone scrambling for land. storms brewed in the sky and the aura of the evening changed, everyone was in grave danger.
"idiot girl, handing off her kingdom for a boy... why don't you kiss one last time before you sleep with the fishes!" yidhra bellowed and you couldn't take it anymore. you scooped up andrew and swam to a docked sailboat with a large wooden spike at the front. andrew wasn't a violent person in the slightest, but he was the only one who could kill yidhra right now and save the sea.
he began steering, a bit rusty, and reached yidhra's blindspot. he could sense the worry in her voice as she called out her followers. they were the ones who sent you those messages, they were working under her...! andrew steered straight into them and you had to look away. what you saw horrified you even more. miss nightingale was slowly being transformed into one of those soulless creatures from yidhra's garden, and judging by the sudden jolt of pain in your tail, the same would be happening to you very soon. "andrew, please hurry!" you cried out to him.
in the blink of an eye, causing a whole lot of trauma for andrew, he crashed the ship into yidhra's snake body. she howled in pain before andrew dealt the final blow with his shovel. yidhra disintegrated into what looked like confetti, hideous scaly confetti. the sky returned to normal and from it fell miss nightingale's mask. the soul stealing process ended quickly for you and miss nightingale. she retrieved her mask and freed all of the other soulless merfolk in the garden, as well as moving andrew to the shore where he could rest. he appeared to have passed out.
hours passed and all you could do was sit on a rock across from andrew's sleeping form, watching him intently. you had one chance with him and you blew it, you were a mermaid again. he looked so serene when he slept, but the scars littering his body told you that he's fought battles you couldn't even imagine. nothing has ever been so close to you but so far.
andrew finally opened his eyes and saw you. his face lit up when his gaze met yours, but quickly returned to a frown when your tail flicked towards him. you wouldn't have legs ever again.
as you two stared in disbelief, your family rose from the water. "y/n," your mother hummed as she placed a hand on her mask, "you've grown so much."
in a flash, your tail began to sparkle and shift, but it wasn't painful like how yidhra treated you. your mother's powers came from loving you, not tricking you. your tail slowly split into two, into...
two legs.
no words could describe how you felt, your head snapped around to your girls who were wiping their eyes in awe. "go on, sweetheart. be with him." electricity filled your veins.
they finally realized how wrong they were about humans.
taking a tentative step onto the shallow ocean floor, you felt the sand squish between your toes and collapse under your heel. in a bout of pure glee, you sprinted towards andrew. he caught you in his arms and twirled you around, staring lovingly into your eyes. neither of you could believe this was happening.
"let's go home," you cooed.
"yeah. let's."
this time, when andrew walked back home with you, his butterflies were caused by complete adoration for you, not because he feared for your safety. he felt so free now that yidhra wasn't controlling either of you. he was looking forward to the life he'd be spending with you, his little mermaid.
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trashmenofmarvel · 3 years
Branded - Chapter 44
Pairing: Demon!Bucky Barnes x Reader
(This is a fan AU of Falling’s Just Another Way to Fly by araniaart​ . Please check out this incredible series for all of your demon Bucky needs.)
Chapter Warnings: I won't give specific chapter warnings because it would spoil it. Just... brace yourselves. I mean that, truly. The entire fic has been leading up to this moment, so... take a deep breath. It's going to be okay.
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Demonic claws striking vibranium metal reverberated painfully around the room, like a gong being struck directly next to your head. You couldn’t cover your ears because your hands were occupied with clutching your shirt, helpless to do nothing but watch as Rogers tried to fight off the Winter Soldier.
And he was losing. Each slash kept Rogers on the defensive, holding up his shield to ward off the next brutal attack. Bucky was ruthless and far faster than Rogers was equipped to handle.
It wasn’t long before Bucky managed to land some blows. Talons left trails of bleeding scarlet, whether from his hands or feet, and even his wings had managed to buffet Rogers more than once.
Bucky’s tail, fast as a whip, grabbed for something at Rogers’ hip. A pistol, yanked out of its holster and deposited into Bucky’s grip, he fired several shots at Rogers who barely managed to get his shield up in time. When the clip was emptied, Rogers bashed it out of Bucky’s hands, following it through with his first solid punch.
Bucky didn’t so much as stumble. Instead, he ripped Rogers’ shield out of his hands, threw a pointed, ridged elbow into his face, and sent him rolling backwards across the floor.
Zemo had remained quiet for the fight, but now he moved closer, a glittering hunger in his eyes.
“It seems you have met your match, Captain. And it turns out, even you can bleed. How nice to find a flaw.”
Rogers rose to his hands and knees, glaring up at Zemo as he wiped blood from his mouth. He gained his feet and held his hands into fists like a pugilist.
“I can do this all day,” he quipped, giving a bloodied smile that was all sharp and no humor. He looked exactly like Bucky had in the HYDRA torture video.
That’s what finally snapped you out of it and got you moving.
Bucky was also on the move, striding toward his friend like a hunter stalking prey, and then he delivered a savage kick to Rogers’ face.
Rogers crashed against the wall behind him, hitting it hard enough to slightly bounce off before collapsing onto his knees. He wasn’t going to win this, and from the pained expression, he knew it, too.
Bucky descended on him. You got there first.
Placing yourself squarely between them, you braced your hands in front of you as if to physically stop Bucky.
Surprisingly, he did, head slightly tilted like a curious animal.
“Bucky. Bucky, please, listen to me.” Your hands shook but somehow your voice was steady. “I know you can hear me. I know, because I’ve been there, with you, in your head when you’re him. The Soldier. He’s just another part of you, Bucky. You’re still in there.”
He simply stood there, immobile as a stature except for his tail. It twitched, restless and agitated, different from its controlled, languid movements during the fight.
But he wasn’t moving. He was listening. There was a chance.
“You can feel it, can’t you? Here.” You touched one hand to the middle of your chest. “Zemo tried to break the bond, but it’s there. Faint and dim, but I can feel it. You must feel it, too. Please, Bucky. Fight him!”
Tears flooded your vision and your throat burned.
“Come back to us.”
Eyes as cold as eyes didn’t so much as blink. If Bucky heard you, he gave no sign of it.
“You gotta get out of here,” Rogers said from behind you. He could barely speak, and a glance over your shoulder told you he was holding a particularly large gash across his stomach. “Go! I can take care of myself!”
You ignored him and faced the demon standing before you. You weren’t leaving Bucky to face his worst nightmare all alone. You weren’t leaving him to be someone’s pawn again. And you definitely weren’t leaving him so he could kill the only other person he loved.
All you could hope was that the animus still tied you to Bucky, and that he wouldn’t harm the human he was bound to.
It was a huge gamble, but there were no other cards to play. Everything depended on whether you could reach Bucky. Not a human slave reaching out to its master.
You needed Bucky.
“You belong to me, Barnes,” you whispered.
You somehow got your legs moving and walked forward until you were standing right in front of him.
“And I belong to you.”
Bucky said nothing, his eyes gaze on you in their entirety. Meanwhile, Zemo appraised you for a long moment, his expression unreadable.
“Kill her.”
Bucky raised his demonic arm, claws extended. You didn’t move.
Even as your heart raced and your limbs trembled, you didn’t move.
The arm didn’t come down. Bucky stayed like that, poised to strike while you braced for the killing blow.
But his eyes. The icy blue searched your face, brows pulled into a confused line, and there was a faint glimmer of something within their depths.
He slowly lowered his arm.
“Sergeant, what are you doing?” Zemo glanced between you and Bucky, his expression darkening. “Obey my command! Kill her!”
Bucky’s ears twitched but his focus was completely on you, eyes narrowed and blinking, as if on the verge of remembering.
It was enough for hope to surge through your limbs, and you couldn’t help but give a small, timid smile.
Studying your expression, Bucky seemed dazed, his eyes widening, and his lips parted as he said your name, raw with roughness.
It was the most beautiful thing you’d ever heard.
Zemo clicked his tongue.
You didn’t understand; Zemo sounded more annoyed than angry. Bucky also frowned, and began to turn to face the man who had enslaved him.
It was when Bucky turned just far enough that his left arm was no longer shielding you that Zemo pulled the pistol from his holster.
You didn’t hear the shots. You didn’t see the flash of a muzzle, either. But you were still knocked backwards by a brutal force ripping through your stomach, and then next thing you were looking at was the vaulted ceiling and the lights glittering above you.
They were oddly beautiful.
You expected the floor to be as cold as the table, but you were wrapped in something warm and strong. A familiar silhouette leaned over you, blocking out the lights with a pair of curved horns and brown hair, and you had an eerie case of déjà vu.
Had it all been a dream? A hallucination? Had you imagined the whole thing and was Bucky only now rescuing you?
No. It wasn’t a dream. Bucky’s face was etched in unimaginable horror. He gripped one hand tightly with his armored claws, the other pressed against your stomach. You could barely feel it, feel any of it, past the cold wetness, as if you’d tumbled into a frozen pond and you couldn’t get warm again.
You opened your mouth to say his name, but nothing came out. Bucky shook his head frantically, and looked somewhere over his right shoulder as he yelled for Rogers to find the fucking sorcerers.
You tried once more, but only a gurgling noise came out. Your mouth filled with iron. It was getting harder to breathe.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay—“
He repeated the mantra but the tears in his eyes alarmed you. It was bad. It had to be for Bucky to look at you that way.
You tried to lift your head to look down, but Bucky told you not to, his large hand still pressed to your stomach as he pulled you close. He was so warm, his scent earthy and alive, but it wasn’t enough. The world was beginning to fade at the edges. You were so tired.
“No, no, don’t close your eyes, don’t—please, please look at me.”
You wanted to obey him, if only to show him you were fine and he had nothing to cry about, but your eyelids were like iron weights.
Trapped in darkness, the cold numbness was winning, robbing you of your connection to Bucky. All that was left were the sounds of his muffled sobs. It was agony to listen to, but you couldn’t find him in the dark.
All that was left was the fading golden thread, and the slowing beat of your heart.
And then, that too, was gone.
You were immediately assailed by heat and stinging wind.
You shielded your face as you sat upright, drawing your shirt up to cover your mouth on instinct. The air was so dry and hot it hurt to breath, and when you opened your eyes, you immediately wished you hadn’t.
There was nothing beyond the endless dune of red.
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forever-valentine14 · 3 years
Boyfriend Headcanons [SFW]
Includes: Kyoutani Kentarou x fem! reader Tags: No beta we die like men, Fluff, slight Angst, Bad boy with a good heart x soft spoken angel, and reader insert. Synopsis: Your boyfriend is kyoutani kentarou. A/N: Im sorry if this sucks. I literally am dumb and just wrote this at idk what time. [Kyoutani Kentarou]
-Ah yes a delinquent's delicate heart
-Kyoutani is known throughout the students being apart of the school's most beloved volleyball team that is.
-Despite the team's beautiful reputation however his image for most is just as you'd imagine for someone who is called "Mad dog" and has that wicked grin on his face when he plays.
-You are known as a pretty soft spoken person with a pretty face. Pretty enough that you've been made to participate as a contestant in Ms. Aoba Johsai Pageant for the Cultural festival.
-One problem though, you have the biggest fear of crowds. You had been meaning to tell your classmates but their enthusiasm to fix that dress for you as well as your presentation during the creativity portion. With everyone pitching in and doing their best, how could you crush their hopes like that?
-Meanwhile Kyoutani had to stay behind that day. Polishing a few moves for the next game just around the corner. What a dork, not even allowing himself to rest on days meant for resting. It had been during the festival's peak when he finally decided to go out and buy himself a croquette at one of the stalls. Walking across a supposedly closed off staircase, he hears something.
-Everyone is looking for you. You excused yourself to just freshen up before the final rehearsal and onto the actual event when you never came back. You sit on top of a set of stairs where you can guarantee that they'll have a hard time finding you.
-You sigh and you know this is cowardly but- "Hey? Anyone up there?" A rough voice emits from the stairs below you. With the search for you going on, you panic and attempt to escape. Failing to get up in time, you lock eyes with someone's furious gaze. "Hey, be careful. Your skirt is stuck on the metal border..." he mumbles.
-Kyoutani Kentarou. Never thought that kyoutani kentarou would be in front of you, untangling a piece of metal from your dainty school skirt. All the while he tries his best to help you, all you think of is how scared you are that you no longer have a reason to stay cooped up here. Scared to finally face the crowd.
-"There...Huh? W-what's wrong you idiot?!" There is confusion, panic, and worry in his voice when he sees the tears roll off your face. It takes him a minute to find something on his person until he hands you something you didn't expect.
-A baby blue handkerchief with a white embroidery of his first name. You stare at him with tear coated eyes and it takes you a minute to finally sigh in relief. Letting it all out on him. Your anxiety, your fear, your guilt, and at the very end of your rambling he looks at your worried face. "D-...D-Don't look at anyone else then. Only look for me in the crowd, o-okay?:
-It took a while for everyone to get used to this strange relationship between the two of you but you wouldn't really care much about that. You grow to look for him in a room full of people as he grows to proudly glance at you before he makes a winning kill.
-As your boyfriend, kyoutani is very different than what people think. Of course he is protective of you and he is adamant about you going out when it gets late but he makes compromises for this. If he ever felt that there are moments that he cant protect you? He teaches you a few self defense movements. You're afraid of crowds? Listen to music while you're there or simply get on call with him if you can.
-Your first kiss ended up being hijacked by his senpais during lunch. You two were sitting in the empty gym when the momentum was perfect. If it wasn't for yahaba's voice while he barges through the gym doors...
-Dont worry though! Your first kiss happened soon when you first picked him up for practice and he picked you up as you excitedly told him about your great score on a test you worked hard on. Adrenaline flowing through you when you just kiss him in front of his team and all.
-He is hot headed. When you get mad at him and both of you aren't listening to each other, it sometimes results into tears. One thing I can guarantee is that both of you can be a bit more stubborn. Don't let the intimidating back, facing you, fool you though. In reality, he is already regretting continuing the fight in the first place.
-You face him and see troubled expression. He is full of pride but if setting that aside can heal pain like this then he would have set it aside a while ago.
-A sorry, a kiss, and a compromise. A respectable way to conclude fights.
-For dates, maybe the purr of his suzuki bike as he takes you to unexpected cafes around town. Your collective favourite so far being the one near the supplies store at the mountain's foot. A cafe you two settled in for long periods of time, either to do homework or to just laugh about the small details that people have on them when they pass the cafe's window.
-"That's a honda" "Nuh uh! That's a suzuki!" "Sure uh huh and I have a full head of long hair"
-Tarou has told you to not frequently engage in his club, not because he gets distracted or anything but because he knows just the amount of teasing that his senpais will do when you're there. Especially Oikawa-san. This warning did not stop you from going, to no one's surprise. Giving snacks to him or assisting the team in cleaning up, you wanted to be as involved with his life as he was involved with yours.
-Kyoutani would admit that he owed heaven for allowing you to meet him that day.
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thanksjro · 3 years
More Than Meets the Eye #32 - Nobody’s Ever Actually Dead in Comic Books
Our band of merry guys-who-weren’t-on-the-Lost-Light-in-issue-#1 approach the shattered husk of the Lost Light, in a gruesome scene that is only slightly marred by the graphic design.
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Font doesn’t really suggest danger, does it? Here, for comparison, is something I slapped together in fifteen minutes (including recreation of background) using a font I got off a free font site.
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Now, one could say that my version is rather derivative, flat, and arguably cliche, but you know what else it is? Appropriate for the fucking mood of having found a destroyed, hemorrhaging ship after everyone you knew disappeared.
I’m available, IDW! Hit me up.
Theorizing that this is the ship that the Coffin Rodimus came from- remember that? It was a few issues ago- the gang flies in for a closer look. The ship blood is actually something called quantum foam, which allows for quantum space travel to happen. It’s not supposed to be outside of the quantum quills, but the ship’s pretty junked up, so it is.
Because the ship is so very full of holes, the gang can set down for repairs pretty easy. They land in Swerve’s, finding it in less-than-pristine condition. They also find evidence of Crosscut having gotten creative, as a poster for the play he was working on is hung up in the room. Considering he was still writing it when he disappeared, this might seem a bit odd. But then you remember that this is a ship from the future, and it stops being so odd.
Because this is a future ship, with evidence that Crosscut did some stuff, it stands to reason that, at some point, everyone is going to come back from being disappeared.
Just to die.
Which is a bummer, but one crisis at a time.
Megatron disembarks the Rod Pod, with Ravage following, and everyone is just a touch put off by the duo. Everyone but Nautica, who proceeds to commit a microaggression.
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Nautica, that’s Soundwave’s father you’re petting like a common animal.
Ravage, angered by this over-familiarity, swats at her. Skids questions letting an active Decepticon roam around, but Megatron brushes off these concerns, saying that finding any still-living crew members is more important. With that, the search begins.
The gang splits up to look for clues, despite Riptide thinking this is a horrible idea. They’re on the clock for this one- the quantum foam is liable to explode if it touches anything, and there’s an awful lot of the stuff floating around right now.
Nightbeat and Nautica leave the rest of the group to their own work, seeing as Nautica has the most appropriate alt-mode for traversing the gaps in the ship.
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Man, that’s pretty cool. Wish Nautica hadn’t been regulated to being “girl best friend” for her character arcs, I would have loved to see her do some neat stuff for her own development. Guess that’s what happens when you get introduced as main cast late, and have to compete with all the faves who had dozens of issues to be established and who also don’t have to deal with the whole “token girl character” thing.
The rest of the gang- Megatron, Ravage, Riptide, Skids, and Getaway- start looking in the area they’re already in. Seems a little lopsided, but whatever.
Ravage finds someone almost immediately, identifying Ultra Magnus through smell alone. Only, it isn’t just Ultra Magnus.
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The Magnus armor lays not terribly far away, having had its hands cut off to prevent the recall signal from being activated before being gut-murdered.
Of course, Megatron was forced to destroy his fusion canon after it was decided he would be joining the Lost Light, but you can buy these things off the black market like it’s nothing. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Brainstorm had a few stashed in his lab.
As it currently stands, nobody can trust the guy who has a storied past of killing Autobots, on a future ship where the only folks who could stop him are dead. Megatron, at least, has the good sense to not argue this fact, and suggests that the boys lock both Ravage and himself up until they suss out exactly what happened.
Meanwhile, over with Nautica and Nightbeat, we run through all the weird shit that’s happened in the last day or so.
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Nautica, you’ve been on this ship for months now. How did you miss the fact that the only couple within 800 miles got annihilated by way of Phase Sixer? I feel like that attack might have come up at some point.
Since they’re on the subject of spouses, Nightbeat asks Nautica if she’s married, or if she has friends. Though noting that such a direct line of questioning might get him slapped with someone else, Nautica reveals that she is single, though she does have a best friend. Nightbeat is also single, probably because he pulls shit like this.
While this conversation is going on, Nautica uses her Sonic Screwdriver wrench to open a door with the literal push of a button. Brainstorm tricked out her wrench so hard it turned into a magic wand, which is good, because they’re going to need all the help they can get now that space is literally warping around them thanks to the quantum foam.
Nautica kicks something on the elevator, and that something turns out to be Brainstorm’s mysterious briefcase. Too bad Swerve is gone, he was so invested in what it contained. Luckily, Nightbeat is just as interested.
Back over on the other side of the ship, it seems as though Megatron kept his word about not resisting, as both he and Ravage have been locked in a cabinet. Wonder how that’s going for them.
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Oh, better than I expected.
Ravage is fucking pissed that Megatron joined the Autobots, thereby turning his back on everyone who supported his cause during the last four million years. Despite this grievous betrayal though, the Decepticons haven’t stopped moving. Turns out, Galvatron’s in charge now.
But only if Autobot Megatron isn’t some sort of ploy.
It’s at this point that we learn just why Ravage is here to begin with- to see if Megatron’s truly given up the Decepticons, and if he has, to murder him. But first he’d like to know why this is happening.
Megatron views himself as a monster, having perpetuated a war that ended the lives of billions, destroyed the Cybertronian way of life, ostracized his race from the rest of the universe, and killing just to have something to do. He doesn’t like feeling this way about himself, so he decided to walk away from that life by joining the other team.
Don’t think it’s quite that easy to do, but okay.
Ravage isn’t so sure that this change of heart is going to stick, still convinced that Megatron will snap back to his old self with just a bit more time. Problem is, Megatron may not have a ton of that resource left.
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Didn’t they build that body in like an hour so you wouldn’t die? Yeah, no wonder it feels as ill-fitting as a twenty-dollar suit. Thing’s probably made out of pig iron and duct tape.
The lights come on before further self-reflection can be done, and the duo realize that they’ve had guests this whole time.
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Someone put the kettle on.
Obviously some fucked up shit happened on this ship. Megatron isn’t so sure that it’s him who did these dirty deeds, however, as he reaches into Ratchet’s mouth and pulls out his brain. Which feels like something that doesn’t really absolve one of guilt, but okay.
Also, ew.
Back with Nautica and Nightbeat, things are getting weird.
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Now, this sequence might seem confusing at first blush, but this is because the laws of reality are collapsing around them. Going by clues in the background, we can find the proper, linear progression of time, and thus is conversation. This is what is actually happening:
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With the mystery of Brainstorm’s briefcase eluding us once again, we move on to see more graphic aftermaths of violence. Poor Tailgate has been nailed to the wall with a chunk of a metal beam that’s almost as big as he is. The mood lighting for this scene is gorgeous, but I’ve hit my limit for exposing y’all to gore for this issue, so you’ll just have to trust me on this one. Then they find something even more interesting.
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Who’s ready for Under Cold Blue Stars… 2!
Back over on the opposite side of the ship, Riptide’s found something nasty. It’s a bunch of dead bodies!
Including, uh, Pipes.
Who already died a while ago.
All the bodies in this room are in their alts, and it looks like they’ve all been shot and drilled into, for some reason. Skids brings up that he had a friend who could identify the placement of any robot’s brain module just by knowing what they turned into. Then he reaches into a corpse to see what the drill-hole’s all about. It makes him sick, though maybe not for the reason you might think. He gets on the phone with Nightbeat, who’s called to tell them that they’ve found Overlord.
Still locked in his weird body harness.
And decapitated.
Megatron is on the other line, calling because he’s figured out the same thing Skids has. Someone paid a visit to this ship. Someone nasty.
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The gang regroups, and Nautica gets the basics on the DJD, because I guess nobody’s mentioned them even in passing in the last six months, either.
God, what do they even talk about on this ship? Certainly not their feelings.
The reason that one room was filled with alt-modes was because of Tarn’s addiction to transforming; t-cogs are easier to remove when they’ve been used recently.
We get a quick 4/5ths-page gore-fest, then it’s back to making it all about Megatron.
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Maybe you should have thought about that before you FUCKING DEFECTED, YOU POOL NOODLE.
Nightbeat’s beginning to put two and two together. There’s an Overlord in the basement. That shouldn’t be, because Overlord got exploded by Chromedome when he mercy-killed Rewind. Something is off about the past of this ship.
Before he can establish his MTMTE everybody-lives-but-then-dies AU though, the quantum foam fucks with the ship. These sons of guns need to get the hell out of here, pronto.
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Oh god, what now?
Ravage smells someone inside the Magnus armor, someone who isn’t a part of the usual nesting doll lineup. Megatron reaches into the Crackerjack box and pulls out one hell of a prize.
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Chromedome would be so thrilled, if he still existed.
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heximagines · 3 years
Ambrose | Choose Your Own Adventure | 1A
As you retreat back into your cab to grab a pair of boots and pull them on over your bare feet you eye your gun. Part of you wants to keep it close by just in case but you’d scared the poor guy enough already. After a moment you decide to keep the gun, he’ll just have to understand. You grab your backpack and shove your phone, charger, extra bullets, and a fresh bag of jerky in there. You think you’re all set so you grab your keys to lock up, but just as you’re about to leave one last item catches your eye. You grab it to shove into your bag before clicking the lock and slamming the door shut. You jog up to the strange man’s truck, when you climb in you can tell he’s a bit alarmed by the gun still being in your possession however he seems to brush it off well enough. “It should only take about 10 er 15 minutes to get there.” “Okay sounds good.” You’re a bit nervous to be alone with him but your hand tightened on your weapon and you remind yourself that he seems friendly. “I’m Lester, by the way.” “Oh! Yeah. Sorry, I swear I’m usually not this rude. I’m y/n.” Lester shrugs to himself. “No worries. I met much ruder people out here before.” He throws the truck in drive and sets off back up the road you’d been going down earlier. Your eyes peer out into the dark of the surrounding woods and you struggle to see anything past the tree line. Meanwhile Lester chews his lip nervously and begins to fiddle with the radio trying to get a signal to come in, finally the staticky signal clears up just enough to hear the twang of a country artist. “Oh!” Lester cranks it up. “Ya like Hank Williams Jr?” You give a half smile and shrug, “Can’t say I’ve heard him before.” Lester balks at you, “You ain’t never heard this song?” You lean in and attempt to decipher the crackly words. ‘Hey good lookin’, whatcha got cookin’? How’s about cookin’ somethin’ up with me.’  It sounds maybe a little familiar but nothing you can pinpoint. Lester looks a little disappointed but doesn’t push. Instead he turns it back down a pinch and continues on driving into the night. He drives for what felt almost like too long until the signal cuts out completely. As it does the glimmer of a street light lit up the road making you sit up in your seat. As the truck passes under it the cab is illuminated for just a moment and you turn to look at Lester. He seems much less scary now that you know there is something out here. Finally you roll past a big sign. ‘Welcome to Ambrose, Visit Trudy’s World Famous House of Wax!’ “World famous House of Wax huh?” Lester shifts uncomfortably and he gets an odd look on his face. “Yeah, nothin’ too special.” You giggle to yourself. “Not too special? It’s world famous!” At that Lester gives a little grin.
Once you drive a bit into town you’re greeted by a small gas station with a garage attached. Lester puts the truck in park before checking the time on the stereo. It’s 4:30am. You both shift awkwardly. Lester was pleasant enough to ride with and all but you just want your truck fixed and to get the hell out of there. You both climb out and Lester goes about lowering your truck off of the tow. You wrap your arms around yourself as you watch, trying to keep the now early morning chill from your skin when suddenly you’re startled by a loud voice just behind you. “Lester! What do ya think yer doin’ lettin’ yer friend freeze out here without a jacket?” Lester’s head shoots up and you turn around to see a handsome tall man approaching, you grip your gun just a little tighter as you size the man up. He’s dressed casually in jeans, a T-shirt, and a thick flannel. A faded blue cap covers his head of thick wavy brown hair. There’s a bit of stubble across his sharp jaw. “Oh, hey Bo. I wasn’t expectin’ ya to be up this early.” The man, Bo, pays Lester no mind as he approaches you, taking off his flannel he holds it out to you. You eye him warily and his eyes move down to your weapon. “Seems like you’ve had quite the night. No more need to worry now. Here.” He presses the flannel into your free hand and finally you slip the warm material over your shoulders and pull it around yourself. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” The man grinned down at you. “No problem at all.” He gestures towards your truck which Lester was still unhooking. “What seems to be the problem?” A sour look twists your face as you think back. “The fucking starter is shot. I ripped it out of a junk truck before I came out here and well, you know you get what you pay for.” Bo snorts and nods in agreement. “Well, shouldn’t be too hard to get fixed up. You just let me take a look at it.” Lester finally came to join the two of you with a smile. The men shake hands and Bo claps Lester on the shoulder. “You should go home and get some rest. I got this from here. Your friend is in good hands.” “Sounds good to me. Y/n, hope you make it to New Orleans safe.” Lester did turn out to be a pretty nice guy after all. “I think I’ll be good, thank you.” You give him a little wave as he makes his way back to the tow truck and pulls out of the gas station. Bo turns to you. “Y/n huh? That’s a fine name, I like it. Come with me.” He motions towards the gas station before walking ahead, leaving you to sling your bag over your shoulder and follow after him.
He unlocks the door and holds it open for you to enter. As you slip past you catch a whiff of his cologne, the same spicy scent that clung to his flannel, tinged with motor oil and something metallic that made your skin prickle. You glance at him to see he’s smiling at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling. He seems nice but something in your gut is telling you to keep your guard up. Just because a guy is good looking didn’t mean he was trustworthy. As you enter your eyes sweep across the fully stocked shelves. “Not a lot of business?” You look back at the man, he only shrugs at you. “It’s a small town, ain’t too hard to stay stocked.” You watch as he moves to lock the door and your nerves flair. “What are you doing?” His hand pauses and he looks over at you with that same friendly smile. “We don’t open until 7:30. Still a lil early.” You shift uncomfortably. “Well I’ll wait outside then.” Bo shakes his head. “You don’t gotta do that. Tell ya what. I’ll work on your truck with the garage open if it makes ya feel better.” You chew on that thought for a second before finally nodding. “Cool, I’ll wait out there while you open the garage then.” You slip past him and out the door, going to stand by your truck Lester had parked just outside the garage. Quietly Bo chuckles to himself and locks the door, you were going to be fun for him.
You’re still standing in place when Bo opens up the garage, a lit cigarette now dangling from his lips. “It’s gonna take some time, you wanna grab a seat?” Your eyes shift between Bo and the clock. The time was now 6am. With your sleep having been interrupted you wouldn’t mind a moment to rest. But you also had to leave as soon as your truck was done and you were afraid that if you slept now you’d be too groggy to drive later. “When does that wax museum open?” Bo perks up a bit at that. “Depends. The guy who makes all the figures keeps odd hours, so your guess is good as mine. You could go check it out if ya wanted. If it ain’t open now it probably will be soon. Doubt you’re allowed to bring that in though.” He gestures vaguely to your weapon with his cigarette. You give a short laugh and your face flushes a bit. “Can’t be too cautious these days.” Bo seems to nod in understanding. “Well it’s up to you, if you wanna stay then stay. You wanna go, museum is just up that way.” He points up the road. “Can’t miss it.” With that he sets off to get working on swapping out your starter. Your eyes rove over Bo’s broad shoulders before darting to the road just outside the shop.
Sounds like a good way to kill time
Get some rest and talk with Bo    
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