#mbti equivalents
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Ion know wtf otacore is meant to be, also modern rock and alt metal are basically the same genre.
No surprise on top artists but I was impressed by my listening time
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Yeah Ok, I'll take that
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insomnianoctem · 1 year
Seeing everyone’s Spotify Wrapped is really making me wanna try using Spotify
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likeprongstostars · 4 months
what is your favourite hannibal murder scene? (this is equivalent to the mbti test to me)
anon you are asking me the impossib- PRIMAVERA
this might a bit basic answer but HANNIBALS BROKEN HEART ON DISPLAY FOR WILL right after "i let you know me, see me. I gave you a rare gift but you didn't want it" got me bouncing of the walls. And the heart unfolding itself into a stag (the literal symbol of the blurry boundaries between good and evil in this show) and going straight to Will taunting the beast urging his transformation, rebirth...
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ALSO the tarot card reference for reversed three of swords. The three of swords would usually mean rejection or betrayal while the reversed version of the card stands for accepting the past and forgiveness. HANNIBAL SHOWED HIM HIS BLEEDING HEART AND FORGAVE HIM RIGHT AFTER BECAUSE HE KNEW WILL WILL GO AFTER FOR HIM... WHAT A SIMP
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
if you had to gift someone and the only information you had about them was their MBTIs, what gift would you choose for each one?
INFJ: An assortment of teas
INTJ: A dagger (minimalist, but beautiful)
ENFP: Shower speaker
ENTP: A joke book and this
ISFP: Candles
ESFP: Earrings (style: extra)
ESTP: A set of sunglasses
ISTP: A hot glue gun (we all need one)
ISFJ: your best homemade cookies with the recipe
ESTJ: A fountain pen
ESFJ: Starbucks (or equivalent) vouchers
ISTJ: A new york times games subscription
INFP: fancy hot chocolate powder
INTP: A hoodie
ENFJ: Flowers and a vase
ENTJ: A watch
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jimmy-dipthong · 2 months
Translation of Sekai no Owari - Habit
I love this song, and the choreo is fucking crazy. I'll attempt to explain some of the decisions I made in the translation below the cut!
First a little explanation about this song. I have been thinking about my gender for a few years now, and I recently had a few conversations that have made me realise I'm probably agender. My partner showed me this song at the peak of when I was thinking about it the most (she didn't know at the time), and I was shocked at how relevant the lyrics were to my thought process and especially to our relationship. This song means a lot to me, and I felt like I just had to translate it.
Anyway, let's talk translation. I've had a look at some other translations, and mine slightly differs in that I feel I've attempted to convey the core message of the song more strongly than the others. For example:
陰キャ陽キャ "What's your MBTI?"
This line could be translated to something literal like "are you cheerful or gloomy" but I felt it was better to use an english-world equivalent of a popular system of putting people into boxes. Also worth noting that this line is extremely short, and my subtitling software warns you when the amount of time the subtitle appears for is too short, based on how many letters are in it. The translation needed to be like, 3 short words. I'm honestly pretty happy with this, I think it fits well and introduces the premise of the song well.
気付かない本能の外側を 覗いていかない? 気分が乗らない? Nice dichotomy idiot, what exists outside it? Wanna take a peek? Not in the mood?
Ok, obviously this isn't a direct translation, but I love that post and this song is basically "nice dichotomy idiot" the song, so I really wanted to work it in somewhere. A literal translation would be like "Won't you peek outside your subconscious instincts?" and I had trouble making that sound song-y in english until I decided to work in the meme.
やってるのにイケないヤツ and the ones using skills they don’t have
The Japanese here is a bit of a double entendre. It could be translated to "people doing stuff who really shouldn't be doing that" (いけない being kind of equivalent to ダメ in such an interpretation), but it could also mean "people who are fucking but can't cum". I tried really hard to work in similar sexual imagery ("the ones who go but don't come"??) but it just didn't work and in the end I just made it mirror the preceding line.
I almost want to say that was the hardest line in the song but that award has to go to this:
大人の俺が言っちゃいけない事言っちゃうけど 説教するってぶっちゃけ快楽 酒の肴にすりゃもう傑作 でもって君も進むキッカケになりゃ
Most adults won’t admit it, but what the hell, Lecturing is such a guilty pleasure This, plus a drink - that's heaven And if this gets you to grow up?
Making this catchy and natural was really tough. I actually stole a bit of the first line from another translation because I liked the way they handled the 大人の俺 part. 酒の肴にすりゃ is also a difficult thing to translate - in the English speaking world we don't really have this idea that food needs to accompany a drink.
But the line I'm most happy with is this:
すぐ世の中金だとか愛だとか運だとか縁だとか なぜ2文字で片付けちゃうの?
It’s all about cash, or love, or luck, or fate How neat, summing up the world in 4 letters.
This wasn't a particularly hard translation to come up with ("love" and "luck" are basically the only translations for those words which locked in "4 letters", and it wasn't hard to find 4 letter words for 金 and 縁), but I was surprised to find that none of the existing translations I could find did this. One went with "Why do you want to wrap it all up with a single word?" and another even further abstracted, "How can it be so simple?"
I hope you enjoyed the song/translation! Let me know if you would have translated something differently or if I've made a mistake, I really love seeing your responses!
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iztea · 5 months
how do you balance between art (any thing in general) and your study , it doesn't... Tick with me since i started college so
anon you are talking to a chronic procrastinator here i don't think i can help you........ but i'll try
i don't exactly see art as a thing i have to do, quite the opposite, i try to avoid drawing as much as i can; it's the equivalent of playing video games or scrolling through social media for me. i do however understand the sentiment and what you meant with the ask so let's pretend it's something i do need to balance
Ideally, what I'd do is I'd find the right time for it (that "it" being art but you can apply it to any other hobby). Reflect on your behaviour and figure out how your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day and when you feel the most motivated. Personally, I am both a morning person and a night owl but a total zombie in the afternoon so i adjust my time accordingly. I leave the more cognitive, complex tasks for the early mornings like schoolwork and draw in the evening because that is when i feel most energized and creative, but ofc your circadian rhythm might look different so see what works for you..
Honestly speaking, i've been looking into time management tips as well and i could tell you of my findings but nothing works on me so it'd be a bit hypocritical. However, in the possibility that you're the Judging MBTI type, what might work for you making To-Do lists and stuff and being as specific+realistic as possible with the time of the day when you'll be doing said task.........idk it doesn't help me but it might help you it seems pretty solid
the only thing that works for me is being very technical about it: Recognize brain patterns so that you can better predict them in the future, do spot them when they happen and correct them accordingly but that's pretty hard and draining cause we are more or less human and flawed so yeah
hope it helped
tl;dr study in the day draw at night
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cannibalcaprine · 3 months
have you taken the mbti?
nope! the mbti test is unreliable and inconsistent, and it's basically the psychological equivalent of a horoscope :D
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strawbubbysugar · 6 months
write away, bubby! ^^
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
None of them are any good at either, Dahmia because she’s a princess that has never had to cook for herself, and the boys because they’re incapable of eating/taste
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
Dahmia would speak a French, Latin, and Spanish equivalent for the universe
Arche & Elio could know any language, so long as they have access to the programming for it! Currently, Arche has Latin, French, and Greek equivalents, and Elio has Russian and Spanish!
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Dahmia: no. Yes.
Elio: yes. Yes.
Arche: no. Yes.
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
Dahmia: she identifies as a princess and eventually a queen, if that makes sense? She identifies with she/her and feminine things and traits and presenting that way, but she doesn’t really vibe with the way ‘woman’ and ‘girl’ feels. She’s bisexual!
Elio: he/him nonbinary! He is also bisexual!
Arche: he/him man, who identifies less as a boy than he does as either a man or male. Gender is less important to bots though so it doesn’t affect either of them as much! He is a woman/woman adjacent enjoyer
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Dahmia: when she’s got the proper amount of sleep, very light sleeper. Shifting in bed beside her will wake her up.
Arche & Elio completely shut down when they sleep, so pretty heavy I’d say hdfhs
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
Dahmia: chronic pain, autism
Elio: Audhd
Arche: bodyless, anxiety, mild ocd
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
Dahmia: INFJ-
Elio: ENFJ
Arche: ISTJ
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itsmmatchaa · 2 years
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⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹"Aren't you the sweetest thing that i've ever seen?"
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•♡•SEX: male, but he can shapeshift if wants to
•♡•SPECIES: kitsune/deity
•♡•NICKNAMES: kisu, pink boy, boytoy
•♡•OCCUPATIONS: currently at uni studying fashion design, deity of all forms of love, messenger of love (equivalent to eros, the erotes, cupid and yue lao).
•♡•AGE: 689
•♡•BIRTHDAY: 14th feb
•♡•HOMETOWN: gods realm, house of love
•♡•HEIGHT: 182 cm
•♡•EYECOLOR: pink with hints of red and a heart shaped pupil
•♡•HAIR: dark pink to baby pink in a jellyfish cut
•♡•SKINCOLOR: he's tan, (unfortunately I didn't find a tan photoplayer with pink hair)
•♡•ABOUT KISUMI: Kisumi is a social butterfly, always happy and excited to meet new people, he is the type who pays attention to everyone and everything around him, and will always do his best to make everyone comfortable and happy. Still, he's not afraid to get into a fight if necessary.
As a messenger of love, he can be horni and enter lovegame mode very quickly. When this happens, his eyes become brighter and turn from pink to bright red.
He looks like the typical fuckboy, and indeed he is, but not the toxic type. I think he's more like a jock, stupid but nice and sweet and a caring one, also he's super gentle with animals, almost like a Disney princess. If you be lucky enough to catch Kisumi's eyes, oh bestie you'll be treated like royalty for an entire night, and he'll only have you on his mind at that moment. Also don't worry, he drinks respect woman juice every day and always spreads the word about the importance of aftercare.
•♡•POWERS: Kisumi is a messenger of all forms of love: fraternal love, love between friends, love between lovers, self love, love for wisdom, etc. most of times he knows when and with who people will fall in love, and he's the responsible to bring the love for them, very much like eros, but he uses his hand or a pink shotgun instead of arrows to do his job. he can't choose with who the person will fall in love, this means that even if the relationship is fated to end in tragic way, he can't interfere.
that amount of power comes with a price: even if it's a blessing to feel the love of all humans and creatures, this also means that doesn't matter how strong or obsessive it is, he will feel it. but he can also feel the pain, the sadness and the rage when the love is gone (yes he do have yanderish behavior sometimes due the amount of love and other feelings he carries all the time) it's his blessing, but also his curse. it's the price that comes with his power. to deal with this, he meditate and fight a lot, trying to use his energy in something all the time and engaging in all types of activities. His favorite at the moment is american football.
•♡•LIKES: pink, bunnies, heart shaped glasses, dance, ice cream cake, milkshakes, juices made of tropical fruits, handicraft (he's a DIY bitch), romcoms films, makeup, playing football, the gym (yep hes also a gym whore), pearls and touching grass :D
•♡•DISLIKES: overly dramatic people, you see, he is a attention whore and drama queen, but its only a joke. people that like to complain and play the victim in everything really upsets him. pot a big fan of doritos, he hates the smell, bad gossip, the kind of gossip that can ruin someone's life, he likes gossip but not the extremely harmful one. toxic man, cockroaches.
messenger kiitsunes have 5 forms:
spiritual: the first and easiest, they are born that way, they are like little floating souls. do small jobs like carrying letters between the gods, and helping lost souls or children or even protecting forests and temples half fox: when they already have a physical body, having the human body with a fox tail and ears physical fox: name says it all, they can transform into foxes complete human life: at least 400 years of cultivation (meditation and study) to achieve spiritual core: can be unlocked through the spirit form if you become a great entity, in which case you create a domain of your own, almost as if it were a dimension to accumulate your powers, and it becomes the your own magical/spiritual core. it is very difficult to reach this point, only high-ranking entities or foxes, such as the Counselor and elder leaders with about 750 years of cultivation, achieve this form.
Kisumi and his brother Karakuri however managed to master the 5th form, the spiritual core with 32 years of existence. Many say that the ability the brothers have is due to the fact that they were born from the spiritual union of two women, Inari and Kadanke.
the creator of akai ito with his mom
able to seduce people with just one look
even if he looks like just came out of "mean girls" he's 100% golden hearted himbo
he's the mom's friend type of guy, all moms and kids love him ( i ask myself why)
bullying problems? no more, call Kisumi and see your bullies cry in misery and beg your forgiveness
foxes used to be messengers only for Inari, but Inari wanted to help her brothers and sisters gods and decided to turn the foxes into helpers of all deities
kisumi is a one of the many messengers of love, currently the leader of them, but he became so powerfull that he can be considered a deity and some people worship him as a god
his name is inspired by japanese pronunciation of "kiss me"
he usually pranks his brother karakuri
hates cockroaches and will use fireballs and guns to kill them
while his brother use a spear to fight, kisumi use his fists, and unlike eros that use a bow and arrow to shot the mortals with love, kisumi use a shotgun
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PERSONAL NOTE: I created Kisumi as a form to comfort myself. He's the type of man that one day I want to know and fall in love with. He's like my own therapy and friend that I would love to have. I really like Kisumi very much and I hope you dear reader like him too.
Do not copy or use as your own.
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sea-lanterns · 2 months
Not sure you you do these types of asks but-
Which genshin ladies do you think would be most attracted to an ENFP personality type? 👉👈💕
I just got my mbti done for my psychology course so I'm curious now!
Unfortunately I am not well adversed in the Myer’s Brigg personalities solely because they are the equivalent of zodiac signs to me.
MBTI is actually super unreliable, humans are so unique that it’s practically impossible to categorize every single human under 1 of the 16 personalities. Despite being a scam however, it is a fun test to take if you’re curious, so I do recommend taking it just for fun!
Sorry anon, I don’t really know much about MBTI nor do I know much about ENFPs specifically. I’m not the best person to answer this 😅
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sothas · 5 months
being an oc creator is so funny bc last night while i was trying to sleep i was suddenly filled with this almost sixth sense urge to retake the mbti test for nils. im talking the equivalent to the ‘you may not rest now, monsters are nearby’ message you get in minecraft like sleep was IMPOSSIBLE until i’d done it
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gummybugg · 7 months
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Meet my OC Blair from Crater City!
hi hi! i brought a detailed character bio! yay! enjoy the headshot i drew!
Inspired by that one picrew @ reelrollsweat made!
Detailed Bio under the cut!
˗ˏˋ [intro]
Name: Blair (he/him)
Role: protagonist
Dob: Jan 10; aged 23
Sexuality: bi
Mbti: esfp
Occupation: in-universe equivalent of an uber driver (which is lowkey illegal since he hijacks auto-cars)
bio / summary: Moves to Crater City from the outskirts for a chance to pursue computer/technology and to find a place he can finally belong. Quits college and his white collar job because they were “too boring,” much to others’ dismay. Once his bff Elijah gets jumped by his supposed creditors, Blair vows to do whatever it takes to avenge his best friend even if that involves getting his hands dirty.
˗ˏˋ [appearance]
Height: 5’3”
Hair: very dark brown, mullet, full of cowlicks
Skin: beige
Eye: very dark brown
build / physique: build to last (chubby/sturdy)
notable features: acne scars, multiple cuts/scars, missing left pinky, slight beard stubble, sharp canines, double ear gauges, double helix piercings in each ear, tongue piercing
clothing style: some random guy who rolled out from under your bed (cargo shorts + a band tee)
˗ˏˋ [more]
tag for your oc: blair, blair core
aesthetic / vibe / tropes: just some dumbass in a post-apocalyptic hellscape; heart motif
traits / quirks: follows his heart, lives in the moment, loyal to those he loves, tries and fails to keep promises, tends to be self-centered/stuck in his head, party animal, turbulent, vulgar at times, will fight even if all odds are stacked against him, noticeably fidgets/stims according to emotion, excessive use of alliteration and odd metaphors, can talk someone’s ear off for hours at a time
quotes: “Let scientists do what they want with this body. There's enough Blair to go around for everyone!” / “C’mon man, get up, you know we can't afford an ambulance!” / “Oh, so you're mad at me because I wanted to avenge my best friend? Excuse me for thinking my best friend’d wanna help me dispose of the body!”
fun facts: croc-enthusiast, terrible driver, perfect at parallel parking, left-handed, has unusual luck
hobbies / skills: going to bars, dancing, playing video games until 5 am, collects knives/road signs/keys/rocks, creates robot pets that don't last very long, knife tricks with his balisong, doodling, creating characters
likes: the color red, frosted animal crackers, sweet food, night driving, talking about his hyperfixations, hugs, rock music, buying shirts with funny quotes on them, listening to Elijah play his guitar/sing
dislikes: being called crazy/a freak, the constant chatter in his head, loud/bright places (when sober), when people don't believe him, the dentist's office, condescending people, the rich
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(may update this page as I see fit!)
🚗 Want to rot your brain with each sporadic Crater City post? Join the taglist! Maybe I'll finish this wip someday, who knows! (dm to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23 @talesfromtheunknowable
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altairtalisman · 15 days
Random Info On Alex
- Her MBTI is INFJ-A
- She's left-handed
- She doesn't require sleep, but sleeps for an average of five hours
- She never gets angry as she accepts the situation extremely quickly and adapts to it
- Her favourite season is spring
- Her parents are long dead
- Her name is to reflect Greek heritage while also staying true to the name @toastermart wrote their drawing. Her surname is to reflect Greek ancestry. In Greek, her name is spelt as Αλεξία Δανάκης (Alexia Danakis)
- Her signature song is The Nights by Avicii
- She's always on time
- Beings assume that she's blind as she's almost never seen with her eyes open and when she does open them in her usual form, it's a glassy blue that resembles how blindness can appear as. The truth is that she has perfect vision that's equivalent to an eagle's
- In a Real World AU, she claims to be from the USA
- In a Real World AU, she claims to be "around 21"... though some feel that she's much older than what she claims especially since she teaches history full-time at high school equivalents while also volunteering at libraries whenever she's free
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sashazweig · 7 months
Headcanons of the IAA agents that no one asked for, but I'm writing anyway because we need more content about these corrupt mfs
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As other users have mentioned, his name is Warren, no doubt about it.
Divorced, there's no doubt about that either.
He has a daughter named Zoey. His agency friends (Karen Daniels) call her 15.
He comes from a wealthy but distant family. He was closer to his nanny to the point of believing she was his mother until the age of five.
He wanted to be an airplane pilot as a child.
He studied law at an Ivy League school. Despite being a good lawyer, he never liked that life. When he abandoned his career and decided to join the IAA, he became the black sheep of the family, leading to disinheritance.
Have you seen that episode of The Office where Ryan wins the Hottest Employee Dundie? Well, he won the equivalent of that award at the IAA. Three times.
Despite being charismatic to us, many people within the agency don't like him, thinking he talks too much and his jokes are bad (which is true, but we don't care).
Elite agent.
FBI agents spread the rumor that he's short.
Total cinephile. A Martin Scorsese fanatic.
After contemplating it for a long time, he finally decided to join Lovemeet.net. There, he met Kiki Jenkins (who moved to LS) and dated her for a while.
He has never killed anyone, which is unusual for a GTA character.
2. Karen Daniels
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She grew up in an orphanage and was in four different foster homes before being adopted by a stable couple
Good at math, she became a mathlete in high school.
Before joining the IAA, she was a con artist. And before that, she was a regular college student in need of quick money.
Elite agent and polyglot
She despises the FBI, especially Steve Haines. She and 14 used to mock his show, and Haines referred to them as "Mulder and Scully."
She has a dog as a pet.
Workaholic and incredibly organized.
She only drinks coffee without sugar. She once said, "People who take coffee with sugar are weak."
She doesn't believe in horoscopes or the MBTI.
She lives in LS but hates warm climates.
Avon Herzt once asked her out, and she obviously rejected him.
Her goal is to become the director of the IAA
Lately, she has been trying to quit smoking
3. ULP
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He is gay and had a relationship with Jon Gravelli from GTA IV during the '60s (don't ask).
Unofficially, he, along with Rackman, adopted Karen and 14.
4. Phoenicia Rackman
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Divorced and with two children.
Runs a cat rescue group (though this is almost canon).
Karen's spiritual teacher.
During the '90s, she was sent on various missions throughout the Middle East and Latin America. There are rumors and theories about what she did, but none are confirmed.
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valeriasdream · 1 month
DC Comics/Arkhamverse DR
So my DC dr is actually like a mix of the comics and the Arkhamverse video games... mostly because they're my favorite games and recently I've been playing the newest game in the series which is the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and I really wanted a DR so... 😭
See notes at the end for DR changes I've made.
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I honestly might change this fc, I'm not 100% sold on it, idk yet though <3
Name: Valeria Accurso
Age: 25
Birthday: February 1, 1999
Place of Birth: Catania, Sicily, Italy
Siblings: 3, one older brother and two younger brothers.
Height: 170cm/5'7"
MBTI: ENFP 7w6 749
S/O: None.
Race: Metahuman
Background: I was born in Catania, Siciliy in Italy. My abilities as a metahuman manifested very early, so my parents, who are not metahumans, were very surprised when I suddenly started to float things with my mind. I hid my abilities for a majority of my life because of some stigmas surrounding metas, and around 15 years old my parents and I moved along with my brothers to Metropolis for some work related thing for my dad. Since Metropolis has a higher concentration of metahumans, I began to show my abilities more and eventually began to work on them each day until I became very powerful... Around 18 years old I decide I want to become a hero and use my powers for good so I begin seriously training myself for hero work by learning how to fight properly, training my powers, etc. I eventually become allied with the Justice League, joining as the seventh member.
Hero Name: Lady Phoenix
Powers: This is gonna sound dorky but I just scripted I have the same exact powers as Jean Grey from Marvel comics lol. Telekinesis, telepathy, astral powers, empathic abilities... I even scripted a phoenix entity for me to become the "host" of, but a DC equivalent. So yes, I'm kind of OP and a bit of a Mary Sue, but I don't care. 😜 I also have the ability to be reborn anytime I die, same as Jean Grey. This is why it's hard for Brainiac to control me, because I can just die and be reborn outside of his control. ;)
DR Related Stuff
This might be really wordy, so apologies in advance.
Since my DR takes place during the Suicide Squad game, it takes place 5 years after the events of Arkham Knight. I'm in a version of Earth where Brainiac has taken over, but I was not captured and I don't fall under his mind control, as I'm immune/resistant to mind control because of my own advanced telepathic abilities. The only other Justice League member NOT effected by Brainiac is Diana/Wonder Woman, the rest of the League has been taken over by Brainiac. Though it's clear that the other members of the League are still in there and that it's possible to break Brainiac's control.
My DR we'll say is like Earth-13, with the original timeline that the game itself took place in was Earth-1. Basically there's different versions of Brainiac that exists in other timelines and Task Force X has to jump timelines and kill each version of Brainiac, which means they have to either kill or find ways to save the Justice League in each timeline.
In MY DR's timeline, Task Force X has already been through 12 previous timelines and now Earth-13 will be the "final" timeline with Brainiac. In this version of the timeline, the Justice League is able to have the control of Brainiac removed and they're able to become free from his control but this only happens because of my help. (So I'm kind of important to saving the Justice League, otherwise TFX has to kill them again and I don't really want to kill the Justice League soooo....)
So yeah, in my DR we'll be trying to save the Justice League to fully erradicate Brainiac and regain control over Earth-14 before Brainiac and his minions can terraform the planet and take over!
Obviously, I am NOT a member of Task Force X, since... I'm not a criminal. But I do become allied with them, though I don't let Waller put that stupid bomb in my head like she does to TFX because aint no way I'm gonna be controlled by her. 😐 And it would be pointless because she knows I would just be able to die and then be reborn without the device.
Additional Notes
Since this follows more of the Arkhamverse games than the comics, there will be some major timeline discrepancies:
Some characters are deceased just because of Arkhamverse previous games. Some characters are deceased because of when Brainiac took over, and some are missing or unknown of their status. (But will probably show up at some point once I shift there.)
Talia al Ghul: Deceased, died in Arkham City
Raas al Ghul: Deceased, died in Arkham Knight
The Joker: Deceased, died in Arkham City - An alternate reality version of him shows up in the SS game during Season 1 but I will NOT be having him join bc I hate that man. 😒
Tim Drake/Robin: Unknown status, missing.
Selina Kyle: Unknown, missing
The following characters are presumed alive but haven't shown up in SS:
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Jason Todd/Red Hood - Previous alias the Arkham Knight but got redeemed at the end of the Arkham Knight game. Technically he could fit in the unknown/missing category but it's confirmed (kinda) in the SS game that Red Hood is alive so... lol
Barbara Gordon/Oracle
Aquaman - Idk why he wasn't in the game because he is mentioned during some random chatting between Harley and King Shark, he's just not there and not in the Justice League for whatever reason. But I've scripted he's the 6th member like usual.
The Riddler - I mean obviously he's alive, he's still putting those stupid riddles ALL OVER THE GODDAMN CITY I LITERALLY HATE HIM SO MUCH HE'S SO ANNOYING. Tell me why everyone else gets captured and mind controlled but the RIDDLER EVADES IT? Typical. Anyway he's alive and still annoying.
There's so many more that are alive but I'm not gonna list them all. A lot of heroes are outside Metropolis, defending various cities across the United States from Brainiac's invasion, but the plan in my DR is to wipe out Brainiacs forces across the entire globe.
There's a lot more but I'll probably have to make a second post going over relationships with characters in my dr like TFX, my relationship with each member of the Justice League, etc.
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janggtoco · 11 months
can u ship ur moots with idols?
ooooo~ ok. i already did it with svt on my other blog and i've gained more close mutuals since.. so i'm going to do another group very close to my heart, loona <3 bcs we love women <3 (& i will stockholm syndrome loona [or artms or WHATEVER atp skdfj] into their lives one way or another)
@seokgyuu: not to be insane, but jinsoul is the perfect amount of silly and snarky for mitchie. she's a nerd (plays with gundams and legos), smart (literally the only member with a college education) and also loves to go out which would be perfect to get mitchie out of the house lmao (jinsoul is also my mbti and i'm not saying that mitchie is a match for me but that's exactly what i'm saying)
@seokmins: my sunshine needs her own sunshine (when it's not me) and that's why i see her with choerry <3 choerry is the dk equivalent in loona; full of life, silly, has a little bite when she needs to and an absolute killer on stage. you two would have so much fun together and she would be so clingy to you (she's gonna have to make room for me though OBVIOUSLY)
@gyuldaengi: i almost said yeojin for you.. just bcs she's the little brat you need KSDFSJK BUT... i started thinking about chuu.. chuu is obviously sunshine and rainbows but we know she's willing and able to be sarcastic and shit talk when she wants and needs to LMAO.. plus she can't really cook or bake but she loves to take care of her loved ones in other ways so i think it's the perfect push and pull of you being the trophy wife but also being taken care of as well.
@bitchlessdino: you love your little bratty, loving and talented maknaes so obviously yeojin is the one for you <3 her and dino truly have so many parallels and their personalities are so similar and she'd be the upbeat extrovert to immediately boost your spirits and help calm you down when you need!
@97-liners: hyeju (or olivia hye but she hates being called her stage name lol). it's so easy. she's kind of an elusive nerd with a heart of gold and a secret desire to be soft.. she'll listen to all of jackie's ramblings and hyperfixations (she might make lighthearted fun but she'll remember to tuck in the back of her mind the pen jackie has been lamenting about wanting for forever) and they can chill on the couch while hyeju plays her games <3
@gguksgalaxy: this is kind of targeted based on what gwaen has told me about her types, but heejin is the perfect mix of bunny and puppy (which we don't talk about, shhh). she's fun, artistic, loves to bake and cook and loves to cling on to the nearest person for a quick hug. her and gwaen would have a wonderful time, especially when heejin is being her loser self.
@baekhyunnybyun: she's funny, talented and her individualistic self; i can't really explain why but i see bex with yves so wonderfully. yves is just the coolest girl to exist and someone that i can see bex having a ton of fun with. whether it be writing (especially since yves started her own blog), exploring the city or showing her new choreography, yves would know how to show bex a good time! also, while she's a little sarcastic with her loved ones, she's especially protective of them, just like how i feel bex is!
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