#me too johnny. me too
moondirti · 1 month
featuring: ghoap x nanny! f!reader. parenthood. adoption processes. fluff. slice of life. reader is given an age range
hear me out: simon and johnny transferring to reserve duty – i.e., serving the military on a part-time basis rather than being on active call – once they make the decision to become dads. it comes after a long period of deliberation (and healing on simon's part), but after they're absolutely sure that they want to start this next phase of life together, they call price to get it sorted.
who is thrilled for them, naturally, but warns that they still have a specialised commitment to the task force. if he needs them, then they best make sure they're there. the world isn't a better place yet, and no one can do what the pair does.
fine by them.
so it begins. instead of the complex and ethical choices that come with surrogacy, they opt for adoption and work with an attorney to facilitate the logistics. months of searching come up with a young mother, whose unwanted pregnancy has interfered with her life thus far, and is unwilling to make the further sacrifice that comes with keeping the baby. they must be more understanding, or otherwise less overbearing, than the other candidates – because two months later, they're in a hospital waiting room, anxiously lingering to meet the new addition to their family.
isla riley-mactavish. named after the river where johnny realised he'd be much happier with his lieutenant by his side.
the first few months are bliss. exhausting bliss, but a type of contentment that neither man has known since they first confessed to one another. isla's fussy through nights but they take turns settling her down, and if they have military duties to attend to then it's usually never at the same time. she's spoiled rotten – not just by them, but by the captain and gaz as well, who visit more often than not with bags full of toys they have nowhere to put. a little princess in the eyes of everyone who knows her.
by month five, she's teething and can hold her head up unsupported. simon reads somewhere that it's one of the most pivotal points in her development.
of course the call has to come then.
in the middle of the night, no less, and loud enough to wake her up from her crib. johnny scrambles to calm the bairn down as simon answers, price's grave voice crackling in from the other end. expected to be a long haul. a month at least. state security's at serious risk here, simon. i wouldn't ask you to come out otherwise.
and they made a promise. no matter how much it aches them to leave their darling girl behind.
rdv on base in a week.
he knows that one week is a matter of grace. he can feel the captain itching to hatch the operation as soon as possible, but has staved off to give the boys time to order their affairs. that doesn't mean simon's happy with the timeline, though. seven days is not nearly enough to find a sitter they can trust, especially given their own hindrances.
regardless, they send a job posting for a live-in, 24/7 nanny to close friends – no way in hell are they advertising it to the open internet – and hours later, johnny's sister lets them know of a girl who substitutes at the same primary school she works at. a real darling, apparently. honest 'n' stowed oot of energy, th' weans love her, and she haes experience with bairns too!
promising, but word of mouth isn't enough. they get a name and ask laswell to run a thorough background check. to their relief, it comes out squeaky clean. no arrests, no dui's, no shady travel history. modest socials with only a handful of followers. it's in line with what they know so far, solid enough to encourage them to reach out. so they do: just a brief email, asking what time and place would be best for a face-to-face interview.
they bring isla with them to the agreed meeting spot. a cozy cafe nestled in one of the safest parts of town. it's an early saturday morning and they're scheduled to leave in three days. so far, they've put all their eggs in this basket. johnny has to hold onto simon's hand when he notices the nerves dancing behind his partners usually void eyes. but if he were being honest with himself, he's just as scared.
they notice you as soon as they walk in.
sitting at a table for four, mug of coffee steaming as you bend over a well-loved book. despite your preoccupation, you're observant – they inch in your periphery and your head snaps up, a brilliant smile parting your lips as you spring up onto your feet. simon tallies a point on the ledger in his head. good. alert is good.
as is true for them, it's abundantly clear that you're who they're supposed to meet. johnny can't imagine anyone but a children's educator dressing like that: a gingham babydoll dress over a pair of blue tights, which carries over to the bow in your hair and is juxtaposed by the white oxford lace-ups on your feet. he startles when you extend your hand to shake his and he finds a painted fruit on each of your short nails. positively adorable. and so unlike anything they know.
simon shuffles next to him. isla reaches out from her bugaboo stroller, the colours having caught her eye.
"well hello there! aren't you just the cutest angel i've ever seen? do you like my dress?"
that's another point for immediately engaging with the object of your soon-to-be care. simon watches as you pull out a rattle from your purse, handing it over to the cooing baby. warmth blossoms in his chest, and his apprehension fizzles out in the heat. they hadn't told you they'd be bringing isla – opting to catch you off guard and seeing how you'd deal – so he assumes you carry the toy around for emergency purposes, like anyone else of their ilk would carry a gun.
something about that quirk just screams safe.
"it is a nice dress." johnny pursues, voice smooth in that way it gets when he's flirting but doesn't want it made clear. it took weeks for ghost to attune himself to it – he always just thought the scot spoke like that – but now that he's able to hear it for what it is, he shoots him a cautionary look. not so much mad as he is cautious. wouldn't want to scare her off.
"oh! thank you very much. it's my grandmother's design." you straighten up once isla gains a proper grip on the rattle, patting the skirt like you're basking in the praise. "shall we sit? i assume you have a lot to discuss, and i promise you'll want to try the maple scones they make here."
"please. after you." simon nods.
an hour later, you're giggling into your palm as johnny deviates into a story of the time they took isla to the hospital because they didn't know the soft spot on her head could pulse. simon is quiet in contrast, though not displeased. rather, he's focused on keeping the tally of all the green flags you've exhibited thus far. he doesn't mind that the conversation hasn't followed a typical interview format. in fact, people are more likely to show their true nature when in relaxed settings such as this, which is perhaps why johnny hasn't stuck to the script of questions they'd prepared beforehand. the man is better at social manoeuvring than simon is, anyway. he trusts him to direct this where it needs to go.
"it can be freaky! especially if you've never been around a child that young. i had a similar reaction the first time i babysat my neighbour's infant at sixteen. did you know that they can break out like teenagers? i noticed the poor thing's skin erupt in acne at just a month old and called his parent's crying." you wheeze, wiping the tears along your lashline.
"have ye worked wi' many bairns?"
"oh, yeah. it's been my primary source of income since secondary, all the way through uni. i just finished a master's degree in early childhood education, actually! and i wrote a list of referrals you can call if you need to double check on any of that." you rummage through your purse and pull out an apple-shaped sticky note. "do you mind if i ask what you do? people don't usually look for a full-time nanny unless they're really busy. not that i'm judging! i would ne–"
"military." simon interrupts, ensuring his tone is gentle enough to reassure.
"that makes sense! i mean, for an indefinite amount of time, the pay you're offering is more than perfect. above industry standard, really." you pause, brows furrowing like you're doubting whether you should have said that. "ah– whatever. anyway. isla is wonderful, just the sweetest. and the provided accommodation is an added plus. if you guys have no other qualms, then i'd love to accept the position."
"does i' bother you that there are cameras on the property? porch, kitchen, and living room. jus' for security's sake." simon tests, though he knows he doesn't need to, for extra measure. to someone with bad intentions, CCTV is a massive dealbreaker.
you don't hesitate before answering. "makes total sense! you guys are well within your right to check in at any time."
and they don't have to consult each other to know. johnny is practically buzzing in his seat, muscles flexed with enthusiasm as his gaze flits all over you. lingering on your chest in particular, before he looks over to simon and smiles in an offensively handsome way. simon can't help but smile back, crinkling his eyes more than necessary so the both of you can tell what's going on behind his mask.
it feels a little too good to be true, hopeful in a way that sets off the alarm bells in his head. he's stable enough to recognise that it isn't your fault, though. stable enough not to pin his distrust on you. this is likely the best shot they've got at ensuring their daughter's safety while they're away, and it's come in the form of a vivid, bright little blessing.
(with great tits.)
he'd be a fool to sabotage it.
johnny beats him to the cause. "ye'r hired."
[ next ]
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egophiliac · 9 months
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this is all I can muster right now, too busy having my brain absolutely melted by the September schedule, what is happening
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temeyes · 9 months
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sick bois
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yikesb3rg · 9 months
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he lives don't worrey
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little-pondhead · 11 months
DP x DC Prompt
There are no more heroes.
Well, okay. Rewind a bit.
Danny has been doing the hero thing for a while now. He’s had a big reveal; everyone has accepted him (including his parents), the GIW disbanded, the Anti-Ecto acts repealed, and generally, everything is going great. Some of the A-Listers are even training as junior ghost hunters to help give him a break from his rogues! (Being Ghost King makes things hectic sometimes, and he just needs the extra help. Sue him!)
The point is, literally nothing is wrong with Danny Phantom’s afterlife.
And then Valerie Gray, the Red Huntress, disappears in front of his eyes.
Danny is baffled! She’s just…gone! Valerie just popped out of existence, like she was never there. But no matter how hard he searches in the Ghost Zone, he can’t find her soul anywhere. His core isn't broken in grief. So she’s not dead. Which is good. So then, where is she?
Some of the others come forward with ideas on how to find her. A few ghosts volunteer to go out into the mortal realm, an area Danny had declared off-limits, to see if she was out there. Danny approves it. He rounds up some of the friendlier (i.e., discreet) ghosts and Amity Parkers and demolishes the outside travel ban.
So everyone spreads out, looking for their dear frenemy and teammate. But it becomes apparent very quickly that something is wrong with the rest of the world.
There are no more heroes.
Every single living superhero on the face of the Earth has just…vanished. Villains are running amok; the countries are in chaos! Some aliens are invading Earth, mythical deities are trying to take over, and society is crumbling to the ground. Everything is on the brink of collapse.
Well, Danny was still there. And so were his people. They were pretty spread out, so could they just…take up the mantles? He also knew where to find the souls of dead heroes in the Zone; surely they wouldn't mind coming out of retirement for a little bit, especially if they couldn't die again. Oh! And that skeleton army leftover from Pariah Dark's reign might be useful in repelling those invading forces.
Honestly, there were more than enough hands to go around! And with the heroes gone, Danny didn't mind letting everyone out for a little break, as long as they followed his rules. They wouldn't stop the search for the other heroes, but hopefully, when they found them, the heroes wouldn't mind Danny's intervention too much. :)
In other words:
Someone fucks up, and all of Earth's living heroes are either wished out of existence or are whisked away to some far-off realm where Danny hasn't checked yet. In the attempt to figure out what's going on, Danny lets the dead run amok over the Earth as they search for clues. The skeleton army repels the invading armies, the souls of dead heroes deal with the world leaders, and his rogues and other Amity Parkers set up shop in place of famous heroes, trying to get the cities under control again.
Basically, they just do their best to keep everything from imploding until the Justice League and others are back.
(And why is it that Danny hasn't disappeared? Well, whatever caused everyone to go poof! only affected living heroes. Anyone heroes that were dead in the first place, or even just half-dead, stayed behind.)
#pondhead blurbs#danny phantom#dpxdc#reveal gone right au#ghost king au#for plot reasons#it doesn't count if the hero had died and then came back to life#lots of heroes would still be around then#but this is me pushing the halfa!jason todd narrative work with me here he deserves the fun#deadman is there too#and he's just thriving honestly. it's so nice to be around his own kind even if the world is ending#maybe ellie is whooshed away too cause she never technically died but she took up danny's moniker when he was crowned#vlad is ecstatic cause danny put him in charge of several states while they looked for clues including Wisconsin#skulker is replacing superman and just has a shitty S painted on his chest and just eats kryptonite like candy the first time he meets Lex#Kitty and Johnny take over in gotham and sam is now the new wonder woman#idk man just stupid stuff like this#the press is flabbergasted cause the fucking KING OF GHOSTS just showed up and he's 14 and just looking for some friends#Danny: hey guys sorry about the zombies and fire i'm just here to find my coworker and lil sister and maybe the other heroes#Danny: in the meantime i'll just let my army into the mortal realm to defend it while we figure out what's going on pls don't yell at us :)#the press: how do we explain this to the justice league when they come back. how do we explain that earth was saved by a 14 year old boy-#also idk which heroes are technically dead but are still kicking so if you feel like someone deserves liminal status slap it on them idc#some villains are trying for world dominance and some are just trying to find their buddies. their fight buds. where'd they go? :(#joker gets bitch slapped by a skeleton two days in and waylon becomes bffs with wulf#danny uses the watchtower as a base of operations and it's the only thing he doesn't want to give up when the heroes are back#i have no plot ideas beyond this#i just want everyone to be baffled that an army of the dead showed up while they were gone and just made sure everything stayed cool#later danny realizes he was technically the ruler of the world for a bit since his people were everywhere keeping the villains in check
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In case anyone needed this reminder:
Your fav COD man does not get off on your pain during sex. Ever.
So much of male-dominated language involving sex glorifies a woman's pain for his pleasure. She's expected to "just take it".
Your fav COD guy does not want that when he's with you. And if you've come to think of it as normal - because of previous experiences, because that's what everyone tells you, because you don't want to make a fuss and disappoint him, whatever the reason - he'll put a stop to it and have a serious talk with you about it.
These men have seen and experienced horrible shit in their lives.
You are their safe space. Their home. The one person they feel like they can be truly vulnerable with in a world that has made them battle-rough with scars, misery, and grief.
They want you to stay soft with them. They want you to have the safety of completely pure pleasure. They never ever want you to force or endure anything, let alone for their sake.
If it's a kink you're into, that's a different story.
But if you're not into it, your fav won't go anywhere near it. They won't pressure you to "just try it, maybe you'll like it". It's completely off the table, never to be mentioned again, and they'll be sure to lavish you in all the things you really love to show that you can relax with them.
Just as you have allowed them to lower their guard and let down their walls, they will do the same for you. When you are with them, you are safe in every sense of the word.
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martyfive · 6 months
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he’s just a little guy
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karpachev · 8 months
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brewed-pangolin · 1 month
In the mess hall:
Laswell: Choose your best sex song.
Price: 'Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe' by Barry White.
Gaz: 'Mr. Bombastic' by Shaggy.
Ghost: 'Yellow' by Coldplay.
Soap: '1812 Overture' by Tchaikovsky.
Price/Gaz/Ghost in unison: What?
Soap: What? The first fifteen minutes are all foreplay. That's the most important part.
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adas-trashheap · 2 months
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'You don't understand, you should never know, how easy you are to need.'
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dcrlvz · 11 months
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vixen7243 · 2 months
Wrong Chat: 2
Johnny X AFAB!Reader | TF141 X AFAB!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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MDNI !!!
You watched as Johnny and the guys huddled by the door, well except for Kyle, you weren't sure if he knew of what was happening, had you really sent that video to the chat? Tugging the blanket up to your chin slightly you couldn't help the blush that covered your cheeks when you noticed that Simon wasn't even participating in the talk that was happening between your boyfriend and John. Grabbing your phone to try and distract yourself, you stopped the video that you had started and deleted it, curiously you opened the chat and sure enough, it was right there and so was the responses from the guys, squeezing your eyes shut you covered your face, it wasn't completely your fault, Johnny was just so damn impatient and wanted you to keep sending them all to him right away. "Bonnie," Looking up, you watched as Johnny walked around the bed, resting his hand on your knee sitting by you, he had thrown on a pair of his boxers but his erection was still noticeable, even to you. Looking up to him you notice a lingering hesitancy, "how would you feel bout the lads havin a little taste of ye?"
You felt like a fish out of water, gaping at him jaw hung open slightly as you quickly looked to the door when hearing the front door slam shut and rapid foot steps coming up the stairs before Kyle slouched at the door frame, "You rat bastards. I see thankfully nothing started yet." You tuned them out as small bantered lifted the air between Simon and Kyle, you looked back at Johnny, you two had more than once thrown in a random partner in your sex lives, sometimes he encourage a one night fling with someone he would set up for you on tinder, only if you recorded it and sent it to him, and the talk of even letting his closest mates maybe having a shot with you was a constant reoccurring conversation. That's all it was though, conversation before he taunted you with filthy details of how they would use you and then the both of you screwing like bunnies all the way to your bed, Johnny loved overstimulating himself and you till the both of you were pussydrunk/cockdrunk.
Nervous though of how the teams bond would survive after sharing one of the teams girlfriend, the non promising flirting clearing meaning more if you said you didn't mind. You knew they were all very close, brothers in arms, friends, family, would everything really be okay if they were openly intimate with the same girl, seeing such vulnerable sides to each other? Nibbling on your lip, you wondered if Johnny would be fine with you after, you only had one night stands with men you never, ever saw again, those men never coming up to thought in either your or Johnny's mind. This would be so different though, Johnny would be seeing them all the time, you as well, would he be able to properly handle that? "Are YOU sure you're okay with them, 'having a taste'?" The bickering silenced at your inquiry, "You're not just fine with this because they showed up? This won't bother you later down the road? You work with them, you're all so close. We've made small talk every now and then of... you know... them maybe joining in, but I never thought that those could actually be holding any real weight with you. Did they?"
Johnny squeezed your knee, smiling softly at you, pulling you into his arms, kissing the top of your head, "Oh bonnie, I will be completely fine with this, we had talked about it a lot before, on my end, I did think that we were on the same page of them, that is my fault, probably too light hearted on it before fogging your mind up on my dick, eh?" Pulling back from him you playfully smacked his arm.
"Johnny." Chuckling with him you met him half way in a soft kiss, "So you're really, truly, 100% okay with..." Looking over to the others who were attentively listening and inched closer at your glance, "sharing?"
Taking the blanket from your hands, he slowly started pulling it down and away from your body, shuffling towards the bed you looked to the men, Johnny pulling your ankle to the side, your sopping cunny presented to them. Gasping at the cool air hitting your folds, your eyes followed as fingers nimbly undid buttons, zippers and belts, "You just sit back and relax eh bonnie, we'll move and handle your every need." Sighing, you looked up to Kyle who snuck around Simon and reached your side, guiding your face closer kissing you deeply, tasting you and groaning when you pushed closer with him. Feeling another pair of hands on your legs and hips, you tried to open your eyes and look, but Kyle was insistent on not breaking the kiss as his hand slid into your hair holding you still. You gasping into the kiss as you felt someone's calloused fingers rubbed into your clit, roughly toying with it making your hips attempt to rut against the fingers, only to be stopped by another pair of hands pushing your hips into the bed. Huffing, you pulled back gasping for air as you shot your eyes down and watched as John pushed your other knee down before pinching your clit and giving a short twist, crying slightly you jolted, grunting when Simon leaned into you and bite your nipple.
So lost and overwhelmed with all the stimulation to your body you looked over to Johnny, he was holding his cock back in his hand leaning in to suck at your neck, looking back at Kyle you helped him fish out his dick, licking your lips at the length, "Pretty." Looking up at him when he chuckled you realize you had said that out loud, giving him a few strokes before you shifted to move closer opening your mouth, he met you the rest of the way, groaning when your wet tongue slid over the slit of his cockhead. Sucking him into your mouth, you gave a few bobs of your head, using your hand to pump what you couldn't fit into your mouth.
"Impatient as ever huh, Gaz?" John said as he leaned down, pushing Simon's hands from your hips, shifting you forward slightly, Kyle's cock slipping a little further down your throat making you gag, "Sorry darling, need little more space." Whimpering around Kyle's dick you bucked forward when you felt John's lips against your clit, his fingers sliding down to your dripping slit, pushing the remaining bit of Johnny's spunk right back into your clenching hole. You reached out your other hand, before it was guided to a fat cock, your nimble fingers barely grazing each other as you wrapped them around the shaft, feeling the big hand around yours, you started pumping the appendage. Shifting your eyes slight from the movement behind you on the bed you saw as Johnny removed your hand from Kyle and sat up on his knees, your hand making quick work back on his shaft. Letting you get your pace, Johnny bunched up your hair in his fist pushing you a little further down onto Kyle, a gargled whimper getting stuck in your throat at the action. "Shit, keep that up MacTavish, she's sucking my damn fingers in deeper." Clenching again around John's fingers you felt tears prickling your eyes as Johnny listened and made you move fast.
Choking slightly you tried your best to keep your hands moving, faltering making Simon keep his hold on your hand tight as he helped you drag up and down his thick shaft. Blinking, tears started slipping down your cheeks when Kyle's grunt continued to get louder, his hips making quick deep thrusts against Johnny's guided movements. Gargling you started shifting, hips moving against John's assault on you cunny, you felt close to cumming but darted your eyes to Johnny who let you momentarily abandon his cock, your hand darting up to Kyle's hip, tugging on his pants before both his hands grabbed either side of your head, also grasping Johnny's hand, shoving his dick deep into your throat, his shaven pelvic pushed to your nose, all air halted. You could feel his cum shooting down your throat, forced to try and swallow it down or continue to choke around him as he stayed still, head thrown back, eyes rolled back, his groans filling the room.
As soon as his hands and Johnny's left your head, you pulled back, strings of his cum and your spit connecting your lips to his twitching dick, coughing and gasping you whined turning your head down to look at John, "Stop, no, I'm goin to..." Stopping when Johnny pulled your hand back from pushing John's head away, you rutted your hips into John's face cumming against him, still struggling to regain control of your breathing, your hand around Simon's shaft tighten and pushed down making him grunt.
Once John had licked up your essence, dutifully also sucking up Johnny's cum from your cunt, he gently used his palm to rub fully against your mound. "Damn good job darling." Sniffling you leaned back, Johnny moving a pillow under your head, kissing your temple as John removed his shirt and tugging his pants off before climbing back between your legs, his beard was wet as he leaned into you kissing you, you could taste yourself and Johnny on his tongue, he'd eaten you out while filled with another man's cum like it was nothing and the thought that since it was so easy he probably would even mind sucking from the source to get a taste. Wondering if he was enjoying that he could too also taste Kyle on your tongue you combed your fingers up through his beard to his scalp, moaning when you could feel his tip nudging your entrance. "Sexy little minx, you ready?"
Nodding your head you bent your legs shifting them a little more for him, you arched into him moaning when he slowly started pushing into you, completely overstimulated and spent as soon as he was fully into you to the hilt of his dick, you cried into his mouth cumming already. Twitching beneath him, you sniffled as he leaned up looking down at you, the look in his eyes full of humor and fondness, "Sweat heart, cumming already like that, fuck, almost had me cumming in these tight walls." Pushing the hair stuck to your forehead back he rested on his forearms rolling his hips into you, "You'll let me fill up this poor little cunt won't you?"
Wrapping your weak arms around his shoulders you nodded your head, taking slow thrusts at first, John built you back up, grunting each time your gummy walls squished around him, your cum and still some left over spend from Johnny that was buried deep in your frothing around the base of his cock. He was slowly loosing himself as he hooked your knees up to his chest bending you into a mating press, "I'm going to fuck my cum right into your womb darling, making you right and full of me." Moaning you grabbed his shoulders pulling him down, drooling at the thought that you could very well get pregnant from tonight, Johnny had such a big breeding kink that he had you addicted to the thought of being round and carrying his baby you agreed to stop taking your birth control. You never worried about not being married yet, with how much the two of you love each other you guys knew that it would happen eventually whether you've had kids yet or not. Of course, when you would have one night stands your were more than persistent to make sure they wore a condom and that you took a plan B pill just incase, but the mere thought that John could be possibly responsible for breeding you like a whore in front of your boyfriend made you gush around him again, "You love that huh? Fucking a baby right into this pretty cunt, you won't even put up a fight huh? You would raise it like we had been together for years huh?"
God, yes, yes you would, Johnny even groaned to the left of you, knowing he was agreeing you rode out your orgasm while John's hips lost their rhythm his cock pushing right into your cervix, twitching as his cum filling every crevasse in you. The both of you, held still, John letting his balls drain into you, slotting your fingers up into his beard, dazed you gently pulled him down to you, the kiss a slow burning heat, tongues more gently gliding over each other, lips barely parted as you guys shifted deepening the kiss, the world tuned out as you two soaked in the other. Having collected your self's, John slowly pulled back, and the look in his eyes made your walls reflutter around his softening shaft, pulling out of you he gave you another quick soft kiss. Your legs lowered to the bed, dazed and pliant, you waited for Simon to reach down to you, he started shifting you, he had turned you around and laid you down on your stomach.
As rough as his hands looked, they were gentle as he handled you, pulling your hips up before folding a pillow and pushing it under them, you felt his finger nails, blunt, drag from your arched ass, down and up your spine, goosebumps following the trail, "I'm not much one for being too gentle lovie, I'll hold back starting off for you, but I will use this filthy cunt till you've drained everything I have for you." His voice made your walls flutter around nothing, his harsh promise of possibly absolutely ruining your pussy more than it already was had you drooling and nodding at the promise fisting the bed sheet in your hands. Feeling his rough hands spread your legs, he shifted in between your legs, shoving his pants down half way down his thighs, you could feel the metal bit of his belt dig into your thigh when he start easing himself inside, John's cum a natural lubricant for his girthy fat cock, pushing your face into the pillow you grunted, whining at the stretch, feeling as either hand grabbed the pillow you were gripping, a sharp thrust forward buried him the rest of the way into you, the air in your lungs feeling like it had been punched right out of you. Simon grunted as he held still a moment, giving you as much time as his body would allow before drawing back half way and then shoving back in, lifting your head slightly sucking in air you moaned. Pulling back again, this time the tip of his weighty cock sitting at your entrance, before he yet again ploughed right back in a sob falling from your lips, pushing back into him, at that, Simon followed up onto his harsh promise and fell into a harsh pace, no doubt bruising your walls. Feeling raw under him you couldn't do anything more then feel like jelly under him taking each each thrust.
After 3 more numbing orgasms around his dick, Simon fisted your hair yanking your head up from the pillow, tears sliding down your cheeks, mixing with the drool that was coming from your mouth, your whines and moans forced into the room, body shaking from the blows Simon was pushing into your cunny. "All fucked out, come on, little more love." As sweet dripped from his forehead onto your hot back, you felt as his hand slapped down across your ass cheek, "Say my name love, come on, Simon, say it." An incoherent sound sputtered from your mouth, stuttering, trying again you cried as another smack landed on the other cheek, "Simon, say it." You really were trying, but you just couldn't get your brain to work, the last orgasm had you squirting around him, soaking his pants and the bed sheets under you, absolutely ruining them. "Say it lovie."
Huffing out, feeling his grip tighten in your head smacking down hard, a clean hand print reddening on your cheek, sobbing out, you stuttered, "S-s-s-Si..." Grunting as he shift your hips more, your back arching painfully as he tugged your head back, the thrusts more rough somehow.
Crying out you felt his hips faltering, his cock twitching, he was close, "SIMON!!" His hips slamming against your ass, holding as his cum shot right into your cervix, you squirted, a painful orgasm shooting through your body as you screamed out, crying as he rotated his hips, his balls sliding against your aching clit. You went weightless, eyes shutting, shallow breathing under him, you had officially passed out. Lowering your head into the pillow, Simon carefully laid your body into the drenched pillow and sheets, huffing as he littered your back, shoulders, neck and cheek with soft kisses.
"Jesus Ghost, that was some of the hottest shit I'd seen." Gaz said, his limp, pumped cock resting in his hand, his cum dripping down onto the bed, the other men fisting themselves, unable to hold out to the show.
"Pick her up yeah?" Johnny asked as he went into the hall opening the closest grabbing a spare bed sheet, blanket and a few towels. Walking back in, he handed the towels to Kyle, "Clean her up will ye." John had already removed the soaked bed sheet, also throwing the pillow you soaked into the hamper with the sheet before assisting Johnny spreading out the new sheet, tucking the corners. Johnny laid out the pillows, helping Simon lay you into the middle, Kyle coming back with a couple damp towels, laying the dry ones at the foot of the bed, each one taking a towel to carefully drag along each limb and between your thighs before taking the dry towels to wipe your damp body down.
"Right." John was gruff as Johnny started getting situated beside you, an arm tugging you into him spooning you.
The lads started making to getting dressed about to leave till Johnny looked at them bewildered, "Where are the lot of ye goin?"
Shocked they looked to each other before Kyle spoke, "Well, home, give ya'll space?"
Johnny looked confused, "For what? Ye think she'll be happy to wake up an the lot of ye just left after getting a good rump in?" Shrugging his shoulders he shift into you, "Alri, if that so suites you guys, thought ye would at least want to stay after that."
Little taken aback, Kyle restriped his pants and laid on the other side of you, wrapping you up, an arm slightly over Johnny's ribs. John and Simon glanced at each other, pushing their clothes off, before also going to the bed and climbing in, flicking the lights off. John slid in behind Kyle, big arms going over his waist to grip yours, Simon doing the same behind Johnny, his hand snaking up cupping your breast comfortably. Snuggly tucked in under the blanket you all rested holding each other.
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Part 3
Viola 😍😘 Part of me wonders if I'll do more parts to this, I slightly feel like there could be potential for little drabbles of before, you know, when Johnny had you sending him videos of you riding other guys, ruining them, then him showing you exactly who you belong to😵‍💫. Or the after bits or the lads truly and properly confessing controversial feelings for you?🤔 IDK?!?!?😉 Anyways, hope ya'll enjoyed.💕
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temeyes · 4 months
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Please take this healing plant of my ancestors to cure your hands soon! We love you!
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AAAA thank you, bestie!! gosh i really need some of those right now, and soap too actually.
my right hand's a bit okay now btw!! but it's my left hand's turn to act up now. so any help would be so Nice,,,
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
Hole in One
I promised nsfw of him and here it is:)
Word Count: 3K
A/N: I saw art where he has like these fucking tendrils come out of his face hole and I needed that<3
Jonathan has certainly changed after the Super-Collider. Not only was his appearance affected, with his body elongating and compressing, but also features disappearing. However, his personality was also altered. He’s become more possessive, and clingy. He hardly ever allows you to leave your home during your days off. Sure, you have to go and buy groceries and run your errands, but he needs you. 
If you were to be honest with yourself, you like being needed. You adored the attention that he was giving you. You thrived under it, knowing that you were the one that he cared so much for.
So when you come home and he calls for you, touching and rutting against you while you sit on his lap, you roll your hips, feeling yourself leak arousal. It’s been too long since you’ve had any sort of intimacy with him that led to sex. Most intimacy ended right before it got physical, and you knew that would be an issue- he was still insecure about his body- you only had your fingers to pleasure yourself in the shower. Now that he has you on his lap, rutting and whining about how nice and sweet you are to him, you want nothing more than to have anything of him inside of you.
You press your lips to kiss against his jawline, peppering him in soft kisses and letting your hands cup over his chest. His hands find themselves over your hips, going under your shirt to feel your skin.  “I gotta say,” you mumble, “I miss your nipples.” He hisses out your name and you smile as you kiss down his neck. “It’s true. You were always so sensitive-” the pad of your thumb swipes over where they should have been- “always whined and buck when I’d twist them.”
“I wouldn’t whine,” he mewls, looking down at you. Pinching softly as the skin on your stomach, he tilts his head. “I miss being able to kiss you.”
Smiling softly, you press a kiss on the edge of one his spots near the collarbone. “I tried not to bring it up before, but you’re um, kinda flat down there.”
“You’re missing your dick, Jonny,” you murmur, rimming a hole with the point of your index finger. 
“Oh um-” he clears his throat and the spot on his face divots at the top- “it's in a hole.”
Your brows furrow. “What?”
“Watch.” His hand shots down to his middle, and between the small space that you’ve created, his knuckles bump against your crotch. You roll your hips against his knuckles and he’s polite enough not to say anything. Oh, it really has been a while since you’ve had any sort of action. You watch as a spot forms, swirling and dark, little lines of it rippling around, and you blink and suddenly, you’re staring at his cock. 
With a watering mouth, you realize that it really has been a while. “Fuck Jonathan,” you mumble, trying to keep yourself composed.
“Good or bad?” He asks, uncertainty and insecurity twisted into his words. 
Having to peel your eyes away from his cock, you look up at him. “Mind if I blow you?” He nods rapidly. “Cool.” You kiss at the edge of the spot on his face. 
You sit on your knees, your hands pushing against his thighs to spread his legs. Appearing from the hole, the cock springs upwards, pure white, lacking any kind of spots. There’s a bit of coloration- a light gray that you wonder if it’s supposed to be his own coloration except in monochrome, or if it's blushing. From the hole, his package also exits the spot, resting over the edge. The spot itself is perfectly shaped for him with dark swirling lines around the edge of the hole, but there are no gaps- not an inch of room for you to rim and poke around. 
“You’re bigger than before,” you say in a whisper. Moving closer to his erection, you press your face against it. “A lot bigger.” You can feel your cunt twitch at the thought of him going inside of you. 
He’s looking down at you, his spot dilated and swirling. “You uh- like it?”
It really has been a while for you. You don’t even want to answer him- all that you can think about it putting him in your mouth. His skin is different than before, almost like a latex feel- or rubber. You aren’t entirely sure of the proper comparison but at the moment, it doesn’t matter.
Pressing a kiss against his cockhead, you pull back, swiping a tongue underneath his head. Other than the color and stretched size, it looks exactly like his did before- down to the vein on the underside, the soft curve to it, and the leaking head. You grab at the base of his cock, and he mumbles your names, hands lifting weakly before they fall back to the bed with a thump. Your tongue peeks out and you swipe over the slit, tasting the semen on your tongue.
It still tastes like him.
Oh, you’ve really missed him.
“Can you-” he falters with his sentence- “Please,” he begs.
You open your mouth to him, pushing yourself midway, already feeling his cockhead hit the back of your throat. He’s much longer than before. Pulling away, a thin sheen of spit covers him. Your hand wraps around his base, pumping him, and you return to him, feeling his thighs jolt at the touch. Taking him into your mouth, you can feel how hot and heavy he feels, and he leaks into your mouth, and you greedily swallow it all. 
There’s never been a stronger want than now. You need him. You worship him, suckling him and hollowing your cheeks, desperate as he is to make him cum. Your jeans rub against your crotch, and you can't think how his heavy scent fills your lungs and makes your mouth water. Unbuckling them right now is the least of your concerns when you can just rut against the friction with the thick material. Pulling his cock off of your mouth, it bobs and taps against your face, leaving your spit sticking to your skin. You watch in awe as it reaches well past your face. Even thinking about it going inside of you makes you want to skip the foreplay and just put it in. The sting of it might actually be worth it. 
Pushing yourself back against his cock, you take him again, shivering at how thick even his pre-ejacualtion is. Oh, your poor Jonathan- too pent up for who knows how long. You;d make up for lost time, you’re sure of it. You won’t let go of his cock until the both of you are spent and even then, you’d want him to be buried deep in your cunt, stretching and hitting deep at your core. You moan against him, the thought of him filling you with his seed and keeping it inside of you makes your cunt throb.
Your jaw almost hurts with how you have to push so far down, choking and spit dribbling in the corner of your mouth. But he sounds so good, moaning and panting your name with his hand holding onto the crown of your head. You focus on slurping him, suckling on his cockhead like it would produce you milk, moaning and rubbing yourself against the seam of your pants while he jerks and moans. 
He calls your name, broken and low, his hand fisting into your hair. “I’m gonna- Fuck!” He tilts his head back, bucking his hips into your mouth, his cockhead pushing against the inside of your cheek. “Your mouth- I fucking-” The sound of you gagging echoes in your ears, and you can feel strands of spit spill from your mouth. 
Your hand grasps onto his package, massaging and rolling the pair around in your hand. It feels so heavy in your hands- burning and weighted with pent frustration. Adjusting him in your mouth, your lips circle around the middle of his cock, his seed spilling and filling your mouth. It’s thick, and gooey, resting flat on your tongue and when you lean back, spills past the corner of your lips. Looking up at him, there are tears in your eyes, and your mouth closes, swallowing the seed and letting it burn down your throat. 
As you stand, you can feel how slick your underwear is. It slips and sticks and you need to take off everything. You’re too hot- too aroused to even want to consider giving him a show, but as he looks at you, his cock stays erect, twitching as a gossamer string of cum hangs and drips onto the floor.
Your clothes fall into a pile and he’s looking at you with his spot swirling and erratic, and you can’t help but smile. Oh, that has to be a good sign.  There’s fleeting spots of gray that stretch over his face, and you’re pulled on the bed. 
Laying on the bed with your legs bent, you watch as he dips his face down. The hands on your legs squeeze, and you suck in a breath through your teeth. You can feel his face nuzzle against your thighs, soft little upwards strokes that lead down to your cunt. 
A hand lets go of you, and you wait, and wait, the anticipation killing you and making you throb. You think about calling his name, wanting him to do something other than just stare at you. Something wet slicks against your cunt, and you yelp, body lifting and skin crawling with goosebumps. It’s wet and feels slimy- a feeling that you aren’t totally opposed to. His tongue- you think it’s his tongue- slides around your cunt.
“I’m sorry! I just- I wanted to try- Are you okay?” He peeks his head up from between your thighs.
“I uh- No, no. That was just a surprise. Keeping going,” you say breathlessly.
Your hands fist into the cover and you feel him lap at your cunt. It oozes over you, thin and viscid, snaking down the inside of your thighs to the bedsheets. You buck your hips. Gasps and moans fill the room, and you need him to keep going. His tongue zigzags over your cunt in fat strides, the point of it liking upwards around your hardened clit. Your hands find themselves at your breasts, pulling and twisting at your nipples. 
He does such a good job with whatever he’s using. 
“Fuck, Jonathan!” You yelp, lifting your hips when something else laps at your cunt, when something smaller and thinner teases at the edge of you, dipping in to feel you clench around him, but pulling away with ease. “No- Fuck, inside, please,” you moan, bucking your hips.
It doesn’t feel like it’s his hands, and it can’t be his hands because they’re holding your thighs, stretching and pushing them away. You don't have much time to think about it when your clit is rubbed with the flat of his tongue. 
Something wet is against your crotch and you aren't sure what it is, it feels like it's a lot- thick and slimy. You grind against his face with stuttering hips and a twitchy cunt. Wet, clicking sounds fill the room, his tongue working you into a frenzy, scuttling around your heat, and his face buries deeper as if he can’t get close enough, as he has to be in you- or you in him considering how his holes work. He eats like a starving man which isn’t completely untrue- and he’s simply lapping and swiping at your sex. 
Gasping and panting, you keen at how close you are, and in what is the cruelest he has ever been, he pulls away. You look up to see something slither back into his face hole, and he’s shining in your arousal, and his spit. 
Your face is flushed and eyes squinted in frustration. “Jonathan,” you wail, a hand shooting down to finish the job yourself. Except a hole stops you, and your hand shows up on the other side of the room, reaching for you, and grabbing for nothing. “Jonathan-”
“I wanna feel,” he says, grabbing at the base of his cock, and swiping it up your cunt. His head touches at your clit, and a jolt causes you to arch your back. He slides it back down and his cock enters you.  You pull your hand back, fisting when you feel him.
His hands find themselves back at your legs and he bends them, letting your cunt stretch and you feel him push further into you. Hands grips below your knees, and your hands bend to rest beside you. His thrusts are heavy and strong, and he’s bent over, looking into you as you whine and writhe under him. 
Frantically, he’s burying himself deep, and you can feel it all- every twitch of his cock, the way that it stretches and makes you want to cry that it’s far too much, but you’re unable to speak, too lost on the feeling of him finally being inside of you to actually think clearly. He ruts into you, and you stare at the hole in his face. He’s so much bigger than he was before, towering over you, having to hunch himself over to keep you at face level. He’s unforgiving, whimpering and cursing under his breath. He bullies your cunt, and it’s clear that he really needed this- that he needed you. You can hear soft gasps, and moans that sound deep and strained, and you think you see his hole twitch and spasm when you call his name. 
“Jonathan,” you mewl, tilting your head backwards. “‘S feels so good.” Your words are simple, mind hazy and muddled as the man before you slams his hips against yours. Sex is nothing like it was before, and you think it has to do with whatever built up pressure the two of you have had. You arch your back, your body shaking and squeezing against him as an orgasm crashes through your body. “More, more,” you plead, your hands reaching to grasp at his forearms, clawing at his skin. You don’t now why you waited to fuck him- you wouldn’t have if you knew that he was this needy and pent-up. 
The spot on his face is enlarged and swirling. Staring it feels too much- like you’re going to get sucked into it and never come out. You wonder if his holes feel good too. Reaching a hand, you swirl it around one near the crook of his elbow. He thrusts into you sharply, groaning and bending his head down. 
“You feel so good,” he laments. Something jolts inside of you- he sounds off, echoey and deeper. “Love how you feel.” he thrust into you and you gasp, fluttering your eyes close as he bullies your cervix. Through fluttering blinks, you watch as his jolts and the spots stretch over, almost encasing part of his shoulder in black. You wheeze and close your eyes when he pushes himself deeper into you. “‘S all mine.” You feel something wet drip on your chest and when looking, it comes out of his face hole in thick, dark drops. “I wanna be deep inside of you.”  He speaks in a guttural voice as he rocks his hips into you. 
There’s a knot in your stomach that tightens with every thrust, and you whine and moan, twisting and jittering as he pistons into you. You can’t bring yourself to speak, only moaning and wailing the closer that you get, the more that he fucks you in a way he hadn’t before. 
“Never wanna let you go.” You return the sentiment by clamping around his cock. “I wanna fuck you,” he slurs, giving short, quick thrusts into you. “Fuck you till you’re full.”
His spots swirl and move and the way that he speaks isn’t his voice, but an echo of it, devoid of emotion, only hunger and possession that lays mixed into the vowels and constants. You really do think you’re going to be sucked into him with how serious he is. 
Your body shakes and stutters as you reach your high, clamping around his cock, whining and clawing your nails into him to keep him close to you. 
“Where?” He asks, his voice melding to sound more like him. “I wanna- Where?” He calls your name, weakly and shakily pushing himself inside of you. His body jolts and twitches, the hands on your squeezing and scratching your skin. “Can I cum inside?” He lowers himself, resting his forehead against your own. “Please. I wanna so bad,” he mumbles. 
“Inside, please,” you mutter,  reaching up to kiss at his skin that burns under your touch. “Wanna feel full.” It’s enough to set him off, chasing his high, fucking you through your own. You squeal, legs twitching and body feeling as if it's on pins.
Even as he reaches his high, he doesn’t relent- his thrusts get sloppy, but they still hold the heaviness to them. It’s like he’s making sure that when he spills into you is going to be too buried inside of you to even leak out.
Past the twitching and calling of your name, he lets his cock warm inside of you, pulling out with a groan as if leaving you is too painful to even do. He lays beside you, his cock twitching against his thigh, leaking a thick cream that can barely be distinguished from his own skin. He takes heavy breaths, fingers dancing over the bedsheets in an attempt to calm down. 
You turn over, resting your hand over his. the middle of your thighs feel wet, and sticky. It leaks down and leaves a trail of warmth. His spots are smaller, back to his regular size, and while they move, they aren’t as erratic as they were before.
“That was good,” you tell him. “Fuckin’ good.”
“Mhm,” he agrees with a high-pitched voice. “Really good,” he agrees in a breathless voice. “Think we can go again?”
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shotmrmiller · 15 hours
soap doing the let's make one of the 141 guys jealous because i'm close to you and they're not but he doesn't pull away talking about thank me later. he takes it as far as you're willing to let him go and if he fucks, he fucks 🤷🏻‍♀️
definitely bragging about it later. tasted like honey, bonnie did. can still smell 'er on my fingers. nabbed 'er knickers too, wanna see? (he ain't showing shit because he worked hard for that slip of string you call undergarments)
calls you his ball and chain once and he's showing up to your room with a busted lip and black eye
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buttdumplin · 2 months
Been thinking a lot about the 141 boys and their piercings. This is just a quick little thing
cw: poly 141, gn!reader, clit and tits specified but that's it, genital piercings, breeding mention, lots of precum (this one is a little sticky), aftercare mentioned, let me know if I missed anything! word count: 982
Ghost, undeniably, with his Jacob's ladder, 7 rungs. He'll use it to measure and tease each of you about how much of him you're able to take. He loves seeing the pride and hunger that each rung inspires, making it solely about you as the receiver. It's quite an experience every time, one he'll recreate as many times as asked. But if you ask Ghost, his favorite use of it is working each of you up without penetration. He'll still your hips as he grinds against you until you're drenched and every drag of his cock fills the room with squelching. He'll rut against the boys from base to tip until they are coated with their own precum. Gaz will whimper every time Ghost presses against his frenulum and the sound alone has the rest of you moaning.
Pretty boy Gaz himself has 2 that he can hide, a lovely little tongue piercing and a guiche. The boy loves to give and to get, and really, who can blame him. He loves the fact that he can keep both mostly hidden and then flash them at all of you to tempt you into bed. And it's never not worked. The boys are never as breathless as they are every time he presses the bead on his tongue into their slits. It's lead to plenty of sounding sessions, but nothing hits as hard as when Gaz has his lips wrapped around their tips, bead nestled in them, and he lets out a deep, prolonged hum. And in return, you'll all take advantage of that guiche. You'll reach down as you ride him, past those incredibly sensitive balls of his, and press and flick lightly at the hoop. It'll have the most sinful sounds coming from his mouth and have his hips stutter.
Soap has his nipples done, a shiny silver barbell through each, of course. His nipples were already sensitive before the piercings, but now a single flick at them will have him hard in half a second. You've all been known to take on the challenge of making Soap cum by just playing with his nipples. Those nights will end with him drooling and covered in copious amounts of his own cum, because a single time is not enough for any of you. And while it leaves him sensitive for days, he lives for those sessions. Soap will also use them to subtly and secretly work the boys up during the day. He'll drop by to check in on them and come close as if he's got something important to tell them, but he'll use the moment to rub his nipple against theirs. He'll keep at it until they reach for him, sprinting away before they can grab hold. And with you, he'll pin you down and hold your tits to give you the exact same treatment, only without any clothes acting as barriers, ignoring the rest of your body, not stopping until you're begging prettily. Never you mind that he's also panting by the time you do so.
And Price, beautiful, wonderful Price. He has his nipples pierced, too, only he's got heavy silver hoops in them. He's also got a Prince Albert, which he will use on all of you without an ounce of hesitation. Nights with him will have each and every single one of you crying with pleasure. He'll gladly go at Gaz' frenulum with it, having him cumming just from frotting. He'll use it to milk Ghost and Soap's prostates, making them go for round after round after round until they run dry. And he'll use it to abuse your clit until you're begging him to fuck you, whispering in your ear that maybe this time it'll stimulate your cervix enough to help his seed catch. You always agree, nodding blindly, needing the feeling of him ramming into you so fucking deeply.
On days when he's tired and needs a break from his constant role of authority, you and the boys will bring out this little chain you had made for him. It's an almost dainty thing that clips onto his nipple hoops and his Prince Albert. It's just short enough to pull gently at all three, giving steady stimulation but not enough to help him cum. You and the boys will have him kneel in front of you, and you'll caress him and kiss him and put on a show to make his heavy cock jerk and tug on the chain. On these days, Price will never beg, he won't even speak unless asked to. Because he knows you'll all treat him right, he knows he's in safe hands. So he'll kneel in place for as long as asked, using his mouth on each of you, a steady string of precum oozing from his cock and hitting the floor. These chain sessions end with Price at the center of the cuddle pile and the most tender aftercare.
There is another one they all have as well. No one really remembers who brought it up to begin with, but for your one year anniversary with them, they all got a pubic piercing. They all went into the shop together to get it done a couple of months earlier, knowing they'd be gone on deployment and successfully be able to hide them. So on the night of, after you've all come back home from a lovely dinner, they ask you to close your eyes for just a moment. You hear lots of rustling and some giggling from Soap and some hushing from Ghost and sharp, nervous exhales from both Price and Gaz. They give you the all-clear and you open your eyes to see them holding their already heavy erections to the side to show you the pretty jewelry. "For that pretty clit of yours," they say. "Now you'll have to tell us who uses it the best"
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